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Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:00:01 AM12/14/09
We did it! Again!

For those of you just tuning in, these are the*
Year-End Achievement Awards. They celebrate the excellence, as well as
the....opposite thereof, of the past year in professional wrestling.

The Awards are decided by the readers of r.s.p-w, voting for a 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd place in nearly fifty categories. Believe it or else - this it
super huge TWENTIETH year of r.s.p-w Awards!

A robust 45 ballots were added to mine to create the results you'll soon
be reading. I'm happy to say that we kept participation from Korea down
under 10% this year! (One ballot arrived too late and one ballot was
sent as a Word document - they weren't counted.) As I usually weasel
out of taking responsibility for trying
to jack up participation given the deadness of Usenet in general, I will
say that I hope that the QUALITY of the response makes up for the lower
quantity. As is always the case, I think we have some surprises in the
results, but pleasantly so. If you disagree - hell, you should have voted!

Thanks to everyone on r.s.p-w who participated, readers and lurkers alike!

The following pages provided invaluable assistance with research.
Bookmark them ALL right now:

The Wrestling Supercards & Tournaments Web Page is THE place to get
dates and results of every major card of the past year - and earlier

For better of worse, THE website of r.s.p-w.* - basically I threw a
bunch of links on a page but it's the quickest way to access full
versions of ALL nineteen years of awards!

Wikipedia has quickly become a great resource for looking up all sorts
of obscure minutiae, and pro wrestling is no exception!

It's Google. Nuff said.

I've run a message board for eight years! We even talk about pro
wrestling on it (only occasionally)!

I can be reached by emailing crz{at}rspw{dot}org, amongst other ways.

Without further ado, and ready for yet another year of complaints
about spam by the usual idiot (don't let me down, baby), HEEEEEEEEEEEERE

Christopher Robin Zimmerman | moderator,
WWW: | AIM: SeeOurZed | moderator,
-- | archivist,
�2009 CRZ[tm]

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:08:02 AM12/14/09
Best Technical Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who has the most technical ability. The number
of holds and moves you see this person do and the crispness with which the
moves are executed makes his/her matches a pleasure to watch. In 1994, this
award was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and overall.
In 1998, it was recombined into one.

Previous Winners:

1991: Bret Hart
1992: Bret Hart
1993: Bret Hart
1994: (overall/NA) Bret Hart
1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1995: (overall/NA) Dean Malenko
1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1996: (sweep) Dean Malenko
1997: (overall/NA) Dean Malenko
1997: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1998: Dean Malenko
1999: Chris Benoit
2000: Chris Benoit
2001: Chris Benoit
2002: Chris Benoit
2003: Rey Mysterio
2004: Chris Benoit
2005: Chris Benoit
2006: Kurt Angle
2007: Kurt Angle
2008: Kurt Angle

**2009**: Kurt Angle

46 first place votes
43 second place votes
40 third place votes

20 5 5 125 Kurt Angle
6 9 11 79 Chris Jericho
10 4 0 62 Bryan Danielson
4 7 7 55 William Regal
0 6 2 22 CM Punk
2 2 2 20 Nigel McGuinness
1 3 3 20 Samoa Joe
1 3 1 16 Finlay
1 0 3 11 Shelton Benjamin
0 2 1 8 Austin Aries
1 0 0 5 Roderick Strong
0 0 2 4 Tyler Black
0 1 0 3 John Morrison
0 1 0 3 Daniels
0 0 1 2 Shawn Michaels
0 0 1 2 Alex Shelley
0 0 1 2 AJ Styles

JOHN CANTON: I went with Angle, Jericho and Punk. Angle's still the best
while the other two do such a good job of switching up their offenses
during a match to show off their technical prowess.

HAWYN316: Jericho, Angle and Regal. These two names are self explanatory.
My pick of Jericho for the top spot is based on the fact that Jericho had
solid matches with just about everyone he got in the ring with over the
year from guys like Cena to Mysterio to aged vets like Snuka, Piper and
Steamboat. Now that's talent!

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:02:01 AM12/14/09
Best Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the athlete who was the best overall wrestler of the year.
This includes all facets of wrestling: workrate, technical ability,
interviews, charisma, value to his/her promotion, etc. In 1994, this award

was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and overall. In
1998, it was recombined into one.

Previous Winners:

1990: Curt Hennig
1991: Ric Flair
1992: Ric Flair
1993: Big Van Vader
1994: Bret Hart
1994: (NA) Sabu
1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1995: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1996: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1997: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku
1998: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1999: Chris Benoit
2000: Triple H
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Chris Benoit
2005: Eddie Guerrero
2006: Samoa Joe
2007: John Cena
2008: Chris Jericho

**2009**: Chris Jericho

46 first place votes
43 second place votes

43 third place votes

25 4 1 139 Chris Jericho
4 10 6 62 CM Punk
2 3 4 27 AJ Styles
2 3 3 25 John Morrison
3 1 3 24 Kurt Angle
1 3 4 22 Jeff Hardy
1 3 4 22 Edge
1 3 3 20 Shawn Michaels
0 4 4 20 John Cena
2 1 0 13 Undertaker
1 1 2 12 Randy Orton
1 1 0 8 Triple H
0 2 1 8 Christian
1 0 1 7 Austin Aries
0 1 2 7 Nigel McGuinness
0 2 0 6 Awesome Kong
1 0 0 5 Taylor Wilde

1 0 0 5 Roderick Strong

0 1 0 3 Daffney
0 0 1 2 Rey Mysterio
0 0 1 2 Naruki Doi
0 0 1 2 Mickie James
0 0 1 2 Cheerleader Melissa
0 0 1 2 Bryan Danielson

JOHN CANTON: Jericho was number one last year and he is this year too even
though he wasn't in the title picture. He was on both Raw & Smackdown
because he's willing to put people over on TV and PPV while also having
great matches on a regular basis. CM Punk had a tremendous year going from
a babyface with no real angle to a Straight Edge heel that really elevated
his status in the eyes of WWE fans. Had good matches on a regular basis
too. Angle just edges out Orton, Jeff Hardy and Christian from my top
three because if he wasn't in TNA I'd probably stop watching. The guy
still delivers the goods in the ring. I don't know how with all his
injuries, but he does.

BRIAN HENKE: There were no clear-cut choice to be the Best Wrestler, so I
picked Randy Orton number one because he had the best year of any
wrestler. John Cena is second due to his feud with Orton, and Jeff Hardy
is number three due to the fact he held both major titles during the
eligible time period (Nov. 2008-Nov. 2009).

HAWYN316: Throughout 2009 CM Punk, AJ and Jericho stood head and shoulders
above everyone else. I give the best wrestler of the year nod to Punk as
it was a break through year of sorts for him. He delivered in the ring as
well as on the mic with a solid feud with Jeff Hardy and transitioned into
a great heel. In TNA AJ Styles had a banner year finally being pushed
back to his rightful place at the top of the promotion. As for Jericho,
he's Jericho and is always gold. More on him later.

CRIMEFIGHTER: Triple H - #1 in this year's PWI 500...and no one can come
up with an argument as to why someone else is more deserving.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:04:02 AM12/14/09
Best Heel

Award Description:

To be given to the person who was the best villain this past year. This
person should bring out the fans' wrath. Match quality is not paramount
here; this award should be based primarily on how over the wrestler was in
the past year.

Previous Winners:

1990: Ted DiBiase
1991: Cactus Jack Manson
1992: Jake Roberts
1993: Big Van Vader
1994: Bob Backlund
1995: Big Van Vader
1996: Steve Austin (Ring Master)
1997: Shawn Michaels
1998: Mr. McMahon (Vince McMahon)
1999: Triple H

2000: Triple H
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle

2003: Chris Jericho
2004: Triple H
2005: Eddie Guerrero
2006: Edge
2007: Edge
2008: Chris Jericho

**2009**: Chris Jericho

46 first place votes
44 second place votes
44 third place votes

24 12 2 160 Chris Jericho
8 12 6 88 CM Punk
3 8 10 59 Randy Orton
2 4 7 36 Edge
2 1 7 27 Miz
1 3 2 18 Austin Aries
1 1 2 12 Kurt Angle
2 0 0 10 Awesome Kong
0 2 1 8 Angelina Love
1 0 1 7 Santino Marella
1 0 1 7 Nigel McGuinness
0 1 2 7 Vickie Guerrero
1 0 0 5 Daffney
0 0 2 4 Jack Swagger
0 0 1 2 Necro Butcher

JOHN CANTON: Jericho edges Punk again for sheer consistency. Punk's turn
was fantastic and really elevated him. Proof that WWE can do a good turn
if they actually plan it out properly. Randy Orton gets third. He's hurt
by the fact that he really only feuded with HHH and Cena for much of 2009.
I really want to see him against new opponents in the new year.

HAWYN316: For the second year in a row I give Jericho the nod for Best
Heel. While he wasn't the "dominant" heel that Randy Orton was booked as,
NO ONE was more versatile as a heel than Jericho. From punking out aged
Legends to dominating the tag ranks as the cowardly heel hiding behind Big
Show to delivering top notch singles matches with just about every face on
the roster, NO ONE played the bad guy better than Jericho. Orton (by
default) and the coming on strong Miz round out the Top 3.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:01:01 AM12/14/09
This document is copyright 2009 by Christopher Robin Zimmerman. All
rights reserved. Portions of this document are copyright 1990-1995 Herb
Kunze and used with his kind permission.

Visit the r.s.p-w Awards links page at <>.

First, some general comments...

EBRANSC: The following had good to great years but I couldn't find a spot
on my ballot for them: Christian, Regal, Yoshi Tatsu, Hart Dynasty, Jimmy
Jacobs was the MVP of the early ROH HDNet shows, Steen/Generico.

JUNSTIN: you know, the undertaker and shawn michaels are briliant legend.
wrestle mania 25. mr.wrestlemania versus undefetead wrestlemania. my best
match of all time

JUNG: this time most absolutly overrated wrestler's just triple h.

KEVIN: Chris jericho still great wrestler. I hate batista. because
constantly, deteriorated superstar. please stop World champion run.

STEVE B: I gave Christian many high rankings since he's done what no other
ECW champion has done - he's been both a good champion, and help train the
new talent. His matches are mostly the same, but they're enjoyable. Guys
he feuds with get raised to the next level. He deserves a serious run on
one of the other two shows.

BIGDADDYLOCO: This was the year of Jeff Hardy. Hopefully he doesn't get
lost in the shuffle, but oh how we tend to forget. CM Punk and Jerishow
were also both top notch in what really was a down year across the board
for wrestlting.

IWAN PITTS: I love wrestling, but this hasn't been a good year for it.
TNA is the elephants graveyard of wrestlers, and the WWE is wasting
talent. The only wrestling worth watching anymore is ROH. But we still
do it, and I think it's because the common man knows what he wants to see
when he tunes in to Raw or Impact or Smackdown. We know exactly what the
WWE or TNA need to be great. The guys in charge have lost touch with
reality, and so would we if we had that power over the industry. It's a
fail/fail situation, because whoever runs things creatively will
eventually lose touch with the original ideals,and we end up with the
cheap and tacky TNA, or the cartoony PG-13 version of WWE that are on TV
today. There should be a wrestling constitution written up by an
executive board voted for by fans that the big shotshave to adhere to.
The executive board should be voted in annually, and the constitution
should be the law. I'd add the following motions to this constitution: At
least one 12 minutes (plus) match on every broadcast. All gimmicks and
angles to go through a forum before being put into place.
Cruiserweight/Lightweight/X Divisions to be enforced and pushed. The
demographic for broadcast programmes depends on the time of broadcasting,
e.g. After 10pm, the demographic no longer incorporates 0 - 12 year olds
but focuses solely on mature viewers. Losing any blood on WWE programming
has resulted in the product losing credibility. It's not only the blood
that's gone, it's the extreme aspect of using weapons. Chairs, tables,
ladders etc have all but gone from our screens. Ok, so WWE TLC is coming
up, but it won't undo the lack of action in the WWE. I don't want a bunch
of spot monkeys killing themselves creatively, as that would be CZW. But
I do want the attitude era WWE back, but with less focus on storylines and
gimmicks and more on the wrestling. Basically, I want more ROH.

JOHN CANTON: This was such an up and down year for me as a wrestling fan.
In 2007 and 2008 I watched the least amount of wrestling in my entire 25
year life as a wrestling fan basically because I was getting tired of the
same old stuff. Early this year around the Royal Rumble I started watching
again. I liked what I saw. Orton was getting a strong push, Michaels was
still delivering in the ring and Jericho was the best at everything he
did. I stuck it out and I feel rejuvenated as a fan again. I usually watch
Raw and Smackdown off the DVR although I don't find myself skipping that
much especially on Smackdown. After the draft lottery we thought Raw was
loaded. We were wrong. Smackdown has been the superior show with no signs
of really slowing down. It was the same stuff from TNA although they ended
the voting period with some news about Hulk Hogan coming in. I don't think
it's wise. I'm already dreading it. I really don't follow any promotions
other than WWE or TNA anymore, so my votes will be strictly for those
companies. I don't feel like it's right to vote for people like Danielson
or McGuiness, who I've seen some of, but not enough of their regular work
to fairly judge them. I know I'm missing out. Just wanted to make it clear
so the readers know where I'm coming from here.

JOHN HARPER: I really think you shoud mention the general PG WWE as one of
the worst promotional moves of the year. It has been awful. Also I would
say Michael Cole is a worse Colour Commentator than all the ones you
mention. You only mentioned four in that category and I actually like some
of them.

CRIMEFIGHTER: Awards year 20, pretty much an end of an era. Alas I did
not have the time to compose a lengthy rant on each award finishing this
up about 11pm the day it's due though I find it funny people will waste
time on mindless Myspace and Facebook surveys and the first thing people
think about in regard to these awards is Compuserve and AOL. Hopefully
there will be a fan awards survey like this one hosted by some well
traffic'ed website in the future that a lot of fans will participate in.

CRZ: Good luck with that, buddy.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:06:02 AM12/14/09
Best Worker

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler with, on average, the best workrate. In 1994,

this award was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and
overall. In 1998, it was recombined into one.

Previous Winners:

1990: Ric Flair / Randy Savage (tie)
1991: Jushin Liger
1992: Jushin Liger
1993: Bret Hart
1994: (overall/NA) Sabu

1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1995: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit

1996: (overall/NA) Rey Mysterio, Jr.

1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1997: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku

1998: Mankind (Cactus Jack / Dude Love / Mick Foley)

1999: Chris Benoit
2000: Chris Benoit
2001: Chris Benoit

2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Chris Benoit

2005: Chris Benoit
2006: Samoa Joe
2007: Bryan Danielson
2008: Chris Jericho

**2009**: Chris Jericho

46 first place votes
44 second place votes

43 third place votes

19 10 2 129 Chris Jericho
8 6 4 66 Shawn Michaels
4 6 1 40 Kurt Angle
2 7 4 39 CM Punk
2 3 6 31 AJ Styles
2 5 2 29 Bryan Danielson
2 0 6 22 Christian
1 1 4 16 Rey Mysterio
1 2 0 11 Jeff Hardy

1 0 1 7 Nigel McGuinness

1 0 1 7 John Morrison
1 0 1 7 Finlay

1 0 0 5 Taylor Wilde
1 0 0 5 Roderick Strong

0 1 1 5 Samoa Joe
0 0 2 4 KENTA
0 0 2 4 Awesome Kong
0 0 2 4 Austin Aries
0 1 0 3 William Regal
0 1 0 3 Tyler Black
0 1 0 3 Davey Richards
0 0 1 2 Matt Hardy
0 0 1 2 John Cena
0 0 1 2 Christopher Daniels

0 0 1 2 Cheerleader Melissa

JOHN CANTON: Jericho, Angle and Mysterio are my top three because none of
them have bad matches. I'll watch any of them even against the worst
workers. If Michaels had more than just the one standout match he'd
probably be in the top three too.

HAWYN316: Styles, Jericho and Matt Hardy. No one consistently had better
matches with a wider range of opponents than these two. Too bad Matt
Hardy doesn't get to do his thing at a higher spot on the card...

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:07:02 AM12/14/09
Best Flyer

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who did the most and the best high-flying
maneuvers throughout the year. In 1994, this award was split into two: North
American and Non-North American. In 1998, it was recombined.

