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any Lobo fans??

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Apr 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/9/99
any Lobo fans here??


Apr 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/9/99
I'm a Lobo fan. E-mail me sometime.

>any Lobo fans here??


Apr 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/9/99
Subject: Re: any Lobo fans??
From: (WannaBLobo)
Date: 4/9/99 4:18 AM !!!First Boot!!!
Message-id: <>

I'm a Lobo fan. E-mail me sometime.

>any Lobo fans here??

me tooooooooooooooo:)


Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
>any Lobo fans here??

Shameless plug alert:

Visit Lobo Land - Rebecca Lobo #50

shameless plug ended.
Paula Golata


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99

It was pretty touching to read all the comments from the obviously young
fans who've visited your site. Regardless of what some of us may think
of her game and the hype, she is certainly a role model and unarguably
good for the game and it's future. Almost makes me wish she were a
better player. Perhaps if she were in Europe working on her game,
instead of writing a diary for the league's website..............nah,
never mind.



Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Do you like anyone, Spirit. I'll let you know whom I'm a fan of before I post.
That way you can know ahead of time some evil thing to say about him/her. P.S.
I LOVE Andy Landers!


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99

Ah, don't get so touchy. You missed the earlier long thread about Lobo
getting her locker in the Hall of Fame next to Jordans. Most folks here
don't dislike her, it's just the WNBA hype. I don't dislike her at all,
I do wish she was better. I've sent her an email about not playing this
off season, there has always been some question about her commitment to
the game as opposed to her commitment to TV cameras. No, she hasn't
answered me, big surprise there.
Read a few more posts or go to the Deja News archives, I like alot of
folks, those I criticize I have(hopefully)good reasons for.

I really was touched by the responses on that Lobo page, if you haven't
seen it, you should. I like the fact that those young girls have a role
model and an avenue for their goals and desires and sports is a great
place to vent them. They will learn alot about life, regardless of
whether or not they ever play in front of a crowd.

I like people who work hard and give their all.....the jury is still out
on the question of whether Lobo fits that bill. I especially like those
who are gracious in their success, that rules out a few folks as well.


William C. Fisher

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99

Spirit wrote:

> I like people who work hard and give their all.....the jury is still out
> on the question of whether Lobo fits that bill. I especially like those
> who are gracious in their success, that rules out a few folks as well.
> -Spirit-

Hey Spirit, That rules Cynthia Cooper out too!

Go Mercury!


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99

Bill, you don't have a clue do you? Just where do you get your
information, sports talk radio in Phoenix? I thought you were a more
knowledgeable fan. If you knew anything about her, you wouldn't post
such foolishly biased nonsense.


William C. Fisher

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99

Spirit wrote:

Besides all the info in the papers about "Team Turmoil" that came out last
year and how Cooper was a locker room cancer? No Phoenix fan will ever forget
her little speech after losing Game 1 of the Finals. All the smack about
"...forget about Stepanova and Kuklova, nobody beat the Comets, we beat
ourselves, we couldn't throw a pea in the ocean tonight." That <ahem> person is
going to get the McDyess treatment everytime the Comets play in AWA from now on!

Go Mercury!

Jenn Doran

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
It is no big secret that Coop has a big head, which isn't under the
category of "graciousness". But lots of athletes do. Maybe Bill shouldn't
have narrowed it down to her, but you have taken your fair share of cheap
shots at players and coaches too. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.



Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
William C. Fisher wrote:

> Besides all the info in the papers about "Team Turmoil" that came out last
> year and how Cooper was a locker room cancer? No Phoenix fan will ever forget
> her little speech after losing Game 1 of the Finals. All the smack about
> "...forget about Stepanova and Kuklova, nobody beat the Comets, we beat
> ourselves, we couldn't throw a pea in the ocean tonight." That <ahem> person is
> going to get the McDyess treatment everytime the Comets play in AWA from now on!

