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Ripped video has scenes out of order

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Ivank K

Feb 16, 2015, 11:32:16 PM2/16/15
I recently ripped a copy of "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
and the resulting file was of the entire film, though
the scenes were out of order.

I used Handbrake under Linux Fedora.

What did I do wrong? What do I need to
do to make a copy of the film with scenes in
the correct order?

Handbrake listed the tracks on the disk as follows:

The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 1. Chapters 1 through 25. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 1.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 2. Chapters 1 through 2. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 2.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 2. Chapters 1 through 6. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 3.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 4. Chapters 1 through 2. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 4.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 5. Chapters 1 through 2. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 5.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 6. Chapters 1 through 2. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 6.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 7. Chapters 1 through 2. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 7.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 8. Chapters 1 through 2. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 8.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 9. Chapters 1 through 1. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 9.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 10. Chapters 1 through 1. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 10.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 14. Chapters 1 through 1. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 11.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 16. Chapters 1 through 50. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 12.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 17. Chapters 1 through 1. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 13.mkv
The Hunger Games Catching Fir (Title 18. Chapters 1 through 25. Video Pass) ??????> The Hunger Games Catching Fir - 14.mkv
etc. ...

And as I wrote above, track 1.mkv was the entire film, a one GB file, but with the scenes not
in the correct order.

Thank you for your help/suggestions.

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