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[ECW] 4\15 Recap

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Dave Scherer

Apr 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/16/95
Warning: You have the right to remain stupid. Anything you say,
concerning the style in which this article is written, can and will be
held against in the court of public opinion.

I will very briefly touch on the card at the Flagstaff from Friday, April
14th, because Jess will be doing a full length recap. Since he will post
results, I will just post some impressions of mine. I met up with Jess
and Brother Eugie and we hit Taco Bell and did far less damage than last
time. I was enamored with the Sporks they had and took about 10, which I
passed out to various people over the weekend. On the way up the
Flagstaff, after riding for a while, we see a sign for Scranton\Wilkes
Barre, where the big Stadium show will be. I will be riding the bus to
that one folks. It is a fairly long ride. On the ride to Flagstaff, I
come to the realization that I liked this place a lot better when I was
inebriated and it was pitch black dark outside. We hit the infamous
intersection of Beaver Run and Mauch Chunk, and Eugie's matchbox car
easily, well, maybe not so easily, makes it to the top of the mountain.
The view from the top is breathtaking. Then we looked at the scary
walking testaments to birth control that were standing in line in front of
us. Ick. And I mean ick. These people were not in the shallow end of
the gene pool. They were not even in the kiddie end of the gene pool. It
was pretty damn cold on the top of the mountain, and I tell Jess and Eug
that "we ain't in Kansas any more." So after about a 10 minute wait, I
see Ed Zohn. Being an ECW shill\suck up has it's privileges because Ed
gets us in, which sits really well with a of the folks in line who have
but one eyebrow and share the same family tree. Like I care. On the way
in, right next to the front door, there is a "Burning Pit" where, I
assume, Jim Thorpian virgins (ugly second graders) are torched in some
backwoods, mountain ritual. Once inside, the first thing I notice is the
intense heat. It had to be 90 degrees in there. Looking around, the
place looked different. They were set up for a concert that was taking
place after the show. And man, it sure looked better when I was half lit
last time. That said, it is still an awesome place for a show. Really
intimate confines, but a way scary crowd, which was around 400 and pretty
strong by the way. Oh, and for those coming in for the May 13th show, and
were hoping for a Friday show here, you are out of luck. It seems that
some school, rumored to be Charles Manson High, is having their PROM here.
Oh man. The bathrooms were just as lovely as I remembered though. We get
inside and meet up with Eric Tennant, Sam Siegal, Mad Dog, and the Bingo
Moose. Also in attendance is our main man, Dreads, the total loopjob.
He walks up to us and says "uuuuhhhhh." We say "Hi Dreads."

At the beginning of the show, Tod Gordon announces that Sabu is not there
and offered refunds. We did a "Fuck Sabu" chant, but like I said, we
ain't in Kansas anymore Toto. These people had one chant, and they said
it all night. "We want blood." The whole crowd stayed. Jess will cover
the matches themselves.

Notes: Steve Richards worked his balls off all weekend. He got a ton of
time managing as Jason is gone. This crowd was scary. I saw 10 people
get thrown out. One guy got tossed, and as security walked past, the guy
handed me the tossed idiot's beer. I handed it to Mr. Misnik. A few
minutes later, Tom is DRINKING The beer of this interbred freak who got
tossed. Way to go Moose. You are hardcore. The Rottens deserve every
penny they get paid. These guys work their freaking balls off and give
everything they have. Jess McGrath got lucky and got to collect the
money while the Public Enemy had their pics taken with fans at
intermission. Misnik, proving he is anything BUT no good, brought a bag
of Pretzel Goldfish. Great job Moose. We talked about convention 2,
which I already posted about and just had a great freaking time. At 9:40
I said "This is what wrestling is all about." Sammy did the funniest
stunt of the night. Ron Simmons, who we dog unmercilessly, comes out. He
screams that he has a 3 story home, a ton of money, etc. After the show,
Sam goes up to him and says:

"So Ron, you say you have a three story home?"

Ron says "Yeah."

Sam says "I didn't know they MADE three story mobile homes."

