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[WR] REVIEW: CRAB Wrestling Vice Effect: The Day After Tomorrows Superstars Today.

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Sep 3, 2019, 11:39:45 AM9/3/19

REVIEW: CRAB Wrestling Vice Effect: The Day After Tomorrows Superstars

Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:14 AM PDT

Welcome to KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews. I’ve been reviewing
wrestling shows for over ten years now and have reviewed over 5,000 shows.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be posting a new review here on, starting today. It could be anything from modern WWE
to old school to indies to anything in between. Note that I rate using
letters instead of stars and I don’t rate matches under three minutes as
really, how good or bad can something that short be?
Vice Effect

Date: June 8, 2019

Location: Old Ox Brewery, Ashburn, Virginia

Commentator: Jason Heat
Odds are you haven’t heard of this one but a colleague of mine works for
the company and asked me to take a look at it. Since I have an issue saying
no to anyone (I really need to work on that.), here we are. This is from
CRAB Wrestling (Championship Rassling And Beyond) and they might want to
change the name. Let’s get to it.
This show is available at Independentwrestling.TV, which is an indy
wrestling streaming service. It costs to watch, but if you use the code
UNCHARTED you can get 20 days free.
As usual, I have no idea what any of this is going to be or who these
people/stories are.
We go straight to the graphic for the opening match with no intro video.
There is a crowd there. Not a big one, but there are people in the building
and that’s what matters.
Jason Heat is on commentary with a host of different commentators moving in
and out of the booth all night.
Capital Vices vs. Ugly Ducklings
That would be Sin/Money vs. Rob Killjoy/Lance Lude, with Coach Mikey. Sin
and Money high five fans, which you don’t quite expect from people named
SIN and Money. They’re wearing what seem to be bloody aprons so some
violence would be expected here. Mikey is holding a sign that says QUACK
and the Ducklings quack quite loudly. The Ducklings lead the fans in a
QUACK chant with all the fans putting their hands in, though they wait for
a kid in a duck mask for a nice touch. Hold on though as we have an issue
with a lack of tag ropes.
Rob works on Money’s wrist to start as we hear about Lude and Sin being a
former team. More wristlocking sets up an armbar and Money gets tripped to
the mat. Missed dropkicks give us a stalemate and the fans seem to applaud.
Lude comes in off a blind tag for a double Regal Cutter on Money but it’s
off to Sin for the reunion showdown. Lude kicks him in the ribs and the
fans don’t like that for some reason.
A leapfrog is blocked with a failed powerbomb attempt and Lude grabs a
Black Widow. The Ducklings get smart and double team Sin down, setting up a
series of splashes called Duck Duck Goose (I chuckled) for no count as the
referee wants Lude out of the ring. That doesn’t happen though as Lude
throws Killjoy at Money for a Stunner (Knuckleduck) into a standing
shooting star. Money isn’t legal though so Sin throws the Ducks together
for the eternally dumb DDT your partner spot.
The Vices pick Lude up from the mat and throw him onto Mikey and Killjoy in
a big crash. Back in and Sin’s splash gets two on Lude but something like a
Stundog Millionaire allows the tag off to Killjoy. A springboard middle
rope dropkick puts Sin on the floor and a springboard moonsault takes him
down again. The back to back dives take the Vices down but they’re right
back in with a Downward Spiral/guillotine legdrop combination.
Lude makes the save so he gets crushed with an assisted running Liger Bomb
out of the corner. Killjoy gets smacked in the face but comes right back
with discus forearms to the front and back of Sin’s head. A monkey flip
into a cannonball (Launchpad McQuack. I was expecting Duck Hunt.) crushes
Money for the pin at 12:09.
Rating: C. The idea worked well here, though it went on a bit too long with
the back and forth stuff in the second half going on a minute or so longer
than it needed to. The other issue I had was with the names. I’m not sure
what was so sinful or money focused about the Vices and the Ducklings don’t
do anything that makes them seem or look ugly. Maybe those things are
explained better in promos but I didn’t get the idea as well here.
That being said, the match was a good example of power vs. speed and the
stuff from the announcers about Lude and Sin’s history together helped a
lot. The Ducklings are a rather nice opening act match and could be some
solid underdog challengers later. That crowd cheer at the beginning was a
cool deal and works well in a small setting. It’s a good opener and the
wrestling was completely acceptable, which is far from a guarantee in the
Post match the Vices call them back into the ring because this isn’t over.
The Ducklings get back in the ring as Sin talks about how great they are (I
think, as it’s a little hard to understand). We get some handshakes and
everyone poses until the Ducklings and Mikey are left in the ring to get
some cheers.
Breaux Keller vs. Dame
Keller’s Prime Time Pro Wrestling Title isn’t on the line (so they probably
shouldn’t announce him as the “reigning, DEFENDING champion”). Dame seems
rather divaish and enjoys getting his picture taken. Actually hang on again
because he needs to do his own intro. He’s here to steal your boyfriends,
girlfriends and the show. Ring announcer: “Yeah what he said.” Keller is
rather high energy and has some size to him. An early waistlock takedown
gets on Dame’s nerves and Keller rips off the skirt to annoy him even more.
A bulldog onto the ropes sets up a running knee to Dame’s face and it’s
time for a breather on the floor. Back in and Keller nails some Stinger
Splashes in the corner, with the fans wanting one more. Since Dame is smart
enough to listen to the chants, he rolls away so Keller can crash. A
dropkick to the leg sends Keller face first into the buckle and a kick to
the arm gives Dame two. The arm is fine enough that Keller can come back
with chops in the corner so Dame cuts him off with a neckbreaker.
Dame’s chinlock lasts as long as a chinlock is going to last so he switches
to a triangle choke over the ropes. That gets the fans worried in a hurry
