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[ECW] Three Way Dance House Show

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Mike Palij

Apr 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/9/95

[This is fairly short - Dave Scherer's posting provides more
info and details]

Saturday, 8 April 1995, ECW Arena, "The Three Way Dance"

At about 7:40 pm Paul E. comes down to the ring,
accompanied by the Tazmaniac and 911. They don't seem
happy. Paul E. gets on the mic and starts talking about
the fans, how they're the ones who come in and pay their
money to see the best show that ECW can put on. He talks
about how the wrestlers and the staff and crew are devoted
to putting on the best show they can, how backstage they
flock to the monitors when the crowd starts to chant ECW.
He says how he knows people come to the arena expecting
to see a great show and how the guys try to make that
happen, how all of them do that except one for tonight.
Sabu wasn't in the house. He apparently didn't notify
Paul E. or Tod by the previous Sunday evening in time to
change the TV program. And so, Paul and Tod were stuck when
they found out later in the week. Sabu was apparently told
to show for Saturday night or there would be serious
consequences. He didn't show. Paul went on to say that
Taz had a surprise or two in store for his match and he hoped
that that would make it up to us. If people wanted to leave,
Paul said that they should wait until the intermission to
make up their minds. If by then people still wanted a
refund they would get it.

Near the end of the Paul's comments the fans rocked the arena
with a "Fuck Sabu" chant. Sabu's status with the promotion
in currently unclear.

Match 1: Broad Street Bullies (Tommy Stetson, Johnny Hotbody)
vs The Pitbulls (w/o Jason)
The Pitbulls essentially demolish the BS Bullies. Pitbulls
win after PB2 powerbombs Stetson from the second turnbuckle.
The slightest hint that the Pitbulls may be turning face
after this match.

After the match, Richards, Stiles, and Raven talk but
they couldn't be heard in the bleachers. At one point
Raven slaps Richard's face which prompts a "Fuck Him UP!".
But instead of following the good advice of the fans,
Steve runs into the back/dressing room, and brings out
a hot looking mystery woman. Who is she? What role is
she playing? I guess we'll find out on TV.

Match 2: Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer
Dreamer dominates most of the match. Raven juices heavy after
Tommy rakes a cheese grater over Raven's forehead. Dreamer
is putting the coup de grace/pin on Raven when Richards starts
to threaten the mystery woman at ringside. Dreamer gets up
before the 3 count to help the woman. Gets to ringside, breaks
her free from Richards, but she pulls out a can of hairspray and
sprays Tommy in the eyes. Tommy's blinded. Raven comes out,
DDTs Tommy at ringside, pushes Tommy into the ring, and gets
the win.

Damage control comes out to help Tommy who eventually is able
to walk back though still not able to see well.

Match 3: Ron Simmons vs. Mikey Whipwreck
Simmons demolishes Mikey. Although Mikey has some good moves
in, Simmons still plays the untitled champion. Finally,
Simmons chokeslams Mikey twice. The ref intercedes and
Simmons chokeslams the ref for his troubles. This leads to
Simmons' DQ and Mikey's win.

Since Simmons has procured the chokeslam as a finisher, this
has to lead to an appearance by the master of the chokeslam,
911. However, when 911 shows up Simmons goes to town.
Simmons mounts a credible offensive against 911, leading to
his chokeslamming of 911. This accomplishes two things: (a)
makes 911 a more human character, capable of being beated
(but he has to learn some more moves; there were a couple of
times when he could have put a powerbomb on Simmons but
didn't) and (b) furthers Simmons (he has started to work
but has a long way to go with the fans; in some ways, he's
like Tommy Dreamer, and will probably have to go through a
fair amount of hell before he's over with the fans).

Joey Stiles comes down to the ring and interviews Chris
Benoit. Chris trash talks until Taz shows up and a punchfest
ensues. Dean Malenko runs in and he and Chris start to
doubleteam Taz. Then RICK STEINER (who? what? where?) runs
in for the save. Rick and Taz clean up while the fans bark
up a storm.

Match 4: Two Cold Scorpio vs. Eddie Guerrero
The match starts slow with Eddie putting in most of the
fast moves. Two Cold picks up his pace about half way
through the match and the match gets really good at this
point. Finish comes when Eddie is thrown off the ropes
and Scorpio catches him but Eddie twists around, bringing
Two Cold down, and, gets Two Cold's shoulders down for the
three count. A new TV champion, Eddie Guerrero.

Two Cold and Guerrero get on the mic, talking to each other,
shaking each other's hands, but finally Eddie slaps Two Cold's
face before leaving. Two Cold leaves the ring to the fan's
chant of "Whoomp, There It Went."

Match 5: Ian vs. Axle Rotton in a Hair vs Hair Match
A bloody brawl with Axle winning. Ian


Match 6: Dino Sendoff vs. Hack Meyers
A squash that really should have been the first match of the
evening (Hack is over with the fans and though he desrves
better, an opening match with him puts the fans in the right
frame of mind, IMODO). Hack wins with a spikesuplex.

Match 7: Sandman vs Shane Douglas
Sandman makes his grand entrance with Woman and Nancy looked
really good tonight in her black dress. Sandman forced to
give up his cane after Douglas complains and threatens to skip
the match if its left at ringside (Shane: "I'm just a phone
call away from New York, Tod"). Shane strongly reprises his
heel role. A strong match with Shane ultimately punching
Sandman in the nut and rolling him up into small package.
Woman joins Shane in the ring, they kiss, and Shane drops
Sandman's cigarettes and lighter over his prone body. Shane
and Woman leave while Sandman slowly gets up and stumbles
out of the ring.

Match 8: Three Way Dance:
Public Enemy (Rocco Rock, Johnny Grunge) vs.
Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit vs. Tazmaniac & Rick Steiner
A wild match with all three teams fighting at once. Taz
and Rick get eliminated first but come back for more fun.
Rocco gets a moonsault on Malenko and the three count,
making the Public Enemy champs once again. Taz and Rick
battle Benoit and Malenko back to the dressing roon.
While still in the ring, Public Enemy get attacked by the
Pitbulls (several big moves were very badly munged,
reducing the credibility the Pitbulls had, especially
after the good job they did at the last show and in the
opener tonight). The Pitbulls do manage make other moves
work, such as hanging Johhny and Rocco by their chained
dog collars over the top rope, effectively setting up
their next match for 4/15.

:-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) ||| (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-:
One of those "boisterous" ECW Fans.
Just this person's view of netlife.=>Mike
:-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) ||| (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-: :-) (-:

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/9/95
Mike Palij (bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:

: Match 1: Broad Street Bullies (Tommy Stetson, Johnny Hotbody)

: vs The Pitbulls (w/o Jason)
: The Pitbulls essentially demolish the BS Bullies. Pitbulls
: win after PB2 powerbombs Stetson from the second turnbuckle.
: The slightest hint that the Pitbulls may be turning face
: after this match.

Two things:
1. Almost *anybody* against Hotbody & Stetson would make them faces. :)
From the way the interview sounded (at least what I could hear of it),
that's it for the Broad Street Bullies (thank God).
2. The Pit Bulls called Raven their master in the post-match interview.
Where the hell was Jason tonight?

: After the match, Richards, Stiles, and Raven talk but

: they couldn't be heard in the bleachers. At one point
: Raven slaps Richard's face which prompts a "Fuck Him UP!".
: But instead of following the good advice of the fans,
: Steve runs into the back/dressing room, and brings out
: a hot looking mystery woman. Who is she? What role is
: she playing? I guess we'll find out on TV.

Tammy Fytch wannabe is the best way to describe her.

: Match 2: Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer

: Dreamer dominates most of the match. Raven juices heavy after
: Tommy rakes a cheese grater over Raven's forehead. Dreamer
: is putting the coup de grace/pin on Raven when Richards starts
: to threaten the mystery woman at ringside. Dreamer gets up
: before the 3 count to help the woman. Gets to ringside, breaks
: her free from Richards, but she pulls out a can of hairspray and
: sprays Tommy in the eyes. Tommy's blinded. Raven comes out,
: DDTs Tommy at ringside, pushes Tommy into the ring, and gets
: the win.

I still don't understand this. Richards chokes the chick, Dreamer saves
her, she sprays Dreamer and ignores Richards when he tries to
"apologize", Raven hits Richards, yet they all leave together. This is
one of the more bizarre angles I've seen in a while.

: Joey Stiles comes down to the ring and interviews Chris

: Benoit. Chris trash talks until Taz shows up and a punchfest
: ensues. Dean Malenko runs in and he and Chris start to
: doubleteam Taz. Then RICK STEINER (who? what? where?) runs
: in for the save. Rick and Taz clean up while the fans bark
: up a storm.

What a fuckin' shock. Rick Steiner. That's the last guy I would have
expected to run in and make the save. I would have been a little happier
to see Scott but what the hell.

: Two Cold and Guerrero get on the mic, talking to each other,

: shaking each other's hands, but finally Eddie slaps Two Cold's
: face before leaving. Two Cold leaves the ring to the fan's
: chant of "Whoomp, There It Went."

I still like "Two Cold Better Work" as a chant. :) He tried to mail it
in early, but thank God he didn't. I hope they can him and bring in
somebody who wants to work in the promotion (oh, like, say, Tony Norris). :)

: Match 5: Ian vs. Axle Rotton in a Hair vs Hair Match

: A bloody brawl with Axle winning. Ian

Is anyone surprised?

: Match 6: Dino Sendoff vs. Hack Meyers

: A squash that really should have been the first match of the
: evening (Hack is over with the fans and though he desrves
: better, an opening match with him puts the fans in the right
: frame of mind, IMODO). Hack wins with a spikesuplex.

The fans stopped paying attention after a minute. Was that how Hack
won? I was busy daydreaming about the triangle match.

: Match 7: Sandman vs Shane Douglas

: Sandman makes his grand entrance with Woman and Nancy looked
: really good tonight in her black dress. Sandman forced to
: give up his cane after Douglas complains and threatens to skip
: the match if its left at ringside (Shane: "I'm just a phone
: call away from New York, Tod"). Shane strongly reprises his
: heel role. A strong match with Shane ultimately punching
: Sandman in the nut and rolling him up into small package.
: Woman joins Shane in the ring, they kiss, and Shane drops
: Sandman's cigarettes and lighter over his prone body. Shane
: and Woman leave while Sandman slowly gets up and stumbles
: out of the ring.

