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Big News from Tenay's "Insiders" [Mostly WCW]

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Rick Scaia

Jul 11, 1993, 3:28:09 AM7/11/93

Well... the header says it all. I got a chance to catch the radio show
earlier, and heard some stunning things. This is sure to keep RSPW
occupied for weeks.

Just for the hell of it, I'll start small, and work up to the big news.

- Paul E. Dangerously's fed is going to be known as the World Wrestling
Network (WWN). Tapings will be held in Texas in upcoming weeks. Road
Warrior Hawk will be there, and will be reunited with Animal. The latter
can't wrestle yet, but will be around as Hawk feuds with John "Berzerker"

- Related: Hawk will probably be surfacing in WCW soon, too.

- Van Hammer spotted at a WWF TV taping. Might be looking for a job.

- Ric Flair will be on The Nashville Network's "Crook and Chase" show this
Tuesday. Fans of "The Man" be forewarned.

- WCW has a plethora of PPV's coming up: WarGames in September, Halloween
Havoc in October, Lethal Lottery in November, and StarrCade in December.

- UWFi will run a PPV in the US, on October 5. Big Van Vader will be there.

- Hulk Hogan will tour New Japan regularly starting in September.

- New (or returning) to the WWF: Nikolai Volkoff, the Quebec-ians ("The
Mountie" Jacques Rougeau and "Pierre"), Rex King and Steve Doll, and
Ludwig Borge, a Nazi. Tenay didn't say who Pierre was... King and Doll
might be changing their names to something like Tim Well and Steve Dunn,
with there tag team name being Well Dunn; I wasn't paying much attention
when they discussed this; anyway I thought they were going to be "Simply
Devine"... The Nazi is none other than that blonde-haired, blue-eyed
Aryan proto-type, Tony Halme.... even if this is tasteless, I must admit
Halme fits the part. I wonder how long this one lasts before a public
outcry similar to the one following the Jim Duggan-Yokozuna incident. Or
an inexplicable name/gimmick change like Mike "The Mad Monk/Friar Fergeson/
Bastoin Booger" Shaw.

- New (or returning) to WCW: the Nasty Boys, Harlem Heat, and the
Equalizer. Harlem Heat is the same as Chi Town Heat, and the Equalizer
will be alligned with Rick Rude and Paul Orndorff. Equalizer is expected
to be a big player in future months. I know the Nastys will be (read on).

- Not new to WCW, or at least not mentioned by either Tenay or Meltzer in
any way: Terry Funk. Either he's not on his way in, or somebody forgot
to tell Mike and Dave about it.

Here it is... THE BIG NEWS. I'm surprised we didn't hear this from RSPW'ers
in Florida (if there are any down there). This news is something that caused
me to be surprised, amazed, and mostly angry... I think you'll agree with
the last sentiment. Here goes...

- WCW taped 13 weeks of "WorldWide" in Orlando last week. In an embarassing
move, they openly showed the direction the company will be taking by
letting various wrestlers (who are as of now beltless) appear with titles
they will not win for months. Get out your pens and pencils, because I'm
now going to run down the list of WCW's champions and title switches through
this November.

NWA World Title: Ric Flair appeared with the strap at the initial tapings.
It can be inferred that he will win the title at Beach
Rick Rude appeared later in the tapings with this belt.
The timing of it indicated a September title win for Rude.

WCW World Title: Big Van Vader and the WCW Title were absent from the
tapings. Vader's absence was due to his injuries.
The straps absence indicates it will be in Vader's hands
until November.

Unified Tag Titles: Arn Anderson and Paul Roma appeared with the belts
first. Another Beach Blast title change, I presume.
In a shocking turn of events, the Nasty Boys, managed
by Missy Hyatt, appeared with the titles later. An
October title win for the Nastys seems to be in order.
A Nastys/Blondes feud was evidenty set up for November.

US Title: This title was not seen at all. Another taping had Dustin giving
an interview discussing the held up US Title; this interview is
set to air post-Beach Blast. But the complete absence of the US
belt may indicate that it is being phased out. I guess Rude
and Dustin will wrestle to a draw at BB, and we'll see what
happens then... besides Rude getting the NWA Title, of course.

TV Title: Ricky Steamboat had the strap, indicating a win over Paul
Orndorff in the very near future.
Later in the taping, Steve Regal appeared with the belt.
No indication of when his win over Steamboat might take place.

