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Murali and Matthews both may not play on Saturday

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Call Centre

Mar 31, 2011, 8:28:33 AM3/31/11
Double blow for Sri Lanka should this happen. India's odds of winning
just went up in a big way should both these players not play in
Saturday's final.

As a cricket fan I wish both Murali and Matthews play and are fit
enough to make the final exciting. Obviously as purely an Indian and
looking at it with a partisan viewpoint I would want India to win but
as a cricket fan looking at it objectively it would be a terrific
final if both Murali and Matthews are fit enough to play in Saturday's
final. May the best team win. Although that may not neccessarily
happen since winning the toss will be crucial and whomsoever wins the
toss will have a big edge.

Crapats (TM)

Mar 31, 2011, 7:17:31 PM3/31/11

Muralicheat fucking better play! I've got money riding on this game


Mar 31, 2011, 8:57:07 PM3/31/11
On Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:28:33 PM UTC+10, Call Centre wrote:
> Double blow for Sri Lanka should this happen. India's odds of winning
> just went up in a big way should both these players not play in
> Saturday's final.
> As a cricket fan I wish both Murali and Matthews play and are fit
> enough to make the final exciting. <snip>

As another cricket fan I hope that Merrily doesn't play as that'll give me a team to at least vaguely support.

in Briz, recalling Fred Titmus's arm ball. A lost art in the stampede to chuck down a doosra.


Mar 31, 2011, 9:01:18 PM3/31/11

"Crapats (TM)" <> wrote in message

Speaking of Cheating

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land.
They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the
Bible and they had the land.
Desmond Tutu

When a pile of cups is tottering on the edge of the table and you warn that
they will crash to the ground, in South Africa you are blamed when that
Desmond Tutu

In the land of my birth I cannot vote, whereas a young person of eighteen
can vote. And why? Because he or she possesses that wonderful biological
attribute - a white skin.
Desmond Tutu

Be nice to whites, they need you to rediscover their humanity.
Desmond Tutu


Mar 31, 2011, 9:16:46 PM3/31/11
Someone mentioned that Murali did not chuck at all during semi because of his injury. If that's the case, let him play. But if he plays against India he cannot resist chucking, I am sure! On top of his chucking, we have to deal with a baseball pitcher too!



Mar 31, 2011, 11:48:57 PM3/31/11

"alvey" <> wrote in message

> On Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:28:33 PM UTC+10, Call Centre wrote:
>> Double blow for Sri Lanka should this happen. India's odds of winning
>> just went up in a big way should both these players not play in
>> Saturday's final.
>> As a cricket fan I wish both Murali and Matthews play and are fit
>> enough to make the final exciting. <snip>
> As another cricket fan I hope that Merrily doesn't play as that'll give me
> a team to at least vaguely support.

No one in Srilanka and India gives a FUCK about some senile white racist
retard named alvey shitcast supports their team or not.....



Mar 31, 2011, 11:52:53 PM3/31/11

"Halekala" <> wrote in message

A WHITE Australian DOCTOR tested Murali and certified he had some disability
in his arm.......

Stop pandering to the racist whites on rsc who hates Murali because he is
the BEST BOWLER EVER........

There is NO difference between the Racist American Whites who keep accusing
Obama to be a muslim DESPITE the EVIDENCE Obama attended a church in Chicago
for atleast 20+ years AND the Racist whites on rsc who hate Murali because
he is a subcontinental brown man......

STOP sucking up to these racist bastards..........

Crapats (TM)

Apr 1, 2011, 12:31:48 AM4/1/11
On Apr 1, 2:16 pm, Halekala <> wrote:
> Someone mentioned that Murali did not chuck at all during semi because of his injury. If that's the case, let him play. But if he plays against India he cannot resist chucking, I am sure! On top of his chucking, we have to deal with a baseball pitcher too!
> H

I don't believe I said he didn't chuck at all. He did however seem to
bowl a lot more legitimate deliveries than normal.


Apr 1, 2011, 12:40:03 AM4/1/11
On Friday, April 1, 2011 11:16:46 AM UTC+10, Halekala wrote:
> Someone mentioned that Murali did not chuck at all during semi because of his > > injury.

Ahhh. Another example of crickets' charm. That it can be enjoyed by blind people.

And it doesn't matter a damn if the little cheat doesn't chuck *now*. That horse relocated a longgg time ago.



Apr 1, 2011, 12:46:58 AM4/1/11

"alvey" <> wrote in message

Speaking of Cheating

Call Centre

Apr 1, 2011, 6:43:16 AM4/1/11

Hedge your bets and put some money on India. It looks like India's
odds of winning are rising by the minute.

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