All tickets are general admission. So, the best thing to do is get there
before 7PM for an 8PM show, and get in line. The crowd is surprisingly cool,
though a few motorcycle types wander in as well. Kids should NOT come to any
ECW event, although there were some. Some guy came around and sold us an ECW
program for 2 bucks.
When you're finally let into the arena, you notice that the place is SMALL.
Just get a seat. The fun begins even before the show does.
In case you wanted to know, there's pizza and soft pretzels available at
reasonable prices! Sodas are $1.00 (Coke AND Pepsi), and they have some kind
of carb 'power' drink available. And -- they have something that resembles
The crowd comes ready to CHANT. The hilarious chants begin immediately. This
New York contingent was there to cause havoc with Philly fans, starting
"Phillies suck" and "Flyers suck" chants. They were also Skull Von Krush
marks, which I didn't mind. I personally got them back, starting my own "New
York Sucks" chants, which EVERYBODY joined in. It was all LOL.
This FAT dude sat two rows in front of me. It was f'n hysterical. He was
about 450 pounds of blubber, sitting on a plastic folding chair. He broke 5
chairs! After the third, my whole section was chanting "We want 4....we want
4...", and then he fell again. The whole place joined in when we started the
"we want 5" chant. Even the wrestlers were watching us at that point,
wanting to know what was going on.
Well -- here's the results: [SPOILER]
1. Rhino (w/Corino and Jack Victory in wheelchair) Def Christopher Daniels:
Rhino is a big dude, and he's surprising agile. He did a spinebuster that
kicked ass. They MUST have a microphone under the ring, cause all bumps are
LOUD. He's got some top-rope stuff. Christopher Daniels was just added to
the ECW roster. Daniels showed some cool moves, with some kind of face-first
piledriver. Corino came in and superkicked Daniels while Victory distracted
the ref (LOL). Rhino got the win via a NASTY powerbomb + pin.
Highway to Hell music played, followed by LSD coming to the ring himself
(Little Spike Dudley, playing the Austin Powers thing to the letter). Spike
gave Rhino an 'acid drop' (tornado DDT), and pinned Rhino. Spike gave
Daniels his taped glasses to wear. LOL!
2. Skull Von Krush Def Lance Diamond - Lance who? Must be Neil Diamond's
younger brother. Anyway Skull was completely over with the crowd, thanks to
the New York contingent. Skull kicked some serious ass, using the "people's
stomp" (copying the ROCK of course). Diamond hit a really nasty swinging
neckbreaker while airborne. Skull hit a reverse frog splash that should've
killed Diamond. But Diamond came back with a spinebuster. Skull won by
hitting a nasty DDT and a pin. EXCELLENT match.
3. Roadkill and Doring (with one hot babe) def Nova & Chetty: The match
started with some dancing between Doring and his girlfriend - the dance was
interrupted. Nova looked excellent and agressive. He hit the babe with a
"Kryptonite Krunch", but he was distracted while Roadkill hit a top-rope
frog splash on Nova. OUCH - Roadkill is over 350!
4. Bikini Contest: Dawn Marie Bytch vs Francine: There was some stuff going
on at the stage, which I couldn't see well. It looked like Justin Credible
just caned somebody - probably Tommy Dreamer. Anyway, this interrupted
Bytch, who was about to take off her evening gown. Bytch wasn't wearing a
bathing suit under the gown! However, we didn't get to see much. A catfight
ensued, but Justin & Storm came out and prepared to cane Francine. Lights
went out, and when they came on, all hell broke loose. SABU came in and
cleaned house. SABU SABU SABU! Bill Alfonso even got in some shots. Jerry
Lynn also came out, and after Sabu took Justin and Storm out with a jump
from the top rope to the floor, Lynn helped Francine to the back.
5. El Mosco Def David Cash: (David Cash?) Luchadore match ruled! El Mosco is
an excellent jumping bean, and David Cash Jobber ain't bad either. Suicidial
Asyhi Moonsaults were performed by both these guys right away. This was any
luchadore mark's dream, featuring some corkscrews, some hurricanas, and
FLYING. Toward the end, Cash delivered a nasty powerbomb, and later a
superplex that should've done it. But Mosco hit what I would call a 'Taka
Driver', then a top rope legdrop (not a Hogan legdrop - one that hurts), and
got the pin.
