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[ECW] Live with Los Lurkers Locos 10/7/95

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Ray Duffy

Oct 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/8/95

Live with Los Lurkers Locos - 10/7/95

Hello everyone... Rev. Ray Misterio Jr. here with *YOUR* ECW house show

Before I start, I'd like to let everyone know that this report is no way
affiliated with ECW, WWF, NWA, N.W.O, NAACP, NAFTA, CBS, NBC, ABC, 123, Baby
you and me, the Lariat, Sunoco, the People's Republic of China or the Pope.
Any reference to these groups is purely coincidental.

In attendance for this car, Rev. Ray, Steve the Insane, plus Steve's friend
Bill and our new member, M.C. Trigga.

Fun starts early on Saturday as Tom "The Silencer" Long has to cancel.
This leaves us with one minor problem : neither Steve or I have directions
to the Arena. I figure, we head south, we're bound to hit Delaware sooner
or later, then we just head north.

One the way, I got to see our pictures from the Middletown show, specifically
The Immortal Spam getting chokeslammed by 911 and me, Steve, Natster and
Rick with "Our Hero" Stevie Richards.

We hit the Arena early, like 3 pm as we left a lot of time for us getting
lost. We go to Toys 'R Us (Toys 'R Us is in no way getting business out
of this, don't sue) looking for weapons. We check a lot of stuff, but come
across a kid's hobby horse (a horse head on a stick). We have found our
weapon... and our new member, M.C. Trigga!

We hang out in the parking lot, some guys who sort of lurk on the net pull
up next to us in the lot and we start talking. They usually do the Flagstaff
shows and this is their first Arena show. We talk for awhile, turns out
they are also part of the few, the proud, the fans of Stevie. While talking,
I get drive byed by a bird... great.

Another person walks by, recognizes our shirt and mentions he enjoys the
LLL reports from on the net from Prodigy. In the immortal words of Paul
E. "We're over! We're over!"

We wait in line for a bit, we hook up with some lurkers from the net that
we know, Jeff "Don't call me Cindy" Crawford and Mike "Third Base" Schmidt.
We B.S. for a while, I track down the great and powerful Das Bingo Sign Guy
Moose to 1) get our tickets b) give him something for Steve Richards...

his new and improved Los Lurkers Locos t-shirt. This version is a half shirt
with "Dancin' Stevie" in big letters on the front (He complained about being
on the back on the original) with the "LLL" in small under neither it... and
on the back, a message to all you net fans... "R.S.P-W SUCKS!!!"

While waiting outside, we see a few people walk in... including Francine.
Francine was wearing an outfit that would make a blind man see again...
yeow! Also in the house, a number of new Dudley fans, including O.J. Dudley.
Someone hands out flyers for Coralluzo's show on the 28th, which will have
Steve Williams v. Dan Severn, Sabu and the debut of Disco Mike Sharpe. I
might consider going to this show if it wasn't the same night as the next
ECW card.

We get inside after the line grows considerably in front of us, as a result,
we get pushed back and don't get seats opposite the main camera, instead, we
move over to the side behind Da Moose. While moving over there, we find out
that Stevie got the shirt, liked it and may wear it tonight... COOL!

We cruise around, it seems like they took out a few of the bleacher sections
they been using in recent shows in favor of folding chairs, I don't know
why, but they did. Also now on sale, Lucha Libre stuff, including AAA action
figures and Lucha masks.

Before the card starts, Paul E. comes out and basically lets us know there's
some bad news. They were planning a street fight, but the city council said
they couldn't. So, instead, tonight will be the Three Way Dance part II, if
that's OK with us. It is, so time to get things underway.

Match #1 : The Eliminators v. The Great Chaduta/Broad Street Stetson : Chad
comes out and does the spit water bit a few times. Stetson starts out against
the smaller Eliminator, Saturn? Saturn unloads, Stetson does his throw off
gloves punch bit which gets answered with a super kick. Chad gets brought in
and beat up a bit, The Chadertaker does the Zombie Sit Up once, which prompts
the Eliminators to kick his ass even more. The Eliminators do a bunch of
spots : Side Suplex/Leg Drop, A Kronos somersault Leg Drop, a powerbomb
followed by Top Rope Knee Drop combo, a version of the Rocker-plex, a Kronos
hand spring into a splash (he's the big member of the team doing a move I've
seen Hakushi do). A forward rolling fall forward slam followed by a top rope
splash and they finished with a martial arts leg sweep super kick combo.
The Eliminators looked REAL good in this match.

Out comes Joey Styles, he gets in the ring to interview with Taz, who wants
2 Cold in the ring. Jason sneaks out and attacks him from behind.

Match #2 : Jason v. Taz. Jason with some real weak looking shots. Taz
eventually gets him in a chokesleeper for the win pretty quick. Lame.