Previous Winners:

1991: Jushin Liger
1992: Jushin Liger

1993: 1-2-3 Kid (Lightning Kid)
1994: (NA) 1-2-3 Kid
1994: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1995: (NA) Sabu
1995: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1996: (NA) Rey Mysterio, Jr.
1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1997: (NA) Rey Mysterio, Jr.
1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku
1998: (Billy) Kidman
1999: Jeff Hardy
2000: Jeff Hardy
2001: Rob van Dam
2002: Rey Mysterio
2003: Rey Mysterio
2004: Rey Mysterio
2005: A.J. Styles
2006: A.J. Styles
2007: Paul London
2008: Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal)

**2009**: Evan Bourne

46 first place votes
43 second place votes

41 third place votes

21 9 3 138 Evan Bourne
4 5 8 51 Jeff Hardy
3 6 6 45 AJ Styles
4 3 6 41 John Morrison
3 4 7 41 Kofi Kingston
2 3 3 25 Amazing Red
3 2 1 23 Rey Mysterio
1 2 2 15 Jack Evans
1 0 2 9 The Brian Kendrick
1 0 2 9 Chris Sabin
1 1 0 8 Sarita
1 1 0 8 Paul London
0 2 0 6 Dragon Kid
1 0 0 5 Jimmy Yang
0 1 1 5 Suicide
0 1 0 3 Prince Mustafa Ali
0 1 0 3 Mistico

0 1 0 3 Daniels

0 1 0 3 BxB Hulk

JOHN CANTON: Morrison's athleticism has really been featured in WWE since
his face turn, so he stood out to me a lot this year. I went with Styles
in second because he's awesome in that regard. Mysterio's a lot more
grounded in the ring now due to bad knees, so the chronically underused
Evan Bourne gets my third spot.

HAWYN316: Kofi, AJ and Evan. Nuff said.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:03:01 AM12/14/09
Best Tag Team

Award Description:

To be given to the tag team who were the best overall team of the year. This

includes all facets of wrestling: workrate, technical ability, interviews,

charisma, hot team moves, value to their promotion, etc. In 1994, this award

was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and overall. In
1998, it was recombined into one.

Previous Winners:

1990: The Steiners: Rick & Scott
1991: The Steiners: Rick & Scott
1992: Terry Gordy & Steve Williams
1993: The Hollywood Blonds: Brian Pillman & Steve Austin
1994: (overall/non-NA) The Steiners: Rick & Scott
1994: (NA) Eddy Guerrero & Love Machine
1995: (overall/NA) Public Enemy: Flyboy Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge
1995: (non-NA) Mitsuhara Misawa & Kenta Kobashi
1996: (overall/NA) Harlem Heat: Booker T & Stevie Ray
1996: (non-NA) Doug Furnas & Dan Kroffat
1997: (overall/NA) The Eliminators: John Kronus & Perry Saturn
1997: (non-NA) NWO: Masahiro Chono & Great Muta
1998: New Age Outlaws: Road Dogg Jesse James & Badd Ass Billy Gunn
1999: Hardy Boyz: Matt & Jeff
2000: Edge & Christian
2001: Edge & Christian
2002: Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
2003: Self-Proclaimed World's Greatest Tag Team: Shelton Benjamin &
Charlie Haas
2004: America's Most Wanted: Chris Harris & James Storm
2005: America's Most Wanted: Chris Harris & James Storm
2006: A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels
2007: Paul London & Brian Kendrick
2008: John Morrison & The Miz

**2009**: Chris Jericho & Big Show

45 first place votes

43 second place votes
41 third place votes

19 5 3 116 Chris Jericho & Big Show
9 5 6 72 John Morrison & Miz
3 7 7 50 Beer Money - James Storm & Robert Roode
2 3 7 33 Beautiful People - Angelina Love & Velvet Sky
3 4 1 29 Motor City Machine Guns - Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley
0 5 2 19 Carlito & Primo
2 2 1 18 Briscoe Brothers - Jay & Mark
1 1 5 18 Legacy - Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
1 1 2 12 Hart Dynasty - David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd
1 2 0 11 American Wolves - Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards
2 0 0 10 Degeneration X - Triple H & Shawn Michaels
1 1 0 8 British Invasion - Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams
0 2 1 8 Taylor Wilde & Sarita
0 2 0 6 Chris Jericho & Edge
1 0 0 5 Kevin Steen & El Generico
0 1 1 5 Team 3D - Brother Ray & Brother Devon
0 1 0 3 Young Bucks
0 1 0 3 LAX - Homicide & Hernandez
0 0 1 2 Northstar Express - Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz
0 0 1 2 Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew - Lacey & Rain
0 0 1 2 La Hermandad 187 - Joe Lider y Nicho el Millionario
0 0 1 2 Cryme Tyme - Shad & JTG
0 0 1 2 Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley

JOHN CANTON: Jerishow wins this one because they made the tag belts
relevant even though WWE refuses to have an actual division by putting
teams together. Match wise they had decent contests. It's just a shame
that WWE hates tag team wrestler. I like the chemistry of Beer Money. They
have had a lot of good matches ranging from regular tags to brawls
although I like them more as heels. For the third spot I went with
Angelina Love & Velvet Sky solely for their entrance. By the way, I'm
single. How could you guess?

BRIAN HENKE: WWE has finally given tag teams a big push. Unifying the tag
team titles was a step in the right direction, and putting the belts on
Jericho & Edge (and later the Big Show) was another smart move.

HAWYN316: JeriShow take top nods for best tag team. When you talk
"Division Killers" these two of the definition as they maintained a
dominant stranglehold as WWE's Unified Tag Champs. Beer Money, TNA's top
team and the Beautiful People round things out.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:09:02 AM12/14/09
Best Brawler

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who brawled his/her way through the year most
convincingly. This award would go to Frank "Bruiser Brody" Goodish if he
were still around. In 1994, this award was split into two: North American

and Non-North American. In 1998, it was recombined.

Previous Winners:

1991: Stan Hansen
1992: Cactus Jack
1993: Big Van Vader
1994: (NA) Cactus Jack
1994: (non-NA) Stan Hansen
1995: (NA) Cactus Jack
1995: (non-NA) Stan Hansen
1996: (NA) Mankind (Cactus Jack)
1996: (non-NA) Terry Funk
1997: (NA) Mankind
1997: (non-NA) Stan Hansen
1998: Mankind (Cactus Jack / Mick Foley / Dude Love)
1999: Mankind
2000: Mick Foley (Cactus Jack / Mankind)

2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin

2002: Brock Lesnar
2003: Brock Lesnar
2004: Batista
2005: Batista / Samoa Joe (tie)
2006: Samoa Joe
2007: Samoa Joe
2008: Awesome Kong

**2009**: Undertaker

46 first place votes
42 second place votes
41 third place votes

10 6 0 68 Undertaker
8 3 4 57 Samoa Joe
7 1 3 44 Awesome Kong
1 10 2 39 Finlay
5 2 3 37 Abyss
3 3 5 34 John Cena
1 4 4 25 Triple H
4 1 0 23 Nigel McGuinness
0 3 4 17 Mick Foley
2 1 1 15 Batista
1 1 1 10 Shawn Michaels
0 2 2 10 Randy Orton
1 0 2 9 Daffney
0 1 3 9 Matt Morgan
1 1 0 8 Hernandez
1 0 1 7 Sheamus
0 2 0 6 Kurt Angle
1 0 0 5 Necro Butcher
0 1 0 3 Lufisto
0 0 1 2 William Regal
0 0 1 2 Shingo
0 0 1 2 James Storm
0 0 1 2 Drew McIntyre

0 0 1 2 Cheerleader Melissa

0 0 1 2 Big Show

BIGDADDYLOCO: Looking at the list of best brawlers makes me wonder where
all the good brawlers have gone.

JOHN CANTON: Nobody really stood out this year. I like Samoa Joe as a
brawler even if TNA didn't book him well enough for the majority of the

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:05:02 AM12/14/09
Best Babyface

Award Description:

To be given to the person who best portrayed the hero this past year. This
person should get lots of fan support. Match quality is not paramount here;

this award should be based primarily on how over the wrestler was in the
past year.

Previous Winners:

1990: Hulk Hogan
1991: Brian Pillman
1992: Sting
1993: Bret Hart
1994: Bret Hart
1995: Shawn Michaels
1996: Shawn Michaels
1997: Steve Austin

1998: Stone Cold Steve Austin

1999: The Rock
2000: The Rock
2001: The Rock
2002: Booker T
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Eddie Guerrero
2005: Batista
2006: Rob van Dam / Rey Mysterio (tie)
2007: CM Punk / John Cena (tie)
2008: Jeff Hardy

**2009**: Jeff Hardy

46 first place votes
44 second place votes

42 third place votes

18 6 2 112 Jeff Hardy
4 6 8 54 Kofi Kingston
4 5 9 53 John Cena
3 8 4 47 Rey Mysterio
5 4 4 45 AJ Styles
4 4 3 38 Shawn Michaels
4 3 2 33 Undertaker
0 5 1 17 John Morrison
1 0 2 9 Christian
0 1 2 7 Abyss
1 0 0 5 Triple H

1 0 0 5 Taylor Wilde

1 0 0 5 Ricky Steamboat
0 1 1 5 CM Punk
0 1 0 3 Delerious
0 0 1 2 Yoshi Tatsu
0 0 1 2 Lee Valiant
0 0 1 2 Jay Lethal

0 0 1 2 Bryan Danielson

JOHN CANTON: Jeff Hardy was the best face in WWE. It's a shame that they
didn't keep a major title on him longer than a month and that he left when
he did because he was cresting at the perfect time. His promos even got
better as his feud with Punk got deeper. The best year of his career, no
question. It wasn't a great year for main event babyfaces since HHH and
Cena are so stale. I went with Rey Mysterio and Christian to round out my
top three for having good matches on a regular basis while also actually
being likable talents. HBK missed too much time or else he'd be here too.

HAWYN316: My top nod for Best Babyface goes to AJ Styles who was allowed
to reclaim his spot as the leader of TNA. Cena (by default) and Mysterio
(always the great sympathetic babyface) round things out.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:17:03 AM12/14/09
Worst Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the name athlete who was the worst overall wrestler in the
past year. Minimal technical ability, lousy interviews, non-existent
workrate, and the charisma of a rock should describe this person.

Previous Winners:

1990: Junkyard Dog
1991: Andre The Giant
1992: Nailz
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Hulk Hogan
2001: Buff Bagwell
2002: Jackie Gayda
2003: Nathan Jones
2004: Heidenreich
2005: Heidenreich
2006: The Great Khali
2007: The Great Khali
2008: The Great Khali

**2009**: The Great Khali

45 first place votes
41 second place votes
41 third place votes

19 2 4 109 Great Khali
4 5 3 44 Jenna Morasca
5 5 5 45 Kevin Nash
2 3 3 25 Batista
2 2 4 24 Lacey Von Erich
1 1 4 16 Ricky Ortiz
0 4 2 16 Bobby Lashley
1 1 3 14 Scott Steiner
2 1 0 13 Boogeyman
1 2 0 11 John Cena
2 0 0 10 Big Daddy V
0 2 2 10 Shane McMahon
0 2 2 10 Dennis Rodman

1 1 0 8 Triple H

1 1 0 8 Dustin Diamond
1 0 1 7 Jeff Hardy
1 0 1 7 Booker T
1 0 1 7 Abyss
1 0 0 5 Randy Orton
1 0 0 5 Big Show
0 1 0 3 Trevor Murdoch
0 1 0 3 Todd Bridges
0 1 0 3 Rosa Mendes
0 1 0 3 Rob Terry
0 1 0 3 Mark Henry
0 1 0 3 Gene Snitsky
0 1 0 3 Festus
0 1 0 3 Cody Deaner
0 0 1 2 Nikki Ziering
0 0 1 2 Jillian Hall
0 0 1 2 Hornswoggle
0 0 1 2 Ezekiel Jackson
0 0 1 2 Chris Masters


0 0 1 Half of the WWE Diva Roster

JOHN CANTON: The fact that TNA put Morasca in a match on live PPV in the
first problem is a problem itself. She wins easily. Rosa Mendes is my
number two because she's brutal, yet WWE put her on live matches on Raw.
What are these companies thinking? Khali's third although at least this
year they didn't put him in the title hunt.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:10:43 AM12/14/09
Most Favourite Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler you like the most, regardless of the reason.

Previous Winners:

1991: Ric Flair
1992: Ric Flair

1993: Ric Flair
1994: Ric Flair
1995: Shawn Michaels
1996: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1997: Stone Cold Steve Austin

1998: Mankind (Cactus Jack / Dude Love / Mick Foley)

1999: Chris Jericho
2000: Triple H

2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin

2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Chris Benoit

2005: Eddie Guerrero
2006: Kurt Angle
2007: Samoa Joe / CM Punk (tie)
2008: Chris Jericho

**2009**: Chris Jericho

45 first place votes
43 second place votes
42 third place votes

19 7 1 118 Chris Jericho
0 13 5 49 CM Punk
4 2 2 30 Undertaker
3 1 6 30 John Morrison
2 2 0 16 AJ Styles
1 3 1 16 Miz
1 3 0 14 Christian
2 1 0 13 Christopher Daniels
1 0 3 11 Rey Mysterio

1 1 1 10 Shawn Michaels

1 0 2 9 Matt Hardy
1 0 1 7 Kurt Angle
1 0 1 7 John Cena
1 0 0 5 The Brian Kendrick

1 0 0 5 Taylor Wilde

1 0 0 5 Roderick Strong
1 0 0 5 Nigel McGuinness
1 0 0 5 Lufisto
1 0 0 5 Jericho
1 0 0 5 Jeff Hardy
1 0 0 5 Abyss
0 1 1 5 Sting
0 1 1 5 Shelton Benjamin
0 1 1 5 Mickie James
0 1 1 5 Austin Aries
0 0 2 4 Triple H
0 0 2 4 Sheamus
0 0 2 4 Kofi Kingston
0 1 0 3 Ric Flair
0 1 0 3 Mike Knox
0 1 0 3 Hurricane
0 1 0 3 Goldust
0 1 0 3 Cheerleader Melissa
0 1 0 3 Angelina Love
0 0 1 2 Sarita
0 0 1 2 Randy Orton
0 0 1 2 Mick Foley
0 0 1 2 Maryse

0 0 1 2 Lee Valiant

0 0 1 2 Kellie Skater
0 0 1 2 Evan Bourne
0 0 1 2 Daffney
0 0 1 2 Booker T

JOHN CANTON: It's pretty easy for me to write down Jericho, Michaels and
Angle for this one. They're among my all time favorites, so as long as
they're still wrestling they make my list.

HAWYN316: I'm "Team Matt Hardy," "Team Jericho" and "Team Punk." 4 Life!

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:11:03 AM12/14/09
Most Improved Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who most improved himself/herself in all facets
of the sport in the past year.

Previous Winners:

1990: Lex Luger
1991: Ron Simmons
1992: Steve Austin
1993: Marcus Alexander Bagwell
1994: Diesel
1995: Johnny B. Badd
1996: Wildman Marc Mero (Johnny B. Badd)
1997: Ken Shamrock
1998: The Rock
1999: Hardcore Holly
2000: Triple H
2001: Rob van Dam
2002: Trish Stratus
2003: John Cena
2004: Batista
2005: Batista
2006: Johnny Nitro
2007: MVP
2008: The Miz

**2009**: Miz

46 first place votes

43 second place votes
42 third place votes

15 7 5 106 Miz
6 10 6 72 Dolph Ziggler
6 3 6 51 Kofi Kingston
3 2 3 27 Matt Morgan
3 3 1 26 Cody Rhodes
3 2 0 21 Jeff Hardy
1 3 3 20 Goldust
2 2 0 16 Kelly Kelly
1 1 1 10 Taylor Wilde
0 2 2 10 Velvet Sky
0 1 3 9 Eric Young
1 0 1 7 Zack Ryder
0 0 3 6 Jack Swagger
1 0 0 5 Tyler Black
1 0 0 5 Ted DiBiase
1 0 0 5 Michelle McCool
1 0 0 5 John Morrison
1 0 0 5 Erick Stevens
0 1 1 5 Mark Henry

0 1 1 5 CM Punk

0 1 0 3 Madison Rayne
0 1 0 3 James Storm
0 1 0 3 Hernandez
0 1 0 3 Evan Bourne
0 1 0 3 Alicia Fox

0 0 1 2 Rey Mysterio

0 0 1 2 MVP
0 0 1 2 Mike Knox
0 0 1 2 Kenny King
0 0 1 2 JTG

0 0 1 2 Drew McIntyre

JOHN CANTON: My first pick is Cody Rhodes. He's gone from somebody who I
never really noticed before to somebody that makes me say, "hey that guy's
gotten better." That's a qualification for this award. I went with Eric
Young as my second choice because I hated his face character so much. His
heel character is such an improvement over what he was doing before. My
number three is Velvet Sky because those new boobs she got has improved
her in my eyes.