The team turmoil stuff developed because of a snotty little reporter
from the Houston Chronicle, he specializes in gossip. The rest of the
media, being the whores that they are, ran with it. There is little
truth to the rumors.
I will tell you where they stem from if you really want to know. When
Coop came home from Italy and signed with the WNBA, she got 50K in the
first season, she pulled the load that first year and Swoopes who spent
most of the season on the bench got that early deal that Lobo and Leslie
got, ie; 250K. This sniveling little barf bag reporter kept prodding
Coop about the salary disparity between her, Swoopes, and Perrot who was
getting only 12K. Coop finally said a few things about the unfairness of
it all and this guy ran with the story that Cooper didn't like Sheryl.
There was nothing to about them personally to the story, he framed the
$$ into a personal dislike of Swoopes, then he went to Swoopes and said
Cooper doesn't like you, what's your response? He wrote a bulls*** story
and for the rest of the season both players had to answer nonsense
questions about the "framed" story. Cooper was taking care of 13 neices
and nephews and her ailing Mother at the time and Swoopes had a new baby
and marriage, it's hardly a surprise that they had little in common off
the court and neither had time to socialize together. That whole stroy
was nothing but a hatchet job and a prime example of what the media does
with a sensational story, as opposed to actually doing anything
resembling research.
I don't know where the Cooper is a cancer in the lockeroom comes from,
that's not the story as we know it. Coop, Perrot and Tammy jackson are
close friends who share time off the court together, TT and SS are good
buddies, TT and Perrot are close and both Coop and TT have been together
lately dealing with Kim's illness. If anything, Swoopes was the problem
in the first year's locker room, she was a bit of a pouter. Last year
there wasn't any problem that got in the way(except reporters who wanted
dirt and cared little for the fact that they were running away with the
As far as Cooper's comments after the first final's game, what's the
deal? She was right, maybe a little brutal in her honesty, but she was
absolutely correct. They had a bad game, it happens. The league should
never have made the Comet's go on the road for the first game, there was
enough turmoil over that travelling cost saving schedule, that it will
never happen again to the team that earned the home court advantage.

As far as the McDyess treatment goes........
Yeah, we've heard the chants from AWA. Whatever floats y'alls boat. But
14,000 people screaming "Comets Suck"(will it be Cooper Sucks this time
around?)doesn't really portray the Merc fans in a good light. NBC will
have an influence if that sort of thing comes across on a national
broadcast. If that type of chant embodies the Merc fans, well, I guess
I've overestimated them.
As I've said before, it's pretty clear that the Comet fans have more
respect for the Merc players than the other way around. Draw your own



Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Jenn Doran wrote:
> Spirit,
> It is no big secret that Coop has a big head, which isn't under the
> category of "graciousness". But lots of athletes do. Maybe Bill shouldn't
> have narrowed it down to her, but you have taken your fair share of cheap
> shots at players and coaches too. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

I can take it Jenn, I'm a survivor of the old ABL board, that place
either gave you thick skin or a quick exit. Cooper simply isn't
deserving of the label of not being gracious. Big head? If you mean an
ego, name a star who isn't ego driven? I'm sure the type of coverage you
get is quite different than what we get, but anyone who is ever around
Coop comes away saying how nice she is and how genuinely grateful she
seems for where she finds herself. She is absolutely marvelous with the
kids and has a huge infectious smile that quickly disarms adults.
Now, on the court, she is a terror and as mean as she needs to be, but
that's NOT her personna.
Cheap shot? I hope any shots I zing are well deserved, I suppose it's a
matter of perspective. Depends on who's ox is being gored.


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
>The team turmoil stuff developed because of a snotty little reporter
>from the Houston Chronicle, he specializes in gossip.
>This sniveling little barf bag reporter kept prodding

I'm trying to find this story in the archive but no luck.
Who are you refering to? Stickney? Blinebury? Sefko?


