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[WR] KBs Review: Dragnet: AEW

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Sep 5, 2019, 10:22:56 AM9/5/19

KBs Review: Dragnet: AEW

Posted: 05 Sep 2019 12:05 AM PDT

It was Wednesday, September 4, it was hot in Tallahassee. I was working the
day watch out of wrestling division. The boss is Vince McMahon and/or Tony
Khan depending on where your allegiance lies. My name’s KB, I type things.
I received a phone call from the Longhorn Steakhouse parking lot to report
a robbery. Since the only thing stolen in wrestling was usually a crowd, I
actually had something to do for a change.

The new AEW World Champion Chris Jericho was reporting that his title belt
had been stolen. This struck me as odd because he felt like such a
transitional champion that almost anyone would have a good shot of beating
him for it soon enough but you never can tell with these people. After a
little good old fashioned detective work (meaning I read the dirt sheets
with my glasses on), I came up with a nice little list of suspects. I
figured if I went over them again, I might get somewhere.
Adam Page

Main Motive: Saw a man about a horse, man demanded payment.

Page is someone you know of if you watch Being The Elite and most AEW shows
as he is often around. He tried to win the title in the first place when he
fought Jericho but choked in the biggest match of his career because he
couldn’t beat a middle aged wrestler who thinks he’s a rock star. That
doesn’t make for the best visuals so maybe Page turned to a life of crime.

Never trust a cowboy:

[This post contains video, click to play]
You never can tell with someone like Page. He’s already been accused of
murdering Joey Ryan and imitating a main event wrestler so is stealing a
title belt that much further down the line? He might be a bit too obvious
though as cowboy wrestlers can go either the Ron Bass route or the Sam
Houston route. Since Page already has enough problems, I think that’s
enough to give him the Houston treatment.
R-Truth/Drake Maverick

Main Motive: General stupidity/A crime for passion

These two are always bungling into something or other and it would make
sense for them to walk into the wrong company. Maverick already knows that
you can win a title inside of a limousine and maybe he thought that he
could get somewhere by taking a title that didn’t belong to him. By
somewhere, I mean back in his wife’s good graces, though she already has
enough grace just to deal with him.

These two bumbling goons.maybe:

[This post contains video, click to play]
R-Truth on the other hand…..there’s something wrong with him. He already
thinks he’s the champion of the 7-11 in Europe or whatever he’s saying this
week. With everything else that bumbling blockhead has done, would you
really put it past him? You put these two together and trouble is going to
follow. I didn’t say it wouldn’t be funny trouble, but that confused
R-Truth and a desperate Maverick seem like good suspects.
Repo Man

Main Motive: Needs a paycheck

You can do your own detective work on this one, but good luck finding him.
He’s known for his mask.

He already has a rap sheet:
[This post contains video, click to play]
Austin Aries

Main Motive: Wanted to add to his collection

How can you not look into someone known as the belt collector? That’s all
this guy does: show up, complain about things and win belts. You would
think that some promoter would get sick of him after awhile because he
always seems to have a bad attitude but maybe the itch got to be too much
for him. Winning those Impact titles will only get you so far and maybe he
had an itch to scratch.

The man loves his belts:

[This post contains video, click to play]
I’m kind of surprised that Aries hasn’t been mentioned in AEW in the first
place as he would seem to be a nice fit for them. He’s been around almost
everywhere and can more than go in the ring, but maybe his reputation has
FINALLY caught up with him. That could be enough to motivate Aries to steal
something for his collection, and you know he doesn’t like anyone else
calling themselves the best in the world. The A Double name makes him a
good suspect as he is aggravating and annoying.
Chris Jericho

Main Motive: Needed to reinvent himself (again)

This one might seem a bit odd but would it really shock you? Jericho has
one of the most interesting minds in all of wrestling, so would having him
fake a title being stolen be that much of a stretch? He’s played almost
every role there is to play in wrestling so why not one where his title is
stolen? You might even remember him getting a little legal advice on this
as he once went to the Library of Congress to look up information on WCW
title belts. Perhaps studying up for a bigger caper down the road?

I smell a coverup:

[This post contains video, click to play]
Jericho has long since established himself as someone willing to try
different things and as someone who loves the spotlight. How much more
spotlight can you get than by playing the victim in a title belt heist? He
was even filmed in a hot tub after the theft, promising to send in the
world’s greatest private investigators to find the title. Are we sure he’s
the victim, or is this just a mighty good cover up?
The McMahon Family

Main Motive: Personal animosity (Stephanie), General madness (Vince),
Encroachment of television territory (Triple H), Needed shoe money (Shane)

This one is a big group job and that makes them more interesting suspects.
Jericho is the biggest defector to AEW and that is going to make the
McMahons angrier than anything else as they certainly value their loyalty.
How many times do you see a crime and hear about the Family being tied into
the whole thing? The McMahons have a lot of money at their disposal and
paying off someone to take care of a title is certainly within their means.

These two should have had a secret love affair:

[This post contains video, click to play]
Think back to all of the issues that these people have had with Jericho
over the years. He’s called Stephanie more names than anyone in history.
He’s lost to Triple H more times than almost anyone. He’s never actually
had a match with Vince so that’s almost overdue. Then there’s Shane, who
isn’t a likely suspect but you always have to include Shane in anything WWE
related because…..well that’s my next investigation.
Peter Avalon/Leva Bates

Main Motive: Overdue library fees/Jericho is rather loud

I mean….it’s not like they have anything else to do.

Can you imagine these two as criminals:
[This post contains video, click to play]
Kenny Omega

Main Motive: Classic Winnipeg jealousy

What we have here are two wrestlers with blondish hair from the same city
who already have issues in the past. Jericho is a major wrestling star and
Omega….well we’ll have to see what he can do in America actually as he’s
best known for Japan. Omega likes to do his performance art in wrestling
(that’s a crime in and of itself) so maybe he’s taken to performing acts of

Maybe Omega wants to beg for a thank you:

[This post contains video, click to play]
Omega isn’t likely to get anywhere near the title with AEW’s win/loss
record rules (which I’m sure will be completely applied at all times) so
this is probably his best way to get to the title in the first place. AEW
isn’t exactly hiding the fact that they want him to be one of their top
stars (mainly because he is one of their top stars) so having him turn to
thievery to keep up with Jericho isn’t out of the question.

It’s such a nasty wrestling world out there that you never know who might
have taken it. It might have been a wrestler, it might have been a promoter
and it might have been a fan. That’s the trouble with this line of work:
you have a hundred suspects, with half of them being wrestlers and half of
them acting like wrestlers (occasionally at the same time) and they all
want to get their hands on some gold. When they try to, I go to work,
because I watch wrestling and type about it a lot.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

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REVIEW: Wrestlefest 1988: Andre The Giant Is Eleven Feet Tall

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 11:55 PM PDT

Welcome to KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews. I’ve been reviewing
wrestling shows for over ten years now and have reviewed over 5,000 shows.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be posting a new review here on, starting today. It could be anything from modern WWE
to old school to indies to anything in between. Note that I rate using
letters instead of stars and I don’t rate matches under three minutes as
really, how good or bad can something that short be?
Wrestlefest 1988

Date: July 31, 1988

Location: County Stadium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Attendance: 25,866

