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Pattadar Passbook |VERIFIED| Download

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Roselee Antoniak

Jan 25, 2024, 7:02:07 PMJan 25
<div>According to the government orders, the farmers who had been assigned lands should also be given these passbooks. The aim is to introduce a system similar to banks to administer land records. It added that it was a first for any state in the country.</div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div>pattadar passbook download</div><div></div><div>DOWNLOAD: </div><div></div><div></div><div>A PPB is a document type in the form of a small-bound book which contains all details of landowner also known as Pattadar. The PPB is issued by the revenue officials under the Record of Rights Act and is also considered as a proof of ownership. The PPB also has a passport-sized photograph of the landowner along with the signature or the thumb impression for the validation of the ownership. The new edition of the PPB will also have a digital signature of the Tahsildars and would be called as e-title deed-cum-Pattadar passbooks. The PPB can also be used by the farmers to secure agricultural loans from banks which brings down the total processing time to 15 days from 90 days.</div><div></div><div></div><div>The Passbook or the Pattadar is a document where you have all the details of the land. There are many States who have come with the initiative to check their passbook online. You can also apply for a passbook online. No need to visit the office in person. Well, since everything is getting digitised and you can apply for your Pattadar Passbook online, you can also track Pattadar Passbook status online as well. I will share with you how to check the status for Pattadar Passbook in Telangana below.</div><div></div><div></div><div>A pattadar is a person who is the owner of land under a patta or who is registered in the revenue records as a pattadar. He/she is liable to pay revenue as well for that particular land as per the provision of the Act 1971. And the Pattadar Pass Book or PPB is nothing but the document that contains all the details of the land that the pattadar owns. You can apply for it or even check the pattadar passbook application status easily online. I used to check its status quite often when I applied for it so let me share how it is done.</div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div>My uncle owns agricultural land in Bihar. He informed me that he would require a Pattadar Passbook to prove his ownership of agricultural land in India. The Pattadar Passbook includes information about the farmer, the location, and size of the agricultural property, as well as the crops raised there on land. If you want to check the land passbook status, follow the easy steps given below.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Even as thousands of people are waiting in every district for their error-free Pattadar passbooks and some seem to be growing restive over the delay in carrying out corrections, Revenue authorities affirm that due process is being followed to carry out corrections and is in its final lap.</div><div></div><div></div><div>There is no question of adhoc or random validation. Whenever a complaint about erroneous pattadar passbook is made, it is entered first in the mobile App, notices are issued online followed by document and field verification done if required. Only then correction is carried out and uploaded with the digital signature of the Tehsildar to prevent any manipulation thereafter, officials clarified.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Of the 57 lakh Khatas or accounts that were identified for giving new pattadar passbooks under the Land Record Updation Programme, the government had given order to print over 49 lakh PPBs and of that 42.6 lakh were distributed.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Officials, however, claimed every complaint was now necessarily being entered in the mobile App before carrying out correction process with three levels of validation done. They admitted that initially Tehsildars found it difficult to carry out the corrections in the correction module for simple errors. After the bugs in the software were fixed work has picked up pace and revenue staff are quite familiar with the correction module, they said. In the case of those who have given Aadhaar numbers and still awaiting passbooks, one reason could be they may not have given their consent to share Aadhar data or they may be some issue with land title, sources said.</div><div></div><div></div><div>The e-title deed-cum-pattadar passbooks, as they will be called, will be issued only if the land owning farmers get no objection certificates from banks for crop loans outstanding against their names or they mortgaged their lands to secure loans, sources said. They added that the Government was in the process of preparing guidelines on these lines for issuance of passbooks on the basis of purification of land records which is scheduled to be completed by the month-end.</div><div></div><div></div><div>For those who did not have any outstanding balance in banks, the passbooks will be delivered directly by courier. The farmers will have to clear their loans in banks, secure NOCs and submit them in Tahsildar offices to get the new passbooks.