HAWYN316: Without a doubt, Miz is the most improved wrestler over the
year. He's always had great mic skills and in 2009 his in-ring skills
shot up considerably. He's most deserving of the push he's getting and is
definitely on his way to being, "Awesome!" Kofi and Eric Young, two other
guys who came on strong in 2009, round out the list.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:12:03 AM12/14/09
Most Overrated Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who really has little talent, but has a large
place in the spotlight nonetheless. This is a measure of how undeserved a
wrestler's push is.

Previous Winners:

1990: Hulk Hogan
1991: Hulk Hogan
1992: Ultimate Warrior
1993: Hulk Hogan

1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan

2000: Goldberg
2001: The Undertaker
2002: Triple H
2003: Triple H
2004: Triple H
2005: John Cena
2006: Jeff Jarrett / Randy Orton (tie)
2007: The Great Khali
2008: John Bradshaw Layfield

**2009**: Triple H

46 first place votes
43 second place votes

41 third place votes

15 3 2 88 Triple H
8 7 7 75 Batista
7 3 4 52 John Cena
4 2 2 30 Randy Orton
2 2 1 18 Undertaker
2 2 1 18 Michelle McCool
1 2 3 17 Vladimir Kozlov
0 3 4 17 Mark Henry
1 2 2 15 Great Khali
1 1 0 8 Rhino
1 1 0 8 Mike Knox
1 1 0 8 Mickie James
0 2 1 8 Kane
0 2 1 8 Hernandez
1 0 1 7 Sting
0 2 0 6 Sheamus
1 0 0 5 Rey Mysterio
1 0 0 5 CM Punk
0 1 1 5 Big Show
0 0 2 4 Jerry Lynn
0 0 2 4 Gail Kim
0 1 0 3 Nigel McGuinness
0 1 0 3 Matt Morgan
0 1 0 3 Kurt Angle
0 1 0 3 Khali
0 1 0 3 Ezekiel Jackson
0 1 0 3 Drew McIntyre
0 1 0 3 Abyss
0 0 1 2 Tommy Dreamer
0 0 1 2 Robert Roode

0 0 1 2 Matt Hardy

0 0 1 2 Kofi Kingston
0 0 1 2 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 0 1 2 Finlay
0 0 1 2 Dolph Ziggler

JOHN CANTON: I really didn't like Hunter McMahon this year. Kozlov's
second because while I thought he had potential he really disappointed
when put in longer matches. I'm tired of Kane and his turns every few
months, so he gets in here too.

HAWYN316: I loved Big Dave just as much as everyone else did several years
back when he made it to the top, but the recurrent injuries and what not
just totally took his shine away. The new push with Rey looks promising
but it seems the 'E' wasn't feeling him to much when they brought in Flair
as his mouthpiece during the brief feud he had with Orton.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:23:05 AM12/14/09
Most Deteriorated Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the person whose skill has deteriorated the most over the
past year. This person should be a shadow of his/her former self.

Previous Winners:

1990: Dusty Rhodes
1991: Hulk Hogan
1992: Hulk Hogan

1993: Hulk Hogan
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan

1997: Roddy Piper
1998: British Bulldog
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Undertaker
2001: Undertaker
2002: Triple H
2003: Scott Steiner
2004: Jeff Hardy
2005: Vader
2006: Raven
2007: Ric Flair
2008: Dustin Rhodes (Black Reign)

**2009**: Kevin Nash

45 first place votes
41 second place votes

40 third place votes

12 6 4 86 Kevin Nash
5 5 6 52 Mick Foley
7 1 2 42 Scott Steiner
4 3 0 29 Batista
2 3 2 23 Booker T
2 2 2 20 Kane
1 3 3 20 Undertaker
2 1 3 19 Bobby Lashley
1 4 1 19 Shane Douglas
2 2 1 18 Samoa Joe
0 3 4 17 Marty Jannetty
1 1 3 14 Kip James
2 0 1 12 Jeff Hardy
1 1 0 8 Rey Mysterio
1 1 0 8 Brother Ray
0 2 0 6 BG James
1 0 0 5 Matt Hardy
1 0 0 5 Gail Kim
0 1 1 5 Abyss
0 0 2 4 Brother Devon

0 1 0 3 William Regal

0 1 0 3 Triple H

0 0 1 2 Tommy Dreamer

0 0 1 2 Sting
0 0 1 2 Scott Hall
0 0 1 2 Mickie James
0 0 1 2 Edge

MARK PATTERSON: Pains me to list Foley and Booker (two of my all-time
favorites) here, but Foley should not be in the ring anymore. With
Booker, I'm hoping his deterioration was just due to apathy.

BIGDADDYLOCO: I don't know if Booker T just lost his motivation, but he's
become a shell of his former self.

JOHN CANTON: Wow, so many to pick. I'll go with Steiner, Booker and
Douglas. Age has not been kind to any of them. At least JBL was smart
enough to walk away for good...hopefully.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:28:05 AM12/14/09
Worst Feud

Award Description:

To be given to the feud that nobody cared about at all this year. When they
were pushing the feud on TV, you'd go to the fridge for a snack.

Previous Winners:

1990: Hulk Hogan vs. Earthquake
1991: Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter
1992: Ultimate Warrior vs. Papa Shango
1993: The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez
1994: Doink vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
1995: Hulk Hogan vs. Dungeon of Doom
1996: Big Bubba vs. John Tenta
1997: Nation of Domination vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. Los Boricuas
1998: Warrior vs. Hollywood Hogan
1999: No Limit Soldiers vs. West Texas Rednecks
2000: Big Show vs. Big Boss Man
2001: Undertaker vs. Diamond Dallas Page
2002: Triple H vs. Kane
2003: Stephanie McMahon vs. Vince McMahon
2004: Chavo Guerrero vs. Jacqueline
2005: McMahon Family vs. Jim Ross
2006: Mr. McMahon (& Shane McMahon) vs. D-generation X
2007: Mr. McMahon vs. Bobby Lashley / Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Christy Hemme
2008: Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

**2009**: Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswoggle

44 first place votes
40 second place votes
38 third place votes

24 7 7 155 Chavo Guerrero v. Hornswoggle
3 12 1 50 Santina Marella v. Vickie Guerrero
8 1 3 49 Triple H v. Randy Orton
2 5 2 29 Main Event Mafia v. Front Line
1 2 4 19 Abyss v. Dr. Stevie
1 2 2 15 Shawn Michaels v. John Bradshaw Layfield
1 2 0 11 John Cena v. Miz
1 2 0 11 Bobby Lashley v. Samoa Joe
1 0 3 11 Drew McIntyre v. R-Truth
0 2 2 10 Undertaker v. CM Punk
0 1 3 9 Don West v. Mike Tenay
0 1 2 7 Shane McMahon v. Randy Orton
0 1 2 7 D-generation X v. Legacy
1 0 0 5 Santina Marella v. Beth Phoenix
1 0 0 5 Samoa Joe v. Scott Steiner
0 0 2 4 Matt Hardy v. Jeff Hardy
0 0 2 4 John Cena v. Legacy
0 1 0 3 John Cena v. Randy Orton
0 1 0 3 John Cena v. Big Show
0 1 0 3 Abyss v. Matt Morgan
0 0 1 2 Main Event Mafia v. World Elite
0 0 1 2 Kurt Angle v. Matt Morgan
0 0 1 2 Kane v. Great Khali

JOHN CANTON: Triple H vs. Orton easily. They devoted five months to it,
they had no great matches and they really didn't conclude it. Please don't
let them ever feud again. Hornswoggle vs. Chavo is next because they
devoted at least three months on Raw to it. It was probably more. Every
week it was the same thing with Horny winning. It's not funny. Kane vs.
Khali rounds out the top three. You'd think Vince would have known this
was bad considering they did it a few years ago. Of course he didn't know
that. Again, I never want to see them wrestle eachother.

BRIAN HENKE: Chavo vs. Hornswoggle went on and on, with Chavo always on
the losing end.

CRIMEFIGHTER: Chavo Guerrero has been wasted in an endless string of
comedy skits. Anyone actually remember when he was a good wrestler? End
this feud already!

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:24:04 AM12/14/09
Most Underrated Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the person whose ability merits a far greater push than the
person receives. There may be many such people, but the winner of this award
should have the most ability with least push.

Previous Winners:

1990: Terry Taylor
1991: Cactus Jack Manson
1992: Owen Hart
1993: Chris Benoit
1994: 1-2-3 Kid
1995: Barry Horowitz
1996: Owen Hart
1997: Chris Benoit
1998: Chris Benoit
1999: D'Lo Brown
2000: Al Snow
2001: Lance Storm
2002: D'Lo Brown
2003: Matt Hardy
2004: Paul London
2005: Shelton Benjamin
2006: Shelton Benjamin
2007: Alex Shelley
2008: Shelton Benjamin

**2009**: Evan Bourne

45 first place votes
43 second place votes
42 third place votes

5 4 3 43 Evan Bourne
5 4 0 37 William Regal
3 4 3 33 Shelton Benjamin
4 2 3 32 Christian
5 2 0 31 Miz
3 4 2 31 Paul Burchill
1 4 3 23 Jack Swagger
3 2 0 21 John Morrison
2 1 1 15 Kofi Kingston
0 2 3 12 Primo
0 2 3 12 CM Punk
1 0 3 11 Alex Shelley
0 1 4 11 Gail Kim
1 0 2 9 Alissa Flash
1 1 0 8 Matt Hardy
1 1 0 8 Jillian Hall

1 0 1 7 Zack Ryder

1 0 1 7 Mike Knox
0 2 0 6 Charlie Haas

1 0 0 5 The Brian Kendrick

1 0 0 5 Roderick Strong

1 0 0 5 Kane
1 0 0 5 Jimmy Jacobs
1 0 0 5 Jeff Jarrett
1 0 0 5 Finlay
1 0 0 5 Daffney
1 0 0 5 Chavo Guerrero
0 1 1 5 Sheamus
0 0 2 4 Goldust
0 1 0 3 Jamie Noble

0 1 0 3 Hurricane

0 1 0 3 Delerious

0 1 0 3 Cody Deaner

0 1 0 3 Christopher Daniels
0 1 0 3 Carlito

0 0 1 2 Sarita

0 0 1 2 Sara Del Rey
0 0 1 2 Festus
0 0 1 2 Eric Young
0 0 1 2 Cima
0 0 1 2 Chris Sabin
0 0 1 2 Chris Jericho

JOHN CANTON: Guys like Christian, Morrison and Benjamin should all be
higher up the card. They have good matches, they're over with the crowd
and they always work hard. Reward them, please.

BRIAN HENKE: I was thrilled to see Evan join Raw, but he's been seemingly
buried every week. Carlito is doing absolutely nothing, while Festus
joined Raw, beat Jillian Hall in a singing contest - and then virtually

HAWYN316: Year in and year out I lament the lack of push of Matt Hardy.
I don't know what the deal is. He's got the workrate, he's got the fan
support. Last year he got the ECW belt. His unreliable brother comes
back (albeitly cleaned up) and is shot straight to the top. Within months
he flakes out, quits and winds up in trouble with the law. Where's Matt?
Back to jerking the curtain. Yo, Vince!!! PUSH "THE OTHER" HARDY.
Daniels is in a similar spot in TNA. He was buried for a few years as
Curry Man but made it back as himself and got a big initial push before
being shuffled back to the undercard. It looks like things are changing
currently with the AJ feud but we'll see what the next year holds.
Christian, being stuck in ECW Purgatory (albeit the top spot there),
rounds out the list.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:25:04 AM12/14/09
Worst Wrestling Gimmick

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who had the worst character gimmick in the past

Previous Winners:

1991: Mike Rotundo as Irwin R. Shyster
1992: Papa Shango's voodoo
1993: Doink the Clown
1994: Doink the Clown
1995: Dungeon of Doom
1996: The Leprechaun
1997: Glacier / Blood Runs Cold
1998: Warrior appears in "strange mist" / forms One Warrior Nation
1999: Beaver Cleavage (Chaz)
2000: That 70's Guy / Not a Mullet / Fat Chick Thriller / Career Killer
Mike Awesome
2001: Diamond Dallas Page as Sara's Stalker
2002: WWE's necrophilia
2003: La Resistance as French sympathizers
2004: Heidenreich as a tortured poet
2005: Jillian Hall as a "fixer" with a giant growth on her face
2006: The Impostor Kane
2007: D-Generation X as middle-aged teenagers
2008: Hornswoggle, leprechaun son of Finlay

**2009**: Miss WrestleMania Santina Marella, Santino's twin sister

45 first place votes

40 second place votes
38 third place votes

7 7 4 65 Miss WrestleMania Santina Marella
10 2 0 56 D-generation X
8 4 0 52 Cody Deaner as ODB's redneck boyfriend
3 3 5 34 Festus as a semi-retarded hillbilly
2 4 4 30 Dolph Ziggler as generic heel whose catchphrase is his name
2 2 4 24 Stevie Richards as psychologist Dr. Stevie
3 2 0 21 Hornswoggle
1 3 3 20 Manu as yet another Samoan barbarian
1 4 0 17 Sheamus as a Celtic Warrior
1 1 4 16 Suicide
0 3 3 15 Tara puts tarantulas on people at random
2 0 1 12 Lacey Von Erich
1 1 1 10 Abraham Washington
1 0 1 7 Ricky Ortiz as a motivational speaker
0 1 2 7 Raisha Saeed - or Cheerleader Melissa in a burqa
1 0 0 5 Superman John Cena
1 0 0 5 R-Truth

1 0 0 5 Chavo Guerrero

0 1 1 5 Jesse becomes Slam Master J
0 1 0 3 Eugene
0 1 0 3 Bobby Lashley is an MMA fighter & TNA wrestler
0 0 1 2 Tony Atlas as Abraham Washington's laughing sidekick
0 0 1 2 Shark Boy
0 0 1 2 Punjabi Playboy Great Khali
0 0 1 2 Kizarny
0 0 1 2 Jesse Neal, Rhino's trainee

MARK PATTERSON: In the words of Danny Glover, HHH and Michaels are too old
for that sh*t. Santina was very funny to start with but was dragged out
at least a month past the expiry date. I'm putting Suicide on the list
not because the gimmick itself is necessarily bad, but the name is just

JOHN CANTON: I'm a big fan of Santino's comedy, but I found Santina to be
unbearable. One of the worst things in the history of WWE. And that's
saying something. Ziggler's name sucks, as does his catchphrase. I don't
think he's talented enough to overcome that. Turning Jesse into Slam
Master J has led to too many brutal skits for my tastes.

HAWYN316: Blink and you may have missed him, but poor Manu. His push was
so short and so generic. Way to develop new stars! Jesse as Slam Master
J? Funny in spots but there MUST be a better way to use this guy.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:20:05 AM12/14/09
Worst Babyface

Award Description:

To be given to the person whose casting as a good guy just didn't work well.
Maybe there was just no face heat drawn or maybe the fans actually booed
this person, but for whatever reason the face image just didn't get over.

