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ECW Arena Report (Saturday)

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Toxicenema TAFKA Idiotboy

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99

The show started with Joey Styles coming out to a huge ovation from
the packed
ECW Arena. Sign Guy Dudley came out and said he didn't want to be
referred to as
Sign Guy. He said he started out as a fan, and he did everything he
could to be a part
of ECW. He did it because he knew it was special here. Sign Guy
said while the people
he used to be paired with became stars, he was left in the shadows.
He said it was
time to prove he was someone, and that he was the greatest manager
in wrestling
today. He said his new name was Lou E. Dangerously, and pulled out
a cellphone. He
then said he would confirm all the internet rumors, and bring back
a former ECW World
Champion. Out came .... Mikey Whipwreck!!!!!!! He received a huge
ovation and
"Welcome Back" chant from the crowd. Joey Styles left, and Mikey
awaited his

His opponent, is the current ECW World Heavyweight Champion,
Awesome Mike
Awesome, accompanied by Judge Jeff Jones and making his first ECW
appearance as champion. Awesome dominated at the start, shoving
down Mikey and
hitting a belly-to-belly suplex. He followed with a lariat and a
splash for a two count.
The champion hit a big boot, then sent Mikey to the floor, where he
hit a running blow
from the apron to the floor. Awesome used a chair on Whipwreck,
then sent him over
the rail into the crowd. Awesome followed by diving over the rail
into him. Awesome
planted Mikey in the ring and set up a table outside. Mikey
reversed an Awesome
bomb attempt into a rana, but Mike hit a lariat. Awesome went to
the top, but Mikey
hit the FrankenMikey for a two. Mike's advantage didn't last long,
as Awesome got him
up in the Awesome bomb and threw him over the top rope, through the
table, to the
floor. Awesome splash from the top, and the three count came down.
An incredible
display from the ECW World Heavyweight Champion.

In a rematch from TNN, Nova took on Chris Candido, with Tammy Lynn
Sytch. They
started out trading holds, with neither getting an advantage.
Neither man could
maintain control for long, until Candido went outside for a
breather. Nova hit a rana,
but Candido stopped a second attempt and delivered a running
powerbomb, followed
by a long vertical suplex. He followed with a second rope legdrop
for a two count.
Nova got a roll up from nowhere for two, then Candido scored with
an enzugiri for
another nearfall. Candido planted Nova with a powerslam and went to
the top. but
Nova caught him. He was shoved off, but Nova managed to drop a
headbutt to the
groin. Nova came back with a backdrop, clothesline and bulldog for
a two. They
traded reversals until Nova hit a reverse DDT. Nova went to the
top, and Tammy
went to the apron. Chris Chetti came out, and planted a kiss on
Tammy, then carried
her to the back. Meanwhile, Candido hit a top rope superplex, but
missed the top rope
headbutt. Nova then hit the Kryptonite Krunch for the pin. Both men
embraced after
the match.

Out next was Danny Doring and Roadkill, with Miss Congeniality.
Doring took the mic
and started talking about himself, when Cyrus interrupted,
accompanied by his own
lovely female. Cyrus complained about being the best talker in
wrestling, but needing
a woman to get on TV. He said the "office" had high hopes for
Doring. Cyrus said he
was thinking of going to write TV for the "Vin Man" and needed a
peace offering, and
he heard Congeniality was a hell of a piece. He offered to trade
his woman for
Congeniality. Cyrus said his woman was Canada's greatest Ho. Doring
and Roadkill
seemed more than interested. Doring seemed to waver, but Roadkill
was more than
willing to trade. Congeniality pleaded her case to Doring, while
Roadkill got closer to
the new babe. Doring admitted to Congeniality that he was never
serious about
marriage, and he had a woman in every town. Congeniality slapped
him, and Doring
gave her a double arm DDT. Roadkill followed with a top rope
splash. Doring said
"Wham, Bam, Thank you ma'am" and left with the new woman. Cyrus
then stood over
Congeniality's fallen body and said "Tell Vince, Cyrus says 'hi".
She was then
stretchered out.