People keep saying it's been teased, but it makes no sense. Why would
she leave Sandman? It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match. The lack
of a cane and the fact that Shane was the opponent really exposed Sandman
as an average (and I'm being generous) worker. Yes, I like his gimmick.
Yes, he does an incredibly awesome legdrop from the top rope and a
beautiful back elbow. But that's it.

: While still in the ring, Public Enemy get attacked by the

: Pitbulls (several big moves were very badly munged,
: reducing the credibility the Pitbulls had, especially
: after the good job they did at the last show and in the
: opener tonight). The Pitbulls do manage make other moves
: work, such as hanging Johhny and Rocco by their chained
: dog collars over the top rope, effectively setting up
: their next match for 4/15.

Hey, Pit Bulls, if you botch a spot once, forget it and move on. Don't
subject yourself to further humiliation. And what was he trying for?
Looked like a top-rope Frankensteiner to me.

PE challenged Pit Bulls to a first-blood match on 4/15. Weird. They're
fighting a no-DQ (like that means anything) match in Jim Thorpe the night

Jess McGrath
Charter Member, MASR | "We Germans aren't all smiles and
President, Bring Tony Norris to ECW Fund | sunshine"
Member, THE BLEACHER BUMS!! | -- Horst, The Simpsons

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
: > (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
: >
: >And the saddest thing is, Hotbody is a former ECW heavyweight champion
: >and three time tag team champion (twice with Chris Candido).

: History has a way of coming back to haunt one, even a wrestling
: promotion. Just be glad that Tod doesn't bring back Sal Bellomo. ;-)

Or Jimmy Jannetty, or Metal Maniac, or Glenn Osbourne, or ...

: >: A couple of speakers behind the Bleacher Bum section would be a
: >: good thing (ya hear me Misnik and/or Zohn?)
: >
: >Excellent idea. :) It really sucks, and I think it hurts the matches
: >because the fans can't get into the match as much. I think if I knew who
: >the girl was it might have helped.

: Ya hear us, guys? Listen up! (Hey Jess, we're now objective! Ooops!
: That was another thread.)

Oh, did I mention that I thought the pretzels at the Arena needed more
salt? That *definitely* makes me objective. You still need work.
Busting on the wrestling and/or pointing out flaws is still not good
enough. (smiley for the sarcasm-impaired)

: > [re: Jason]
: >I'm now hearing rumblings he's gone. That's too bad because his gimmick
: >is pretty funny. Maybe Mikey beating him last month was the way to
: >finish off all the loose ends from his run in ECW.

: Tom, Ed? What's the story?


: >I agree but disagree. Yes, in a couple of areas, she was superior to Ms.
: >Fytch/Powter. But, overall, I remain a Tammy Fytch mark.

: Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can
: see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this
: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)

Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).

: >This is the kind of thing that you have to watch TV to figure out. And
: >this whole angle better start moving faster soon, or else interest is
: >going to diminish. I think the entire Raven-Dreamer scenario of late is
: >more representative of "booking on the fly" than anything else in ECW.

: Actually, I thought just the opposite. I thought that they were slowly
: (step by step, inch by inch, oops! wrong routine) building up to the
: big surprise, namely, why Raven has it in for Dreamer through a methodical
: approach. It seemed to me, though, that they left the pot simmering far
: too log.

Yeah, I see your point. I figured it was starting like that too. They
waited way too long to put Raven in the ring. And the entire Steve
Richards push and obsession with Levy came out of absolutely nowhere.
One week, he's a scrub. Next, he's Stevie the Body/Stevie Polo, etc.
Given the incredible amount of time and effort devoted to this angle, I
figured there would be a better reason for the feud than "fat girl that
went to camp with them love triangle". Reminds me of that angle that
went absolutely nowhere in the NWA in 1988 (I think) when Larry Zbyszko
and Baby Doll had "compromising photos" of Dusty Rhodes that they
threatened to reveal. They kept building and building and it fizzled.
The whole thing was a waste of time, which is the kind of feeling I'm
starting to get with this Raven-Dreamer thing.

: >: >I still like "Two Cold Better Work" as a chant. :)
: >
: >Vin was indeed the originator of that highly amusing song.

: Somehow hearing it is a much better experience than reading it.

It must be sung to the tune of "Whoomp! There It Is" to be truly

: >Maybe we were being too tough on Scorpio, but it's gotten to where he
: >needs to earn my respect. Lousy match after lousy match (Hector, Sabu,
: >Malenko twice, although the 3/18 match is excusable, Sandman). He seems
: >like he's in it for the paycheck and nothing else.

: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery
: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)

Damnit, I want this promotion to please ME!

Seriously, though, there are still some flaws to be worked out in ECW's
current storylines. And it's not that I don't like the mystery woman (I
like her a lot, actually!), it's just that this angle is truly bizarre
and right now it looks like Paul E. has no idea where he wants it to go,
which is never a good sign.

: >Oh, and while we're at it, how about "Gladiator" Mike Awesome coming
: >back? He's on my "short list", along with Al Snow, but I doubt we'll see
: >him in the Arena for a while.
: >

: Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible
: we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)

As long as he doesn't bring Unabom ...

: >Hack had to be down after that match. Terrible match, the crowd didn't
: >even give a crap. It's a shame too, because Hack has a lot of potential
: >and deserves better (so did Mikey, who didn't do one suicidal thing all
: >night because of "You Suck" Simmons).

: Of the two, I imagine Mikey must have felt more down because for the last
: few shows he's been performing at a very high level but really had to tone
: himself down to help get Simmons over. I think Mikey's reluctance to
: enter the ring was really due to fear: not of being beaten up but having
: to carry Simmons.

Mikey regressed at the Arena on Saturday back to jobber role. Why
wouldn't Simmons sell for him? And where has Paul Lauria been lately?
(Ed? Tom? Dave? Somebody?)

: What! Now you want Sandman *and* J.T. Smith to learn how to wrestle!
: What a tough guy to please you are! ;-)

I don't want J.T. to learn to wrestle. I want him to go away. ;)

: >I read somewhere that PE vs. Pit Bulls was supposed to happen on 4/15
: >anyway. Sabu vs. Eddy Guerrero was the rumored match for Saturday. I
: >assume we'll get "treated" to a Scorpio vs. Guerrero rematch.

: Wait a minute, didn't we already see this? ;-) Well, if Two Cold continues
: to pick up his pacing and get over his injuries, then this could be good.
: I'm willing to give Two Cold the benefit of the doubt until the show. If
: I'm wrong, *I'll* start the "Two Cold Better Work" chant. ;-)

Every time I see a 2 Cold match, I start him over with a clean slate. He
gets the benefit of the doubt from me most of the time. I've just grown
to accept that I will probably not get a fantastic match from him every
time out (like Sabu or Funk). Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that
Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's

Jess McGrath

Charter Member, MASR | "FUCK SABU! FUCK SABU!"
President, Bring Tony Norris to ECW Fund | -- the entire ECW
Member, THE BLEACHER BUMS!! | Arena, 4/8/95

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
Ray Duffy (bl...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:

: In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:
: >
: > Not that I can recall. When I just started going to the ECW Arena back
: > in 1993, they were tag team champions. It was bad.

: And people rag on the Smoking Gunns....

I'll take the freakin' Ding Dongs over Hotbody & Stetson.

: [Dreamer/Raven angle deleted]
: > *vomits on keyboard*
: > Can you say, "WHAT THE FUCK?"

: Well. I never said it was a good angle. I figured they might have set it
: up on TV, but I guess not. I'm assuming this is the set of for why Raven
: is after him. If you've gotten my review yet [ECW] 4-8-94, It has a bit
: more of how it played out.

I checked that. I'm willing to give this one time to play itself out, it
could turn out for the best, but I still have my doubts ...

: > I really like Richards' character and how it's evolved. I've been
: > cracking up at his interviews lately. Raven needs to stop acting like
: > Undertaker and be a little more interesting. I understand that he's
: > being portrayed as the pensive, silent type, but after you've seen him as
: > Johnny Polo, there's no going back. :)

: Well, a lot of people really hated his character.

Levy's or Richards'?

: From what I got to see
: of the match (between people standing in my way and signs), Raven did some
: nice moves. I really hope they don't push him as an Undertaker like
: character, but he's won virtually all his matches via screwjob.

All three of them, yes. When you have to screwjob a win from Hack Myers,
you're a pretty sad character. :)

: > OK, now let me get this straight. Sandman hates Cactus for arguing with
: > Woman about Sullivan. Woman is now with Douglas, who is teaming with
: > Cactus. Woman hates Cactus. This is getting weird, my friends. Stay
: > tuned.

: Well, round and round it goes, where she stops, nobody knows. I wouldn't
: be surprised if the tag match at the Flagstaff turns into a 4 way every man
: for himself brawl.

I hope they all gang up and beat the snot out of Simmons. That would be
worth the $12 and the two-hour drive alone.

: As far as the Pitbulls go. I didn't know why people were down on them
: after their PE match, which was awesome. Tonight, they showed they still
: need work (and don't let them interview).

I wasn't down on Pit Bulls after the PE match. They showed more in that
plus the bout with Bad Breed (losers-split-up-forever) than I've ever
seen from them. The potential is there, no question about it. They're
just not consistent enough ... yet.

Jess McGrath

Ray Duffy

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:
> Ray Duffy (bl...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
> I'll take the freakin' Ding Dongs over Hotbody & Stetson.

You know you really suck when....

As scary as the suggested wish of somebody to bring in Eadie and Darsow,
they'd be better than these two. Hell, the Mulkeys would be better than
these two.

> :Well, a lot of people really hated his character.

> Levy's or Richards'?

I meant Raven. I think Richards is hillarious. I think it's really
strange for us to see Levy as a non-egomaniac type character. I think
Levy's an experimental character. Not every experiment works out well. I
think the thing that has hurt the Raven character is he's been out of the
ring for too long and when he has stepped in, he's won via screwjob.

> I wasn't down on Pit Bulls after the PE match. They showed more in that
> plus the bout with Bad Breed (losers-split-up-forever) than I've ever
> seen from them. The potential is there, no question about it. They're
> just not consistent enough ... yet.

Poor sentance struture on my part. I meant to say : "I couldn't figure
out why people were really down on them as the only work I had seen from
them was the Bad Breed split match, the 6 man squash at the con and the
PE brawl." They were sloppy on Sat. They'll just have to keep working
hard, they've shown (PB1 esp.) that they can put on a good match.