Commentators: Sean Mooney, Billy Graham, Lord Alfred Hayes
This is a big show with a huge double main event. In addition to the
aforementioned Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant cage match, Randy Savage will
be defending the World Title against Ted DiBiase in a rematch of the main
event of Wrestlemania IV. DiBiase is one of the best heels of all time and
at the top of his game here so the match should be a gem. Lets get to it.
The announcers welcome us to the show but the shot looks weird, like theyre
not really in the stadium. You can see the people moving but it looks more
like a green screen than anything else.
Also of note: the stadium looks full to capacity which would mean about
53,000 people. The official attendance is less than half of that though,
which makes me think either someone goofed or the outfield bleachers are
completely empty.
Big Boss Man vs. Scott Casey
This wasnt on the home video release, likely for time reasons. Casey is a
pretty basic guy from Texas who later trained Booker T. Boss Man is well
known enough and is just HUGE here, weighing nearly 400lbs. They trade
wristlocks to start with the fans entirely behind Casey. Well its probably
more about being anti-Boss Man which is just as good for someone in Caseys
Caseys wristlock keeps Boss Man in trouble before a backbreaker plants him
down. The announcers talk about Boss Man wrestling at Summerslam 1988 in
another match that was clipped for some reason. A bearhug (you cant even
see Casey behind Boss Man) is broken up with some ear slaps but Caseys
sleeper is broken up even faster. The Boss Man Slam (a bad one at that)
puts Casey away at 4:15.
Rating: D. Boss Man would get WAY better once he lost about 100lbs and
started wrestling a much faster paced style. He certainly had charisma
though as his feud with Hogan drew ridiculous money soon after this, even
without the title on the line. This was a sloppy match though with Boss Man
just being too big to do a lot of stuff properly but the fans were in it.
Hercules vs. Brutus Beefcake
This was also clipped from the tape and Beefcake is now a barber and a good
guy. They lock up to start with Beefcake actually pushing him into the
corner for a surprising power victory. A slugout goes to Brutus as well and
Hercules is knocked out to the floor. We hit the stall button for a bit
until Hercules gets back in and has his head rammed into the buckle a few
Brutus starts throwing lefts and rights at the same time, only to get sent
out to the floor to slow things down again. That means its time to hit the
chinlock for a bit before a hard knee to the ribs drops Brutus one more
time. Back to the chinlock until Brutus fights up and slugs away. The full
nelson is broken up and Brutus grabs a rollup for the pin at 9:37.
Rating: D+. This was a little better but still nothing worth seeing, which
is probably another reason it was cut off the video. Brutus was certainly
not a great performer but he had so much charisma that he could carry a
match to at least passable. Wins like these kept him in the
Intercontinental Title hunt for a good while even though he never really
won anything on his own.
Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Killer Bees
The Rougeaus are now heels and the Bees wear long tights. Brunzell and
Raymond trade some basic arm stuff to start until Raymond bails to the
outside. Back in and some headlocks are countered by Brunzells headscissors
before its off to Jacques vs. Blair. A monkey flip puts Blair down and
Jacques stops to hug his brother. Hayes suggests that the Bees are too
overweight to be successful (based on their physiques he might not be too
far off) but Blair runs Jacques over to show the weight might have
something to it.
Its back to Brunzell who is quickly taken down by the leg so the Rougeaus
can spin it around a bit. Blair comes back in and starts kicking at
Raymonds knee, followed by a double spinning toehold as this is taking its
sweet time. Raymond gets over for a tag but Jacques pauses to try and help
his brothers leg. Now its Jacques having his leg worked on until he grabs
the ropes to escape a Boston crab.
Raymond comes in instead and puts on his own Boston crab to bring us into a
more standard formula of working on Blairs back. Jacques grabs an abdominal
stretch so Raymond can kick Blair in the ribs for two. A monkey flip is
countered with an atomic drop and the hot tag brings in Brunzell to take
over. Jims Figure Four goes nowhere so he hits that great dropkick of his
for two as everything breaks down. With the referee distracted, Raymond
punches Brunzell so Jacques can fall on him for the pin at 13:58.
Rating: D. WAY too long here, especially for a match that is opening the
tape. Its not the worst match in the world by any means but the Bees looked
horrible here (which probably has something to do with this being their
last major match as a team) and didnt have anything resembling the fire and
energy that made them so entertaining for years.
Bad News Brown vs. Bret Hart
Brown is a very angry man from Harlem who was a legitimate Olympic medalist
in judo. He also eliminated Bret to win a battle royal at Wrestlemania to
set this up. Hart is still just a tag wrestler at this point so Brown
should be a heavy favorite. Brown sends him into the buckle to start but
Bret jumps over him in the corner and hammers away before stomping on
Browns ribs. The offense works fine until Bret charges into a boot.
Brown tries to go up but gets slammed down for two, followed by a legdrop
for the same. A hard clothesline out of the corner puts Bret down again,
only to have Bret duck the Ghetto Blaster (running enziguri) and backdrop
Brown to the floor. We get a high spot for the time as Bret planchas over
the top, getting the crowd much more into things. Hart gets two off a
sunset flip but his OConnor Roll is countered into another rollup with Bad
News pulling the tights for the pin at 6:27.
Rating: B. That was actually a heck of a match with Bret showing what he
was capable of doing if you gave him the chance. It would be a long time
before he could really show off but it was clear that there was a lot of
potential. Most importantly here though was Bret going from nothing at the
beginning of the match to someone the fans wanted to cheer by the end.
Thats really impressive for just seven minutes and it was a sign of things
to come.
Post match Brets partner Jim Neidhart runs out to protest before helping
Bret beat Bad News up a bit.
Intercontinental Champion the Honky Tonk Man (Champion for over a year
despite getting beaten from pillar to post by every opponent because he
would cheat to escape with the title like few villains could ever dream of
doing.) and manager Jimmy Hart promise to embarrass Jim Duggan (Im pretty
sure you know him).
Intercontinental Title: Jim Duggan vs. Honky Tonk Man
Duggan is challenging of course and Honky Tonk hides on the apron to start.
An early chase sends Honky Tonk around the ring until Duggan starts
slugging him down with the ten punches in the corner. Mooney: “Id like to
see him go to eleven once just to throw everyone off.” Eh worth a chuckle.
A big clothesline drops Honky Tonk but he gets in a knee to the head and
some right hands of his own. Duggan comes right back with an atomic drop
and elbow but Hart grabs Duggans leg for the DQ at 4:37.
Rating: D. Another match where the time took away anything they could have
done, but when you think about it this was about all there was anyway.
Honky Tonk wasnt going to be worth anything on offense so just have them do
the quick match with Duggan destroying him until Honky Tonk got
disqualified or counted out or whatever it was that night.
Post match Duggan avoids the guitar and chases the villains off. He even
gets the guitar away from Honky Tonk and smashes it with his 24.
Powers of Pain vs. Bolsheviks
The Powers of Pain (Barbarian and Warlord) are big bruisers and Road
Warriors knockoffs. Theyre new around here at the moment and actually faces
for now. The Bolsheviks are Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov in your
standard evil Russian team. The Russians are destroyed to start and knocked
out to the floor before we settle down to Volkoff vs. Barbarian.
This doesnt exactly go well for Nikolai so its quickly off to Zhukov who
eats a powerslam. Warlord comes in for a test of strength with Volkoff
which is much more to the Russians liking. Boris gets in a cheap shot from
behind to keep Warlord down before both guys tag out again. This time Boris
is smart enough to stay away from Barbarian by avoiding a charge in the
corner to send Barbarian into the post. The double teaming doesnt work
though and its back to Warlord as everything breaks down. Warlord
powerslams Boris and Barbarian adds a top rope headbutt for the pin at 6:47.
Rating: C-. I liked this one more than I was expecting as the Powers looked
good, though its very clear that they would be a lot better as heels. The
Bolsheviks are one of the least interesting teams that you could find and
it was pretty obvious that they were never going anywhere. At least the
Powers looked good and were never in the slightest bit of trouble.
Jim Neidhart vs. Lanny Poffo
Poffo is Randy Savages real life brother who would write poems on Frisbees
and send them into the crowd. Ive heard worse ideas. Poffo slams the bigger
Neidhart (also known as the Anvil) to start and tries a moonsault (a big
spot at the time) but only hits knees. Some shoulders to the ribs have
Poffo in trouble and a powerslam puts him away at 2:37.
WWF World Title: Randy Savage vs. Ted DiBiase
Savage is defending and this also isnt on the tape for reasons that Ill
never understand. DiBiases bodyguard Virgil goes after Ms. Elizabeth to
start and thats just not going to fly with Savage. The distraction lets
DiBiase hammer away to start until Savage drops him with a running
clothesline. A running knee sends Ted out to the floor and its time to be
Back in and DiBiase counters a sunset flip to take over and takes it right
back outside. He sends Savage face first into the timekeepers bell before
sending the champ inside for two off a clothesline. Hayes is WAY too calm
for a match this big and its kind of distracting. DiBiase gets in a
backbreaker but Savage reverses a suplex into one of his own.
They slug it out from their knees (which Mooney says looks like “A midget
boxing match.”) before DiBiase grabs a very long chinlock. The champ breaks
the hold but DiBiase avoids a running knee in the corner to keep himself in
control. Back up and Savage punches him out of the air as things turn
around. DiBiase is sent head first into the turnbuckle a few times and a
top rope ax handle drops him again.
Virgil offers a distraction to give Ted a break but it only gets his boss
rolled up for two. The second attempt works a bit better with Virgil
getting in a chair shot behind the referees back for a very near fall.
Hayes thinks the referee should have at least heard that and hes probably
right for a change. DiBiase goes to pick Savage up but gets small packaged
for the pin to retain Savages title at 14:52.
Rating: B. Quite a good match here but it wasnt as strong as it could have
been. It was like they didnt have much of a formula to follow here and it
brought things down a bit. As in DiBiase would do a few moves but it didnt
feel like it was building towards anything. Still though, this was the only
logical opponent for Savage, even though DiBiase has cooled off a good bit
since the loss in the title match.
DiBiase and Virgil go after Savage post match but the champ clears them out
without much effort.
Terry Taylor vs. Curt Hennig
Again, not on the tape. This is the debut for both guys for all intents and
purposes. Taylor is a talented guy who had success around the territories
and Hennig would of course become Mr. Perfect. Feeling out process to start
with Taylor dropping Curt before snapping off some armdrags. A hard
shoulder puts Hennig down again and its off to a hard headlock. Taylor gets
two off a backslide before Curt snaps off a knee lift, only to have the
fans ignore the match and look at something opposite the camera. Taylor
slugs away but eats a hard running forearm to the head for the pin at 4:52.
Rating: C. This could have been good with some more time but the ending was
really weird as Hennig just hit him with a forearm for the pin. Taylor
would have his career crippled soon after this with the Red Rooster gimmick
while Hennig would become a star as Mr. Perfect. Allegedly Taylor turned
down the Mr. Perfect character and was given the Rooster gimmick as a
result, which goes to show you that things arent always as they seem. Well
that and that Hennig was much better than Taylor.
Jake Roberts vs. Rick Rude
Another Wrestlemania rematch but in this case theres another big story
added. Rude did a thing where he would kiss a random woman in the audience.
He tried that on another given woman but it turned out to be Roberts wife
Cheryl, triggering a huge feud during which Rude was stripped “naked” on
TV. Rude talks about how his hip swiveling has Cheryl going crazy so heres
Jake to the ring to take over fast.
A gutbuster sends Rude to the floor, even though the abs are always a
strong point for him. Back in and Rude loads up the posing, only to have
the threat of a DDT send him bailing outside again. Rick tries to head in
again and this time grabs a chinlock, which could go on for a good while if
their Wrestlemania match is any indication.
Thankfully its only a few moments this time before Rude drops an elbow for
two instead. Its already back to the chinlock with Rude throwing his feet
on the ropes. The referee sees it but just lets the match keep going after
giving Rude a not very stern warning. The hold stays on for about two
minutes until Roberts gets to his knees and spins his head around, making
it more like a cheeklock instead. Well at least its something different.
Rude is finally driven into the buckle to break things up but Roberts cant
follow up. Instead its Rick coming off the top with a fist drop to the
face, only to have Jake get up and tell Rude to bring it. Rick does just
that by going up top so Jake can crotch him down for the comedy spot of the
night so far. The fans want the DDT but have to settle for some fast
punches and a knee lift. Rudes tights are pulled WAY too far down before
the DDT, which somehow crushed the referee in the process. That means no
count so Rude bails, only to have Jake follow for the double countout at
Rating: D. For some reason these two are incapable of having a good match
together. This was very similar to their Wrestlemania match as it kept
dragging on longer and longer, mainly due to a rest hold, before the draw
finish. This kind of thing gets annoying in a hurry and its a shame too as
these guys should have been able to have some very entertaining matches
against each other. Rude was till a goon at this point though and that was
going to hold him back to a strong degree, but this was just awful.
Post match Jake throws the snake on Rude, causing it to wrap up tightly in
a good looking visual.
King Haku vs. Sam Houston
Haku is now the King of the WWF (a title that didnt last long) and Houston
is a cowboy. Houston gets pounded down by the much bigger Haku to start but
Sam comes back with an armdrag. Of course that means the armbar because
what else is Houston supposed to do? Haku throws him throat first onto the
top rope and stays on the throat by catapulting him into the bottom rope. A
hard clothesline sets up a nerve hold but Haku misses an elbow. Sam fires
off some right hands and a clothesline, only to eat a superkick and jumping
headbutt for the pin at 5:04.
Rating: C-. Completely acceptable power vs. speed match here with Houston
trying but having no chance against someone like Haku. Theres always a
place on the card for a simple little match like this and it helps that
they didnt waste all their time in that nerve hold as I was expecting them
to do.
Ultimate Warrior vs. Bobby Heenan
This is a Weasel Suit match where the loser has to wear said suit. Yeah
this isnt exactly a complicated idea and I think you know where its going.
Warrior stomps on the suit before the match and its off to an early chase.
Heenan runs to the floor and gets chased in circles, only to have Warrior
duck low and surprise him with a clothesline to get the beating going. Back
in and Heenan gets a few foreign object shots to Warriors throat. This has
about the effect you would expect as Warrior starts ripping off some chops
and a hard whip to send Bobby into the corner. A sleeper of all things
knocks Heenan out at 4:56.
Rating: D. Ok yeah the wrestling was nothing but that wasnt the point here.
The fans got to see Heenan get beaten up and then the post match stuff is
the real attraction. As mentioned earlier, Heenan is able to take a beating
like this and then bounce back with a simple promo later on. The wrestling
was worthless but thats not the point here, which is just fine.

