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[ECW] Live w/ LLL (take two) : 3/8 & 3/9

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Ray Duffy

Mar 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/11/96

Ray fucked up! Ray fucked up!

take two

Hello everyone, Rev. Ray Duffy with another stupid arena report....
well actually two. So here we go :

Night #1 :

ECW - Queens, NY 3/8/96

WARNING : Most of this is correct, however, the order of certain things
might be a little off as I'm writing this after working a full day, going
to a show, getting home at 2 am, then getting up at 6:30 to go into work
again before going to the Philly Show.

Well, since I dubbed Heatwave '95, Heatstroke '95. I think I will dub
this show Hypothermia Havoc '96.

After having my previous plans snowed out, I called up "The Man of 1000
Nicknames" Tom Long the day of the card and meet him after leaving work.
After getting crammed into a subway car, we reach out destination at about
5:30. Today's forcast : colder than the last Queens show. Why can't I
got to ECW when it's a nice, comfortable, clear day? We end up seeing
CactusB on line and BS with him most of the time to eat up the time while
we're being affected by exposure. It seems like the Hell's Angels that
killed a guy at that Stones concert in 1969 finally got out of jail and
were hired by ECW to work security. We get stuck outside in the freezing
cold and when assorted people yell at the guy to let us in, he usually
strolls over to threaten them. Of course, after keeping us waiting outside,
when the doors finally open, the ASSHOLES don't keep track of the line which
was formed so after waiting for 2 hours, a bunch of people just walk right
in ahead of me. Well... that didn't really do them any good.

Our seats are pretty much where they were last show, to the right of
the main camera shot. Not too bad of seats. This show, the staff has
smartened up a bit and has tied the rows of seats together with plastic
ties. This prevents a mass push up to the rails like the last show. On
sale tonight, Brain Pillman shirts. Hmmmm... maybe in a few months they
can sell discount ECW Hollywood Blonds shirts :-)

Onto the matches.

Match #1 :
Joel Goodhart/? v. Kendo Nagasaki/"Sir" Chris Michaels :
I don't know who was Goodhart's partner. Michaels looks plain
goofy with a monicel. His gimmick is that he is "the only American knighted
by the Queen of England". Michaels bows to Kendo before the match and
Kendo bows... and then kicks him. Kendo drags Michaels outside, beats the
shit out of him, then leaves. The Goodhart and partner beat on Michaels,
drawing a "you all suck" chant. Michaels mounts a comeback, goes for the
pin, but before it's done, Sandman runs in, canes the ref, and the three
wrestlers to the cheers of the crowd. Tom thinks that all the ECW jobbers
are wishing 911 was back. Let's see... you have a choice, take a chokeslam
or get wailed on with a cane...

Match #2 :
JT Smith v. "The Shah" Hack Myers :
You know... I think JT is getting over. Back and forth match, JT sets up
Hack for the chair moonsault, but Axl Rotten runs in and gives JT some EVIL
chair shots. Then lays some stiff forearm to him. Hack and Axl run off JT.
Axl received a lot of boos though.

TV Stuff : Shane Douglas comes out to talk and Brian Pillman is at ringside
taunting him. I can't see any of this and Pillman's voice is difficult to
hear live over a microphone. Gist of it, Shane makes fun of 123 Kid and
Razor, Pillman's a ringside, Pillman gets the mic at one point and calls Shane
a quitter. He quit WCW and he quit being a dynamic dude. He quit the WWF.
Pillman says he's a real man, he doesn't quit, he gets his ass thrown out of
town. I think they try to start something, but Pillman pulls a kid in front
of him or something. Security throws Pillman out. Shane says he wants him
back so he can fight him. Shane leaves. Alfonso comes out to confront
Gordon (Tod came out when they were trying to restrain Shane). He calls Tod
a pussy for not letting Pillman fight. Either Tod or Bill slaps the other,
manditory Tod Bill fight followed by a Taz run in, followed by Bam Bam. Bam
Bam no sells a chairshot to the head. Taz runs off.