Ray Duffy, MiSTy #38729, Rev. of ULC, Internet F**khead, Friday Observer
"La Dee Da Dee Dee, We Likes To Party, We Chant And Cause Trouble And
Crack Up Everbody" - motto of Los Lurkers Locos. We're Loco By Design.
"I've had enough of you, Todd Pettingil!" - Sandman to Joey Styles - ECW TV

Dave Scherer

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
On Mon, 10 Apr 1995, Ray Duffy wrote:

> In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:

> > Mike Palij (bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:
> > Two things:
> > 1. Almost *anybody* against Hotbody & Stetson would make them faces. :)
> > From the way the interview sounded (at least what I could hear of it),
> > that's it for the Broad Street Bullies (thank God).

> I certainly hope so. Were these guys ever good?

They were better than they are now. For sure. I always liked Larry
Winters too.

> > 2. The Pit Bulls called Raven their master in the post-match interview.
> > Where the hell was Jason tonight?

> Judging from the fact Jason has been fired by Dean & Chris AND the
> Pitbulls, it's probably safe to say he's gone. A guy who works on an
> independent promotion said he got Jason to work a card for him. It's
> really a shame as I said in my reveiw as I like Jason's gimmick a lot.

I have heard nothing about this. He has kind of been phased down lately.

> > : a hot looking mystery woman. Who is she? What role is

> > : she playing? I guess we'll find out on TV.
> >

> > Tammy Fytch wannabe is the best way to describe her.

> OK, here's what I made out (Tod, please get a better sound system).
> Dreamer and Raven went to Summer Camp together. She was a fat girl who
> was there too. My guess is they'll work a love triangle type deal and
> that's the reason why Raven is after Tommy.

I agree with Mike. I can think of two areas that she has Tammy beat, and
they jump right out at you.

> he's going to do next. Butch just slaps him around and tells him to shut
> up. If you've seen the cartoon, you'll know what I mean. If not, it's
> just the perfect Toadie relationship.


> > People keep saying it's been teased, but it makes no sense. Why would
> > she leave Sandman? It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match. The lack
> > of a cane and the fact that Shane was the opponent really exposed Sandman
> > as an average (and I'm being generous) worker. Yes, I like his gimmick.
> > Yes, he does an incredibly awesome legdrop from the top rope and a
> > beautiful back elbow. But that's it.

> I think it fits Woman's character as the manipulative seductress. Now
> she's got the World Champ and I presume Chris and Dean. Sandman really
> wasn't winning matches, so she traded up. What happens with the
> Funk/Shane/Sandman/Cactus situation really confuses me now.

I agree on all parts. Unless...........

Nah, I won't even say it.

> > Hey, Pit Bulls, if you botch a spot once, forget it and move on. Don't
> > subject yourself to further humiliation. And what was he trying for?
> > Looked like a top-rope Frankensteiner to me.

> I think that's what he was gunning for but he ended up having Rocco
> superbomb him twice. I think part of the problem was he was trying to do
> it differently than the last time he did it. In march, we went to the
> outside, locked his legs around Rocco's head and then fell back, snapping
> Rocco over. I think he was trying to do the
> "jump-and-wrap-legs-around-head" version, but let's face it. PB1 isn't
> Eddy Guerrero.

Exactly. PB1 only GOT the rana last time because he did not have to do
the whole move.

Oh, and Iron Mike? I did notice that your paragraph was hacked off!

MASR is about cutting loose and having a good time but NOT overthinking.

Sam 1999

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
Jess McGrath writes:

>I'll take the freakin' Ding Dongs over Hotbody & Stetson.

My god, I laughed so hard I'm wiping snot off my keyboard as we speak!

>I wasn't down on Pit Bulls after the PE match. They showed more in that
>plus the bout with Bad Breed (losers-split-up-forever) than I've ever
>seen from them. The potential is there, no question about it. They're
>just not consistent enough ... yet.

Everybody calls me crazy, but I think that the Bulls have some potential.
First off, they have the look down pat. It might not mean much in ECW, but
once they go to Vinceland (a definite possiblility IMHO), look for
stardom. They've shown me enough nice spots that I won't think they will
suck forever. Those blown spots in the run in post-Dance made me laugh my
a@@ off though.
As far as this Dreamer-Raven thing, I agree in that it's run way too long.
Interesting enough angle, but not good enough to wait months on. I think
we should see more Richards interviews on TV, I like his schtick.


Eugene Stern

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
In article <3mbppi$>, Jess C Mcgrath writes:

>: The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:

>: Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can
>: see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this
>: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
>: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
>Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
>summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).

I am buying a soap on the rope for Stanley. This way he wont forget to use
it. Someone bring the water.

>: >Vin was indeed the originator of that highly amusing song.
>: Somehow hearing it is a much better experience than reading it.
>It must be sung to the tune of "Whoomp! There It Is" to be truly

Vin is truly one of the better "Singers on the Fly". Creativity is his
middle name.

>: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new
>: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
>: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)
>Damnit, I want this promotion to please ME!

I dont want hot matches from 2 Cold all the time. I just expect him to show
up and not wrestle like Don E. Allen. We all have our bitching to do about
ECW, and 2 Cold is one of my main problems with the promotion. Did you hear
the lack of noise when he came out? No pop, no dance, nuthin. Just
crickets. Big Vin didnt even Cabbage Patch.

>Mikey regressed at the Arena on Saturday back to jobber role. Why
>wouldn't Simmons sell for him? And where has Paul Lauria been lately?
>(Ed? Tom? Dave? Somebody?)

How much can you acheive with Paul Lauria? They milked "The Giant" gimmick
way too fast. He never got over as a competitve wrestler. Who is he going
to wrestle? Billy. Someone talk to Tod, I got an opponent for Paul Lauria.

>Every time I see a 2 Cold match, I start him over with a clean slate. He

>gets the benefit of the doubt from me most of the time. I've just grown
>to accept that I will probably not get a fantastic match from him every
>time out (like Sabu or Funk). Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that
>Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
>going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
>of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's

I think the Eddy win over 2 Cold is a chance to allow 2 Cold to get over
with the crowd by winning the belt back later this week. Obviously Eddy
isnt here for the long haul. Unfortunately 2 Luke Warm is. Maybe he will
smell the coffee soon.


This Group is your group,
This group is my group,
We can post great stuff,
Or can post dog poop.

This group, was made for you and me.

<tm> 1995. Dave Scherer.
"THE GIRAFFE" Eugene Stern
Live from NYC <on weekends only>!
-The New York Chapter of "BINGO MUTTS" at ECW
-MASR -- Mutants Against Star Ratings -- It's Good For Your Health!
-Manager for the newest ECW sensation, "2-1-2" Big Vin.

Peter Stein

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
In <> (The Bogus Prophet) writes:

> (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>>The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
>>: > (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:

>Hmmm, interesting to see where ECW has been and where it is now.
>It has come quite a way.

You don't have to look any farther than the "Super Summer Sizzler" show to
see that. Who's left in the group from that tape? Sandman, Funk, J.T. I
believe that's it. Scary.

>>Busting on the wrestling and/or pointing out flaws is still not good
>>enough. (smiley for the sarcasm-impaired)

>Hmmm, how about: Tod's suit doesn't fit him right! Nyah, too weak.
>How about: Not enough toilet paper! Nyah, they had enough last time.
>I know: Damned Fienstein never has the tapes in that he says he's gonna
>bring!!! There, I feel objective already.

Uh, uh, uh- shit! OK, Feinstein's a pissant! It's too crowded! And those
Bleacher Bums are a bunch of boozy fuckheads! Yeah, that's the ticket...

>>: >I agree but disagree. Yes, in a couple of areas, she was superior to Ms.
>>: >Fytch/Powter. But, overall, I remain a Tammy Fytch mark.
>>: Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can
>>: see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this
>>: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
>>: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
>>Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
>>summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).

>*gack*! Please don't say those sort of things. After he took his
>shirt off at the last show, turned around, and bent over, all I could
>think was, Yes, a crack can kill.

YEESH. Don't remind me! Brian's been scarred ever since... ;)

>>: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery
>>: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
>>: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)

You kidding? Paul's a booker, not a miracle-worker.

>>: Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible
>>: we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)
>>As long as he doesn't bring Unabom ...

>Better Unabom than Boo.

Or the Wolfman. Besides, I've heard some good things about Osborne.
Didn't he spend some time in Japan working with Fujiwara's group? That
leads me to believe he could work a tough style at the Arena.

>>Mikey regressed at the Arena on Saturday back to jobber role. Why
>>wouldn't Simmons sell for him? And where has Paul Lauria been lately?
>>(Ed? Tom? Dave? Somebody?)

>We're listening...

Hmm. Mike, remember the conversation you and I had with Giraffe after
Holiday Hell 2? We were all convinced Ron was on the way out after the
Shane match debacle. Paul obviously is gambling that he'll start going
over soon. Controlling 911 may be a start, though he's still got a ways to
go. Besides, who's there that we wouldn't mind seeing job for Simmons?
Sendoff? Hartgood? No one we care for, anyway. Mikey just happened to be
the lesser of the evils that night, FWIW...

>>Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that
>>Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
>>going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
>>of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's

>Yes, Scorpio redeemed himself in my eyes by the end of the match.
>I hope that's the start of a trend.

And the Luchadores I heard about coming in on IRC couldn't hurt either.
Someone said that Eddy opened the door for Psicosis and Rey Misterio Jr. to
come to the Arena. If 2CS can't have a four-<insert noun here> match with
*these* guys, I quit.

Pete Stein, (AOL's wisecracking Mr Pogo)

"This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been
attributable to human error." --HAL, _2001: A Space Odyssey_

"Bad Boy" Steve Black

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, The Bogus Prophet wrote:
> (Peter Stein) writes:
> > (The Bogus Prophet) writes:
> >> (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
> >>>The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
> >>>: > (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
> Hey! Looks like we might on the way to a cascade! ;-)

Do you blame them? Since everybody else seems to want to join in...:>

> >>Hmmm, interesting to see where ECW has been and where it is now.
> >>It has come quite a way.
> >You don't have to look any farther than the "Super Summer Sizzler" show to
> >see that. Who's left in the group from that tape? Sandman, Funk, J.T. I
> >believe that's it. Scary.

> It has come a long way. But, really, can someone tell me,
> when does it get good?

