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[TNA] [PPV] Hack Thoughts: 2009/10/18 Bound for Glory

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Oct 19, 2009, 9:49:22 PM10/19/09
I realize I haven't written a PPV review since WrestleMania earlier
this year. The reason is that (while I've started to watch about 10
or so PPVs over the last 7 months) I've either lost my feed or got a
phone call interrupting, and didn't feel like a partial review would
be fair.

I had meant to catch the Motor City Machine Guns pre-PPV match on
TNA's web feed, but didn't remember until the match was over. I was
sorry to hear that D'Angelo Dinero had to leave for a family
emergency, but adding the MCMG to his slot was a nice bonus.

Zakk Wylde played a decent rendition of the US national anthem.

RATING: $0.15

1. Amazing Red over Suicide, Daniels, Homicide, Chris Sabin, and
Alex Shelley in an Ultimate X match to retain the X Division Title
in 15:15

This match just bumped Mania's MitB match down to the #2 slot for
Match of the Year. If you can find a copy of this on YouTube (or
wherever)--do it. I probably would have given this a higher rating
if I had been there live, since you miss a lot with TNA's 90 camera
changes per minute. I got spoiled with the great camera work they
had on the Global Impact 2 show. My feed wasn't the best video
quality, either. I pointed out that Daniels should be re-branded as
"Genocide" and team with Suicide and Homicide. Maybe Sabu could
manage them. Alex Shelley hit a nice dive through the ropes (which
Sabin was holding apart). I think this was the match that had a
nice huricanrana off the top turnbuckle onto a few people on the
floor outside(!) There were chants of "holy shit", "please don't
die", etc after some of the nail-biting spots. Daniels, Suicide,
and Red climbed to the top of the steel structure which was about
five feet over the steel cables, so there was an impromptu scaffold
match. Suicide and Daniels were both shook up in the "triage" area
after the match, according to Jeremy Borash. This should have been
the main event, but I'm sure co-booker JB took a page from Tim
Larson's playbook and put the highest energy match on first.

My prediction for the winner: Amazing Red (it would be stupid to
take it off him so soon after he won it).

Who I thought should win it: Suicide, Sabin, Alex, Daniels, and Red
were all good choices.


The Beautiful People were interviewed backstage, mistaking Lauren
for JB. I miss Angelina Love.

Borash interviewed Taylor Wilde and Sarita. He didn't ask if Taylor
was related to Zakk. :-( Wilde and Sarita have new(?) matching
outfits, so I assume they will retain the tag titles and keep them
for a while.

RATING: $0.05

2. Taylor Wilde and Sarita over Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne
(w/Lacey Von Erich) to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles in 3:00

The ring entrance isn't the same without Love, but the three of them
are growing on me. Taz calling out Tenay for being a "dirty old man"
as he drooled got a chuckle. They wasted time before the match with
TBP trying to take advantage of the horny ref, only to have Earl
Hebner come out. Without Love to carry the load, they smartly kept
this match short.

My prediction for the winner: Once I saw Saritaylor had matching
outfits, I was sure they'd keep the titles.

Who I thought should win it: Didn't really have a preference between
the two teams.


Lauren interviewed Eric Young and Kevin Nash. Young talked about the
money he's paying Nash to take out Hernandez. Nash said it's a
win-win for the two of them in that he keeps the title, and Young
gets out of the match unscathed. I don't think they could have done
any more to blatantly let people know about the outcome other than
Young holding up a sign to the camera that Nash couldn't see which
read "I'm going to turn on Nash and get the title".

RATING: $0.00

3. Eric Young over Kevin Nash and Hernandez in a three-way to win
the TNA Legends Championship in 8:55

Nothing great about this match. Hernandez did his usual dive over
the ropes to keep this from getting a $0.00 rating.

My prediction for the winner: Eric Young (duh)

Who I thought should win it: Didn't much care, but thought Hernandez
might deserve a push more than the other two.


All the tag teams were bickering backstage. At least Scott Steiner
wasn't ensconced in velvet in his usual homage to George Costanza.