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99

The jerk's name is Michael Murphy, he wasn't the primary reporter
covering the team.
He filled in when the other guys were on assignment, he's not a popular
figure in the clubhouse for obvious reasons. The Chron doesn't keep it's
archives all that long so I don't know if the stories are still there.
He made some extra $$ syndicating the story/stories to other papers as
well. I saw the same article in LA and NY within days with his byline on
them. I don't even know if he still writes for the Comical anymore. He
should just stick to gossip, it's his forte.
I still crack up at Barkley's t-shirt that said "Blinebury must die" ;-)


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <>, wrote:
> William C. Fisher wrote:
> >
> > Spirit wrote:
> >
> > > I like people who work hard and give their all.....the jury is still out
> > > on the question of whether Lobo fits that bill. I especially like those
> > > who are gracious in their success, that rules out a few folks as well.
> > >
> > > -Spirit-
> >
> > Hey Spirit, That rules Cynthia Cooper out too!
> Bill, you don't have a clue do you? Just where do you get your
> information, sports talk radio in Phoenix? I thought you were a more
> knowledgeable fan. If you knew anything about her, you wouldn't post
> such foolishly biased nonsense.
> -Spirit-

Spirit, I think he is refering to Coops gracious statements after the Comets
lost in game one, they went something like this, "they did not win that game,
we lost it, if we were at home we would have won" and other words to the
effect that it was somehow a fluke the Mercury were even in the game, it was
considered not only ungracious by Phoenix fans, but by press on TV and print
in other cities c

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <>, wrote:
> William C. Fisher wrote:
> > Besides all the info in the papers about "Team Turmoil" that came out last
> > year and how Cooper was a locker room cancer? No Phoenix fan will ever
> > her little speech after losing Game 1 of the Finals. All the smack about
> > "...forget about Stepanova and Kuklova, nobody beat the Comets, we beat
> > ourselves, we couldn't throw a pea in the ocean tonight." That <ahem>
person is
> > going to get the McDyess treatment everytime the Comets play in AWA from
now on!
> The team turmoil stuff developed because of a snotty little reporter

Respect means you honor your opponent, they lost because we played better
defense and made more shots, if you look up the shooting percentage from that
game, I believe you will find they are virtually identicle, meaning NO ONE
could shoot a pea in the ocean, Coop was being Coop, I personally think the
most "ungracious" thing she does is that raise the roof thing when she is in
an opponenets arena, just rubs me the wrong way...........And stop
complaining about the play off schedule, its a broken record with comet (and
rocker) fans, its over, its different next year and if there is a graciuos
Deity in the place where Deities are kept, the Comets won't even make the
finals this year! so they all have something else to complain about!

and Spirit, Swoopes is a pouter and a loner, always has been college to pros,
and always will be, girls got great skills, but could use a infusion of
selflessness or something!

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99

> If you mean an
> ego, name a star who isn't ego driven?

Jennifer Gillom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99

Cindi, Cindi.....invoking deities now are we? Sheesh, don't get so
desperate, the season hasn't even started. I guess I didn't realize the
depth of your hatred towards the Comets. You've been around Cheryl too
much. It's only a game girl, get a grip.
As far as the playoff schedule went, I know(and so do you)that the
league made a mistake, they have admitted as much. Fortunately the
Comets were strong enough to overcome the disadvantage. I'm not
complaining about it now, but I thought at the time it was wrong and you
would too if it was the Mercury who got the shaft. This coming schedule
has a similar anomaly that benefits the Mercury in their games with the
Comets and I think it's wrong, it would be wrong if the Mercury faced
the same situation and I would say so.

I can't speak for the players, but as I said, it seems Comet FANS have
more respect for Mercury players than the other way around. You have
only further bolstered that belief.
Cooper draws a lot of fire, that's natural when you're the MVP, a lot of
folks despised MJ too. Coop's comments after that game were likely borne
of frustration more than a nasty attitude or a desire to take anything
away from the Mercury. She was very hard on her team mates and herself
when they got back home, she was pretty distraught over it. She said
that failure like that made the entire season hollow, she drives herself
extremely hard and I can understand where she was coming from.