Ron CRACKS UP. We BS with him a little more, and he is really cool. I go
up to him and say: "You really suck Ron." He says "Why?" I say "Because
we love to hate your guts, and how we supposed to do it now that we know
you are a nice guy?" He says "I STILL hate all of you" and starts
laughing again. Cool guy folks.

On the way back, we stop at the Carbon Mini Mart, or something like that,
to get gas. I was just thankful somewhere was opened to get gas. We see
Linda Roufa and some of the Japanese contingent there. They were here
filming a documentary. Nice folks. We rode home, and continued to be the
morons that we are.

Saturday 4\15.

We had a great party, as usual, in the lot. In attendance were: Rat,
Eugie, 212, Alex (Killer of all beer), Mad Dog, Tim Walker (Photographer
to the stars), Ed Zohn, Tod Gordon, Septic, Eric Tennant, Sammy, Tom
Golfer John, Bret Schwan and his pal (Rick? ), Jess, Arizona John, and
myself. Around 4:30, the line at the advance door starts so we go over.
We raise hell and generally act like children for the next few hours. At
that time, John Lanigan, Mike Palij, and Eric Chmiel stop on by. We have
a crowd as usual. There was a Carnival going on across the street, and
it looked like it from some of the folks there. Oh wait, they were there
for the wrestling.

Once we get inside, we see that, for the second show in a row, their are
assholes already sitting in OUR Bleacher seats.

NOTE TO TOD GORDON: We MUST have OUR seats roped off. We made those
stinking bleachers.

It appears that the Bleacher Bums have wannabe's, which is scary as hell.
Arizona John is pissed. He was one of the Originals, like Me and Rat. We
remember the days when there were 300 people there and we want our seats
dammit. So I say "Fuck it. Let 's just be as rude as hell to them." And
we were. All night.

Mad Dog and I caught up with Tommy Dreamer before the show. Man, I used
to hate him and now I think he is a good worker and great guy. (Sidenote
to Tod Gordon: Shaddup!). Psycho Kid Billy tells us that he beat No Good
Kid Mikey for their championship in their Asphalt Wrestling League.
Anyone wanting tapes, write Eugene as he has their address.

Wannabe Bleacher Bums were to our left, behind Tom, and man, what mental
rejects these guys were. They tried to engage us in a "Chant Off" and we
turned our back on them. We did lots of other stupid, entertaining stuff,
like we always do.

Opener was Mikey Whipwreck vs Steve Richards. Richards had Raven with
him, so Mikey went to the back and brought out Hack. Here are three young
guys who are really developing into good wrestlers, and good workers.
Steve Richards has improved so much in the last few months. He is getting
really good on the stick, and has good ring presence. This match was
pretty good and Mikey goes over with a FrankenWhipwreck. (BTW, I noticed
that Meltzer started copying my FrankenFillInTheNameOfTheWrestlerDoingThe
Move in the last issue.) Raven does a run in, and then Hack follows suit.
Pit Bulls do a run in, followed by the Public Enemy. The PE makes the
save and Rocco takes the mic, as he takes the wallet from Hack pocket. He
says "I would save anybody for.... (as he opens the wallet) TWO
Dollars??????" Really funny stuff.

Next up is "Sumo Genjin" vs HitMan Tony Stetson. Stetson spits on
Hawaiian Boy as he comes out. Really BAD match. The Japanese guy was
wearing face paint and leopardlike tights. Match was so bad we turned our
back and chanted "Bingo!" Genjin got the pin. This match was filmed for
the Japanese Documentary.

