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ECW Match Report?

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Mike Palij

Sep 18, 1993, 3:26:50 PM9/18/93

Dave Scherer- I assume that you're going to the ECW house show tonight
(it is tonight, right?). If you are would mind posting a a description
of the matches and angles where buxom blondes get their tops ripped off?
Just this person's view of netlife.

Sep 19, 1993, 11:11:40 AM9/19/93
bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Mike Palij) writes:

>Dave Scherer- I assume that you're going to the ECW house show tonight
>(it is tonight, right?). If you are would mind posting a a description
>of the matches and angles where buxom blondes get their tops ripped off?

I was just about to do so. Now I can just reply. Thanks.

First, let me say that I will include NO star ratings in this report.
Heh, heh. Sorry, I couldn't resist!

Ok, first let me say that the crowd was big, probably 1,000 or so, but
their seemed to be a lower mutant factor. Don't get me wrong. At least
1\3 of the crowd were people that would scare the hell out of you, but at
the last show in June, it was more than 50%.

Seen in the crowd at the show: John Arezzi, Tony Rumble, and Chris Zavisa,
who will no doubt do a Torch column.

The opener was in progress when we got there. It was two new guys named
Public Enemy beating up two Jobronies. Enemy looked ok. The one guy did
lots of sentons. Enemy won and will take on the Headhunters in a cage in
an NWA tag Title elimination match. ECW has joined the NWA.

Tony Stetson beat Tommy Cairo in a PA. Title match when Stetson hit him
with the belt. It was the best I have ever seen Cairo work and a good match.

Duper Destroyer 1 (the face) beat Super D 2. While 1 was saying he is the
only masked wrestler left in ECW, Dark Patriot came out and hit him with a
chair. Patriot and Super D 2 then piledroive him twice on the chair. Ok.

JT Smith made the save on Super D 1 and he and Patriot went right up on
the scaffold. Patriot Threw salt into JT's eyes and pushed him off the
scaffold. Decent.

Then, Funk and Hansen beat Abby and Sullivan in a wild brawl when Eddie
Gilbert interfered. It was truly wild. they used chairs, ringposts and
Sullivan even hit Funk with a hammer. An asshole fan threw a chair at
Funk in the postmatch fray. What an asshole. If I was rating, it would
be easily 4 stars.

Then, after intermission, Eddie Gilbert made a speech about how he could
not come to contract terms with ECW, but that he loved Philly and we
should all keep on supporting them.

Then was the mixed Battle Royal. Tigra won. She's hot. She sat on the
top rope and did nothing until only Angel was left. She pushed Angel over
the top while Angel was standing on the second rope yelling at Sherri
Martel, who eliminated herself chasing Freddie Gilbert. High points, if
you can call them that, were the two occassions where Angels breasts
popped out of her top. Down boys.

Sal Belomo beat Richards Michaels in a strap match. Not bad.

Shane Douglas retained the ECW title against the Sandman. Pretty good.

In the main even, they announced that the PA state athletic commission
banned barbed wire on the bat. Still, it was a fantastic, amazing brawl.
The Headhunters beat Miguel Perez and Crash the Terminator in a baseball
bat match. All 4 bled. At one point, Crash threw one of the Hunters into
the wall. And it broke. So he threw him again and hewent completely
threw the wall. Friggin' amazing. The bat shots were brutal too. Crash
threw one of the HGunters into the first row and wiped out a whole
section. A fan handed Perez a chair and he smashed a Hunter with it,
FRONTWAYS! The Hunters finally won when one did a moonsault from the top
on Crash. Screw it. I am rating this one! 4 and three quarter stars.

They announced TV tapings for 10\1 and 2. In addition to the one cage
match, the also have Funk vs Snuka in a cage for the TV title and Sabu
will appear.

Mike Palij

Sep 19, 1993, 7:14:17 PM9/19/93

In a previous article, (DSCH...@DELPHI.COM) says:

>bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Mike Palij) writes:
>>Dave Scherer- I assume that you're going to the ECW house show tonight
>>(it is tonight, right?). If you are would mind posting a a description
>>of the matches and angles where buxom blondes get their tops ripped off?
>I was just about to do so. Now I can just reply. Thanks.

You're entirely welcome. And thank you for complying.

>First, let me say that I will include NO star ratings in this report.
>Heh, heh. Sorry, I couldn't resist!

You're cruel but fair man Dave.

>Ok, first let me say that the crowd was big, probably 1,000 or so, but
>their seemed to be a lower mutant factor. Don't get me wrong. At least
>1\3 of the crowd were people that would scare the hell out of you, but at
>the last show in June, it was more than 50%.

I was wondering, do any people squeal like a pig during the matches? That
would be real scary.

>Seen in the crowd at the show: John Arezzi, Tony Rumble, and Chris Zavisa,
>who will no doubt do a Torch column.

Man, I hope you told Arezzi to get his ass back to NYC and re-start his
radio program. It's missed.

> [snip]

>Then, Funk and Hansen beat Abby and Sullivan in a wild brawl when Eddie
>Gilbert interfered. It was truly wild. they used chairs, ringposts and
>Sullivan even hit Funk with a hammer. An asshole fan threw a chair at
>Funk in the postmatch fray. What an asshole. If I was rating, it would
>be easily 4 stars.

But ya aren't, are you now?

>Then, after intermission, Eddie Gilbert made a speech about how he could
>not come to contract terms with ECW, but that he loved Philly and we
>should all keep on supporting them.