*checks watch* According to my own calculations, about 6:50 p.m. EST
April 8th, 1995. But only because I'd never been there before. :>

Anyone who looks at the reports and match ratings and wonders what the
hell all the fuss is about either a) has never been to the Arena; b) had
some other mitigating factor that was not brought into play; c) is a
stupid friggin' idiot; d) all of the above. I can think of at LEAST 10
people on here that fit under d).

But, oh, I'm sorry, I'm an ECW fan, so my opinion doesn't count. Silly
me. (Can you tell I'm a little pissed about the recent SMW/ECW flamewars?)

> >>>Busting on the wrestling and/or pointing out flaws is still not good
> >>>enough. (smiley for the sarcasm-impaired)

> >>Hmmm, how about: Tod's suit doesn't fit him right! Nyah, too weak.
> >>How about: Not enough toilet paper! Nyah, they had enough last time.
> >>I know: Damned Fienstein never has the tapes in that he says he's gonna
> >>bring!!! There, I feel objective already.
> >Uh, uh, uh- shit! OK, Feinstein's a pissant! It's too crowded! And those
> >Bleacher Bums are a bunch of boozy fuckheads! Yeah, that's the ticket...

> Yeah! Fuck the Bleacher Bums!

But Mike, I thought that was a desirable outcome. ;>

> Also, Women's dresses are short enough, aren't cut low enough,
> and she could use 2 more inches on her black leather heels!
> Now that's something to complain about!

Hey, Steve Richards, if you're reading this, do NOT take that idea to Tod
Gordon. Just making sure you understand. ;>

> >>>: Nonetheless, I think this

> >>>: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
> >>>: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
> >>>Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
> >>>summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).

I swear to God I recognize this guy. Every so often, despite my attitudes
that there are plenty of homeless people that are responsible for their
own plight, I sometimes give them money if they don't look threatening.
Well, I swear to GOD this guy looked like one of the people I gave money
to a few years ago.

Please, throw this guy in a washing machine and set the spin cycle, will
ya? :>

> >>*gack*! Please don't say those sort of things. After he took his
> >>shirt off at the last show, turned around, and bent over, all I could
> >>think was, Yes, a crack can kill.

I, fortunately, turned around in time, as this is a sight that may cause
deep hurting, as Mr. Socha found out. :> I'd kick his ass, but I'm not
sure I'd ever get my foot out. :>

> Poor boy! Good thing he wasn't there this past weekend. Stanley
> really frightened us by making believe that he was going to re-create
> the final runway scene from Ready-to-Wear (yes, the nude one).

The Match We Never, Ever want to see: Big Vin vs. Stanley in a tuxedo
match. :>

> >>>: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery
> >>>: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
> >>>: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)

> >You kidding? Paul's a booker, not a miracle-worker.

Pete's right. It'd be easier for him to make wine from Stanley's sweat. :>

> >>>: Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible
> >>>: we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)

At least he wasn't at this one. Knowing my luck with being live at Snow's
matches, they'd have probably put him against Simmons on a night where
Snow decided to mail it in, and then we'd have *really* had a reason to
chant "Bingo." :>

> >We were all convinced Ron was on the way out after the
> >Shane match debacle. Paul obviously is gambling that he'll start going
> >over soon. Controlling 911 may be a start, though he's still got a ways to
> >go.

> Agreed. Marrying Simmons to 911 for now give both of them something
> to do but that can only go on for so long, like the Mr. Hughes-911
> series.

Why not just make Simmons re-learn how to wrestle? I mean, damn, he's
done it before--what is it that's forced this knowledge from his
Godforsaken brain? :>

> >>>Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that
> >>>Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
> >>>going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
> >>>of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's
> >>>credit).

I think that a lot of the hardcores were being too hard on Scorpio. I
thought he did a pretty consistent job, even if the first half was a bit
slow. He had his working shoes on.

"Bad Boy" Steve Black, Still Cute And Cuddly After All These Years
Rocco Rock on IRC Send all mail:
"Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu suck, you suuuuuuuuuuuuck, you really
--ECW Bleacher Bums, to Ron Simmons, 4/8/95

The Bogus Prophet

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
to (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>Mike Palij (bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:
>: Match 1: Broad Street Bullies (Tommy Stetson, Johnny Hotbody)
>: vs The Pitbulls (w/o Jason)
>: The Pitbulls essentially demolish the BS Bullies. Pitbulls
>: win after PB2 powerbombs Stetson from the second turnbuckle.
>: The slightest hint that the Pitbulls may be turning face
>: after this match.
>Two things:
>1. Almost *anybody* against Hotbody & Stetson would make them faces. :)

You make a valid point. ;-)

>From the way the interview sounded (at least what I could hear of it),
>that's it for the Broad Street Bullies (thank God).

Amen! And as for the problem hearing Stiles & Co when they're at
ringside, they really need to do something about the sound system.

A couple of speakers behind the Bleacher Bum section would be a
good thing (ya hear me Misnik and/or Zohn?)

>2. The Pit Bulls called Raven their master in the post-match interview.

>Where the hell was Jason tonight?

As someone else posted earlier (was it one of the infamous Los Lurkers
Locos? BTW, I thought I heard something about summer camp but couldn't
figure out what the hell Steve was talking about), the Pits have
apparently pledged their allegiance to Raven. Was it Jason's night off
or is he history?

>: After the match, Richards, Stiles, and Raven talk but
>: they couldn't be heard in the bleachers. At one point
>: Raven slaps Richard's face which prompts a "Fuck Him UP!".
>: But instead of following the good advice of the fans,
>: Steve runs into the back/dressing room, and brings out
>: a hot looking mystery woman. Who is she? What role is
>: she playing? I guess we'll find out on TV.
>Tammy Fytch wannabe is the best way to describe her.

Hmmm, maybe but, if memory serves, I think she had Tammy
beat in a couple of areas.

>: Match 2: Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer
>: Dreamer dominates most of the match. Raven juices heavy after
>: Tommy rakes a cheese grater over Raven's forehead. Dreamer
>: is putting the coup de grace/pin on Raven when Richards starts
>: to threaten the mystery woman at ringside. Dreamer gets up
>: before the 3 count to help the woman. Gets to ringside, breaks
>: her free from Richards, but she pulls out a can of hairspray and
>: sprays Tommy in the eyes. Tommy's blinded. Raven comes out,
>: DDTs Tommy at ringside, pushes Tommy into the ring, and gets
>: the win.
>I still don't understand this. Richards chokes the chick, Dreamer saves
>her, she sprays Dreamer and ignores Richards when he tries to
>"apologize", Raven hits Richards, yet they all leave together. This is
>one of the more bizarre angles I've seen in a while.

I couldn't figure this one out either. I was actually more concerned
that the "mystery woman" didn't know what she was doing and legitimately
messed up Tommy's eyes.

>: Joey Stiles comes down to the ring and interviews Chris
>: Benoit. Chris trash talks until Taz shows up and a punchfest
>: ensues. Dean Malenko runs in and he and Chris start to
>: doubleteam Taz. Then RICK STEINER (who? what? where?) runs
>: in for the save. Rick and Taz clean up while the fans bark
>: up a storm.
>What a fuckin' shock. Rick Steiner. That's the last guy I would have
>expected to run in and make the save. I would have been a little happier
>to see Scott but what the hell.

I couldn't believe it. Given his persona, Rick is a better choice as a
partner for Taz though its going to take him a while to adjust his style
to fit in. However, teaming Scotty with Benoit, Malenko, and
Douglas would make a team that could rival the Four Horsemen. Hell,
I'd even settle for Rick and Scott being in as a tag team.

>: Two Cold and Guerrero get on the mic, talking to each other,
>: shaking each other's hands, but finally Eddie slaps Two Cold's
>: face before leaving. Two Cold leaves the ring to the fan's
>: chant of "Whoomp, There It Went."
>I still like "Two Cold Better Work" as a chant. :)

I thought that that was pretty good too (did Vin start that one?) but
I also thought we were being a little too tough on Two Cold. And
what was the story on that bandaged shoulder? Was it real or what?

>He tried to mail it
>in early, but thank God he didn't. I hope they can him and bring in
>somebody who wants to work in the promotion (oh, like, say, Tony Norris). :)

I can tell from your sig that this is truly an unbiased statement. ;-)

>: Match 5: Ian vs. Axle Rotton in a Hair vs Hair Match
>: A bloody brawl with Axle winning. Ian
>Is anyone surprised?

HEY! Where the hell did the rest of that paragraph go!!!
HEY! Why the hell did no one notice?!!! ;-)

>: Match 6: Dino Sendoff vs. Hack Meyers
>: A squash that really should have been the first match of the
>: evening (Hack is over with the fans and though he desrves
>: better, an opening match with him puts the fans in the right
>: frame of mind, IMODO). Hack wins with a spikesuplex.
>The fans stopped paying attention after a minute. Was that how Hack
>won? I was busy daydreaming about the triangle match.

I believe Hack had a standing suplex, dropping Dino down on his
head. The question that I really want answered, and I asked
Dark Cheetah this during the match, why was Hack wearing Angel's
tights? ;-)

>: Match 7: Sandman vs Shane Douglas
>: Sandman makes his grand entrance with Woman and Nancy looked
>: really good tonight in her black dress. Sandman forced to
>: give up his cane after Douglas complains and threatens to skip
>: the match if its left at ringside (Shane: "I'm just a phone
>: call away from New York, Tod"). Shane strongly reprises his
>: heel role. A strong match with Shane ultimately punching
>: Sandman in the nut and rolling him up into small package.
>: Woman joins Shane in the ring, they kiss, and Shane drops
>: Sandman's cigarettes and lighter over his prone body. Shane
>: and Woman leave while Sandman slowly gets up and stumbles
>: out of the ring.
>People keep saying it's been teased, but it makes no sense. Why would
>she leave Sandman?

She wants a *real* blonde?

>It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match.

Given that Sandman has been using his cane for the past, oh, 8 months
or so, it was strange to see him work without it.

>The lack
>of a cane and the fact that Shane was the opponent really exposed Sandman
>as an average (and I'm being generous) worker. Yes, I like his gimmick.
>Yes, he does an incredibly awesome legdrop from the top rope and a
>beautiful back elbow. But that's it.

Agreed. He needs to develop some more moves.

>: While still in the ring, Public Enemy get attacked by the
>: Pitbulls (several big moves were very badly munged,
>: reducing the credibility the Pitbulls had, especially
>: after the good job they did at the last show and in the
>: opener tonight). The Pitbulls do manage make other moves
>: work, such as hanging Johhny and Rocco by their chained
>: dog collars over the top rope, effectively setting up
>: their next match for 4/15.
>Hey, Pit Bulls, if you botch a spot once, forget it and move on. Don't
>subject yourself to further humiliation. And what was he trying for?
>Looked like a top-rope Frankensteiner to me.

