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Club Emails - technical help please

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Aug 29, 2006, 12:41:32 PM8/29/06
Dear RSR,

Most members want to receive club notices by email nowadays... as
membership secretary, other committee members forward me emails to
then send to the current list of members' emails...

At present I have to use my work email to do this as my hotmail address
has a limited number of receipients allowed which is too low for my
purposes. This can't continue as this an abuse of my work email and
batching emails through hotmail is too time-consuming for what is a
voluntary role!

Is there a way around this (that also avoids getting blocked like
.hotmail does)? I confess that I'm being left behind on the I.T. stakes
(I now understand where my parents were with programming VCRs!). The
Luddite solution of posting the notice on the Club NoticeBoard does not
work and doesn't reach those not coming to the club for whatever
reason, and we already do this for those that don't have email access.



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Aug 29, 2006, 12:49:59 PM8/29/06
Why not use something more userfriendly like Gmail, also doesn't your
ISP provide you with an email account, or alternatively if your club
website has a hosting account with someone then you could almost
certainly get a or whatever account going.


Aug 29, 2006, 12:48:51 PM8/29/06
JK wrote:
> Dear RSR,
> Most members want to receive club notices by email nowadays... as
> membership secretary, other committee members forward me emails to
> then send to the current list of members' emails...
> At present I have to use my work email to do this as my hotmail address
> has a limited number of receipients allowed which is too low for my
> purposes. This can't continue as this an abuse of my work email and
> batching emails through hotmail is too time-consuming for what is a
> voluntary role!
> Is there a way around this (that also avoids getting blocked like
> .hotmail does)? I confess that I'm being left behind on the I.T. stakes
> (I now understand where my parents were with programming VCRs!). The
> Luddite solution of posting the notice on the Club NoticeBoard does not
> work and doesn't reach those not coming to the club for whatever
> reason, and we already do this for those that don't have email access.
> Thanks
> James
Try setting up a 'google group' or a 'yahoo group' for your club (my
preference is yahoo groups). That way members can be in charge of
updating their own contact details and all members can send emails to
all other members without everyone having to know everyone else's email
address. You can also have an on-line calendar of events associated
with the group.

It also means the whole list is accessible either via the web or via
email. Messages are archived for access via the web.

You can set the group to be by invitation only and private to members.
You can send invitations to all the email address you already have to
kick start it.


chris harrison

Aug 29, 2006, 3:41:48 PM8/29/06
to wrote:
> Why not use something more userfriendly like Gmail, also doesn't your
> ISP provide you with an email account, or alternatively if your club
> website has a hosting account with someone then you could almost
> certainly get a or whatever account going.

A new alternative comes from Google - they allow you to 'host' your
email services with them, it's not totally Luddite-friendly but seems to
be a reasonable solution for those with their own domain and the
flexibility to be able to manipulate some of finer technical details.

One very useful possible extension is that this allows for sharing
calendars, ideal for training programmes or socials.


Aug 29, 2006, 5:38:36 PM8/29/06
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:41:37 +0100, JK wrote
(in article <>):

> Is there a way around this (that also avoids getting blocked like
> .hotmail does)? I confess that I'm being left behind on the I.T. stakes
> (I now understand where my parents were with programming VCRs!). The
> Luddite solution of posting the notice on the Club NoticeBoard does not
> work and doesn't reach those not coming to the club for whatever
> reason, and we already do this for those that don't have email access.

Buy a domain name (if your club doesn't already have one) from a proper
hosting outfit. I use for a couple of domains,
it costs very little per year, and their mail tools are extremely flexible
(spam trapping, multiple mailboxes, distribution lists) - you can also host a
website there very easily, but you do need to know what you're doing, or find
someone else who does.

As others have suggested, Google's new hosting service looks like a good
option, if you don't mind them indexing your club correspondence and trying
to sell you blister plasters, malt loaf or recreational rubberwear as a



Aug 30, 2006, 4:04:42 AM8/30/06

We at City of Bristol have used Yahoo! groups for 5+ years now, have
separate groups for each area of the club. Works well.


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