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[ECW] Live w/ Los Lurkers Locos : High Incident : 10/26/96

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Ray Duffy

Oct 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/29/96

Live w/ Los Lurkers Locos
ECW High Incident - Phillidelphia, PA 10/26/96

Hello everyone,

Rev. Ray with yet another stupid arena report. This week LLL make the
treck down to Philly for yet another weekend of fun. In what seems to
be the tradition for the advance ticket line, I ordered tickets Monday
afternoon and had to pick up the tickets at the door as walk ups still
get their tickets before I do. In attendance for LLL, Rev. Ray, Rev.
Steve the Insane, "Single J" Jeff Crawford and making his return to
the ECW, first time since early June, Tom Long.

They let us into the building after what seemed to be an eternity, including
serveral rushes for the door which resulted in everyone getting sent back.
We get inside and get seats in the corner betwen the stage and the gimmick
tables. We see the scaffold which is more like a wooden platform being
suspened from the ceilding via chains. We just shake our heads.

Match #1 : "Italian Stallion" JT Smith/D-Von Dudley/Axl Rotten v.
"The Shah" Hack Myers/Buh Buh Ray Dudley/Davey Morton w/ Sign Guy Dudley :
This is Davey's debut match, he's a small blond guy dressed ala the Rock 'n
Roll Express, so maybe this is another Morton relative. This is pretty much
the "whatever" match of the night. Lots of stalling pre-match. The match
breaks down in the end with all 6 men going at it. Axl takes out Hack with
a chairshot which results in a couple of the guys from the back coming out
to check on him, Louie Spicolli being one of them. JT starts something with
Louie, who ends up getting in the ring and giving JT the Death Valley
Driver, leading to a Davey Morton pinning JT with a handful of tights.
D-Von and Axl get chairs nad start wailing away on whoever's left, The
Gangstas music comes over the PA and they hit the ring with the bucket o'
weapons and beat on D-Von and Axl as Louie and Buh Buh toss them weapons to
use. Steve found it funny that Louie did the "X" after they ran off
D-Von/Axl. When I think Gangsta, I think Louie Spicolli.

Match #2 : Johnny Smith v. Mikey Whipwreck : Johnny is working heelish for
the most part. The pace on this was a bit slow. Johnny dominated for the
most part and hit a bunch of his big moves (top rope leg drop, top rope drop
kick-kip-up-clothesline combo). Mikey seemed to have hurt his knee after
one of the bumps, but came back to win with a flying hurrica-mikey. Kind of
a dissappointment. It seemed like they weren't going as quickly or crisp as
they could have. I also think that Smith really should have done over. I
like Mikey, but Johnny had given Taz a serious test and should be pushed as
a contender for the TV title... at least, that's my opinion, I could be

Ring announcer Rocco introduces Joey Styles as they tape the opening for TV.
Joey mentions how the WWF and WCW has had olypians. How Marc Henry hurt his
knee, but he competed. How Ghaffari has been seen in WCW. Well, ECW has
got a visiting olypian too, Freestyle Gold Medalist Kurt(?) Angle. Angle
comes out with his good medal and gets a good response. Joey lets Angle
know that ECW has a few good amatures, including Little Guido, who gets in
the ring and shakes hands with Angle and.... Taz. Taz comes out with Team
Taz and Alfonso. Taz says he respects Angle and says he wants him to do
commentary for the match. Angle joins Joey up on the stage to do play by

Match #3 : Shoot Fight : Taz w/ Bill Alfonso & Team Taz v. Little Guido
w/ JT Smith : A good match up, Guido is a good wrestler, they let him get
in some offense, but eventually, he fails prey to a Taz Wheelbarrow suplex
(formerly known as the Snow-plex) and the Taz-mission for the win. Taz
calls out Sabu yet again and says that he's running out of patience.