Next Axl Rotten comes out with a trashcan filled with gimmicks. This will
be the "Fan's Choice" match and he brings everything out saying "do you
want this Leather strap? Do you want an 'I quit?' Do you want a baseball
bat? Or a Barbed Wire bat?" Finally he says that his personal choice is
to use ALL of the gimmicks, a Bad Breed Death match. Axl did a great job
on the interview. Just then Ian attacks him and we are off to the races
Grap fans. Typical psychotic, wild, crazy, all over the place match that
these two have become known for. They just do not get paid enough,
whatever it is, to take the abuse they do. Both, of course, bled like
stuck pigs from various parts of their bodies. They use all of the
gimmicks and brawl every place. Rat calls it the "Starburst Match" cause
the juice is loose. Ian unravels the Barbed wire and wraps Axl up in.
Axl has arm juice. Ian gets backdropped into the first row and then gets
hit with a pair of pliers to the head. Rat says "This would kill a lesser
show." Ian uses an orthopedic crutch. Ian puts a trashcan over Axl's
head and then hits him in the "head" with the ball bat." Axl does a
spinning kick to the face. Ian throws Sign Guy's chair, with his jacket
on the back, at Axl in the ring. I think somewhere in here was where Tim
Walker got blood all over his shirt. Axl and Ian trade barbed wire
necklaces. Molineaux appears to be about to lose his lunch as he looks
away from the carnage. Axl misses a kneedrop from the top. Ian wrapped
barbed wire around Axl's back and hit him with a chair for the pin.
Awesome. Dreads proves his insanity by high fiving a bloody Ian's hand.

Joey comes out for an interview, and we do the Oh My God Chant. It's
Richards and Raven and since we can't really hear them, we decide to crowd
surf this kid Frankie. We pass him around the bleachers a few times. It
should look pretty cool on TV.

Raven, with Richards (who now has highlights in his hair and we were
chanting Fabio and Farrah at him) and the girl from Summer Camp with a
body to kill for vs Tommy "He's Hardcore (tm Brian Socha)" Dreamer. We
are doing our He's Hardcore chant when Raven does a plancha over the top
onto him on the floor. How rude. During the match, we goad sign guy to
use the cane to lift up the chick's dress. With that body, she HAS to be
a dancer. Has to be. Finally, the guy next to Sign Guy takes his cane
and does flash us. She is wearing hardly any underwear. Crowd does a
"Show your Tits" chant. Dreamer uses a kitchen sink. A fan hands Dreamer
Godzilla and he uses it. We sing Blue Oyster Cult's "Godzilla." Misnik
makes up for drinking the convicts beer last night by handing Dreamer a
dozen eggs, and he toasts Raven and Richards with them. How cool! Tommy
juices. Hot match with lots of great moves. Dreamer loses by DQ when he
goes nuts and DDT's everyone, including the ref, and then piledrives the
slink. Her dress goes all the way up and nothing is left to the
imagination. Tommy gives his pals in the Bleachers an extra long look, if
you get my drift. He then comes up into THE Bleachers and leads the Bums
in an ECW champ. I love this guy. Really good match.

Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko went to a time limit draw in an absolutely
incredible match for the ECW TV Title. This was one of the best technical
matches I have ever seen live, and was completely and total scintillating
to watch. The crowd, with the exception of the 4 assholes in the Wannabe
Bleachers who we turned our backs on earlier, loved this and gave them a
standing ovation afterwards. Eddy was supposed to wrestle Sabu, but we
know what happened there. As much as I like Sabu, there is simply no way
he would have had the *wrestling* match that Dean did. These guys were
both just awesome. Tons of hot moves like suplexes and top rope
FrankenGuerreros. Planchas and back body drops on the floor. Head
scissors, Nuclear Planchas. Awesome. Great crowd heat and everyone was
popping for the near falls. Jess says "this is Great." Jess is right.
As long as Eddy is here, I say Sabu Who? At the end of the match, I start
an ECW chant, just to show people that we appreciate everything. And
everyone joins in. Eddy takes the mic and says he does not feel good
since he did not beat him. He says it was a great match and they will
dance again.

Note to Tod Gordon: I loved this match. Gimme more. Please. Please?
Gimme more. This stuff is hardcore too. I am a happy guy.

Sumo Genjin comes back, in what everyone knows is a way to get his brain
rattled by 911. Paul E. comes out and Mr. Genjin will be used as a
surrogate to a certain ex ECW wrestler who chose Japan over the ECW. Paul
is hilarious. A Fuck Sabu chant starts. Taz comes out and toasts the
guy with two suplexes on the head. 911 comes and does the chokeslam, but
the guy did not take it well, and did not get up well, so the next one was

