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Michael Owen's 100M time?

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Bill & Kelly Peterson

Jan 20, 2002, 3:04:38 AM1/20/02
Someone told me he can run 100M in 10.4 seconds. Is this true? Was this
automatic timing, witnessed by anybody but the timer?

Pitch Invasion

Jan 20, 2002, 3:22:33 AM1/20/02

"Bill & Kelly Peterson" <> wrote in message

> Someone told me he can run 100M in 10.4 seconds. Is this true? Was this
> automatic timing, witnessed by anybody but the timer?

That's fast. I seriously doubt he's got that kind of wheels. Very, very
highly doubt it.



steve d

Jan 20, 2002, 7:32:32 AM1/20/02
I've never seen a 100 metre time quoted for him in any Liverpool publication -
I doubt he's ever been timed over that distance.



Qasim Zamir

Jan 20, 2002, 9:53:02 AM1/20/02
I've heard of Thierry Henry doing 100m in a very simialr time to that; I
remember someone, Ally McCoist i think, mentioning it on ITV during a
Premiership highlights program. ... I dont know about Owen though, but I
doubt he's as quick as Henry.



"Bill & Kelly Peterson" <> wrote in message

Majiin Will

Jan 20, 2002, 10:33:27 AM1/20/02
I heard 10.9

"Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing so long as
nobody's listening" Lex Luthor, DK 2

"Bill & Kelly Peterson" <> wrote in message


Jan 20, 2002, 12:26:31 PM1/20/02
I think that soccer, like American football, it is more
important the time in a 40-meter (yard) dash as opposed
to a full-field sprint.

But I have a hard time believing that Owen can run
100 meters in 10.4 - that's world class time. Something
closer to 11 seconds is more believable.

- Riff "fast to the dinner table" Ster

Jim Goloboy

Jan 20, 2002, 12:51:05 PM1/20/02

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Riffster wrote:

> But I have a hard time believing that Owen can run
> 100 meters in 10.4 - that's world class time. Something
> closer to 11 seconds is more believable.

I don't think it's that far-fetched...Illinois had a freshman on their
football team this year who ran 10.3 in high school. Given the right
conditions, it's conceivable that a really fast guy like Owen could have
run 10.4 at some point.

Andrew Fenton

Jan 20, 2002, 2:41:05 PM1/20/02
"Bill & Kelly Peterson" <> wrote in message
> Someone told me he can run 100M in 10.4 seconds. Is this true? Was this
> automatic timing, witnessed by anybody but the timer?

Owen is fast, but I doubt <11 seconds. He doesn't have the flat-out speed to
do that.

btw Ronaldo was timed a couple years ago at 10.8.


Jan 20, 2002, 3:09:32 PM1/20/02
> From : Riffster <>
> Subject : Michael Owen's 100M time?

>I think that soccer, like American football, it is more
>important the time in a 40-meter (yard) dash as opposed
>to a full-field sprint.

I'm sure many players are capable of World Class speed over 60m. Muller
must hold the World record over 10m!

Ron Moskovitz

Jan 20, 2002, 6:51:07 PM1/20/02
in article, Jim
Goloboy at wrote on 1/20/02 9:51 AM:

Yeah, but at least with the Illinois high-schooler you're talking about
someone who trained as a sprinter, which, to my knowledge, Owen hasn't. If
he can run a 10.4 without doing sprinting-specific training, he shouled be
in the Olympics.

That being said, you have to approach things like this with a large grain
of salt unless it's in a time competition. There are too many variables. For
example, I wouldn't be surprised at all if there were half a dozen players
in the premiership who could run a <11 100m--if you're timing the last 100m
of a 120m run. (Remember, most world-class sprinters are accellerating the
whole 100m. Somebody like Michael Johnson is probably not yet even at top
speed after 200.)

There's so much technique involved in the start of a 100m sprint that I
don't think anybody who had trained for it could come close to competing
with someone who had, assuming they're in the same ballpark, talentwise.

Victoria Barrett

Jan 21, 2002, 2:15:45 AM1/21/02
"Jim Goloboy" <> wrote in message

> I don't think it's that far-fetched...Illinois had a freshman on their
> football team this year who ran 10.3 in high school. Given the right
> conditions, it's conceivable that a really fast guy like Owen could have
> run 10.4 at some point.

In my prime before the broken leg, I was clocked at 11.4 (100m) -- just
freestyle. With training and correct body-conditioning, I'm sure I coulda
been faster.

