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NetFlix - Comments?

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Feb 24, 2004, 1:37:31 AM2/24/04
I'm thinking of joining Netflix. $20/month seems good. I live close to
their distribution center, so I'll probably get overnight shipping. Any
advice or comments about them?

Thanks, in advance.

Karl S

Feb 24, 2004, 2:39:12 AM2/24/04
On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 22:37:31 -0800, "Boris" <>

I have been using them for 4-1/2 years and think they are terrific.



Feb 24, 2004, 2:41:50 AM2/24/04

"Karl S" <> wrote in message

If your post office doesn't steal the discs (mine does).

Allan Cook

Feb 24, 2004, 6:34:06 AM2/24/04
- Mail turn around time is very good (usually just a couple of days)
- Great selection
- Unreleased movies can be saved in your que
- Good customer support for resolving lost / damaged disc issues

- If your slow to actually watch the movies, your wasting your money.
- Some DVD's are mishandled by previous renters.
- Make sure your mailbox is lockable :)



Feb 24, 2004, 7:04:04 AM2/24/04
On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 22:37:31 -0800, "Boris" <>

>I'm thinking of joining Netflix. $20/month seems good. I live close to

Walmart is doing the same thing for $15 = your first 30 days is FREE

Vic Canova

Feb 24, 2004, 11:48:57 AM2/24/04
> Con:
> - If your slow to actually watch the movies, your wasting your money.
> - Some DVD's are mishandled by previous renters.
> - Make sure your mailbox is lockable :)

Yeah, I suppose there are minor advantages, but that says it all right
there. The exchange will be fine until one of those realities burns
you, and then you'll end up kicking yourself and hating Netflix for
charging you for liabilities they don't advertise.

Do youself a favor, apply that $20 monthly payment to discs you can
call your own, and avoid any racket that retains credit card
information and refuses to take phone calls from customers
(convenience whores).

Brian C. Allen

Feb 24, 2004, 12:21:07 PM2/24/04
Shadowspawn wrote:

> Walmart is doing the same thing for $15 = your first 30 days is FREE

Walmart is not doing the same thing. With Walmart, if a DVD is lost
during shipping, then you have to pay for the DVD. With regular margin
for postal error, plus dishonest postal employees and possibly dishonest
Walmart employees, this is not a chance worth taking. Netflix does not
have that policy of having to pay for DVD lost during shipping.


Urra Dipschitt

Feb 24, 2004, 12:45:22 PM2/24/04
In article <>,
Shadowspawn <> wrote:

> Walmart is doing the same thing for $15 = your first 30 days is FREE

Oops...and he forgot to mention their selection is terrible.

Urra Dipschitt

Feb 24, 2004, 12:53:51 PM2/24/04
In article <>, (Vic Canova) wrote:

> Yeah, I suppose there are minor advantages, but that says it all right
> there. The exchange will be fine until one of those realities burns
> you, and then you'll end up kicking yourself and hating Netflix for
> charging you for liabilities they don't advertise.

Huh? In other words, don't use the US Mail, right? The "reality" is when
you lose a few discs, Netflix says, "We're very sorry that happened to
you." and they send you replacement copies. When it happens A LOT, they
realize something is wrong and try to stop it. There's no way for them
to prove the mailman or the customer or your neighbor is the thief so
they do what they have to do. I'd have to guess the percentage of people
this happens to is quite small compared to the overall number of
customers they service. Feel free to prove that wrong.

> Do youself a favor, apply that $20 monthly payment to discs you can
> call your own, and avoid any racket that retains credit card
> information and refuses to take phone calls from customers
> (convenience whores).

Why don't you learn about what you're talking about? They have a
customer number and it's very easy to get through you moron. Try calling
800.585.8131 or 888.638.3549 during businness hours.

And as far as credit cards - should they call up the thousands of
customers every month and ask for the card number yet again? What an

Vic Canova

Feb 24, 2004, 1:30:26 PM2/24/04
> (Urra Dipschitt)
>puked in spiteful retribution:

>Huh? In other words, don't use the US Mail, right?

No asshole. I wasn't talking about the delivery. I was talking about
the needless exposure to liabilities .. the DARK side of pursuits in

>Feel free to prove that wrong.

No need. I don't dispute facts, and I'm not "Dipschitt"
enough to put myself into silly positions over
frivolous expenditures to find out the hard way.

>And as far as credit cards - should they call up the
>thousands of customers every month and ask for the
>card number yet again?

hehe. Not when it can obtained from the mark who
submits a new order every month, but the point is
dummy, a dealer in used DVD's keeps it on file and has
your authorization to bill it. Now THAT is stupid!

>What an idiot.

Correct. You are ... and a prick too. I guess "convenience whore"
really got to you, but I DO admire your choice of screen names.

I mean, nothing I said has any merit, but then, saps logic like yours
rules the world, right?

Urra Dipschitt

Feb 24, 2004, 1:54:29 PM2/24/04

> I mean, nothing I said has any merit, but then, saps logic like yours
> rules the world, right?