I think he first tried a suplex off Rocco the top turnbuckle
but both slipped off. They then go to the other corner and
set up the really botched Frankensteiner. A couple of other
botched moves were in there as well.

>PE challenged Pit Bulls to a first-blood match on 4/15. Weird. They're
>fighting a no-DQ (like that means anything) match in Jim Thorpe the night

Booking on the fly? Why do I have the feeling that Paul is pissed
at Sabu not only for missing this night but also screwing up a major
angle? If Sabu is out, then there has to be major booking changes.

Tiger got to hunt, |Tiger got to sleep,
Bird got to fly; |Bird got to land;
Man got to sit and wonder,"Why, why, why?"|Man got to tell himself he understand
***from "The Books of Bokonon"********************************

Ray Duffy

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95

In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:
> Mike Palij (bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:
> Two things:
> 1. Almost *anybody* against Hotbody & Stetson would make them faces. :)
> From the way the interview sounded (at least what I could hear of it),
> that's it for the Broad Street Bullies (thank God).

I certainly hope so. Were these guys ever good?

> 2. The Pit Bulls called Raven their master in the post-match interview.

> Where the hell was Jason tonight?

Judging from the fact Jason has been fired by Dean & Chris AND the

Pitbulls, it's probably safe to say he's gone. A guy who works on an
independent promotion said he got Jason to work a card for him. It's
really a shame as I said in my reveiw as I like Jason's gimmick a lot.

> : a hot looking mystery woman. Who is she? What role is

> : she playing? I guess we'll find out on TV.

> Tammy Fytch wannabe is the best way to describe her.

OK, here's what I made out (Tod, please get a better sound system).

Dreamer and Raven went to Summer Camp together. She was a fat girl who
was there too. My guess is they'll work a love triangle type deal and
that's the reason why Raven is after Tommy.

> I still don't understand this. Richards chokes the chick, Dreamer saves
> her, she sprays Dreamer and ignores Richards when he tries to
> "apologize", Raven hits Richards, yet they all leave together. This is
> one of the more bizarre angles I've seen in a while.

I think Triple L Steve said that Richards kissed her, she slapped him, he
choked her. It was probably a set up.

I think they're working a weird relationship between Raven and Steve. I
think I can best liken it to "Butch and Chester" from the Looney Toons.
Raven is the Butch character, the big bruiser type who doesn't say
anything and Richards is Chester, the little toadie yap dog who runs
around saying how great his pal Butch is and constantly asking him what

he's going to do next. Butch just slaps him around and tells him to shut
up. If you've seen the cartoon, you'll know what I mean. If not, it's
just the perfect Toadie relationship.

> What a fuckin' shock. Rick Steiner. That's the last guy I would have

> expected to run in and make the save. I would have been a little happier
> to see Scott but what the hell.

I dunno. Rick fits in a bit better with Taz (who I've always compared to
Rick). Plus Rick rarely does godaweful frankstieners :-)

> People keep saying it's been teased, but it makes no sense. Why would
> she leave Sandman? It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match. The lack
> of a cane and the fact that Shane was the opponent really exposed Sandman
> as an average (and I'm being generous) worker. Yes, I like his gimmick.
> Yes, he does an incredibly awesome legdrop from the top rope and a
> beautiful back elbow. But that's it.

I think it fits Woman's character as the manipulative seductress. Now

she's got the World Champ and I presume Chris and Dean. Sandman really
wasn't winning matches, so she traded up. What happens with the
Funk/Shane/Sandman/Cactus situation really confuses me now.

> Hey, Pit Bulls, if you botch a spot once, forget it and move on. Don't
> subject yourself to further humiliation. And what was he trying for?
> Looked like a top-rope Frankensteiner to me.

I think that's what he was gunning for but he ended up having Rocco

superbomb him twice. I think part of the problem was he was trying to do
it differently than the last time he did it. In march, we went to the
outside, locked his legs around Rocco's head and then fell back, snapping
Rocco over. I think he was trying to do the
"jump-and-wrap-legs-around-head" version, but let's face it. PB1 isn't
Eddy Guerrero.

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
: (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
: >Mike Palij (bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:
: >
: >Two things:

: >1. Almost *anybody* against Hotbody & Stetson would make them faces. :)

: You make a valid point. ;-)

Hotbody is so pathetic it's not funny. Besides not taking any decent
bumps that I can recall in a while, his, um, "look" leaves a lot to be
desired when it comes to intimidation. I'm not scared of the guy, I
don't see why anybody else should be. Then again, I'm not scared of
Mikey Whipwreck either, but he kicks major ass in the ring.

And the saddest thing is, Hotbody is a former ECW heavyweight champion
and three time tag team champion (twice with Chris Candido).

: >From the way the interview sounded (at least what I could hear of it),

: >that's it for the Broad Street Bullies (thank God).

: Amen! And as for the problem hearing Stiles & Co when they're at
: ringside, they really need to do something about the sound system.
: A couple of speakers behind the Bleacher Bum section would be a
: good thing (ya hear me Misnik and/or Zohn?)

Excellent idea. :) It really sucks, and I think it hurts the matches

because the fans can't get into the match as much. I think if I knew who
the girl was it might have helped.

: >2. The Pit Bulls called Raven their master in the post-match interview.

: >Where the hell was Jason tonight?

: As someone else posted earlier (was it one of the infamous Los Lurkers
: Locos? BTW, I thought I heard something about summer camp but couldn't
: figure out what the hell Steve was talking about), the Pits have
: apparently pledged their allegiance to Raven. Was it Jason's night off
: or is he history?

I'm now hearing rumblings he's gone. That's too bad because his gimmick

is pretty funny. Maybe Mikey beating him last month was the way to
finish off all the loose ends from his run in ECW.

: >Tammy Fytch wannabe is the best way to describe her.

: Hmmm, maybe but, if memory serves, I think she had Tammy
: beat in a couple of areas.

I agree but disagree. Yes, in a couple of areas, she was superior to Ms.

Fytch/Powter. But, overall, I remain a Tammy Fytch mark.

: >I still don't understand this. Richards chokes the chick, Dreamer saves

: >her, she sprays Dreamer and ignores Richards when he tries to
: >"apologize", Raven hits Richards, yet they all leave together. This is
: >one of the more bizarre angles I've seen in a while.

: I couldn't figure this one out either. I was actually more concerned
: that the "mystery woman" didn't know what she was doing and legitimately
: messed up Tommy's eyes.

This is the kind of thing that you have to watch TV to figure out. And

this whole angle better start moving faster soon, or else interest is
going to diminish. I think the entire Raven-Dreamer scenario of late is
more representative of "booking on the fly" than anything else in ECW.

: I couldn't believe it. Given his persona, Rick is a better choice as a

: partner for Taz though its going to take him a while to adjust his style
: to fit in. However, teaming Scotty with Benoit, Malenko, and
: Douglas would make a team that could rival the Four Horsemen. Hell,
: I'd even settle for Rick and Scott being in as a tag team.

I agree that Rick & Taz fit better together. But I just would have
personally enjoyed Scott Steiner being there more than Rick. Scott is an
amazing wrestler. I remember Joel Goodhart used to pump him as being a
future World champion. I wonder why he never got a singles push
(probably had to do with his god-awful interview skills).

: >I still like "Two Cold Better Work" as a chant. :)

: I thought that that was pretty good too (did Vin start that one?) but
: I also thought we were being a little too tough on Two Cold. And
: what was the story on that bandaged shoulder? Was it real or what?

Vin was indeed the originator of that highly amusing song.

Maybe we were being too tough on Scorpio, but it's gotten to where he

needs to earn my respect. Lousy match after lousy match (Hector, Sabu,
Malenko twice, although the 3/18 match is excusable, Sandman). He seems
like he's in it for the paycheck and nothing else.

: >He tried to mail it

: >in early, but thank God he didn't. I hope they can him and bring in
: >somebody who wants to work in the promotion (oh, like, say, Tony Norris). :)

: I can tell from your sig that this is truly an unbiased statement. ;-)

Oh, and while we're at it, how about "Gladiator" Mike Awesome coming

back? He's on my "short list", along with Al Snow, but I doubt we'll see
him in the Arena for a while.

: >The fans stopped paying attention after a minute. Was that how Hack

: >won? I was busy daydreaming about the triangle match.

: I believe Hack had a standing suplex, dropping Dino down on his
: head. The question that I really want answered, and I asked
: Dark Cheetah this during the match, why was Hack wearing Angel's
: tights? ;-)

Hack had to be down after that match. Terrible match, the crowd didn't

even give a crap. It's a shame too, because Hack has a lot of potential
and deserves better (so did Mikey, who didn't do one suicidal thing all
night because of "You Suck" Simmons).

: >It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match.

: Given that Sandman has been using his cane for the past, oh, 8 months
: or so, it was strange to see him work without it.

Definitely. His match with J.T. Smith in Northeast Catholic saw J.T.
break the cane over his knee in the first minute and they had to wrestle
the rest of the way. It was bad, but I blame that one on Smith, cause
he, for lack of a better term, sucks.

: >Hey, Pit Bulls, if you botch a spot once, forget it and move on. Don't

: >subject yourself to further humiliation. And what was he trying for?
: >Looked like a top-rope Frankensteiner to me.

: I think he first tried a suplex off Rocco the top turnbuckle
: but both slipped off. They then go to the other corner and
: set up the really botched Frankensteiner. A couple of other
: botched moves were in there as well.

And for you Japanese wrestling fans out there who thought Tony Palmora's
punches were pulled in his match with Sting, you ain't seen nothing until
you've seen Pit Bull #1 hit Johnny Grunge with ten "punches". As Big Vin
said, "I hit my own pillow harder than that."

: >PE challenged Pit Bulls to a first-blood match on 4/15. Weird. They're

: >fighting a no-DQ (like that means anything) match in Jim Thorpe the night
: >before.

: Booking on the fly? Why do I have the feeling that Paul is pissed
: at Sabu not only for missing this night but also screwing up a major
: angle? If Sabu is out, then there has to be major booking changes.

I read somewhere that PE vs. Pit Bulls was supposed to happen on 4/15

anyway. Sabu vs. Eddy Guerrero was the rumored match for Saturday. I
assume we'll get "treated" to a Scorpio vs. Guerrero rematch.