Cactus Jack: Not a title, I know. :) One way or another, he'll still
be a face upon his return. Tenay wasn't clear on in what
from CJ appeared at the tapings, but was clear that the
amnesia angle wouldn't result in a return to being a heel for

The Orlando tapings take WCW through October. I guess they're happy with
the results, as they had a hot crowd, and access to a lot of high tech
video stuff (the video wall, etc.). But I can't see how they can reconcile
what they've done... they've taken exposing the business to a whole new
level. Selling a punch that missed by six inches is one thing... blatently
flaunting your bookings for the next three months in front of a live crowd
is another thing entirely. Not only did the fans have to be confused by
seeing different people holding titles when they knew that no title
matches had taken place, they had to embarassed and angry that WCW
thought they could pull this over on them. I know I would.

That doesn't even take into consideration how much trouble WCW could be in
if suddenly Rude gets injured or decides to walk... it doesn't take into
consideration how bad it looks to have WCW Champion Van Vader missing from
13 weeks of TV matches. Basically, the whole thing would have to be
considered a huge fiasco. And the scariest thing is that WCW thought it
went so well, they want to do it again. Please, somebody put this
organization out of its misery.

Rick Scaia | "It's O.K. to eat fish,
Your TV Friend | 'Cause they don't have any feelings." | - Kurt Cobain

Mike Palij

Jul 11, 1993, 9:05:16 AM7/11/93

In a previous article, (Rick Scaia) says:

>Well... the header says it all. I got a chance to catch the radio show
>earlier, and heard some stunning things. This is sure to keep RSPW
>occupied for weeks.

> [news items deleted to save bandwidth]

> The Orlando tapings take WCW through October. I guess they're happy with
> the results, as they had a hot crowd, and access to a lot of high tech
> video stuff (the video wall, etc.). But I can't see how they can reconcile
> what they've done... they've taken exposing the business to a whole new
> level. Selling a punch that missed by six inches is one thing... blatently
> flaunting your bookings for the next three months in front of a live crowd
> is another thing entirely. Not only did the fans have to be confused by
> seeing different people holding titles when they knew that no title
> matches had taken place, they had to embarassed and angry that WCW
> thought they could pull this over on them. I know I would.
> That doesn't even take into consideration how much trouble WCW could be in
> if suddenly Rude gets injured or decides to walk... it doesn't take into
> consideration how bad it looks to have WCW Champion Van Vader missing from
> 13 weeks of TV matches. Basically, the whole thing would have to be
> considered a huge fiasco. And the scariest thing is that WCW thought it
> went so well, they want to do it again. Please, somebody put this
> organization out of its misery.

This really has to be one of the stupidest moves that WCW has done
recently. Yes, doing a mass taping is an efficient way to stock up
on product and to save costs *but only if you can keep the matches and
their outcomes secret!* It appears that WCW either didn't think of
this or doesn't care, believing that people will still watch their
matches even though they know their outcomes. Is there any doubt that
in a short time even school kids will have this info, if the match info
gets disseminated in the following way:

Match Pro-W Insider Worldwide spread Word
Description --> Radio & Print --> via computer networks --> of
& outcome Sources (Usenet, Compuserve, etc) Mouth

WCW decision to do this makes no sense given the business' concern with
making things look real and to maximize uncertainty about matches and
outcomes (which helps to lure people to house shows and TV). And this
is in addition to talent changes and other unexpected events that can

I think this was a very dangerous move for WCW. If they can control
the info about upcoming matches and title changes then maybe things
will work out. But if they aren't sensitive to this issue, they can
expect continuing declines in viewership on the regular TV programs
and, most likely, the upcoming PPVs. (IMO)

Just this person's view of netlife.

======> mike palij ::

Rick Duggan

Jul 11, 1993, 10:58:20 AM7/11/93
In article <> (Rick Scaia) writes:
> Not only did the fans have to be confused by
> seeing different people holding titles when they knew that no title
> matches had taken place, they had to embarassed and angry that WCW
> thought they could pull this over on them. I know I would.

Just wanted to comment on this one point. [Thanks for the big update.]
The people who were in attendance at these tapings were, for the most
part, probably not "fans". I suspect, since WCW released no information
on the tapings prior to them occurring, that they didn't _want_ WCW
fans (or wrestling fans in general) there at all.

What happens at Disney/MGM studios is that tourists in the park will
be given a chance to see a TV show being taped. Thus, there will
be few wrestling fans there; most tourists just want to say they
saw a show being taped in the sound studios there.


Rainer Gassen

Jul 11, 1993, 6:01:21 PM7/11/93
Rick Duggan ( schrieb:

> In article <> (Rick Scaia) writes:
> > Not only did the fans have to be confused by
> > seeing different people holding titles when they knew that no title
> > matches had taken place, they had to embarassed and angry that WCW

> What happens at Disney/MGM studios is that tourists in the park will

> be given a chance to see a TV show being taped. Thus, there will
> be few wrestling fans there; most tourists just want to say they
> saw a show being taped in the sound studios there.