Whatever you say, genius. You keep buyin' 'em for $20 bucks a pop for
the "convenience" of watching a movie any time you want but wish you
hadn't bought because you hadn't seen it in the first place. I will just
continue to let Netflix screw me over with those $1.50 per disc rentals
and abusing my credit card with fradulent charges for the privilege.

Song of Joy

Feb 24, 2004, 3:44:04 PM2/24/04
"Boris" <> wrote in message
: I'm thinking of joining Netflix. $20/month seems good. I live close to

: their distribution center, so I'll probably get overnight shipping. Any
: advice or comments about them?

I'm a very satisfied customer of Netflix, almost three years along.
Their customer service on the phone and in emails has always been
great. Netflix has a staggering selection of films you won't see on TV
or in the cinema, as well as all the standard fare and new stuff. I have
no complaints at all.

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Feb 24, 2004, 7:12:35 PM2/24/04

"Shadowspawn" <> wrote in message

Walmart charges 15.00 with a max of 2 dvds out at a time. They have one distro
point, Good ol' Bentonville Arkansas. Netflix has multiple distro points. (We
have one here in town..Turnaround times are super quick!)

We started with Netflix, tried their 2 week free period, and had fantastic
turnaround. Watching our queue on Netflix website, they shipped the next DVD the
day after we tossed the last ones in the mailbox. With Walmart, it was at least
2 days between the time we put them in the mailbox and our queue indicated the
next DVD was in the mail to us. Adding the in-transit time for the USPS, and we
were getting new DVD's about once a week.

***A tip for netflix***
Do the 14 day trial, then call and tell them you want to cancel and go to
Walmart. Netflix will offer you their service for 15.00 a month for the next 6
months, if you stay.


Thomas A. Horsley

Feb 24, 2004, 7:28:19 PM2/24/04
I dropped them the day they converted to "subscription only" because
I want to rent about 1 DVD every 3 months, and I don't have any interest
in paying $20 a month for that.

I wish they still did "one of" rentals since there is never any chance
that anything but "popular" movies will be available in brick & mortar
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My Big Fat Obnoxious Icebreaker

Feb 24, 2004, 9:27:59 PM2/24/04
"Shadowspawn" <> wrote in message

> Walmart is doing the same thing for $15 = your first 30 days is FREE

The devil is in the details. WalMart does everything else CHEAPLY. Why would
you want to turn over your entertainment choices to the whims of WalMart?
You get what you pay for. Netflix is the best, there's a reason for that and
that is why WalMart, in their typical fashion, is trying to knock them off.
WalMart's selection is extremely limited when compared to Netflix and do you
really want them telling you they'll only rent you an "R" rated version of a
movie and not an unrated or an NC-17?

Finally, I feel no need to line the silk pockets of the CEO's and executives
of WalMart. They've got enough blood money from farming out their
manufacturing jobs to sweatshops that employ child labor in Central America
and China. Are $244 billion dollars in sales not enough for these greedy

"A movie huh? Maybe we could, I don't know, sit in the balcony and I could
take a bite out of your candy bar while you poke around in my popcorn box. I
don't think so Mr. Pervert!...Just trying to keep the boulder in front of my
love cave."

Nicholas Andrade

Feb 25, 2004, 10:06:13 PM2/25/04
Boris wrote:

As it has been mentioned before, one of the main things it comes down to
is at $20 you could get roughly 6 discs at Blockbuster which can be
watched over roughly a weeks period each. If you watch less than 6
movies a month and the movies that you do watch a relatively mainstream,
then it may not be worth it. If you live way out in the boonies and
don't have a decent video store near you, then perhaps it is worth the

Although I didn't have Netflix, my roommate has been a customer (as is
his dad) since pretty close to launch. It was worth it for him because
he usually watched the movie within a day or two of arrival (and it was
great for catching up on TV series released to DVD like The Sopranos).
Since my roommate has left, I haven't been convinced to join, but I have
highly considered it (and probably will eventually).


Feb 25, 2004, 10:14:30 PM2/25/04
Thanks. I went for Netflix. I'm home all the time so I will watch the
movie right away, plus it's a good chance that it will get returned to
them the next day. I live in the city and there are probably 4-5 rental
stores within 6 blocks, but my mail box is easier :)

"Nicholas Andrade" <> wrote in message


Feb 27, 2004, 12:33:23 PM2/27/04
"luminos" <> wrote in message

I had this same problem about a couple of years ago. I was using the service
for a month or two and it was great. I got a nice quick turnaround on
things. Then all of a sudden I wasn't getting my discs. There were a couple
of movies that they sent to me 3 times and I never got 1 copy of them.
Eventually, I found out they had been return as undeliverable. I live in a
single family house with a nice big mailbox. There was no reason it couldn't
be delivered. I'm sure it was a problem with the post office but the way
Netflix handled the situation really soured me on them. They made it like I
was the bad guy. Netflix made me jump through hoops so I wouldn't be billed
for the missing discs (until they eventually got returned to them). I had to
file complaints with the post office and get all kinds of information. I
paid for about 3 month of service in which I never received one DVD. After I
finally flipped out, they refunded the last month's fee. That was too little
too late.

I've also heard many people rave about Netflix. I guess if everything goes
smoothly, it's a great service but beware if things go wrong!


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