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Results of the 7th annual international DOM-tournament Utrecht

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Jeanne d'Arc

14.03.2000, 03:00:0014.03.00
Hi there,

I am proud to announce you the results of our 7th annual
international DOM-tournament, held 11 and 12 March in Utrecht.

Mens foil:

1 Matthijs Rohlfs
2 Sebastiaan Borst
3 Sebastian Combé

Womens foil:

1 Henne Liebrand
2 Esther van Winden
3 Simone Kleinhout

Mens sabre:

1 Tijmen Ros
2 Etienne van Cann
3 Francesco Gallavotti (ITA)

Womens sabre:

1 Jean-Marie Stam
2 Nicole van Hattum
3 Marjolein van Vught

A big thanks to our sponsors (see also our site Bartels and Tas and to evereybody who
helped making this tournament a wonderfull one!!!


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