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Top finishers in straw poll

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Apr 10, 2010, 8:27:31 PM4/10/10
Two kooks in a pod. Man, are the Republicans gonna throw this one
away? One guy created a healthcare plan in his state that provided a
model for Obamacare as well as flip-flopped on issue after issue
because his religion is based on "convenient epiphanies" while the
other guy is constantly adjusting the antennae on his tinfoil hat!
Come on, guys! The idiot in the White House is ripe for the picking
and you come up with these losers?

Jason Todd: Dems Drive Ambulances, Repubs Drive Toyotas

Apr 10, 2010, 10:09:58 PM4/10/10

New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney
defeated Texas Rep. Ron Paul by a single vote in the Southern
Republican Leadership Conference's 2012 straw poll on Saturday.

Romney did not appear at the New Orleans conference, but received 439
votes -- or 24 percent -- of the 1,806 ballots cast by delegates at
the conference, held in New Orleans. Paul earned 438 votes.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
tied for third place with 18 percent of the vote.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee earned 4 percent, followed by
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Indiana Rep. Mike Pence, both with 3
percent. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum finished with 2
percent, while former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson came in last with 1

Conference-goers had predicted that Romney and Paul would compete for
the straw poll's top two spots, as their supporters worked hard to get
d delegates to the voting room.

A group called "Evangelicals for Mitt" was a visible presence at the
conference, handing out copies of Romney's new book and pink piggy
banks emblazoned with the slogan, "Elect a president who won't break
the bank."

don't fret your little ginger head about it. As this article says,
Romney and Pauls people were working the vote. Romney does have a
chance in hell to be nominated, but just like McCain, he can't get the
full wingnut vote as he is unwilling to bite the heads off chicken.

So Sarah Palin is still in the race...unless she decides its gonna be
too much work.

Frankly, I'm surprised she didn't quit in the middle of her speech.

What I find interesting is Mike Huckabee's FOUR PERCENT. Wow, at a
SOUTHERN LEEDERSHIP conference, a former Arkansas religious wingnut
governor scores that? Wow.

Hmmmm...nobody with the Bush name is anywhere to be seen....

Jasxn Txdd


Apr 10, 2010, 10:21:07 PM4/10/10

"trijcomm" <> wrote in message

we still have 2 years before we sweat. And if it was between Ron "Psycho"
Paul and Mitt Romney, Romney is the lesser of two evils. And far better
to be president than Obama.

Jason Todd: Dems Drive Ambulances, Repubs Drive Toyotas

Apr 10, 2010, 10:25:21 PM4/10/10
On Apr 10, 10:21 pm, "Syvyn11" <> wrote:
> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message




Apr 10, 2010, 10:36:52 PM4/10/10
On Apr 10, 10:09 pm, "Jason Todd: Dems Drive Ambulances, Repubs Drive

Vitter/Craig '12


Apr 10, 2010, 11:15:57 PM4/10/10
On Apr 10, 9:09 pm, "Jason Todd: Dems Drive Ambulances, Repubs Drive

Toyotas" <> wrote:
> On Apr 10, 8:27 pm, trijcomm <> wrote:

> **********
> don't fret your little ginger head about it.

Not redheaded.

> What I find interesting is Mike Huckabee's FOUR PERCENT. Wow, at a
> SOUTHERN LEEDERSHIP conference, a former Arkansas religious wingnut
> governor scores that? Wow.

I wasn't there either, but he's my first choice.

> Hmmmm...nobody with the Bush name is anywhere to be seen....

Not yet.


Apr 10, 2010, 11:20:10 PM4/10/10
On Apr 10, 9:21 pm, "Syvyn11" <> wrote:
> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message

I wouldn't vote for either one. They are both kooks, it's just that
Romney sounds more egalitarian. As far as him being better than Obama
-- sorry, he isn't. In fact, even though I'd never vote for Obama,
Romney would be EVEN WORSE! Obama used his healthcare deal in Mass. as
a model (universal, forced pay) and this guy mimics his religion with
his constand epiphanies and flip flops. Nope, no-can-do. And Romney
would be slaughtered. He'd lose at least a third of his base and he
would only win one of his three home states (Utah, Michigan and Mass.)