Match #3 :
Cactus Jack w/ Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie v. "Lionheart" Chris Jericho :
Cactus is annouced as being from Stamford, CT. The most hardcore place known
to Mankind. Stevie and Meanie come out and tell Cactus that they're going to
miss him, so they make him an honorary Fabulous One... and all 3 of them do
the Fargo Strut, classic stuff. Jericho hits them when they're doing a
group hug. Meanie and Stevie fall outside. Cactus asks them if they're OK
and they give the dramatic "NO!" Cactus says he doesn't think two wrongs
make a right, but tonight he'll make an exception by kicking Chris' ass.
Chris does some nice spots during the match as does Cactus. Cactus gave
Jericho 2 or 3 EVIL looking piledrivers. End comes with Jericho avoiding a
hold and nailing Cactus with a german suplex. Jericho leaves. The fans boo
Cactus and the Fabs. Cactus tells the Fabs the story about when he was
growing up how his dad asked him if he wanted to someday work in MSG, and
Cactus said no, he wants to work to a piece of shit building in crime
infested Queens. Cactus said his dad said "OK, just as long as you pick me
up some crack and a few hookers." Cactus has the annoucer ring the bell 10
times and have a moment of silence in memory of the greatest wrestler ever
to step into this ring. After the moment of silence, the 3 do the Fargo
Strut again in the ring, then strut off to the locker room.

Match #4 :
Mikey Whipwreck v. Taz w/ Bill Alfonso :
Mikey and Taz do some nice wrestling moves during the match, switches and
exchanges. Funny point as Mikey tries to Taz-plex Taz, it gets blocked.
Taz with a Taz-plex then the Taz-mission for the win. Taz won't let go,
Bam Bam runs in for the save, Taz gets him in the Tazmission. A few jobbers
run in and Alfonso chairs them. Bad Crew run in... and get run off by chair
shots from Alfonso (so much for a push in ECW :-) ) Taz eventually lets
go and leaves.

Match #5 :
Eliminators v. Pitbulls w/ Francine :
This was a very solid match. Good spots all around. New move from the
Eliminators this week : they do the assisted Moonsault flip plancha...
from the post with Kronos standing on the second rope. Awesome. Pitbulls
hit the Superbomb on Kronos, go for the pin, but Saturn distracts them by
choking Francine. Back in the ring, The Pitbulls blow the Doomsday Device/
Double Impact move (Road Warriors finisher), which ends up with Kronos being
pushed off Pitbull #1's shoulders rather than clotheslined. Francine attacks
Saturn with the chain, confusion insues, Saturn gets the chain, nails the
legal Pitbull and the Eliminators get the win.

Match #6 :
Rey Misterio Jr. v. Juventud Guerrera 2 out of 3 falls :
1 word : Un-Fucking-believable. Can't do lucha matches justice, but here's
how the falls went : First fall, Misterio with an Ocean Cyclone Suplex.
Second fall, Guerrera with a Dragon Suplex. Near the end, Guerrera had
Misterio pinned, but he kicked out barely at 3 and the ref called it three.
The crowd booed and Guerrera waved it off, they restarted the match, Rey got
some offense in, but got caught eventually and Juventud put him away with
a top rope brainbuster. Great match.

Match #7 :
Big Titan v. Dredd : I mistake Titan for Horace Boulder (I thought Bollea's
nephew who has talent working for ECW would be a surprise :-) ). A so so
match. I will hold off condeming Titan as... well... he was working against
Dredd. Titan wins with either a piledriver or a muffed powerbomb that was
almost a piledriver.

Match #8 :
2 Cold Scopio v. Sabu :
A good match, the last one at the arena was better, but still a great match.
Sabu with one dive out into the crowd on Scorpio. They teased a table spot
to the floor at one point, the table stayed there for most of the match and
got broken when Sabu hit a chair launch into a frankensteiner on Scorpio onto
the table. 20 minute draw. During the match a few of the strippers from
Goldfingers were walking around, which distracted most of the crowd. I paid
attention to the match until they annouced 2 minutes, I knew it would be a
draw and a particular woman who a two parts of her body which defied the
dimensions of the rest of her body walked by. They may say about Tommy
Dreamer "He's hardcore!", well, Rev. Ray Duffy... "He's hard up!"