Time for an Extreme Three Way Dance, with Little Guido, Super
Crazy, and Spike
Dudley. There was a girl at ringside that looked just like Spike,
and they traded
glasses. Non-stop back and forth action to start, with all three
men going at it. Guido
got the Fujiwara armbar on Spike, but Crazy broke it up. Spike hit
a second rope rana
on Crazy, and Crazy countered by backdropping Spike over the top,
and Spike used
the momentum to hit a senton on Guido on the floor. While Spike and
Guido brawled
into the crowd, Crazy hit an Asai moonsault on both of them. Guido
then attacked
both men on the floor with a chair. Spike got back in the ring,
went to the top rope
with a chair, and dove to the floor, smashing Crazy. Guido went
back into the ring,
while Spike gave Crazy a rana from the guardrail on the floor. Big
Sal finally got
involved and squashed Crazy against the rail outside. Back in the
ring, Guido threw
Spike shoulder first into the ringpost. Sal tried to slam Spike
through a table outside,
but Spike turned it into an Acid Drop off the rail and put Sal
through the table. Spike
then went for an Acid Drop on Guido, but he reversed it into a
Tomikaze to eliminate
Dudley. This left Crazy and Guido, and they went right at it, going
back and forth.
Crazy missed a moonsault, and Guido hit a second rope rocker
dropper for a two
count. The fans rallied behind Crazy, and the two traded chops.
Crazy hit a rude
brainbuster, then went for the three consecutive ascending
moonsaults. After two,
Sal was going to come in, but Crazy dropkicked him out. He went
back for the third
moonsault, but Guido got the knees up. A brainbuster got Crazy
another two. Finally,
Crazy hit a sit down powerbomb to score the victory.

Out came Simon Diamond, accompanied by Dick. Simon introduced Dick
to the crowd
as his "close, personal friend." Simon said he would be watching
his rear at all times.
After Simon talked some more about his friend, out came Jazz. She
said she was sick
of Simon, and gave him a quick kick and a Jazz Stinger. She covered
him, but Dick
pulled her off and gave her a variation of a Michinoku Driver. Jazz
had to be taken out
on a stretcher.

Out next was Mr. Oldschool himself, Steve Corino, along with
Yoshihiro Tajiri and Jack
Victory, who is still in a wheelchair. Then out came Jerry Lynn, to
a thunderous
ovation, for his match with Tajiri. Lynn still had his ribs heavily
taped. They started
out trading forearms, then Tajiri unloaded with some stiff kicks.
Lynn came back with
a back suplex, and a sunset flip for two. Tajiri then chopped Lynn
in the corner, and
applied the Tarantula. He tied Lynn to the tree of woe, and
dropkicked him in the
face. Lynn battled back, but Tajiri hit the handspring elbow off
the ropes, sending
Lynn to the floor. Tajiri whipped him into the rail, then hit a
running chairshot off the
apron. Lynn was rolled back into the ring, bleeding, and Tajiri
took out a long metal
spike, ripping open the wound. Tajiri then used his sash to choke
Lynn, and went for a
brainbuster. Lynn floated over, and used the sash to choke Tajiri.
Lynn came in with a
chair, and Tajiri tried to blow green mist, but Lynn blocked it
with the chair. Lynn then
hit a reverse DDT on the chair. Tajiri went for the handspring
elbow again, but was
caught in a German suplex for a two count. Lynn applied a Gory
Guerrero special, but
Tajiri got out and hit a backbreaker. Tajiri then chopped Lynn in
the corner, and Lynn
returned with the same. They moved the battle to the top rope,
where Tajiri hit a
sunset flip style powerbomb off the ropes for a two count. Tajiri
backed Lynn into the
corner, but Jerry came out with a running powerbomb for another two
count. Tajiri
came back with a rana, but after a series of reversals, Lynn hit
the cradle piledriver.
Corino stopped the pinfall and worked over Lynn. Lynn came back and
gave Corino the
cradle piledriver, then dropkicked Jack Victory off the apron. Lynn
the followed with a
pescado to Victory. Lynn turned his attention back to Tajiri, who
blew the deadly red
mist into his eyes. Tajiri followed with a kick, then hit the
brainbuster to pin Jerry

Next came the latest graduate of the House of Hardcore, Tom Marquez
to take on
David Cash. Cash took the mic and had some strong words for the
Baldies, then
attacked Marquez. Marquez took control, but Cash shoved him off on
a superplex
attempt and hit a top rope dropkick. The Baldies (Skull, Angel &
DeVito) hit the ring
and laid out both men. DeVito took the mic and called out Axl
Rotten and Balls
Mahoney. The Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks came out, and the brawl
is on.

