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(WWF) TOP 5 MOST SUCCESSFUL HEEL TURNS.........................

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Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

1). Shawn Michaels... Who would have ever thought that Marty Jannetty
going through a plate glass window would lead Shawn Michaels into super
stardom. His heel turn paid off very well, bringing him 2
Intercontinental titles and a tag championship.

2). Owen Hart... From the shadow to the superstar overnight. Kicking Bret
in the leg was the greatest career move he could have ever made. From
that heel turn, Owen has won King of the Ring and two tag championships.

3). Andre the Giant... The big man was tired of being Hogan's lackey, and
thus took matters into his own hands. He ripped off the Hulkster,s
cruicifix and got a title shot at Wrestlemania 3. This heel turn led him
to the WWF championship and a tag championship.

4). Roddy Piper (was this a heel turn?)... Smashing Snukka with a
coconut proved to be his greatest career move. He caused the Rock n' Roll
boom, pissed off Hogan and Mr. T, and helped to put wrestling on the map.
All just because of that coconut.

5). Diesel... After losing the title to Bret, this 7' giant took matters
into his own hands. He made a spectacular speech, and headlined the WWF
cards for the rest of his tenure. His feud with the Undertaker was great,
and his attacks on Shawn Michaels were well scripted. No titles here, but
a legacy of what could of happend.

agree, disagree


Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

OK... what about Hogan????


Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

Well, Sid's back in 92 was pretty good also.

Brian Rathjen

Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

Piper was already heel when he made his infamous "coconut attack" on
Jimmy Snuka in June 1984.

Piper had come to the WWF early in 1984, as the manager of Paul
Orrendorf, and had started his "Piper's Pit," where he regularly cheered
the moves of the villians (like "Dr. D" David Shultz, "Cowboy" Bob
Orton, Mr. Fuji, Magnificient Muraco, Big John Studd, etc.), while
spewing hatred for fan favorites like Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Tito
Santana, Rocky Johnson, Tony Atlas, SD Jones, Bob Backlund, etc.).

Though he had a big mouth, he was regarded as harmless by WWF folk
because he didn't wrestle very much. That all changed initiating the
coconut attack.

Ryan Grant

Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

I was always kind of fond of Davey Boy Smith turning on Diesel on Raw
many years ago. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but Davey
was supposed to be in a tag match against two heels, but his partner
turned up ill, so he asked Diesel to fill in. The match starts, the
beatdown of Diesel begins, and the Bulldog is warmly welcomed into the
heels locker room.

If anyone could fill in the blanks, I'd be grateful.

Ryan Grant

Be a wrestling fan.

Lord 13

Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

MAndrus983 wrote:
> Well, Sid's back in 92 was pretty good also.

How could you all forget Orndorf turning on Hogan? That was classic.
Lord 13
UFOlogy/Anti-Amway/Classic Video Games/Bearded Dragon Pages

Thomas Earl Acuff

Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

: 1). Shawn Michaels... Who would have ever thought that Marty Jannetty
: going through a plate glass window would lead Shawn Michaels into super
: stardom. His heel turn paid off very well, bringing him 2
: Intercontinental titles and a tag championship.

I just watched and old Summerslam. Looking back, I can see the workrate
and shades of what Shawn is now, but really...Who'd a thunk it?

: 2). Owen Hart... From the shadow to the superstar overnight. Kicking Bret

: in the leg was the greatest career move he could have ever made. From
: that heel turn, Owen has won King of the Ring and two tag championships.

It's sad that Owen doesn't have any real direction any more. He's
portrayed as the little twerp who rode the coattails of Yokobaloona and
Davey Boy. He's one of the more under-utilized wrestlers today.

: 3). Andre the Giant... The big man was tired of being Hogan's lackey, and

: thus took matters into his own hands. He ripped off the Hulkster,s
: cruicifix and got a title shot at Wrestlemania 3. This heel turn led him
: to the WWF championship and a tag championship.

Wasn't that great? I was nine years old at the time, and I can remember
watching the Piper's Pit segments in total awe of the "lifetime
friendship" that had come apart at the seams.

To add a couple:

--I always liked Rick Martel turning on Tito Santana. Martel could do the
arrogant heel like nobody's business. I don't care if they used the
"accidentally hit your tag-partner" bit.