As for Swoopes, she has grown quite a bit in the last year, no doubt Van
has had something to do with it. Recently she said that she is just now
getting back to where she was before the baby. I remember her at Texas
Tech and so far she has only been a shadow of that player. I'm sure her
inability to do what she was used to doing had an effect on her
emotionally, we'll try to get her out of her shell this year.



Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
to wrote:
> > If you mean an
> > ego, name a star who isn't ego driven?
> Jennifer Gillom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmm, so all her self driven hard work with the off-season training,
bulking up, the desire to come back with a vengeance, etc. comes from


William C. Fisher

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
to wrote:

> > If you mean an
> > ego, name a star who isn't ego driven?

> Jennifer Gillom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Cindi you are so right! I have never met any star as humble and
easygoing as Jenn Gillom. Also Michelle Griffiths is really
down-to-earth. Brandi Reed was just so nice too!
BTW, I can believe how different "Grandmama" looks this year! She
looks like one of the American Gladiators instead of a pear like last year!

Go Mercury!

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <>,

Funny how when its cooper and Swoopes it's "frustration and they are hard on
themselves" but when it is Miller and Pettis they are just out of control
Maniacs....whatever! PS, I don't hate anyone, ever, not good for the
system....But I do love to see the mighty fall, its good for ratings and
gives other people a chance to bask in glory! BTW, I also was sick of the
Bulls brfore the break up, but NEVER blamed it on MJ.....and I have defended
Coop for her skills, but having met the women in a "fan forum" situation, she
will not be winning any congeniality votes from adults, but she is great with
kids...but Kim was excellent to all of us Mercury fans and we love her for
that! and lets not talk about respecting Mercury fans as long as there are
comet fans out there like Rick (MSNBC) and Cometwin (CNNSI)! c

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <>, wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > > If you mean an
> > > ego, name a star who isn't ego driven?
> >
> > Jennifer Gillom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Hmmm, so all her self driven hard work with the off-season training,
> bulking up, the desire to come back with a vengeance, etc. comes from
> where?
> -Spirit-

in Jenns case I believe it is Pride not ego, she was not proud of her
performance in the finals and felt she let her team mates down....Pride
defined is about self respect, egotistical is about self-centeredness, not a
self centerd bone in Ms. Gilloms body and you can confirm that fact with Mr.
Van Chancellor!

Jenn Doran

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Yeah, because there is no way that she would want to try to stay fit and
healthy to try and get the most playing years out of her body as she could.
YEAH, RIGHT!!!! Where do you dig up this vengeance crap?
I'm a firm believer in karma, and boy, you've got it coming! You keep running
your mouth the comets won't win a single game next year, and I'll write to Van
and let him know it is all your fault!


Jenn Doran

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
I can name several WNBA stars who aren't ego driven. Michele Timms, Tina
Thompson, Jennifer Gillom, Ruthie Bolton-Holifield, Bridgette Gordon, Michelle
Edwards, Theresa Weatherspoon... heck I'd say at LEAST three fourths of the
stars in the league are not ego driven, probably less than that! It would be
easier to name the ones who are. Even since she played in college and in
Italy, the girl was full of herself. Maybe she has changed since then. Maybe
hard times recently have humbled her a little. But from what I saw in season
one and two, that can't be totally correct.

On a similar note, Tina Thompson should give the large headed members of the
league a class on how to be courteous. I am always extremely impressed by the
way she handles herself in interviews. Always tactful, modest, but still
confident. Really great, especially considering she is so young.


Jenn Doran

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
I'm interjecting to save space.

Spirit wrote:
> William C. Fisher wrote:
> > Besides all the info in the papers about "Team Turmoil" that came out last
> > year and how Cooper was a locker room cancer? No Phoenix fan will ever forget
> > her little speech after losing Game 1 of the Finals. All the smack about
> > "...forget about Stepanova and Kuklova, nobody beat the Comets, we beat
> > ourselves, we couldn't throw a pea in the ocean tonight." That <ahem> person is

> > going to get the McDyess treatment everytime the Comets play in AWA from now on!