Balls and Axl quickly knocked Angel and DeVito from the ring, and
Skull got face to
face with Balls. Balls put out a chair for him to duel with, and
while he picked it up,
Axl and Balls hit him with two chair shots, laying him out. PN News
(who is also bald)
hit the ring and attacked Balls and Axl. The Baldies now had a four
on two attack.
Then "Natural Born Killaz" blared, and New Jack entered with the
can of goodies. Jack
took down all of the Baldies, and broke a guitar over DeVito's
head. Angel took this
opportunity to pick up Jack's staple gun, and when Jack turned
around, Angel stapled
him in the eye! Medics hit the ring, along with Bill Wiles and CW
Anderson, who the
Baldies laid out before leaving. Blood leaked from New Jack's eye
as Axl and Balls
struggled to calm him down so they could get him out of the ring.

It is now time for the ECW World Television title match, as Rob Van
Dam battles Sabu
in the ECW Arena for the first time since August of 1996. Bill
Alfonso came to the ring
with Sabu, then headed back behind the curtain, so he could also
come out with Rob
Van Dam. Sabu threatened to jump off the top rope as Van Dam walked
ringside, but Fonzie backed him off. They introduced Fonzie twice,
once for each man.
They felt each other out in the opening moments, then started
trading punches. From
there, they went to the mat, neither maintaining control of the
match. They
stalemated again after each tried a series of moves. This was an
incredible array of
counters, until RVD hit a Northern Lights suplex for a two count.
After more back and
forth, Sabu dropkicked RVD's knee out from under him. Van Dam was
dropkicked to
the floor and the two brawled at ringside. Van Dam crotched Sabu on
the guardrail,
and then kicked him off from the adjacent rail. Van Dam then hit a
senton from the rail
into the crowd, taking Sabu down. Van Dam then hit a corkscrew
legdrop from the
apron onto Sabu, who was hung over the rail. Sabu retaliated in the
ring by throwing
a chair at Van Dam, connecting to the face. Sabu bridged the rail
and apron with a
table, and laid the champion on it, but RVD rolled off. Sabu then
hit him with a
slingshot senton, and then rammed him into the table. He placed him
on the table,
which was now leaning on the rail, and Sabu hit a top rope legdrop,
putting Van Dam
face first through the table. Van Dam got up, but Sabu hit a
baseball slide to put him
back down. Sabu hit a triple jump moonsault, but didn't make an
immediate cover, and
only got two. Van Dam tripped Sabu into the chair, then hit the
rolling somersault
senton splash, while a chair was laying on Sabu. Sabu got his foot
on the ropes at
two. Van Dam is noticeably bleeding from the nose. He monkeyflipped
Sabu into the
chair, but only got two again. Sabu came back with a second rope
legdrop for a two
of his own. RVD hit some kicks, then a vertical suplex for a two
count. Van Dam hung
Sabu on the tree of woe, then dropkicked a chair in his face. Van
Dam applied a
surfboard, but Sabu grabbed the ropes to break it. Sabu hit RVD in
the head with a
springboard leg lariat. Van Dam went to the top, but Sabu crotched
him. He hit a top
rope rana, then a legdrop for a two. Sabu dropkicked Van Dam's knee
out from under
him again. Sabu applied a Fujiwara armbar, which Van Dam used a leg
scissors to
break. They traded blows, and then collided in mid ring. Suddenly
the bell rang,
signaling a time limit draw. Referee Pee Wee Moore declared the
match a draw.

Van Dam took the mic, and said that this wasn't enough for him. He
said he wanted to
beat Sabu. They started trading blows and the bell rang, the match
will continue!
Sabu quickly applied a camel clutch, but Van Dam reversed it, and
applied his own.
Van Dam applied a double underhook gourdbuster and a legdrop. He
then threw a
chair at Sabu's head. Van Dam picked up a chair, and Fonzie tossed
Sabu a chair. We
had dueling chairs, which Sabu won. He hit a rana off the top, then
the Arabian
facebuster for a 2 and 44/45th's count! The traded blows on their
knees, neither
getting the advantage. Van Dam went for the Northern Lights, but
Sabu turned it into
a DDT, then kneed Van Dam in the head. Sabu hit the Atomic Arabian
facebuster, but
couldn't make the cover. When he finally did, RVD kicked out. Sabu
applied a
juji-gatame, while RVD fought out. Sabu hit a slingshot somersault
legdrop, then an
Arabian press, but the bell rang again! The additional time had
expired, and the match
was declared a draw again. The fans wanted more. Sabu wanted more.
RVD didn't and
started to leave. Sabu hit a chairlaunch onto the top rope, and
landed on Van Dam in
the aisle. We got five more minutes!