--Jake Roberts turning on the Ultimate Warrior. I'm not sure if this was
THE turn, but I always like the way Jake set up the Warrior. The Warrior
was looking for a way to beat the Undertaker, so he enlisted Jake's help.
Jake did all this stuff with snakes, "strengthening" the warrior, but in
the end, the Warrior is ambushed by the 'Taker and Jake joins in.

Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

Thomas Earl Acuff wrote:
> JACK EPSTEIN ( wrote:
> : 1). Shawn Michaels... Who would have ever thought that Marty Jannetty
> : going through a plate glass window would lead Shawn Michaels into super
> : stardom. His heel turn paid off very well, bringing him 2
> : Intercontinental titles and a tag championship.
> I just watched and old Summerslam. Looking back, I can see the workrate
> and shades of what Shawn is now, but really...Who'd a thunk it?

Go Back even farther and look at Wrestlemaina 4, this guy is in a second rate
tag team, that is facing Akeem "The African Dream" and the Big Boss Man. It's
hard to believe Shawn has been in the WWF for close to a decade.

> : 2). Owen Hart... From the shadow to the superstar overnight. Kicking Bret
> : in the leg was the greatest career move he could have ever made. From
> : that heel turn, Owen has won King of the Ring and two tag championships.
> It's sad that Owen doesn't have any real direction any more. He's
> portrayed as the little twerp who rode the coattails of Yokobaloona and
> Davey Boy. He's one of the more under-utilized wrestlers today.

Owen will always have a place in my heart, I guess I can relate to him because
he is the youngest child as am I. Owen is a great worker, I wish he would at
least get a push for the IC Title.

> : 3). Andre the Giant... The big man was tired of being Hogan's lackey, and
> : thus took matters into his own hands. He ripped off the Hulkster,s
> : cruicifix and got a title shot at Wrestlemania 3. This heel turn led him
> : to the WWF championship and a tag championship.
> Wasn't that great? I was nine years old at the time, and I can remember
> watching the Piper's Pit segments in total awe of the "lifetime
> friendship" that had come apart at the seams.

Agreed, I remember seeing this and being just awestruck. It wasn't that bad
for me though, I had just gotten into wrestling, was 6, wasn't really aware of
the magnitude of the heel turn by Andre.

> To add a couple:
> --I always liked Rick Martel turning on Tito Santana. Martel could do the
> arrogant heel like nobody's business. I don't care if they used the
> "accidentally hit your tag-partner" bit.

I liked the way Martel left Tito to get the crap kicked outta him by the
Brainbusters, but I hated and will forever hate the Modle gimmick.

> --Jake Roberts turning on the Ultimate Warrior. I'm not sure if this was
> THE turn, but I always like the way Jake set up the Warrior. The Warrior
> was looking for a way to beat the Undertaker, so he enlisted Jake's help.
> Jake did all this stuff with snakes, "strengthening" the warrior, but in
> the end, the Warrior is ambushed by the 'Taker and Jake joins in.

I could have cared less about Jake Roberts at this point in time. To tell you,
I don't even remember this heel turn.

One More:

--I was always fond of the turn Savage made on Hogan back when Hogan knocked
out Liz and took her to the dressing room and left Savage to have the crap beat
outta him against some tag team. Savage goes into the back where Liz is
getting Medical attention, beats the crap outta Hogan with the belt and tears
the Medical room apart. (The Mega Powers EXPLODE!!!!)


Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

> Re: (WWF) TOP 5 MOST SUCCESSFUL HEEL TURNS.........................

> From: (Ryan Grant)
> Reply to:
> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 21:42:07 GMT
> Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
> Newsgroups:
> Followup to: newsgroup(s)
> References:
> <5du5mt$>
>I was always kind of fond of Davey Boy Smith turning on Diesel on Raw
>many years ago. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but Davey
>was supposed to be in a tag match against two heels, but his partner
>turned up ill, so he asked Diesel to fill in. The match starts, the
>beatdown of Diesel begins, and the Bulldog is warmly welcomed into the
>heels locker room.
>If anyone could fill in the blanks, I'd be grateful.

