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[WR] New Japan Royal Quest Results

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Sep 2, 2019, 11:33:04 AM9/2/19

New Japan Royal Quest Results

Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:24 AM PDT

Royal Quest

Date: August 31, 2019

Location: Copper Box Arena, London, England

Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Gino Gambino

So this is a New Japan show and their first ever independently promoted
event in the UK. That could mean a lot of things, but hopefully it means a
good show. Since we already have multiple major events today with Takeover:
Cardiff and All Out, I might as well just complete the trilogy. The main
event here is Kazuchika Okada defending the IWGP Heavyweight Title against
Minoru Suzuki with a lot of fans wanting to see a title change. Let’s get
to it.

The opening video talks about the fallout from the G1 Climax and how it’s
time to take over Europe.

Card rundown with the bigger matches getting some extra attention.
Roppangi 3K vs. Ryusuke Taguchi/Shoto Umino/Ren Narita

The fans are rather behind Taguchi here though we don’t get the big zoom in
shot at the opening bell. Yoh and Umino get things going for some early
grappling and that’s an early standoff. Umino kicks him in the face but
can’t get a slam as the fans are behind Umino, mainly due to him being
associated with Jon Moxley. Everything breaks down early on with Taguchi
and Romero both cleaning house. That earns Romero a song from the crowd.
Sho rolls Umino up for two but Umino is right back with a suplex, setting
up the hot tag to Taguchi.

A bunch of hip attacks, including one from the top, ensue but Romero comes
in for the forever lariats. They’re cut off by another hip attack and it’s
back to the Young Lions for some double teaming. The Boston Crab doesn’t
last long on Sho and it’s time for the parade of kicks to the head. Sho and
Yoh are sent into each other and Narita gets two off a victory roll. Sho’s
German suplex gets two, followed by Project Ciampa to finish Umino at 8:19.

Result: Roppangi 3K b. Ryusuke Taguchi/Shoto Umino/Ren Narita Project
Ciampa to Umino (8:19)
Kota Ibushi/Juice Robinson vs. Yujiro Takahashi/Hikuleo

Takahashi and Hikuleo are Bullet Club and it’s Ibushi and Hikuleo starting
things off. Hikuleo throws the smaller Ibushi down to start and mocks him a
bit, only to have everything break down. Robinson sends Hikuleo into the
corner for a Cannonball but Hikuleo is right back up with a backsplash for
two on Ibushi. Takahashi comes in for a legdrop as the fans are behind
Ibushi, as you probably expected.

Ibushi is right back up and brings in Robinson to pick up the pace,
including a dive to take out Hikuleo. A spinebuster does the same to
Takahashi but he’s right back with a fisherman’s suplex for two on
Robinson. The Juice Box (Codebreaker to the chest) is enough to bring
Ibushi back in but he charges into a powerslam from Hikuleo. The Club is
dominating so far.

Ibushi’s strike rush gets him out of trouble but Hikuleo cuts him off
again, this time with a Samoan driver for two. Takahashi comes back in so
Ibushi hits a double Pele, followed by a victory roll for two on Hikuleo. A
running knee to the face sets Kamigoye (knee to the face) for the pin on
Hikuleo at 8:46.

Result: Kota Ibushi/Juice Robinson b. Yujiro Takahashi/Hikuleo Kamigoye to
Hikuleo (8:46)
Will Ospreay/Robbie Eagles vs. Taiji Ishimori/El Phantasmo

Ishimori and Phantasmo’s (Bullet Club) IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team
Titles aren’t on the line. Phantasmo is the British Cruiserweight Champion
and Ospreay is the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion. Eagles used to be in
Bullet Club but Phantasmo turned on him, sending him over to Chaos. Ospreay
and Eagles are part of Chaos and of course Ospreay gets a ROAR.

The Club jumps them to start but Chaos tosses them to the floor to the
floor, setting up a big flip dive from Eagles. We settle down to Phantasmo
getting caught in an exchange of strikes and monkey flipped into a kick to
the back. Eagles starts throwing the kicks to the chest but Ishimori comes
in for the save to take over. To mess with things a bit, Phantasmo seems to
twist Eagles’ nipples, setting up a springboard spinning crossbody into a

Ishimori comes in for the loud chops and a top rope Meteora for two. Eagles
gets tied in the Tree of Woe for some running crotch standing but he’s
right back with a sliding elbow to the back of the head. The hot tag brings
in Ospreay for Pip Pip Cheerio and two on Phantasmo. Ospreay and Phantasmo
trade kicks to the head until Ospreay’s Stundog Millionaire puts both of
them down.

