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His Secret Obsession Review πŸ’”πŸ“œ: Unmasking the Reality - My True Review of James Bauer's Book! πŸŒπŸ’‘

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Dec 22, 2023, 7:59:22β€―AM12/22/23
His Secret Obsession is a relationship guide that teaches women how to trigger the "hero instinct" in their man to get him to commit for the long-term. By making him feel like your everyday hero, you can unlock a deep sense of passion, care, and dedication in your relationship.
The book is based on relationship coach James Bauer's 12 years of experience working with women. He discovered the "hero instinct" is the missing key to lasting love and commitment from men.

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Read this His Secret Obsession review to understand how communicating with your man in a way that taps into his natural hero instincts can transform your relationship.
His Secret Obsession teaches women how to activate a man's "hero instinct" to get him to commit for the long term
It's based on over 12 years of experience and research by relationship coach James Bauer
Core premise: Men have a biological drive to feel irreplaceable and be a woman's protector/provider
Book reveals 14 "hero instinct" triggers and communication secrets
Phrases, texts and signals given to use word-for-word on your man *Ideal for women in new relationships, long-term relationships or post break-ups
Comes with bonuses like a workbook and emotional intensity cheat sheet
Not a quick fix - requires effort testing different phrases before seeing results

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What is His Secret Obsession?
The hero instinct refers to men's innate biological drive to provide, protect, and problem solve for the woman in their life. When this instinct is activated, it releases dopamine in his brain and taps into his deepest desires to step up and commit.
Some examples of the hero instinct in action:
A man insisting on doing heavy lifting or mechanical work even when you're independent
A boyfriend giving unsolicited advice to help fix your problems
A husband feeling meaning and purpose when providing for his family
I've witnessed this hero instinct first-hand in my past relationships. One boyfriend always took pride in assembling my furniture or fixing things around the house. Another would try to solve any worries I shared with advice and reassurance.
His Secret Obsession reveals 14 attraction secrets that help awaken your man's hero instinct. By triggering this through your communication, you make him see you as his top priority and desperately crave your love and approval.

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The 14 Attraction Secrets
Here are the secrets revealed in His Secret Obsession:
I Owe You Signal. Creates an intimate feeling of emotional investment
Unnoticed Acts of Kindness. Notices and shows appreciation for his little acts of service
Hidden Dreams Signal. Uncovers his secret ambitions and supports him in pursuing them
The X-Ray Question. Gets him to open up emotionally and be vulnerable with you
Other secrets cover topics like building fascination, becoming his secret obsession, knowing what he really thinks of you, and creating positive "relationship momentum".
Each secret includes precise examples and scripts to adapt to your own relationship.
I tried using some of these techniques on my ex when I wanted to rekindle our connection. Complimenting him for being caring and acknowledging little things he did for me seemed to boost his confidence. But it took time and effort applying multiple secrets before penetrating his walls to unlock deeper commitment.
The Workbook and Bonuses
Purchasing His Secret Obsession also includes:
Workbook - Printable companion to the book for applying the concepts through worksheets and exercises. This was helpful for tailoring the ideas to my personal situation.
Why Men Shut Women Out - Bonus guide on why men withdraw emotionally and how to prevent it from happening. Gave me insight into why my ex pulled away.
Make Any Man Yours For Life - Cheat sheet summarizing the main tips for becoming his secret obsession. Good for quick reference.
These bonuses help you put James Bauer's advice into action for your unique situation.

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Common Relationship Challenges It Can Help Overcome
While every relationship faces unique issues, there are some typical stumbling blocks that many couples face. Here are 3 of the most common along with how His Secret Obsession could help:
1. Lack Of Emotional Connection
Over time, even partners who connected effortlessly when dating become immersed in the day-to-day realities of life. Stress, exhaustion, and distractions take a toll on intimacy.
His Secret Obsession's "X-Ray Question" and "Damsel in Distress" signals can awaken repressed feelings and get him opening up like he used to in the early days. Restoring that emotional connectedness through vulnerability and turning towards each other creates deeper bonds.
2. Commitment Readiness Gaps
Women often mature emotionally at a faster rate than men, leaving them feeling ready for marriage while their man seems stuck. Whether it's moving in together or getting engaged, clashes over commitment timelines are common.
Using the book's "Let Me Calcify And Expansion Technique" shows empathy for his position while giving him space to realize you're the only person he wants to commit to without pressure. Gradually shaping his perspective can help bridge the commitment readiness gap.
3. Loss Of Attraction And Passion
The initial magnetism and romance of a relationship often fades given enough time. His Secret Obsession's "Damsel In Distress" and "Rocket Booster Engagement Method" signals reignite excitement by making him feel like your protector and fan the flames of fascination. Rediscovering sexy, playful connection breaks up boredom before it dulls intimacy.