Apr 10, 2010, 11:22:57 PM4/10/10
"trijcomm" <> wrote in message

They could do worse than Gingrich.

Karolina Dean.....Unauthorized...and proud of it

Apr 10, 2010, 11:58:17 PM4/10/10
On Apr 10, 8:22 pm, "Mhoram" <S...@WGW.NET> wrote:
> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message

Gee white males leading the straw poll...Thaw me out when they
actually vote a woman or (shocker!) a minority (if one exists)

Stu Frink

Apr 10, 2010, 11:58:24 PM4/10/10

"trijcomm" <> wrote in message

You realize that Romney, out of the current crop, is the only realistic
chance you have of winning, right? Once he loses (and he will lose
because he's mormon and only a "fiscal" conservative, afterall, who cares
about money when gays are getting married to goats!), it's over.

no, wait, you don't, because you're a kook, so you think a kook can win.


Apr 10, 2010, 11:59:19 PM4/10/10
On Apr 10, 10:22 pm, "Mhoram" <S...@WGW.NET> wrote:
> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message

You mean the guy who was having an affair when he was criticizing
Clinton for the same thing? He's DOA as well. The Repubs have a lot of
good choices -- Pawlenty for one (probably the best choice), Huckabee,
Jindal (says he isn't running, but you never know). I'd vote for Palin
myself, but she probably won't get it.


Apr 11, 2010, 12:32:14 AM4/11/10
On Apr 10, 10:58 pm, "Stu Frink" <> wrote:
> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message

You certainly don't know much about politics, do you? The Demwits
would LOVE Romney because he is unelectable due to his Mormon beliefs.
He'd lose a third of the Repub base on that alone and candidates down
the ballot would lose as well when a big section of the base doesn't
turn out. Pawlenty is probably the best choice to win. Probably
wouldn't make the best president (Huckabee would) but Pawlenty would
ultimately be more palatable to those stupid independents who don't
know anything.


Apr 11, 2010, 12:45:06 AM4/11/10
On Apr 10, 10:58 pm, "Karolina Dean.....Unauthorized...and proud of

Palin rates well as does Jindal.

rwa2play, The Northern Lariat

Apr 11, 2010, 12:55:37 AM4/11/10

<Angle> IT'S TRUE! IT'S DAMN TRUE! </Angle>

rwa2play, The Northern Lariat
Barely functional, partially reasonable and totally lazy.

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its
limits. -- Albert Einstein
Madness is rare in individuals -- but in groups, parties, nations, and
ages it is the rule. -- Nietzsche

Karolina Dean.....Unauthorized...and proud of it

Apr 11, 2010, 1:06:35 AM4/11/10
On Apr 10, 9:55 pm, "rwa2play, The Northern Lariat"
> ages it is the rule. -- Nietzsche- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I just want a true republican (fiscal conservative, states rights) and
one that'll say it long past time for the Fair Tax....

rwa2play, The Northern Lariat

Apr 11, 2010, 1:07:17 AM4/11/10
trijcomm wrote:
> On Apr 10, 10:22 pm, "Mhoram" <S...@WGW.NET> wrote:
>> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message
>>> Two kooks in a pod. Man, are the Republicans gonna throw this one
>>> away? One guy created a healthcare plan in his state that provided a
>>> model for Obamacare as well as flip-flopped on issue after issue
>>> because his religion is based on "convenient epiphanies" while the
>>> other guy is constantly adjusting the antennae on his tinfoil hat!
>>> Come on, guys! The idiot in the White House is ripe for the picking
>>> and you come up with these losers?
>> They could do worse than Gingrich.
> You mean the guy who was having an affair when he was criticizing
> Clinton for the same thing? He's DOA as well. The Repubs have a lot of
> good choices --

Okay, for the benefit of those with flash photography ($1 to E & C)...

