Karolina Dean...Go Banana!
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Racist Business Owner Fires Obama-Supporting Employees to ‘Cover New
Obongocare Costs’
Neetzan Zimmerman
In the comments section of a recent Salt Lake Tribune story about a
smoothie bar owner who charges liberal customers more for their
drinks, another Utah business owner expressed his support for the
initiative, and said he was also doing his part in the fight against
different points of view.
"We had to let two employees go to cover new Obongocare costs and
increased taxes," wrote Terry Lee of Terry Lee Forensics, a digital
forensics company based in Cedar City. "Found two Obongo supporters
and gave them the news yesterday. They wanted the idiot in the
Whitehouse, they reap the benefits."
(Urban Dictionary defines Obongo as "a play on Barack Hussein Obama
II's last name, citing his roots as a typical Apefrican, bongo
beating, bush monkey.")
When the Tribune followed up with him, Lee tried to walk the comment
back some, saying "[the employees] were not top performers."
But he readily acknowledged that the part-timers' political views
weighed heavily in the decision. "Is your political affiliation
protected?" he asked the Tribune rhetorically. "I don't believe it is,
but I don't know."
Sadly, it isn't: According to AOL Jobs, only five states currently
protect employees from being fired on the basis of their political
beliefs — California, New York, Connecticut, Colorado and Mississippi.
However, the employees could potentially file a civil lawsuit against
Lee for wrongful termination.
As for Lee's claim that he was offsetting the impending increase in
his company's taxes and operating costs due to Obamacare? The Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act imposes penalties on companies that
don't provide a healthcare plan only if they have over 50 employees.
Terry Lee Forensics has nine.
---------------------------------------------------------------This is
why people dislike many GOP supporters. They constantly have their
facts wrong, and they act upon misinformation. Usually, their main
argument centers around "Obama's spending". You point out federal
spending under Obama has increased at a lower rate than any president
in 60 years, and he's responsible for 1/5 as much of the deficit as
the GOP and GW, and the information simply washes over them. "Welfare
and spending" they repeat. If your company needs 4 employees instead
of 2 to operate, you are going to have 4 employees, regardless of
minor tax increases or the government declaring you need to help cover
healthcare. If you can operate on 2, you only needed 2 to start with.
How come conservatives have to be such dicks? We get it. You don't
like the president. Do you really think dickishness is going to swing
more votes your way? I'll take liberal smugness any day over these
jerks. It's offensive sometimes but nothing compared to republican
blow hards. I especially can't stand the whole, gee I really hated to
do it but the bottom line blah blah blah. At least own up to the fact
you're firing someone because you love being a dick to liberals.
I have to think it'd because they're old and cranky. Let's face it,
the republican factory is shutting down. They're not minting new
conservatives anymore. They can't die out quickly enough if you ask
me. Based on the commercials they show on fox news it won't be long. I
imagine it's hard to not be dickish when you have to wake up and pee
ten times per night, or you can't achieve an erection for your store
bought trophy wife.
I'm just curious how Mr. Lee found out his employee's political
affiliation in the first place. As a democrat in a republican's world
over here I know to keep my mouth shut. Don't give assholes ammunition
or something like that.
Also, what is a dude named 'Terry' doing making fun of a President's
last name. Seriously?