Jess McGrath

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
Ray Duffy (bl...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
: In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:

: > From the way the interview sounded (at least what I could hear of it),

: > that's it for the Broad Street Bullies (thank God).

: I certainly hope so. Were these guys ever good?

Not that I can recall. When I just started going to the ECW Arena back
in 1993, they were tag team champions. It was bad.

: > 2. The Pit Bulls called Raven their master in the post-match interview.

: > Where the hell was Jason tonight?

: Judging from the fact Jason has been fired by Dean & Chris AND the

: Pitbulls, it's probably safe to say he's gone. A guy who works on an
: independent promotion said he got Jason to work a card for him. It's
: really a shame as I said in my reveiw as I like Jason's gimmick a lot.

Jason has a great gimmick but he sucks as a wrestler. I thought I was
going to kill myself if he held the TV title for much longer.

: OK, here's what I made out (Tod, please get a better sound system).

: Dreamer and Raven went to Summer Camp together. She was a fat girl who
: was there too. My guess is they'll work a love triangle type deal and
: that's the reason why Raven is after Tommy.

*vomits on keyboard*

Can you say, "WHAT THE FUCK?"

This is silly bordering on absurd bordering on insulting. Summer camp?
Fat girl now thin? Love triangle/square (Richards too)? Now I've got to
watch the TV to see where this one goes (besides down the toiler).

: I think Triple L Steve said that Richards kissed her, she slapped him, he

: choked her. It was probably a set up.

OK, that makes a little more sense now.

: I think they're working a weird relationship between Raven and Steve. I

: think I can best liken it to "Butch and Chester" from the Looney Toons.

I really like Richards' character and how it's evolved. I've been

cracking up at his interviews lately. Raven needs to stop acting like
Undertaker and be a little more interesting. I understand that he's
being portrayed as the pensive, silent type, but after you've seen him as
Johnny Polo, there's no going back. :)

: > People keep saying it's been teased, but it makes no sense. Why would

: > she leave Sandman? It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match. The lack
: > of a cane and the fact that Shane was the opponent really exposed Sandman
: > as an average (and I'm being generous) worker. Yes, I like his gimmick.
: > Yes, he does an incredibly awesome legdrop from the top rope and a
: > beautiful back elbow. But that's it.

: I think it fits Woman's character as the manipulative seductress. Now

: she's got the World Champ and I presume Chris and Dean. Sandman really
: wasn't winning matches, so she traded up. What happens with the
: Funk/Shane/Sandman/Cactus situation really confuses me now.

OK, now let me get this straight. Sandman hates Cactus for arguing with

Woman about Sullivan. Woman is now with Douglas, who is teaming with
Cactus. Woman hates Cactus. This is getting weird, my friends. Stay

: > Hey, Pit Bulls, if you botch a spot once, forget it and move on. Don't

: > subject yourself to further humiliation. And what was he trying for?
: > Looked like a top-rope Frankensteiner to me.

: I think that's what he was gunning for but he ended up having Rocco

: superbomb him twice. I think part of the problem was he was trying to do
: it differently than the last time he did it. In march, we went to the
: outside, locked his legs around Rocco's head and then fell back, snapping
: Rocco over. I think he was trying to do the
: "jump-and-wrap-legs-around-head" version, but let's face it. PB1 isn't
: Eddy Guerrero.

Two problems:
1. Pit Bull #1 was blown up from his one-minute match with Broad St.
Bullies and a run-in, which is pretty sad.
2. He did a very nice Frankensteiner on Ian or Axl a couple months ago in
the losers-split-up match. I never would have expected it out of him.
After seeing the show Saturday, I remembered why.

Jess McGrath

The Bogus Prophet

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95
> (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
>: (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>: >Mike Palij (bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:
>: >You make a valid point. ;-)
>Hotbody is so pathetic it's not funny. Besides not taking any decent
>bumps that I can recall in a while, his, um, "look" leaves a lot to be
>desired when it comes to intimidation. I'm not scared of the guy, I
>don't see why anybody else should be. Then again, I'm not scared of
>Mikey Whipwreck either, but he kicks major ass in the ring.
>And the saddest thing is, Hotbody is a former ECW heavyweight champion
>and three time tag team champion (twice with Chris Candido).

History has a way of coming back to haunt one, even a wrestling

promotion. Just be glad that Tod doesn't bring back Sal Bellomo. ;-)

>: Amen! And as for the problem hearing Stiles & Co when they're at
>: ringside, they really need to do something about the sound system.
>: A couple of speakers behind the Bleacher Bum section would be a
>: good thing (ya hear me Misnik and/or Zohn?)
>Excellent idea. :) It really sucks, and I think it hurts the matches
>because the fans can't get into the match as much. I think if I knew who
>the girl was it might have helped.

Ya hear us, guys? Listen up! (Hey Jess, we're now objective! Ooops!
That was another thread.)

> [re: Jason]

>I'm now hearing rumblings he's gone. That's too bad because his gimmick
>is pretty funny. Maybe Mikey beating him last month was the way to
>finish off all the loose ends from his run in ECW.

Tom, Ed? What's the story?

>: >Tammy Fytch wannabe is the best way to describe her.
>: Hmmm, maybe but, if memory serves, I think she had Tammy
>: beat in a couple of areas.
>I agree but disagree. Yes, in a couple of areas, she was superior to Ms.
>Fytch/Powter. But, overall, I remain a Tammy Fytch mark.

Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can
see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this

newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)

>: >I still don't understand this. Richards chokes the chick, Dreamer saves
>: >her, she sprays Dreamer and ignores Richards when he tries to
>: >"apologize", Raven hits Richards, yet they all leave together. This is
>: >one of the more bizarre angles I've seen in a while.
>: I couldn't figure this one out either. I was actually more concerned
>: that the "mystery woman" didn't know what she was doing and legitimately
>: messed up Tommy's eyes.
>This is the kind of thing that you have to watch TV to figure out. And
>this whole angle better start moving faster soon, or else interest is
>going to diminish. I think the entire Raven-Dreamer scenario of late is
>more representative of "booking on the fly" than anything else in ECW.

Actually, I thought just the opposite. I thought that they were slowly

(step by step, inch by inch, oops! wrong routine) building up to the
big surprise, namely, why Raven has it in for Dreamer through a methodical
approach. It seemed to me, though, that they left the pot simmering far
too log.

>: >I still like "Two Cold Better Work" as a chant. :)
>: I thought that that was pretty good too (did Vin start that one?) but
>: I also thought we were being a little too tough on Two Cold. And
>: what was the story on that bandaged shoulder? Was it real or what?
>Vin was indeed the originator of that highly amusing song.

Somehow hearing it is a much better experience than reading it.

>Maybe we were being too tough on Scorpio, but it's gotten to where he
>needs to earn my respect. Lousy match after lousy match (Hector, Sabu,
>Malenko twice, although the 3/18 match is excusable, Sandman). He seems
>like he's in it for the paycheck and nothing else.

Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery

woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)

>: >He tried to mail it
>: >in early, but thank God he didn't. I hope they can him and bring in
>: >somebody who wants to work in the promotion (oh, like, say, Tony Norris). :)
>: I can tell from your sig that this is truly an unbiased statement. ;-)
>Oh, and while we're at it, how about "Gladiator" Mike Awesome coming
>back? He's on my "short list", along with Al Snow, but I doubt we'll see
>him in the Arena for a while.

Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible

we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)

: >The fans stopped paying attention after a minute. Was that how Hack

>: head. The question that I really want answered, and I asked
>: Dark Cheetah this during the match, why was Hack wearing Angel's
>: tights? ;-)
>Hack had to be down after that match. Terrible match, the crowd didn't
>even give a crap. It's a shame too, because Hack has a lot of potential
>and deserves better (so did Mikey, who didn't do one suicidal thing all
>night because of "You Suck" Simmons).

Of the two, I imagine Mikey must have felt more down because for the last

few shows he's been performing at a very high level but really had to tone
himself down to help get Simmons over. I think Mikey's reluctance to
enter the ring was really due to fear: not of being beaten up but having
to carry Simmons.

>: >It was a weird angle to IMO a lousy match.
>: Given that Sandman has been using his cane for the past, oh, 8 months
>: or so, it was strange to see him work without it.
>Definitely. His match with J.T. Smith in Northeast Catholic saw J.T.
>break the cane over his knee in the first minute and they had to wrestle
>the rest of the way. It was bad, but I blame that one on Smith, cause
>he, for lack of a better term, sucks.

What! Now you want Sandman *and* J.T. Smith to learn how to wrestle!

What a tough guy to please you are! ;-)

>And for you Japanese wrestling fans out there who thought Tony Palmora's
>punches were pulled in his match with Sting, you ain't seen nothing until
>you've seen Pit Bull #1 hit Johnny Grunge with ten "punches". As Big Vin
>said, "I hit my own pillow harder than that."

Yeah, except when you're as big as Big Vin, I'd just as soon not be that
pillow. ;-)

>I read somewhere that PE vs. Pit Bulls was supposed to happen on 4/15
>anyway. Sabu vs. Eddy Guerrero was the rumored match for Saturday. I
>assume we'll get "treated" to a Scorpio vs. Guerrero rematch.

Wait a minute, didn't we already see this? ;-) Well, if Two Cold continues

to pick up his pacing and get over his injuries, then this could be good.

I'm willing to give Two Cold the benefit of the doubt until the show. If
I'm wrong, *I'll* start the "Two Cold Better Work" chant. ;-)


Ray Duffy

Apr 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/10/95

In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:
> Ray Duffy (bl...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
> : In a previous posting, Jess C Mcgrath ( writes:
> Not that I can recall. When I just started going to the ECW Arena back
> in 1993, they were tag team champions. It was bad.

And people rag on the Smoking Gunns....

[Dreamer/Raven angle deleted]

> *vomits on keyboard*
> Can you say, "WHAT THE FUCK?"

Well. I never said it was a good angle. I figured they might have set it

up on TV, but I guess not. I'm assuming this is the set of for why Raven
is after him. If you've gotten my review yet [ECW] 4-8-94, It has a bit
more of how it played out.

> I really like Richards' character and how it's evolved. I've been

> cracking up at his interviews lately. Raven needs to stop acting like
> Undertaker and be a little more interesting. I understand that he's
> being portrayed as the pensive, silent type, but after you've seen him as
> Johnny Polo, there's no going back. :)

Well, a lot of people really hated his character. From what I got to see

of the match (between people standing in my way and signs), Raven did some
nice moves. I really hope they don't push him as an Undertaker like
character, but he's won virtually all his matches via screwjob.

