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May be about time to abandon my public schools

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Sep 6, 2019, 12:18:48 PM9/6/19
Wake schools have been fairly insulated from this garbage. But the past few years have seen a tremendous increase in leftist indoctrination.

Check out this madness.

J. Hugh Sullivan

Sep 6, 2019, 12:49:20 PM9/6/19
I will never be able to understand what is wrong with that.

If'n ya ain't proud of whatchare, ya gots nuthin'.

I would ask the bisexual atheist, "Where is the white trash sign for



Sep 6, 2019, 1:22:45 PM9/6/19
> Wake schools have been fairly insulated from this garbage. But the past few years have seen a tremendous increase in leftist indoctrination.

Maybe in California, I would believe it was "leftist indoctrination" without a second thought - but in North Carolina, I wouldn't be surprised if the real "hidden agenda" was to "out" people. That will certainly be an unintended consequence of making the students make their sexual orientation public.

J. Hugh Sullivan

Sep 6, 2019, 1:28:07 PM9/6/19
On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 10:22:43 -0700 (PDT), The NOTBCS Guy
<> wrote:

>> Wake schools have been fairly insulated from this garbage. But the past f=
>ew years have seen a tremendous increase in leftist indoctrination.=20
>Maybe in California, I would believe it was "leftist indoctrination" withou=
>t a second thought - but in North Carolina, I wouldn't be surprised if the =
>real "hidden agenda" was to "out" people. That will certainly be an uninten=
>ded consequence of making the students make their sexual orientation public=

Why? Are some of them ashamed?



Sep 6, 2019, 1:42:42 PM9/6/19
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 1:22:45 PM UTC-4, The NOTBCS Guy wrote:
> > Wake schools have been fairly insulated from this garbage. But the past few years have seen a tremendous increase in leftist indoctrination.
> Maybe in California, I would believe it was "leftist indoctrination" without a second thought - but in North Carolina, I wouldn't be surprised if the real "hidden agenda" was to "out" people. That will certainly be an unintended consequence of making the students make their sexual orientation public.

I'm going to take mia's tack here and say that that different parts of states are different. Wake County is where Raleigh is, it's a very Democratic liberal county. The school board, county commission, and Raleigh city council are all 100% Democrats.

NC in general is a purple state with blue cities surrounded by red rural areas.

Tom Enright

Sep 6, 2019, 2:07:00 PM9/6/19
I bet those who endorse such programs would be outraged by kids being
taught that the Earth is only 2000 years old or Creationism. Furthermore,
the irony would be completely lost on them.


“While I had to go out of my way to find any updates about the tragedy [34 dead in boat fire] in California, I was repeatedly reminded that ONE small Catholic school removed Harry Potter books from its library. This hot piece of journalism broke on Saturday and was still in heavy social media rotation on ABC News’s and several other major MSM accounts early Wednesday morning. Four days of coverage. So far.”

Sep 6, 2019, 2:29:20 PM9/6/19
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 10:22:45 AM UTC-7, The NOTBCS Guy wrote:
> > Wake schools have been fairly insulated from this garbage. But the past few years have seen a tremendous increase in leftist indoctrination.
> Maybe in California, I would believe it was "leftist indoctrination" without a second thought - but in North Carolina, I wouldn't be surprised if the real "hidden agenda" was to "out" people. That will certainly be an unintended consequence of making the students make their sexual orientation public.

Remembering that, in North Carolina, efforts were made to make transgenderism straight-up illegal in the state.

They're trying to "out" people to remove them from the educational experience.


Sep 6, 2019, 2:30:06 PM9/6/19
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 10:28:07 AM UTC-7, J. Hugh Sullivan wrote:

> Why? Are some of them ashamed?

Many of the straights are, yes.

And, on top of that, the reason they might be doing it is to expel all the LGBT's, or the T's at barest of minimum.


Sep 6, 2019, 2:32:48 PM9/6/19
Exactly how did North Carolina try to make transgenderism illegal? I must have missed that one.

Irish Ranger

Sep 6, 2019, 4:25:12 PM9/6/19
Not to mention the fact that your tax dollars pay the salary of these left wing loons.