but Keller superkicks him out of the air. Dame dropkicks him outside but
stops to pose for his personal photographer. Keller slaps the photographer
in the back of the head to tick Dame off. A dropkick takes Dame down and a
running X Factor gets two.
Back up and Dame’s springboard is countered into a Michinoku Driver for two
more. Dame manages to sneak in a low blow though and a springboard Rear
View knocks Keller silly (Apparently it’s rather hard. I don’t think I
needed to know that.). The triangle choke goes on until Keller gets a foot
on the rope. Dame goes up top so Keller pulls him back down with a super
hurricanrana. The Gutter Butter (fireman’s carry gutbuster) finishes Dame
at 11:34.
Rating: C-. I’m not sure on this one. The characters were good and I bought
their mannerisms and such, but it felt like they were shifting from
character mode to wrestling mode several times throughout the match. There
were moments that felt like the characters were just gone and it was a
match between any two wrestlers. It also felt like they were just trading
spots at times instead of building towards something. It’s not like it was
a disaster or anything, but it felt like a match that needed some more
Dame quotes Bohemian Rhapsody and says he is real life and a fantasy. At
the end of the day, he is still a star so nothing matters to him.
Lady Frost vs. Genesis
Frost has Victor Benjamin in her corner and Genesis is in a mask. We hear
about Lady Frost’s thermodynamic powers, which I guess make her the reverse
Kane. They trade rollups to start to no avail until Frost hits a
clothesline. Some knees to the ribs have Genesis in trouble and a kick to
the face makes it worse.
A PerfectPlex gets two as the jokes are strong on commentary (Jason:
“Genesis not ready to make an exodus just yet.”). Frost hits a chop to the
stomach before getting a rather dainty two. Hold on though as it’s time to
smile at Benjamin, allowing Genesis to have a breather on the floor.
Benjamin adds a trip to Genesis (Fans: “SHE TRIPPED!”), allowing Frost to
choke on the ropes.
A front flip into a Cannonball connects, drawing snowballs from the crowd.
Genesis wins a forearm off though and hits a running crotch to the face
(commentary called it knees but I saw no knees making contact). Holy Death,
which appears to be a hammerlock spinebuster, is countered with a stomp to
the foot and a running flip neckbreaker (Icebreaker) finishes Genesis at
Rating: C-. I was surprised by how well this went as commentary mentioned
that both women only had about a year of training. It was smart to keep
this one short but the women certainly didn’t embarrass themselves. Genesis
has some size to her and they played into that a bit along with Benjamin on
the floor, though neither played into the finish.
Dezmon King sounds nervous about facing Bobby Shields but insists he’s
Dezmon King vs. Bobby Shields
Shields is called the Body and billed as “coming straight from the gym”.
King on the other hand is from Space Station 27 (they have great pulled
pork). Commentary talks about King being trained here before being sent on
excursion to Tattooine after a trip to Krypton didn’t go well. Shields
stalls for a long time to start and we get our first significant contact, a
chop to Shields, about two minutes in. That means more stalling but this
time King follows him out and chops away on the floor.
Back in and Shields goes head first into the buckle, setting up the
cartwheel into a basement dropkick, ala Jay Lethal. Shields gets ticked off
but gets dropkicked in the side of the head to cool him back down. A quick
reversal lets Shields throw him outside and you can see the annoyance on
Shields’ face. Back in and some jumping knee drops get two on King as the
aggression is starting to pay off.
The chinlock lasts all of a few seconds so Shields pulls him down by the
head. Shields’ jumping knee to the face and a hard clothesline get two.
Another running crotch shot to the face in the corner (the knees were more
together this time) gets two on King and a backdrop sends him outside in a
nasty crash. Shields isn’t done as he slams King on the floor and throws a
bunch of chairs on top of him.
That’s good for a nine and King is back with a space (spine) buster (Jason:
“It’s out of this world!”) for a breather. A delayed gutwrench powerbomb
gives King two but Shields is right back up with a boot to the head. That
and a Lionsault get two more but this time it’s King right back with a
spinning Rock Bottom. The referee gets bumped and grabs her ankle though,
allowing Shields to hit a superkick. The Gory Bomb finishes King at 15:06.
Rating: C. Not bad at all here as Shields looked like a fairly seasoned
veteran and King looked like someone with a lot of natural talent.
Commentators suggested that he hadn’t wrestled long so some more experience
will help him out a good bit. I liked the alien idea but King didn’t really
do anything that would make it seem to apply to him. For the top positive,
the match flew by and certainly didn’t feel fifteen minutes.
Team Prime Time Wrestling is ready to face Team CRAB. The manager (Mr.
Gator) promises to end the war that CRAB started and one of the wrestlers
talks about attacking CRAB from within.
Team CRAB vs. Team Prime Time
CRAB: Mack Buckler, Mikey Banker, Christian James, Ivan Ali
Prime Time: Derron The Artiste, Eel O’Neal, John Kermon, O’Shay Edwards
I’ve seen Edwards before as he had some nice performances over Wrestlemania
weekend. Buckler and Banker are the CRAB Tag Team Champions. Edwards and
Banker start things off with Banker running his mouth a lot. They take
turns taking each other down and Banker hits the gyrations. A missed charge
lets Edwards hit an Oklahoma Stampede to take over though and since Banker
is done, Edwards drags him over to the corner.
Buckler tags himself in for a clothesline off with Buckler actually winning
things. O’Neal comes in and commentary is right there to explain about
Banker and Buckler beating him up in front of his girlfriend. That
explanation took five seconds and tells you why he’s ticked off. Good job
there. Ali comes in and gets headscissored, only to come right back with a
heck of a clothesline for two.
We get a somewhat awkward exchange in the corner that looked to be
mistimed, allowing Ali to knock all of the Prime Time guys off the apron.
It takes a bit longer with Edwards but Ali charges into him by mistake.
James and Kermon come in with the latter picking up the pace but hitting
