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Dear shitbags: I'm not going to miss any of you.

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Family Guy

Feb 15, 2024, 7:42:08 PMFeb 15
I may or may not find an alternative to Google Groups. Frankly this place is so stale not even Olive Garden would serve it as a side dish. Or maybe Applebee's, although I hear that their standards are so low that the menu includes a free drink if you even show up to the restaurant.

Fuck this entire group. Fuck everyone in it. Some of you are a little less of an asshole than others. You know who you are. Or you don't. I don't care.

I will miss the Chadlee stalking everybody and making a complete fool of himself. His mentally-challenged antics have always made for a good laugh. Just one tip, if he sends the Secret Service after you, be sure to tell them that you suspect he's a Chinese spy. I mean, have you SEEN Chadlee's face? I can't tell what nationality he's supposed to be let alone if he's male or female.

Jo-Jo "GIMMIE MONEY 'CUZ I'M YORE SAVE-YORE" DeJong will also be missed. I guess I'll never get to see Round 2 of Man v. Monitor. Oh well. At least I have all those videos from when he got shitcanned publicly blaming and attacking and threatening me. Sometimes I watch those for a laugh. Most are still on vimeo.

Oh, and when Trump loses and Skeeter finally kills himself as a result, can someone publicly post the funeral arrangements? I want to send flowers and mark them from Nancy Pelosi.

Later, douchebags. Next door, jackass.


Feb 15, 2024, 8:47:40 PMFeb 15
In article <>, says...
Don't let the door hit ya.


Feb 15, 2024, 8:59:21 PMFeb 15
x-no-archive: yes

Davey Zimmerman #274

Feb 15, 2024, 10:50:28 PMFeb 15
Family Guy <> wrote in

> I may or may not find an alternative to Google Groups. Frankly this
> place is so stale not even Olive Garden would serve it as a side dish.
> Or maybe Applebee's, although I hear that their standards are so low
> that the menu includes a free drink if you even show up to the
> restaurant.
> Fuck this entire group. Fuck everyone in it. Some of you are a little
> less of an asshole than others. You know who you are. Or you don't. I
> don't care.

Especially the Zimmermen.

> I will miss the Chadlee stalking everybody and making a complete fool
> of himself. His mentally-challenged antics have always made for a good
> laugh. Just one tip, if he sends the Secret Service after you, be sure
> to tell them that you suspect he's a Chinese spy. I mean, have you
> SEEN Chadlee's face? I can't tell what nationality he's supposed to be
> let alone if he's male or female.
> Jo-Jo "GIMMIE MONEY 'CUZ I'M YORE SAVE-YORE" DeJong will also be
> missed. I guess I'll never get to see Round 2 of Man v. Monitor. Oh
> well. At least I have all those videos from when he got shitcanned
> publicly blaming and attacking and threatening me. Sometimes I watch
> those for a laugh. Most are still on vimeo.

Do drop those links to my Facebook account or to The Confessional. I'd
love to share them to the new crop of people who ridicule DeJong.

Chad Bryant

Feb 16, 2024, 7:07:32 PMFeb 16
On Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 5:42:08 PM UTC-7, Alexander Cain as "Family Guy" wrote:

> Jo-Jo "GIMMIE MONEY 'CUZ I'M YORE SAVE-YORE" DeJong will also be missed. I guess I'll never get to see Round 2 of Man v. Monitor. Oh well. At least I have all those videos from when he got shitcanned publicly blaming and attacking and threatening me. Sometimes I watch those for a laugh. Most are still on vimeo.

There is a fair number of us on Facebook looking for those videos as part of an archival project. Please link them.

]v[etaphoid Inc.

Feb 16, 2024, 8:29:14 PMFeb 16
How did the not-broke Bryant family go with the hunt for Smackdown tickets
to tonight’s show at Delta Centre, Sal Tlay Ka Siti?

I do hope one of the boys found someone willing to swap some tickets in the
nosebleeds in exchange for the, er, services they were offering in return…

]v[etaphoid Inc.

Feb 16, 2024, 8:38:48 PMFeb 16
I don’t know what’s sadder - that the little man who couldn’t even finish
his mortal enemy until the Zimmermen stepped in, is going to have to leave
rspw because he’s too stupid to configure a news server without The Googles
doing it for him, or that no one cares, one way or the other…


Feb 16, 2024, 8:38:50 PMFeb 16
and then what did you do

Family Guy

Feb 17, 2024, 2:00:35 PMFeb 17
I'll go with the asshole who is obsessed over Chadlee Bryant, and who obviously cared enough to make that response.
Go drink yourself to death somewhere quiet.

]v[etaphoid Inc.

Feb 17, 2024, 2:37:14 PMFeb 17
I’m not a big drinker, so that’s not likely to happen.

Least of all in the Caribbean where your petty mind accused me of faking
the past 3 weeks. Are you a big enough (no pun intended) man to admit that
you were 100% wrong about me (a) being Chad, and (b) not being on a US &
Caribbean for most of the last month?

Feb 17, 2024, 8:41:04 PMFeb 17
How about getting into politics, Alex? We could use someone to replace Marjorie Trailer Trash in Washington.


Feb 17, 2024, 8:44:12 PMFeb 17
x-no-archive: yes
Careful, you're talking to the movie star who destroyed the almighty
John Henry.  He's quite powerful, I'd be careful.
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