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Muhammad Ali and his destroyed brain

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Gunboat Smith

Sep 15, 2021, 7:45:46 AM9/15/21
The insecticide used in his training camp in Kentucky got into his system and was stored in the fatty tissues of his body. It takes years but eventually the poisoning migrated to his brain.


Sep 20, 2021, 9:01:02 PM9/20/21
On Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 7:45:46 AM UTC-4, Gunboat Smith wrote:
> The insecticide used in his training camp in Kentucky got into his system and was stored in the fatty tissues of his body. It takes years but eventually the poisoning migrated to his brain.

You don't think those punches Foreman hit him with to the side of his head had anything to do with his brain issues?

Emanuel Berg

Sep 20, 2021, 9:15:51 PM9/20/21
*ernie wrote:

>> The insecticide used in his training camp in Kentucky got
>> into his system and was stored in the fatty tissues of his
>> body. It takes years but eventually the poisoning migrated
>> to his brain.
> You don't think those punches Foreman hit him with to the
> side of his head had anything to do with his brain issues?

Pro boxing would and should be prohibited worldwide if one
prioritized boxers' short and long-term health. It is doable
this day and age without it disappearing underground or to
some rogue nation where it would be "much worse". And there
would still be the amateur ranks (Olympic boxing) for the true
fans. And many other fight sports ...

However while the boxing circus certainly isn't blind to the
issue (boxers' health) - e.g. 12 instead of 15 rounds which
makes it MUCH safer - the big and overall picture is still
_money_ - as you know well it is ...

But that's the boxer's motivation as well. So I guess they are
"in" on it?

We all know the name of the game - and it sure ain't pugilism!

It's still the same old story
a quest for love and glory
as life goes on ...

underground experts united


Sep 23, 2021, 8:26:47 PM9/23/21
As long as there are people, there will always be a fight game. Boxing seems to be the most civilized of all the known forms

Emanuel Berg

Sep 23, 2021, 10:36:19 PM9/23/21
*ernie wrote:

> As long as there are people, there will always be a fight
> game. Boxing seems to be the most civilized of all the known
> forms

There are at the moment several fight games and pro boxing,
civilized or not, is the most dangerous.
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