6. Little Guido (with Sal E. Graziano) Def Super Crazy: This match f'n
ruled. I love Little Guido, and screaming that he's a pussy throughout the
match is just FUN. And IMO Super Crazy is the BEST damn luchadore on the
planet bar none. You can tell Guido was trained by Japanese wrestlers - he
his a Japanese-esque armbar right off. Crazy hit some fast moves that I
can't name, couldn't get a pin. He was getting frustrated. Guido distracted
the ref, allowing the Big Salbowski to get in to drop that big body on
Crazy. Somehow, Crazy got out of Guido's pin attempt there. Sal distracted
the ref while Guido hit the Sicilian Crab. Tajiri hit the ring to a
thundering ovation, and kicked Guido in the head. He then went after Crazy
with kicks, and left. This allowed Guido to get the pin. Tajiri came back,
and attacked both Guido and Crazy. Then, TAZ's music came on...
7. Taz def Tajiri for impromtu (?) world title match: Taz hit the ring, and
"Taz is Gay" chants began (that N.Y. Contingent again). He responded with a
"fuck you", to a thundering ovation. He told Tajiri about the great match he
had a few months back in that very arena with the Franchise Shane Douglas (I
saw that one --- it WAS great). He offered Tajiri to take him on, and put on
a match like that one. Tajiri accepted. Mistake. Taz immediately hit a nasty
suplex, and charged Tajiri in the corner, but Tajairi ducked out and hit a
superkick. Tajiri kept going at Taz with all kinds of excellent kicks, but
that wasn't enough. Taz got him in a tazplex which should've killed him.
Tajiri later got Taz in the ropes, and kicked him good. But as he went for a
moonsault, Taz got out of the way, then locked him in the Tazmission. Tajiri
tapped out, and was VERY slow getting out of the ring. Taz and Tajiri did
shake hands. IMO - this was a poor choice for a competitor for Taz, even
though I like Tajiri. But, this was an excellent match anyway.
8. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso) Def Balls Mahoney (TV title match): This is
the kind of match that makes ECW a legend. These guys basically tried to
KILL each other. These guys fought like madmen early on in the ring, with
Rob going aerial right away. Then it went to the floor. Balls hit RVD with a
reddish liquid. LOL. RVD did a moonsault off the rail, followed by a nasty
Van Daminator. Balls was already bleeding! Then RVD set up a chair, and did
a running plancha out to the floor onto Balls. Then, Balls got the
upperhand, hitting a leg drop off the top rope (again -- not like a Hogan
legdrop), followed by a hard snap suplex. Balls hit a frogsplash, but missed
on the second attempt. Alfonzo tossed RVD a chair. RVD did some kind of
somersault flip move sending Balls into the chair. Balls hit a powerbomb.
Van Dam hit the ref - HARD. Balls hit a spinebuster. RVD tried a top rope
move, but Balls caught him and hit him REAL HARD with a chair to the head.
OH MY GOD! Then the match got out of hand - the Dudleyz came out. Balls hit
them both HARD with chairs. Balls was gonna extract some revenge, and he
brought in a table. Bubba was going to go through the table, but D-Von
stopped that. Now, D-Von put BARBED WIRE around the table, set it on fire,
and POWERBOMBED Balls through it. RVD hit both Dudleyz with twin Van
Daminators, then hit the 5-star frog splash on Balls for the win. Balls was
bleeding profusely, and RVD was barely able to stand thanks to some chair
shots to the head earlier. ALL I CAN SAY IS.....WOW!
9. Justin Credible & Lance Storm(w/Jason) Def Jerry Lynn and a mystery
partner (SABU) : AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. This is a non-sanctioned match -
Justin HAD to fight Sabu despite the 'ban'. The entire crowd was screaming
that Justin Credible is a pussy prior to the match. He even gave us the
finger. That meany.
Started off with Justin squaring off with Lynn. When Sabu was tagged, Justin
kept running away. LOL! Sabu went aerial, and hit Storm in the corner. Storm
and Credible left the ring, and Sabu set up a chair, and launched himself
into them. Then, two separate fights broke out on the floor - on the other
side of the ring. I couldn't see what was going on. Alfonso meanwhile hit
Jason and set him up on the table - Sabu put him through it with an elbow
from the top rope. More fighting that I couldn't see occurred on the floor.