Yeah, this was reported in one of the sheets. Nice that he showed up
for the match though.

>Then was the mixed Battle Royal. Tigra won. She's hot. She sat on the
>top rope and did nothing until only Angel was left. She pushed Angel over
>the top while Angel was standing on the second rope yelling at Sherri
>Martel, who eliminated herself chasing Freddie Gilbert. High points, if
>you can call them that, were the two occassions where Angels breasts
>popped out of her top. Down boys.

Without a doubt, ECW is in the forefront of exposing more square
inches of female breast than any other federation or promotion around
today. The WWF has been making some limited inroads in this area but
since Sensational Sherri left it has started to lag behind badly. The
interesting leather get-up that Luna wore at the last MSG house show and
briefly on one of the syndies (y'know the one, a leather patch the size
of a pasty over the center of the breast and the rest exposed though
striped with leather straps) represents little more than a half-hearted
attempt that should appeal mainly to the bondage and domination fans.

By the way, anyone got any gifs/jpgs of Toni Adams?

(sprinkle with ;-) above as neccesary).

>Sal Belomo beat Richards Michaels in a strap match. Not bad.
>Shane Douglas retained the ECW title against the Sandman. Pretty good.

Interesting. Keller mentioned that Tito Santana, the ECW title holder
wouldn't be available (back in the WWF? Down to USWA to kick Lawler
butt?) so Shane got the Title in a Rio de Janiero match (y'know, like
that one that Pat Patterson won to become the first Intercontinental
Champ) although Wade didn't call a RdJ match.

>In the main even, they announced that the PA state athletic commission
>banned barbed wire on the bat. Still, it was a fantastic, amazing brawl.
>The Headhunters beat Miguel Perez and Crash the Terminator in a baseball
>bat match. All 4 bled. At one point, Crash threw one of the Hunters into
>the wall. And it broke. So he threw him again and hewent completely
>threw the wall. Friggin' amazing. The bat shots were brutal too. Crash
>threw one of the HGunters into the first row and wiped out a whole
>section. A fan handed Perez a chair and he smashed a Hunter with it,
>FRONTWAYS! The Hunters finally won when one did a moonsault from the top
>on Crash. Screw it. I am rating this one! 4 and three quarter stars.

Now, now, restrain yourself. Afterall, if you award stars the Rating
Consistency Maintenance Police (RCMP -- Yes, weren't NOT the Mounties)
will come after you and will question the criteria you used assigning
such a generous rating (just kidding Herb).

>They announced TV tapings for 10\1 and 2. In addition to the one cage
>match, the also have Funk vs Snuka in a cage for the TV title and Sabu
>will appear.

I take it that this wasn't a taping (i.e., no record of the show, hence
we can't confirm your ratings, neat Dave ;-). This raises the question
of how to get tapes of ECW shows. Aren't they supposed to be
commercially available? Afterall, why should ECW sue guys for selling
tapes of their programs if ECW's not selling them. BTW, Dave, your
favorite sheet editor/publisher Wade Keller ;-) had an interesting Below
the Bottom Line column in the 9/11/93 issue where he focused on Tod
Gordon who is the money man (his day job is running a jewelry store)
behind ECW and its guiding force (he's the one that got ECW its NWA
membership). Sounds like Gordon is in the business for the long run.
Hmmmmm, how long then before Vince starts trading talent with him?


Just this person's view of netlife.

======> mike palij ::

Sep 19, 1993, 8:17:58 PM9/19/93
Just to follow up some points raised by Mike Palij in his reply to my
reply of his post.

About Arezzi. I didn't go near him. As Meltzer so eloquently states, he
is a promoter now. Like I have always said, anyone one involved in
wrestling has at least a 50% chance of lying whenever their lips are moving.

Re: Gilbert. I hear now that he was fired by Gordon. I am also hearing
that Gilbert's "49% ownership" is a work too. Gilbert was allowed by
owner Gordon and booker Paul E. Dangerously to appear in the match. I
hear though that his in ring speech was NOT cleared and was not
appreciated. And Gordon finances the company through the money he makes
via the jewelry store that has been in his family for years.

Re:tapes. They have made the 6\19 show available on commercial tape and I
suspect that this one will be made available too. Their TV shows are not
available though. However, in the ultimate irony, ECW allowed Rob
Feinsten to sell bootleg videos of other promotions at the show last
night. Talk about friggin' hypocrites! Wait until I roast their nuts in
my next Chairshots column.

One last thing. I was told today that the reason their was no barbed wire
for the main event was that Tod Gordon forgot to bring it! Amazing.

One more last thing. I will be posting the rectape ballot within a few
weeks. Thre will be some GREAT stuff on it. If I rated them, there would
be a LOT of 4 star plus matches. (Okay, so I am kicking a dead horse there).
Anyway, it should be a fabulous ballot.


Sep 20, 1993, 7:33:30 AM9/20/93
In article <27ip49$p...@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>

bh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Mike Palij) writes:

>I take it that this wasn't a taping (i.e., no record of the show, hence
>we can't confirm your ratings, neat Dave ;-). This raises the question
>of how to get tapes of ECW shows. Aren't they supposed to be
>commercially available?

Here's the address. I wrote to them a little over a week ago but
haven't received anything yet. I'll post more information when I
get it.
511 Sprague Rd.
Penn Valley, PA 19072

Maurice Forrester
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