Edwards by mistake. Banker comes in and gets kicked in the back for two,
allowing Derron to come in and strike away.
Derron’s charge hits Edwards AGAIN (third time in a row he’s been knocked
down by his partners), allowing Banker to nail a Downward Spiral. Edwards
is ticked off though and comes in for some rolling German suplexes to
Banker. Buckler makes the save with a Sky High so Derron hits him with a
heck of a clothesline. It’s back to O’Neal with the Baltimore crab as
everything breaks down. Derron unloads on Banker in the corner but gets
caught in a bad looking spinning full nelson slam.
Edwards is back up and decks O’Neal before walking away from Derron’s tag
attempt. He flips Gator off and walks out (with Gator following him),
making himself look like a star and leaving this as a handicap match.
Derron is the only Prime Time guy left standing and the beatdown is on with
O’Neal and Kermon watching from the floor. Kermon teases getting back in
and is dropped with a single kick. Ali hits a belly to back faceplant and
James steals the pin at 11:58.
Rating: C+. I liked this one better than most of the other matches on the
show, which is rather surprising as the gimmicks were toned down here and
it was a lot of guys in tights. However, they made the story clear and the
commentary was right there to explain what was going on, making it a well
told story. Edwards looked like the biggest star in the whole match and
that seems to be by design. Good story here with a lot of little things
adding up.
Post match the rest of the team isn’t happy at James but Banker grabs a
rear naked choke on Derron. Buckler says they showed who they are tonight
but James wants credit for the win. James didn’t stick to the plan but says
he won by himself. He isn’t representing CRAB anymore because he’s now part
of New South Pro Wrestling, which will be here to face CRAB on August 3.
The brawl is on and they fight to the back.
Hang on though as here are Gator, O’Neal and Kermon. Gator will address
Edwards at a later date, but for now he wants to talk about Derron. He just
couldn’t get the job done so he is FIRED, which makes commentary happy
because Derron jumped from CRAB to Prime Time. O’Neal and Kermon carry him
CRAB Title: Logan Easton LaRoux vs. Isaiah Frazier
Frazier is defending and comes out with two belts. Logan (best known as
Race Jaxson in Chikara) seems to be a rich guy, who takes the mic from the
announcer to do his own entrance. Feeling out process to start with Frazier
flipping out of a wristlock, leaving Logan to flip the crowd off. The fans
are split as Frazier takes him down into a front facelock and some rollups
give Frazier two.
Logan chills in the corner and offers a handshake, but Frazier blocks a
surprise cutter attempt. That’s enough for Logan to bail to the floor for a
breather, but the distraction brings Frazier outside for a chase. Logan is
fine enough to hit a dropkick and slingshot dive to the floor, meaning it’s
time for some posing. Back in and a jumping enziguri cuts Frazier off and
they slug it out on the floor as I want that woman’s Scooby Doo shirt.
Logan suplexes him onto the apron and it’s time for the chinlock. Frazier
actually reverses into one of his own, which isn’t something you see too
often. That’s broken up as well and Logan’s middle rope dropkick gets two.
Choking in the corner ensues and the referee shoves Logan away off the
break. A backsplash crushes Frazier as commentary argues about how Logan
can have tricks up his sleeves when he has no sleeves. Frazier fights out
of the corner until a double crossbody puts them both down.
It’s Frazier up first with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two and Logan bails to
the floor to avoid a running knee. That’s fine with Frazier, who hits a big
corkscrew dive. Logan manages to steal a beer but it gets spat out off a
right hand to the face. They fight into the crowd where Frazier even lets a
fan (I’m sure) get in a chop.
A kid gets to punch Logan in the chest but he’s right back with a jumping
DDT as they go back inside. Isaiah slips off of Logan in a bit of a botch
but Logan is right there with a brainbuster for two. Frazier smashes him
with a running knee but one of Logan’s lackeys breaks up the cover.
Commentator Josh Fuller runs in with a belt shot to give Logan the pin and
the title at 16:36.
Rating: B-. This felt like a main event match with an angle at the end to
set up the big title match. Logan felt like the rich guy he was supposed to
be and came off as a snobbish heel. Frazier didn’t seem to have much of a
character but he was easy to get behind and had some athleticism going for
him. It was the best match of the night and both guys felt more important
than the rest of the show, which should be the case for the title match.
Fuller says he and Logan don’t care about Frazier’s story because there is
only one champion of the 1% to end the show.
Overall Rating: C+. I was rather pleasantly surprised by this show. There’s
nothing great or must see, but you get two hours of completely watchable
matches from a lot of people you’ve probably never seen before. Nothing is
close to terrible or even bad really and that alone is going to keep it as
a positive show.
The other thing I liked here was the amount of characters that this show
had. I was worried about seeing a lot of guys in board shorts and t-shirt
with the same generic/non-existent gimmick that you seem to see at dozens
of indy shows. What we had here instead was one gimmick after another and
they stood out from each other for the most part. The eight man tag didn’t
have them, but that’s fine for one match out of six. It was a very nice
surprise and made the show roughly 285% easier to watch.
Overall, this show wasn’t too long, had some perfectly watchable wrestling
and felt like a fun night. It’s nothing that came off as great and there
are things they need to fix, but all things considered, this was a very fun
show and something I’d check out again in the future. Considering what
messes you can get with indy companies trying to be WWE on a micro budget,
it was cool to see a company just doing their own thing without being
ridiculous or going too far. This was to the point and worked well, which
is a lot better than going insane and making a mess of things. Rather good
show here and worth checking out.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

