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my psychic knowledge of Mike Tyson

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Nomen Nescio

Aug 14, 2022, 5:15:27 PM8/14/22
I think Mike has an area in his house where he can view old fight films.
I further suspect he lives a little bit in a fantasy world
Viewing these fight films in which he watches in particular
His fellow boxing champs delivering historically brutal knockouts.
I believe this fantasy world involves reading about the lives of the
Old time boxing greats. I think Mike has been doing this for many years
And this fantasy world helped him in the same way it helped Arnold
Swartzenegger when he dreamed about being massive like his hero Reg Park. furthermore
I think Mike may seem dumb to some but in reality is a man of intensely keen imagination and native intelligence.
I think the secretly intelligent man he was could be seen on his face in the beginning of the bouts
He had as a pro. A look of native intelligence. A knowing facial expression and it showed in the eyes.

Nomen Nescio

Aug 14, 2022, 6:01:21 PM8/14/22
I think Mike has an area in his house where he can view old fight films.
I further suspect he lives a little bit in a fantasy world
Viewing these fight films in which he watches in particular
His fellow boxing champs delivering historically brutal knockouts.
I believe this fantasy world involves reading about the lives of the
Old time boxing greats. I think Mike has been doing this for many years
And this fantasy world helped him in the same way it helped Arnold
Swartzenegger when he dreamed about being massive like his hero Reg Park. furthermore
I think Mike may seem dumb to some but in reality is a man of intensely keen imagination and native intelligence.
I think the secretly intelligent man he was and is could be seen on his face in the beginning of the bouts
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