Match #9 :
The Head Hunters w/ Damien Kane & Lady Alexander v. Buh Buh & D.W. Dudley w/
Sign Guy & Big Dick.
This turns into a brawl, with it ending up with the Head Hunters beating on
DW as Buh Buh tries to kiss Lady Alexander, but gets chaired by Damien Kane.
Hunters hit a superplex/ top rope elbow combo on DW. Buh Buh rolls in,
inside cradles one of the Hunters for the win. It really a shame for the
Hunters to have to do the job like this. They continue to fight, one of the
Hunters moonsaults DW. This of course wouldn't have happened if he had
Trigger Dudley with him. Big Dick runs in and breaks his crutch on one of
the Hunters. Dudleys tend to their wounded as Damien issues a challenge to
any team who want to take on the Hunters. Out comes Mustafa from the locker

Match #10 :
The Head Hunters v. the Gangstas :
... and New Jack from the crowd carrying a can full of weapons. New Jack
runs by us, hits the ring and the brawl w/ weapons is on. Once again, the
Queens crowd throws tons of shit into the ring. I couldn't see most of the
brawl or if their was a decisive finish, but needless to say, they tore the
place up.

Paul E. comes out as they're finishing cleaning up the ring, he ends up
slipping at ringside. Paul E. tells us that the commission threatened to
shut the show down if people didn't stop throwing stuff in the ring. I
can't blame them... I wouldn't blame Paul either, it's getting damn annoying
and dangerous. The other news was that there was a 11PM curfew... and it was
11:46. The commission said they had to close down, but Paul said there was
no way they were shutting down until they finished the main event.

Match #11 :
Sandman w/ Missy Hyatt v. Raven w/ Kimona Wanalaya, Steive and the Meanie :
Raven comes out on crutches. Sandman's pissed off because the commission
won't let him drink, they won't let a drunk in the ring. He asks for a beer
and gives us his impression of Onita and Muta after Missy pours a good part
of the can down his throat. Stevie says that Raven can't wrestle, but Raven
tells him to shut up and get out of the ring, he's wrestling. This seems
very legit as Raven is favoring one of his feet the whole match. Raven and
Sandman fight with a crutch and cane respectively. Sandman fights with the
cane in one hand and his beer in the other. A fair match, it goes all over
the place. Stevie interferes, then he and Missy argue. Stevie runs her off,
but she comes back and canes Stevie and Meanie. They go to the back and
brawl. Cactus comes out to help Raven and has to carry him back to the ring.
Sandman goes for the pin, Kimona comes in for the save, as does Missy, about
a billion refs run out to seperate them (jeez, they run out for Missy and
Kimona, where were they when the Gangstas ran in :-) ) Stevie interferes,
puts Raven on top. Shane runs in, nails Stevie, nails Raven, puts Sandman
on top. Meanie runs in, hits Sandman, puts Raven on top. Sandman kicks out
before the 3. Sandman goes to the back and gets a guard rail and puts it in
the ring. Raven takes a bump on it. End comes with Sandman getting DDTed
onto the guardrail. Post match, Stevie and Meanie work over Sandman,
Dreamer and Douglas run in for the save. Douglas bulldogs Stevie's head
into Meanie's crotch at one point. Raven's crew clears out. That leaves
Sandman, Dreamer and Shane in the ring, with weapons. Oh my god! It's a
Quinton Tarantino movie! Shane tries to work a deal with Sandman to join
their pact. Sandman doesn't want to, but eventually they convince him, so
now Shane, Sandman and Dreamer are allies until one of them turns :-)

End of the show.

Good parts of the show : Eliminators/Pitbulls, Guerrera/Misterio and Sabu/
2 Cold were awesome. Cactus doing the Fargo strut was just as awesome.
Reserved seats, since everything is reserved, you don't have to be there at
4:30 to get a good place in line : However, since Tom and I got there at
5:30, this also becomes a bad thing as we were there expecting to have to
fight for seats.

Bad parts : Making us wait outside in 15 degree weather until 7:30. The
assholes working the door.

I finally get home at 2am, just in time to get up at 6:30 to go to work.
Leading too...