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to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
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Superstars Today. appeared first on

The Talking Can Continue. Major Update On Maxwell Jacob Friedmans Future.

Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:01 AM PDT

He’s worth keeping. AEW has burst onto the wrestling scene like few other
wrestling companies ever have in history. They only started earlier this
year and yet they are already the second biggest wrestling promotion in the
United States. However, one consequence to their rise that has gone
unnoticed so far is the impact they will have on independent wrestling. It
turns out that it might not be so bad though.

Major League Wrestling CEO Court Bauer recently spoke with
and discussed the idea of wrestlers being forced out of their independent
contracts as soon as the AEW TNT show debuted. This includes Maxwell Jacob
Friedman, who has worked for Major League Wrestling since the beginning of
their television series. There is no word on when Friedman’s contract with
Major League Wrestling expires.

This man is a treasure. Check out Friedman’s work in Major League
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: That’s a good thing to know for the company’s future, along with
the futures of various other companies. AEW just making a lot of their
talent disappear almost overnight would be a near disaster for most of them
and Friedman is a big deal in Major League Wrestling. Hopefully he can
appear on both shows for a long time to come as he is quite the gem no
matter where he is.

Do you think Friedman will stay with Major League Wrestling? How well can
he do in AEW? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

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for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Future. appeared first on

RUMOR: It Happens Everywhere. A Backstage Fight Took Place At AEW All Out
And We May Know Why.

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:56 PM PDT

Shouldn’t that be happening in front of the cameras? There are a lot of
people on the AEW roster. Some of them are names that the masses are going
to have heard of while others are names that might not have been around
very often. They also come from all over the world with a wide variety
available for the fans to see. Sometimes things don’t go well backstage
though and that was the case at All Out.

According to Casey Michael of Squared Circle Sirens, there was a backstage
fight between Bea Priestly and Sadie Gibbs at All Out. While not
confirmed, it seems that the incident is a result of Priestly no selling a
gorilla press from Gibbs. It seems to be an issue for Gibbs, who posted a
video of the no sell to her Instagram page. There is no word on any
backstage heat against either of them for the fight.

Also, Sadie is a real one for swinging on Bea backstage last night. Put the
title on her PLEASE.