That is a fair reason, but I'm sure the article is based on some nugget of
fact. If I were Cynthia, I would be P.O.ed too for being the star, but not
making a star salary. If I were Swoopes, I'd be a little mad. To have all
these high expectations, come back from an amazing recovery from childbirth
and have some "nobody" steal the show. It wouldn't surprise me if there were
at least a little tension that was blown out of proportion. It also wouldn't
surprise me that the players would deny it.

> As far as the McDyess treatment goes........
> Yeah, we've heard the chants from AWA. Whatever floats y'alls boat. But
> 14,000 people screaming "Comets Suck"(will it be Cooper Sucks this time
> around?)doesn't really portray the Merc fans in a good light.

First of all, it is obvious you got this as second hand information and were
not their when the alleged incident occurred for the meager fact that the
Houston fans in attendance claimed people were saying "Houston sucks!", not
"Comets suck!". I was at that game, as I was at every other game the entire
season, and the first I heard of the incident was in the papers the next
morning. I didn't leave my seat from warm-ups until the players had left the
locker room, so I know 14,000 fans were not chanting it while I was there or
while I was away. I would not be able to miss that many people saying the same
thing. That doesn't mean that some people weren't doing it. Periodically, when
there is bad officiating in a game, the fans would start to chant "You ref's
suck" (ask Tammi Reiss, she got a kick out of it). It wouldn't surprise me if
some morons at the Houston game misconstrued what was being said, and they
themselves began saying "Houston sucks!". None the less, after the incident,
we never said "You ref's suck!" again... we changed it to "These refs suck!".
It's easier to enunciate!

> NBC will
> have an influence if that sort of thing comes across on a national
> broadcast. If that type of chant embodies the Merc fans, well, I guess
> I've overestimated them.
> As I've said before, it's pretty clear that the Comet fans have more
> respect for the Merc players than the other way around. Draw your own
> conclusions.
> -Spirit-

We don't have to. That, as well as all the other prime examples of
generalization and hypocrisy in your posts just drew the conclusion for us.
Thanks for saving us the time!



Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
to wrote:
> Funny how when its cooper and Swoopes it's "frustration and they are
hard on
> themselves" but when it is Miller and Pettis they are just out of control
> Maniacs....whatever! PS, I don't hate anyone, ever, not good for the
> system....But I do love to see the mighty fall, its good for ratings and
> gives other people a chance to bask in glory! BTW, I also was sick of the
> Bulls brfore the break up, but NEVER blamed it on MJ.....and I have defended
> Coop for her skills, but having met the women in a "fan forum" situation, she
> will not be winning any congeniality votes from adults, but she is great with
> kids...but Kim was excellent to all of us Mercury fans and we love her for
> that! and lets not talk about respecting Mercury fans as long as there are
> comet fans out there like Rick (MSNBC) and Cometwin (CNNSI)! c