Joey interviews Jason who complains about being choked out. Out comes a
masked guy for the next match. Jason gets in the ring and slaps him a few
times. Guy rips off the mask, yes something in spanish, gives Jason a few
drop kicks, knocks him out of the ring and does a rope spring plancha on him.
He's introduced as Albeirto something. I think Brett posted earlier that he's
actually Ubas, a name I've seen on the net, but I've never seen wrestle.

Match #3 : Cactus Jack w/ Raven v. Albeirto ? : Cactus gets on the mic and
tells Albeirto that he has some nice moves and Cactus doesn't want to hurt
him. So he says he can leave right then and there and tell his grandkids
that he stood eye to eye with a former WCW Tag Team Champion.
Albeirto answers
with some drop kicks, then another rope spring plancha. Cactus recovers and
looks pissed, a couple of forearms and he dumps Albeirto out of the ring,
and does the fake the hipbuster spot. Albeirto tossed in, Cactus with a
long side headlock. They get up, Cactus takes him over with a headlock again,
which we answer with a standing applause. Cactus looks like he's yawning, so
the usual bums start a wave. This catches on and as Cactus is sitting on
the mat with the headlock on, he watches the wave go around and around. Funny.
End comes with Albeirto getting thrown out to the floor, Cactus distracting
the ref and Raven DDT's him. Albeirto thrown in, Cactus gets the pin.

Post match, Raven comes in and starts beating on Albeirto. He gets a chair
and hits him, then overs it to Cactus, but Cactus won't hit him with the
chair, he will put the boots to him, but won't chair him. Tommy Dreamer
runs out and attacks Raven and Cactus. Eventually, Raven and Cactus get
the upperhand, Dreamer gets a double arm ddt on a chair and Cactus takes
off Raven continues to beat on Tommy. Cactus returns with some barbed
wire. He gives Tommy a BW elbow drop. They set up a table and Tommy gets
put through the table thanks to a barbed wire elbow drop.

Joey comes out and gives Austin and interview. Steve pretty much does the
same interview he did at the Middletown show (this place is a shithole).
He complained that he had to fly on Econline Airline and got picked up in
a 1973 Pinto Station wagon.

Match #4 : Dudley Dudley v. Konnan : Konnan starts out the match with some
nice submission style locks on Dudley. He did quiet a few of them and they
all looked painful. This match wasn't all that good. Partially on Dudley's
part as his moves looked pretty weak. Konnan won with a very bad looking
Niagara Driver. Post match, Konnan said he was pissed off he had to face
Dudley and wanted better opponents. I can see Konnan's complaint... at least
he didn't have to face Big Val.

Match #5 : Psicosis v. Rey Misterio Jr. : 2 out of 3 falls. This match, was
freakin' awesome. I can't do justice to the action in it. During the match,
there was a power problem and most of the TV lights went out, so this might
not make TV. They did the ring announcements in spanish for this match.

First fall : Misterio pretty much rules this fall and ends it quick. After
a few planchas out to the floor, Misterio brings it in the ring and wins with
a FrankenMisterio.

Second fall : The action was great. Psicosis wins the fall after Rey goes
for an Asai moonsault in the ring, Psicosis catches him and gives him a
tombstone piledriver.

Third fall : The action just gets hotter and hotter. At one point, Rey
put Psicosis' head in a chair and ran him into a post so the chair would
close on his neck... twice! End comes when Psicosis puts a chair on Rey
and does the Psicosis Senton on him (the twisting turn around senton).

Intermission taken to fix the lights.

Match #6 : The Pitbulls w/ Francine v. Raven & Stevie Richards : Lumber
jack match with 911 and Big Dick Dudley as the lumberjacks, and Bill
Alfonso and Tod Gordon as refs. Pre-match, Richards gets on the mic and
says that he's indestructible because he's taken everyone's finisher and
is still here. He challenges the Pitbulls to give him the Superbomb, after
he gets up from it, he's going to kick their ass. During this whole time,
the fans are doing various chants as the Pitbulls and Francine lead them on,
you can tell that they were losing it. At one point, one of the Pitbulls
got something (looked like a pepperoni or the like and stuffed it inbetween
Stevie's pants and jacket tied around his waste, causing a "Stevie's got a
woody" chant. Alfonso walks over and takes it out. I have no idea how
Stevie kept a straight face during this. The Pitbulls give Stevie the
superbomb... and Stevie doesn't get up. Maybe if he was wearing the LLL
shirt instead of that Poison shirt, he would have got up :-) Raven gets a
chair and beats the hell out of the Pitbulls. Pitbull #1 gets stretchered
out. I think this was probably a way to angle him out of the match as his
left arm (the whole arm) was in a brace. Raven works over Pitbull #2 for
awhile. Steveie eventually gets back in the ring. Francine comes in at
one point and Raven puts her out. They set up the Pitbull outside the
ring. They put him on a table with a chair on his chest. Then put a table
on top. Raven does a running plancha onto the top table breaking it.
He does it again to put the Pitbull. At one point, 911 gets in the ring
and the Dudley's run in (Sign Guy, Dudley Dudley and two or three new ones,
all really fat, I didn't see D.W. and Big Dick left the area) 911 chokeslams
them all and leaves. I think Cactus does a run in as Richards distracts
Tod and DDTs the Pitbull. Tod counts the pinfall. Hey Champs! Hey Champs!
:-) Alfonso starts jawing with Tod, Tod decks him. As Tod's going to punch
him one, Richards hooks his arm and Bill takes over. Raven and Richards leave
as Bill works over Tod who does a blade job. Bobcat Molineux comes in, Bill
nails him from behind. Finnegan comes in and makes the same mistake as Bobcat
and gets knocked out. Bill calls for a table, puts Tod on it, climbs the
ropes, but fakes us out by not doing a moonsault. He instead opts just to
push the table over.