If I remeber correctly, it was Men on A Mission after Mabel and Mo's heel
turn. They challenged Lex Luger and Bulldog to a match, but for some
"unexplainable" reason, Luger was not there (he was at the first Nitro in
Minneapolis). Bulldog recruits Diesel to help fight them, and during the
match, Diesel has his back turned to the Bulldog, when he levels diesel to the
ground with a clothesline from behind, which led to diesel getting the snot
kicked out him by Mo, Mabel, and the Bulldog.

Hopes this helps!

>Ryan Grant
>Be a wrestling fan.


| "Just when you know all the answers, |
| I change the questions!" |
| -"Rowdy" Roddy Piper |

James Fabiano

Feb 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/13/97

Jack Epstein wrote:

>> 2). Owen Hart... From the shadow to the superstar overnight. Kicking Bret
in the leg was the greatest career move he could have ever made. From
that heel turn, Owen has won King of the Ring and two tag championships.<<

Actually, he kicked his leg out of his leg :-)

(P.S. The Nash turn was great too)


Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

: 1). Shawn Michaels... Who would have ever thought that Marty Jannetty
: going through a plate glass window would lead Shawn Michaels into super
: stardom. His heel turn paid off very well, bringing him 2
: Intercontinental titles and a tag championship.

: 2). Owen Hart... From the shadow to the superstar overnight. Kicking Bret

: in the leg was the greatest career move he could have ever made. From
: that heel turn, Owen has won King of the Ring and two tag championships.

: 3). Andre the Giant... The big man was tired of being Hogan's lackey, and

: thus took matters into his own hands. He ripped off the Hulkster,s
: cruicifix and got a title shot at Wrestlemania 3. This heel turn led him
: to the WWF championship and a tag championship.

: 4). Roddy Piper (was this a heel turn?)... Smashing Snukka with a

: coconut proved to be his greatest career move. He caused the Rock n' Roll
: boom, pissed off Hogan and Mr. T, and helped to put wrestling on the map.
: All just because of that coconut.

: 5). Diesel... After losing the title to Bret, this 7' giant took matters
: into his own hands. He made a spectacular speech, and headlined the WWF

: cards for the rest of his tenure. His feud with the Undertaker was great,
: and his attacks on Shawn Michaels were well scripted. No titles here, but
: a legacy of what could of happend.

: agree, disagree

I always liked Bob Backlund's turn on Bret Hart. Before he turned, no one
gave a rat's ass about him and he got no reaction from the majority of the
crowd. But when he did turn, damn, the heat he got was amazing. They
should of kept the world title on him for longer than that.

Stone Cold Paul Smith

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

>>I was always kind of fond of Davey Boy Smith turning on Diesel on Raw
>>many years ago. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but Davey
>>was supposed to be in a tag match against two heels, but his partner
>>turned up ill, so he asked Diesel to fill in. The match starts, the
>>beatdown of Diesel begins, and the Bulldog is warmly welcomed into the
>>heels locker room.
>>If anyone could fill in the blanks, I'd be grateful.
>If I remeber correctly, it was Men on A Mission after Mabel and Mo's heel
>turn. They challenged Lex Luger and Bulldog to a match, but for some
>"unexplainable" reason, Luger was not there (he was at the first Nitro in
>Minneapolis). Bulldog recruits Diesel to help fight them, and during the
>match, Diesel has his back turned to the Bulldog, when he levels diesel to the
>ground with a clothesline from behind, which led to diesel getting the snot
>kicked out him by Mo, Mabel, and the Bulldog.
>Hopes this helps!

WELL...methinks this was a week or 2 before Luger went to Nitro.

Stone Cold Paul Smith
Rhymes with "I'll whoop your ass."

Jeff Amdur

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

How could y'all forget...

Bill Watts turning on Sammartino back in 1965 or 1966?

Spiros Arion turning on Jay Strongbow back in 1975?

Peter Maivia turning on Backlund back in 1979?

and the most successful WW(W)F heel turn of all time...

Larry Zbyszko turning on Bruno Sammartno in 1980? This had more heat and
emotion than any other feud (or, for many rspw-ers, any other "fued" <g>) I
have ever seen, either before or after this event. Add to this the fact
that this singlehandedly raised Larry's status from mid-carder better known
as Tony Gare' jor partner to that of mega-heel and major star in the

Jeff Amdur
Quality foreign language instruction since 1971 (Oy, gevalt! THAT long?!?)
Quality timekeeping for sports events since 1973

The Taskmistress

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97


>1). Shawn Michaels...
>2). Owen Hart...
>3). Andre the Giant...