My hero, and the man who stands for all that is good, The Sandman vs Shane
Douglas for the ECW Title. Sandman is still wearing his RSPW Convention T
Shirt, and in fact now has a few to choose from. We had a new wrinkle
tonight. We did a lighter tribute, like you do at a concert when you
want the band to do an encore. Sandman appeared to love it. Shane comes
out with Woman, and as he comes by, the Bums turn their back on him. I
will blindly, and stupidly, follow but one man in ECW, and that is his
opponent, my hero. We chant "Bitch" at Woman, as that is what Sandman
called her. A guy, who was obviously making fun of Shane and Flair, was
wearing a dress at ringside and had a sign that said "Shane, what's your
dress size?" Pretty good match and a lot better than last week. They
did lots of cool moves. We did a "Flair still lives" chant at Shane.
Built into a very good match where at the end, Woman takes the cane and
whacks SHANE in the leg, and Sandman falls on him for the pin and we have
a NEW ECW Heavyweight Champion! We do a "Shane is Dead" chant. Shane
gets a WWF Monday Night Raw Tshirt from a guy at ringside and puts it on
and says something about going to New York to wrestle. He then walks right
out the front door. Really cool angle. Rumor before the show had Sandman
winning, and Shane jumping to Titan when school lets out. We look up at
Woman and chant "You done good." Woman blows us a kiss and Eugie got an

Pit Bulls vs the Public Enemy for the ECW Tag Titles. PE are so far over
it's pitiful. Rocco makes fun of Richards who is the Roid Boys manager.
Very good match with quadruple juice. They brawled everywhere. This was
the first match with frying pans, a toilet seats, and other stuff like
soda cans and a toaster. They go everywhere. They even did some cool
wrestling moves. Rocco took a powerslam from the ring to the floor
through a table. Then Johnny does a Vader bomb from the second rope onto
Bull 2 through a table. Johnny gets the pin with rollup on Pit Bull 1.
For everyone who says that Sabu is ECW, I disagree. The PE ARE ECW.

911 vs Ron Simmons. I could not chant that he really sucked with the
verve I used to. Partly because he was a cool guy, and partly because he
worked harder the last two nights that he ever has here. 911 missed a lot
of moves and heard his first boos ev er tonight. Simmons carried the
match. Ron sits Al on the top rope and Al stands up and chokeslams him
from there to get the pin. Crowd pops big for the win, but I'll bet that
Paul is a little worried about 911 getting a few boos. Not great at all,
but Simmons did really well. Afterwards, Paul goes to hit Ron with the
phone, but Ron wails him. 911 drags Ron back in and chokeslams him.

Terry Funk vs Cactus Jack in the sickest, most violent match I have ever
seen. Ever. In fact, it was so violent and crazy, I almost feel guilty
that I enjoyed watching it. It makes me question if some part of me is
really that sick. Match was all over the place. Cactus does the hip
buster from the top stage onto a table on the second stage. Pans,
crutches cookie sheets etc. Funk goes to throw Cactus over the guard rail
and he does not make it. Ouch. Cactus throws Funk headfirst into a table
propped against the ropes, twice, and it did not break. Funk kind of
suplexes the table onto Cactus who was sitting on the top rope, and as the
table hits the floor, Golfer John coolly pushes the table away before it
creams two women at ringside. Cactus grabs the toilet seat and puts it
around Funk's neck. Funk takes Cactus on the apron and powerslams him on
the floor. My God Mr. Foley, you are sick. Funk juiced. Funk brings a
trashcan into the ring. He pulls out a bottle and hits Cactus in the
head. BONK. He hits him again. BONK. Third time is the charm as he
smashes it to bits on Cactus' head. Then Funk takes two bottles and breaks
them. He takes the neck of one and starts carving up Cactus' arm and hear
and throat. I could not tell if he really did it or if Cactus juiced, but
there was blood. You are WAY sick Mr. Foley. "You're a sick fuck" we
chant. Mikey and Hack try to make the save. No way as Funk ran them off.
Funk was doing the spinning toe hold when somehow, Cactus rolled up Funk
for the win. Afterwards, Sandman comes out and starts caning Cactus and
pouring lamp oil on Sandman when Funk comes out with the flaming Branding
Iron. Funk blew alcohol out of his mouth and toasts Cactus with a
fireball. I felt the heat of it all the way in the bleachers. Totally
psychotic. Funk chased Cactus around with the iron, and then Cactus got
it. The feud with these guys continues, and I am getting the feeling that
we will see Cactus vs the Sandman on the 13th for the title.