Night #2 :
ECW - Philly, 3/9/96 - The Big Ass Extreme Bash

Warning : This report maybe even more off as I had to only 5 hours of
sleep starting from Friday Night to the time I wrote this.

The fun begins with me supposed to meet the Philly Branch of LLL,
Jeff Crawford and Mike Schmidt, with their pal Hillary at 4 pm. They
finally show up at 5pm after I've been at the station since 2:40. We head
over to the Arena and meet up with Natster of Puppets, formerly of the
Mutants of Boston, now the Mutants of Baltimore. I also get to meet Jeff
Admur. I forgot to mention it on line, but Jeff, thanks for the list of
spanish insults from the Con pack. I will find a good use for them. While
I learn from Nat why LLL are not cooler than the MOB. Apparently Nat has a
"MOB groupie" girl who's been looking for his address so she can write him.
Damn he's smooth. Of course, this raises questions about the sanity of
someone who'd want to be a groupie for a bunch of wrestling mutants. On
line we discuss numberous things, including the possiblitity of attending
the LA mutli-promotion show. We also discuss WCW's policy of ripping off
signs and recent Billionaire Ted skits... which brings up a slight idea for
future indevours. I'm trying to convince Nat to pull this off, but I welcome
any organized group of RSPW mutants to this on a WCW show...

Get a few high heeled shoes and get a bunch of your pals to do a "You
really suck" tomhawk chop at Hogan with the shoes. Hey, what are they going
to do, confiscate your shoes? They're not signs.... say hi to Doug Dillenger
as he threatens to throw your section out. :-)

We get inside and get good seats in the bleachers off the left of the main
camera. No polls obscurring the few, so it's pretty cool. We see Mr. ECW
at the door, he give me my refund check for the Con and also a picture of
DW riding Trigger Dudley. Thanks Tom. Nat smuggles in the MOB racket.
Pre-show the regular bums chant "Dave sold out" at Scherer who's sitting on
the top stage tonight. We almost had 2 fights in the crowd pre-show and
another confernatation between OJ Dudley and Arena Mutant Kato. The
Arena Dudley's are also sporting a inflatable woman Dudley.

I hit the gimmicks tables. They're now selling "Bad Crew SUCKS!" t-shirts.
I pick up the Cactus Jack 1985-1996/"Bang! Bang!... he's dead" shirt. I
also am lucky enough to sign a huge card the people working the table are
having people sign.

Match #1 :
La Vendetta : JT Smith v. Axl Rotten : Early in the match, Axl gets a fire
extiguisher and throws it at JT, hitting him in the stomach. JT blows a few
spots, I know one was not the "JT clutz mode" miss. JT does show some good
moves during the match. JT gets the win, then chairs Axl. As JT stands in
the ring showing off, Axl comes back with the barbed wire bat and gives JT
a few shots, running him off.

TV interview : Joey Styles comes out an introduces the Gangstas. New Jack
and Mustafa come out. Some woman in the front row hops the railing and runs
for New Jack, but gets thrown out. I don't know if she was a plant or not.
I guess will know if we have a Gangsta Bee-otch in the next few weeks :-)
New Jack says he got arrested for beating up some guy and throwing him in
his trunk and driving around with him because he owed New Jack money. Of
course, he forgot he left the guy in the trunk. He goes on about how he
doesn't care about WCW or the WWF. WCW might be where the big boys play,
but ECW is where the real crazy motherfuckers play. He says he couldn't
believe it, but when he was sitting in that jail cell that he missed all us
"fucking retards" at the arena. New Jack mentions the brawl with the
Head Hunters on Friday. Damien Kane comes out make an offer to New Jack.
He says they'll be busy with Sandman and 2 Cold and shouldn't worry about
the Head Hunters. Damien offers to manage them tonight. New Jack says the
last person to offer them a deal was Jim Cornette. New Jack says he'll
consider Damien's offer... and then nails him. New Jack says that they want
their match against Sandman and 2 Cold to be changed to a 3 Way Dance by
adding the Head Hunters.