This one speaks for itself:
[This post contains video, click to play]
The unconscious Heenan is put in the suit and Graham hopes theres something
in there with him, such as itching powder or a snake. Heenan wakes up and
sees that he now has a tail, sending him into a spiral until he falls down
for a good laugh from the fans.
Tag Team Titles: Demolition vs. British Bulldogs
Demolition (Ax and Smash), with Mr. Fuji, is defending and this is one of
the last runs for the Bulldogs. Smash and Davey get things going with Smith
taking over off a wristlock and bringing in Dynamite, who is easily carried
into the corner. Ax comes in for his quick ax handles and the fans are
clearly very entertained. The champs start taking turns on Dynamites back
until Ax slaps on a nerve hold.
Graham thinks that Hayes should manage the Bulldogs because all British
people are the same and get along. Hayes has actually thought about it and
wants them to be more ruthless. Back to Smash for the bearhug but Dynamite
escapes and dives over for the tag to Davey as everything breaks down. Ax
knees him in the back though and its already back to Dynamite. A press slam
sends Dynamite onto Smash with a headbutt as Mr. Fuji gets on the apron.
The distraction lets Smash blast Dynamite with Fujis cane for the pin to
keep the belts at 7:03.
Rating: C-. Certainly not bad again here but you can see that the Bulldogs
arent exactly trying. That being said, the point here was to put Demolition
over and thats exactly what they did. Im sure this would have been a
frequent match on house shows but it still wasnt exactly thrilling. For a
big house show with no story though, this was fine.
Dino Bravo vs. Ken Patera
Both are strong men and Patera used to be an Olympian weightlifter but a
jail stint destroyed his career and hes a shell of himself here. Hes a
shell that jumps Bravo at the bell though and a slam sends Dino outside.
Back in and Bravo grabs an atomic drop to set up some choking because hes a
villain and thats what he does. Things settle into a basic squash formula
with Bravo sending him into the buckle but eating an elbow for two. Patera
misses a charge though and Bravos side slam (yes a side slam) gives him the
pin at 3:28.
Rating: D-. Patera was so bad at this point that the announcers were
telling him to retire a few weeks after this. These power vs. power matches
rarely work and this was no exception with Bravo, a career midcarder who
never had much success in the WWF, working circles around Patera here. Bad
match and something that really didnt need to exist here.
Andre the Giant vs. Hulk Hogan
Inside a cage, which is only about a foot taller than Andre, meaning the
Giant stands about 14 feet tall. Hogan slugs away to start but gets choked
with his own shirt. Well thats what he gets for being so aggressive. Graham
thinks Hogan looks normal compared to Andre. So in Grahams mind, most
people are orange and wear yellow trunks? Hogan hammers away in the corner
as the announcers discuss how to win for the second time in two minutes.
Hulk starts with the ten punches until Andre just grabs the arm for the
block. Thats not something you ever see but Andre can pull it off. Andre
ties Hogan to the cage with the shirt, which works as well as you would
expect it to. Hogan puts on something like a standing chinlock as they
fight over taking off a buckle pad. As Graham says, why bother doing that
Its Hogan going face first into the exposed buckle and weve got blood. A
headbutt makes things worse for him but Hulk is still able to grab Andres
leg to keep him inside. Back up and Hogan clotheslines him, followed by a
bunch of right hands to finally put Andre down. Theres the big leg but
Heenan comes in for a distraction. Andre TRIES TO CLIMB OUT but Hogan ties
him in the ropes, beats up Heenan a bit, and climbs out at 10:04.
Rating: D. Eh its a stadium cage match. Theyve done these things for years
and its not like anyone was expecting a masterpiece here. Hogan going over
to send the fans home happy was the only way to end things and its not like
Andre was going to be able to do anything special in the ring at this point
anyway. It wasnt good but it was really all you could expect.
[This post contains video, click to play]