When we come back, Joey's in the ring, he announces for the next card 2 Cold
v. Rocco Rock, The Eliminators v. the Steiners, Rey Jr. & Konnan v. Psicosis &
La Parka. But first, comments from The Gangstas. New Jack comes out with a
big "NOT GUILTY" banner. New Jack has a few things to say, concerning PG-13
and Jim Cornette and tonight's 3 Way Dance.

Dreamer also comes out (I forget when) and says he's sorry he let everyone
down. He has signed a match for the next card against Cactus. And he's got
the man who's going to watch his back on that card... TERRY FUNK. This
should be interesting considering what Terry did to Tommy the last time he
was in ECW.

Match #7 : 2 Cold Scorpio v. "The Italian Scallion" JT Smith : JT now
sports a little Italian flag on his boot and tights. 2 Cold and JT do a few
nice spots. JT's still doing to clutz bit which I'd like to see dropped.
At one point, JT gets a chair, nails 2 Cold, climbs the buckles with the
chair and misses a moonsault while holding the chair. 2 Cold leg drops him.
1-2-3. Not a very long match. JT gets stretchered out, Hack Myers comes out
and laughs at JT, 2 Cold Challenges him... sooooo.....

Match #8 : 2 Cold v. Hack : 2 Cold did some nice spots during the match
including his twisting leg drop (not the tumbleweed), a run and spring senton,
a Diss that Don't Miss and finished with the "Drop da Bomb".

Match #9 : Mikey Whipwreck v. The Sandman : Before the match starts, Austin
runs out and challenges the Sandman, putting the bad mouth on him, Sandman
hits him with the cane. Locker room clears to separate them as Mikey just
sits on the top turnbuckle. All of a sudden, Konnan starts beating on
Sandman. They now have to drag Konnan off Sandman... and Austin attacks
him again. Austin dragged out. Match finally begins, the brawl does out
to the floor with the ring railing getting separated, set up on the ring
apron and used to beat each other with. At one point, Sandman hits the
piledriver, lights up a smoke, Austin comes from the back with a ladder
and hits Sandman with it. He takes the cigarette, takes a few puffs and
then leaves. We've got ladder match part 2. They do a few new spots with
the ladder, including the ladder leaning on the ropes, Mikey on the top rope,
Sandman bumps the ropes, Mikey falls, hits the ladder on the way out of the
ring, causing it to kick up and nail the Sandman. They did a few other
moves, a couple of spots were blown. Mikey gets pinned, but kicks out,
Bobcat says the match is over, but Finnegan comes out of the back and confirms
Mikey kicked out, match is restarted. Everyone's thinking title change.
Sandman goes for the Snow Guillotine off the ladder, but grazed or missed
Mikey, he gets the pin again (even though it looked like Mikey's arm was
under the ropes. Sandman wins. I'll give them credit, at least they had a
match which was restarted end with the same winner as the first time out.

Match #10 : The Gangstas v. Public Enemy v. Raven & Richards : The match
starts with the Gangstas and PE, with Raven and Richards no where to be
seen. They brawl as usual, Mustafa takes Rocco to the stage, bodyslams
him through double stacked tables. After PE are beaten down, out come
Raven and Richards (still no LLL t-shirt). New Jack and Raven sort of
argue about which is cooler, the Gangstas X or his crucifix. At one point
Stevie goes over to New Jack and does the X, New Jack nails him. The
Gangstas get eliminated when Rocco inside cradles New Jack. It's down to
Raven and Richards pounding on da Hoodies. Raven sets up Rocco on a table
and Stevie Drive-bys Rocco through it! Go Stevie! Go Stevie! :-)
Johnny hulks up and beats on Raven and Richards. PE make the comeback.
The put a table on the top rope, and throw Raven out of the ring. They
double stack a table and put Richards on top. Rocco gets a chair as
Johnny gets a bag... Johnny starts spraying something on the bottom table...
and lights it on fire! So now, the bottom table is flaming with Richards
on the top one, Rocco goes for a moonsault off the chair on the table on
the top rope, but sort of slips and only his legs hit Stevie, the table
doesn't go. The fire went out. Johnny sets it up again, holds the chair
for Rocco and Stevie gets moonsaulted through the table. 1-2-3. 4 time
tag champs, Public Enemy.