Match #2 :
Ubas & Hartgood's partner from NY v. Bad Crew : Ubas misses a tope right at
the start of the match.l Bad Crew work over the jobber team. Bad Crew hit
their top rope clothesline move on the Unknonw Jobber. Pillman, two lawyers
and Brian? Bostswain, recently cut from the Eagles come out to the ring.
Pillman rants a bit, Douglas comes out on the stage and argues with Pillman.
Shane tells Bostwain he's sorry that he left Kevin Greene in Pittsburg.
Shane comes down to the ring but Pillman leaves. Shane rips off his shirt
and proclaims "Fuck you Hogan! That was easy as shit!" Shane throws the
shrit in the crowd, it gets thrown back. Shane argues with some guy in
the front row. Apparently Shane's in a very bad mood lately or he's
decided to play up the loose cannon who constantly challenges guys in the
crowd to fight bit too.

Match #3 :
The Eliminators v. Buh Buh Ray Dudley w/ Sign Guy, Chubby and Big Dick Dudley.
DW is not here (persumably they're having him be injured either long term or
sort term thanks to the Head Hunters). Buh Buh visits the crowd as the
Eliminators beat up Sign Guy and Chubby, but Big Dick nails them both with
his crutch and chokeslams Saturn. So it's going to be Buh Buh and Big Dick,
right? Wrong. The medics won't let Dick wrestle with his knee injury.
Eliminators double team on Buh Buh until Hack Myers runs out to team with
him. Unfortunatley, Hack legit hurts his shoulder and is laid out on the
floor a good portion of the match. Buh Buh fights both Elims for a while.
He shows some nice moves, he does have a lot of potentional. Eliminators
show off a lot of karate style kicks in the match. Eventually the
Eliminators get Hack in the ring and put him out with Total Elimination.
Hack is help back to the locker room post match.

Match #4 :
"Lionheart" Chris Jericho v. Taz w/ Bill Alfonso : While standing in the
ring, Jericho notices there's a problem with the ring. This was a very
good match, I'm really taking a liking to Chris. Nice work. Suplexes
from both. Chris with some kicks, a plancha and an Asai Moonsault.
Eventually, Chris gets Tazplexed. He seems to be hurt, the ref checks on
him and tries to stop the match, but Chris won't let him. Chris ends up
getting suplexed again and has the Tazmission applied. The ref then
DQ's Taz for some reason... I have no idea why. Alfonso flips out.
Bad Crew run in and Alfonso chairs them. Eliminators run in and convince
Taz to let go. Then Pillman hops in the ring for no reason. Taz stares
him down and Pillman runs when Douglas and a bunch of other guys from the
locker room run out to check on Jericho. Pillman hops the railing into the
arms of Bostswain who carries him out of the building. Jericho is helped
out on a stretcher. I don't know if it was legit or not as they might be
doing the crippler bit with Taz that they were don't with Benoit, but you
can never tell with the ring not being 100%. Shane argues with the same
guy he argued with before.

The ring crew comes out to fix the ring for the second arena show in a row.
After about a half hour it's fixed. After they're done, Paul E. comes out
and brings the head ring crew guy in the ring. He asks him why things were
screwed up. He then tells him he's getting the same welcome all new guys
who screw up get in ECW.... Sandman runs out and wails this guy with the
cane. As the rest of the crew carry him out, Sandman does the cane plancha
onto him. I'd hate to be the Human Resourses person for ECW...

Match #5 :
Mikey Whipwreck v. Cactus Jack : Cactus' farewell match.
Cactus receives a standing O. Mikey is in a neckbrace. Cactus tells Mikey
that he'll be able to tell his kids that he was Cactus Jack's last opponent,
but he'll be damned if he said he beat him. This one guys back and forth
with both guys getting stuff in. They brawl all over the place. Guys try
to hand Cactus weapons, Cactus takes them, looks at them and throws them
away. He hits him with a chair. Mikey hits Cactus with the clothesline
over the top rope. I think someone gave Cactus a Leonard Cohen album as
a weapon. Cactus hits Mikey with serveral vicious piledrivers. He takes
off his neckbrace at one point. Cactus sets up the table against the post
and back suplexes Mikey on it. Cactus hits a hipbuster, Neckbreakers on
the railing. Mikey hit Cactus with some evil chairshots. The end comes
with Cactus DDTIng Mikey on a chair.

