-Tom <mo...@soda.csua.berkeley.edu>
-Tom <mo...@soda.csua.berkeley.edu>
I am sitting in front of a diagram (found in European Billiard News,
an official publication of the European Pool Billiard Federation)
and will try do describe it:
| |
-------- --------- ----------------
| WCBS | ..... | GAISF | .... | Other Sports |
-------- --------- ----------------
| | |
Pool | | Carambol | Snooker
-------- | | ------- | -------
| WPA |-- --- | UMB | ------| WSF |
-------- ------- -------
| | | | |
| | | | |
-------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ *
| European | | Australien | | Asian | | Billiard |
| Pocket | | Pool | | Pocket | | Congress |
| Billiard | | Association | | Billiard | | of |
| Federation | | | | Union | | America |
-------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------
Austria Australia Indonesia Canada
Germany New Zealand Japan Puerto Rico
France Korea United States
England Philippines
Sweden Taiwan In Formation:
.... Singapore Mexico
.... Malaysia
(many more)
*) I leave South American Billiard Confederation, cause they
are in formation
WBCS = World Confederation of Billiard Sports
GAISF = General Association of International Sports Federation
WPA = World Pool-Billiard Association
UMB = Union Mondiale de Billard
WSF = World Snooker Federation (Consortium or "Ghost Federation")
BWA = Billiard World Cup
CIBA = Confederation Internationale de Billard Artistique
WPBSA = World Professional Billiard & Snooker Association
IBSF = International Billiard & Snooker Federation
Ciao, Olli
| Oliver Geisser * Steindruefft 11 * 33184 Altenbeken * Germany |
| e-mail: ogei...@uni-paderborn.de * Phone: 05255/7966 |
| I prefer ASCII-Mail, but you can also send me NeXT-Mail |
There is an international billiards association that I can never remember
the correct name for. In America, there is the BCA which is basically
the manufacturers and was (is?) dominated by Brunswick. The professional
players have formed several professional tour/players associations and
they always fall apart. The latest is the PBTA: Professional Billiards
Tour of America. The women have their own tour and association. I've
also heard that there is an international 9-ball association.
From reading in Billiards Digest and Pool and Billiard Magazine, it
seems that the PBTA is in a state of chaos, commissioner Mackie having
put a lot of effort into "team 9-ball" rather than getting sponsers
and TV time lined up.
Despite claims made in the trade press about how much pool is growing,
the bottom line is that last years national champ, Johnny Archer, made
about a $100K last season in tournament prize money. Last year, Steve
Davis, a ranking British snooker player, placed third in one tournament
and took home $80K.