Match #4 : Spike Dudley v. CHRIS CANDIDO : Chris came out and received
a big pop. He looked good in what was for all purposes a squash. I don't
recall Chris taking any hits or bumps. The crowd chanted "We want Sunny"
and she was there, up on the stage. Chris decided to stop and blow her a
kiss during the match. Chris gets the win with a top rope powerbomb. Post
match he gets the microphone and says to support his wife and watch WWF Live
Wire on Sat. mornings at 9 a.m. He mentions he doesn't have anything bad to
say about the WWF, he's happy they let Tammy get off the road just to work
tv. He mentions that he's happy to be in ECW too. He mentions that he
wrestled in the building the first night they had opened. He says that he'd
help rise ECW from the shitty level it's currently at, so we're guessing
he's a heel. At anyrate, it's cool that he's there. Hopefully he'll be at
100% soon because there's a lot of potentially good matches for him. Tom
picks up a new nickname as he is from Spring Lake (where Chris is now billed
as being from), so Tom Long is now known as "Chris and Tammy's neighbor" Tom

Match #5 : Shane Douglas w/ Francine v. Cody Michaels : Pitbull #2 tries
to run in at the start of the match, but is dragged back to the locker room.
Shane actually sells for Cody for a while and he almost scores a couple
of pins, but eventually Shane pins him. Post match, Pitbull #2 runs in
again and chases Shane around, at one point Shane hits Francine from behind
by accident while running away from Pitbull 2 and leaves her in the ring,
Pitbull almost does something to her, but the jobber brigade pulls him off.
Post match Gertner goes to do the announcement that Shane has retained, but
Pitbull is staring him down. Joel tells him he's blocking his camera shot
and tries to continue as Pitbull continues to advance on him. To quote
Gertner : "The winner of the bout, and still ECW Television Champion.....
(backed into the corner)... Oh... Shit...." Pitbull grabs him and gives him
a block buster suplex throw over the top rope. Luckily for Joel, the jobber
brigade is at ringside to catch him.

Match #6 : 2 Cold Scorpio v. The Sandman : An eh match. Herb, you won't
believe this, but Sandman showed one or two wrestling moves (take downs).
They get into a shoving match at one point, then they get weapons (the cane
and a chair) and tease hitting each other... then hug. Sandman turns
around, but immediately turns right back to make sure 2 Cold isn't going to
jump him (which was a nice spot rather than the usual sucker spot). But, 2
Cold does sucker shot him after one or two more hugs. They go back and
forth a bit, 2 Cold goes to Drop the Bomb, but Sandman rolls out of the way
and gets the pin. Post match Tyler comes out and hugs Sandman... as Raven
runs in from the crowd and nails Sandman from behind. Stevie, Meanie, Nova
and Lori come out, set up some table, which Raven piledrives Sandman through
it as Lee stands guard on the aisle knocking out anyone who tries to make
the save. Then, there's a bit of confusion as no one can really see what's
going on, but in the end they were tying Sandman to a wooden cross and put a
barbed wire crown of thorns on him. Let's see... it's pretty safe to say
that this will a) not air on TV b) Air on tv and get ECW kicked off a
bunch of stations. Now I know there's been discussion about this on the news
group. I don't think it was all that hot of an idea. As far as Paul E. and
Tod not knowing... I find it hard to belive they wouldn't see a 6 or 7 foot
tall cross being brought in the arena, but then again, Paul E. is usually
still booking the show before they start.... and when they heard "crucify",
they may have thought they were going to do the handcuff or rope
crucification like they had done in the past to Luna, Dreamer and Raven.

Intermission : we watch as the scaffold is lowered... when the sound guy
has to duck to make sure he doesn't hit his head.... you know something is
wrong.... and he's no Brian Lee. At the end of the intermission, Raven hits
the ring and gives an apology for and takes full responsiblity for the cross
incident. The scaffold to get up to the platform is left at ringside.
Steve and I are almost positive that someone else will use the scaffold
before the night is done.

Match #7 : The Eliminators v. Dr. Death Steve Williams & Terry Bam Bam
Elims come out first, Doc and Gordy come in through the front door of the
building. Kronos is in for most of the early part of the match and takes a
beating. Gordy also spends a lot of time in the ring. After an extended
beat down, the Elims make the tag and get off a few double teams on Gordy
after Doc is downed by a Saturn powerbomb on the floor. Doc makes it back
to save the pin after a Total Elimination. But the Elims have something
else in mind... as Saturn goes up the scaffold...... gee, we didn't see
this coming. Saturn does an elbow drop from the platform onto Gordy to get
the pin. Perry looks legit hurt by this and is grabbing his arm/side.
Both Saturn and Gordy are stretchered off. This one kind of surprised me,
I really thought that the MVC would have gone over and they were finally
broken up the Elims as has been hinted for so long. Doc and Gordy haven't
been all that impressive in their stay thus far. Terry I can understand,
but Doc has yet to really show anything impressive yet.