> : I think it fits Woman's character as the manipulative seductress. Now

> : she's got the World Champ and I presume Chris and Dean. Sandman really
> : wasn't winning matches, so she traded up. What happens with the
> : Funk/Shane/Sandman/Cactus situation really confuses me now.
> OK, now let me get this straight. Sandman hates Cactus for arguing with
> Woman about Sullivan. Woman is now with Douglas, who is teaming with
> Cactus. Woman hates Cactus. This is getting weird, my friends. Stay
> tuned.

Well, round and round it goes, where she stops, nobody knows. I wouldn't

be surprised if the tag match at the Flagstaff turns into a 4 way every man
for himself brawl.

As far as the Pitbulls go. I didn't know why people were down on them

after their PE match, which was awesome. Tonight, they showed they still
need work (and don't let them interview).

Well, the one good thing about everyone posting recaps is the fact people
seem to fill in the gaps of everyone else.

The Bogus Prophet

Apr 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/11/95
to (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
>: > (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>: History has a way of coming back to haunt one, even a wrestling
>: promotion. Just be glad that Tod doesn't bring back Sal Bellomo. ;-)
>Or Jimmy Jannetty, or Metal Maniac, or Glenn Osbourne, or ...

Hmmm, interesting to see where ECW has been and where it is now.

It has come quite a way.

>Oh, did I mention that I thought the pretzels at the Arena needed more
>salt? That *definitely* makes me objective. You still need work.

I'm trying, I'm trying! ;-)

>Busting on the wrestling and/or pointing out flaws is still not good
>enough. (smiley for the sarcasm-impaired)

Hmmm, how about: Tod's suit doesn't fit him right! Nyah, too weak.

How about: Not enough toilet paper! Nyah, they had enough last time.
I know: Damned Fienstein never has the tapes in that he says he's gonna
bring!!! There, I feel objective already.

>: > [re: Jason]
>: >I'm now hearing rumblings he's gone. That's too bad because his gimmick
>: >is pretty funny. Maybe Mikey beating him last month was the way to
>: >finish off all the loose ends from his run in ECW.
>: Tom, Ed? What's the story?

So guys?

>: >I agree but disagree. Yes, in a couple of areas, she was superior to Ms.
>: >Fytch/Powter. But, overall, I remain a Tammy Fytch mark.
>: Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can
>: see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this
>: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
>: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
>Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
>summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).

*gack*! Please don't say those sort of things. After he took his

shirt off at the last show, turned around, and bent over, all I could
think was, Yes, a crack can kill.

>: Actually, I thought just the opposite. I thought that they were slowly
>: (step by step, inch by inch, oops! wrong routine) building up to the
>: big surprise, namely, why Raven has it in for Dreamer through a methodical
>: approach. It seemed to me, though, that they left the pot simmering far
>: too log.
>Yeah, I see your point. I figured it was starting like that too. They
>waited way too long to put Raven in the ring. And the entire Steve
>Richards push and obsession with Levy came out of absolutely nowhere.
>One week, he's a scrub. Next, he's Stevie the Body/Stevie Polo, etc.
>Given the incredible amount of time and effort devoted to this angle, I
>figured there would be a better reason for the feud than "fat girl that
>went to camp with them love triangle". Reminds me of that angle that
>went absolutely nowhere in the NWA in 1988 (I think) when Larry Zbyszko
>and Baby Doll had "compromising photos" of Dusty Rhodes that they
>threatened to reveal. They kept building and building and it fizzled.
>The whole thing was a waste of time, which is the kind of feeling I'm
>starting to get with this Raven-Dreamer thing.

True. They need to resolve this soon.

>: >: >I still like "Two Cold Better Work" as a chant. :)
>: >
>: >Vin was indeed the originator of that highly amusing song.
>: Somehow hearing it is a much better experience than reading it.
>It must be sung to the tune of "Whoomp! There It Is" to be truly

Everybody now in harmony: "Two Cold bet....."

>: >Maybe we were being too tough on Scorpio, but it's gotten to where he
>: >needs to earn my respect. Lousy match after lousy match (Hector, Sabu,
>: >Malenko twice, although the 3/18 match is excusable, Sandman). He seems
>: >like he's in it for the paycheck and nothing else.
>: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery
>: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
>: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)
>Damnit, I want this promotion to please ME!

Jess, you're starting to sound like Herb! Knock it off! ;-)

>Seriously, though, there are still some flaws to be worked out in ECW's
>current storylines. And it's not that I don't like the mystery woman (I
>like her a lot, actually!), it's just that this angle is truly bizarre
>and right now it looks like Paul E. has no idea where he wants it to go,
>which is never a good sign.


>: Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible
>: we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)
>As long as he doesn't bring Unabom ...

Better Unabom than Boo.

>: Of the two, I imagine Mikey must have felt more down because for the last
>: few shows he's been performing at a very high level but really had to tone
>: himself down to help get Simmons over. I think Mikey's reluctance to
>: enter the ring was really due to fear: not of being beaten up but having
>: to carry Simmons.
>Mikey regressed at the Arena on Saturday back to jobber role. Why
>wouldn't Simmons sell for him? And where has Paul Lauria been lately?
>(Ed? Tom? Dave? Somebody?)

We're listening...

>: What! Now you want Sandman *and* J.T. Smith to learn how to wrestle!
>: What a tough guy to please you are! ;-)
>I don't want J.T. to learn to wrestle. I want him to go away. ;)

You're a cruel but fair man Jess. :-)

>Every time I see a 2 Cold match, I start him over with a clean slate. He
>gets the benefit of the doubt from me most of the time. I've just grown
>to accept that I will probably not get a fantastic match from him every
>time out (like Sabu or Funk).

Well, once he gets over his injuries I hope he starts to work harder.

>Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that
>Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
>going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
>of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's

Yes, Scorpio redeemed himself in my eyes by the end of the match.

I hope that's the start of a trend.

Jess C Mcgrath

Apr 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/11/95
The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
: (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
: >The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
: >: > (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:

: >Or Jimmy Jannetty, or Metal Maniac, or Glenn Osbourne, or ...

: Hmmm, interesting to see where ECW has been and where it is now.
: It has come quite a way.

Indeed. I'm going to try to find the results from their first-ever show
back in February 1992 and post them, just as a way of reinforcing the
"They've come a long way" idea.

: >Busting on the wrestling and/or pointing out flaws is still not good

: >enough. (smiley for the sarcasm-impaired)

: Hmmm, how about: Tod's suit doesn't fit him right! Nyah, too weak.
: How about: Not enough toilet paper! Nyah, they had enough last time.
: I know: Damned Fienstein never has the tapes in that he says he's gonna
: bring!!! There, I feel objective already.

Tod selling tickets outside the building, that's such a "bush-league"
thing. I mean, my hero Dennis Coraluzzo would never do that. :)

: >: > [re: Jason]

: >: >I'm now hearing rumblings he's gone. That's too bad because his gimmick
: >: >is pretty funny. Maybe Mikey beating him last month was the way to
: >: >finish off all the loose ends from his run in ECW.
: >
: >: Tom, Ed? What's the story?
: >

: So guys?

Well, Dave just posted that Jason left over money. I've already
speculated as to why he might need more money, but I'm sure everyone else
can think of some other reasons.

: >: Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can

: >: see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this
: >: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
: >: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
: >
: >Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
: >summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).

: *gack*! Please don't say those sort of things. After he took his
: shirt off at the last show, turned around, and bent over, all I could
: think was, Yes, a crack can kill.

I was thinking of maybe getting the fire company to come down to the
Arena and hose him down, but after watching him drink from a water
fountain and see the water fall away from his face as if hitting an
impenetrable force field, I changed my mind.

: >Yeah, I see your point. I figured it was starting like that too. They

: >waited way too long to put Raven in the ring. And the entire Steve
: >Richards push and obsession with Levy came out of absolutely nowhere.
: >One week, he's a scrub. Next, he's Stevie the Body/Stevie Polo, etc.
: >Given the incredible amount of time and effort devoted to this angle, I
: >figured there would be a better reason for the feud than "fat girl that
: >went to camp with them love triangle". Reminds me of that angle that
: >went absolutely nowhere in the NWA in 1988 (I think) when Larry Zbyszko
: >and Baby Doll had "compromising photos" of Dusty Rhodes that they
: >threatened to reveal. They kept building and building and it fizzled.
: >The whole thing was a waste of time, which is the kind of feeling I'm
: >starting to get with this Raven-Dreamer thing.

: True. They need to resolve this soon.

The danger with building an angle slowly for months is that if it sucks
when it finally hits the ring, it *really* hurts. I mean, if they try
out Hack as an Iron Sheik gimmick at one show only with one mention on TV
and it bombs, then they can forget it and the fans probably will too.
But when you spend months building up, it's not gonna be so easy to erase
the disappointment.

I'm not going to declare the scenario a bust yet. Raven is an
interesting idea (I liked his early interviews in the classroom and stuff
like that), Richards is starting to become a very amusing character (even
though his car sucks), and Dreamer is, well, hardcore now. There's still
a good deal of potential.

: >: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery

: >: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
: >: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)
: >
: >Damnit, I want this promotion to please ME!

: Jess, you're starting to sound like Herb! Knock it off! ;-)

*Tommy Rich mode on*

Hey, dem's fightin' words boy! I kick yo stinkin' teeth in!

*Tommy Rich mode off*

: >: Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible

: >: we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)
: >
: >As long as he doesn't bring Unabom ...

: Better Unabom than Boo.

Amen, brother. Why couldn't he blow fireballs and be Abuddah Singh
instead of a Norman the Lunatic wannabe?

: >I don't want J.T. to learn to wrestle. I want him to go away. ;)

: You're a cruel but fair man Jess. :-)

Where has our favorite whipping boy been lately (J.T., that is, not
Stanley or Deliverance Boy or any other mutant)? He's got to be pissed
about the fact he almost never works anymore (and a year ago, he was in
the midst of a big push as TV champion).

: >Every time I see a 2 Cold match, I start him over with a clean slate. He

: >gets the benefit of the doubt from me most of the time. I've just grown
: >to accept that I will probably not get a fantastic match from him every
: >time out (like Sabu or Funk).

: Well, once he gets over his injuries I hope he starts to work harder.