Okay, now you made me verklempt...

Pitch Invasion

Jan 21, 2002, 3:37:25 AM1/21/02

"Victoria Barrett" <> wrote in message

Was that out of blocks? No wonder you always "get your man." BTW, you should
see my 5 meter time, it's world class! </sly grin>



Colin Beirne

Jan 21, 2002, 3:44:21 AM1/21/02
You would be 0.3 seconds off the British record, You would have
equalled the Scottish Record by Helen Golden, Vicky. Without training?
Are you certain of the time?

Colin Beirne
Pininfarina Studi e Ricerche

john Rose

Jan 21, 2002, 4:56:58 AM1/21/02
I think 10.4 is the time quoted for Jonah Lomu. And he is 18 stome,
imagine that hurtling towards you!

Riffster wrote:


Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and
better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger
and better
idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Rich Cook

Victoria Barrett

Jan 21, 2002, 5:38:00 AM1/21/02
"Colin Beirne" <> wrote in message

> You would be 0.3 seconds off the British record, You would have
> equalled the Scottish Record by Helen Golden, Vicky. Without training?

Strange that you should mention that as when I was once browsing through the
record books, I saw that Helen Stephens, the raw mannish Missouri lass who
won the gold at Berlin (1936) ran the 100m in 11.9...I got the chills.

Do you know how they said she got to be so fast? By chasing jackrabbits on
her father's farm.

Me, my mother said I ran clear across the floor of our flat when I was 10
months old. In short, I could run before I walked. :)

> Are you certain of the time?

I had always been very fast -- though personally I can't stand track and
field -- and since games played a more important role in my boarding school,
I never truly pursued it.

However, just after I went up to Oxford, I got a letter from my old gym
teacher, saying that she recommended me to try out for a more-or-less open
call for female footballers near London. If chosen through the higher
stages, I could find myself wearing the three lions for England -- this
being when the interested entities were trying to revamp the image of
women's football and strengthen our squad.

I went, I passed the physical and skills test, thereon to stage two --
obstacles and running, where in one of the 100m dashes (yes from the
blocks), you'd think I was running the race alone: only one girl came close.
(And since the assistant coach was the one who clocked me, though mind
you -- he made passes to more than one girl, so trustworthy perhaps he
wasn't). Still, based on the speed and a little native footy skill I
possessed, I went to stage 3 of 4 of the try-outs.

I was forced to drop out for various reasons, but at least I knew I held my
own for a time! *sigh*

P.S.: On Friday, my mother and I worked out in my condo's gym. I love her
dearly, but I am also very competitive. Just let's say that her running 15
minutes more on the treadmill after I stopped did NOT please me. :)

Victoria Barrett

Jan 21, 2002, 5:51:15 AM1/21/02
"john Rose" <> wrote in message

> I think 10.4 is the time quoted for Jonah Lomu. And he is 18 stome,
> imagine that hurtling towards you!
> John

Answer me this John Rose -- why are the Scots such good runners? Eric
Liddell, Liz McColgan, etc. I've always wondered about that.

john Rose

Jan 21, 2002, 6:50:49 AM1/21/02

Victoria Barrett wrote:

> Me, my mother said I ran clear across the floor of our flat when I was 10
> months old. In short, I could run before I walked. :)

Not unusual as you would have been off balance and only appear to be running


john Rose

Jan 21, 2002, 6:55:18 AM1/21/02

Victoria Barrett wrote:

High Carbohydrate diet? Outdoor life? Nimble sheep? No idea. I didn't
even think we were particularly good runners, although a 100m olympic
gold from a country as small as ourselves is no mean feat.

Bruce Scott TOK

Jan 21, 2002, 8:33:42 AM1/21/02
In article <a2gf3p$10t4gi$>,

That is pretty fast indeed. I don't know if Germany has more than two
or three on the track team faster than that (sprinting is really down
here... the best runners do the 400m).


drift wave turbulence:

Sven Mischkies

Jan 21, 2002, 9:15:28 AM1/21/02
Bruce Scott TOK <> wrote:

> That is pretty fast indeed. I don't know if Germany has more than two
> or three on the track team faster than that

Well, hand stopped 11.4 are around 11.6 with electronic timing, IIRC -
there should be a bunch of women that would be faster. But of course
they train for it...

> (sprinting is really down
> here... the best runners do the 400m).