Ishimori and Eagles come back in with the latter nailing the springboard
missile dropkick to Ishimori’s knee. Ospreay comes back in as Eagles hits a
Codebreaker to Ishimori, who holds him in place for Ospreay’s moonsault to
the back. Superkicks begin to abound and it’s the Oscutter to Phantasmo,
followed by a double super Spanish Fly to finish Ishimori at 10:49.

Result: Will Ospreay/Robbie Eagles b. El Phantasmo/Taiji Ishimori Double
super Spanish Fly to Ishimori (10:49)

Post match, Ospreay issues the challenge for the titles.
Tetsuya Naito/Sanada vs. Jay White/Chase Owens

Los Ingobernables de Japon vs. Bullet Club, with Gedo. Naito
(Intercontinental Champion) gets a huge reaction. White bails from Naito to
start so Chase comes in and requests Sanada. An early battle over arm
control goes nowhere so Owens offers a handshake. That goes badly for
Owens, who tries the Paradise Lock, which Owens reverses into a failed
version of his own.

White breaks up the real thing and takes Naito to the floor for some chops.
The distraction lets Owens take over on Sanada and a backbreaker puts him
down. White comes in for the chops in the corner but Owens charges into
some boots in the corner. A suplex puts White down and it’s hot tag to
Naito for the house cleaning. White gets sent to the floor and that means
the TRANQUILO pose for a big reaction. Back in and Naito gets two off a
pair of neckbreakers, only to have White knock him into the corner.

The Bladebuster gets two on Naito but doesn’t get very far with a choke.
Naito is right back with his springboard tornado DDT and that’s enough for
the double tag. Sanada gets the Paradise Lock on Owens (a recurring problem
for him), setting up the big running kick. Owens puts him on top and gets
two off a super snapmare (that’s a new one), followed by a running knee to
the head for the same. The package piledriver is broken up though and Skull
End finishes Owens at 12:53.

Result: Tetsuya Naito/Sanada b. Chase Owens/Jay White Skull End to Owens

Post match White gets a chair and beats down Sanada but Naito makes the
save and hits Destino for a self counted three. Naito even sits in the
Tag Team Titles: Guerrillas of Destiny vs. Aussie Open

Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher/Mark Davis) are an Australian team who won a
tournament to get the shot. The Guerrillas make it even worse by having
Jado with them. It’s a big staredown to start as the fans are rather split.
The champs get in an early cheap shot but the Aussies are right back with
running clotheslines in the corner to take over. A series of kicks to the
chest gets two on Loa and it’s a double flapjack into Davis’ backsplash for
two more.

Loa low blows his way out of trouble and it’s Tama coming in for a corner
splash. Some shots to the head keep Davis down but he gets over to
Fletcher, who is taken down in a hurry with a neckbreaker. A spear cuts
Fletcher down again and a rather delayed Jackhammer gets two. Tama mocks
Fletcher’s crawling attempts, earning himself a backdrop so Fletcher can
dive over for the tag. Davis clotheslines the champs to the floor and
there’s the big dive from Fletcher.

Everything breaks down and a butterfly powerbomb into a sitout Alabama Slam
gets two on Loa. Jado cheap shots Davis with the kendo stick though,
drawing him outside so Tama can drop Fletcher. A Swan Dive/frog splash
combination gets a very close two and the fans are back into it off the

Davis is back in with a Spanish Fly to bring Tama out of the corner,
setting up Fletcher for a big flip dive to the floor. The Fidget Spinner
(minus the spinner), a double pumphandle slam, drops Loa but Tama is back
in with a German suplex on Davis. A sitout Tombstone plants Davis and a
superbomb to Fletcher is enough to retain the titles at 14:26.