- Casey Michael (@ifyouseekcasey) September 1, 2019

This doesn’t look great. Check out what might have set Gibbs off:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This isn’t the biggest problem in the world as it is something
that happens in almost every wrestling promotion from time to time.
Sometimes these wrestlers are just going to have emotions spill over and it
isn’t like anyone got seriously hurt. It’s the kind of thing that just
happens and we move on, though hopefully they can work together in the

Will this be a continuing issue? Is it something that will be a problem
later on? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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All Out And We May Know Why. appeared first on

(WATCH): Answers And Humor. The Latest Firefly Fun House Mocks Vince
McMahon And Addresses Big Bray Wyatt Rumor.

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:53 PM PDT

Answer questions and make jokes. There are very few more interesting
characters in WWE at the moment than Bray Wyatt and the Fiend. The
combination of two characters in one person is rare enough but to have it
be well done is even more impressive. That’s what Wyatt has managed to do
and he gets to do just that on the Firefly Fun House. Wyatt was back again
this week.

During this week’s Monday Night Raw, Wyatt presented another episode of the
Firefly Fun House, this time including his evil Vince McMahon puppet. The
McMahon puppet was ready to fire Wyatt over challenging for a Universal
Title shot at Hell in a Cell but Wyatt fed McMahon some of the money that
he had been making, which calmed McMahon down. This suggests that the
recent advertisements of Wyatt receiving a title shot at the event are

So we’ll see him in…..yeah. Check out this week’s Firefly Fun House:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: There is something to be said about the commentary these things
offer, with something like the McMahon and money comment being the kind of
jab that you would not expect to be made on WWE TV. The vignettes have
done very well and we already seem to have the next title match set up for
October. That’s quite a good use of about three minutes, which tends to be
the case with Firefly Fun House episodes.

Do you like the idea of Wyatt getting a title shot? Will he win the
title? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Vince McMahon And Addresses Big Bray Wyatt Rumor. appeared first on

Across The Bow. Adam Page Takes An Odd Shot At Triple H.

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:49 PM PDT

I guess that counts as a shot fired. This past weekend, WWE presented
Takeover: Cardiff as part of its NXT UK brand. Later in the day, AEW
offered All Out, their fourth ever show and second major pay per view. It
is no secret that the two companies are in competition with each other, but
one of the top AEW stars has made a bit of a joke about one of the most
important people in WWE.

The main event of All Out featured Adam Page vs. Chris Jericho for the
inaugural AEW World Title. Page, best known as a cowboy, rode a horse to
the ring for a special entrance. During the latest episode of Being The
Elite, which was filmed backstage at All Out, Page officially named the
horse Hunter Horse Helmsley, a play on the full name of Triple H, which is
short for Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

There is a lot of good stuff in this one. Check out the latest episode of
Being The Elite:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: I mean, I guess it’s better than hitting the throne with a
sledgehammer again. AEW is still a brand new company and is going head to
toe with the most powerful wrestling company in the world. They certainly
have some momentum at the moment but do you really want to poke at the
other company so early? It isn’t even that funny of a joke, so was it
really the best idea?

Do you like the horse name? Should AEW take shots at WWE? Let us know in
the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

The post Across The Bow. Adam Page Takes An Odd Shot At Triple H. appeared
first on

(WATCH): I Didnt See That Coming. Big Surprise Heel Turn Takes Place At
The End Of Monday Night Raw.

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 09:53 PM PDT

I never thought I would see the Monday. There are some wrestlers that you
can never imagine changing. They might be so established in one way that
the idea of a change is just out of the realm of possibility. That’s the
kind of thing that can help or hurt a wrestler depending on how you look at
it, but one of the most established characters in WWE has made a big change.

The main event of this week’s Monday Night Raw saw Raw Women’s Champion
Becky Lynch and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley team up to face the
Women’s Tag Team Champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross. Sasha Banks
attacked Lynch to end the match, but after it was over, Bayley turned on
Lynch, attacking her with a chair to end the show in a heel turn. This
will be Bayley’s first time as a heel in WWE. She is scheduled to defend
her title against Charlotte at Clash Of Champions.

Well what else could it be? Check out the attack on Lynch as well as the
[This post contains video, click to play]

[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This is a rather interesting way to go as the idea of Bayley being
a heel is almost impossible to fathom. She has played the same kind of
character for so long now and a change might be welcome. It certainly
offers a twist to her long running character so maybe things things will
get better for her in the future. Her title reign has worked well enough
but a boost has never hurt anyone.

Do you like the change for Bayley? How well will this go for her? Let us
know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Place At The End Of Monday Night Raw. appeared first on

Thats A First One. Surprise King Of The Ring Match Ending Sets Up A
Different Kind Of Semifinal.

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 09:10 PM PDT

That’s one way to go. The King of the Ring tournament is in full swing and
that means that we are in for some interesting wrestling. With so many
options to win the tournament, this year’s edition contains a rather
stacked field. There are a lot of people having good matches in the whole
field, though now we are approaching the semifinals, though not without
some controversy.