Awesome show, I am drained. See ya!

RSPW Convention: The Sequel Coming June 30th through July 2, 1995 in
Philadelphia. Come See: The Lackawanna County Stadium Show and the ECW
Arena. Go to the Atlantic City Beaches and Boardwalk. And don't forget,
join MASR. Why? Because, it's good for your freakin' health!


Apr 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/16/95
to wrote:

>We had a great party, as usual, in the lot. In attendance were: Rat,
>Eugie, 212, Alex (Killer of all beer), Mad Dog, Tim Walker (Photographer
>to the stars), Ed Zohn, Tod Gordon, Septic, Eric Tennant, Sammy, Tom
>Golfer John, Bret Schwan and his pal (Rick? )

The pals name is Ron but who really cares.
(I don't)
Brett A. Schwan

Eric Tennant

Apr 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/16/95
In article <>, Dave Scherer says...

>Notes: Steve Richards worked his balls off all weekend. He got a ton of
>time managing as Jason is gone.

While I agree that Richards is doing really well, I cringe every time he
comes out now because I feel as though I'm going to have the Pitbulls
shoved down my throat some more. Too many Run-ins by them this weekend.

>Saturday 4\15.
>We had a great party, as usual, in the lot. In attendance were: Rat,
>Eugie, 212, Alex (Killer of all beer), Mad Dog, Tim Walker (Photographer
>to the stars), Ed Zohn, Tod Gordon, Septic, Eric Tennant, Sammy, Tom
>Golfer John, Bret Schwan and his pal (Rick? ), Jess, Arizona John, and
>myself. Around 4:30, the line at the advance door starts so we go over.
>We raise hell and generally act like children for the next few hours. At
>that time, John Lanigan, Mike Palij, and Eric Chmiel stop on by. We have
>a crowd as usual. There was a Carnival going on across the street, and
>it looked like it from some of the folks there. Oh wait, they were there
>for the wrestling.

While we're waiting in line, though, some guy comes up and asks, "What's
this line for, bingo?" But at least Arizona John made sure he knew
better by asking, "Does this look like a bingo crowd to you?"

>Next up is "Sumo Genjin" vs HitMan Tony Stetson. Stetson spits on
>Hawaiian Boy as he comes out. Really BAD match. The Japanese guy was
>wearing face paint and leopardlike tights. Match was so bad we turned our
>back and chanted "Bingo!" Genjin got the pin. This match was filmed for
>the Japanese Documentary.

The funny part to me was that everyone in the bleachers, who seem to dislike
Stetson's working ability, commented on how it's pretty bad when Stetson's
one carrying the match.

>Joey comes out for an interview, and we do the Oh My God Chant. It's
>Richards and Raven

And, much to my relief, no run-in by the Pitbulls.

>How cool! Tommy
>juices. Hot match with lots of great moves. Dreamer loses by DQ when he
>goes nuts and DDT's everyone, including the ref, and then piledrives the
>slink. Her dress goes all the way up and nothing is left to the
>imagination. Tommy gives his pals in the Bleachers an extra long look, if
>you get my drift. He then comes up into THE Bleachers and leads the Bums
>in an ECW champ. I love this guy. Really good match.

The whole Arena popped for Tommy. It was great. I felt as though I had
seen something special--the complete transformation from pretty boy to
total hardcore who exudes energy to all who watch.

>Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko went to a time limit draw in an absolutely
>incredible match for the ECW TV Title. This was one of the best technical
>matches I have ever seen live, and was completely and total scintillating
>to watch.

>Note to Tod Gordon: I loved this match. Gimme more. Please. Please?
>Gimme more. This stuff is hardcore too. I am a happy guy.

I agree whole-heartedly. That was an incredible match. And that was
after the crowd had already popped bigtime for Dreamer. To be able to
keep the crowd after that was even that much more incredible.

>Terry Funk vs Cactus Jack in the sickest, most violent match I have ever
>seen. Ever. In fact, it was so violent and crazy, I almost feel guilty
>that I enjoyed watching it. It makes me question if some part of me is
>really that sick.

