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@*$%! K MART

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George Ulrich

Feb 16, 1995, 8:09:57 PM2/16/95
C. W. Walker (CW1...@CONRAD.APPSTATE.EDU) wrote:
: K Mart really pisses me off. See if the following sequence of events
: seems familiar:

: 1) K Fart gets in a new shipment of great toys.
: 2) Everyone declares K Fart the toy capital of the universe.
: 3) All of the new toys sell out at the speed of light.
: 4) It is 6 months before they get anything else new.
: 5) Goto #1

: OK, I'll admit that I work at Wal*Mart in my home town in Elkin, NC.
: While we have our own problems with new toys, at least we keep our
: shelves well stocked. I've been in too many Wal*Mart stores to count
: (mostly in NC) and I have never seen the toy departments as empty
: as 95% of the K Marts that I visit.

: At Wal*Mart, we have a POS (Point of Sale) replenishing system. This
: means that as items are sold, they are reordered automatically. K Mart
: supposedly has the same system. From what I've seen, it doesn't work.
: Even older toys like Star Trek TNG figures and TMNT figures have
: empty pegs at K Mart.

: I guess that I'm just a little upset at K Mart. I go to college at
: Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. There is no Wal*Mart here.
: There is only a K Mart and 2 regional discount stores. The nearest
: Wal*Mart is 30 miles away. Almost every day, I go into K Mart and
: stare at the same old empty shelves. It just gets frustrating. I've
: learned to drive right by K Mart if I really want to find the toys I
: want.

: Pardon the ranting and raving, I just wanted to get this off of my
: chest. Does anyone else feel this way about K Mart?

: ***************************************************************
: * "Do, or do not. There is no try" ---- Yoda, Jedi Master *
: * "Don't give up. Don't ever give up." - Jim Valvano *
: * *
: * *
: ***************************************************************

I totally agree it has been eight months since our area K-mart has any
new Stat Trek figures.

Jonathan Frakes

Joe Sewell

Feb 18, 1995, 6:27:30 PM2/18/95
In article <3i0q8s$>, CW1...@CONRAD.APPSTATE.EDU
(C. W. Walker) wrote:

> K Mart really pisses me off. See if the following sequence of events
> seems familiar:


> OK, I'll admit that I work at Wal*Mart in my home town in Elkin, NC.
> While we have our own problems with new toys, at least we keep our
> shelves well stocked. I've been in too many Wal*Mart stores to count
> (mostly in NC) and I have never seen the toy departments as empty
> as 95% of the K Marts that I visit.

I've never seen a toy department as *messy* as K-Mart's (at least the
local ones). It's like they don't bother to reshelve the stuff the idiots
who shop there pull off and just discard with no respect for anybody else.

At the same time, the local Wal-Marts have been stagnating recently. They
may have a reorder system that beats all, but I don't see much
replenishing at all. For example, two of the local Wal-Marts had major
shipments of the new Trek & DS9 figures a few weeks ago. They went like
there was no tomorrow. Now ... nothing! Oh, sure, one of them had a few
left-over Data in Movie Uniform's, stuffed behind some Picard & Data as

Meanwhile, Toys R Us has seen **NONE** of the new figures, though there
are tons of the old junk still on the pegs.

> Pardon the ranting and raving, I just wanted to get this off of my
> chest. Does anyone else feel this way about K Mart?

Normally, yes. But this last go-round, they beat the pants off everybody else.


Joe Sewell * What's the point in being * Internet:
* grown up if you can't act * CIS: 74136,360
Is reality merely* childish? * AOL: JoeS10
virtual fantasy? * - The Doctor * Fidonet: 1:374/328.7

Tony Reeves Cooper

Feb 19, 1995, 12:31:06 AM2/19/95
The K-Marts here in the south are just like what you describe. Most are
nasty, smell funny, and are dumps. I have never found anything of value
at a K-mart. Some of the older ones have been rebuilt (supposedly) but I
don't think the buildings are the's the people. Sorry if I
offend any K-Mart employees but somewhere there has to be a solution.

Tony Cooper


GO Dawgs!!! Mississippi State-----------1995 SEC CHAMPIONS (to be!!)

That's what I think.......Jerk off!!!!! Andrew Dice Clay


Larry Jones

Feb 24, 1995, 11:56:31 AM2/24/95
>There is only a K Mart and 2 regional discount stores. The nearest
>Wal*Mart is 30 miles away. Almost every day, I go into K Mart and
>stare at the same old empty shelves. It just gets frustrating. I've
>learned to drive right by K Mart if I really want to find the toys I

>Pardon the ranting and raving, I just wanted to get this off of my
>chest. Does anyone else feel this way about K Mart?

One of the primary reasons for K-Mart's difficulties is poor inventory
control. This is not just the case in their toy department--all hardlines
depts often have empty shelves. Unfortuneately for you, you don't live in a
metropolitan area where you blanket multiple K-Mart, Target, Meijer, and
Toys'R' Us stores on a single trip. I guess I live in retail paradise!

Nhat-Viet Phi

Feb 28, 1995, 6:00:08 PM2/28/95
: K Mart really pisses me off.

Well, experiences with retail chains may vary widely from city to city,
country to country, and customer to customer.

This may not be on-topic, but I just picked up three new Super Nintendo
cartridges for just $19.99 Canadian (around $10-14 US) each: Cybernator,
Magic Sword and Super Turrican... I could also have picked up Mega Man X,
Double Dragon V, and a bunch of lesser titles for that price. So based on
my own humble experience, I will still cruise by the nearby K-Mart now
and then to see what oddities I can pick up for cheap! <g>

o/~ o/~ Nhat-Viet Phi, alias "Toto" o/~ o/~
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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