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[MCW] [RESULTS]: MCW Glen Burnie 2/21/01

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Jeff Amdur

Feb 22, 2001, 6:26:17 PM2/22/01
Please credit this report to MCW program editor Alexander LeGrand.

MCW Glen Burnie MD 2/21 Micaheląs Eighth Avenue - Attendance 800

The show begins with Commisioner Michael Black announcing the first
match will be for the new MCW TV Title, since MCW is now on selected
cable outlets across the state. Also, Dr Blasphemy from 98 Rock gave
out some free T-Shirts, to thank the fans for contributing to the
Christmas seasonąs Toys for Tots campaign.

Match 1: Gregory Martin defeated Soda Pop Ronnie Zukko (with Candie) in
7:56 to become the first MCW TV Champion. The contest was fairly even
until the MCW Tag Champs (TQMąs Christopher and Dino) hit the ring to
distract Zukko (who later in the evening would be taking them on in a
title match). While Ronnie had his back turned, Marty clipped him from
behind and then rolled him up, conveniently using the ropes for
leverage. Marty thus became a double belt holder, since he came into
the match as the MCW Cruiserweight champion. After the match, TQM gave
Ronnie a beat-down, including a double gourdbuster. Their attack was
ended when Ronnieąs partner Romeo Valentino hit the ring to even the

Match 2: The Bruiser defeated Julio Dinero in 6:41. A classic strength
vs. speed match-up between the veteran MCW competitors was marred when
Corporal Punishment ran in to interfere in the match. Corporaląs attack
on Bruiser was unsuccessful, but it did leave Julio vulnerable to the
Bruiserąs blockbuster suplex. After the match, Corporal was joined in
the ring by TQMąs Chip and Chad, who would be teaming later in the
evening with him in a six-man match. The three attacked both Julio and
Bruiser, until the save was made by York and Matthews. Since 5 of the 6
participants were now at ringside, it was just a formality for the last
man to hit the ring, which lead to ...

Match 3: Adam Flash, Christian York and Joey Matthews defeated Corporal
Punishment, Chip Bowman and Chad Bowman in 13:06. The early portion of
the match was controlled by Flash and company, including a three-way
tree of woe, a three-way dropkick on a groggy Corporal Punihment and a
double plancha by Christian and Joey onto TQM while Adam leapt onto
Corporal on the other side of the ring. A rare in-ring miscue by Joey
lead to Corporal taking control of the match, including lots of
nefarious double teaming by TQM behind the refereeąs back. Finally,
Joey made the tag to Adam and soon all six men were in the ring
together. With TQM knocked from the ring, Corporal was vulnerable to a
combination Matthews top rope Frankensteiner, York flying eblow and
Flash leg drop, leading to the pin. After the match, TQM revived
Corporal through some dubious CPR, although neither brother would give
him mouth-to-mouth.

Match 4: Gillberg defeated Butterman in :45. Before the match, MCW
staffer Butterman interrupted ring announcer Steve Ventarella, grabbing
the mic and saying he didnąt get any respect. He challenged Gillberg,
who soon made his way to the ring. But before the former WWF Light
Heavyweight champ could do anything, he was attacked by a mysterious
big guy who destroyed Gillberg. Before leaving the ring, he dropped a
big load of chewing tobacco onto Gillberg. It was at this point that
the referee rang the bell. Butterman should have picked up an easy win,
but Gillberg quickly reversed an Irish whip, setting up the deadly
spear-jackhammer combo to pick up the win. After the match, Butterman
argued with referee Dee Edwards, who would have none of it. He threw
down Butterman and, to the crowdąs delight, gave him "the worm."

It was learned later in the back the mystery manąs name was Redneck
Billy Redwood.

Match 5: Romeo Valentino and Soda Pop Ronnie Zukko (with Candie)
defeated TQMąs Christoper Carmichael and Dino Divine to win the MCW Tag
Team titles in 10:33. Romeo and Candie came out with Ronnie, who was
too injured to wrestle in this match, thanks to the shenanigans from
earlier in the evening. Romeo held his own early in the match, even
stunning the TQM team long enough for Candie to get in the ring and
give Dino a Bronco Buster and Christopher a "stinkface" (although one
doubts Candieąs thong area is all that stinky). Soon, the odds were too
much for Romeo and he was being drubbed by TQM. Just when Romeo was
just about out of it, Ronnie came limping from the back to aid his
partner. Soon, the Soda Popster was in the ring cleaning home. Dino
went for a pump-handle slam, but Ronnie reversed it into a tomokaze.
Romeo then came off the top rope with a flying elbow to take the titles
for the challengers.