Again, I agree. I was in a state of total shock and disbelief that
those guys would do such stuff, yet I couldn't ake my eyes off it.
It was hypnotic.

>Awesome show, I am drained. See ya!

I came away from that show completely happy with what I got to see.
If anyone was truly disappointed with the show last week, this surely
had to make up for it.

>RSPW Convention: The Sequel Coming June 30th through July 2, 1995 in
>Philadelphia. Come See: The Lackawanna County Stadium Show and the ECW
>Arena. Go to the Atlantic City Beaches and Boardwalk. And don't forget,
>join MASR. Why? Because, it's good for your freakin' health!

Hey, the autographed "posters" that Shane signed were signs for the
Lackawanna County Stadium Show with a picture of Shane with the ECW
belt. Anything to read into there?

Eric Tennant

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/16/95
Dave Scherer ( wrote:
: Notes: Steve Richards worked his balls off all weekend. He got a ton of

: time managing as Jason is gone.

Richards has emerged from nowhere to become of the most enjoyable
characters in ECW. He cracks me up everytime I see him (and it's not
just his bad credit or dye job). He's not a bad worker either.

: Jess McGrath got lucky and got to collect the

: money while the Public Enemy had their pics taken with fans at
: intermission.

It was cool, but some of those freaks really start to worry me. Forget
the shallow end of the gene pool, they were bred out of the water.

: We had a great party, as usual, in the lot. In attendance were: Rat,

: Eugie, 212, Alex (Killer of all beer), Mad Dog, Tim Walker (Photographer
: to the stars), Ed Zohn, Tod Gordon, Septic, Eric Tennant, Sammy, Tom
: Golfer John, Bret Schwan and his pal (Rick? ), Jess, Arizona John, and
: myself. Around 4:30, the line at the advance door starts so we go over.
: We raise hell and generally act like children for the next few hours. At
: that time, John Lanigan, Mike Palij, and Eric Chmiel stop on by. We have
: a crowd as usual. There was a Carnival going on across the street, and
: it looked like it from some of the folks there. Oh wait, they were there
: for the wrestling.

A great moment that nobody's mentioned yet: Mikey Whipwreck is talking to
the red/blond-haired chick that always dresses like wrestlers and is his
ex-girlfriend (alias: Druggie Chick, Dental Work Chick). We start
chanting "Mikey's Got a Girlfriend!" He comes over and says, "I don't
see any girls around here." I was ROTFL. She comes up wanting to know
what he said and Septic BS's her for a while.

: Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko went to a time limit draw in an absolutely

: incredible match for the ECW TV Title. This was one of the best technical
: matches I have ever seen live, and was completely and total scintillating
: to watch.

I am behind with my All-Japan tapes, so I can't call it Match of the
Year, but it was without a doubt the best American match this year. I
doubt anything will come along to top it. Much better than Benoit vs.
Snow at Double Tables (and everybody *loved* that one, so you can imagine
how good this was!).

Having seen about 30 ECW shows live I can honestly say this was the best
technical match ever from the promotion. A keeper for the video
collection ...

: Rumor before the show had Sandman

: winning, and Shane jumping to Titan when school lets out.

This switch was a real surprise to me. I did not see this coming at
all, especially Woman's turn back. Most of the Arena didn't either.
Shane using a cross-face chicken wing was pretty funny (and ironic)
though. Oh, and FWIW, Septic said he talked to the guy who drives Shane
around when he's in town, and Shane was supposedly complaining loudly
about dropping the title to Sandman. Shane was willing to lose to
anybody (even Mikey) *except* Sandman. Don't know how true that is ...

Jess McGrath
Charter Member, MASR | "FUCK SABU! FUCK SABU!"
President, Bring Tony Norris to ECW Fund | -- the entire ECW
Member, THE BLEACHER BUMS!! | Arena, 4/8/95

Dave Scherer

Apr 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/17/95
On 16 Apr 1995, Eric Tennant wrote:

> In article <>, Dave Scherer says...
> >Notes: Steve Richards worked his balls off all weekend. He got a ton of
> >time managing as Jason is gone.
> While I agree that Richards is doing really well, I cringe every time he
> comes out now because I feel as though I'm going to have the Pitbulls
> shoved down my throat some more. Too many Run-ins by them this weekend.