Result: Guerrillas of Destiny b. Aussie Open Superbomb to Fletcher (14:26)

We recap Kenta vs. Tomohiro Ishii. Kenta recently debuted for the company
and turned on Ishii in a tag match. Therefore, tonight it’s time for a
fight over the NEVER Openweight Title. Kenta laid out the returning
Katsuyori Shibata to make him even more evil.
NEVER Openweight Title: Kenta vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Ishii is defending and is part of Chaos while Kenta is part of Bullet Club.
They go nose to nose to start with Kenta chilling in the ropes for a few
seconds. A shot to Ishii’s face has Kenta bailing to the floor as the mind
games are on early. Ishii is pulled to the floor and beats Kenta inside for
the slugout. Ishii is fine in a brawl and takes over on Kenta, until a
tornado DDT onto the top rope gets him out of trouble.

The hard kicks to the chest put Ishii down and we hit the chinlock. The
fans are all over Kenta here as some knees and the cocky kick to the
facejust fire Ishii up. Ishii yells at the referee to take him down but
this doesn’t seem like the kind of match where you’re going to see a DQ.

They slug it out again with Ishii staggering, allowing Kenta to blast him
with a clothesline. The running dropkick in the corner corner hits Ishii
and has the fans annoyed but it’s too early for the GTS. Kenta strikes away
but gets caught in a German suplex….and something is wrong. Kenta falls
down on what looks to be a slam attempt so Ishii headbutts the heck out of
him. The referee checks on Kenta, who gets back up and is clearly gone.

He’s fine enough to knock Ishii down and hit a top rope double stomp. The
GTS is countered again and Ishii loads up the brainbuster, which winds up
being closer to a swinging suplex instead. The fans can tell something is
wrong as Ishii slaps him in the face, meaning it’s time to sit down and
slap each other a lot.

Kenta’s sleeper is broken up and Ishii takes his head off with a
clothesline. Cue the Guerrillas, who are quickly dealt with by Ishii,
setting up the brainbuster. The Guerrillas pull the referee though and
Ishii takes a Magic Killer for a very close two. Kenta’s sleeper is broken
up as well so a big shot to the face and the GTS to give Kenta the title at

Result: Kenta b. Tomohiro Ishii GTS (20:16)

Post match Kenta celebrates, but is so messed up that he can’t get onto the
middle rope and has to be helped up.

We recap Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Zack Sabre Jr. for Zack’s British
Heavyweight Title. They’ve feuded for a good while now with Sabre not
having much respect for the legend, so Tanahashi is coming to Sabre’s
country to take his title. This is their seventh match and they’ve split
the first six so it’s quite the rivalry.
Rev Pro British Heavyweight Title: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

Tanahashi is challenging. Sabre goes for the technical stuff to start as
the fans are rather pleased with the heel champ. It’s an early standoff as
the Tanahashi chants begin. Tanahashi reverses a crossarm choke into one of
his own but Sabre is out in a hurry. They circle each other a bit more
until Tanahashi takes him down by the leg for a change.

Tanahashi puts on a standing leglock but bridges back to really crank on
the thing. The middle rope Swanton misses though and Sabre starts in on the
arm. A seated armbar has Tanahashi in trouble and the cockiness is rolling
fast. That means some cocky kicks but Sabre goes back to the arm to cut off
the comeback. A dropkick to the leg gives Tanahashi a breather and a
running dropkick in the corner has the champ rocked for a change.

He’s fine enough to come back with an abdominal stretch but Tanahashi is
out for a pinfall reversal sequence into a double knockdown. The Cloverleaf
is countered into an armbar (on the other arm) from Sabre, which he
switches into a small package for two. Sabre is back up with Hurrah!
Another Year, Surely This One Will Be Better Than the Last; The Inexorable
March of Progress Will Lead Us All to Happiness but Tanahashi rolls forward
to get to the ropes.

Twist And Shout into the Sling Blade gives Tanahashi two but the High Fly
Flow hits knees. That means a triangle choke from Sabre, which he switches
into the modified Rings of Saturn. That’s broken up as well and it’s the
European Clutch for two on Tanahashi. Another Sling Blade gives Tanahashi
another two and it’s the High Fly Flow for the pin and the title at 17:20.

Result: Hiroshi Tanahashi b. Zack Sabre Jr. High Fly Flow (17:20)

Tanahashi celebrates for a good bit.