Then, Sabu wanted to set up Credible on another table, but instead, Credible
put Alfonso on the table. Sabu was on the top rope, and Storm shoved him off
HARD onto the table. You could hear the thud for miles - poor Bill Alfonso!
Justin started caning Sabu on the floor. Storm hit Lynn into the ropes, and
Credible busted him with the cane. Storm hit a piledriver, and pinned Lynn.
Post-match had Sabu (who was hurting) shoving Sabu back and forth, while
Lynn was trying to help Alfonso. Finally, Sabu got Alfonso in the ring - he
was in bad shape. Alfonso was taken to the hospital I'm sure.
Conclusion: If you are a wrestling fan, you WANT to go to the ECW Arena. I
haven't had this much fun in YEARS. My wife is now a hardcore-a-holic. We
are going back as OFTEN as possible.
If you want directions to the ECW arena, e-mail me.
-TrailerTrash: I watched 'King of the Ring' as well. Sorry WWF, but ECW
kicked your ass this weekend IMO.
>Well -- here's the results: [SPOILER]
>1. Rhino (w/Corino and Jack Victory in wheelchair) Def Christopher Daniels:
>Rhino is a big dude, and he's surprising agile. He did a spinebuster that
>kicked ass. They MUST have a microphone under the ring, cause all bumps are
>LOUD. He's got some top-rope stuff. Christopher Daniels was just added to
>the ECW roster.
"Fallen Angel" Chris Daniels? And I don't get to see ECW until Spetember,
>2. Skull Von Krush Def Lance Diamond - >Lance who?
He's an indy guy. Was he just there as a ham-n-egger or is he in ECW now?
>5. El Mosco Def David Cash: (David Cash?)
He's "David Jericho," too, IIRC. He used to be in one of the local indies
around here and he kicks major ass.
>Conclusion: If you are a wrestling fan, you WANT to go to the ECW Arena. I
>haven't had this much fun in YEARS. My wife is now a hardcore-a-holic. We
>are going back as OFTEN as possible.
Damn, I wish I wasn't stuck in Knoxville. Sounds like a kick-ass show.
Stephen Morelock
Setting DibbaBoy straight
The Dingo Warrior ate my baby...
-Sabu getting attacked and of all people, Jerry Lynn comes out for the save.
No RVD in sight and no use of an angle that would have Lynn and Van Dam having
any conflict over the later team up of Lynn and Sabu.
-Taz giving Taijiri (who has a cool paintless Muta gimmick now) a shot at the
title. Fuck, give RVD the fucking heavyweight title. The TV championship
should be getting bounced around between guys like Justin Credible, Lance
Storm, Balls Mahoney, Taijiri and Jerry Lynn.
Aside from the angle gripes, I can say that the new talent ECW has been
bringing in can certainly do alot to help if they have enough time to gain the
fans respect. The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels probably got the most heat
out of the new talent that was on the card that night with some pretty
innovative moves going on. Rhino is a good worker as well and his size and
agility should be gettig him into some major angles down the line. David Cash
may be a pretty good worker but he didn't prove much at this show. I'm sure
he'll put on better matches in the future but he made one too many mistakes
with El Mosco this time around (language barrier? probably). One of
Bonebreakers own was also in the show as well. She hasn't been given a name
new name as of yet but she's the beautiful young lady who came in as Danny
Dorings new valet and pretty much left as Chris Chetti's (with his new latin
lover gimmick). I don't know how the marks will feel about ECW pulling in so
much indy talent and so few "big names" but personally I think that this is
exactly what they need to do (although one or two big names wouldn't hurt).
Black Dragon (US Wrestling and tape trade site) (Puroresu and videogame site)) (Axl Rotten's Wrestling School)
Even with this, however, they STILL put on an EXCELLENT show - FAR better
than WWF or WCW.
There was a very funny sign at the arena that agrees with you...."Hire some
writers" - LOL.
-TrailerTrash: ECW-4-eva
I am getting concerned that TNN has not formally announced ECW as of yet.
Joey Stiles last comment about it is that he is 'under a gag order and can't
talk about it'. It's July. They better get it together NOW.
BlkDrgn85 <> wrote in message
> After MCW cancelled their show on the same day, I was able to attend the
> ECW show myself and I can definitley say that overall the show was pretty
> I can say that I'm really getting tired of the lack of angles in ECW and
a lot
> of what's going on makes no sense to me for example:
> <snip>