> Pawlenty for one (probably the best choice),

Tea Partiers won't go for him. Those who wanted Al Franken out of the
Senate BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY (n. Malcolm X) will dump on him.

> Huckabee,

Like Jason said: unless he's willing to go the Ozzy Osbourne route,
neither the Tea Partiers nor the religious right will warm to him.

> Jindal (says he isn't running, but you never know).

Let's see: Either merge to the center and piss off the Tea Partiers or
go with the Tea Partiers and hope to Christ the Moderates don't dump on
you (but they will and you're screwed regardless).

> I'd vote for Palin
> myself, but she probably won't get it.

/cue laugh track:

If the likes of Bone-head couldn't stand five minutes with President
Obama, how the hell do you think Palin gonna stand there for ONE 90
minute debate and not get pVVn3d?

rwa2play, The Northern Lariat
Barely functional, partially reasonable and totally lazy.

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike
your Christ. -- Ghandi.
A Conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never
learned to walk forward. -- FDR.


Apr 11, 2010, 2:17:07 AM4/11/10

"Jason Todd: Dems Drive Ambulances, Repubs Drive Toyotas"
<> wrote in message

Rick Santorum? I'd LOVE to see him run. He'd get beat 70-30.


Apr 11, 2010, 2:19:39 AM4/11/10

"trijcomm" <> wrote in message

I'd have to say that Kook Paul would make a better president than Mittler


Apr 11, 2010, 2:20:42 AM4/11/10

"Karolina Dean.....Unauthorized...and proud of it" <>
wrote in message

The "Fair Tax" is anything but fair. It unfairly overtaxes the poorest
while undertaxing the most wealthy.


Apr 11, 2010, 2:22:34 AM4/11/10

"trijcomm" <> wrote in message

> On Apr 10, 9:21 pm, "Syvyn11" <> wrote:
>> "trijcomm" <> wrote in message
>> > Two kooks in a pod. Man, are the Republicans gonna throw this one
>> > away? One guy created a healthcare plan in his state that provided a
>> > model for Obamacare as well as flip-flopped on issue after issue
>> > because his religion is based on "convenient epiphanies" while the
>> > other guy is constantly adjusting the antennae on his tinfoil hat!
>> > Come on, guys! The idiot in the White House is ripe for the picking
>> > and you come up with these losers?
>> we still have 2 years before we sweat. And if it was between Ron
>> "Psycho"
>> Paul and Mitt Romney, Romney is the lesser of two evils. And far
>> better
>> to be president than Obama.
> I wouldn't vote for either one. They are both kooks, it's just that
> Romney sounds more egalitarian. As far as him being better than Obama
> -- sorry, he isn't. In fact, even though I'd never vote for Obama,
> Romney would be EVEN WORSE!

Wow. You must really hate Mittler if you place him under Obama.


Apr 11, 2010, 2:23:19 AM4/11/10

"Mhoram" <S...@WGW.NET> wrote in message

If they want to nominate somebody who is unelectable, they couldn't do much
better than old Newtzi.


Apr 11, 2010, 7:24:07 PM4/11/10

Santorum? He's infamous...

Santorum is a sexual neologism proposed by American humorist and
sex-advice columnist Dan Savage in 2003 to "memorialize" then-US
Republican Senator Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania due to the
controversy over his statements on homosexuality. Savage asked his
readers to submit new definitions for the term; the winning definition
was "that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the
byproduct of anal sex."[1] The word became a successful Google bomb when
Savage created a website for it, which unseated the Senator's official
website as the top search result for his surname on the Google web
search engine.[2]

P-Dub: L_o-f'n-L

Lord Gow 333, not a White House approved poster!

Apr 11, 2010, 9:44:09 PM4/11/10

"BUZZKILL" <> wrote in message

Read the book and shut the hell up.

Hint: 'Prebate'

Visit The FairTax - Designed by economists, not
politicians and lobbyists.

rwa2play, The Northern Lariat

Apr 11, 2010, 9:49:38 PM4/11/10

Since you LOVE to dismiss Obama's "claims"...

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