We recap Minoru Suzuki vs. Kazuchika Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight Title.
Suzuki was ticked off about being left out of the G1 and wanted to show
NJPW what they missed. Then he beat Okada in a tag match and challenged him
for the title shot, which you just don’t turn down.
IWGP Heavyweight Title: Kazuchika Okada vs. Minoru Suzuki

Suzuki is challenging. They start very slowly with only a Suzuki kick to
the leg in the first minute and a half. Okada works a wristlock and the
dueling chants begin again. That’s reversed into a hammerlock from Suzuki
as they’re taking their time to start. Suzuki stays on the arm so Okada
picks the leg to take it to the mat. That goes nowhere either and we’re
already five minutes in. Therefore, it’s time to strike it out in the
middle until a snapmare lets Okada hit a running kick to the face.

A triangle over the ropes slows Okada down and it’s a ram into the
barricade to make it worse. Okada blocks a piledriver on the ramp so Suzuki
settles for a running Penalty kick instead. The referee won’t let Suzuki
use a chair so Suzuki sits in one in the middle instead. Okada comes back
in….and his forearms have no effect. Suzuki smirks at him and slaps on a
few leglocks as the torture begins. That’s broken up and it’s time for
another forearm slugout until a running elbow drops Suzuki.

They head outside with Suzuki in trouble, but he’s right back in with more
kicks to the chest. The Fujiwara armbar goes on to make Okada scream some
more as Suzuki is enjoying this way too much. The running boot to a seated
champ gets two but the piledriver is broken up again. Okada gets in another
shot to the face and they’re both down again. A slam sets up the top rope
elbow for two….and Suzuki is mad. Okada forearms away, earning himself a
hard shot to the face.

Suzuki even puts his arms behind his back so Okada can hit him harder. For
some reason Okada agrees to do the same and is promptly knocked silly. We
get a tease of a piledriver with Okada kicking his feet and being picked
back up twice before he reverses into White Noise onto the knee. They slug
it out from their knees with Suzuki taking over off some headbutts, only to
get caught with the dropkick. Okada tries his own sleeper but Suzuki throws
him down and puts on one of his own.

That means the old school arm drops until Okada counters into the
Rainmaker. He’s too down to cover so it’s another Rainmaker but Suzuki
blocks a third. Suzuki unloads with strikes to put Okada down but he STILL
can’t hit the piledriver. The Rainmaker is countered again so Okada slips
out of the sleeper one more time and hits the Tombstone. The Rainmaker
finally finishes Suzuki at 33:56.

Result: Kazuchika Okada b. Minoru Suzuki Rainmaker (33:56)

Post match Okada thanks the fans but cue Sanada, who beat Okada in the G1,
to challenge for the title match. Sanada leaves and Okada seems to accept.
He throws in some English for the crowd, who certainly seem to appreciate
it to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

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to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
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Best News In The World? CM Punk Says He Would Talk To WWEUnder A Certain

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:09 PM PDT

Oh I think that is going to get some people talking. Over the weekend, AEW
presented All Out in Chicago. That wasn’t the only major wrestling event
in Chicago though, as Starrcast III also took place in the city and
featured a variety of panels. One such panel involved Chicago’s own CM
Punk, who of course had a lot of things to say, including one rather
interesting statement about WWE.

During Punk’s Starrcast III panel, he said that he was willing to talk to
WWE again, though he emphasized that he would not be making the first
call. He made it clear that he would talk to anyone, but wasnt sure why
WWE would call if they hadnt before. Punk has not been directly involved
in wrestling since January 2014 when he walked out of WWE due to burnout
and medical issues. He has since gone on to fight in the UFC and worked in
the comic book industry.

Just imagine something like this happening again. Check out Punk’s
contract negotiations:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: I really don’t think this is going to go anywhere, but can you
imagine the reaction if Punk appeared on the first SmackDown Live or NXT?
It would be an amazing moment and another example of “never say never”.
That being said, I would be stunned if Punk actually returned as he very
well could have just been working the crowd to create some buzz. That is
likely to be the case here so mission accomplished.

Do you think Punk will return to WWE? Or to wrestling in general? Let us
know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Certain Condition. appeared first on

It Deserves Mention. Shinsuke Nakamura Did Something Very Cool For A
Fellow Wrestler Outside Of The Ring.

