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Facebook Hysterics: John Henry Being Trolled by Cain? Lay off the Drugs, DeBong.

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Scott Oaf - (I'm really Chudnozzle)

Sep 30, 2018, 6:33:32 PM9/30/18
Why would this drama queen believe this? I'd be more worried about making
the rent or trying to find something better than a "career" at Lyft.

From John Henry's Facebook account today:

"I know a few of you are among the small group of human beings who have a
human contact inside Facebook.

Please have your contact reach out to me. This Alex Cain guy that's been
stalking me for the last couple of decades has to be ended, it's thousands
of harassment page and years of trolling with them on my public work,
including non-profit and public interest work, and it's time to put an end
to him and find out for sure if anyone else is involved and who they are
and how to stop them.

Due to FB's setup, there is no way for someone like me to defend myself nor
even to positively identify someone engaged in this kind of behavior so a
restraining order or other civil can be effectively pursued.

Please ask your contact, to contact me, through this account. Thanks."

Good work, "Alex". Looks like DeBong bought it. Makes you wonder why Chad
would mess with an evil, all-powerful and omniscent troll like Alex. If
DeBong was any kind of friend, he'd warn him not to mess with Cain. I can't
see why this hasn't happened. At the very least, Chad should spinkick Cain
into oblivion.

After all, at least according to JH, even Facebook is powerless against the
evil that is Alex Cain.

The horror.

The horror.

The horror.

Sep 30, 2018, 6:56:47 PM9/30/18
My response:
What. The. FUCK.

Either Jo-Jo DeBong is so over-sensitive that he can't stand being mentioned in RSPW years after he was known for posting insane, 2000+ line rants that make a guy like Donald Trump look cute and cuddly, OR he's getting his anus pushed by Chadlee Bryant's dick. Or both. Or something more. Who the hell knows?

"Stalking" him?
Does he mean like how Chad has been stalking my family, my work, my posting history, my ... well you name it, he's stalked it?
Does he mean how Chad called my house at fucking midnight from a Vermont number?

"Stalking" him?
Maybe if the drug-addled dick head would learn to fix his privacy settings on Facebook, then his posts wouldn't be public and his pathetic "life" wouldn't be slung all over the Internet like some pie-throwing scene in the Three Stooges. Maybe if the long-haired limp-dick would figure out that I have not been " stalking " him in any form, that he wouldn't have to make dumb assed posts like the one above.

"Stalking"? Good fucking grief, he makes it sound like I've been shitting in his bushes and leaving live rattlesnakes in the mailbox while I watch from half a mile away with a zoom lens. Sure, I've been visiting his Facebook page --- if that is "stalking" then the paranoid putz really has a very weird definition of "stalking". I might want to mention that the only reason I visited Jo-Jo "YOU LIES TO ME!" DeBong's FB page was due to comments made by his ol' buddy Chadlee. So...yea. Nice friend there. Especially one who brags about having a ton of money but will let you dangle in the darkness not knowing if you will be evicted the next day or not.

Guess I should stop here. Otherwise I'll end up posting like a 1998 John Henry "NoGenius" DeJong after he sipped half a bottle of Budweiser and shot speed into his eyeballs.

But, I have not been "stalking" him, and some of me is tempted to report the stupid paranoid bastard and make sure that he knows what page Webster's has "stalking" on it, so that he can look it up for himself. Though if Chadlee is playing pitcher and John is playing catcher, I don't think John will be able to figure it out enough to stop making stupid remarks like that.


Paranoid idiot. Most of the dumb shit he ends up with is his own fault yet he's too closed-minded and ignorant to see it for himself. No wonder he and the human Eric Cartman get along so well.
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