Cindi, I am glad to see you haven't outright subscribed to Bill's rather
proudly proclaimed hatred. I'll be sure to avoid him the next time I'm
at AWA.
Let me clue you in on something, Cometswin and Rick are the same person.
You don't see me defending him, he is a bit of a pitbull and over the
edge quite often. While I don't know him, I know a bit about him and I
don't think we'll be sitting down over a beer anytime soon. Jenn should
check out a few of his missives, she'd think I was a saint in
comparison. Rick posted here for a little while last year but COS took a
pretty good bite out of him a couple of times and he hasn't strayed back
this way. It was kind of amusing to watch, actually ;-)
We should get Bill and Rick together and watch the fur fly, hate
wouldn't be the only four letter word whipped around.
With regard to Pettis, I was reffering to her play only. She is often
out of control, but I haven't called her a maniac. I kind of like
watching her self-destruct. I've never heard any quote from her, never
heard her voice. She could be the sweetest person on the team for all I
know, I don't dislike her at all. I only have a problem with one Merc
player and then of course you know of my great admiration for Coach
Miller. Still, I don't wish her any ill will, I don't wish her a
championship either. I certainly don't hate anyone.
I can understand your dislike of Cooper's raising the roof, especially
if it's at AWA. It could be taken as grandstanding, on the court she
talks the talk, but she walks the walk as well. Otherwise, I'd be down
on her for it. Sorry your meeting her didn't go so well, perhaps she's a
little different in Houston. Perhaps you are a little biased.
Swoopes, well...being a loner isn't the worst thing in the world. It was
me who said she was a bit of a pouter, but that appears to have been a
factor only in the first season. I can forgive 'babygirl' for that.
Maybe that's how she got the nickname. She's the Comet's next MVP after
Cooper finally hangs them up. If you ever saw her at Texas Tech, you
know she's still coming back and promises to be even better this season.
Let the games begin already, damn it.



Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Jenn Doran wrote:
> I can name several WNBA stars who aren't ego driven. Michele Timms, Tina
> Thompson, Jennifer Gillom, Ruthie Bolton-Holifield, Bridgette Gordon, Michelle
> Edwards, Theresa Weatherspoon... heck I'd say at LEAST three fourths of the
> stars in the league are not ego driven, probably less than that! It would be
> easier to name the ones who are. Even since she played in college and in
> Italy, the girl was full of herself. Maybe she has changed since then. Maybe
> hard times recently have humbled her a little. But from what I saw in season
> one and two, that can't be totally correct.
> On a similar note, Tina Thompson should give the large headed members of the
> league a class on how to be courteous. I am always extremely impressed by the
> way she handles herself in interviews. Always tactful, modest, but still
> confident. Really great, especially considering she is so young.

Perhaps we have slightly different definition of ego. I can see where
you are coming from. Agreed, TT is a class act. If it matters, I think
Gillom is too. Believe it or not, the Comets took lots of heat for
drafting Tina with the first pick that first year, the concensus pick of
the experts was Pam McGee. So much for experts. Considering Van got her
and Arcain in that first draft, I think it bodes well for what he saw in
Tzekova with last year's first pick.


William C. Fisher

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99

Spirit wrote:

LOL, well I do hate the Comets. However, I do think Van is a real Southern
Gentleman. Swoopes is another bloated ego. Thompson is cool, I have no problem
with her. Perrot is a real role model, and I thought so even during the Finals
when she played on two sprained ankles. Arcain and Valdemoro are cool. Woosley is
a cute little thing who can't even bring the ball across the court without getting
her pocket picked. Lamb is a stiff who was a lot of the reason Houston was
out-rebounded in almost every game they played. I still have to cheer for any team
they play except for the Sparks and maybe the Liberty. When watching the Sparks
and Comets play, I cheer for the refs, and hope Cooper gets in a fight with the
dirty little cheap shot artists on that team or that Leslie comes off the floor
crying to tell her mommy Tina bumped her too hard. (No, I don't think Thompson is a
dirty player but she is tough. She's like Malone without the malice.)
That's how I feel about the Comets. Spirit, you love to throw doo-doo at the
Mercury and Coach Miller but you cry like a baby when anyone dises the Queens. If
you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

Go Mercury!


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
> (No, I don't think Thompson is a
>dirty player but she is tough. She's like Malone without the malice.)<<

LOL, but Tina has a couple of rings.:)


PS K Malone is a dirty player and has a petty ego, inferiority type complex
with long term insolent moods manifested in real rude stuff.:)


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
>we'll try to get her out of her shell this year.

What's the "we'll" relationship to SS?


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
In article <>,
(SBounty) writes:

>What's the "we'll" relationship to SS?

Please explain?