The announcers wrap it up.
Overall Rating: D+. Theres some good stuff on here but the home video
editing was just weird. We get Bravo vs. Patera and Neidhart vs. Poffo but
cant get the World Title match? It wasnt a very good show as it was of
course and thats all you can expect here. Basically this was a big extended
(FIFTEEN MATCHES) bunch of Wrestlemania rematches and other stuff to fill
out a card which isnt going to work all that well, especially when the
wrestling is mostly awful. Theres some watchable stuff here but you would
be better off just picking and choosing a few matches.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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appeared first on

Impact Wrestling Results - August 30, 2019

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 11:38 PM PDT

Impact Wrestling

Date: August 30, 2019

Location: Fronton Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Commentators: Don Callis, Josh Matthews

We’re down in Mexico for the first time in a long time and that means
things could go in a variety of ways. One of those ways will probably
include a lot of Mexican talents who may or may not be familiar, which
doesn’t tend to be the most successful idea. Then again you never know how
this show is going to go anyway, but maybe we can get away from Tommy
Dreamer for a week. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.
TJP vs. Golden Magic vs. Trey Miguel vs. Taurus

It’s a brawl to start as commentary makes it sound like this is a tag
match. Magic wastes no time in sending Taurus outside for an Asai
moonsault, leaving Trey to hide from TJP in the ropes. TJP’s anklescissors
doesn’t work so he offers a handshake but stops to dab instead. Magic comes
back in with superkicks and cutters to TJP and Miguel but Taurus comes back
in for the save. Taurus starts throwing people into each other until TJP
makes a save of his own. That means the wristdrag/anklescissors combination
to Taurus and Magic as TJP gets to clean house.

Taurus suplexes TJP and Magic at the same time so Trey is back in with a
Pele. A neckbreaker to TJP makes TJP DDT Taurus at the same time but Magic
hits a kind of spinning Big Ending for two on Trey. Taurus is back up with
a torture rack into a backbreaker on Magic but TJP hits him with a tornado
DDT. Trey gives TJP a Cheeky Nandos kick into a 619, only to miss a
Meteora. TJP hits the Detonation kick on Miguel and kneebars Taurus, only
to have Magic hit a 450 to pin Miguel at 8:57.

Result: Golden Magic b. Trey Miguel, Taurus and TJP 450 to Miguel (8:57)

Post match TJP and Magic glare at each other.

Kiera Hogan yells at a masked luchadora when another woman comes up to yell
in Spanish. Jordynne Grace comes in to defend the masked woman but Madison
Rayne comes in and has a suggestion as the locker room leader.

Michael Elgin threatens Rhino with pain tonight.
Rascalz vs. Willie Mack/Rich Swann

This could be good. Wentz and Mack trade armdrags to start and Willie adds
a cartwheel to show off a bit. Xavier sends Swann outside with a
headscissors but Rich is right back in for the four way staredown as we
take an early break. Back with Wentz getting two on Rich but Xavier misses
a running flip dive. Mack comes back in with the Samoan drop into the
standing moonsault for two of his own.

A reverse Razor’s Edge with a middle rope flip neckbreaker from Swann gets
two more but Swann is sent outside. That leaves Willie to get double teamed
with rapid fire kicks but Swann is back in with Trouble in Paradise to
Wentz. A running corner clothesline sets up a super hurricanrana to Xavier,
with Willie adding the frog splash for the pin at 9:26.

Result: Willie Mack/Rich Swann b. Rascalz Frog splash to Xavier (9:26)

Ken Shamrock has been through a lot and knows Moose isn’t a tough guy. We
hear his resume and he’ll be in Las Vegas to get in Moose’s face.

Moose isn’t going to let Shamrock use him to get attention on his new bare
knuckle boxing promotion. He’s bigger and stronger than Shamrock so….here’s
Fallah Bahh, who wants one more match.

Johnny Swinger: COMING SOON!

Taya Valkyrie is ready to set the record for longest reigning Knockouts
Champion. That one really sneaks up on you.

And now, down on the farm with the Deaners, as they continue to torture the
Desi Hit Squad. Hay is rolled, horseshoes are hammered and Rohit Raju is
having a great time.

Video on Havok vs. Su Yung.

Video on Sami Callihan vs. Tessa Blanchard.

Sami doesn’t know how Brian Cage is still World Champion and wants to know
when he’s getting his title shot. Impact has one more week to announce the
match or chaos ensues.
Knockouts Title: Taya Valkyrie vs. Big Mami

Taya is defending and this is her “big” opponent. Taya dances at her to
start but a clothesline is ducked with a Matrix. As Callis accuses Josh of
having a phone to Jacksonville and Stamford each, Taya hammers away in the
corner. Mami pulls her down though and we get the required Stinkface. A
middle rope moonsault misses so Taya puts on something like an STF to
retain at 3:36.

Result: Taya Valkyrie b. Big Mami STF (3:36)

Post match Taya says she’s the best so here’s the debuting Tenille Dashwood
for a brawl. A Spotlight Kick knocks John E. Bravo down and Taya bails as
Tenille holds the belt.
Kiera Hogan/Vanilla vs. Jordynne Grace/Chicka Tormenta

Madison Rayne is here with Kiera and Vanilla. Tormenta and Vanilla start
things off with Chicka’s fisherman’s suplex getting an early two. Kiera
comes in to stomp away but misses an enziguri. Madison grabs Jordynne’s
ankle though and the brawl gives us a DQ at 2:00.

Result: Jordynne Grace/Chicka Tormenta b. Kiera Hogan/Vanilla via DQ when
Madison Rayne interfered (2:00)

The brawl continues as Callis talks about meeting Bret Hart in the WWF
dressing room and showing him respect, which is a comparison to Madison.
Rosemary comes out and let’s have a six woman tag.
Kiera Hogan/Vanilla/Madison Rayne vs. Jordynne Grace/Chicka

Joined in progress with Rosemary blocking Madison’s sunset flip so Madison
bails over for a tag to Kiera. Grace comes in to splash Kiera but a second
misses, setting off a pinfall reversal sequence. Tormenta and Vanilla come
in to trade shots to the face until Vanilla hits a running crossbody in the
corner. A slingshot elbow gives Vanilla two but it’s a double clothesline
to put both of them down. That’s enough for Madison and Kiera as they walk
out, leaving Rosemary to hit a double underhook drop (kind of a reverse
Bubba Bomb) for the pin at 4:38.