Previous Winners:

1990: Dusty Rhodes
1991: P.N. News
1992: Sid Justice
1993: Lex Luger

1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan

1996: John Tenta
1997: Rocky Maivia
1998: Warrior

1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Hulk Hogan

2001: "The One" Billy Gunn
2002: Triple H
2003: Stephanie McMahon / Scott Steiner (tie)
2004: Hardcore Holly
2005: Randy Orton
2006: John Cena
2007: Santino Marella
2008: Triple H

**2009**: The Great Khali

45 first place votes
41 second place votes
40 third place votes

9 6 4 71 Great Khali
6 8 2 58 Triple H
6 2 4 44 Batista
4 3 6 41 Bobby Lashley
6 1 0 33 John Cena
2 3 7 33 Tyler Reks
2 3 2 23 Jenna Morasca
1 2 3 17 Melina
1 2 3 17 Kane
2 1 1 15 John Morrison
2 1 1 15 Jeff Jarrett
1 2 2 15 Rhino
1 2 2 15 Abyss
1 1 1 10 Hornswoggle
1 0 0 5 Kevin Nash
0 1 1 5 Hernandez
0 1 0 3 R-Truth

0 1 0 3 Matt Morgan

0 1 0 3 Mark Henry
0 0 1 2 Suicide

JOHN CANTON: Easily Triple H. It's not even close. His babyface character
at the start of the year was not somebody I want to root for. Why should
the fans feel bad for the guy that's held more world titles in WWE than
anybody else (Flair's were mostly non WWE obviously), is married to the
boss' daughter and has been in the title picture for a decade. Why? Oh
right, because his wife and father in law write the show. Brutal. At least
he was smart enough to realize his role as Hunter the McMahon Family
Avenger was terrible and he completely dropped it in order to save his
fledgling career with another lame DX run. What a guy. Can I vote for him
three times? No? That's a shame. He's the worst babyface. End of
discussion. If he doesn't win the other voters need to listen how weak the
pop won when he walked out of WrestleMania as cheap. The freaking midget
gets bigger ovations. Hornswoggle is number two with Khali being third.
I'm really tired of novelty acts.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:29:05 AM12/14/09
Most Disappointing News item

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestling news item that most disappointed you when heard
of it. When you first learned of this news story, you couldn't believe that
it was true, and when you learned that it was, you were bummed out for a

Previous Winners:

1991: Scott Steiner gets injured
1992: Legion of Doom: Hawk & Animal split up
1993: WWF brings Hulk Hogan back and gives him the title
1994: WCW signs Hulk Hogan and makes him World champion
1995: Death of Eddie Gilbert
1996: Scott Hall and/or Kevin Nash leave WWF and/or join WCW
1997: Death of Brian Pillman
1998: Death of Louie Spicolli
1999: Death of Owen Hart
2000: David Arquette wins WCW World heavyweight championship
2001: Chris Benoit out for the year after neck surgery
2002: Steve Austin leaves WWE in frustration over creative direction
2003: Death of Curt Hennig
2004: Brock Lesnar leaves WWE to try out for the NFL
2005: Death of Chris Candido
2006: Death of Eddie Guerrero
2007: Chris Benoit commits double murder/suicide
2008: WWE hires Mike Adamle

**2009**: Death of Mitsuharu Misawa

44 first place votes

41 second place votes
40 third place votes

13 2 0 71 Death of Mitsuharu Misawa
5 3 8 50 TNA hires Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Ed Ferrara, lays off Jim Cornette
3 8 3 45 Edge injured again
6 4 1 44 Guest hosts introduced to RAW
5 4 2 41 Death of Lou Albano
4 3 3 35 Angelina Love on hiatus from TNA due to visa issues
1 4 3 23 Death of Andrew Martin
2 0 5 20 TNA continues to ignore X division
3 0 1 17 Jeff Hardy arrested
0 2 4 14 WWE releases Brian Kendrick
1 2 1 13 US Congress drops investigation of steroid use in wrestling
0 2 1 8 ROH loses potential viewers when Time Warner Cable drops HDNet
0 2 0 6 Shane McMahon resigns from WWE
1 0 0 5 WWE releases Mr. Kennedy
0 1 1 5 Tazz leaves WWE
0 0 2 4 Death of Buddy Rose
0 1 0 3 WWE declines to offer contract to Nigel McGuinness
0 1 0 3 Verne Gagne involved in death of fellow nursing home resident
0 1 0 3 Don West removed from broadcast booth on TNA
0 1 0 3 Death of Abismo Negro
0 0 1 2 Rey Mysterio suspended 30 days for Wellness violation
0 0 1 2 Jim Ross suffers third Bell's Palsy attack
0 0 1 2 Death of Zachary "Napalm" Porter
0 0 1 2 Christian returns to WWE
0 0 1 2 Chris Masters re-hired

JOHN CANTON: I don't know much about Japanese wrestling. However, I have
seen enough of Misawa to know how special he was. To die in the ring like
he did was really tragic. I know there will be those that say he died
doing what he loved, but that doesn't soften the blow. Edge's injury came
at a terrible time because I know I would have enjoyed his teaming with
Jericho so much. Two of my all time favorites as a dominant heel duo would
have been the best thing in WWE, no question abut it. TNA bringing in
Hogan and Bischoff is really upsetting to me. How can you give so much
power to two guys that brought down WCW a decade ago? On the bright side,
I can already fill out Hogan's name for a lot of the worst categories in
the 2010 RSPW Awards. Thanks TNA.

BRIAN HENKE: There were a number of stories I would call disappointing
that didn't make the list. I picked the death of Misawa No. 1 because it
was the biggest in-ring death since Owen Hart in 1999. Gagne shoving a
97-year-old Holocaust survivor to his death was my second pick as it told
me that Alzheimer's health care facilities need to be improved
significantly, especially in Minnesota.

HAWYN316: I like to keep an open mind and see the benefits of TNA signing
Hogan, but seriously. It DOES look like history repeating itself with
Hogan, Bischoff, Russo and Ferrera coming in and someone well respected
like Cornette going out. Shane McMahon leaving WWE is pretty shocking!

CRIMEFIGHTER: I dunno why Congress dropped the steriod investigation into
the wrestling industry...and much of pro sports for that matter...there
was fire to go with the smoke and certainly doctors involved with giving
the drugs that killed several well known wrestlers got convicted. Yet we
supposedly are not to care about this, even if lets say star baseball
players are found dead in their hotel rooms every few months eventually.
Hiring the players that put WCW out of business was a horrible move. And
the last one is tragic, a young man along with two others had their lives
taken away in a senseless murder by a jealous boyfriend who already had a
lengthy rap sheet. Trial hasn't happened yet but I expect the killers to
get the death penalty.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:27:05 AM12/14/09
Worst Match

Award Description:

To be given to the worst wrestling match you've seen this year, either live,
on TV, PPV, or in an arena, or on tape. If it took place in the past year,
it is eligible.

Previous Winners:

1990: 06/13/90: Ric Flair vs. Junkyard Dog (CoC XI)
1991: 05/19/91: El Gigante vs. Sid Vicious (SuperBrawl)
1992: 01/18/92: Beverly Brothers vs. Bushwhackers (Royal Rumble)
1993: 04/04/93: Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna (WrestleMania IX)
1994: 09/18/94: Jim Duggan vs. Steve Austin (Fall Brawl)
1995: 03/19/95: Hulk Hogan vs. Vader (Uncensored)
1996: 03/24/96: Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson &
Lex Luger & Kevin Sullivan & Meng & Barbarian & Ze Gangsta
& Ultimate Solution (Uncensored)
1997: 10/26/97: Hulk Hogan vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (cage) (Halloween Havoc)
1998: 10/25/98: Hollywood Hogan vs. Warrior (Halloween Havoc)
1999: 09/26/99: Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man (Kennel from Hell) (Unforgiven)
2000: 06/25/00: Pat Patterson vs. Gerald Brisco (hardcore evening gown)
2001: 07/02/01: Booker T (WCW) vs. Buff Bagwell (RAW)
2002: 07/08/02: Jackie Gayda & Christopher Nowinski vs. Trish Stratus
& Bradshaw (mixed tag RAW)
2003: 01/19/03: Triple H (world) vs. Scott Steiner (Royal Rumble)
2004: 03/14/04: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg (WrestleMania)
2005: 04/18/05: Jim Ross vs. Triple H (no DQ) (RAW)
2006: 06/26/06: Kane vs. Impostor Kane (Vengeance)
2007: 01/08/07: "Donald Trump" vs. "Rosie O'Donnell" (RAW)
2008: 03/30/08: Chavo Guerrero (ECW) vs. Kane (WrestleMania)

**2009**: 07/19/09: Jenna Morasca vs. Sharmell (Victory Road 09)

39 first place votes
36 second place votes
32 third place votes

15 5 2 94 07/19/09 Jenna Morasca v. Sharmell
5 7 8 62 09/21/09 Cedric the Entertainer v. Chavo Guerrero (RAW)
7 4 2 51 07/09/09 Hornswoggle v. Chavo Guerrero (on knees) (Superstars)
3 8 5 49 04/05/09 25 Diva Battle Royal
4 1 1 25 04/05/09 Triple H (WWE) v. Randy Orton
2 2 2 20 04/05/09 John Bradshaw Layfield (IC) v. Rey Mysterio
1 1 2 12 04/06/09 Santina Marella v. Beth Phoenix
0 2 2 10 08/31/09 Big Show v. Mark Henry (RAW)
0 2 0 6 11/23/08 Triple H (WWE) v. Vladimir Kozlov v. Edge
1 0 0 5 Chavo Guerrero v. Hornswoggle (which one?)
1 0 0 5 05/17/09 John Cena v. Big Show
0 1 1 5 10/18/09 Bobby Lashley v. Samoa Joe
0 0 2 4 08/17/09 Gail Kim v. Mickie James (RAW)
0 0 2 4 02/19/09 Sting v. Kurt Angle (empty arena) (iMPACT!)
0 1 0 3 08/31/09 Hornswoggle v. Chavo Guerrero (Texas Bullrope) (RAW)
0 1 0 3 06/07/09 John Cena v. Big Show (Submission Match)
0 1 0 3 04/05/09 Chris Jericho v. Roddy Piper & Jimmy Snuka & Ricky
Steamboat (handicap elmination)
0 0 1 2 09/13/09 Kane v. Great Khali (Singapore Cane)
0 0 1 2 07/13/09 Triple H & John Cena & Seth Green v. Randy Orton &
Legacy (RAW)
0 0 1 2 05/04/09 Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes & Randy Orton v. Shane
McMahon (RAW)

JOHN CANTON: Morasca vs. Sharmell easily. What's funny is both of them did
interviews afterwards and were shocked that people didn't like it. Talk
about delusional. The diva battle royal at Mania was a trainwreck. Kane
vs. Khali brings us home.

HAWYN316: Diva Battle Royal at Wrestlemania. Honestly, it looked like a
bunch of blondes (so many couldn't even tell who was who) fighting over
stuff at a Black Friday sale. Good for you Trish Stratus for declining
the invite!

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:26:05 AM12/14/09
Worst Wrestling Move

Award Description:

To be given to the move that is the worst thing you've seen this year. This
shouldn't be given to a move that was flubbed by a wrestler - the move was
performed correctly, but was just too stupid for words. This move should
probably be a "finishing" move or something that was meant to be

Previous Winners:

1990: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1991: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1992: Crush's Compactor head-vise
1993: Crush's Compactor head-vise
1994: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1995: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1996: Hacksaw Jim Duggan's taped fist
1997: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1998: Hollywood Hogan's legdrop
1999: Hulk Hogan's legdrop
2000: Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm chop
2001: Chyna's handspring elbow
2002: Rikishi's stinkface
2003: Jim Ross' Stone Cold Stunner
2004: John Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop / Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm
chop (tie)
2005: Viscera's Visagra rear mount
2006: The Great Khali's skull chop
2007: The Great Khali's skull chop
2008: The Great Khali's skull chop

**2009**: Hornswoggle's Tadpole Splash frog splash

44 first place votes
39 second place votes
37 third place votes

15 4 5 97 Hornswoggle's Tadpole Splash
11 3 7 78 Great Khali's skull chop
1 9 1 34 Great Khali's headbutt
3 3 3 30 Jenna Morasca's slaps
0 6 4 26 John Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle fist drop
2 1 4 21 Randy Orton's Head Kick
3 0 2 19 Triple H's Pedigree
1 1 3 14 Santino Marella's theatrics & thrust to the throat
1 2 0 11 John Cena's Attitude Adjustment
1 1 0 8 John Morrison's Starship Pain
1 1 0 8 John Cena's hiptoss
1 0 0 5 Randy Orton's stomps
1 0 0 5 Miz' Skull Crushing Finale
1 0 0 5 John Cena's STF
1 0 0 5 Chris Jericho's Codebreaker
1 0 0 5 Big Show's chokeslam
0 1 1 5 John Cena's release fisherman suplex
0 1 0 3 Undertaker's Hell's Gate
0 1 0 3 Shelton Benjamin's Paydirt
0 1 0 3 Scott Steiner's Steiner Recliner camel clutch
0 1 0 3 Matt Morgan's Hellevator
0 1 0 3 Lacey Von Erich's Claw
0 1 0 3 Drew McIntyre's Double-Arm DDT
0 1 0 3 Alicia Fox's scissors kick
0 0 1 2 Sting's Scorpion Death Drop
0 0 1 2 Shawn Michaels' inverted atomic drop
0 0 1 2 John Cena's side slam (set up to the Five Knuckle Shuffle)
0 0 1 2 Gene Snitsky's pump-handle slam
0 0 1 2 Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag
0 0 1 2 Christy Hemme's FFG
0 0 1 2 AJ Styles' Styles Clash

EBRANSC: As a side note, RIP to Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop of Doom which we
likely will never see again

JOHN CANTON: Horny and Morasca lead the way again. Ziggler's "Zig Zag"
sucks because it looks like it hurts him more than the opponent. That's
not the sign of a good move.

HAWYN316: Santino's super throat thrust is hilarious! It would never work
in a real fight, but it is entertaining!

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:30:05 AM12/14/09
Most Obnoxious Personality

Award Description:

To be given to the person who just rubs you the wrong way. This could be
anybody involved in the wrestling biz.

Previous Winners:

1991: Dusty Rhodes
1992: Vince McMahon
1993: Vince McMahon
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Eric Bischoff
1996: Eric Bischoff
1997: Eric Bischoff
1998: Eric Bischoff
1999: Eric Bischoff
2000: Vince Russo
2001: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
2002: Jerry Lawler
2003: Stephanie McMahon
2004: Jerry Lawler
2005: Stephanie McMahon
2006: Don West
2007: Mr. McMahon
2008: Hornswoggle

**2009**: Abraham Washington

45 first place votes

41 second place votes
40 third place votes

7 7 2 60 Abraham Washington
9 2 4 59 Triple H
7 4 1 49 Hornswoggle
4 4 4 40 Michael Cole
3 2 3 27 Rhaka Khan
2 3 2 23 Don West
1 4 3 23 Vince McMahon
2 3 1 21 Donald Trump
1 2 3 17 Batista
1 2 2 15 John Bradshaw Layfield
1 1 2 12 Vickie Guerrero
1 1 1 10 Lacey Von Erich
1 1 1 10 Jerry Lawler
0 2 0 6 Stephanie McMahon
0 2 0 6 Miz
1 0 0 5 ODB
1 0 0 5 Jimmy Falcon
1 0 0 5 Jillian Hall
1 0 0 5 E. Stan Kroenke

1 0 0 5 CM Punk

0 0 2 4 Undertaker
0 0 2 4 Randy Orton
0 1 0 3 Theodore Long
0 0 1 2 Tracy Smothers

0 0 1 2 Tony Atlas

0 0 1 2 Shane McMahon
0 0 1 2 Rhino
0 0 1 2 Matt Morgan
0 0 1 2 Hulk Hogan
0 0 1 2 Eric Young

JOHN CANTON: Horny, Hunter and Michael Cole. The 2009 version of Michael
Cole is so obnoxious that he makes me miss Tony Schiavone. Now that's
obnoxious, people!

BRIAN HENKE: No one nominaned the Denver debacle from May, so I put
Kroenke my number one pick. The result of his decision not to move Raw to
Sunday night while the Pepsi Center was going to host the Denver
Nuggets-LA lakers game was that WWE moved Raw to LA, and Vince may never
schedule a show in that building again.

HAWYN316: Abraham Washington along with Tony "Ed McMahon" Atlas? Oh boy!
Atlas' McMahon bit gets quite trying after about 20 seconds...

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:31:31 AM12/14/09
Best Second

Award Description:

To be given to the manager who outperformed their peers at ringside and behind
the microphone in interviews. This award was discontinued after the 2001
awards and reinstated in 2006.

Previous Winners:

1990: Jim Cornette
1991: Bobby Heenan
1992: Mr. Perfect
1993: Jim Cornette
1994: Jim Cornette
1995: Jim Cornette
1996: Sunny
1997: Chyna
1998: Chyna
1999: Dawn Marie
2000: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
2001: Stacy Keibler
2006: Armando Alejandro Estrada (Osama Rodriguez Alejandro)
2007: James Mitchell
2008: Santino Marella

**2009**: Natalya

39 first place votes
35 second place votes
31 third place votes

15 5 8 106 Natalya
7 11 3 74 Vickie Guerrero
6 4 6 54 Daffney
4 7 2 45 Tony Atlas
3 1 1 20 Dr. Stevie
2 1 3 19 Raisha Saeed
1 2 4 19 Don West
1 1 1 10 Larry Sweeney
0 1 0 3 Ty Dillenger
0 1 0 3 Ranjin Singh
0 1 0 3 Layva
0 0 1 2 So Cal Val
0 0 1 2 Prince Nana
0 0 1 2 Katie Lea Burchill

BIGDADDYLOCO: Daffney in the little green hat, Vickie just wasn't around
long enough this year.