RATING: $0.00

4. The British Invasion over Booker T and Scott Steiner, Beer Money,
and Team 3D in a Full Metal Mayhem match to win the TNA Tag Titles
in 17:15, (Team 3D captured the IWGP Tag Titles)

I called this the "Booker T-L-C match". Steiner did his "twice a
year" Frankensteiner. He's probably not worth whatever TNA is
paying him, but he can be unintentionally funny on the mic and a
couple times a year he pulls out a nice move on PPV. There were the
usual nice table spots. Steiner walked around using a ladder like a
walker he was so blown up. Rhino (who reportedly had the shortest
lines at the fan fest) ran in to swing chairs at people. The nicest
spot was when Rob Terry ran into the ring and pressed Roode over his
head before throwing him over the top rope through a table at

My prediction for the winner: 3D for the IWGP and Beer Money for the
TNA titles

Who I thought should win it: anyone but 3D and Beer Money, since
they seem to be the least interesting teams of any US feds these


5. ODB over Awesome Kong and Tara in a Triple Threat match to retain
the TNA Knockouts Title in 7:35

Highlight was ODB lifting Kong onto her back a la Cena with The Big
Show, and then turned it into a huge Samoan Drop! Tara left briefly
when some MMA chick apparently attacked her and both went to the
back. Meh...

My prediction for the winner: Tara

Who I thought should win it: ODB


6. Bobby Lashley over Samoa Joe in 7:20

At the start of the match there were "you screwed Bret" chants at
Earl and "Joe's gonna kill you" toward Bobby. You know, I was all
for Lashley getting some kind of a push (despite his lack of
charisma) in WWE, but he just doesn't seem to have improved in the
ring over the last few years. Joe tried to carry Bobby to a
watchable match, but he didn't have much to work with. Taz and
Tenay both acknowledged that the fans were cheering the heel Joe and
didn't like the babyface Bobby. The match ended when Bobby had Joe
in a hold and Hebner called for the bell despite Joe not tapping.
Maybe TNA was hoping that fans would start chanting "you screwed
Joe" instead of "you screwed Bret".

My prediction for the winner: Bobby

Who I thought should win it: Joe


7. Abyss over Mick Foley in a Monster's Ball match in 11:10

With Russo booking, I was half expecting Daffney to run out, but
turn and join Abyss and help him win. Mick climbed the scaffolding
on the entrance ramp. Abyss followed him, but Foley hit him with
repeated shots until Abyss fell off the scaffolding and through the
stage. Abyss set up multiple boards wrapped in barbed wire. Abyss
got DDTed onto barbed wire, got hit with the BWBB several times, and
bled a lot. At one point, Abyss was sandwiched between two barbed
wire-covered boards. Foley dropped an elbow onto the Abyss
sandwich. There were "this is awesome" chants, which Taz disagreed
with. Way to put your company over, there. Foley spread tacks in
the ring. Stevie took his ref shirt off and took a back bump onto
the tacks. That's one of the few hardcore spots I'd be willing to
take. Daffney ran out and handed Foley a taser, which he used on
Abyss. Daffney took a big bump off the ring apron and through a
table that had barbed wire on it, but it was hard to see that on my
feed. Abyss won by covering Foley and then slapping a dazed
Stevie's hand on the mat three times.

My prediction for the winner: Abyss

Who I thought should win it: Didn't have a preference either way.


8. Kurt Angle over Matt Morgan in 14:45

I'm assuming Angle is the heel and Morgan is the babyface, but the
crowd felt like I did and booed (or ignored) Morgan and cheered
Angle. Just like with Joe & Bobby, TNA is stubborn in who they want
the fans to cheer. Not one of Angle's better matches, but better
than I expected given that he's trying to carry Morgan. A few
people chanted "This is awesome" to fight off the boredom. A few
minutes later, a loud "Morgan sucks" chant broke out. Angle took
forever climbing the turnbuckle for a moonsault (which he always
misses) since Morgan was slow in coming up to stop him. Angle rolled
Matt up for the pin right after, though.

After the match, Angle called an audible (like on the WWE PPV when
fans were cheering for Hogan instead of the babyface and Hogan
instinctively knew how to get the fans to cheer the babyface) and
shook Matt's hand and then raised his arm.

My prediction for the winner: Matt

Who I thought should win it: Angle


9. A.J. Styles over Sting to retain the TNA Title in 13:15

"Big Match" feel with JB's intros. The two started off fast and the
crowd erupted with "TNA" chants. Taz said that in the original ECW,
"ECW" chants would fire up both wrestlers and meant a lot to him.
Sting hit the Scorpion Death Drop. The fans chanted "This is
wrestling." Sting followed up with a splash in the corner and hit a
second Scorpion for a near fall. Sting applied the Scorpion Leg Lock
but Styles powered out (after starting to tap several times over 45
seconds). Not sure why AJ didn't just grab the ropes which were
about six inches from his head. Styles and Sting traded punches.
Sting no-sold and beat on his chest. The crowd popped. Later, Styles
was on the ring apron and caught Sting, who was inside the ring,
with a Pele Kick. I missed this when I was distracted by a
spreadsheet I was updating. Styles followed up with a springboard
splash and scored the clean pin. Sting and Styles shook hands.