This week on Monday Night Raw, a King of the Ring quarterfinal match
between Samoa Joe and Ricochet went to a double pin. As a result, the
official ruling stated that both of them would move on to the semifinals to
face Baron Corbin on next week’s show. The winner will face the SmackDown
Live winner at Clash of Champions. This will be the first triple threat
match in King of the Ring history.

It was a surprising way to go. Check out how the match went down:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: That’s one way to go, though I’m worried that it leads to Corbin
getting in without having to pin Ricochet. You can almost imagine Ricochet
finishing Samoa Joe off so Corbin can steal the pin, which is quite the
heel move but it’s a way to advance a rather unpopular person. Corbin did
look better on this week’s show, but I’m not sure if that is enough to get
him over his rather high hump.

Did you like the move? Who do you see advancing to the finals? Let us
know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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A Different Kind Of Semifinal. appeared first on

Raw Womens Championship Match Set For Clash Of Champions 2019

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 08:54 PM PDT

The match we all wanted to see. Becky Lynchs rise to the top of WWE over
the last year has been nothing short of phenomenal. She has easily become
one of the most popular superstars in the world and has had an incredible
run as Raw Womens Champion.

However, even The Man has to have a boss.

It was announced on Raw tonight that Sasha Banks will challenge Becky Lynch
for the Raw Womens Championship at Clash of Champions 2019.

The Boss has made quite the name for herself since making her return to the
comapny a few weeks ago. Check out how it all went down:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Editors Opinion:

No surprises here, but I like this new Sasha Banks. She works much better
as a heel and I think that her character is evolving into the Boss that we
want her to be. Combine that with the fact that Bayley turned heel as well
and you have a combination that could be absolutely incredible!

What do you think of Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks at Clash of Champions
2019? Leave us a comment below, or post a comment on our Facebook page!
Also, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and download our App from your
favorite App Store!

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Monday Night Raw Live Coverage And Results - September 2, 2019

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Monday Night Raw

Date: September 2, 2019

Location: Royal Farms Arena, Baltimore, Maryland

Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

The King of the Ring continues as we find out the final names on the Raw
side. This time around it’s Ricochet vs. Samoa Joe and Baron Corbin vs.
Cedric Alexander, meaning you should be able to guess where both matches
are going. Other than that we’ll likely get some more build to Clash of
Champions. Let’s get to it.

Here are Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins to open things up with a contract
signing. Rollins knows they can work together to beat Robert Roode and
Dolph Ziggler but his intentions are to walk out of Clash as a double
champ. Strowman says he’ll win but Rollins brings up slaying the beast to
win the Universal Title, which is something Strowman doesn’t know about. At
Clash, he’ll slay the monster.

Seth signs but here’s the OC to interrupt before Strowman can do the same.
AJ explains the double title concept and asks who he’s going to face. He’ll
just walk around showing off his title because that’s how you get a title
shot around here. AJ wants to know why the Good Brothers aren’t getting
their title shot and threatens to slap Cole’s teeth down his throat. Once
inside, he rips up the contract that Strowman hadn’t signed, so the table
is turned over and the fight is on.
Braun Strowman/Seth Rollins vs. OC

Non-title and joined in progress with Rollins kicking at Anderson before
it’s off to Gallows for the power. Strowman comes in and kicks Gallows down
without much trouble so it’s back to Anderson for an armbar on Rollins.
Seth gets sent outside and into the barricade for a knockdown as we take a

Back with Rollins hitting an enziguri on Gallows and bringing Strowman in
for the house cleaning. The running powerslam is broken up and everything
breaks down, with AJ getting on the apron for a distraction. That’s broken
up and Rolling grabs a rollup to finish Anderson at 11:43.

Result: Braun Strowman/Seth Rollins b. OC Rollup to Anderson (11:43)

Post match Strowman does the run around the ring shoulders but hits Rollins
by mistake. Cue Roode and Ziggler to help with the beatdown as all five lay
out Strowman and Rollins.

Post break the OC lays out Cedric Alexander before he can give an
interview. Cedric seems to have a bad arm injury.
Dolph Ziggler/Bobby Roode vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

Ziggler starts fast on Hawkins with Ryder getting knocked off the apron.
Roode drops Hawkins ribs first across the top rope but an elbow to the face
lets Ryder come in off the hot tag. Everything breaks down and it’s a
superkick into the Glorious DDT to finish Hawkins at 4:01.

Result: Dolph Ziggler/Bobby Roode b. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder Glorious DDT
to Hawkins (4:01)
Natalya vs. Lacey Evans

Natalya jumps Lacey from behind during the entrances and takes her down to
start. They head outside early on and a whip into the barricade has Natalya
in trouble for a change. Back in and Lacey calls her a nasty before
throwing on the chinlock. The double jump moonsault misses so Natalya hits
a discus lariat for two. Lacey grabs a tissue and throws it at Natalya
though, setting up the Woman’s Right for the pin at 5:11.