Post match, "New York, New York" starts up. Cactus helps up Mikey up and
shakes his hand. Cactus calls for the Mikey and says that him leaving is
almost as hard as suing his Uncle Eric. He tanks before for their support
even though he said some of the most outlandish things in the last few months.
But he says if he and Sign Guy could shake hands (which they did) maybe there
was some hope after all. (Sign Guy was the one who had the "Cane Dewey" sign
which was the first thing Cactus mentioned after he turned.). He also went
out and hugged John (I think the guy who always his hands off orthopedic
crutch to wrestlers to use). He also mentions that the New York crowd was
a bunch of scum bags (well, not all of us, but a lot of them). Cactus says
that ECW has a lot of guys who are looking to take the spot light and that
this was their big shot. If ECW could survive without Terry Funk, it could
survive without him. But before he leaves, he'd like to bring out the two
guys who make sure that everything in the ECW run... he calls out Richards
and Meanie. They come out, group hug and then do a chorus line kick to New
York, New York. Cactus then says he'd seriously like to thank Tod and Paul.
He said if he had one last wish, it would be that he could strut out the
building. The Meanie's music comes up and the Fabs and Cactus do the Fargo
Strut down the aisle. Cactus comes out for one last curtain call to another
standing ovation. And with that, the chapter on Cactus Jack comes to a

This was a very classic farewell from Cactus. I will sorely miss him. He
is the main reason I started to come to ECW shows in the first place. He
has given it his all no matter what, took bumps in his count down to farewell
matches that most guys who were trying to get into the promotion woudln't
take. He has given us classic matches and classic interviews. And while
ECW can probably go on without Cactus... it won't be the same as it was with
him. Now Mick goes to the WWF and becomes Mankind. I don't know how well
things will go for him there, but I've got the feeling that Mick's genius
might be lost a bit on the WWF. I'd equate this to Mozart writing jingles
for commercials. McMahon, don't fuck this up. Mick Foley deserves the
very best after all he's done in the sport. Stil, I wish him the best of
luck... however, deep down, I hope we get to see Cactus Jack come back again.
After all, Cactus Jack will never die, he'll just go to Cleveland... or
Stamford as the case might be.

Match #6 :
Juvuntud Guerrera v. Rey Misterio Jr. 2 out of 3 falls.
This match was good, but not as good as the previous night's match. You
know the standard disclaimer on Lucha matches. Juventud wins the first
fall with a brainbuster. Rey wins the second fall with a gutwrench powerbomb.
Rey wins the third fall by converting a top rope Niagra Driver into a
rana for the pin. Post match Rey powerbombs Guerrera through a table.

Match #7 :
The Bruise Brothers v. The Pitbulls w/ Francine :
Francine stands by ourside of the ring! Woo hoo! A pretty good match, this
one ends as a no contest as after nailing one of the Bruises with the
Superbomb, the Fabs run in and attack the Pitbulls. Francine attacks the
Meanie and gets Stevie Kicked. They try to crotch one of the Pitbulls on
the post, but Dreamer runs in for the save.

Match #8 :
Sabu v. Big Titan : This was a pretty lack luster match. I think one of
the things that really hurt it is that Titan seems to be a wrestler who
hits one move, then wastes 2 minutes walking around posing and not follwoing
up, which grinds the momentum of the match down. Two tables got nuked
durning the match. Sabu wins with the Arabian Facebuster. Titan was on
the recieving end of "You big stiff!" and "Don't come back!" chants.