Yeah, and seeing two straight show probably really brought this to light.

> >Saturday 4\15.
> >
> >We had a great party, as usual, in the lot. In attendance were: Rat,
> >Eugie, 212, Alex (Killer of all beer), Mad Dog, Tim Walker (Photographer
> >to the stars), Ed Zohn, Tod Gordon, Septic, Eric Tennant, Sammy, Tom
> >Golfer John, Bret Schwan and his pal (Rick? ), Jess, Arizona John, and
> >myself. Around 4:30, the line at the advance door starts so we go over.
> >We raise hell and generally act like children for the next few hours. At
> >that time, John Lanigan, Mike Palij, and Eric Chmiel stop on by. We have
> >a crowd as usual. There was a Carnival going on across the street, and
> >it looked like it from some of the folks there. Oh wait, they were there
> >for the wrestling.
> >
> While we're waiting in line, though, some guy comes up and asks, "What's
> this line for, bingo?" But at least Arizona John made sure he knew
> better by asking, "Does this look like a bingo crowd to you?"

That WAS hilarious. Arizona was in rare form Saturday.

> >Next up is "Sumo Genjin" vs HitMan Tony Stetson. Stetson spits on
> >Hawaiian Boy as he comes out. Really BAD match. The Japanese guy was
> >wearing face paint and leopardlike tights. Match was so bad we turned our
> >back and chanted "Bingo!" Genjin got the pin. This match was filmed for
> >the Japanese Documentary.
> The funny part to me was that everyone in the bleachers, who seem to dislike
> Stetson's working ability, commented on how it's pretty bad when Stetson's
> one carrying the match.


> >How cool! Tommy
> >juices. Hot match with lots of great moves. Dreamer loses by DQ when he
> >goes nuts and DDT's everyone, including the ref, and then piledrives the
> >slink. Her dress goes all the way up and nothing is left to the
> >imagination. Tommy gives his pals in the Bleachers an extra long look, if
> >you get my drift. He then comes up into THE Bleachers and leads the Bums
> >in an ECW champ. I love this guy. Really good match.
> The whole Arena popped for Tommy. It was great. I felt as though I had
> seen something special--the complete transformation from pretty boy to
> total hardcore who exudes energy to all who watch.

I agree man. The same is true about Mikey as a worker.

> >Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko went to a time limit draw in an absolutely
> >incredible match for the ECW TV Title. This was one of the best technical
> >matches I have ever seen live, and was completely and total scintillating
> >to watch.
> >Note to Tod Gordon: I loved this match. Gimme more. Please. Please?
> >Gimme more. This stuff is hardcore too. I am a happy guy.
> I agree whole-heartedly. That was an incredible match. And that was
> after the crowd had already popped bigtime for Dreamer. To be able to
> keep the crowd after that was even that much more incredible.

Completely awesome and the crowd ate it up.

> >Terry Funk vs Cactus Jack in the sickest, most violent match I have ever
> >seen. Ever. In fact, it was so violent and crazy, I almost feel guilty
> >that I enjoyed watching it. It makes me question if some part of me is
> >really that sick.
> Again, I agree. I was in a state of total shock and disbelief that
> those guys would do such stuff, yet I couldn't ake my eyes off it.
> It was hypnotic.

And numbing, in a cool\sick way.

> >Awesome show, I am drained. See ya!
> I came away from that show completely happy with what I got to see.
> If anyone was truly disappointed with the show last week, this surely
> had to make up for it.

For sure.

> >RSPW Convention: The Sequel Coming June 30th through July 2, 1995 in
> >Philadelphia. Come See: The Lackawanna County Stadium Show and the ECW
> >Arena. Go to the Atlantic City Beaches and Boardwalk. And don't forget,
> >join MASR. Why? Because, it's good for your freakin' health!
> Hey, the autographed "posters" that Shane signed were signs for the
> Lackawanna County Stadium Show with a picture of Shane with the ECW
> belt. Anything to read into there?

The plot thickens Watson. The game is afoot.

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