Result: Lacey Evans b. Natalya Womans Right (5:11)

Here’s Becky Lynch to respond to Sasha Banks. Becky wants to know where
Sasha is after she heard a bunch of reasons Sasha left after Wrestlemania
last week. She remembers Sasha being a star in NXT while Becky was off to
the side. Then Sasha and Charlotte came up to the main roster while Becky
was trying to get TV time. Sasha even got bouquets of flowers after her
matches. Then Sasha left after Wrestlemania and Bayley has done just fine
without Sasha, which has to sting her a bit.

Sasha should be the center of attention, just like Becky is now. If Sasha
wants to do this right now, come out here right now you little blue haired
freak. Cue Sasha, who laughs off the idea of wanting to be Becky. Sasha:
“Haha I wish Nia Jax broke my face so people cared about me!” Becky offers
to fight right now but Banks laughs it off because she isn’t fighting for
the people. She’ll do it for the paycheck at Clash of Champions. Becky
accepts and Sasha promises to make the man the Boss’ b****.

The Street Profits aren’t sure what to think about that so they send it to
King of the Ring Quarterfinals: Cedric Alexander vs. Baron Corbin

Cedric’s arm is injured coming in and Corbin promises to win. Corbin starts
fast with the slide under the ropes for the heavy clothesline but Cedric
scores with a dropkick. The Neuralizer sends Corbin outside and a
springboard clothesline gets two back inside. Corbin has had it with this
and sends him arm first into the post twice in a row as we take a break.
Back with driving elbows into the shoulder and cranking on the chinlock.
Alexander fights up and hits a corner dropkick but the springboard Downward
Spiral is countered into Deep Six for two.

Cedric gets back up and sends him shoulder first into the post four times
in a row, followed by some hard kicks in the corner. The running flip dive
to the floor hits Corbin again and a missile dropkick gets two (it barely
connected). The Michinoku Driver is good for the same but another
springboard is broken up. Corbin gets serious and finishes with End of Days
at 14:30.

Result: Baron Corbin b. Cedric Alexander End of Days (14:30)

Corbin sits on the throne again.

Long video on the attacks on Roman Reigns.

We look back at the opening segment.

Bayley has no comments on Sasha Banks. Yeah they’ve talked about what is
happening lately and their conversations are personal. Banks left but
Bayley stayed and took the opportunities. Tonight she is teaming with Becky
so ask her a question about that. She isn’t worried about Becky
overshadowing her tonight because she’s the Smackdown Women’s Champion.
Viking Raiders vs. ???/???

Before the match, the jobbers say they came all the way from Pittsburgh and
are going to make the Raiders look like some Balti-morons. German
suplex/springboard clothesline, crossbody against the barricade to another,
Razor’s Edge toss sends one into the other and the Viking Experience is
good for the pin at 1:24.

Result: Viking Raiders b. ???/??? Viking Experience (1:24)
King of the Ring Quarterfinals: Samoa Joe vs. Ricochet

The winner faces Corbin next week. Before the match, Joe promises to make
this his kingdom. Ricochet on the other hand talks about always redefining
what is possible. Ricochet goes for the arm to start so Joe kicks away at
the knee to take him down. The comeback out of the corner lets Ricochet get
in some shots of his own but a sunset flip doesn’t work.

A low bridge to the floor does though and Ricochet’s moonsault off the
barricade drops Joe again. Back in and Joe goes after the knee again by
slamming it off the mat and putting on the half crab. Ricochet grabs a rope
and is fine enough for two off a Lionsault. Joe doesn’t like the lack of
selling so he takes it outside for a suplex into the barricade.

We hit the neck crank before a toss across the ring has Ricochet in
trouble. Back from the break with Ricochet fighting out of another chinlock
and hitting the springboard clothesline. The running shooting star press
gets two and Joe is sent outside for the Space Flying Tiger Drop. Back in
and Ricochet goes up, meaning it’s the Koquina Clutch from Joe. Ricochet
drops back for the big crash though….and it’s a double pin at 16:00.

Result: Ricochet vs. Samoa Joe went to a double pin (16:00)

The referee goes outside to get a headset and seems to call another referee
for a ruling. That ruling….will come later so Ricochet beats up Joe a bit

Strowman isn’t happy that Steve Austin is back to moderate the next
contract signing next week. Rollins laughs off the idea that he and Austin
are in this against Strowman, so Strowman threatens to give Austin these

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House with Bray saying that what the Fiend
did to Finn Balor was super duper rude. He apologizes to Balor on behalf of
everyone here but it’s Demon Vince popping in to say Bray shouldn’t have
challenged the Universal Champion at Hell in a Cell. It’s almost time to be
fired but Bray pulls out the money he has been making and feeds it to Vince.