JOHN CANTON: Natalya gets my vote even though the Hart Dynasty is so
underused. I'm a biased Canadian.

HAWYN316: Natalya's a nice second. She'd make an even better "first."

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:32:05 AM12/14/09
Best Announcer

Award Description:

To be given to the commentator/announcer who makes the most insightful and
entertaining comments while pushing his product. "Ring announcers" don't
qualify here. As of 1992, the difference between this and colour commentator
will be enforced.

Previous Winners:

1990: Jesse Ventura
1991: Jesse Ventura
1992: Jim Ross
1993: Jim Ross
1994: Jim Ross
1995: Jim Ross
1996: Jim Ross
1997: Jim Ross
1998: Jim Ross
1999: Jim Ross
2000: Jim Ross
2001: Jim Ross
2002: Michael Cole
2003: Michael Cole
2004: Jim Ross
2005: Joey Styles
2006: Joey Styles
2007: Jim Ross
2008: Jim Ross

**2009**: Jim Ross

44 first place votes
41 second place votes
37 third place votes

25 6 5 153 Jim Ross
5 8 5 59 Mike Tenay
1 6 5 33 Todd Grisham
0 5 3 21 Michael Cole
0 1 7 17 Josh Mathews
1 0 0 5 Dave Prazak
0 1 1 5 Mike Hogewood
0 0 1 2 Dusty Rhodes
0 0 1 2 Dean Hill

REJECTED - ineligible (I probably wasn't paying attention)

9 7 4 Matt Striker (color announcer)
3 7 4 Joey Styles (did not announce during year)
0 0 1 Taz (color)

EBRANSC: The quality of announcers these days is so poor that Mike
Hogewood is already better than everyone except Ross and Tenay (and was on
his first day).

JOHN CANTON: It's still JR. Hope he gets better health wise. I miss him
when he's gone.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:29 AM12/14/09
Best Wrestling Gimmick

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler who had the best character gimmick in the past

Previous Winners:

1991: The Undertaker
1992: The Undertaker
1993: The Undertaker
1994: Bob Backlund as the real WWF champ
1995: Goldust
1996: NWO
1997: Mick Foley's multiple personalities
1998: Lionheart Chris Jericho as a Paragon of Virtue
1999: Hardcore Holly as The Big Shot and a Superheavyweight
2000: Edge & Christian, for the benefit of those with flash photography
2001: His name is Steve Austin - WWF Champion - he does not deserve this
2002: Matt Hardy's Mattitude
2003: John Cena as the Minister of Thuganomics
2004: Trish Stratus as an insincere meddler
2005: Mr. Kennedy handling his own ring introductions
2006: Booker T, after winning King of the Ring, becomes King of the World
2007: Black Machismo Jay Lethal
2008: How you say...Santino Marella

**2009**: CM Punk as a Straight Edge savior

45 first place votes
43 second place votes
40 third place votes

17 10 6 127 CM Punk is Straight Edge
4 8 1 46 Santino Marella as arrogant Italian
5 1 6 40 Beautiful People (Generation One)
5 2 3 37 Zack Ryder
5 1 3 34 Undertaker
2 1 2 17 Jillian Hall as a Pop Idol
1 3 0 14 Chris Jericho, the Last Honest Man
0 2 4 14 John Morrison as uber-cool Jim Morrison
2 1 0 13 Daffney
1 1 2 12 Curry Man - He's hot! He's spicy! He tastes great! He's Curry Man!
1 1 0 8 Kevin Nash "All About The Money"
0 2 1 8 The Brian Kendrick
1 0 1 7 Dr. Stevie, wrestling psychotherapist
0 1 2 7 Suicide as mysterious masked high-flyer
0 1 2 7 Hurricane
1 0 0 5 The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
0 1 1 5 Colony (Soldier Ant & Fire Ant)
0 1 0 3 Santino Marella's twin sister Santina
0 1 0 3 Randy Orton as a "viper"
0 1 0 3 ODB
0 1 0 3 Miz becomes a more serious wrestler, leaves his previous goofiness behind.
0 1 0 3 Degeneration X
0 1 0 3 Cryme Tyme as ghetto thieves
0 1 0 3 Addicted to Love Rhett Titus
0 0 1 2 Sheamus
0 0 1 2 Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez as Canadian Ninjas
0 0 1 2 Jack Swagger, All-American American
0 0 1 2 Goldust
0 0 1 2 Cody Deaner
0 0 1 2 Black Machismo

JOHN CANTON: Went with Punk, Santino and the Beautiful People here only because Jericho's gimmick is the same as the year before. Punk's transformation was a highlight this year.

HAWYN316: Santino's hilarious and Zach Ryder just cracks me up. "Woo, woo, woo!!"

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:38:06 AM12/14/09
Best Major Show

Award Description:

To be given to the best major event. This could be a pay-per-view, a TV
special, or any big arena event. In 1994, TV shows and major shows were
given separate award categories.

Previous Winners:

1991: 03/21/91: WCW & New Japan Supershow (aired on tape)
1992: 01/18/92: WWF Royal Rumble
1993: WWF Monday Night RAW weekly TV
1994: 03/20/94: WWF WrestleMania X
1995: 08/27/95: WWF SummerSlam
1996: 03/31/96: WWF WrestleMania XII
1997: 04/14/97: ECW Barely Legal
1998: 03/24/98: WWF WrestleMania XIV
1999: 08/22/99: WWF SummerSlam
2000: 01/23/00: WWF Royal Rumble
2001: 04/01/01: WWF WrestleMania X-7
2002: 08/25/02: WWE SummerSlam
2003: 03/30/03: WWE WrestleMania XIX
2004: 03/14/04: WWE WrestleMania XX
2005: 04/03/05: WWE WrestleMania 21
2006: 04/02/06: WWE WrestleMania 22
2007: 04/01/07: WWE WrestleMania 23
2008: 03/30/08: WWE WrestleMania XXIV

**2009**: 04/05/09 WWE WrestleMania 25

38 first place votes
36 second place votes
30 third place votes

16 12 2 120 04/05/09 WWE WrestleMania 25
6 4 8 58 10/18/09 TNA Bound for Glory
3 7 3 42 02/15/09 WWE No Way Out
3 4 0 27 08/23/09 WWE SummerSlam
3 1 4 26 07/25/09 Dragon Gate USA's Enter the Dragon
1 1 3 14 12/14/08 WWE Armageddon
1 2 0 11 01/25/09 WWE Royal Rumble
1 1 1 10 04/26/09 WWE Backlash
0 2 1 8 04/19/09 TNA Lockdown
0 0 3 6 03/15/09 TNA Destination X
1 0 0 5 11/23/08 WWE Survivor Series
1 0 0 5 10/04/09 WWE Hell in a Cell
1 0 0 5 05/02-03/09 SHIMMER Vol. 23-26 tapings
0 1 1 5 09/20/09 TNA No Surrender
0 1 2 7 07/26/09 WWE Night of Champions
0 0 1 2 06/13/09 AAA Triplemania XVII


1 0 0 5 Any ROH PPV
0 0 1 2 WWE One Night Stand (was no One Night Stand in 2009)

JOHN CANTON: Summerslam easily thanks to a great Hardy/Punk main event,
plus some good undercard matches with DX/Legacy, Cena/Orton and
Mysterio/Ziggler. Mania was a one match show, but it was the MOTY in a
year without many standout PPVs, so that's enough for it to be number two
with me. I liked No Way Out from what I remember. That gets third.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:27 AM12/14/09
Worst Worker

Award Description:

To be given to the name wrestler whose workrate is so low it's barely

Previous Winners:

1990: Junkyard Dog
1991: Andre The Giant
1992: Nailz
1993: Giant Gonzalez

1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan

1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan

2000: Kevin Nash

2001: Buff Bagwell
2002: Jackie Gayda
2003: Nathan Jones
2004: Heidenreich

2005: Gene Snitsky / Kevin Nash / Chris Masters (tie)
2006: The Great Khali
2007: The Great Khail
2008: The Great Khali

**2009**: The Great Khali

43 first place votes

40 second place votes
38 third place votes

13 7 2 90 Great Khali
7 3 1 46 Kevin Nash
5 4 4 45 Jenna Morasca
3 0 5 25 Boogeyman
3 2 1 23 John Cena
2 2 3 22 Rob Terry
1 3 1 16 Lacey Von Erich
2 0 2 14 Bella Twins
1 1 2 12 Gene Snitsky
0 4 0 12 Batista
1 0 3 11 Bobby Lashley
0 3 1 11 Ezekiel Jackson
2 0 0 10 Jeff Hardy
0 2 2 10 Big Show

1 1 0 8 Triple H

1 1 0 8 Mark Henry
0 2 1 8 Kip James
0 1 2 7 Chris Masters
0 2 0 6 Big Daddy V
1 0 0 5 Scott Steiner
0 1 1 5 Ricky Ortiz
0 0 2 4 Michelle McCool

0 1 0 3 Randy Orton

0 0 1 2 Shane McMahon

0 0 1 2 Mike Knox

0 0 1 2 Maria

0 0 1 2 Kane

0 0 1 2 Carlito

BIGDADDYLOCO: Kevin Nash is terrible. Kip James is a strong second.

JOHN CANTON: Every time Khali's music hits I hit fast forward or turn the
channel. I just don't care.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:34:06 AM12/14/09
Best Interviewee

Award Description:

To be given to the person who gives the best interview in the biz. This could
be a wrestler or a manager.

Previous Winners:

1990: Ric Flair

1991: Ric Flair
1992: Ric Flair
1993: Ric Flair
1994: Ric Flair
1995: Shawn Michaels
1996: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1997: Stone Cold Steve Austin

1998: Mankind (Dude Love / Cactus Jack / Mick Foley)
1999: Mankind
2000: The Rock

2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle

2003: Chris Jericho
2004: Chris Jericho
2005: Eddie Guerrero
2006: Mick Foley
2007: Edge
2008: Chris Jericho

**2009**: Chris Jericho

45 first place votes
42 second place votes
40 third place votes

26 6 4 156 Chris Jericho
4 11 8 69 CM Punk
3 6 5 43 Santino Marella
1 2 5 21 Shawn Michaels
2 1 2 17 Nigel McGuinness
1 3 1 16 John Cena
1 2 2 15 Mr. Kennedy
1 3 0 14 Beautiful People
1 1 3 14 Christian
1 0 3 11 John Bradshaw Layfield
1 1 0 8 Mick Foley
1 1 0 8 Kurt Angle

1 0 0 5 Scott Steiner

1 0 0 5 Miz

0 0 2 4 John Morrison
0 0 2 4 Edge

0 1 0 3 William Regal
0 1 0 3 Triple H

0 1 0 3 Rhett Titus

0 1 0 3 Randy Orton

0 1 0 3 Abyss

0 0 1 2 Sting

0 0 1 2 Kenny King

0 0 1 2 Eric Young

EBRANSC: There were few things as entertaining in 2009 as Nigel McGuiness
bad mouthing all the wanker fans before turning his insults to
'Clamdigger' Danielson, 'Geritol' Lynn, and 'Tylenol' Black.

JOHN CANTON: Jericho's first because he is everything that is great about
a top heel. He's arrogant, he insults the crowd at every turn without
always resorting to cheap heat tactics and he has no desire to be a cool
heel, which makes him even better at his job. CM Punk has always been a
very good talker. This year he became truly great. Eric Young is my number
three because he's always been very good on the mic and has made a nice
transition as a heel. Based on his talent John Cena should be here, but
the writing team makes him sound like such a douchebag that it really
hurts his performances.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:28 AM12/14/09
Worst Tag Team

Award Description:

To be given to the name tag team who were the worst overall wrestlers in the

past year. Minimal technical ability, lousy interviews, non-existent

workrate, the charisma of a rock, and lousy team moves should describe this

Previous Winners:

1990: Rhythm & Blues: Greg Valentine & Honky Tonk Man
1991: The Patriots: Todd Champion & Firebreaker Chip
1992: Bushwhackers: Luke Williams & Butch Miller
1993: The Colossal Kongs: Awesome Kong & King Kong
1994: Bushwhackers: Luke Williams & Butch Miller
1995: Tekno Team 2000: Travis & Troy
1996: Godwinns: Henry O. & Phineas I.
1997: Godwinns: Henry O. & Phineas I.
1998: Diamond Dallas Page & Jay Leno
1999: Ministry of Darkness: Mideon & Viscera
2000: Harris Brothers: Big Ron & Heavy D
2001: Kronik: Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke
2002: Rosey & Jamal
2003: 3 Minute Warning: Rossey & Jamal / La Resistance: Sylvain Grenier &
Rene Dupree & Rob Conway (tie)
2004: Hardcore Holly & Billy Gunn
2005: Legion of Doom: Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich
2006: Dicks: Chad & James
2007: Team Pacman: Ron Killings & Adam Jonse
2008: Black Reign & Rellik

**2009**: Bella Twins: Brie & Nikki

42 first place votes
37 second place votes
36 third place votes

10 5 3 71 Bella Twins - Brie & Nikki
6 1 6 45 Booker T & Scott Steiner
2 7 5 41 Jesse & Festus
7 1 1 40 Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson
5 2 1 33 Legacy - Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
1 8 1 31 Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder
1 4 4 25 Cryme Tyme - Shad Gaspard & JTG
1 3 3 20 Mark Henry & MVP
2 1 3 19 Team 3D - Brother Ray & Brother Devon
2 1 3 19 Rock & Rave Infection - Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave
2 1 1 15 British Invasion - Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams
2 0 1 12 Beautiful People - Angelina Love & Velvet Sky
1 0 0 5 Lacey Von Erich & Velvet Sky
0 1 1 5 Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov
0 1 1 5 Beer Money - James Storm & Robert Roode
0 1 0 3 Mexican Powers - Crazy Boy y Ultimo Gladiador
0 0 1 2 Main Event Mafia Security - Rocco & Sally Boy
0 0 1 2 Jillian Hall & Layla

JOHN CANTON: Booker and Steiner would have been an amazing team about 15
years ago. Not so much today.

HAWYN316: Legacy may have owned DX for a good portion of their feud, but
those two guys are still Orton's lackeys. As a team they sucked. I'd say
the Hart Dynasty would have fulfilled the role of "Legacy" with more
credibility than these two.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:35:06 AM12/14/09
Best Angle

Award Description:

To be given to the best angle you've seen in the sport this year.

Previous Winners:

1990: Horsemen turn heel
1991: "Real World Champion" Ric Flair challenges Hulk Hogan
1992: Ric Flair "knew Elizabeth first"
1993: WWF brings in Sean Waltman as 1-2-3 Kid
1994: Shane Douglas forfeits NWA title moments after winning it
1995: Barry Horowitz finally wins on WWF television
1996: NWO forms and attempts takeover of WCW
1997: Bret Hart turns on USA, reforms Hart Foundation
1998: Mr. McMahon offers Steve Austin the easy way - or the hard way
1999: "Countdown to the Millennium" ends with Chris Jericho's WWF debut
2000: Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Kurt Angle love triangle
2001: ECW joins WCW, forms alliance
2002: Goldust, Booker T turn "At the Movies" gig into friendship
2003: Paul Heyman presents Kurt Angle with Team Angle
2004: Chris Benoit's world championship journey ends with WrestleMania win
2005: Matt Hardy returns to WWE to seek revenge on Edge & Lita
2006: Joey Styles quits RAW during live broadcast
2007: Chris Jericho inserts viral messages into WWE programming
2008: Chris Jericho forces Shawn Michaels into, out of retirement

**2009**: CM Punk wants to rescue us from Jeff Hardy

43 first place votes
41 second place votes
38 third place votes

15 4 7 101 CM Punk wants to rescue us from Jeff Hardy
6 12 3 72 Ricky Steamboat comes out of retirement to face Chris Jericho
7 4 2 51 Shawn Michaels plays mind games on Undertaker
3 2 4 29 Edge, Chris Jericho win Unified tag team titles
3 2 4 29 Bob Barker hosts "The Price is RAW"
1 2 3 17 Miz, Morrison with the Dirt Sheet
1 3 1 16 Legacy works with, then turns on guest GM Dusty Rhodes
2 1 0 13 Sting wins TNA title, forms the Main Event Mafia
0 1 4 11 John Bradshaw Layfield hires financially strapped Shawn Michaels
1 1 1 10 Chris Jericho wants Rey Mysterio to stop hiding behind the mask
1 1 0 8 Abyss/Lauren relationship
0 2 1 8 Mr. Kennedy creates YouTube videos after being fired
0 1 2 7 Sgt. Slaughter turns heel on Canadian fans
1 0 0 5 World Elite Creation
1 0 0 5 Randy Orton punts Vince McMahon
1 0 0 5 Batista finally turns heel
0 1 0 3 Triple H, Shawn Michaels reform D-generation X
0 1 0 3 Main Event Mafia
0 1 0 3 Formation of Main Event Mafia
0 1 0 3 Big Show is Jericho's mystery partner after Edge is injured
0 1 0 3 Allison Danger wants vengeance on Portia Perez
0 0 1 2 Ric Flair has a streetfight with Randy Orton
0 0 1 2 Kofi Kingston destroys Randy Orton's new car
0 0 1 2 John Bradshaw Layfield quits after losing to Rey Mysterio in 30 seconds at WM25
0 0 1 2 Eric Young turns, becomes team leader
0 0 1 2 Christian returns to WWE; interrupts, challenges Jack Swagger
0 0 1 2 Cactus Jack personality resurfaces in Mick Foley

JOHN CANTON: I think the Punk/Hardy angle was by far the best thing in
wrestling this year. I can't believe they actually booked it as well as
they did. The Jericho/Mysterio mask storyline and Jericho/Steamboat feud
round out my top three.