They battled on the outside, and Sabu crotched RVD on the
guardrail, split his legs
open across the rails, then hit a rana to the floor. Quebrada by
Sabu for a two count.
Van Dam went for a kick, but Sabu turned it into a leglace, as the
fans chanted his
name. Van Dam got back to his feet, and hit a perfect thrust kick
to the chin,
followed by the five star frog splash, but was too exhausted to
cover. When he finally
did, Sabu kicked out. Van Dam hit two corkscrew legdrops, then the
split leg
moonsault, but still couldn't get the pin. Sabu stomped Van Dam,
and hit a twisting
Arabian press for another two count. They traded blows, and the
bell rang again! The
match was declared a draw, again. Fonzie tried to convince both of
his men to accept
the draw. Van Dam went to shake Sabu's hand, but Sabu gave him the
finger. Sabu,
hobbling on one leg, went back after Van Dam. They started
brawling, but security
came in to break it up.

Van Dam left, and Sabu was in the ring clutching his knee with Bill
Alfonso. They tried
to get him on a stretcher, but Sabu refused. Finally, Sabu walked
out, helped by
Fonzie, to the applause of the fans.

Match of the Year candidate, to be sure!

Time for the main event, for the ECW World Tag Team Title, as The
Impact Players,
Justin Credible and Lance Storm, challenge Tommy Dreamer and Raven.
Justin came
out first, with Jason, followed by Lance, with Dawn Marie. Tommy
Dreamer came out
with Francine, his elbow heavily taped. Finally, Raven came out,
his head bandaged as
a result of last nights match with Credible. Raven started with
Credible, but tagged
Dreamer before they ever locked up. Raven held Credible for a
Dreamer punch, then
let go before Dreamer could land the blow, and Credible hit a
forearm. Storm tagged
in, then Raven. It was now Dreamer's turn to double cross Raven.
Soon, the tag
champs were brawling with each other, then turned and attacked
their opponents.
Soon, it was a wild brawl around ringside. Raven put Justin on a
table, stopped
Dreamer from diving on him, then dropped an elbow from the second
rope, putting him
through it. Back in the ring, Raven hit the drop toe hold into a
chair on Lance. Raven
stopped a cat fight from happening, and then Dreamer gave Raven a
Lance and Dreamer went at it, then Credible tagged back in.
Amazingly, it settled
back into a tag match. Credible worked over Dreamer, then brought
Lance back in,
who hit a handspring lariat, then a springboard clothesline from
the top. Lance hit a
perfect brainbuster, then Credible gave him a chair. Dreamer
managed a Russian
legsweep into a chair, then tagged Raven. Raven took on both Impact
Players, but
couldn't get a pinfall. Justin hit a spinning DDT, but Dreamer
broke up the pin. Dreamer
and Raven then hit DDT's on the Impact Players, but Dawn Marie
knocked out referee
John Finnegan. CATFIGHT! Dreamer went to piledrive Dawn, but Rhino
came out and
attacked Dreamer. Rhino went to DDT Dreamer, then Raven stopped
him, and tried to
DDT Rhino. Justin broke it up with a cane shot on Raven, then one
on Dreamer. Storm
then gave Dreamer a cradle piledriver, while Justin gave Raven
"That's Incredible."
Suddenly, the lights went out, and a spotlight shone on the Eagle's


He came to the ring and caned Jason. Credible and Storm were
holding back Rhino.
Steve Corino and Jack Victory came out to get Rhino out. The crowd
was going crazy
at this point. They got Rhino out of the ring, just as Sandman
caned Victory. Then,
Steve Corino, the last to try and leave, got caught with a caneshot
to the back of
the head. The Impact Players and Rhino collected their partners and
left, just as
Raven made a quick exit. Dreamer and Francine celebrated with the
Hardcore Icon, and the crowd burst into a thunderous "ECW" chant as
Dreamer and
Sandman embraced. Dreamer and Francine left, and the crowd chanted
for the
Sandman, as he tossed his cane to the crowd.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


"Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah .."

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