My prediction for the winner: Sting

Who I thought should win it: Styles


After the match, Sting decided not to hog the spotlight and instead
did the right thing by letting AJ bask in the glory of his win. AJ,
though, grabbed a mic and told Sting to come back out. Both men cut
nice post-match promos. The fans chanted "Please don't go", "You've
still got it", and "One more year" at Sting.

RATING: $0.05

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TNA price of the PPV: $??.??

This makes it the highest-rated PPV since 2005's One Night Stand
(overall) or 2005's WrestleMania (for just wrestling). The only TNA
PPV I thought was better was 2005's Final Resolution.

I spent $0.00 in gas and $0.00 on food, so by that token I got my
money's worth.

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For comparison, here's what I thought of the PPVs I saw in the last

WWF Wrestlemania 1998 1998/03/ unrated
WCW Spring Stampede 1998 1998/04/19 $24.10
WWF IYH: Unforgiven 1998 1998/04/26 $ 9.95
WCW Slamboree 1998 1998/05/17 $27.95
WCW Great American Bash 1998 1998/06/14 $28.05
WWF King of the Ring 1998 1998/06/28 $22.50
WCW Bash at the Beach 1998 1998/07/12 $17.35
ECW Heatwave 1998 1998/08/02 $24.90
WCW Road Wild 1998 1998/08/08 $29.80
WWF IYH: Fully Loaded 1998 1998/07/26 $ 6.95
WWF SummerSlam 1998 1998/08/30 $10.20
WCW Fall Brawl 1998 1998/09/13 $23.60
WWF Judgement Day 1998 1998/10/18 $25.10
WCW Halloween Havoc 1998 1998/10/25 $49.50
ECW November to Remember 1998 1998/11/01 $25.75
WWF Survivor Series 1998 1998/11/15 $21.40
WWF IYH: Rock Bottom 1999 1998/12/13 $ 8.40
ECW Guilty as Charged 1999 1999/01/10 $26.10
WCW Souled Out 1999 1999/01/17 $29.10
WWF Royal Rumble 1999 1999/01/24 $23.00
WWF St Val Day Massacre 1999 1999/02/14 $20.90
WCW SuperBrawl 1999 1999/02/21 $21.35
WCW Uncensored 1999 1999/03/14 $32.00
ECW Living Dangerously 1999 1999/03/21 $25.90
WCW Spring Stampede 1999 1999/04/11 $38.00
WCW Slamboree 1999 1999/05/09 $21.10
ECW Hardcore Heaven 1999 1999/05/09 $15.30
WWF King of the Ring 1999 1999/06/27 $13.40
WCW Bash at the Beach 1999 1999/07/11 $20.70
WWF Fully Loaded 1999 1999/07/25 $10.80
WCW Road Wild 1999 1999/08/14 $13.90
WWF SummerSlam 1999 1999/08/22 $19.05
WCW Fall Brawl 1999 1999/09/12 $12.85
ECW Ararchy Rulz 1999 1999/09/19 $32.25
WWF No Mercy 1999 1999/10/17 $13.00
WCW Halloween Havoc 1999 1999/10/24 $ 3.35
ECW November to Remember 1999 1999/11/07 $28.45
WWF Survivor Series 1999 1999/11/14 $10.95
WCW Meyhem 1999 1999/11/21 $17.75
WWF Armageddon 1999 1999/12/12 $22.05
WCW Starrcade 1999 1999/12/19 $23.65
ECW Guilty as Charged 2000/01/09 $25.70
WCW Souled Out 2000/01/16 $13.20
WWF Royal Rumble 2000/01/23 $20.00
WWF No Way Out 2000/02/27 $16.95
ECW Living Dangerously 2000/03/12 $21.80
WCW Uncensored 2000/03/19 $21.65
WWF WrestleMania 2000/04/02 $22.05