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
You are correct, it was 'Houston Sucks', my mistake. It was clearly
audible through the television transmission into my living room and the
announcers were very aware of it and commented when it got louder and



Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
SBounty wrote:
> >we'll try to get her out of her shell this year.
> >
> What's the "we'll" relationship to SS?

Um.....just a simple generalization of the core group of fans who are
close to the team, the ones who have seats near the bench, who attend
most of the functions off the court, the ones who come to a practice or
two when we can pull a few strings, etc.



Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
> crying to tell her mommy Tina bumped her too hard. (No, I don't think Thompson is a

> dirty player but she is tough. She's like Malone without the malice.)
> That's how I feel about the Comets. Spirit, you love to throw doo-doo at the
> Mercury and Coach Miller but you cry like a baby when anyone dises the Queens. If
> you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

Don't mind the heat, I've got my No-Mex suit. I defend the Comets, or
any others, when I think they've been unfairly malaigned. Cooper takes
alot of unfair crap, ie; stories that she and SS don't get along and she
is a problem child in the locker room.
I actually like the Merc for the most part. Guess you weren't around in
the first season when Woosley was a starter and played an integral role
in a couple of defeats of the Mercury, don't recall her getting her
pockets picked by the Merc, but I do recall her dishing some nice
assists and scoring from outside when Miller had the Merc back off and
challenge her to shoot. She's on the pine because of Perrot, but she's
in good company there. If Lamb's such a stiff, how do you explain her 12
pro seasons? She's getting older but as a home town girl she's a real
favorite. Her ride from playing on the Houston blacktop courts to
college to Europe and finally back home to be a part of a championship
team is a true Cinderella story. Sorry it's lost on you. Perhaps you
will be happier this season when she joins the pine team and Tzekova
becomes a monster in the paint. Y'all should worry that our only
weakness is about to become a strength.



Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
Jenn Doran wrote:
> Yeah, because there is no way that she would want to try to stay fit and
> healthy to try and get the most playing years out of her body as she could.
> YEAH, RIGHT!!!! Where do you dig up this vengeance crap?

Vengeance??? What are you talking about. You've lost it. I was pointing
out that she was driven to excel, that comes from the ego, the inner.
Not ego as in big headed. Sheesh! I too am a firm believer in Karma, but
what we have here is a failure to communicate.



Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
Try motivation, discipline, self-respect, a kick in the pants from
someone she loves : )

Spirit wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > > If you mean an
> > > ego, name a star who isn't ego driven?
> >

> > Jennifer Gillom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Hmmm, so all her self driven hard work with the off-season training,
> bulking up, the desire to come back with a vengeance, etc. comes from
> where?
> -Spirit-

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Gretchen aka hoopgrrl
Recently sighted bumbersticker: Some people are alive simply because it
is illegal to kill them

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
> becomes a monster in the paint.

LOL:) can't wait to see her pushed around!

William C. Fisher

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
to wrote:

> Tzekova
> > becomes a monster in the paint.
> >

> LOL:) can't wait to see her pushed around!

Me too Cindi! I'm not scared of a center who can't qualify her team for
the Euro League. On the other hand, from the stats it appears that BTV
Wuppertal is pretty much the Marlies Askamp Show. I have no doubts that
the Supernova, Marlies, and the newly buffed-out Grandmama are going to
smoke Tzekova like a cheap cigar. Let's see what happens to all the
bandwagon-jumping Comets fans when the Divas go down! (Just like all those
Broncos stickers that mysteriously appeared in Phoenix after they won their
first Super Bowl)

Go Mercury!

R Dunn

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
I would be suprised if Tzekova even shows up in the league this

**** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ****

William C. Fisher

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
I would too, she can make much more money against easier competition by staying in
France for a full eight months.

Go Mercury!

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
>I would be suprised if Tzekova even shows up in the league this

What makes you say that? She was in Houston over X-mas working out
for the coaching staff. Why would she bother with doing that?

