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BMW SP-Daten V44 E89 (2011-2012)

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Shane Ferugson

Nov 27, 2023, 4:34:15 AM11/27/23
How to Update BMW SP-Daten V44 E89 (2011-2012) for Diagnosis and Programming
If you own a BMW E89 (2011-2012) and want to diagnose and program your electronic control units and units, you need to update your BMW SP-Daten files. SP-Daten are diagnostic and coding data files that contain the firmware for various BMW modules. By updating your SP-Daten, you can ensure that your BMW software is up to date and compatible with the latest BMW ISIS diagnostic program complex.

BMW SP-Daten V44 E89 (2011-2012)
Download Zip

In this article, we will show you how to download and install the latest BMW SP-Daten V44 E89 (2011-2012) files for your BMW. You will need a Windows computer, a USB flash drive, a BMW coding tool, and an OBDII cable to connect your BMW to your computer.

Step 1: Download BMW SP-Daten V44 E89 (2011-2012)
The first step is to download the BMW SP-Daten V44 E89 (2011-2012) files from a reliable source. You can find them on various online forums or websites that offer BMW software downloads. One of them is MHH AUTO[^1^], where you can find a link to download the files from a cloud storage service. The file size is about 10.08 GB, so make sure you have enough space on your computer and a stable internet connection.

Step 2: Install BMW Coding Tools and SP_DATEN
The next step is to install the BMW coding tools and SP_DATEN on your computer. You will need these tools to extract, copy, and update the SP-Daten files on your BMW modules. You can download the BMW coding tools from OBDII365[^2^], where you can also find detailed instructions on how to install them.

Here are the main steps to install the BMW coding tools and SP_DATEN:

Unzip the file into C:\windows\system, C:\windows\system32, C:\windows\Syswow64
Copy comdlg32.ocx, mscomctl.ocx under BMW Coding Tool folder
Open a command window in administrator mode and type (Enter the Windows program app and right-click command to run as administrator)
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\mscomctl.ocx
regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\comdlg32.ocx
regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\mscomctl.ocx
Run setup.exe in the BMW Coding Tool folder and follow the instructions
Select the folder where you want to install the coding tool (e.g. C:\BMW Coding Tool)
Select the folder where you have extracted the SP-Daten files (e.g. C:\SP-Daten-E89)
Select your chassis model (e.g. E89)
Select Copy Data and wait for the process to finish
Select Update Daten and wait for the process to finish

Step 3: Connect Your BMW to Your Computer and Update SP-Daten
The final step is to connect your BMW to your computer using an OBDII cable and update the SP-Daten files on your BMW modules. You will need to use a software such as NCS Expert or WinKFP to perform this step. You can find these software in the EDIABAS folder that was installed with the coding tool.

Here are the main steps to update SP-Daten on your BMW modules:

Turn on your ignition but do not start your engine
Connect your OBDII cable to your car's OBD port and your computer's USB port
Open NCS Expert or WinKFP on your computer
Select your chassis model (e.g. E89) and select FSW PSW MAN
Select Read ECU and choose the module you want to update (e.g. CAS)
Select Change Job and choose SG_CODIEREN
Select Execute Job and wait for the process to finish</

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