HAWYN316: The MEM angle in TNA set it's stage for the whole year. Sting
gathering the veterans to "teach respect" to the young talent was a great
concept as was Punk's preaching to the audience about the evils of living
Jeff Hardy's lifestyle. Both worked as there is grounding in truth to
both premises. Great angles.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:27 AM12/14/09
Least Favourite Wrestler

Award Description:

To be given to the wrestler you like the least, regardless of the reason.

Previous Winners:

1991: Hulk Hogan

1992: Hulk Hogan
1993: Hulk Hogan

1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan

2000: Hulk Hogan
2001: Buff Bagwell

2002: Triple H
2003: Triple H
2004: Triple H

2005: Triple H
2006: Jeff Jarrett
2007: The Great Khali
2008: Triple H

**2009**: Triple H

44 first place votes
42 second place votes
41 third place votes

11 1 3 64 Triple H
5 7 4 54 Hornswoggle
5 5 0 40 John Cena
4 1 2 27 Randy Orton
1 5 2 24 Kevin Nash
3 0 4 23 Great Khali
1 3 4 22 Batista
3 0 1 17 Hulk Hogan
1 2 3 17 Mike Knox
1 3 1 16 Scott Steiner
1 3 1 16 Michelle McCool
1 2 2 15 ODB
1 2 1 13 Kane
1 1 1 10 Suicide
1 0 2 9 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 2 0 6 Undertaker
1 0 0 5 Matt Morgan

1 0 0 5 CM Punk

1 0 0 5 Boogeyman

1 0 0 5 Abyss

0 1 1 5 Dolph Ziggler
0 1 1 5 Cryme Tyme
0 1 0 3 Vladmir Kozlov
0 1 0 3 Tyler Reks
0 1 0 3 Rey Mysterio

0 0 1 2 Shane McMahon

0 0 1 2 Psycho Circus

0 0 1 2 MVP

0 0 1 2 Mark Henry

0 0 1 2 Gene Snitsky

0 0 1 2 Festus

0 0 1 2 Drew McIntyre

0 0 1 2 Big Show

JOHN CANTON: For nearly making me stop watching wrestling, I have to go
with HHH. And I'm not a HHH hater. I just really disliked him this year.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:28 AM12/14/09
Worst Heel

Award Description:

To be given to the person whose casting as a bad guy just didn't work well.
Maybe there was just no heel heat drawn or maybe the fans actually cheered
this person, but for whatever reason the heel image just didn't get over.

Previous Winners:

1990: Rick Martel
1991: The Mountie Jacques Rougeau
1992: Razor Ramon
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Bastion Booger
1995: Zodiac (The Butcher/Brutus Beefcake)
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Ahmed Johnson
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Sting
2000: Goldberg
2001: Rob van Dam

2002: Triple H
2003: Triple H

2004: Jeff Jarrett
2005: Linda McMahon
2006: Vickie Guerrero
2007: Vickie Guerrero
2008: Colin Delaney / Sting (tie)

**2009**: Mick Foley

44 first place votes
41 second place votes
37 third place votes

8 8 1 66 Mick Foley
7 3 5 54 Chris Masters
3 4 4 35 Scott Steiner
5 1 3 34 Michelle McCool
3 3 2 28 Eric Young
3 2 1 23 Dolph Ziggler
3 0 2 19 Randy Orton
2 1 3 19 Mike Knox
1 2 4 19 Booker T
2 1 2 17 Lacey Von Erich
2 2 0 16 AJ Styles
0 3 2 13 Samoa Joe
1 2 0 11 Kane
0 2 2 10 Cody Rhodes
1 1 0 8 Vladimir Kozlov
1 1 0 8 Sting
0 2 1 8 Big Show
1 0 0 5 Ted Dibiase
1 0 0 5 Mark Henry
0 0 2 4 Claudio Castagnoli
0 1 0 3 Robert Roode

0 1 0 3 Matt Morgan

0 1 0 3 Maryse
0 0 1 2 Seamus

0 0 1 2 Matt Hardy

0 0 1 2 Cibernetico

MARK PATTERSON: Eric Young gets my top vote not because he's an overall
terrible heel per se, but moreso because his whole gimmick is such a
blatant ripoff of Chris Jericho's heel persona. Samoa Joe gets the #2
spot because for most of the year, TNA had him heeling it up as a
hotheaded dope, which is too bad given that Joe has shown some tremendous
heel work in the past.

BIGDADDYLOCO: Cody Rhodes is nominated, but isn't Ted Dibiase (who wasn't
nominated a worse heel?)

JOHN CANTON: Chris Masters is terrible. That's all. Nothing more needed to
be said.

HAWYN316: Dolph Ziggler's too cool to be a convincing heel. Chris Masters
is booked too funny or to generically to draw any heat, face or heel.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:33:06 AM12/14/09
Best Colour Commentator

Award Description:

To be given to the colour commentator who provides the most insightful and
entertaining comments.

Previous Winners:

1991: Bobby Heenan
1992: Bobby Heenan
1993: Jesse Ventura
1994: Bobby Heenan
1995: Bobby Heenan
1996: Bobby Heenan
1997: Jerry Lawler
1998: Jerry Lawler
1999: Jerry Lawler
2000: Jerry Lawler
2001: Paul Heyman
2002: Tazz
2003: Tazz
2004: Tazz
2005: Tazz
2006: John Bradshaw Layfield
2007: John Bradshaw Layfield
2008: Matt Striker

**2009**: Matt Striker

44 first place votes
38 second place votes
33 third place votes

27 3 7 158 Matt Striker
5 9 10 72 Taz
5 9 3 58 Jim Ross
4 4 2 36 Jerry Lawler
1 7 3 32 Dave Prazak
2 2 6 28 Don West
0 3 2 13 Todd Grisham
0 1 0 3 Portia Perez

JOHN CANTON: Striker's fun to listen to although I wish they would let him
heel it up more.

HAWYN316: Matt Striker's totally awesome on commentary. Much like Tazz or
JBL, no one does it better than a guy who's actually been in the ring.
He brings tons of credibility to the broadcast table.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:30 AM12/14/09
Best Match

Award Description:

To be given to the best wrestling match you've seen this year, either live,

on TV, PPV, or in an arena, or on tape. If it took place in the past year,

it is eligible. In 1994, this award was split into three: North American,
Non-North American, and overall. In 1997, due to lack of participation on
both the NA and non-NA sides, it was recombined.

Previous Winners:

1990: 04/22/90: Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Marty Janetty & Shawn
Michaels (SNME)
1991: 03/21/91: Steiners vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Hiroshi Hase (Tokyo, aired
on taped PPV)
1992: 01/18/92: Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble)
1993: 10/24/93: Cactus Jack vs. Big Van Vader (Halloween Havoc)
1994: (overall/NA) 03/20/94: Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (WrestleMania)
1994: (non-NA) 04/16/94: Chris Benoit vs. Great Sasuke (Super J Cup)
1995: (overall/NA) 08/27/95: Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (SummerSlam)
1995: (non-NA) 11/20/94: Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota (AJW V*TOP Tourney)
1996: (overall/NA) 03/31/96: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania)
1996: (non-NA) 03/17/96: Jushin Liger vs. Shinjiro Otani
1997: 10/05/97: Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (Hell in the Cell cage)
1998: 06/28/98: Undertaker vs. Mankind (Hell in the Cell cage)
1999: 10/17/99: Brood (Matt & Jeff Hardy) vs. Edge & Christian (ladder)
2000: 08/27/00: Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz (tag TLC)
2001: 05/21/01: Steve Austin & Triple H (tag) vs. Chris Benoit & Chris
Jericho (RAW)
2002: 10/20/02: Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio (WWE
tag final) (No Mercy)
2003: 01/19/03: Kurt Angle (WWE) vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble)
2004: 03/14/04: Triple H (World) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels
2005: 04/03/05: Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle (WrestleMania)
2006: 03/31/06: Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito vs. CIMA &
Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino (ROH Supercard of Honor)
2007: 04/23/07: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels (RAW)
2008: 03/30/08: Ric Flair (career) vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania)

**2009**: 04/05/09 Undertaker v. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania)

40 first place votes
36 second place votes
34 third place votes

31 3 1 166 04/05/09 Undertaker v. Shawn Michaels
4 12 2 60 09/01/09 Rey Mysterio (IC) v. John Morrison (Smackdown)
1 8 9 47 08/23/09 Jeff Hardy (World) v. CM Punk (TLC)
2 1 2 17 10/18/09 Amazing Red (X) v. Alex Shelley v. Chris Sabin v.
Suicide v. Daniels v. Homicide (ultimate X)
1 0 3 11 10/29/09 AJ Styles v. Kurt Angle (Impact!)
0 2 2 10 06/07/09 Rey Mysterio v. Chris Jericho (No Holds Barred)
0 1 3 9 04/05/09 CM Punk v. Shelton Benjamin v. Christian v. Finlay
v. Mark Henry v. Kane v. Kofi Kingston v. MVP
(money in the bank ladder)
1 0 1 7 10/15/09 Alissa Flash v. Hamada (falls count anywhere)
0 1 1 5 12/14/08 Edge (WWE) v. Triple H v. Jeff Hardy
0 1 1 5 07/25/09 Naruki Doi v. Shingo
0 1 0 3 06/21/09 Abyss & Taylor Wilde v. Raven & Daffney (Monster's
0 1 0 3 05/24/09 Taylor Wilde v. Daffney (Monster's Ball)
0 1 0 3 05/02/09 Wesna Busic v. Lufisto
0 1 0 3 04/03/09 Davey Richards v. KENTA
0 1 0 3 02/28/09 Bryan Danielson v. Austin Aries
0 1 0 3 02/15/09 John Cena (World) v. Rey Mysterio v. Chris Jericho
v. Kofi Kingston v. Kane v. Mike Knox (elimination
0 0 1 2 10/27/09 Christian (ECW) v. Yoshi Tatsu
0 0 1 2 10/18/09 Taylor Wilde & Sarita (knockouts tag) v. Velvet Sky
& Madison Rayne
0 0 1 2 10/18/09 Mick Foley v. Abyss (monster's ball)
0 0 1 2 10/18/09 AJ Styles v. Sting
0 0 1 2 09/13/09 Legacy v. DX
0 0 1 2 07/26/09 CM Punk (World) v. Jeff Hardy
0 0 1 2 07/20/09 John Morrison v. Tyson Kidd (Superstars)
0 0 1 2 06/28/09 Rey Mysterio (mask) v. Chris Jericho (IC)
0 0 1 2 05/03/09 Cheerleader Melissa v. Wesna Busic

REJECTED VOTES - outside time frame

0 1 0 11/15/09 AJ Styles (TNA) v. Samoa Joe v. Daniels

JOHN CANTON: I'd be shocked if something other than Michaels vs.
Undertaker wins here. It was the best of the year as soon as it was over.
A true classic. My second choice is Morrison/Mysterio from Smackdown. It
was an athletic, entertaining contest without any hokey storylines to bog
it down. We need more of that in WWE, that's for damn sure. Third pick was
the TLC match at Summerslam with Jeff Hardy taking on CM Punk. It was a
great culmination of a storyline with two guys who were really at their
peak here.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:39:06 AM12/14/09
Best Promotional Move

Award Description:

To be given to the best move made by a promotion this past year. This could
include giving somebody a push, demoting someone, firing someone hiring
someone, or anything of a promotional nature.

Previous Winners:

1991: WWF signs Ric Flair
1992: WCW signs Jake Roberts
1993: WWF works with SMW & USWA
1994: WWF pushes Bret Hart as champion again
1995: WCW signs Sabu, Chris Benoit, Eddy Guerrero & Dean Malenko away
1996: WCW signs Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Ted DiBiase & Syxx
1997: ECW uses "working agreement" with WWF
1998: WWF books Vince McMahon into top storyline role
1999: WWF signs Chris Jericho
2000: WWF signs Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn
2001: WWF adds ECW to "invasion" angle
2002: WWE names Paul Heyman head of SmackDown! writing team
2003: NWA TNA offers one cent PPV
2004: WWE books Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero to World, WWE championships
2005: TNA gains Spike TV timeslot
2006: TNA signs Kurt Angle soon after WWE releases him
2007: TNA, Spike TV agree on expanding "iMPACT!" to second hour
2008: WWE airs tribute to Ric Flair the night after WrestleMania

**2009**: WWE books Undertaker vs. Michaels match for WrestleMania

44 first place votes
41 second place votes

40 third place votes

13 5 1 82 WWE books Undertaker v. Michaels for WrestleMania
7 10 5 75 WWE uses Chris Jericho on every show
4 8 7 58 WWE makes CM Punk World Heavyweight Champion
5 4 5 47 WWE promotes Jeff Hardy to main event
3 2 3 27 Hulk Hogan joins TNA
3 0 5 25 TNA puts World title back on AJ Styles
2 2 4 24 ROH hires Jim Cornette
1 1 2 12 TNA creates Knockout tag titles
0 2 3 12 Dragon Gate opens Dragon Gate USA
2 0 0 10 WWE books guest hosts on RAW
1 1 0 8 WWE resigns Christian
1 1 0 8 TNA signs Taz
0 2 1 8 WWE signs Bryan Danielson
1 0 0 5 WWE cuts number of PPVs
1 0 0 5 TNA signs Desmond Wolfe
0 1 0 3 TNA creates World Elite, makes superstar out of Eric Young
0 1 0 3 TNA builds shows around Kurt Angle
0 1 0 3 Shane McMahon leaves WWE
0 0 1 2 WWE brings back the Slammy Awards
0 0 1 2 WWE adds "Superstars" show on WGN America
0 0 1 2 DX reunites
0 0 1 2 Dragon Gate USA uses Chikara talent on its PPVs

EBRANSC: Would anyone have cared about WrestleMania this year without
Undertaker v. Michaels?

MARK PATTERSON: I guess I should've voted during the call for nominations,
since I honestly think the 'Raw hosts' gimmick was the best promotional
move of the year from a pure promotion standpoint. WWE is getting more
selective with the hosts and at least have worked out a formula for the
hosts to never look awful, even if the rest of the show is bad. And when
the host is on point, the show can really kick ass.

JOHN CANTON: Booking Undertaker vs. Michaels is the correct answer because
when I think back to 2009 I will think back to that match first. Using
Jericho on Raw and Smackdown has been a genius move because he makes
everybody around him better. He's the most valuable performer they have.
Turning Punk into a heel world champion was a great move too, which is why
it gets my third spot.

HAWYN316: At a time when new talent needs to be developed I'm glad both
WWE and TNA decided to push "newer" and reliable guys like AJ Styles and
CM Punk back to the top. AJ's the guy TNA was built around at the outset
before the import of "old talent" came. With that ship having run it's
time to put him back on top. Same deal with Punk. Charismatic stars like
Hardy are good, but it's old (and clean) reliable talent like Punk (as was
Bret Hart back in the day) who are the foundation of a company. Rounding
out the list is the E's recognition of Jericho's talent and featuring him
on all brands as the Unified Tag Champ.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:29 AM12/14/09
Best Feud

Award Description:

To be given to the feud that gave us the most heated and best wrestling
match(es) of the year. In 1994, this award was split into two: North
American and Non-North American. In 1996, due to lack of participation on
the non-NA side, it was recombined.