Result: Jordynne Grace/Chicka Tormenta/Rosemary b. Kiera Hogan/Vanilla
Hogan/Madison Rayne Double underhook drop to Vanilla (4:38)

Flashback Moment of the Week: Ken Shamrock retains the NWA World Title.

Alisha Edwards comes up to Ace Austin on the beach, where he tries to tell
her how he feels. Alisha: “Ok.” Then some masked men run up and steals her
purse, with Ace following after them and getting in a fight in the water.
Ace comes out of the water like a Baywatch scene and returns her the bag.
She gives him a quick hug of thanks and leaves for her match.

Post break, we see Reno Scum being behind the theft, with Ace thanking them.

The North comes in to see LAX at the Clubhouse, which should be theirs.
Konnan: “I can have you shot, stabbed, kidnapped or just straight up
disappeared.” Konnan wants a title shot against the real LAX with Santana
going into a big rant. They agree to put up the Clubhouse in a careers vs.
titles match.
Michael Elgin vs. Rhino

Falls Count Anywhere so they start brawling in the aisle. Rhino’s early
clothesline hits the post as we hear about Callis managing Rhino back in
ECW. Rhino drops him onto the apron for two but gets posted for his
efforts. A slingshot splash gives Elgin two and an enziguri takes Rhino
down again.

They slug it out on the floor and we take an early break. Back with Elgin
hitting Rhino with a chair and sitting him in it for some chops. A running
clothesline gives Elgin two and they fight into the crowd. The fight goes
higher up into the stands for a slow slug/headbutt out. Another headbutt
knocks Rhino back down a level and they’re on the stage in a hurry.

Elgin’s clothesline gets two and a discus elbow puts Rhino back at ringside
for two more. Rhino suplexes him on the ramp for the same and it’s time for
a table. That gets set up in the corner but Elgin hits him with a chair a
few more times. Rhino gets in a crotching with the chair but the Gore hits
the table. The Elgin Bomb is good enough to end Rhino at 18:14.

Result: Michael Elgin b. Rhino Elgin Bomb (18:14)


Golden Magic b. Trey Miguel, TJP and Taurus – 450 to Miguel

Rich Swann/Willie Mack b. Rascalz – Frog splash to Xavier

Taya Valkyrie b. Big Mami – STF

Jordynne Grace/Chicka Tormenta b. Kiera Hogan/Vanilla via DQ when Madison
Rayne interfered

Jordynne Grace/Chicka Tormenta/Rosemary b. Kiera Hogan/Vanilla/Madison
Rayne – Double underhook drop to Vanilla

Michael Elgin b. Rhino – Elgin Bomb

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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They Made The List. WWE Nominated For A Major Entertainment Award.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 10:36 PM PDT

It’s good to be wanted. WWE has changed a lot in the last few years and it
seems to have been a good thing, at least business wise. The company has
grown a lot and is now becoming much more accepted by the mainstream, with
the move to FOX coming up and occasional discussions on ESPN. The company
is getting bigger when it comes to television as well, which became more
obvious recently.

On Wednesday, Monday Night Raw was announced as a nominee for The Show at
the 2019 People’s Choice Awards. It is one of eight nominees, along with
Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Riverdale, Stranger Things, The Big Bang
Theory, The Walking Dead and This Is Us. The awards will be presented on
November 10 and fans can vote for them at the above link.

This is award worthy. Check out one of the biggest moments of the year on
Monday Night Raw:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: While I can’t imagine WWE actually winning the award, it is quite
impressive for them to be nominated with some of the bigger shows in pop
culture at the moment. They still have a long way to go before they are at
the highest level of entertainment but just getting a chance to be this
high up on the list is a good start. It would be awesome for them to win,
though I really can’t imagine it happening.

Have you liked this year’s Monday Night Raw? Will it win the award? Let
us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Award. appeared first on

Pick Your Sides. Monday Night Raw And SmackDown Live Writing Teams Undergo
A Huge Shakeup.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 10:32 PM PDT

You had to know something was changing. We are now less than a month away
from SmackDown Live moving over to FOX and that is going to require a lot
of things changing at once. WWE is going to have to step things up to make
their show feel like it belongs on network television and some of those
major changes need to take place behind the scenes. One of them seems to
have happened.

According to, the Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live writing
teams have been shake up. SmackDown Live head writer Ryan Ward has left
his position, which is being called a “personal leave” with Monday Night
Raw head writer Ed Koskey taking his place, where he will work with Eric
Bischoff. Former 205 Live head writer Jonathan Baeckstrom is taking over
the Monday Night Raw head writer position and will work under Paul Heyman.

Heyman and Bischoff work well enough together. Check out the two of them
together a long time ago:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: You had to know something like this was coming and it is far from
a surprise. SmackDown Live is going to be the bigger show of the two the
second that it moves over to FOX, if not a bit beforehand. That is how it
needs to be with Monday Night Raw just being in front of a smaller
audience. There is so much potential on SmackDown Live and it is no
surprise that they are putting their biggest writer on the show.

Do you like these moves? Is this the best lineup? Let us know in the
comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Teams Undergo A Huge Shakeup. appeared first on

RUMOR: This Could Be Interesting. Former Impact Wrestling Knockout Has
Tryout At WWE Performance Center.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 08:11 PM PDT

Restocking the shelves. WWE has a lot of moving pieces to its roster, with
all kinds of moves taking place at one time or another. Some of these
things include moving a talent from one roster to another to a talent
leaving to a new talent coming in. All of these things can be rather
interesting and if it is someone coming in from another organization, it
can be even better than usual.

According to, former Impact Wrestling Knockout
Scarlett Bordeaux was seen in the ring at the WWE Performance Center in
what was described as a tryout. There is no word on how well the tryout
went or if Bordeaux has been offered a deal. She worked for Impact
Wrestling for less than a year before requesting and receiving her release
from the promotion in June.

Bordeaux made an impact in her time with the company. Check out her debut:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This one could be quite the difficult fit as Bordeaux is certainly
talented, but her style is more suited to the old Attitude Era days, which
doesn’t quite fit in modern WWE wrestling. I’m sure there is a way to
present a PG/PG13 version of her, but it might take away what made her so
popular in the first place. That being said, there is a lot more to her
than her looks, so it’s not like WWE has one way to go with her.

Do you think Bordeaux would fit down in NXT? Would she fit better as a
wrestler or manager? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Knockout Has Tryout At WWE Performance Center. appeared first on

Its That Time Again. Here Are The Expected Dates For WWEs Upcoming Draft.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 08:06 PM PDT

Mark you calendars. With SmackDown Live’s move to FOX less than a month
away, it is time for WWE to make some last minute preparations for
everything to go well. That means a lot of things need to be wrapped up,
both in the short term as well as the long term. Some of these are going
to be bigger than others, but we might know the details on what could be
the biggest move of them all.

According to, there will be a two night WWE Draft taking
place on Friday October 11 and Monday October 14 on the respective
SmackDown Live and Monday Night Raw. WWE held its annual Superstar Shakeup
in April of this year but various roster moves were allowed to take place
under the Wild Card Rule, which was instituted in May. This rule has been
slowly phased out, leaving the rosters nearly overlapping over the last few

There certainly is a big selection to pick from. Check out some of the
biggest moves in the history of the Draft:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: I can understand why WWE is doing something like this, but at the
same time it doesn’t make much difference if they are just going to undo
the whole thing shortly thereafter like they did earlier this year. Why
WWE insists on having only two nights a year where the roster can change is
beyond me, as a trading period or just a few well timed roster moves could
do a lot of good when they need some freshening up. It’s ok to be in the
middle instead of at one extreme or another, which WWE has never quite

Do you like the idea of another Draft? Who would be your big moves? Let
us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Upcoming Draft. appeared first on

Welcome To The New Era. Two Matches, Including A Title Match, Announced
For First NXT On USA.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 07:48 PM PDT

It’s a good way to start. Earlier this summer, WWE made a big splash in
the wrestling world when they announced that NXT would be moving over to
the USA Network starting on September 18. The show would expand to two
hours every Wednesday while also airing live. This marked a whole new era
of NXT and that means that they need something to build the first show

On Wednesday, WWE announced two matches for the first edition of NXT on
UK. First, according to, the Velveteen Dream will defend the North
American Title against Roderick Strong of the Undisputed Era. The two have
been feuding for weeks now, including Dream successfully defending the
title against Strong and Pete Dunne at Takeover: Toronto. In addition,
there will be a #1 contenders match for the NXT Women’s Title as Mia Yim
faces Io Shirai and Bianca Belair. Champion Shayna Baszler has defeated
all three challengers in previous defenses.