</div><div></div><div></div><div>The Tahsildar offices earlier insisted on NOC from banks for new passbooks only in cases of inheritance of land. The succession of land in the event of death of the owners entailed getting NOC from banks to show that there was no outstanding loan. The offices also wanted NOC from banks when the passbooks were lost and required replacement.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Sources added that the new passbooks will have security features which did not figure in the earlier ones. They will go with digital signatures of Tahsildars. The Government also proposed to replace its webland portal to put land records in public domain.</div><div></div><div></div><div>As per Section 5 of ROR Act, Any person intent to transfer or obtain the interest of land by way of the sale, mortgage, or exchange under a registered document, shall apply through website prescribed (presently Dharni Web portal) for the purpose to the registration for allotting available date and time to present the document as per the convenience of the persons. The person shall submit the transferred documents in prescribed forms, and pattadar passbooks cum title deeds and date and time allotted before the registrar.</div><div></div><div></div><div>It is further mentioned that in every case, where the pattadar and property particulars in the document are in coincidence with the entries and records of rights and on payment of stamp duty and registration fee prescribed as per the registration Act. and the indian Stamp Act respectively, and mutation charges prescribed, the Registrar shall registrar the document and carryout consequence the amendment to the relevant entries in the record of rights instantly, duly deleting the land covered by the document from the account of the transferor and adding the same to the account of the transferee in case of sale, gift and exchange. In case of mortgage, the charge created shall be recorded in Dharani consequently, the new pattadar passbook and title deed will issue the transferor. I don't want to mention all the provisions here and make it clumsy. However, I mentioned relevant provisions wherever necessary in non-legal terms in plain english.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Sale Deed: As stated earlier, there is no scope for even mentioning the earlier one link document. So writing the historical flow title is too much to ask. This created a gulf for the common meaning and legal person to ascertain the title of the seller. The ROR Act has also diluted the encumbrance certificate by not linking the earlier title documents in its system. It has created a field day for the crooks and land grabbers. Even though many persons purchased the agricultural land have not yet mutated their names in the revenue records and obtained the pattadar passbooks. Instigated by the unlawful elements and opportunistic earlier transferrers(sellers) have again mutated their names applying for mutation under the guise of succession and obtained the passbooks under Dharani. As the Revenue Authorities are not obliged to verify the title or the entries in the Registration Department, most of the mutations have been allowed and names of the persons were updated in revenue records, most of the genuine persons in thousands have been put under great distress. Now they have been forced to approach the courts as the revenue authorities have been ripped off all the original and appellate powers to rectify the mistakes in mutation of revenue records. After a couple of years as there is no continuous mention of flow of title in the system, will make it impossible for any landowner/former, who is oblivious to all the records that has been happening in Dharani, to prove his or her title in any court of law, even though, he is in possession of land even prior to the advent of the new ROR Act. To the surprise of many, even certified copies of the registered documents are not provided as it used to be. Neither purpose nor the intention was provided by the ROR Act for not providing a copy of the registered document to the public. Many decisions of the Supreme Courts and High Courts, related to transfer of title that the title in any property is transferred through registered documents only but not through mutation in revenue records is effectively set at naught.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Partition Deed:- As the property which used to stand jointly have not been automatically partitioned between the parties issued pattadar passbooks separately, the present Dharani Portal does not allow registration of joint property.</div><div></div><div></div><div>The systems under Dharani allowed the mutation of the names of pattadars purely based on the reflection of names in revenue records without any reference to the Registered Documents available with the Department of Stamps and Registration Act gave an opportunity to various persons who tend to manipulate the records to illegally grab the property of others. So the land grabbers have inserted their names in Dharani with the help of some unscrupulous revenue offices and have created further documents complicating the title and extracted benefits making loss to the genuine owners who have not mutated their names in revenue records or not vigilant in verifying the Dharani Records In some cases, even in the presence of mutation proceedings and pattadar passbooks have got their names mutated replacing the original Pattadars/landowners through undue influence on revenue officials. Now, all of them have been forced to go to civil court to address this.</div><div></div><div> df19127ead</div>
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