WCW Spring Stampede 2000/04/16 $23.70
WWF Backlash 2000/04/30 $25.65
WCW Slamboree 2000/05/07 $23.55
ECW Hardcore Heaven 2000/05/14 $23.05
WWF Judgment Day 2000/05/21 $11.25
WCW Great American Bash 2000/06/11 $16.55
WWF King of the Ring 2000/06/25 $ 1.40
WCW Bash at the Beach 2000/07/09 missed
ECW Heat Wave 2000/07/16 $15.50
WWF Fully Loaded 2000/07/23 $24.40
WCW New Blood Rising 2000/08/13 $31.00
WWF SummerSlam 2000/08/27 $24.90
WCW 2000/09/17 missed
WWF Unforgiven 2000/09/24 $16.65
ECW Anarchy Rulz 2000/10/01 $21.30
ECW 2000/11/ missed
WWF Survivor Series 2000/11/ missed
ECW Massacre on 34th Street 2000/12/03 $ 9.65
WWF 2000/12/ missed
ECW Guilty As Charged 2001/01/07 $15.70
WWF 2001/01/ missed
WCW Superbrawl Revenge 2001/02/18 $37.60
WCW Greed 2001/03/ missed
WWF WrestleMania 2001/04/01 $29.50
WWF 2001/05/ missed
WWF King of the Ring 2001/06/24 $16.55
WWF Invasion 2001/07/22 $15.25
WWF SummerSlam 2001/08/ missed
WWF 2001/09/ missed
WWF 2001/10/ missed
WWF Survivor Series 2001/11/18 $11.25
WWF Royal Rumble 2002/01/20 $14.15
WWF No Way Out 2002/02/17 $ 3.40
WWF WrestleMania 2002/03/17 $25.30/$36.40
WWF King of the Ring 2002/06/23 $ 6.55/$10.15
NWA TNA 2002/08/14 $11.60/$12.20
WWF SummerSlam 2002/08/25 $21.10/$21.10
WWF Unforgiven 2002/09/22 $17.50/$21.15
WWF No Mercy 2002/10/20 $16.85/$20.00
WWF Survivor Series 2002/11/17 $ 7.50/$ 9.20
WWF Royal Rumble 2003/01/19 $19.55/$19.55
WWF WrestleMania XIX 2003/03/30 $22.55/$23.45
WWE SummerSlam 2003/08/24 $16.25/$16.55
NWA TNA 2003/09/10 $12.50/$14.00
WWE Survivor Series 2003/11/16 $ 8.10/$ 8.60
WWE No Way Out 2004/02/15 $21.85/$22.95
WWE WrestleMania 20 2004/03/14 $36.90/$43.05
WWE Backlash 2004/04/18 $14.40/$14.70
WWE Vengeance 2004/07/11 $23.20/$23.90
WWE SummerSlam 2004/08/15 $17.00/$20.15
WWE Survivor Series 2004/11/14 $10.50/$13.10
TNA Final Resolution 2005/01/16 $39.00/$39.00
WWE Royal Rumble 2005/01/30 $15.25/$17.15
WWE WrestleMania 2005/04/03 $35.10/$36.90
WWE Judgment Day 2005/05/22 $17.45/$17.65
WWE/ECW One Night Stand 2005/06/12 $32.00/$34.35
WWE WrestleMania 2006/04/02 $25.85/$27.85
WWE/ECW One Night Stand 2006/06/11 $18.65/$20.05
WWE WrestleMania 2007/04/01 $20.60/$22.35
WWE Night of Champions 2008/06/29 $ 6.55/$ 6.60
WWE SummerSlam 2008/08/17 $ 5.00/$ 5.65
TNA No Surrender 2008/09/14 $18.95/$19.25
WWE No Mercy 2008/10/05 $ 7.20/$ 8.65
TNA Turning Point 2008/11/09 $19.80/$20.10
WWE Survivor Series 2008/11/23 $ 6.95/$ 7.15
TNA Final Resolution 2008/12/07 $ 6.90/$ 7.95
WWE Armageddon 2008/12/14 $ 5.50/$ 5.75
TNA Genesis 2009/01/11 $23.45/$23.55
WWE No Way Out 2009/02/15 $ 5.00/$ 5.00
WWE WrestleMania 2009/04/05 $18.30/$20.35
TNA Bound for Glory 2009/10/18 $33.15/$33.40
-- Video/C/Unix geek
SPAMguard: add a dash between "Hack" and "Man" to send me email

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