>4). Roddy Piper (was this a heel turn?)...

I wouldn't call it that.

>5). Diesel...

You're forgetting the classic WWF heel turn. Larry Zbsykyo on Bruno

The Taskmistress, the Champion, the #1 heel in RSPW
CRASH OF THE VAMPIANS Sex Toys Match and RAWNITRO now available
NOW found at

The Biffster

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

On 13 Feb 1997 14:50:00 GMT, in you wrote:

>OK... what about Hogan????

Hogan never turned in the WWF.

I Am The Biffster!!!! Visit me at: | "We'd better stop here. The next
email: | stock footage is 18 miles away." | - Crow, MST3K episode 802

Karna Mehta

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

Shakir wrote:
> >
> > Re: (WWF) TOP 5 MOST SUCCESSFUL HEEL TURNS.........................
> >
> > From: (Ryan Grant)
> > Reply to:
> > Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 21:42:07 GMT
> > Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.

> If I remeber correctly, it was Men on A Mission after Mabel and Mo's heel
> turn. They challenged Lex Luger and Bulldog to a match, but for some
> "unexplainable" reason, Luger was not there (he was at the first Nitro in
> Minneapolis). Bulldog recruits Diesel to help fight them, and during the
> match, Diesel has his back turned to the Bulldog, when he levels diesel to the
> ground with a clothesline from behind, which led to diesel getting the snot
> kicked out him by Mo, Mabel, and the Bulldog.
> Hopes this helps!

Actually, the first Nitro was 2 weeks later. Although, Davey Boy said that Lex was
taking care of some business in Atlanta.


Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

Zybysko turning on Sammartino is the all time greatest feud, turn
"OOFA"-Howard Stern

Russell Joyner

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

MAndrus983 ( wrote:

How about "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff's heel turn against Hogan on
WWF Superstars back in '85(?) He and Hogan were in a tag match against
King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd, and although I can't remember the
exact circumstances, I do remember Orndorff piledriving Hogan in the
middle of the ring, and walking back to the locker room with Bundy,
Studd, and Bobby Heenan. Does anyone remember exactly what happened
in that match? I think the whole thing happened because Orndorff was
jealous of Hogan hogging up the spotlight or something.

Russ J.
U of PA

Adam M. Donahue

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

What about the Savage turn before WM 5? That "MAIN EVENT" with him, Hogan
and Miss Elizabeth was pretty good.


: 1). Shawn Michaels... Who would have ever thought that Marty Jannetty
: going through a plate glass window would lead Shawn Michaels into super
: stardom. His heel turn paid off very well, bringing him 2
: Intercontinental titles and a tag championship.
: 2). Owen Hart... From the shadow to the superstar overnight. Kicking Bret
: in the leg was the greatest career move he could have ever made. From
: that heel turn, Owen has won King of the Ring and two tag championships.
: 3). Andre the Giant... The big man was tired of being Hogan's lackey, and
: thus took matters into his own hands. He ripped off the Hulkster,s
: cruicifix and got a title shot at Wrestlemania 3. This heel turn led him
: to the WWF championship and a tag championship.
: 4). Roddy Piper (was this a heel turn?)... Smashing Snukka with a
: coconut proved to be his greatest career move. He caused the Rock n' Roll
: boom, pissed off Hogan and Mr. T, and helped to put wrestling on the map.
: All just because of that coconut.
: 5). Diesel... After losing the title to Bret, this 7' giant took matters
: into his own hands. He made a spectacular speech, and headlined the WWF
: cards for the rest of his tenure. His feud with the Undertaker was great,
: and his attacks on Shawn Michaels were well scripted. No titles here, but
: a legacy of what could of happend.
: agree, disagree


Adam Donahue 400 Broome Street
Distributed Computing & Suite 410-B
Information Services New York, NY 10013
New York University Cyber-Guru Consulting


Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97
I think that the diesel heel turn was better than andre the giant

Alex Demchuk

Feb 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/14/97

On 13 Feb 1997, AnthonyDD wrote:

> OK... what about Hogan????