Previous Winners:

1990: Doom: Ron Simmons & Butch Reed vs. Horsemen: Arn Anderson & Barry
1991: Doom: Ron Simmons & Butch Reed vs. Steiners
1992: Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage
1993: Big Van Vader vs. Cactus Jack
1994: (NA) Cactus Jack & partner vs. Nasty Boys
1994: (non-NA) All Japan Women vs. JWP (& other outside women)
1995: (NA) Dean Malenko vs. Eddy Guerrero
1995: (non-NA) Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota
1996: NWO vs. WCW
1997: Bret Hart / Hart Foundation vs. Steve Austin
1998: Mr. McMahon vs. Steve Austin
1999: Mankind vs. Rock
2000: Triple H vs. Mankind / Cactus Jack
2001: Rock vs. Chris Jericho
2002: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar
2004: Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley
2005: Matt Hardy vs. Edge
2006: Edge vs. John Cena
2007: Matt Hardy vs. MVP
2008: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

**2009**: CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy

44 first place votes
42 second place votes
37 third place votes

20 11 3 139 CM Punk v. Jeff Hardy
10 5 7 79 Shawn Michaels v. Undertaker
6 11 5 73 Chris Jericho v. Rey Mysterio
3 7 5 46 Chris Jericho v. Ricky Steamboat
0 2 3 12 John Morrison v. Miz
0 1 2 7 Awesome Kong v. Tara
1 0 0 5 Taylor Wilde v. Daffney
1 0 0 5 Roderick Stong v. Erick Stevens
1 0 0 5 Randy Orton v. John Cena
1 0 0 5 Main Event Mafia v. TNA Frontline
1 0 0 5 Abyss v. Dr. Stevie
0 1 1 5 Shawn Michaels v. John Bradshaw Layfield
0 1 0 3 Taylor Wilde & Sarita v. Beautiful People
0 1 0 3 Randy Orton v. McMahons
0 1 0 3 Kurt Angle v. AJ Styles
0 1 0 3 Goldust v. Sheamus
0 0 1 2 Sting v. Kurt Angle
0 0 1 2 Shelton Benjamin v. Sheamus
0 0 1 2 Shawn Michaels v. John Morrison & Miz
0 0 1 2 Mick Foley v. Abyss
0 0 1 2 Kurt Angle v. Jeff Jarrett
0 0 1 2 Kofi Kingston v. Randy Orton
0 0 1 2 John Morrison & Miz v. Carlito & Primo
0 0 1 2 John Cena v. Randy Orton
0 0 1 2 Edge v. John Cena
0 0 1 2 Edge v. Jeff Hardy
0 0 1 2 Allison Danger v. Portia Perez

JOHN CANTON: A feud needs to be more than one match, so I'm not going to
include Michaels vs. Undertaker here. The two best feuds to me were
Hardy/Punk and Jericho/Mysterio with Hardy/Punk edging it out for me. They
had some really great matches to go along with above average promos from
each guy, especially Jeff Hardy. That was his best promo work ever and I
think it was because he clicked so well with Punk. Too bad he went home to
do drugs, isn't it?

HAWYN316: The Main Event Mafia and Frontline feud set the tone for TNA for
it's year. It wasn't booked as perfectly as it could have been, but it
was innovative and different and gets my top nod for Feud of the Year.
Punk vs. Hardy and Cena vs. Orton round it out for me.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:30 AM12/14/09
Best Wrestling Move

Award Description:

To be given to the move that is just the damn best thing you've seen this
past year. This should probably be a "finishing" move or something really

Previous Winners:

1990: Scott Steiner's Frankensteiner
1991: Scott Steiner's Frankensteiner
1992: Jushin Liger's moonsault off the second ropes to floor
1993: Big Van Vader's moonsault
1994: Vader's moonsault
1995: Hakushi's Space Flying Tiger Drop
1996: Wildman Marc Mero's Wild Thing shooting star press
1997: Bret Hart's figure four leglock around the ringpost
1998: Rock's People's Elbow elbowdrop
1999: Jeff Hardy's senton bomb
2000: Jeff Hardy's swantonbomb senton
2001: Rob van Damn's Five Star frog splash
2002: Brock Lesnar's F-5 fireman carry neckbreaker
2003: Brock Lesnar's F-5 fireman carry neckbreaker
2004: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
2005: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
2006: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
2007: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver / Homicide's
Gringo Killer back to back double underhook piledriver (tie)
2008: Evan Bourne's shooting star press

**2009**: Evan Bourne's Air Bourne shooting star press

44 first place votes
41 second place votes

39 third place votes

15 6 2 97 Evan Bourne's Air Bourne shooting star press
5 5 3 46 John Morrison's Starship Pain
4 3 3 35 Chris Jericho's Codebreaker
3 3 4 32 John Morrison's Flying Chuck kick
1 2 6 23 Randy Orton's RKO
2 2 0 16 Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer
2 1 1 15 AJ Styles' Pele kick
1 2 2 15 Nigel McGuinness' Tower of London
1 2 0 11 Undertaker's Hell's Gate
2 0 0 10 Hernandez' Border Toss crucifix powerbomb
1 1 1 10 Jeff Hardy's Whisper in the Wind
1 0 1 7 Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music superkick
1 0 1 7 Randy Orton's punt
1 0 1 7 Nigel McGuinness' Jawbreaker Lariat
1 0 1 7 Christy Hemme's FFG
0 2 0 6 Colony's Ants Go Marching One by One
1 0 0 5 Zack Ryder's Zack Attack
1 0 0 5 Jeff Jarrett's guitar shot
1 0 0 5 Booker T's spinarooni
0 1 1 5 Taylor Wilde's German Suplex
0 1 1 5 Sheamus' uranage into backbreaker
0 1 1 5 Samoa Joe's musclebuster
0 1 1 5 Jay Lethal's Lethal Combination
0 1 1 5 CM Punk's Anaconda vice
0 1 0 3 Tara's Widow's Peak
0 1 0 3 Kurt Angle's anklelock
0 1 0 3 Kofi Kingston's SOS
0 1 0 3 Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag
0 1 0 3 Cheerleader Melissa's wheelbarrow whipping into the guardrail
0 1 0 3 AJ Styles' Styles Clash
0 1 0 3 AJ Styles' springboard reverse DDT
0 0 1 2 Matt Morgan's Hellevator
0 0 1 2 Jack Swagger's gutwrench powerbomb
0 0 1 2 CM Punk's GTS
0 0 1 2 Christian's Killswitch
0 0 1 2 Big Show's KO punch
0 0 1 2 Beth Phoenix's Glam Slam
0 0 1 2 Awesome Kong's Implant Buster
0 0 1 2 Awesome Kong's Awesome Bomb

JOHN CANTON: It's Bourne, Punk and Jericho here. Bourne's SSP is a thing
of beauty while Punk and Jericho have finishers that actually look like
they'd hurt thanks to the use of their knees. To me, those are good

HAWYN316: Big Toss (brutal) and Lethal Combination (sweet!). Nuff said.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:37:06 AM12/14/09
Best TV Show

Award Description:

To be given to what is on average the best wrestling TV show. In 1994, TV

shows and major shows were given separate award categories.

Previous Winners:

1991: 03/21/91: WCW & New Japan Supershow (aired on tape)
1992: 01/18/92: WWF Royal Rumble
1993: WWF Monday Night RAW weekly TV

1994: WWF Monday Night RAW
1995: WWF Monday Night RAW
1996: WWF Monday Night RAW
1997: WWF Monday Night RAW (WWF RAW is War / WWF RAW / WWF War Zone)
1998: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone)
1999: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone)
2000: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone)
2001: WWF RAW (RAW is War / War Zone / RAW Zone)
2002: WWE SmackDown!
2003: WWE Smackdown
2004: WWE RAW (RAW / RAW Zone)
2005: TNA iMPACT! (TNA Wrestling Impact!)
2006: WWE Smackdown
2007: WWE RAW (RAW / RAW Zone) / WWE Smackdown (tie)
2008: WWE RAW

**2009**: WWE Smackdown

45 first place votes
44 second place votes
43 third place votes

31 6 3 179 WWE Smackdown
4 14 8 78 WWE RAW
3 10 11 67 ECW
2 5 10 45 TNA Impact!
5 3 5 44 ROH on HDNet
0 6 5 28 WWE Superstars
0 0 1 2 WWE Vintage Collection

JOHN CANTON: Smackdown has been far superior to Raw. Prior to the
Undertaker and Batista coming back to the show, it was producing an
excellent show every single week with guys like Jericho, Punk, Jeff Hardy,
Mysterio and Morrison having great matches with eachother every week. I
went with ECW in second because it's a solid one hour program most weeks
and Raw's third due to it being way too inconsistent. They place too much
focus on the guest hosts while not placing enough focus on getting
storylines over.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:36:06 AM12/14/09
Best Organization

Award Description:

To be given to the organization/promotion that has the best product. This is
the organization whose TV and house shows you just can't miss.

Previous Winners:

1990: NWA
1991: WWF
1992: WCW
1993: SMW
1994: ECW
1995: WWF
1996: WWF
1997: WWF
1998: WWF
1999: WWF
2000: WWF
2001: WWF
2002: WWE (WWF)
2003: WWE
2004: WWE
2005: TNA
2006: WWE
2007: WWE
2008: WWE

**2009**: WWE

43 first place votes
39 second place votes
34 third place votes

31 4 1 169 WWE
5 14 10 87 TNA
4 13 11 81 ROH
2 3 3 25 Dragon Gate USA
1 1 3 14 SHIMMER
0 2 1 8 CHIKARA
0 1 2 7 Dragon Gate
0 0 2 4 CWF Mid-Atlantic
0 1 0 3 Next Era Wrestling
0 0 1 2 Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:47:07 AM12/14/09
Worst Major Show

Award Description:

To be given to the worst major event. This could be a pay-per-view, a TV
special, or any big arena event. In 1994, TV shows and major shows were
given separate award categories.

Previous Winners:

1991: 07/07/91: WCW Great American Bash
1992: 12/03/91: WWF This Tuesday In Texas
1993: 04/04/93: WWF WrestleMania IX
1994: 06/19/94: WWF King of the Ring
1995: 03/19/95: WCW Uncensored
1996: 03/24/96: WCW Uncensored
1997: 01/25/97: NWO Souled Out
1998: 08/08/98: WCW Road Wild
1999: 10/10/99: Heroes of Wrestling
2000: 10/29/00: WCW Halloween Havoc
2001: 01/14/01: WCW Sin
2002: 06/23/02: WWE King of the Ring
2003: 06/15/03: WWE Bad Blood / 05/19/03: WWE Judgment Day (tie)
2004: 06/27/04: WWE Great American Bash
2005: 07/24/05: WWE Great American Bash
2006: 07/23/06: WWE Great American Bash
2007: 12/03/06: ECW December to Dismember
2008: 07/29/08: WWE Night of Champions / 05/11/08: TNA Sacrifice (tie)

**2009**: 07/19/09 TNA Victory Road 09

31 first place votes
25 second place votes
22 third place votes

7 7 3 62 07/19/09 TNA Victory Road 09
3 3 7 38 03/15/09 TNA Destination X
5 2 2 35 09/13/09 WWE Breaking Point
4 3 3 35 10/25/09 WWE Bragging Rights
1 7 1 28 02/08/09 TNA Against All Odds
4 1 1 25 04/05/09 WWE WrestleMania 25
4 1 0 23 06/07/09 WWE Extreme Rules
2 0 3 16 08/23/09 WWE SummerSlam
1 1 2 12 11/23/08 WWE Survivor Series

JOHN CANTON: Victory Road had Sharmell vs. Jenna so that automatically
wins. No contest.

CRIMEFIGHTER: With a major milestone like your silver anniversary, why do
you put on a shorter PPV with only seven matches with the opener, the tag
title match, completely cut from the PPV, one match being less than half
minute and take the focus to a rock singer that no one seemingly cares
about off the women's battle royal with a bunch of returning faces? Only
Taker vs. HBK was the only memorable thing, and the PPV as a whole fell
short. While production was high the product in the ring did not deliver

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:42:07 AM12/14/09
Worst Colour Commentator

Award Description:

To be given to the commentator/announcer who makes the dumbest comment while
pushing his product. This person probably gets you to turn down the TV when
he/she is announcing.

Previous Winners:

1991: Dusty Rhodes
1992: Lord Alfred Hayes
1993: Randy Savage
1994: Dusty Rhodes
1995: Steve McMichael
1996: Dusty Rhodes
1997: Dusty Rhodes
1998: Larry Zbyszko
1999: Jason Hervey
2000: Mark Madden
2001: Mark Madden
2002: Jerry Lawler
2003: Jerry Lawler
2004: Jerry Lawler
2005: Jerry Lawler
2006: Don West
2007: Don West
2008: Don West

**2009**: Don West

39 first place votes
26 second place votes
18 third place votes

18 5 3 111 Don West
15 8 5 109 Jerry Lawler
5 10 4 63 Taz
0 2 5 16 Matt Striker
1 0 0 5 Arturo Rivera
0 1 0 3 Josh Mathews
0 0 1 2 Byron Saxton

CRIMEFIGHTER: Finally Don West is gone...ugh.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:44:07 AM12/14/09
Worst Angle

Award Description:

To be given to the worst angle you've seen in the sport this year. It may be
the worst because of taste or because of execution.

Previous Winners:

1990: Earthquake breaks Hulk's ribs & get well card drive /
Black Scorpion (tie)
1991: WWF exploits the Gulf war
1992: Papa Shango curses the Ultimate Warrior
1993: WCW's Cactus Jack gets amnesia; search leads to Cleveland
1994: WCW gives Hulk Hogan the WCW Title
1995: WCW bills Giant as Andre the Giant's alleged son
1996: Jim Ross announces return of Razor Ramon and Diesel to WWF
1997: Brian Pillman claims paternity of Dakota Runnells
1998: "Mysterious laughter" source revealed as Chucky the doll
1999: Big Show's father stricken with cancer; Big Boss Man exploits it
2000: Mae Young's pregnancy results in birth of hand
2001: Triple H quickly returns from fall inside car dropped from forklift
2002: Triple H reveals Kane's role in a death - and immediately afterwards
2003: Dawn Marie, Al Wilson give new meaning to "'til death do us part"
2004: Kane stalks, then impregnates, then marries Lita
2005: Masked men attack Undertaker after Daivari is "sacrificed" in match
2006: Vickie Guerrero turns on Rey Mysterio
2007: Mr. McMahon presumed dead after limousine explodes
2008: JBL reveals that Finlay, not Mr. McMahon, is Hornswoggle's father

**2009**: Thanks to guests hosts, Chavo Guerrero no match for Hornswoggle

43 first place votes
40 second place votes
38 third place votes

12 4 4 80 Chavo Guerrero continually bested by Hornswoggle
3 4 6 39 Donald Trump "buys" Monday Night RAW, brings in weekly guest hosts
3 4 5 37 Santino Marella crowned Miss WrestleMania
2 6 2 32 WWE books Vickie Guerrero in a hogpen match
1 9 0 32 R-Truth wanders around arenas as Delicious Pretty Ricky
3 2 3 27 Samoa Joe becomes a babyface knife-wielding maniac
4 1 1 25 D-generation X re-forms
2 1 5 23 Teddy Long masterminds Montreal screwjob of Undertaker
2 1 1 15 TNA holds contest to become ODB's boyfriend
2 0 2 14 WWE draft becomes a talent raid for RAW
2 1 0 13 Randy Orton becomes psychotic "viper"
1 1 2 12 Mick Foley turns heel on Abyss over a cartoon drawing
2 0 0 10 Samoa Joe turns heel, helps Kurt Angle win title
0 1 3 9 Mr. McMahon monitors Smackdown GM Teddy Long during his "probation"
1 0 1 7 Fake Sarah Palin fools The Beautiful People
0 1 2 7 Al Sharpton guest hosts RAW
0 2 0 6 Taz debuts in TNA
1 0 0 5 Shawn Michaels working as chef post-WrestleMania
1 0 0 5 DX is angry at Hornswoggle for gimmick infringement
1 0 0 5 Abyss/Lauren relationship
0 1 0 3 Matt Hardy turns on Jeff, revealed to be behind his "accidents"
0 1 0 3 John Bradshaw Layfield hires financially strapped
0 0 1 2 Sgt. Slaughter turns heel on Canadian fans as RAW guest host

JOHN CANTON: I'm tired of the guest hosts. If Trump doesn't "own" Raw and
the guest hosts were his idea then why the hell are they still there? It
makes about as much sense as Vince McMahon selling Raw in the first place,
then buying it back at double the price. Worst businessman ever. Pretty
Ricky was so bad that it nudges out Hornswoggle vs. Chavo. I stopped
watching TNA for part of the year when they booked Samoa Joe so poorly.
What the hell was that crap with the weapons? So lame. By far the worst
booked person in that company.