So do I.

: >Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that

: >Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
: >going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
: >of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's
: >credit).

: Yes, Scorpio redeemed himself in my eyes by the end of the match.
: I hope that's the start of a trend.

I just wonder what they'll do with Eddy next week. I don't really want
to see Scorpio vs. Eddy again. I'd rather watch Eddy vs. Sabu, to be
totally honest. But I'll take what I can get (hey, it's still better
than Mantaur vs. Bob Holly).

The Bogus Prophet

Apr 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/11/95
to (Peter Stein) writes:
> (The Bogus Prophet) writes:
>> (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:
>>>The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
>>>: > (Jess C Mcgrath) writes:

Hey! Looks like we might on the way to a cascade! ;-)

>>Hmmm, interesting to see where ECW has been and where it is now.
>>It has come quite a way.

>You don't have to look any farther than the "Super Summer Sizzler" show to
>see that. Who's left in the group from that tape? Sandman, Funk, J.T. I
>believe that's it. Scary.

It has come a long way. But, really, can someone tell me,
when does it get good?

>>>Busting on the wrestling and/or pointing out flaws is still not good
>>>enough. (smiley for the sarcasm-impaired)
>>Hmmm, how about: Tod's suit doesn't fit him right! Nyah, too weak.
>>How about: Not enough toilet paper! Nyah, they had enough last time.
>>I know: Damned Fienstein never has the tapes in that he says he's gonna
>>bring!!! There, I feel objective already.

>Uh, uh, uh- shit! OK, Feinstein's a pissant! It's too crowded! And those
>Bleacher Bums are a bunch of boozy fuckheads! Yeah, that's the ticket...

Yeah! Fuck the Bleacher Bums! (Oooops, I'm a Bleacher Bum!).

Also, Women's dresses are short enough, aren't cut low enough,
and she could use 2 more inches on her black leather heels!

Now that's something to complain about!

>>>: Nonetheless, I think this

>>>: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
>>>: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
>>>Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
>>>summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).
>>*gack*! Please don't say those sort of things. After he took his
>>shirt off at the last show, turned around, and bent over, all I could
>>think was, Yes, a crack can kill.

>YEESH. Don't remind me! Brian's been scarred ever since... ;)

Poor boy! Good thing he wasn't there this past weekend. Stanley
really frightened us by making believe that he was going to re-create
the final runway scene from Ready-to-Wear (yes, the nude one).

>>>: Jess, you're a tough man to please. First you don't like the new mystery
>>>: woman, now you want Scorpio to put on hot matches on a regular basis.
>>>: Next, you're probably going to ask that Sandman learn how wrestle! ;-)

>You kidding? Paul's a booker, not a miracle-worker.

I don't know, he's don't pretty good by Mikey.

>>>: Well, given how long some wrestlers have stayed in SMW, its possible
>>>: we might see Al at the 4/15 show. ;-)
>>>As long as he doesn't bring Unabom ...
>>Better Unabom than Boo.

>Or the Wolfman. Besides, I've heard some good things about Osborne.
>Didn't he spend some time in Japan working with Fujiwara's group? That
>leads me to believe he could work a tough style at the Arena.

Interesting. Maybe Tod should give him a tryout.

>>>Mikey regressed at the Arena on Saturday back to jobber role. Why
>>>wouldn't Simmons sell for him? And where has Paul Lauria been lately?
>>>(Ed? Tom? Dave? Somebody?)
>>We're listening...

>Hmm. Mike, remember the conversation you and I had with Giraffe after

>Holiday Hell 2? i

Vaguely, too many Colt 45s that night. ;-)

>We were all convinced Ron was on the way out after the
>Shane match debacle. Paul obviously is gambling that he'll start going
>over soon. Controlling 911 may be a start, though he's still got a ways to

Agreed. Marrying Simmons to 911 for now give both of them something
to do but that can only go on for so long, like the Mr. Hughes-911

>besides, who's there that we wouldn't mind seeing job for Simmons?

>Sendoff? Hartgood? No one we care for, anyway. Mikey just happened to be
>the lesser of the evils that night, FWIW...

I can see that. But still, it was a bringdown for Mikey. Although
it would be waste, putting Al Snow against Simmons might work since
Al could probably carry him. So, when is Al coming in? ;-)

>>>Truly, Sabu is the only opponent that
>>>Scorpio has ever had great matches with consistently. I wonder if Eddy
>>>going over was the reason for a lackluster performance in the first part
>>>of the match (they really picked it up later, though, much to Scorpio's
>>Yes, Scorpio redeemed himself in my eyes by the end of the match.
>>I hope that's the start of a trend.

>And the Luchadores I heard about coming in on IRC couldn't hurt either.
>Someone said that Eddy opened the door for Psicosis and Rey Misterio Jr. to
>come to the Arena. If 2CS can't have a four-<insert noun here> match with
>*these* guys, I quit.

This would be really, really great if true. Something to look forward to.

Ray Duffy

Apr 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/11/95
In a previous posting, "\"Bad Boy\" Steve Black" ( writes:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, The Bogus Prophet wrote:
>> Also, Women's dresses are short enough, aren't cut low enough,
>> and she could use 2 more inches on her black leather heels!
>> Now that's something to complain about!

Bad idea, "Iron" Mike. I think we'd all die in a flood of saliva. The
good part of this would be that Stanley would finally get a bath.

I think a better idea would be to make Woman the manager of the worst
workers. I wouldn't mind a Dino Sindoff match if she managed him...
because I sure as hell wouldn't be watching the match.

And from another post....

In a previous posting, Eugene Stern ( writes:
> Vin is truly one of the better "Singers on the Fly". Creativity is his
> middle name.

I thought Vin's middle name was "-1-"?

Someone else mentioned that Eddy might have opened the door for some other
Luchadors (Psicosis & Rey Mysterio Jr.) to come in. That would be
unbelieveable. One of the things I really like about the ECW is the fact
that you can have a PE and a Pitbulls brawl all over the arena and then
have a Benoit and a Snow have a kick ass scientific match. The only
problem with having the luchadors in is they'll have to make the ringside
area bigger for them.

And if Rey comes in, I think we've found the one person who Lauria can
truly pull the Giant gimmick on :-)

That's it for now... and just when did the Triple L's become "infamous"?
(we like that addition to our title) :-)

Ray Duffy, MiSTy #38729, Rev. of ULC, Internet F**khead, Friday Observer
"La Dee Da Dee Dee, We Likes To Party, We Chant And Cause Trouble And

We Crack Up Everbody" - motto of Los Lurkers Locos. We're Loco By Design.

The Bogus Prophet

Apr 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/11/95
> (Eugene Stern) writes:
>In article <3mbppi$>, Jess C Mcgrath writes:
>>: The Bogus Prophet ( wrote:
>>: Well, having seen Tammy Fytch in a thong bikini only recently, I can
>>: see how one could how your perspective. Nonetheless, I think this
>>: newcomer has potential. It could provide an additional reason for
>>: showing up during those hot, hot summer months. ;-)
>>Definitely. Plus, she will offset the "Stanley factor" (Stanley wearing
>>summer clothing that will reveal any part of his dirt-infested skin).
>I am buying a soap on the rope for Stanley. This way he wont forget to use
>it. Someone bring the water.

I got a better idea. Just bring a rope. ;-)

>>: >Vin was indeed the originator of that highly amusing song.
>>: Somehow hearing it is a much better experience than reading it.
>>It must be sung to the tune of "Whoomp! There It Is" to be truly

>Vin is truly one of the better "Singers on the Fly". Creativity is his
>middle name.

Definitely. Tod has to hire him as PE's manager, tell Vin to be
himself, and step back. He would do just fine.

>I dont want hot matches from 2 Cold all the time. I just expect him to show
>up and not wrestle like Don E. Allen. We all have our bitching to do about
>ECW, and 2 Cold is one of my main problems with the promotion. Did you hear
>the lack of noise when he came out? No pop, no dance, nuthin. Just
>crickets. Big Vin didnt even Cabbage Patch.

You have to admit that the match did wind up being quite good, perhaps
the best of the night.

>>Mikey regressed at the Arena on Saturday back to jobber role. Why
>>wouldn't Simmons sell for him? And where has Paul Lauria been lately?
>>(Ed? Tom? Dave? Somebody?)

>How much can you acheive with Paul Lauria? They milked "The Giant" gimmick
>way too fast. He never got over as a competitve wrestler. Who is he going
>to wrestle? Billy. Someone talk to Tod, I got an opponent for Paul Lauria.

Can't we find someone *shorter* than Lauria for him to fight? ;-)
Damn, I forgot, Dink's busy.

>I think the Eddy win over 2 Cold is a chance to allow 2 Cold to get over
>with the crowd by winning the belt back later this week. Obviously Eddy
>isnt here for the long haul. Unfortunately 2 Luke Warm is. Maybe he will
>smell the coffee soon.

Let's see what he does this weekend. If he doesn't come across
you always send him some coffee, preferably in brick form and
at his head.

>This Group is your group,
>This group is my group,
>We can post great stuff,
>Or can post dog poop.
>This group, was made for you and me.
><tm> 1995. Dave Scherer.

Everybody now, "This...."

morris michael

Apr 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/12/95
bl...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Ray Duffy) writes:

>Someone else mentioned that Eddy might have opened the door for some other
>Luchadors (Psicosis & Rey Mysterio Jr.) to come in. That would be
>unbelieveable. One of the things I really like about the ECW is the fact
>that you can have a PE and a Pitbulls brawl all over the arena and then
>have a Benoit and a Snow have a kick ass scientific match. The only
>problem with having the luchadors in is they'll have to make the ringside
>area bigger for them.

During that whole nuclear fallout from the 3/18 card on the net, there was
one thing that happened that I never brought up but now remember upon reading
this paragraph. At the Arena on that day, I mentioned, in separate conver-
sations, to both Tom Misnik & dave Scherer that I thought it might be a good
idea to send Mikey down to Mexico for a couple of weeks and let him hang out
with Rey Jr. Both times, the response was identical: Tom & Dave shrugged
their shoulders, bounced their heads back & forth, and made hemming and
hawing noises while never actually saying an intelligible word in their
response. Interpret as you like....

Michael Morris
"Always she sparkles... her eyes seem to be on "bright". Her manner is
infectious, and her spirit is as warm as sunshine. She has got to be the
gol-darnedest woman you ever saw. Her name... Monarch." -D. Goodbody

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