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
In article <7ffseg$tpp$1...@Masala.CC.UH.EDU>,
They probably say that because she was a no show last year and the official
reason for her absence was discounted by some in the press.

R Dunn

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
What makes you say that? She was in Houston over X-mas working out for the
coaching staff. Why would she bother with doing that?

Not everyone follows through on their commitments, and there were questions
as to why she didn't show up last summer...

Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99
>They probably say that because she was a no show last year
She talked to the Chronicle so it's not like the Comets just made it up.

>and the official reason for her absence was discounted by some

I can't imagine someone using this as an excuse. If she didn't want
to play she could have just said she changed her mind or the money
wasn't good enough or whatever. Why would she lie about something like

Anyway here's a couple of excerpts about Tzekova from the Chronicle:
(4/99) The 6-4 Tzekova didn't join the Comets last summer because she wanted
to remain in Bulgaria to care for her ailing mother and because she
was going through a divorce. But she was in Houston just before
Christmas and went through several workouts with Chancellor and Comets.
"I liked what I saw," Chancellor said. "She's got a great shot, great
range, and picks up new things you teach her in a hurry. She's onlyy
going to help us get stronger on the front line."
Chancellor wouldn't disclose which Comets will be protected, but the
untouchables will be Cooper, Swoopes, Thompson, Monica Lamb, Janeth
Arcain and Tzekova. The league has issued a special exemption for
Perrot. "Kim Perrot will always be a Comet," Chancellor said. "Forever."
(Uh-oh I guess the Merc fans are gonna ask why MG didn't get an exemption?)

(12/98)Polina Tzekova, the No. 1 draft choice of
the Comets last year who never played a minute for the WNBA champions,
was in town this week to work out for coach Van Chancellor and other
members of the organization.
"She is what a real pure shooter is all about," Chancellor said.
"She's got a soft touch, she's very athletic and she's real coachable."
Carroll Dawson, vice president for basketball operations with the
Comets and the parent Rockets, has been the one who has worked with
the 6-5 Tzekova the most.
"She shoots effortlessly from the 3-point line," Dawson said of the
Bulgarian. "You tell her how to do something one time, that's all she needs"
As could be expected, Tzekova doesn't speak very much English. But she
was accompanied by a translator throughout the workouts, a practice
that will continue once she joins the club next spring for the 1999 season.
"He takes care of his players," Tzekova said of Chancellor through the
interpreter, Houston resident Dimitre Dimitrov. "I like his personality.
I like that when it's business, he means business. But he
mixes in fun with it well. I enjoy his personality tremendously."
After being drafted No. 1 by the Comets, Tzekova didn't join the team
because her mother had a serious heart ailment along with several
physical problems. Tzekova, 30, didn't get to watch any of the Comets' games
on TV, "but I followed the results (in the newspapers). And I'm certain the
Comets will take their third title next year."


Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99
to wrote:
> In article <7ffseg$tpp$1...@Masala.CC.UH.EDU>,
> st...@Rosie.UH.EDU wrote:
> > >I would be suprised if Tzekova even shows up in the league this
> >
> > What makes you say that? She was in Houston over X-mas working out
> > for the coaching staff. Why would she bother with doing that?
> >
> They probably say that because she was a no show last year and the official
> reason for her absence was discounted by some in the press.
> c

There was good reason for the press to discount the official reason. At
this point the team and the league would like to keep it buried as there
are ramifications that would effect all teams and league contracts.
Remember, she was suspended shortly after the season began.



Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99
William C. Fisher wrote:
> I would too, she can make much more money against easier competition by staying in
> France for a full eight months.

Sounds to me like you're hoping she doesn't show up. Well you should.



Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
The Fantasy Camp in Phoenix will be held in September its the second annual
Camp...I am the Camp Director and can be reached at 480-539-6125....the website

and yes your favorite player Jennifer Gillom will be there along with the
current coach of the Year Carolyn Peck and Nancy Lieberman-Cline. You can
register on-line or send me your snail mail address and I will send you more


Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
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