Match 6: Reckless Youth defeated Qenaan Creed in 11:03. The returning
"King of the Indies" antagonized the crowd by saying he now works for
the "real" MCW (Memphis Championship Wrestling) and the Tennessee city
was his new hometown. However, the crowd eventually supported him,
thanks to the great scientific match he and Qenaan were having. There
were too many moves to mention here, but they were all great. Reckless
eventually got the win with a top rope Ace Crusher, followed by a hot
shot (and a timely foot on the ropes).

After intermission, it was time for the MCW Awards for the year 2000,
as distributed by Michael Black and MCW Communications Director Pete

Rookie of the Year ‹ Ronnie Zukko ‹ Most Improved ‹ Qenaan Creed ‹ Most
Hated ‹ Corporal Punishment (who did not come to ringside to pick up
his award) ‹ Most Popular ‹ Adam Flash ‹ Most Inspirational ‹ Jeff
Peterson (award was picked up by Jeffąs uncle, ECWA promoter Jim
Kettner) ‹ Tag Team of the Year ‹ Christian York and Joey Matthews ‹
Match of the Year ‹ 2000 Shamrock Cup (York vs. Matthews vs. Flash vs.
Creed vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Chris Chetti) ‹ Wrestler of the Year ‹
Jimmy Cicero ‹ Commisionerąs Award ‹ Kelly Bell

And then there was Manager of the Year. As Pete was announcing the
award, The Holy Rollersą music started and Earl the Pearl, Rich Myers
and Platinum Nat made their way to ringside, complete with cake, party
hats and noisemakers. Nat was all ready to become the 3-time Manager of
the Year. THe only problem was that he didnąt win ‹ Candie did. Nat
threw a fit in the ring and insulted Candie (and her charges, Romeo
Valentino and Ronnie Zukko). Insults were hurled back and forth,
including Earl insulting their opponents for tonight ‹ the returning
Ghetto Mafia. Soon, 2-Dope and Sydeswype hit the ring and announced, to
the chargin of the HOly Rollers, tonightąs match was a ghetto street
fight. But that wasnąt the worst news of the evening. Natąs open
challenge to Candie for a match at Fort Meade on March 16th backfired,
as the vivacious bobbysoxer announced she didnąt want to wrestle
"Platinum Nat," but "Platinum Nathalie" ‹ in an evening gown match.
Michael Black, roaring with laughter, quickly made the match and a
fuming group of Holy Rollers stormed toward the back.

Match 7: Tara Rising (with her Wrestling Radio co-hosts) defeated TQMąs
Tara (with Chad and Chip) in 9:24 and gets to keep the name "Tara."
This was no scientific encounter; it was a catfight pure and simple.
Oddly enough, the match turned on interference by another TQM member
(Dino Divine) who crept to ringside during the match and ambushed Tara
Rising. But the radio hostess turned the tables on TQM and got Tara to
submit to a crossface. The rest of TQM hit the ring, led by Jimmy
Cicero, and berated "no longer Tara" for losing the match and fired
her. Then, he offered Tara Rising the now-vacant spot in TQM, which she
accepted. And to show her gratefulness, she put "former Tara" back in
the crossface until the refs broke it up.

Match 8: Holy Rollers (with Platinum Nat) defeated the Ghetto Mafia in
5:41. This was an all-out brawl, with trash cans, chairs and all sorts
of plunder being involved. It was one of those matches that those of us
at ringside spent more time running from the action than covering it.
All I can tell you is that Earl pinned 2-Dope.

Match 9: Jimmy Cicero (with Tara Rising) defeated Kelly Bell (with 98
Rockąs Dr. Blasphemy) in 11:50 to retain the MCW title. At the
beginning of the match, Michael Black ordered all of TQM to the back
(except new TQM Tara), evening the odds at ringside. Black also
announced a troubleshooting referee for the match: Adam Flash. For a
novice wrestler, Bell controlled much of the match, probably due to his
large weight average over his former friend. The bluesman used
splashes, elbows and headbutts to put the champ on the ropes. Jimmy
soon countered with some scientific moves, including a series of
spinning toe holds and a camel clutch (apparently channeling his days
as "Shiek Jimmy Cicero.") Things broke down when Bell went for a splash
in the corner, but Jimmy pulled referee Dee Edwards in the way. This
allowed Corporal Punishment to make his way to the ring and attack Adam
Flash as he was trying to make the three-count. Somewhere in there,
Bell was waffeled with a steel chair by Corporal, who then revived the
referee who made the count. Afterwards, Cicero and Corporal beat on
Adam and Bell until the Bruiser ran in to make the save.

MCW returns to action on March 16 at the Festival Tent at Fort Meade.

Alexander Le Grand

MCW Program Editor

Jeff Amdur
Quality foreign language instruction since 1971 (Oy, gevalt! 4 months left?!?)
Quality timekeeping for sports events since 1973

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