HAWYN316: TNA's Beautiful People as Sarah Palin groupies was just too
horrible and insulting for words. The skits were ridiculously long and
totally unbelievable. The Beautiful People are dumb blondes? Ok, we get
that. There's no need to subject as to 10 minute skits about it.
R-Truth as Delicious Pretty Ricky was just horrible and a bit offensive.

CRIMEFIGHTER: Vickie Guerrero left the company, yet Teddy Long gives the
title back to CM Punk after he lost because of a submission hold? You
know why I hate Dusty Finishes?

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:41:08 AM12/14/09
Worst Second

Award Description:

To be given to the manager whose presence at ringside and during interviews
is really unnecessary. This person does little to enhance the matches in
which his/her wrestler(s) participates. This award was discontinued after

the 2001 awards and reinstated in 2006.

Previous Winners:

1990: Mr. Fuji
1991: Coach John Tolos
1992: Harvey Wippleman
1993: Harvey Wippleman
1994: Harvey Wippleman
1995: Harvey Wippleman
1996: Teddy Long
1997: Uncle Cletus
1998: Eric Bischoff
1999: Curtis Hughes
2000: Mae Young
2001: Sara

2006: Vickie Guerrero
2007: Vickie Guerrero

2008: Bam Neely

**2009**: Jenna Morasca

36 first place votes
31 second place votes
29 third place votes

13 5 2 84 Jenna Morasca
4 10 6 62 Rhaka Khan
6 3 6 51 Bam Neely
4 3 5 39 Ezekiel Jackson
3 3 3 30 So Cal Val
1 2 3 17 Raisha Saeed
2 0 0 10 Don West
0 2 0 6 Vickie Guerrero

1 0 0 5 Jimmy Falcon

1 0 0 5 Hornswoggle
1 0 0 5 Alicia Fox
0 1 0 3 Sharmell

0 1 0 3 Lacey Von Erich

0 1 0 3 Jimmy Jacobs

0 0 1 2 Tony Atlas

0 0 1 2 Shane Hagadorn
0 0 1 2 Jamin Olvincia

0 0 1 2 Cody Deaner

CRIMEFIGHTER: I dunno HOW a retarded person like Jimmy Falcon who stiffed
a bunch of WWE/WCW alumni at a show in Illinois after he ran outta check
stolen from his own grandmothers gets booked anywhere in the country. I
feel sorry for the folks who got duped by this clown - that would include
Tracy Smothers and Bobby Eaton who had the dishonor of being managed by
someone claiming to be Jim Cornette's kid...only that Jim Cornette HAS no
kids. The dark side of doing autograph sessions is that you have your
picture taken with people you don't want anything to do with...and this
guy has collected hundred of pictures with celebrities and wrestlers...and
so far has gotten a lot of milage out of it making himself bigger than he
really is. Have NOTHING to do with this person at ALL COSTS.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:46:07 AM12/14/09
Worst TV Show

Award Description:

To be given to what is on average the worst wrestling TV show. In 1994, TV

shows and major shows were given separate award categories.

Previous Winners:

1991: 07/07/91: WCW Great American Bash
1992: 12/03/91: WWF This Tuesday In Texas
1993: 04/04/93: WWF WrestleMania IX

1994: WCW World Wide
1995: WWF Mania
1996: AWF Warriors of Wrestling
1997: WWF LiveWire
1998: WCW Worldwide
1999: WCW Thunder
2000: WCW Thunder
2001: (tie) WWF Excess / WCW Thunder
2002: WWF Excess
2003: WWE RAW
2004: The WWE Experience
2005: The WWE Experience
2006: WWE RAW
2007: Wrestling Society X
2008: Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling

**2009**: TNA Impact!

38 first place votes
29 second place votes
22 third place votes

14 7 5 101 TNA Impact!
12 4 4 80 Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling
5 10 2 59 WWE RAW
4 6 1 40 WWE Superstars
3 2 7 35 ECW
0 0 2 4 WWE Smackdown
0 0 1 2 WWE AM RAW

CRIMEFIGHTER: Was Hulk's CCW still going at the start of the eligibility

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:41:10 AM12/14/09
Worst Announcer

Award Description:

To be given to the commentator/announcer who makes the dumbest comments

while pushing his product. This person probably gets you to turn down the TV

when he/she is announcing. As of 1992, the difference between this and

colour commentator will be enforced.

Previous Winners:

1990: Vince McMahon
1991: Vince McMahon

1992: Vince McMahon
1993: Vince McMahon

1994: Eric Bischoff

1995: Eric Bischoff
1996: Eric Bischoff

1997: Tony Schiavone
1998: Tony Schiavone
1999: Tony Schiavone
2000: Tony Schiavone
2001: Tony Schiavone
2002: Jim Ross
2003: Jim Ross
2004: Jonathan Coachman
2005: Jonathan Coachman
2006: Todd Grisham
2007: Mike Tenay
2008: Mike Adamle

**2009**: Michael Cole

40 first place votes
27 second place votes
21 third place votes

27 3 2 148 Michael Cole
4 6 5 48 Josh Mathews
3 7 6 48 Mike Tenay
3 3 2 28 Mike Hogewood
2 5 1 27 Jim Ross
1 3 5 24 Todd Grisham

BIGDADDYLOCO: Michael Cole gets this and it isn't even close. It's
amazing how bad he has after actually showing some promise only a few
years ago.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:43:07 AM12/14/09
Worst Interviewee

Award Description:

To be given to the person who gives the worst interview in the biz. This

could be a wrestler or a manager.

Previous Winners:

1990: Ultimate Warrior
1991: El Gigante
1992: Ultimate Warrior
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Yokozuna
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Ahmed Johnson
1997: Ahmed Johnson
1998: Warrior
1999: Sid Vicious
2000: Hardy Boyz
2001: Linda McMahon
2002: Triple H
2003: Al Wilson
2004: Lita
2005: Linda McMahon
2006: The Great Khali
2007: The Great Khali
2008: Mike Adamle

**2009**: The Great Khali

44 first place votes
40 second place votes
37 third place votes

12 6 6 90 Great Khali
10 5 5 75 Bobby Lashley
5 11 1 60 Michelle McCool
6 0 4 38 Abyss
3 2 2 25 Jeff Hardy
2 2 3 22 John Cena
1 3 4 22 Mark Henry
1 3 0 14 Triple H

1 1 1 10 Lacey Von Erich

0 2 1 8 Scott Steiner

1 0 0 5 Randy Orton

1 0 0 5 Jeremy Piven
1 0 0 5 Abraham Washington
0 1 1 5 ODB
0 1 1 5 John Morrison
0 0 2 4 Undertaker
0 1 0 3 Vickie Guerrero
0 1 0 3 Jillian Hall

0 1 0 3 Dolph Ziggler

0 0 1 2 Tiffany

0 0 1 2 Shelton Benjamin

0 0 1 2 Rhino

0 0 1 2 Rey Mysterio

0 0 1 2 Matt Morgan

0 0 1 2 Hornswoggle

JOHN CANTON: I went with Jeremy Piven for calling Summerslam:
"Summerfest." Bobby Lashley's a nice guy by all accounts, but he sounds
like he's still a couple years away from hitting puberty.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:45:07 AM12/14/09
Worst Organization

Award Description:

To be given to the organization/promotion that has the worst product. This
is the organization whose TV and house shows you wouldn't even think of
attending. Probably not even as a freebie.

Previous Winners:

1990: WWF / AWA (tie)
1991: WCW
1992: WWF
1993: WCW
1994: WCW
1995: WCW
1996: AWF
1997: WCW
1998: WCW
1999: WCW
2000: WCW
2001: WCW
2002: XPW
2003: XPW
2004: TNA
2005: WWE
2006: WWE
2007: Wrestling Society X
2008: TNA

**2009**: TNA

36 first place votes
26 second place votes
20 third place votes

14 5 2 89 TNA
11 5 0 70 Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling
3 4 6 39 WWE
3 4 4 35 CZW
1 6 1 25 WEW
2 1 5 23 NWE
2 1 2 17 IWA-MS

CRIMEFIGHTER: I only put IWA-MS here, not because of the in-ring
product--I enjoy the in-ring product, not so much ultra hardcore but the
technical hard-hitting in ring action. But the folks running it need help
to clear up all the underlying problems that have been dogging it for
quite a long time. Getting draw is the biggest problem, you can rely on
DVD sales but the shows need fans in the building to watch. Ironically,
IWA-MS closing was over after about three months and they are back in
operation. I will keep attending shows when they run in this neck of the
woods. They need to reevaluate promoting strategies and perhaps rebrand
themselves instead of sticking with a narrow niche section of the
wrestling fanbase.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:48:08 AM12/14/09
Worst Promotional Move

Award Description:

To be given to the worst move made by a promotion this past year. This could

include giving somebody a push, demoting someone, firing someone hiring
someone, or anything of a promotional nature.

Previous Winners:
1991: WCW loses Ric Flair
1992: WCW bans off the top rope moves under Bill Watts
1993: WCW tapes 13 weeks of TV at one time in Orlando, Fla.
1994: WCW lets Hulk Hogan control his scenarios
1995: WCW gives Hulk Hogan too much control
1996: WWF lets Scott Hall and/or Kevin Nash go
1997: Sting doesn't wrestle for the entire year
1998: WCW sues Ric Flair, causing nearly five month absence from television
1999: (Tie) WCW lets big names go / WCW signs musical acts for Nitro
2000: WCW gives Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Saturn requested releases
2001: WWF botches seemingly surefire WWF/WCW "interpromotional" storyline
2002: WWE airs simulated necrophilia in attempt to foster controvery
2003: WWE pushes McMahons, announcers rather then pushing wrestlers
2004: WWE runs Diva Search during multiple segments of many weeks of RAW
2005: WWE airs "terrorist attack" on Undertaker soon after London bombings
2006: WWE repeatedly uses Eddie Guerrero's death as storyline material
2007: TNA books title win for Pacman Jones despite "no contact" clause
2008: WWE hires Mike Adamle

**2009**: TNA hires same players that brought about the demise of WCW

44 first place votes
41 second place votes
38 third place votes

11 3 3 70 TNA hires same players that brought about the demise of WCW
6 3 3 45 WWE "sells" RAW to Donald Trump, sending actual stock tumbling
5 2 1 33 WWE books weekly guest hosts for RAW
4 2 1 28 WWE no longer allows blood in matches
2 3 3 25 WWE continues pushing John Cena as Superman
0 5 5 25 Tag title unification match at WrestleMania made dark match
2 2 1 18 TNA fails to heed "Fire Russo" chants from fans
1 4 0 17 TNA continues to ignore X division
2 1 1 15 TNA loses Angelina Love due to visa issues
1 3 0 14 TNA creates Legends Title
1 0 4 13 WWE takes World Title off Jeff Hardy while he's still hot
1 0 4 13 WWE fails to push Christian to the top on his return
1 0 2 9 WWE overkills gimmick matches by introducing gimmick PPVs
1 1 0 8 WWE pushes Shane McMahon
1 1 0 8 TNA hires Jenna Morasca
0 2 1 8 WWE, TNA change familiar wrestlers' names in order to claim, hold trademarks
0 1 2 7 WWE promises Mickie Rourke in the ring but doesn't fully deliver
1 0 0 5 WWE puts Theodore Long back on TV
1 0 0 5 WWE moves Denver taping when conflict with NBA game arises
1 0 0 5 TNA lets Petey Williams go
1 0 0 5 TNA airs Dixie Carter "pep talk"
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan announces Australia tour
0 1 1 5 WWE releases Mr. Kennedy four days after he returned to RAW
0 1 1 5 WWE hires Gail Kim away from TNA
0 0 2 4 WWE moves Evan Bourne & Jack Swagger to RAW
0 1 0 3 WWE rehires Chris Masters
0 1 0 3 WWE builds RAW around Randy Orton
0 1 0 3 TNA puts knockout title on Cody Deaner

0 1 0 3 Shane McMahon leaves WWE

0 1 0 3 ROH books World Title run for Jerry Lynn
0 1 0 3 Linda & Shane McMahon leave WWE
0 0 1 2 WWE doesn't elevate a new star to take injured Edge's place as tag champ
0 0 1 2 TNA sidelines Jarrett in favour of seemingly unstable Kurt Angle
0 0 1 2 TNA replaces Don West with Taz

JOHN CANTON: There are so many to pick from. TNA bringing in Hogan &
Bischoff stands out the most to me even though we have yet to see the
effects of it. I don't think it's a good move at all. The idea that Donald
Trump would buy Raw as if it was some piece of real estate was laughable
from the get go. It's no wonder that they erased that angle in only a
week. If you know it's going to be a bomb why even do it in the first
place? I miss blood in WWE matches, so that's in third. Man, this was the
toughest category of them all.

BRIAN HENKE: Again, the Denver debacle. The release of Mr. Kennedy was
surprising, given that WWE had promoted his return, and he was one of the
"LA Lakers" players on the said Raw show from LS.

HAWYN316: These "worst promotional" moves can go either way. My top two
picks, like most people, are the hiring of Hogan and crew by TNA (#1) and
the WWE's "Raw guest host" bit. Hogan does bring great name recognition
and will boost attention to TNA. As a strategy it's a good move to get
more mainstream attention, no doubt. Given that, hiring the same crew
that put a multimillion dollar company out of business just looks as a no
brainer recipe for disaster. For TNA's sake I hope history does NOT
repeat itself. Over on the 'E's side: the guest host concept looks good
on paper. Again, you bring significant mainstream attention to the E and
can create crossover appeal. As a strategy it works. In execution? You
get tons of flubbed lines, horrendously horrible skits, etc. For every
great host (ie -- Shaq or Bob Barker) you get an equally horrible host
(the NASCAR guys, Al Sharpton, etc, etc). It's hit or miss and as John
Morrison puts it, "Raw's become wrestling's version of Saturday Night
Live." Not what you're really going for, or is it?

CRIMEFIGHTER: What the heck was Dixie Carter THINKING when she hired the
same people that ran WCW outta business? She kept Vince Russo around,
brought in Ed Ferrera, then brought in Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. Did
she even READ the book The Rise and Fall of WCW? With TNA's continuing
flat ratings, this move will do absolutely nothing to improve things. I
really don't know how the promotion stayed in business throughout 2009.
WWE & TNA also are really really selling name recognition short. It's
NIGEL MCGUINESS, not Desmond Wolfe. It's CHEERLEADER MELISSA, not Alyssa
Flash. It's MATT SYDAL, not Evan Bourne. It's TREVOR MURDOCH or RHODES,
not Jethro Holiday! It's ELIJAH BURKE, not D'Nero or whatever that name
is. Heck, if WWE changes the name of Bryan Danielson, it's gonna backfire.
Wrestling fans KNOW these people by these names. They will not pull
viewers or sell tickets if they keep sticking names that no one will have
a clue about JUST so they can own a trademark that IS NOT WORTH THE PAPER
IT IS PRINTED ON! How many guys who were well known had their careers end
before they start with WWE and TNA with a goofy name? CM Punk would NOT
had been successful has he has been if they stuck him with some retarded
name like "Chicky McKenzie". Name recognition in politics is extremely
valuable, it's time the wrestling fed realize that too cause they've been
screwing themselves over big time and they don't even know it.

Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Dec 14, 2009, 1:49:08 AM12/14/09
And now, the 'Netter suggested awards...

1. "Get Ready to Fly" -- AJ Styles
2. "Oh Radio" -- Zach Ryder
3. "Crank the Walls Down" -- JeriShow
4. "Just Close Your Eyes" -- Christian





1st. Batista
2nd. Jeff Hardy
3rd. Kurt Angle

AWARD: Braden Walker

THE YEAR: Kizarny


CRZ SEZ: That's it! See you next year (maybe)!

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