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(results) ECW Hostile City Showdown 1997

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Kronus 1

Mar 16, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/16/97

1. the FBI (Tommy Rich and Little Guido) beat The Rookie Chris Chetti and
Tracy Smothers when Smothers turned on Chetti. Chetti was working the
entire match by himself until Smothers nailed him with a spin kick from
behind, allowing Guido to get the pin. Rich and Smothers embraced after
the match.

2. Taz beat Van Dam via the Tazmission in what Bob Ryder described as a
very good match

3. Sabu made Spike Dudley submit to the tazmission after he tazplexed him.
Sabu, believe it or not, spoke saying Taz you F'N midget get out here.
Sabu jumped off a chair, over the top rope, and crashed through a table
that had Alfonso on it. Taz then took Sabu down before they were pulled
apart by about 25 people.

4. Joey introduces Tod Gordon, who goes on to introduce number 1 title
contender, Sandman, number 2 contender, Stevie Richards, and number 3
contendor, Tommy Dreamer. They all come down to the ring. Tommy shakes
hands with the other 2. Tommy says he wants to be in ECW's first PPV, but
he is stepping out to let Funk take his place. Crowd starts up a 4-way
dance chant. Funk doesn't want to take away Tommy's shot, so Tommy says
I'll have my day, but this is your last shot to him. They then hug.
Tommy and Sandman then hug, and Sandman says it would be an honor to
wrestle him for a title shot. Funk says I appreciate what Tommy is doing,
but I'll be there one way or another. Paul E told Bob Ryder he wasn't
prepared for the crowd wanting a four way dance. It is apparantly still a
3-way dance at the ppv. I am very confused by all this, so I hope someone
will be able to tell us what exactly the match at the PPV is.

5. Candido beat Spicolli in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Spicolli got a roll
up for the first fall. Candido hit Spicolli with the ring bell, then
followed it up with a hurricanrana from the top rope for the second fall.
Spicolli submitted to the figure four in the third fall. Candido gets on
mic and says, "Louie, that makes 3 now, jerk. If you wanna go one more
time, I'll be here April 13th"

6. Douglas beats Pit Bull 1 in an "I Quit" match. PB 1 dominated the
early part of the match, and Douglas was busted open pretty badly. PB 1
went for the full nelson, but he was distracted by Francine. PB 1 did a
Frakensteiner from the top rope, onto a table. the table didn't break, so
he powerbombed Douglas through it. Douglas said he quit while PB 1 had
him in a full nelson, but the ref was distracted by Francine, so he didn't
hear it. Douglas hit PB1 with the time kepper's bell, and followed it up
with a rude awaikening. Douglas locked him in a full nelson, but he
wouldn't give up. Pit Bull 1 was then hung between the top 2 ropes which
Francine had loosened earlier. Lee repeatedly hit Pit Bull 2 with a
chair. Douglas told PB1 to submit, or they'll bash his partner's brains
in. Pit Bull 1 finally did say that he quits. Douglas gets on the mic
and calls Rude a coward for hiding behind a mask. The masked man appears
on the stage, and says he's ashamed because he isn't what he used to be,
but he dared Douglas to get anywhere near him. the masked man promises to
F the Franchise and Francine over at the PPV.

7. Balls Mahony vs Axl Rotten. After a little while, Sandman canes them
both, and the match turns into Mahony vs Sandman. Sandman wins with a
DDT. I am seeing a disturbing trend developing here. This is the second
straight Arena match that Sandman has won despite not being in the match

8. Dudleys cleanly defeated the Eliminators to win the ECW tag titles.
Kronus was bleeding quite a bit in this match that seemed to go over 20
minutes. Saturn made the save after a Buh Buh Cutter on Kronus, but
Saturn was pinned after the move was repeated on him. When Joey Styles
dropped by the Prodigy chat roombefore the show, he said it would be
Eliminators vs Dudleys at Barley Legal for the titles, not a 3 way dance
as many have been saying. This title change was needed to give that match
some heat. Ryder said this was a very good match.

9. Funk beat Lee. Lee pounded Funk with a garbage can, and did a knee
drop from the top rope onto the garbage can laying on Funk. Funk did a
moonsault off the second rope into the second row of the crowd. Funk did
a second moonsault from the top rope onto the trashcan laying on Lee's
head. Lee kicked out at 2. Lee was about to chokeslam Funk, but Funk
DDT'ed him onto the garbage can for the win. Funk was said to have worked
hard after his recent disapointing showings.

10. Joey is in the ring and says the next match is a luck of the draw tag
match. Stevie and Tommy are one team. They are facing Raven and a
partner to be determined by the luck of the draw. Joey has a bowl with a
piece of paper with the name of each wrestler in the building in it. He
picks a blond women from the crowd to reach in, and pick who will be
Raven's partner. The piece of paper has the name of Stevie Richards on
it. Joey is confused by a Stevie and Raven vs Stevie and Dreamer match as
was everyone else is, so he gets some help from Tod Gordon. Gordon says
Richards can't team with 2 people at once, but he can face 2 people at
once. This means the main event will be a 3 way dance: Richards vs
Dreamer vs Raven for the world title. Dreamer and Raven do all the
wrestling while Stevie just stays in a corner. Stevie comes over and says
something to Raven twice. Both times Raven pushes him back into the
corner. the second time this happens, Richards punches him back. Raven
then gets double superkicked, but retaliates with a double low blow. Funk
comes to the ring and is accidentaly hit by a missed Steviekick. Lee is
next to come to the ring, and he chokeslams both Nova and the Meanie.
Funk goes after Raven and the ring fills with all the workers. Chants of
battle royal start. All meyham breaks loose as Candido goes after Van
Dam, and Taz and Sabu face off. Everyone is brawling everywhere. Lee
chokeslams Dreamer over the top rope. The Gangstas' music starts playing
and New Jack does an amazing dive off the entranceway to the dressing room
onto the whole crowd of workers. Stevie Richards and Raven are left as
the only 2 in the ring. The blond who had picked Stevie's name kisses
Stevie. DDT on Stevie by Raven. The blond tries to leave, but Dreamer
stops her, and she is DDTed by Raven. As if that weren't enough, Dreamer
piledrives her. The blond was the same women that had been coming to the
ring after Stevie on the last couple of shows.

I was only at the Prodigy play by play. I did not see this stuff. I hope
some people that were at the Arena will be able to explain some of these
things better.

Quote the Kro Nevermore

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