I dunno, I think the 3 Way Dance premise works better when you've got 3
sides who just hate each other equally. Raven & Richards not having anything
going with the Gangstas sort of held the match back from being a wild three
way brawl, but considering the fact this was probably a last minute card
change, it wasn't bad.

All and all a good card. They've put on better shows, but it was good.
Standout matches where a stellar Rey v. Psicosis and the Eliminators match
was also very good. The most important thing is, we had fun, that's why
we come down. Stevie has a legit reason for not wearing our shirt... he
was going to get put through a flaming table. We forgive him :-)

After we drop Jeff and Mike off in the middle of South Philly, we drive
off, we get our usual Roy's meal after the show. While there, 911 shows
up. I thank him for chokeslamming Spam at Middletown. After sitting around
for a while, 911 asks us about our shirts (Woman asked Steve about his shirt
at the Middletown show). We're over! We're over! Eventually, I make it
home at 3am. Steve and Bill have another hour or so go. It's been a long

Well, I'm sure the Triple L's will be down on the 28th. Until then, this
is Rev. Ray of the World Famous Los Lurkers Locos saying...

This note's for you.

(This is by no means an advertisement for Neil Young. Don't bother suing me,
go out and find yourself a Cinnamon Girl.)

| Ray Duffy, Rev. ULC, MiSTy #38729, Mouthpiece of Los Lurkers Locos |
| "You're not cool enough to be my friends." - Dancin' Stevie Richards to |
| Los Lurkers Locos 7/95 |
| "I've had enough of you Todd Pettengill!" - Sandman to Joey Styles ECW TV |

Ray Duffy, MiSTy #38729, Rev. of ULC, Internet F**khead, As Seen On TV
"You're not cool enough to be my friends" - Steve Ricards on Los Lurkers Locos
"I've had enough of you, Todd Pettingil!" - Sandman to Joey Styles - ECW TV : The Los Lurkers Locos Homepage!

Allan Barrie

Oct 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/8/95
In article <> Ray Duffy wrote:
>Before I start, I'd like to let everyone know that this
> report is no way
>affiliated with ECW, WWF, NWA, N.W.O, NAACP, NAFTA, CBS,
> NBC, ABC, 123, Baby
>you and me, the Lariat, Sunoco, the People's Republic of
> China or the Pope.
>Any reference to these groups is purely coincidental.

What about NAMBLA? Oh wait, that's the WWF! :-)

Allan "The Duke" Barrie
"You're the Duke of New're A #1" - Donald Pleasance, Escape From New York

Paul Miller

Oct 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/9/95
>When we come back, Joey's in the ring, he announces for the next card
2 Cold
>v. Rocco Rock, The Eliminators v. the Steiners, Rey Jr. & Konnan v.
Psicosis &
>La Parka. But first, comments from The Gangstas. New Jack comes out
with a
>big "NOT GUILTY" banner. New Jack has a few things to say, concerning
>and Jim Cornette and tonight's 3 Way Dance.
>Dreamer also comes out (I forget when) and says he's sorry he let
>down. He has signed a match for the next card against Cactus. And
he's got
>the man who's going to watch his back on that card... TERRY FUNK.
>should be interesting considering what Terry did to Tommy the last
time he
>was in ECW.

Thanks for the report, an the schedule for the next ECW Arena Card!!

Terry Funk coming back..ECW brings in thee best talent from Mexico..
Public Enemy takes the times...hmm... Could a PFV be coming up soon?<G>

Paul in Jersey

Dean The King Ayass

Oct 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/9/95
Message to Paul E.: anytime you want to come over to the UK, you'll be
more than welcome:-))))))))))

Michael Rogers

Oct 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/9/95
In <459ncu$> (Allan Barrie)
>In article <> Ray Duffy wrote:
>>Before I start, I'd like to let everyone know that this
>> report is no way
>>affiliated with ECW, WWF, NWA, N.W.O, NAACP, NAFTA, CBS,
>> NBC, ABC, 123, Baby
>>you and me, the Lariat, Sunoco, the People's Republic of
>> China or the Pope.
>>Any reference to these groups is purely coincidental.
>What about NAMBLA? Oh wait, that's the WWF! :-)

Which begs the question, After Patterson retires at the end of the
year, how will Vince keep up on NAMBLA's goings ons?

-Mike Rogers-

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