Match #9 :
Raven w/ Kimona, Stevie & Meanie v. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas :
For those of you wondering where Raven gets these chicks, they guys behind
us were talking about it. Apparently Raven works as a bartender in some
strip club and Kimona dances there (which would explain the stripper-esque
outfit on tonight and on Friday). Don't ask me the name or where the place
is, I don't know. Funny as Meanie mocks Shane by doing the "scratch the
nails on the chalk board" motion. Stevie mentions that Raven shouldn't
wrestle as apparently he's got a case of the gout? Raven tells Richards to
shut up, last night he didn't listen to what he said and he beat the Sandman,
but he said tonight he would take his advice. Shane says there's no way he's
walking out of this match after he's pulled all the strings he has to get the
shot. Shane nails Raven. Lots of interference from Meanie and Richards.
At one point, Kimona jumps in the ring and makes the save on Raven getting
pinned. We get a great view of Shane spanking her. Kimona prentends that
she likes it, Shane kisses her and shoves her down. Damn it, can't these
ladies just get someone with a knee to the groin or something in once?
Well, Raven makes up for it by low blowing Shane. Match ends with Raven
DDTing Shane on a chair. The Bruise Brothers and Dreamer run in, followed
by the Sandman. Raven's trapped in the ring. Dreamer puts Raven's foot in
a chair and goes to nail it, but he and Sandman argue over who gets to nail
Raven, so Shane does a splash onto the chair on Raven's foot. Post match
they argue a bit and split off (since the alliance bit hasn['t run on TV and
all yet.)

Main Event :
3 Way Dance : 2 Cold Scorpio & Sandman w/ Missy Hyatt v. The Gangstas
v. The Head Hunters w/ Damien Kane & Lady Alexander.

Scorpio/Sandman start off with the Head Hunters. At the bell, Scorpio
spits beer in the one Hunter's face and S&S attack the Hunters with canes.
Missy and Lady Alexander cat fight and get thrown out by the refs. Hunters
eventually get control, but as they're ready to put down Sandman and Scorp,
the Gangstas hit the ring. This match was really a wild brawl. It worked
better than the last 3 Way Dance (PE/Gangstas/Raven&Stevie) because everyone
went at it during the match. A very good brawl with lots of stuff getting
used and them going all over the place. The Head Hunters got elminated
first when 2 Cold hits one with the Diss that Don't Miss. The Hunters
stick around a bit hitting everyone. Eventually they leave and I think
continue to brawl with the Sandman, leaving the Gangstas to double team
Scorpio. The Gangstas show a little bit of double teaming. New Jack blows
a stungun spot on Scorpio once, but makes up for it on the second attempt.
The Gangstas get the pin after Mustafa gives Scorpio a running powerslam
with Evil Laugh(tm) combo and New Jack hits him with the 187 Diving Headbutt.

After this, we bolt as it's now midnight and I've got a 12:23 train to catch.
The Philly gang drop me off at the train station, unfortunately I miss my
train by like two minutes. I catch a cab to the bus depot. As I'm buying
the ticket, the last New York bus leaves. Seems that the fuck heads at
Greyhound decided not to run the 1:30am bus to NYC anymore and moved it to
12:30. So now I'm stuck in the middle of Philly at 12:30 at night in a
bus station that's in the process of being renovated for 5 and a half hours.
Can you can fun, fun, fun? I eventually make it back home on Sunday morning
at 9am. I do get to pick up a copy of the PWI with Richards wearing the
"Dancin' Stevie" LLL t-shirt.

All and all, a good time was had, but I REALLY could have done without the
ring breaking. This is two times that card delays have screwed over my
mode of transportation. Oh well.

So till next Sunday with my MSG WWF report, this is Rev. Ray saying....

This note's for you... Bang! Bang!

| Ray Duffy, Rev. ULC, MiSTy #38729, Mouthpiece of Los Lurkers Locos |
| "You're not cool enough to be my friends." - Dancin' Stevie Richards to |
| Los Lurkers Locos 7/95 |
| "I've had enough of you Todd Pettengill!" - Sandman to Joey Styles ECW TV |

Ray Duffy, MiSTy #38729, Rev. of ULC, Internet F**khead, As Seen On TV
"You're not cool enough to be my friends" - Steve Ricards on Los Lurkers Locos
"I've had enough of you, Todd Pettingil!" - Sandman to Joey Styles - ECW TV : The Los Lurkers Locos Homepage!


Mar 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/12/96
>>We end up seeing CactusB on line and BS with him most of the time to eat
up the time while we're being affected by exposure. It seems like the
Hell's Angels that killed a guy at that Stones concert in 1969 finally got
out of jail and
were hired by ECW to work security.<<


That is by far the BEST description anyone could have come up with for
that psychopath!! Great Job.

Hopefully it will be warmer at the April show.

Brett A. Schwan
Co-founder The BodyDonna Brigade

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