Irish Mike


Sep 6, 2019, 4:34:15 PM9/6/19
> Exactly how did North Carolina try to make transgenderism illegal? I must have missed that one.

Presumably, not so much "make it illegal," but ban transgender people from using public bathrooms of a gender other than the one to which they were born.

Sep 6, 2019, 4:46:36 PM9/6/19
Well the bathroom use is a completely different thing isn’t it? Whatever the motivation may be in North Carolina there are lots of women that believe it is a major safety issue and that any sort of converse protection is a potential haven of predators. It isn’t that it *is* happening, but the fear that it might and a general fear of even child safety, for example. I don’t think what North Carolina did was particularly smart, but I don’t think it was anti-transgender either. Sometimes there are just common sense safety concerns.

Sep 6, 2019, 4:58:00 PM9/6/19
Explain how a low prohibiting men from using the ladies room in any way would dissuade a man intent on attacking a woman from going into a ladies room.

That's the part I'm foggy on. He's ok breaking the assault laws but wouldn't in a million years break the "don't go in the ladies room" law?

Seems like a stretch.



Sep 6, 2019, 5:07:32 PM9/6/19
Could it be simply a young teacher going off the reservation? The survey
was inappropriate no matter the innocence of the intent.

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul
with evil.

Pennsylvania - Tá sé difriúil anseo.


Sep 6, 2019, 5:13:18 PM9/6/19
White House shit show.

Not to mention the fact that your tax dollars paid for Pence and his
family to go to Ireland and insult the entire nation?

Sep 6, 2019, 5:29:25 PM9/6/19
That is a good point, but here’s the problem with the point. In the scenario where we aren’t worried about whether or not someone identifies as a different gender than their appearance, a dude hanging out by the ladies bathroom is reported, and the guy would get talked to by security. And that is common in these cases where the guy hangs around a while first. However, when we are worried about what gender someone identifies with, the woman who is uncomfortable with a guy hanging around can get demonized just because she doesn’t feel safe. Planet Fitness is a good example of that. It is incomprehensible to me how we can be all in with the me too movement in protecting women and making sure they feel safe, unless transgenderism is involved in which case she becomes a bigot. That’s insane and insanely inconsistent. Safety first. Feelings second.

Tom Enright

Sep 6, 2019, 5:58:51 PM9/6/19
I don't know. I think men hanging-out in the women's convenience is
troublesome. I know it would make my wife and daughter uncomfortable,
as I'm sure your female relatives would be. Allowing men into women's
bathrooms provides more opportunity for men to attack. In the past,
he'd be removed.

You are correct, someone intent on assaulting a woman will most likely
not be deterred, but some, even in this enlightened aged, actually
exercise modesty.


"And that’s the problem with the idiotic, purely emotional, and utterly unquantifiable notion of “justice”—men get sacrificed to the hysterical whims of women, who get sacrificed to the sick predilections of men who claim that they’re women. As illogical as it sounds, the logical end of “justice” is injustice."
-Jim Goad

Eric Ramon

Sep 6, 2019, 8:06:17 PM9/6/19
ok, now that I've read the article....

you imply that this is leftist indoctrination but clearly everybody except the one teacher was upset by this.

Also it's stupid pjmedia and includes gems like "This office promotes a far-left "social justice" curriculum written by the controversial anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center"" Far-left! anti-Christian! wow, can't get any more un-American than that!!

I think the lady who wrote the article is a nut.

Sep 6, 2019, 8:18:27 PM9/6/19
Eric is right about the framing and it struck me as well. I actually agree with some of her characterizations because of the history of the Southern Poverty Law labeling Christian organizations as hate groups. But aside from that pretty large difference of opinion, the article throws out a lot of other assertions that are not readily apparent from the information given.