Dream was in action on Wednesday. Check out his handiwork on NXT:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This is the kind of thing that makes NXT excel: they know how to
set these things up in advance and then go with them from there. In this
case we get a title match as well as a future title match being set up.
That has long since been a strength for NXT and hopefully they can continue
going at the same pace. If they do, things could go quite well for

Which match sounds better? Who will win both of them? Let us know in the
comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Announced For First NXT On USA. appeared first on

AEW World Championship Belt Has Been Recovered; Where Was It Found?

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 07:35 PM PDT

One of the most confusing stories over the past few days has been that the
AEW World Championship belt, which was won by Chris Jericho at the recent
All Out pay-per-view event, was stolen in Tallahassee, Florida.

However, everything seems to be OK.

According to Jeffrey Burlew of the Tallahassee Democrat, the belt has been
found and returned to Jericho. The Tallahassee police department said that
someone turned it into the police station after finding it on the side of
the road.

Breaking: @TallyPD announces it did in fact recover @IAmJerichos
championship belt earlier today. Someone turned it in at headquarters after
reporting finding it along the side of the road. The golden belt was valued
at nearly $30,000.

- Jeffrey Burlew (@JeffBurlew) September 4, 2019

No arrests have been made in the theft of @IAmJerichos championship belt,
which was recovered today. Investigators with @TallyPD are asking anyone
with information to call them at (850) 891-4200 or Crime Stoppers at (850)

- Jeffrey Burlew (@JeffBurlew) September 4, 2019

The belt was reportedly worth $30,000.

It would appear that Jerichos worldwide investigation worked out for the
[This post contains video, click to play]

The company did have a backup plan, should the belt not be recovered in
time for their October 2 television debut on TNT.

Editors Opinion:

Boy, did AEW dodge a bullet here. Not only was that a very expensive piece
of property, but if there was a tarnished title going around, that would
not be a good look for a brand new wrestling company. However, the problem
seems to be solved and everything can get back to normal!

What do you think of the AEW Championship belt saga? Leave us a comment
below, or post a comment on our Facebook page! Also, be sure to sign up for
our newsletter and download our App from your favorite App Store!

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(VIDEO): Number Two. AEW Offers First Look At New Title Belt.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 07:21 PM PDT

The next of a few. AEW has hit the ground running as a wrestling company,
though they are still rather early on in their run. They still have a lot
of things to cover before their regular television shows start and some of
them have already been taken care of. With so many things left though,
they know that things need to be done and now one thing is off their list.

In a new video on her Twitter account, Brandi Rhodes has revealed the new
AEW Women’s Title. The title, which will be decided for the first time at
the inaugural episode of AEW’s TNT series, will be the second active title
for the company. The first title match will be between Nyla Rose and Riho,
who earned their spots in the match at All Out, in a Casino Battle Royal
and a singles match respectively.

It’s quite the nice belt. Check out the new design:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This is the kind of thing that AEW needs to get done and they are
doing so at a pretty nice pace. Now with that out of the way, they also
need to manage to keep the pace going, which may be a bit more difficult
than the first part. With so many things already out of the way, they are
going to have to find new ways to keep the audience interested, which may
or may not be a strong possibility.

Do you like the title? Who wins it first? Let us know in the comments

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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appeared first on

Bayleys Heel Turn is Finally a Reality, but Can She and WWE Pull it Off?

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 05:06 PM PDT

Bayley did the unthinkable on the September 2 Monday Night Raw, when she
turned heel on Becky Lynch. Bayley attacked The Man with a steel chair and
destroyed the Raw Women’s champ, leaving her for dead in the middle of the

But The Hugger was not finished yet. She and best friend Sasha Banks
appeared on the following night’s SmackDown Live, where Bayley used the
chair again, this time on Charlotte Flair. As WWE fans begin to understand
the implications of these events, one question has risen to the surface.
Can WWE and most importantly Bayley herself, pull this off?

In the bizarro world of WWE, anything is possible and that’s once again
been proven here. Becky Lynch, who is supposed to be the top babyface of
the company, was viciously mauled by Bayley, who was one of the most
popular Superstars of the women’s division. Instead of turning on Bayley
and booing her out of the building, the fans instead cheered.

Charlotte Flair, who has been the most hated Superstar of the women’s
division, was attacked by the newly heeled Bayley and fans chanted “one
more time.” The crowd then began chanting Becky’s name, in hopes The Man
would come in and make the save for her most hated rival of all time. It’s
indeed another bizarre day in WWE.

Watch Bayleys heel turn on Raw!
[This post contains video, click to play]

The fact is that The Four Horsewomen came up together and WWE fans know
that. But what they may never have expected is that three of the four are
now heels and the most unlikely villain of the trio is Bayley, who now has
the hardest road to travel. While it’s still extremely early  in the
process, there’s plenty of reason to doubt whether or not all of this is
going to work.

Bayley needed an edge, that much is certain. Her peppermint persona was too
sugar-sweet and much too unrealistic for many fans, who had grown tired of
her over the past several months. It could even be said that fan fatigue
had set in with Bayley much earlier than that and WWE had pushed her
squeaky clean personality too hard, too fast.

So rather than just turn her heel for no good reason, WWE instead began to
give teeth to Bayley’s character. It was a gradual process but it was
effective nevertheless. Bayley stood up for herself more than she ever had
before and she was unapologetic in how she did it. She was becoming her own
person and learning how to live without back-up.

Bayley and Sasha Banks wreak havoc on SmackDown Live!
[This post contains video, click to play]

That learning curve happened as a direct result of Sasha Banks’ departure
following WrestleMania 35. The Boss took her leave of WWE after she and
Bayley dropped the Women’s Tag Team Championships on The Grandest Stage of
Them All. Fans wondered if Sasha would ever return and the same was true of
Bayley’s character.

Bayley and Banks had their issues in the past, but they had become best
friends over time and they definitely had each other’s backs. The duo were
on the same page and they were in sync every time they stepped into the
ring. So when Sasha left, Bayley had to find her won way, which is exactly
what she did.

The end result was a new Bayley, who grew in confidence and determination.
She looked out for herself and she didn’t ask anyone’s permission to be
successful. That is the woman who assaulted Becky Lynch and when she did,
it was more like a natural character progression than purely shock factor.
But is that indeed the case?

How does this new and improved Bayley now appear to the fans? Is she indeed
the confident, unapologetic tough-woman who does what she wants, when she
wants to do it? Is this the Bayley that fits perfectly into the post-Ronda
Rousey women’s division of WWE? Better yet, is this the Bayley that should
exist, considering she and Banks played second fiddle to Lynch and Flair
against Rousey?

Watch Bayley and Banks after Raw went off the air!
[This post contains video, click to play]

Or is Bayley lost in this new angle? When fans look her into eyes, do they
truly see a killer? Can Bayley pursue this new character with the same zeal
that she had for the babyface persona that made her famous? The crowd can
sense when a talent isn’t connecting to a gimmick.

When that happens, the crowd cannot connect with that talent. Is that
Bayley’s fate, or will she fully embrace this new turn and set her career
on fire as a result?

Perhaps the biggest concern is WWE. Will the company spotlight Bayley the
way she needs, or will her booking fail, as it’s failed so many before her?
If WWE does not fully get behind her and give her the right moments to
shine, then Bayley’s new turn will not work. She will ultimately fall flat
and WWE will be forced to turn her back once again.