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:04 PM PDT

Cool Nakamura. Some wrestlers are awesome people in almost every
situation. They have a lot of things on their plates as wrestlers, with a
combination of staying in shape, traveling, staying fresh, and the whole
wrestling thing. It doesn’t help when you might not be making much money,
but sometimes someone with some money can help you out and it makes for an
awesome story.

The OC recently appeared on Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory podcast. During
the appearance, Karl Anderson told a story of finally making it to New
Japan, but he arrived with only $14 to his name. Shinsuke Nakamura, an
established New Japan star, found out about this and, after seeing
Anderson’s bank account, bought Anderson food every day for the next six
months until Anderson was on his feet financially.

Anderson and Nakamura have met again in WWE. Check out their backstage
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: That’s a very cool thing for Nakamura to do as he was under no
obligation to do something like this but was willing to help out someone
who was in trouble. Not many people would actually do something like this
as it is one thing to talk about helping someone out but in this case,
Nakamura actually backed it up with action. How many other people would
actually do that?

How cool is this for Nakamura? What is next for Anderson and Gallows in
WWE? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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For A Fellow Wrestler Outside Of The Ring. appeared first on

Quite The Endorsement. United States Presidential Candidate Praises Chris
Jericho And AEW.

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:58 PM PDT

He knows something about endorsements. AEW’s fourth event, All Out, has
come and gone and the response has been fairly positive. Chris Jericho was
crowned the inaugural AEW World Champion and that means the company has
more of a direction that they had coming in. Winning the title is a big
deal and it turns out that someone with a fairly big platform was paying

United States Presidential candidate Andrew Yang sent out a Tweet on Sunday
night, congratulating Jericho on winning the title and hoping that AEW
makes the wrestling industry a better place for the wrestling industry.
This is not the first time that Yang has mentioned AEW by name, as in June
he said that if he and his supporters were a wrestling promotion, it would
be AEW.

Congrats @IAmJericho I’m rooting for @AEWrestling to help make the
industry more talent-friendly. @CodyRhodes ??

- Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 2, 2019

There is some Presidential history with wrestling. Check out a future
President addressing wrestling fans:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: That’s a pretty cool thing to see and Yang is one of the biggest
names in the country to have talked about AEW. He seems to be a fan as
this was a bit more than a generic statement made by someone who has no
idea about wrestling and was told what to say. Yang talking up AEW is
certainly going to get them some attention and that’s never a bad thing so
early in their history.

What did you think of All Out? How much good with a celebrity appearance
do for them? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Praises Chris Jericho And AEW. appeared first on

Can You Blame Him? Another Main Roster WWE Superstar Requests To Be Sent

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:42 PM PDT

He’d like to do something else. There are all kinds of places to go in
wrestling, though there are far fewer at the top of the charts. WWE may
have several different brands for talent to perform on, but the spots are
still hard to come by. Some wrestlers jump back and forth between brands
and now one of them is interested in switching spots and trying his hand on
another WWE show.

Over the weekend, 205 Live and Monday Night Raw superstar Mike Kanellis
sent out a Tweet saying that he has wrestled everywhere in WWE other than
in NXT or NXT UK and would be interested in changing that. Kanellis has
wrestled infrequently on the main roster, with his most recent Monday Night
Raw match taking place on July 15 in a loss against Zack Ryder, which
lasted four seconds. Various wrestlers have made the move over to NXT UK
or NXT in recent weeks, such as Tyler Breeze, Fandango and Killian Dain.

Dear @WWE I’ve wrestled on every Brand except @NXTUK and @WWENXT. Can we
fix this please.

Man who wants to wrestle more.

- Mike Kanellis (@RealMikeBennett) August 31, 2019

When Kanellis is fired up, he can do some impressive stuff. Check out one
of his biggest matches on 205 Live:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: It’s almost sad to watch Kanellis from time to time as his wife
seems to be the most important part of his career and there isn’t much that
he can do when she is on maternity leave. At the same time though, he
certainly seems ready to try and do whatever he can wherever he can.
That’s a good attitude for someone to have and maybe he’ll get the break he
has been looking for someday.

What do you think of Kanellis? Can he succeed in WWE? Let us know in the
comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Be Sent To NXT Or NXT UK. appeared first on

RUMOR: It Was Fun While It Lasted. Popular NXT Star Leaves Company After
Getting Injured.