What about Hogan.. the Subject says *WWF* and *SUCCESSFUL*


Feb 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/15/97

Allow me some room to make a clarification in re: Piper. "Rowdy" Roddy was
already a heel upon entering the WWF. The Snuka Coconut episode was just a
means of giving him someone to feud with. I know that he left the NWA
(Georgia Championship Wrestling) as a face, but I believe that he was
meant to be a heel interviewer, then a heel wrestler, upon making the jump
to the North (to Titan).

That said, you can remove Piper from the list and sub it with the Orndorff
turn on Hogan. With what has been written and said about Hogan, it amazes
me that there haven't been enough people that have turned on him!

For the sake of saying so, I'd rank Orndorff with Larry Zybysko's turn on
Bruno Sammartino. Nothing beats a student turning against his teacher.

Nicol Simard

Feb 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/15/97

Jeff Amdur wrote:

>How could y'all forget...


>Peter Maivia turning on Backlund back in 1979?

Do you think this was a successful heel turn? It was shocking, but what did
it do for Maivia's career? In the long run, it was the worst thing that ever
happened to him: taking a popular main-event face, and turning him to a mid-
card heel, once the original feud with Backlund had run its course.

>and the most successful WW(W)F heel turn of all time...

>Larry Zbyszko turning on Bruno Sammartno in 1980? This had more heat and
>emotion than any other feud (or, for many rspw-ers, any other "fued" <g>) I
>have ever seen, either before or after this event. Add to this the fact
>that this singlehandedly raised Larry's status from mid-carder better known
>as Tony Gare' jor partner to that of mega-heel and major star in the

Here, I have to agree with you. A sucessful heel turn takes the wrestler to a
new level in his career; the best recent example of this being when Michaels
turned against Jannetty. An unsucessful turn simply generates some cheap
temporary heat, but then relegates the wrestler either to the ranks of mid-
carder/jtts (i.e. Tatanka), or sets the stage for what usually turns out to be
an incredibly cheesy return to the path of righteousness (i.e. Sargeant


Chris Spicer

Feb 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/16/97

In article <>, (JCGilbrt) wrote:

> For the sake of saying so, I'd rank Orndorff with Larry Zybysko's turn on
> Bruno Sammartino. Nothing beats a student turning against his teacher.

Those are great but I feel for some freshness there should be a teacher
turns on student becasue he is jealous that the student is becoming more
successful then him.

The only one I can remember of something like that ever happening was when
Ron Simmons turned on Ice Train. But that was done really poorly
and Ice Train is a terrible wrestler so lets forget I brought that one up.

I am almost positive that this has happend before besides with Simmons and
Ice Train but it isn't ringing a bell.

Well I'm done so have fun,


-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet


Feb 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/17/97

*mark mode on*

Who could ever forget the heel turns of these people?

-Marty Jannetty: Just when you thought he and Shawn would reconcile...
BAM!!! He and Cassidy turn into complete dorks!

-Tatanka: I was there!! I was there!! Summer Slam 94 to be exact.
Remember how everyone really believed that Lex Luger actually sold out?
No one could have ever predicted that it was really Tatanka who was bought
by the Million Dollar Man.

-The 1-2-3 Kid: Talk about the student turning on his mentor! It was
Razor Ramon vs Sid with the Kid as the guest referee. Sid's up in the
Razor's Edge, and the Kid turns on him giving the victory to Sid and
joining the Million Dollar Corporation!

-The Fabulous Rougeaus: I loved the little American flags they brought to
the ring after their turn. It was hilarious!!

*mark mode off*

Ok, in all seriousness, my favorites have been Shawn Michaels's, Diesel's,
and Backlund's. But one turn that I really liked that no one has
mentioned is Crush's turn on the Macho Man. This was great with the
lacerated tongue and all suffered by the Macho Man :).

Katie Prodoehl

Matt Enax

Feb 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/17/97

Chris Spicer wrote:
> In article <>,
> (JCGilbrt) wrote:
> > For the sake of saying so, I'd rank Orndorff with Larry Zybysko's turn on
> > Bruno Sammartino. Nothing beats a student turning against his teacher.