Damon Hynes, Cyclone Ranger

Sep 6, 2019, 9:40:48 PM9/6/19
If the people being asked were eighteen, they’d get their ass sued for aksing that.

michael anderson

Sep 6, 2019, 10:05:11 PM9/6/19
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 12:42:42 PM UTC-5, xyzzy wrote:
> On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 1:22:45 PM UTC-4, The NOTBCS Guy wrote:
> > > Wake schools have been fairly insulated from this garbage. But the past few years have seen a tremendous increase in leftist indoctrination.
> >
> > Maybe in California, I would believe it was "leftist indoctrination" without a second thought - but in North Carolina, I wouldn't be surprised if the real "hidden agenda" was to "out" people. That will certainly be an unintended consequence of making the students make their sexual orientation public.
> I'm going to take mia's tack here and say that that different parts of states are different.

and even different parts of different cities are much different in culture, education, opportunity, politics, etc....

michael anderson

Sep 6, 2019, 10:05:44 PM9/6/19
oops I mean different parts of the same city...

Sep 6, 2019, 10:30:10 PM9/6/19
Huh? What part of this relates to someone hanging out outside the ladies room? This doesn't seem like a real scenario.

If it's crowded, people - man, woman, man in dress, woman in slacks - aren't going to raise much of an alarm loitering by the bathroom because for one dudes are always waiting on their gals in there. Plus, hard to assault someone if there's people around.

If it's more isolated I don't see a scenario where dude intent on assault - in dress or pants - is just creeping around outside the ladies room all suspicious. Probably go sit in one of the stalls.

Plus it ain't always easy to tell a transgender is actually a transgender. Plenty of dude-looking gals in the world - plenty of gal-looking dudes.

But mostly I just don't see any scenario where making it illegal for these folks to use the bathroom of their choice saves one person from assault. The scenario you're positing just frankly doesn't make sense.

Not to mention many (most?) trans men aren't into ladies.

How about lesbians? Should we keep them from sharing bathrooms with our daughters?

We all know what drives these sorts of laws. People find the idea of a dude in a skirt peeing next to their wives and daughters icky. I get that. Hard to rise above societal conditioning.

None of this is new. I'm sure in the past it was illegal somewhere for gay folk to use public bathrooms - and I'm sure the same baseless arguments that they were gonna assault our children was cited as "common sense".


Sep 6, 2019, 10:47:55 PM9/6/19
It sounds like you either don’t have much experience or just don’t pay attention. Many Walmart’s, Targets, Macy’s Penney’s etc have bathrooms in alcoves or down hallways that no one goes down unless they have to go to the bathroom. Furthernore, rather than being rare, in many stores it is not uncommon to have complaints about dudes loitering and watching the women’s restrooms.

And you’ve also completely missed the point. When you start demonizing the women for making the complaint they don’t make the complaints. When the complaints aren’t made the creepy dudes are not asked to move along. It only takes a few noteworthy instances like the Planet Fitness example to shut women up. Quite frankly all the red herrings about lesbians in bathrooms are ridiculous. Nobody’s all that worried about a lesbian being a predator. Nobody’s really even that worried about a transgender being a predator. What I am worried about is stupid rules laws and precedents designed to make people feel good about themselves that make up less than 1/10 of a percent of the population making it dangerous and unsafe for women in public restrooms. The fact the left chooses not to see this obvious disconnect shows that common sense is either lacking or they literally don’t care whether women feel safe or not, which means they are liars.
Message has been deleted

Sep 6, 2019, 11:01:06 PM9/6/19
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 1:34:15 PM UTC-7, The NOTBCS Guy wrote:
> > Exactly how did North Carolina try to make transgenderism illegal? I must have missed that one.
> Presumably, not so much "make it illegal," but ban transgender people from using public bathrooms of a gender other than the one to which they were born.

No, that would make it functionally illegal to be a transgender, and is exactly to which I referred, in answer to the question you responded to.


Sep 6, 2019, 11:05:07 PM9/6/19
Functionally illegal? That’s pretty idiotic.

Sep 7, 2019, 4:36:10 AM9/7/19
Lol. What women am I demonizing? Who's complaints was I ignoring? No offense, but you're all over the place.


Sep 7, 2019, 5:41:21 AM9/7/19
You aren’t demonizing them, yet, that I can tell. But you are displaying a callous ignorance toward their safety and security.
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