Real fans at the show or not: It's still the dumbest thing WCW in its current
state could do. The way this company has been operating lately they just
cannot get away with a stunt like this. I mean, *everybody* is watching their
moves (and I'm not talking wrestling moves here) nowadays, just waiting for
the next big scandal. Well, I think they we don't have to wait any longer.
The only good thing about the whole affair is that they had a bigger audience
than usual :-)

Rainer Gassen EMail:
"and now for something completely different..." John....@Monty.Phyton

christopher g. palacios

Jul 12, 1993, 11:11:41 AM7/12/93
In article <> (Rick Scaia) writes:
>- Paul E. Dangerously's fed is going to be known as the World Wrestling
> Network (WWN). Tapings will be held in Texas in upcoming weeks. Road
> Warrior Hawk will be there, and will be reunited with Animal. The latter
> can't wrestle yet, but will be around as Hawk feuds with John "Berzerker"
> Nord.

According to Keller's Torch, the first house show will be in Fort Hood
and the first TV taping in Austin (HERE!!!) on July 30. Consider myself
there to report for RSPW.

>- Related: Hawk will probably be surfacing in WCW soon, too.

Supposedly will be Dustin's mystery partner vs. Rude/Equalizer at the
next Clash.

>- WCW has a plethora of PPV's coming up: WarGames in September, Halloween
> Havoc in October, Lethal Lottery in November, and StarrCade in December.

A Lethal Lottery PPV? Look for this to be a bust.

>- UWFi will run a PPV in the US, on October 5. Big Van Vader will be there.

Who else besides me is looking forward to this?

>Here it is... THE BIG NEWS. I'm surprised we didn't hear this from RSPW'ers
>in Florida (if there are any down there). This news is something that caused
>me to be surprised, amazed, and mostly angry... I think you'll agree with
>the last sentiment. Here goes...

The worst part of this is that my family was in Orlando during this time
on vacation. I could have been there, but I was taking finals at the time.

> NWA World Title: Ric Flair appeared with the strap at the initial tapings.
> It can be inferred that he will win the title at Beach
> Blast.
> Rick Rude appeared later in the tapings with this belt.
> The timing of it indicated a September title win for Rude.

What are they thinking? While a Rude/Flair fued is promising, the delaying
of a title unification is annoying.

> Unified Tag Titles: Arn Anderson and Paul Roma appeared with the belts
> first. Another Beach Blast title change, I presume.
> In a shocking turn of events, the Nasty Boys, managed
> by Missy Hyatt, appeared with the titles later. An
> October title win for the Nastys seems to be in order.
> A Nastys/Blondes feud was evidenty set up for November.

I can't believe the Blonds, the greatest tag team to form in this century,
will have to job for Arn and Roma. What a pathetic booking job. It wouldn't
bother me if the Blonds job for the Nasties, but for Roma/Anderson?

> US Title: This title was not seen at all. Another taping had Dustin giving
> an interview discussing the held up US Title; this interview is
> set to air post-Beach Blast. But the complete absence of the US
> belt may indicate that it is being phased out. I guess Rude
> and Dustin will wrestle to a draw at BB, and we'll see what
> happens then... besides Rude getting the NWA Title, of course.

Anyone else get the feeling Sting will end up with this US belt?

> TV Title: Ricky Steamboat had the strap, indicating a win over Paul
> Orndorff in the very near future.
> Later in the taping, Steve Regal appeared with the belt.
> No indication of when his win over Steamboat might take place.

REGAL? Oh my God.

> That doesn't even take into consideration how much trouble WCW could be in
> if suddenly Rude gets injured or decides to walk... it doesn't take into
> consideration how bad it looks to have WCW Champion Van Vader missing from
> 13 weeks of TV matches. Basically, the whole thing would have to be
> considered a huge fiasco. And the scariest thing is that WCW thought it
> went so well, they want to do it again. Please, somebody put this
> organization out of its misery.

Actually, I don't think it was a bad idea. Sure, you're giving away a lot
of what will happen in the upcoming months, but from what my brother told
me, they drew a lot of casual fans to the tapings. This may have actually
helped them out in the long run, as the casuals saw a video wall and all
the high tech trappings of the WWF.

>Rick Scaia | "It's O.K. to eat fish,
>Your TV Friend | 'Cause they don't have any feelings."
> | - Kurt Cobain

"Your brush with greatness is over." - Brian Pillman

Christopher Palacios dh...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu

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