Women have been devalued and turned into sexual objects to be
objectified as the sum of a few female sexual features that can be
altered with surgery and hormone shots/pills....
This means a woman was always just a sexual fixture for men's
satisfaction all along and Democrats have codified it into law, since
all that's really needed is the female form to be included as a woman
for heterosexual men to be lusting after a woman according to law.
There really is *no inner woman* created by DNA that we need to get to
know is there? All there is, is a visually identifiable sexual skin bag
that can be used for the man's sexual fantasies to objectify what makes
a real woman, because there are only shells that can be worn for sex and
under that shell there is no difference in DNA between genders. Proving
you don't need to get to know the opposite gender beneath their sexual
attributes because they're the same and the law says all we need to know
is what we can see. Which legally makes a woman the sum of her sexually
interchangeable parts and NOTHING more than an object that can be cut
and pasted.
It seems Hugh Hefner was correct with his centerfold culture, he knew
what a woman was and it could all be captured as an object in a picture.
The Supreme Court has reduced women to objects that are the sum of their
outer parts. Which destroys the idea of women having any inner PARTS
like DNA or other inner parts that makes them a woman?
The test isn't what is not a woman but what creates a woman, is it
Democrat Doctors or is it NATURE... Apparently Doctors feel they have
become creators of NATURE, or have become Gods.
-That's karma-
Democrats will take your cars and guns and food and they will begin
their occupation as they control energy that allows them total control
of you, under the guise of saving you from yourself. That's the GLOBAL