But Bayley is a pro and she should be up to the challenge. She’s been a
babyface her entire WWE career and she could definitely use a change. As
long as the company is in her corner, then this could become the hottest
phase of Bayley’s run to this point. Wether or not that will happen, remans
to be seen.

Tom Clark can regularly be seen on Wrestling Rumors. His podcast, Tom
Clark’s Main Event, is available on iTunes,YouTube, iHeart Radio, and live every Friday at 12pm EST on Wrestling Rumors
Facebook Live

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it Off? appeared first on

NXT Live Coverage And Results - September 4, 2019

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 05:00 PM PDT


Date: September 4, 2019

Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida

Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix

We’re running out of hour long shows around here with just two weeks to go
before the big move to USA. Since NXT likes to cover a lot of things, we’re
getting one more NXT Title match out of the old format as Adam Cole defends
against Breakout Tournament winner Jordan Myles. Let’s get to it.

We open with a quick recap of the Breakout Tournament and Myles challenging

Opening sequence.
Breezango vs. Matt Martel/Chase Parker

Breezango has the full on Fashion Police gear and entrance here and
Martel/Parker are better known as 3.0. Martel takes Fandango over to the
corner for the tag to Parker but a hip swivel gets Fandango out of a sunset
flip attempt. Breeze comes in for a snap suplex as we hear about Nigel
possibly getting a fashion ticket. Breeze has a rest over the corner, where
he nods to a question of “YOU THINK YOU’RE FUNNY???”

It’s back to Martel, who sends Breeze hard into the corner to set up an
armbar. That doesn’t last long and it’s quickly off to Fandango for the
chopping. Everything breaks down and the Fashion Faux Pas
(Backstabber/slingshot elbow combination) finishes Martel at 4:06.

Result: Breezango b. Matt Martel/Chase Parker Fashion Faux Paus to Martel

Myles arrives with Keith Lee and says he’s a bit nervous. Lee says he’s got

We cut to the other part of the parking lot where Io Shirai is attacking
Candice LeRae with a kendo stick.

Cameron Grimes is annoyed at not winning the Breakout Tournament. All he
wanted was to come in and go straight to the top but now he’s at the very
bottom. His goal is to get back to the top and be the champion. He said a
lot of those lines several times
Velveteen Dream vs. Kona Reeves

Non-title. They run the ropes to start with Reeves leapfrogging him a few
times before turning into a dropkick. Reeves gets in his own kick to the
face and knocks Dream down into the ropes. That’s it for Dream getting
beaten up though as he punches away and hits a top rope ax handle. Back to
back superkicks set up the Dream Valley Driver for the pin at 4:00.

Result: Velveteen Dream b. Kona Reeves Dream Valley Driver (4:00)

Post match here’s Roderick Strong on the screen to say Dream told him to
get his attention. The camera pans back….and Dream’s couch is on fire.

We look back at Rhea Ripley returning last week and coming after Shayna
Baszler and the Women’s Title. They meet next week but there is no word on
it being a title match.
Taynara Conti vs. Bianca Belair

Conti goes straight at her to start but a cross armbreaker is countered
with a deadlift. Belair runs her over with a shoulder but gets sent face
first into the middle buckle. The chinlock goes on for a bit, followed by a
bicycle kick for two on Belair. Some hard knees make it even worse for
Belair and she gets pulled to the floor with something like a triangle
choke over the ropes. Conti’s dive is caught in a fall away slam though and
it’s a handspring moonsault for no cover. The KOD finishes Conti at 5:40.

Result: Bianca Belair b. Taynara Conti KOD (5:04)

Johnny Gargano is back next week.

William Regal announced a triple threat match for the #1 contendership to
the Women’s Title on September 18 with Bianca Belair vs. Io Shirai vs. Mia
NXT Title: Jordan Myles vs. Adam Cole

Cole is defending and headlocks Myles down to start with that cocky grin on
his face. It works so well that Cole does it again but Myles reverses this
one into a hammerlock. Back up and Myles hits a big dropkick, meaning it’s
time to head outside. That means a whip into the barricade and Cole takes
over back inside.

Another whip sends Myles throat first into the middle rope and it’s off to
the figure four neck lock. Back up and Cole yells at how Myles doesn’t
belong in the same ring as him. They slug it out with Myles getting the
better of it and knocking Cole outside. A German suplex gives Myles two
back inside but Cole’s Backstabber gets the same.

Cole grabs a Figure Four until Myles makes the rope, so it’s the
brainbuster onto the knee for two. That leaves Cole befuddled so Myles
sends him outside for the PK from the apron. One heck of a frog splash gets
two on Cole but the Midnight Star hits knees. The Last Shot misses and
Myles rolls him up for two so Cole superkicks him in the head a few times.
Now the Last Shot can retain the title at 14:38.

Result: Adam Cole b. Jordan Myles Last Shot (14:38)

Myles gets the big hero’s sendoff to end the show.


Breezango b. Chase Parker/Matt Martel – Fashion Faux Pas to Martel

Velveteen Dream b. Kona Reeves – Dream Valley Driver

Bianca Belair b. Taynara Conti – KOD

Adam Cole b. Jordan Myles – Last Shot

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Jon Moxley vs. Kenny Omega at AEW Full Gear: Which Man Needs the Win?

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 03:02 PM PDT

Kenny Omega will face Jon Moxley at AEW Full Gear on Saturday, November 9.
The announcement was made via the company’s social media on September 4 and
tickets for the event will go on sale two days later. 

This is certainly good news for fans who were anxiously anticipating the
match between the two men, which was booked for August 31’a All Out.
However that match was cancelled due to Moxley’s bout with a staph
infection in his elbow, which had to be addressed before he could return to
action. While Jon’s return has yet to be revealed, it’s clear that AEW is
indeed moving forward with this storyline. But who will come out on top?

AEW is still in its infancy of course, but many fans around the world have
praised the promotion thus far. Tony Khan’s company has delivered a
different product, with fresh faces and new angles, which has created an
air of excitement around the industry, which hasn’t been felt for quite
some time. AEW is definitely a serious player in the game right now.

Perhaps the most compelling drawing point of AEW have been the matchups.
Kenny Omega versus Jon Moxley had no chance of happening when Jon was in
WWE. Vince McMahon’s company reportedly pursued Omega, but the former IWGP
champion was not interested. He chose to stay with his friends in The
Elite, which led to AEW. 

Relive Moxleys first AEW promo!
[This post contains video, click to play]

But when Mox got his release from WWE, the opportunity to do something new
was finally at his fingertips and he took full advantage of it. Jon
journeyed to New Japan Pro Wrestling, where he rediscovered his love for
the business. Moxley was free to do what he wanted and more importantly, he
was having fun doing it. 

However, New Japan was just a stop on Moxley’s comeback tour. His
inevitable destination was AEW, where he had already sown the seeds of a
major feud with Omega. Though they are two very different competitors, they
should have great chemistry between the ropes.

Mox is a fighter in the ring and his style is one of reckless abandon. He
throws himself into his matches now with a fervor the likes of which he
hans’t shown since before he first signed with WWE. Jon is unpredictable
and he’s absolutely fearless. Both of those traits shine through in every
match, as he has indeed never looked better in his pro wrestling career.
Jon Moxley is a warrior and when he goes to battle, he settles in for the
long haul.

Omega is not the brawler that Moxley is, but that doesn’t mean Kenny will
not rise to the occasion. Omega has faced Chris Jericho, who also now takes
more of a brawler’s approach to his matches. Kenny has also faced Minoru
Suzuki, whose brutality is legendary in New Japan. Omega took the best that
both men had to offer and he kept coming back for more. 

Watch highlights of Omega vs PAC!
[This post contains video, click to play]

Kenny’s character is very theatrical and much different than the no-frills
presentation of Jon Moxley. Omega is all about his performance in the ring
and delivering the best possible version of himself that he can. Kenny was
on top in New Japan because of this and because of his ability to work with
anyone on the roster. He and Moxley should be a perfect fit. So who goes
over at Full Gear? 