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:29 PM PDT

There was some serious NXT potential there. Every now and then, you get a
wrestler who can do things that others just cannot make work. Some of them
look rather different than others and they catch your eye immediately. You
want to see more of them doing something in the ring and that’s a very rare
treat. One such treat seems to be done before she ever really got started.

According to Squared Circles Sirens, Kacy Catanzaro is leaving WWE due to a
back injury. Not too many details are known about the injury but Catanzaro
has not wrestled a match since July 19 when she wrestled a match at an NXT
house show in Tampa, Florida. Catanzaro has wrestled for WWE since January
2018 and appeared in the 2019 Women’s Royal Rumble. She is also the real
life girlfriend of Monday Night Raw star Ricochet.

Catanzaro was in the Mae Young Classic as well. Check out her match
against Rhea Ripley:
[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: That’s quite the shame from a fan’s perspective but if Catanzaro
can be happier doing something else, good for her. There’s nothing wrong
with not wanting to spend years of your life doing something that you don’t
want to do so if she would rather step away, there is nothing wrong with
that. She was an athletic freak and I liked watching her, but she can do
whatever she wants from here on out and that is more important.

What did you think of Catanzaro? How far could she have gone in
wrestling? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up
for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES
to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and
encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is
available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!

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Company After Getting Injured. appeared first on

205 Live Results - August 27, 2019

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:38 PM PDT

205 Live

Date: August 27, 2019

Location: Raising Cane’s River Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Commentators: Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, Tom Phillips

We’re getting close to the next pay per view and that means it’s time to
find a new #1 contender. Odds are that’s going to be either Oney Lorcan or
Humberto Carrillo, or maybe both at the same time. Carrillo would be more
interesting but they would need to find a way for him to get around Lorcan
first. Let’s get to it.

The opening recap looks at last week’s elimination tag with Humberto
Carrillo and Oney Lorcan as the last two men standing.

Earlier today, Lorcan requested a title match but Drake Maverick put him in
a #1 contenders match with Carrillo instead. They shake hands over it and
everything seems cool.

Opening sequence.
Kalisto vs. Ariya Daivari

Daivari runs him over with a hard shoulder to start and lays over the top
for a breather. Kalisto hits a running headbutt/shoulder and, after
slipping a bit for a chuckle, lays on the ropes as well. The suicide dive
hits Daivari but he trips Kalisto off the apron, setting up a running
dropkick to send Kalisto flying into the barricade.

Back in and a reverse layout DDT gives Daivari two but Kalisto elbows him
in the face. The strikes to the face have Daivari staggered for a bit until
hope is lost with a big clothesline. We hit the chinlock again, followed by
a hard spinebuster (it’s a Minnesota thing) for two. The chinlock goes on
again, this time triggering the comeback with a hurricanrana driver.

They head to the apron for an enziguri and another hurricanrana to send
Daivari outside. Back in and Kalisto gets a 450 but the cover pulls
Daivari’s feet into the ropes for a smart save. The Salida Del Sol is
blocked by a mask pull, setting up the hammerlock lariat to finish Kalisto
at 13:05.

Result: Ariya Daivari b. Kalisto Hammerlock lariat (13:05)

Daivari has gotten better:

[This post contains video, click to play]
Post match Daivari stays on him but Metalik and Lince Dorado make the save.
Dorado gets in his face but Daivari talks a lot and Dorado doesn’t hit him,
much to Kalisto and Metalik’s confusion.

We look at Tony Nese being eliminated last week.

Tony Nese isn’t sure if being the premiere athlete is enough anymore.

The Singh Brothers haven’t been award winning as of late so they’re going
inside the Bollywood Actor Studio for a film study. When they get back,
they’ll be the best tag team in 205 Live history.
Oney Lorcan vs. Humberto Carrillo

The winner faces Gulak for the title at Clash of Champions. They shake
hands to start as we hear about Carrillo not being pinned in five months.
That’s a sneaky winning streak. Lorcan headlocks him down into a
headscissors counter before headlocking him down into a headscissors
counter. Back up and Carrillo commences the flipping, setting off a pinfall
reversal sequence for two each.