> I am almost positive that this has happend before besides with Simmons and
> Ice Train but it isn't ringing a bell.
> Well I'm done so have fun,
> Chris
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Mr, Wrestling II turned on Magnum T.A. in the old MID-SOUTH.

It was supposed to make T.A a better wrestler. This was one
hell of time in MID-SOUTH. T.A. was way over and Wrestling II's
heel turn was a total shock. I marked out big time.

Herc ! ! !

( no relation to HERCWAD ) :^)>


Feb 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/17/97

What about when Handsome Jimmy Valiant turned on Chief Jay Strongbow? The
Chief had taken the young up-and-coming Valiant under his wing, going so
far as to teaching him the secrets of the Sleeper Hold, when Valiant,
guided by the fine hand of The Grand Wizard of Wrestling (the greatest
manager there ever was), turned on the Chief.

Rhode Island Red


Feb 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/17/97

Adam M. Donahuesaid:

: 4). Roddy Piper (was this a heel turn?)... Smashing Snukka with a
: coconut proved to be his greatest career move. He caused the Rock n'
: boom, pissed off Hogan and Mr. T, and helped to put wrestling on the
: All just because of that coconut.

Strangely enough, it was the beginning of Piper becoming a face. By
the time the fued w/ Snuka was over, Piper was recieving too many cheers
to be kept a real heel. He was the best thing in the WWF at the time and
heel through and through from the day he set foot in the WWF as a manager.
If I remember correctly, his charges included Dr. D David Shultz, Mr.
1derful Paul Orndorff, and I think he managed Cowboy Bob Orton and Dick
Murdock and Adrian Adonis as a tag team.
Does this sound right, or am I clouding up a lot of stuff.
Still Piper was the only thing that could even come close to the
Magnificent Murocco. The best I-C Champ bar none. (Yes better than Piper
as I-C Champ)

The DemonShark

God is dead, and I don't feel so good myself.

David Long

Feb 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/18/97
to (DamonShark) wrote:

> Strangely enough, it was the beginning of Piper becoming a face. By
>the time the fued w/ Snuka was over, Piper was recieving too many cheers
>to be kept a real heel. He was the best thing in the WWF at the time and
>heel through and through from the day he set foot in the WWF as a manager.
> If I remember correctly, his charges included Dr. D David Shultz, Mr.
>1derful Paul Orndorff, and I think he managed Cowboy Bob Orton and Dick
>Murdock and Adrian Adonis as a tag team.

Orton was "Ace", his bodyguard.

| | | |
| / | |
| | ) (und. const.)|

John Henry

Feb 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/20/97

On 13 Feb 1997 22:12:43 GMT, Brian Rathjen <>

>Piper was already heel when he made his infamous "coconut attack" on
>Jimmy Snuka in June 1984.
>Piper had come to the WWF early in 1984, as the manager of Paul
>Orrendorf, and had started his "Piper's Pit," where he regularly cheered
>the moves of the villians (like "Dr. D" David Shultz, "Cowboy" Bob
>Orton, Mr. Fuji, Magnificient Muraco, Big John Studd, etc.), while
>spewing hatred for fan favorites like Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Tito
>Santana, Rocky Johnson, Tony Atlas, SD Jones, Bob Backlund, etc.).

Man, you would not believe the memories that you've brought back...

>Though he had a big mouth, he was regarded as harmless by WWF folk
>because he didn't wrestle very much. That all changed initiating the
>coconut attack.

Piper has always been my favorite, since about the time of this attack
(I was about 14, and being 1984, didn't have anything for inside short, a mark), and the whole rock-n-wrestling thing
(and since I was just beginning to play out in bands at this time, I
marked out bigtime for the whole angle, even if it did include (gag)
Cyndi Lauper.

Visit my home page at
Keep your eyes and ears peeled for WAX PLANET,
coming soon to large clubs, small theaters, and radio
All over the Southeast!


Feb 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/28/97

I don't remember the match exactly but I do remember the week before they
fought the moondos and Orndorf hogged the match.
Weeks later Hogan fought Orndorf, Hogan got him in the piledriver position
but was attacked by Adrian Adonis dressed as a woman in the audience.
Hogan was then saved by a very injured Piper. Crazy.

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