AEW has put forth the notion that Kenny Omega is in a rut. It’s an idea
that has been discussed on AEW programming, most recently with his loss to
PAC at All Out. It’s as if Omega is stuck in neutral and just cannot find a
way to overcome his current circumstance. While some pro wrestling fans
would perhaps not find this to be an issue for Omega, the same is not true
of AEW.

Wins and losses will supposedly matter more in AEW, which means that going
on a losing streak is indeed a very big deal. That’s especially true of
Omega, who has enjoyed the top guy spot over the past few years. He came
into the company with a wealth of knowledge and experience behind him. He
also came with the championship reputation that fans now expect from him.

Watch Omega attack Moxley in AEW!
[This post contains video, click to play]

The audience is always quick to recognize when talents begin to fall in the
rankings and rather than run from that fact, AEW is meeting it head-on. So
when the company declares Omega to be in trouble, then he most certainly is.

But there’s plenty of time until Full Gear on November 9. AEW will make its
television debut on October 2, live on TNT. That night will begin AEW’s
weekly programming, which means the roster will be in a groove when Full
Gear takes place. Omega will likely be back to his winning ways by that
time, so his record will not be an issue.

Of course Moxley’s record is something else altogether. How will Jon be
booked when AEW goes full-time? Will he be that uncontrollable wildcard, or
will he take that persona and elevate it to the world championship level?
It’s impossible to know how AEW will operate after October 2 and much of
the speculation by fans may, or may not, be correct. But for those who were
hungry for the new era that AEW represents, the unknown is indeed a very
welcome thing.

Tom Clark can regularly be seen on Wrestling Rumors. His podcast, Tom
Clark’s Main Event, is available on iTunes,YouTube, iHeart Radio, and live every Friday at 12pm EST on Wrestling Rumors
Facebook Live

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Win? appeared first on

You Have To Start Somewhere. First Major Match Set For AEW Full Gear.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 02:52 PM PDT

The AEW way. Wrestling is built around big matches on big shows. Most of
the regular television shows are used to build towards the bigger matches,
which can make for some very interesting matches if the important ones are
built up well enough. Sometimes they have to be changed at the last minute
though, but that often means that they will be rescheduled for later.

AEW has officially announced that Kenny Omega will face Jon Moxley at Full
Gear on November 9. This is a rescheduling after the original match was
pulled from the All Out card due to Moxley suffering a staph infection that
requires surgery. There is no word on when Moxley will be medically
cleared, though it is likely that he will wrestle before Full Gear. This
is the first match announced for the pay per view.

?#AEWFullGear Match Announcement?
Saturday, November 9th, 2019 7pm Local Start Time@RoFoArena Baltimore, MD
Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega
Tickets go on sale THIS FRIDAY, September 6th at Noon ET / 9am PT

- All Elite Wrestling (@AEWrestling) September 4, 2019

It was quite a moment when the original match was called off. Check out
Omega’s reaction to hearing the news live:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This makes the most sense as there is no reason to stretch this
out long term. Omega vs. Moxley is all set and can be part of Omega’s
redemption tour, which is starting after only a few losses. It may seem
like a long time but this is a match that belongs on a bigger stage than
just a regular television show. They have to save some of the big stuff
for later and that is what they are doing here.

Who do you think wins this match? Should they wait this long? Let us know
in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Gear. appeared first on

That Makes Sense. Kevin Owens Had A Good Reason For Missing SmackDown Live.

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 02:45 PM PDT

I’d say that was a good reason. Pushes in wrestling can start and stop at
a moment’s notice. It’s hard to say why someone might get the plug pulled
on them, but it is rarely a good sign when someone who is in a big story
doesn’t even appear on television. Or maybe it is something that is beyond
their control and it isn’t a loss of a push whatsoever. A notable absence
this week seems to be the latter.

On Tuesday night, Kevin Owens responded to a question on Twitter, saying
that he missed Tuesday’s SmackDown Live as he was helping his family
prepare for Hurricane Dorian, which may have been in a path to hit their
home. Once it was clear that they were in the clear, Owens tried to make
it to the show on time but could not get there. He took full
responsibility for missing the show and there is no word of any heat on him
for not being there.

I figured if I didn’t show up, maybe Shane wouldn’t either and I’d be doing
everyone a favor. It worked! ?

Actually, I didn’t want to fly out early and leave my family in a potential
hurricane. I tried to get to Norfolk today once I knew they‘d be safe but
no luck.

It’s on me.

- Kevin (@FightOwensFight) September 4, 2019

Owens can talk for days. Check out one of his rants about not being on the
show very often:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: That’s completely understandable and WWE is certainly the kind of
company that knows better than to demand Owens show up for what was likely
to be a ten minute segment when this situation is going on. Imagine the
backlash for the company if they told him to show up for something
meaningless, especially if something happened to Owens’ family. There was
no need to have Owens there and thankfully WWE realized that.

What do you think of what Owens is doing at the moment? What is next for
him? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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SmackDown Live. appeared first on

NXT UK Results - September 4, 2019

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 01:53 PM PDT


Date: September 4, 2019

Location: Motorpoint Arena Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales

Commentators: Nigel McGuinness. Vic Joseph

It’s a rare post Takeover edition here, meaning we’ll be seeing a bunch of
post match interviews, highlights, and the two matches taped before the
show started. After the marathon that was this weekend, a little breather
is often a nice change of pace so hopefully that’s what we get here. Let’s
get to it.

We open with the Takeover recap.

Opening sequence.
Piper Niven vs. Rhea Ripley

They go with the power shoves to start and Ripley’s big boot is shoved
away. Some shoulders to the ribs work a bit better and Niven is down for a
bit. Rhea stays on the back and tries a camel clutch but opts for a
standing Cloverleaf instead. Niven pulls that down into a kneebar in the
middle of the ring so Ripley kicks her in the arm for the break. A stomp to
the back lets Rhea talk more trash and it’s off to a camel clutch neck

Piper drops back on her for the break and it’s a Cannonball in the corner,
followed by a Vader Bomb for two. The back gives out but Piper is fine
enough to hit her in the face to block Riptide. A low crossbody connects
(with Rhea’s leg folding underneath her but thankfully she seems fine) but
Rhea hits her in the back again. This time Riptide finishes Niven at 8:42.

Result: Rhea Ripley b. Piper Niven Riptide (8:42)

They can hoss battle too:

[This post contains video, click to play]
Jack Gallagher is not medically cleared so we’ll need a suitable
replacement to face Kassius Ohno.

The Grizzled Young Veterans ranted about their loss and demanded a two on
two rematch. Johnny Saint says he’ll think about it.

He apparently thought about it fast as the rematch is next week.

Joe Coffey was banged up after his match with Dave Mastiff and needed a

The Hunt (in suits) told Mastiff that he could beat Coffey.

Trent Seven checked on Tyler Bate after the main event.

Video on Tegan Nox, who debuts next week.

Kassius Ohno vs. ???

The replacement is…..Sid Scala, who hasn’t wrestled in a long time and is
in most of a suit here. Scala looks fired up to start and spins out of an
early wristlock. A head fake out of the corner lets Scala grab a middle
rope sunset flip for two but Ohno gets in a kick to the leg. Some hard
chops have Scala in more trouble before it’s back to the knee.

The leg gets stomped but Scala manages a neckbreaker across the corner for
a unique escape. Ohno knocks him out of the air but Scala is able to
forearm away back inside. Something close to a dragon screw legwhip cuts
Scala off though and it’s the Dream Crusher to give Ohno the pin at 7:15.

Rating: C-. Scala was trying here and put in a good showing but they went
the right way with the decision. Ohno continues to be a fine addition to
the roster (odd result vs. Dragunov aside) as he can do almost anything he
wants. Putting him against the bosses is an interesting idea as they could
send quite a few names after him to make things more fun. This feels like
part of a bigger story and that’s not a bad thing.


Rhea Ripley b. Piper Niven – Riptide

Kassius Ohno b. Sid Scala – Dream Crusher

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

The post NXT UK Results September 4, 2019 appeared first on

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