Match #8 : High Incident : Tommy Dreamer v. Prime Time Brian Lee : The
ring is filled with tables stacked 3 high. Lee comes out and Dreamer
attacks him on the aisle and they brawl around the building. Dreamer ends
up bleeding and the guys pound away on each other, apparently to numb each
other for the upcoming bump their supposed to take later on. Lee climbs up
the scaffold first to the platform and then starts jumping and swinging the
platform a bit.... ok, the man's crazy.... They brawl on the platform for a
bit, with them holding on to the rafters a bit. Lee takes a DDT from
Dreamer. Dreamer gets crotches on one of the beams hanging out the side of
the platform, they tease putting them over, but eventually Lee falls and
goes through the tables to end the match. Lee is stretchered out as Tommy
does a victory lap through the stands.

Main Event : Sabu/Rob Van Dam v. Dan Kroffat/Doug Furnas : This is a good
match, it goes about 20 or 30 minutes. Furnas blocked a few of Sabu and
Van Dam's flying moves by nailing them with a flying chair as they dived
at him. Sabu accidentally hit Van Dam with a spring DDT through the table
as he was aiming for one of the Can am's while they were battling on the
table. We thought this would mark the turn of Rob, but they still stuck
together. One really nice spot was Sabu and Van Dam hitting a double sling
shot move : Sabu hitting a splash and Rob hitting a leg drop at the same
time. The end comes with Sabu hitting the triple jump moonsault on Doug,
Kroffat does to break it up by Sabu gets out of the way and Dan splashes
Doug, Sabu gets the cover and ECW's odd couple gets the win. A very good
match, I will miss Dan and Doug. Post match, Rob and Sabu finally shake
hands. I figured there would be a run in by Taz to set up something for
November to Remember, but it didn't happen.

Overall thoughts : an ok show. They've had better. I've never liked
scaffold matches and tonight kept that feeling alive. If anyone has an
update on any injuries (Saturn, Gordy, Lee, Hack, etc), it would be
appriciated... and "buy my sheet" or "call my hotline" is not an acceptable
answer :-p

Brush with greatness : Yes, LLL had a near brush with greatness. On the
drive home, we were doing our usual bs about the shows and possible booking
ideas. One of which was to have the giant sunny poster drop down from the
roof of the ECW arena with a big Live Wire plug on it for one of Candido's
upcoming matches, either that or organize a bunch of people to hold up
the Sunny posters to do the same thing on a smaller scale. We jokingly said
"We'll tell them at the rest stop" as last year, we ran into 911 on the
highway. And wouldn't you know it, 2 people down from us on line at the
Roy Rogets on the turnpike... was Chris Candido. We decided to give Chris
and Tammy their space (mostly because Steve didn't bring a camera), but it
was funny that we ended up seeing them. Next time, i will have an official
LLL half-shirt for Tammy :-) Wait a minute... make that a quarter shirt....
We keep on eye out for the on the highway just in case our episode in the
Twilight Zone got anymore intersted, but we didn't see them, so we ended up
settling in and watching memphis tapes from 1992 and 1993 before calling it
a night.

Anyway, that's it for this time. We secretly plan on going trick or
treating by Tom until we find their house. Next show is November to
Remember, So until then....

This note's for you.

Rev. Ray Duffy is man of few titles... but too many for this sig file.
"What I used to think was me is just a fading memory,
I looked him right in the eye and said goodbye" - NIN
home page : : It's newer and funkier!

Ray Duffy, MiSTy #38729, Rev. of ULC, Internet F**khead, As Seen On TV
"You're not cool enough to be my friends"- Steve Richards on Los Lurkers
"I've had enough of you, Todd Pettingil!" - Sandman to Joey Styles - ECW TV The Los Lurkers Locos Adventure

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