Lorcan gets a little more brawlingish and knees him in the ribs, followed
by a whip into the corner to keep Carrillo in trouble. Carrillo’s
handspring elbow is cut off with an elbow to the back and it’s a
bodyscissors to stay on the ribs. Since the arms are free, Lorcan throws on
a sleeper for a bonus. Carrillo rolls around a bit and gets to his feet but
has to elbow out of the half and half. An elbow to the face sets up a
standing moonsault for two on Lorcan and he bails to the floor.

Carrillo is right back up and hits a running flip dive to take Lorcan out
again. Back in and Carrillo hits a springboard spinning kick to the face
for two, followed by a rolling moonsault for the same. Lorcan blocks a
moonsault with raised boots and it’s time to head back to the apron for
slugout. Carrillo gets in a slap to the face and a top rope dropkick to
send Lorcan outside.

The Aztec Press is broken up but so is the half and half. A sitout
powerbomb plants Lorcan for two but he rolls outside for a breather.
Carrillo follows and this time the half and half connects to knock him
silly on the floor. The suicide dive rocks Carrillo again and it’s time for
a superplex, which is knocked off again. The twisting 450 finishes Lorcan
for the title shot at 17:30.

Result: Humberto Carrillo b. Oney Lorcan Twisting 450 (17:30)

Worthy of a title shot:

[This post contains video, click to play]
Post match Carrillo celebrates until Gulak comes up on screen to applaud
his former student for winning. Gulak is a different teacher now and he is
going to teach Carrillo a new lesson at Clash of Champions. He is the law.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen
over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since
2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30
wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw

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(WATCH): AJ Styles vs. Jinder Mahal From Clash of Champions 2017

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 07:16 AM PDT

Dont hinder him. WWE has posted a new video to its YouTube channel in which
they show the full match between Jinder Mahal and AJ Styles for the WWE
Championship from Clash of Champions 2017.

You can see the video in its entirety below:
[This post contains video, click to play]

The Modern Day Maharaja, wary of giving Styles free reign within the
squared circle, bent the rules to their limit, tossing Styles so viciously
over the barricade that it fell apart as he toppled over it. The impact
tenderized Styles’ ribs, and Mahal followed that up with a brutal slam onto
the announce table and a grueling attack on the champion’s torso once he
moved the fight back into the ring.
A timely dropkick that took Mahal out of the sky gave The Phenomenal One a
brief second wind, and an electric-chair drop to the challenger finally cut
Jinder’s torturous game plan short and allowed Styles to mount a
resurgence. Styles crept closer and closer on the strength of his pinpoint
timing and some well-placed kicks, but his decimated ribs gave Mahal an
easy target to remain one step ahead.
The Modern Day Maharaja got a tad too ambitious in his attempt to finish
the match, setting up for what appeared to be a Khallas off the turnbuckle,
only for AJ to topple him with a leaping Pele Kick. Sensing he would have
to battle through his injury, The Phenomenal One nailed a captivating 450
Splash to Mahal, but The Singh Brothers, who had been conspicuous by their
absence, attempted to pull Mahal from the squared circle. AJ disposed of
them with a leaping forearm and a Styles Clash on the outside, though the
delay allowed Mahal to recover and administer the ring-shaking Khallas.
Remarkably, Styles kicked out after a dramatic two-and-a-half.
Once again, Mahal got a bit too ambitious, looking to add insult to injury
with a Styles Clash of his own. The Phenomenal One had one counter left in
him, rolling out of the maneuver to trap Mahal in a torturous Calf Crusher
that targeted the very leg he had focused on earlier in the match. Despite
nearly reaching the ropes, Mahal was forced to submit when AJ rolled him
back into the middle of the ring, dashing Jinder’s hopes of regaining the
WWE Championship, at least for now. The legend of The Phenomenal AJ Styles,
however, continues to thrive.

Editors Opinion:

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Im glad that Jinder Mahal got the
opportunity that he did to be WWE Champion, but boy has he fallen since his
run in 2017. I hope he can get back to the top sooner rather than later,
but Im not betting on it.

What did you think of the WWE Championship Match between AJ Styles and
Jinder Mahal from Clash of the Champions 2017? Leave us a comment below, or
post a comment on our Facebook page! Also, be sure to sign up for our
newsletter and download our App from your favorite App Store!

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