Remember the 80s, when FloJo ran the 100 in 10 and a half seconds? She
would have gotten a medal at the German Mens Championship. *ggg*

Ich hatte den ganzen Tag Pflanzen eingekauft. Als ich die Kreuzung
erreichte, wuchs plötzlich ein Busch in mein Blickfeld, und ich konnte
das andere Fahrzug nicht mehr sehen.
- aus einem Brief an eine Versicherung

Jezz Nash

Jan 21, 2002, 10:15:18 AM1/21/02

"Bill & Kelly Peterson" <> wrote in message
> Someone told me he can run 100M in 10.4 seconds. Is this true? Was this
> automatic timing, witnessed by anybody but the timer?
I'd doubt that time.

I'm sure some other Brits will remember the Superstars TV show from the
70s/80s, probably most famously for Kevin Keegan falling off his bike, but
Malcolm Macdonald ran 100m in 10.9 seconds electonically timed on that.
That's the fastest time I've seen credited toa footballer.


Opinions expressed are mine not Logica's

Bruce Scott TOK

Jan 21, 2002, 2:01:24 PM1/21/02
In article <>,

Sven Mischkies <> wrote:
>Bruce Scott TOK <> wrote:
>> That is pretty fast indeed. I don't know if Germany has more than two
>> or three on the track team faster than that
>Well, hand stopped 11.4 are around 11.6 with electronic timing, IIRC -
>there should be a bunch of women that would be faster. But of course
>they train for it...
>> (sprinting is really down
>> here... the best runners do the 400m).
>Remember the 80s, when FloJo ran the 100 in 10 and a half seconds? She
>would have gotten a medal at the German Mens Championship. *ggg*

Better living through chemistry [tm] :-)

The fastest German woman nowadays is Melanie Paschke, who is 11.2 plus.
There are only one or two others below 11.4. It is really weak, far
from the days when both BRD and DDR had top-flight sprinters.


Jan 21, 2002, 1:14:13 PM1/21/02
> From : Jezz Nash <>
> Subject : Michael Owen's 100M time?

>I'm sure some other Brits will remember the Superstars TV show from the

>70s/80s, probably most famously for Kevin Keegan falling off his bike, but
>Malcolm Macdonald ran 100m in 10.9 seconds electonically timed on that.
>That's the fastest time I've seen credited toa footballer.

Supermac! Given that was a couple of decades ago it's not inconceivable
for Owen to run 100m in 10.4.

Chris Horymski

Jan 21, 2002, 3:24:00 PM1/21/02
Sez Jezz Nash <>
> I'm sure some other Brits will remember the Superstars TV show from the
> 70s/80s, probably most famously for Kevin Keegan falling off his bike, but
> Malcolm Macdonald ran 100m in 10.9 seconds electonically timed on that.
> That's the fastest time I've seen credited toa footballer.

There was a Superstars UK? How cool is that?

Chris "Why is it that Brits always remake or adapt our stuff" Horymski

john Rose

Jan 22, 2002, 4:27:18 AM1/22/02

Chris Horymski wrote:

> There was a Superstars UK? How cool is that?
> Chris "Why is it that Brits always remake or adapt our stuff" Horymski

It's not only a one way process..
John "why to the yanks always attempt to remake our stuff and fail miserably"

Colin Beirne

Jan 22, 2002, 6:50:47 AM1/22/02
There was a winger who used to play for QPR about 15 years ago, Wayne
Fereday, who was timed at something like 10.4 whilst wearing football
boots. Apparently, that British athletics commentator who died a few
years back, can't think of his name, tried to get him to switch sports.


Colin Beirne

Jan 22, 2002, 7:38:54 AM1/22/02
Ron Pickering.

Colin Beirne wrote:
> There was a winger who used to play for QPR about 15 years ago, Wayne
> Fereday, who was timed at something like 10.4 whilst wearing football
> boots. Apparently, that British athletics commentator who died a few
> years back, can't think of his name, tried to get him to switch sports.


Jan 23, 2002, 5:14:27 AM1/23/02
"Bill & Kelly Peterson" <> wrote in message news:<a2dtab$ft3$>...
> Someone told me he can run 100M in 10.4 seconds. Is this true? Was this
> automatic timing, witnessed by anybody but the timer?

Believe me, I'm serious, Djibril Cissé time is "less than 11 seconds"
(according to "France Football" and "L'Equipe") for 100 m. That was
officially said. Henry and Ronaldo run fast too. But I'm not sure Owen
"really" runs that fast. 11.5 must be his time.

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