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HOSTELS: NYC. $12 - $22

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Sep 29, 1994, 11:17:02 PM9/29/94
NYC has a reputation for being expensive but it doen't have to be the
case. NYC has a large number of very good hostels which can suit almost
any taste and any budget. Also, it is very easy to get from the airports.
For instance, from JFK, there is a free bus to the subway system, then
the subway costs only $1.25 to get into Manhattan.

The following is a list of hostels taken from The Hostel Handbook for The
USA and Canada:
BIG APPLE HOSTEL, 119 West 45th Street, NYC 10036 (212)302-2603 $17
BLUE RABBIT HOSTEL, 730 St. Nicholas Ave. NYC 10031 " 491-3892 $12
CHELSEA CENTER, 313 West 29th Street, NYC 10001 " 643-0214

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