That’s enough for Vince, leaving Bray to say Seth and Braun aren’t a great
team but they stole something from him before. We see Bray’s team, which is
all of his puppet friends. They help him cope with pain but the Fiend helps
him inflict it. Bray: “See you in h***. Let me in. BYE!”

The official decision: a triple threat match next week with Corbin involved.

Rey Mysterio talks about Dominick convincing him not to retire. They had a
father and son talk about what it means for Dominick to grow up in the WWE
family. It’s a parent’s responsibility to push their children to pursue
their dreams but Dominick is pushing him to pursue him. Rey isn’t done
because he has more to accomplish.
The Miz vs. Cesaro

The running uppercut gives Cesaro two at the bell and another uppercut gets
the same. Miz comes back with some YES Kicks, only to get uppercutted down
again. To mix things up a bit, Cesaro uppercuts him off the top and busts
out the apron superplex. We hit the armbar for a bit until Miz fights up
with kicks in the corner. Swiss Death cuts Miz off for two more but his
grab of the rope gets him caught. Miz slugs away but gets uppercutted
again, only to come back with the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin at 5:05.

Result: The Miz b. Cesaro Skull Crushing Finale (5:05)
Bayley/Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross

Non-title. It’s a brawl to start with Bliss and Cross being knocked down on
the floorand here’s Sasha early on. Back with Bayley in trouble as Cross
and Bliss take turns throwing clotheslines and splashes in the corner.
Cross cuts off a diving tag attempt, drawing in Becky for the double
stomping in the corner.

The Stunner over the ropes but Bliss cuts off the tag this time around.
That’s not enough to cut the tag off three times though as it’s Becky comes
in to clean house with MMA style strikes. A middle rope legdrop gives Becky
two and she unloads on Bliss in the corner, only to have Banks come in for
the DQ at 10:53.

Result: Bayley/Becky Lynch b. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross via DQ when Sasha
Banks interfered (10:53)

Post match Banks grabs a chair but Bayley takes it away….and turns on Becky
with chair shots of her own. The beating continues to end the show.


Seth Rollins/Braun Strowman b. OC – Rollup to Anderson

Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode b. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder – Glorious DDT to

Lacey Evans b. Natalya – Woman’s Right

Baron Corbin b. Cedric Alexander – End of Days

Viking Experience b. ???/??? – Viking Experience

Samoa Joe vs. Ricochet went to a double pin

The Miz b. Cesaro – Skull Crushing Finale

Bayley/Becky Lynch b. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross via DQ when Sasha Banks

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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appeared first on

History Is Made! UpUpDownDown Reaches Important Milestone

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:42 PM PDT

People love their video games. Xavier Woods has created something of a pop
culture phenomenon with his video game channel UpUpDownDown, showcasing
various WWE superstars doing something fun outside of the ring.

Fans have certainly taken to the channel; so much so that they have reached
an important and historical milestone.

Earlier today, UpUpDownDown reached 2 million subcribers on its official
YouTube channel. As a result, they will be airing a special edition of one
of its shows, Superstar Savepoint on Wednesday, that will feature WWE COO
Triple H.

See what happened when they reached 1 million subscribers:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Congratulations to Austin Creed on this momentous achievement! KEEP IT

Editors Opinion:

This is awesome! I knew it would happen eventually, but its still very cool
to see this day officially come to light. Woods/Creed has poured his heart
and soul into this, and seeing how it is blown up is very cool. Plus, it
allows us to see another side of various WWE superstars, which is always a
fun and interesting time!

Are you a fan of UpUpDownDown? Leave us a comment below, or post a comment
on our Facebook page! Also, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and
download our App from your favorite App Store!

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Thats A New One. Finn Balor Shows Off Very Different Look.

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 12:14 PM PDT

Call it a different way of doing things. In some cases, wrestlers are
defined by how they look. Those wrestlers have had the same looks for so
many years that it is almost impossible to imagine that anything about it
will ever significantly change. Therefore, when someone actually does
change something, it can be quite jarring. Such a change took place

In a new post on Twitter, Finn Balor has revealed a new look, which
includes a shaved head. As shown in the picture, Balor’s hair does seem to
already be growing back a bit, meaning that it will likely be back to its
full length by the time he returns to television. Balor is currently on a
break from WWE TV after losing to Bray Wyatt’s Fiend in short fashion at


- Finn Bálor forEVERYone (@FinnBalor) September 2, 2019

The Fiend might have beaten the hair off of him. Check out their match at
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This isn’t likely to mean much but it is kind of jarring to see
Balor look so different. At the same time though, he might need a little
bit of a change of pace after things haven’t been going so well for him as
of late. Balor has been stuck in a rut for a good while now so maybe this
change can do him a little bit of good. It’s not like it could get much

Do you like the change? Will he be back to normal before his return to
television? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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