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Who is His Secret Obsession for?
This book is for women who want to take their relationship to the next level by making their man see them as "the one" and desire true commitment.
It can benefit women:
In new relationships who want their man to commit exclusively
Seeking to reignite passion and romance in a stale long-term relationship
Facing communication issues or sensing their man pulling away
Who broke up but want to re-attract their ex back
However, success depends on your expectations and ability to properly apply the concepts. It may not work if:
You ignore your own flaws contributing to problems
You give your man an ultimatum without showing understanding
You expect instant results without ongoing effort
In these cases, it may require going deeper into personal development work before trying these communication tools.
Here are some other factors that can impact results:
Your relationship status:
Single - May be hard if he shows little initial interest or you move too fast
New relationship - High chance of success capitalizing on initial attraction
Long-term relationship - Requires patience and trial/error to reignite old passion
Post-breakup - Feasible but only after letting wounds heal and rebuilding trust
Your attachment style:
Secure - Most receptive to try new communication approaches
Anxious - Might become overly focused on commitment timelines
Avoidant - Resistance to intimacy may inhibit opening up emotionally
Your personality factors:
Empathetic - Can better understand his perspectives and needs
Patient - Realizes lasting change takes time without expectations
Confident - Won't be overly dependent on his validation or commitment
The Pros and Cons of His Secret Obsession
Easy to understand concepts grounded in evolutionary psychology
Highly actionable phrases and text message templates
Comprehensive advice tailored for different relationship scenarios
Comes with valuable bonuses and workbook
Requires trial and error to find what works for your man
Digital format only, no physical book option
Some people misuse tactics in manipulative ways
I found it took testing different phrases from the book before discovering which hero instinct triggers emotionally resonated with my ex. It's not a quick fix. While frustrating at times, the rewards of enhanced intimacy and devotion were worth the effort.
The Alternatives You Should Consider
While His Secret Obsession is extremely helpful, here are some alternative relationship resources:
Esther Perel - Her books and podcasts dive deep into sustaining intimacy in long-term relationships
John Gottman - His research and workshops uncover scientific insights on strengthening couple bonds
Free online relationship courses - Teach communication techniques and tools
I also benefited from using journaling prompts about my relationship fears, needs, patterns and goals. Doing deep personal work to understand my own emotional blocks was key before I could effectively apply James Bauer's communication advice.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What formats does His Secret Obsession come in?
His Secret Obsession is an ebook delivered in PDF format. It also comes with an audio MP3 version so you can listen to the book if preferred.
Does it come with a money-back guarantee?
Yes. The program has a 60-day 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. So if you find it doesn't help after applying the tips, you can get a full refund.
Can I use the information in His Secret Obsession on my husband?
Yes, the hero instinct principles work equally well for boyfriends, partners, and husbands. The communication techniques can strengthen emotional bonds and commitment in any romantic relationship.
What if I'm currently single - will this book still help me?
Absolutely. His Secret Obsession will give you an advantage in connecting with Mr Right when you do meet him. You'll have the skills to trigger his devotion right from the start.
Do I need to follow the advice exactly or can I adapt it?
While James Bauer gives specific examples of phrases, you can tweak them to fit your unique situation. Focus more on understanding the psychological triggers rather than memorizing scripts.
How long until I see results after reading this book?
It varies depending on your scenarios. Some women see changes in their man's level of commitment within weeks. But for others it takes longer testing different communication strategies before seeing an impact.

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Sarah, 32
"I was dating my boyfriend for over a year when he suddenly became distant. His Secret Obsession completely transformed how we relate. The 'I Owe You' signal created emotional intimacy that was missing. Now he always makes me his priority and treats me like a queen!"
Lisa, 27
"My husband lost his job last year and became depressed and withdrawn. The book made me realize he needed to feel like my hero again. After praising him for little things that showed love and strength, he regained confidence. Our marriage feels alive in ways I never imagined possible!"
Wendy, 41
"After my devastating divorce, I never thought I'd find love again. But 6 months later I met Adam. While things moved fast physically, emotionally he couldn't commit. His Secret Obsession showed me how to connect with his heart's deepest desires. Now Adam sees me as his soulmate and talks about our future together!"

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His Secret Obsession offers a unique male psychology-based approach to communicating with your man in a way that triggers his natural instinct to commit, care and protect you.
If you want to become the center of your man's world by tapping into his hero instincts, this book provides the practical tools and knowledge to profoundly improve your relationship.

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