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Train Your Ears Crack When 12

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Michaela Cremeans

Nov 25, 2023, 7:14:21 PM11/25/23
How to Train Your Ears to Crack When You're 12 Years Old
Some people can crack their ears on command, while others can't. Cracking your ears is a way of relieving pressure in your middle ear, which can build up due to changes in altitude, allergies, or infections. Cracking your ears can also help you hear better and prevent ear pain.

train your ears crack when 12
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If you want to learn how to crack your ears when you're 12 years old, here are some tips and tricks that might help:

Swallow hard. Swallowing activates the muscles that open and close your eustachian tubes, which connect your middle ear to your throat. When you swallow hard, you might hear a popping or cracking sound in your ears as the tubes open and release the pressure.
Yawn widely. Yawning also works the muscles that control your eustachian tubes. When you yawn widely, you stretch your jaw and throat, which can help open up your tubes and crack your ears.
Chew gum or suck on candy. Chewing and sucking stimulate saliva production, which makes you swallow more often. This can help keep your tubes open and crack your ears.
Breathe out with your mouth closed and nose pinched. This is called the Valsalva maneuver, and it's a common way of cracking your ears. To do this, take a deep breath and hold it. Then, close your mouth and pinch your nose shut. Gently exhale through your nose until you feel a pop or crack in your ears. Be careful not to blow too hard or you might damage your eardrums.
Use a nasal spray or decongestant. If you have a stuffy nose or allergies, you might have trouble cracking your ears because of inflammation or mucus in your nasal passages. Using a nasal spray or decongestant can help clear your nose and reduce the pressure in your ears.

Remember that cracking your ears is not harmful if done gently and occasionally. However, if you crack your ears too often or too forcefully, you might irritate or injure your ears. If you have ear pain, ringing, hearing loss, or fluid discharge from your ears, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Why do some people want to crack their ears? Cracking your ears can have some benefits, such as improving your hearing, relieving ear pressure, and preventing ear infections. Some people also find cracking their ears satisfying or fun.

However, cracking your ears is not a necessity, and some people never do it. Cracking your ears does not improve your ear health or prevent hearing loss. In fact, cracking your ears too much can cause problems, such as ear pain, bleeding, infection, or perforated eardrums.

Therefore, you should only crack your ears when you feel the need to, and not as a habit or a hobby. You should also be gentle and careful when you crack your ears, and avoid doing it in situations where the pressure difference is too high, such as on an airplane or underwater.

How can you prevent ear pressure and pain? Cracking your ears can help relieve ear pressure and pain, but it's not the only solution. There are other ways to prevent or treat ear problems, such as:

Keep your ears clean and dry. Excess wax or moisture in your ears can cause blockage or infection. You can use a soft cloth or cotton swab to gently clean your outer ear, but avoid inserting anything into your ear canal. You can also use ear drops or a bulb syringe to flush out your ears if they feel clogged.
Protect your ears from loud noises. Loud noises can damage your hearing and cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears). You should wear earplugs or headphones when you're exposed to loud sounds, such as concerts, fireworks, or machinery. You should also lower the volume of your music or TV, and take breaks from listening to avoid ear fatigue.
Consult a doctor if you have persistent or severe ear problems. If you have ear pain, ringing, hearing loss, or fluid discharge from your ears that doesn't go away or gets worse, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. You might have an ear infection, an ear injury, or a more serious condition that requires medical attention.

Cracking your ears is a natural and harmless way of relieving ear pressure and improving your hearing. However, you should not crack your ears too often or too forcefully, as this can cause more harm than good. You should also take care of your ears by keeping them clean and dry, protecting them from loud noises, and seeking medical help if needed.

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