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Mets' Pennant Chances

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Jul 8, 1992, 3:06:53 PM7/8/92
Joe Baldino, Mets fan, has a strong feeling that the Mutts will win the East.

Terence Page, Dodger fan, begs to differ.

My $0.02:

I am a Mets fan. While this year "may" have been a departure from their
standard behavior if Saberhagen and Gooden were 100%, I strongly feel that the
Mets will probably bump up close to "contention" - I expect several ministreaks
bringing them within 3 games or so of the lead - about 3-4 times this year.
At these times, they'll go on one of the famous "gags," where they'll score
about 10 runs over two weeks and drop to about 7.5 GB, causing me immense
frustration just as I was beginning to believe that "THIS time it will be
different; they're ready to reach their 'potential.'"

This has happened for eight years now, with brief respites in 1986 and 1988.
No wonder I'm a cynic. NB that for the last month the Yankees have a better
record than the Mets, despite the starting pitching in Da Bronx.

* Joseph Aloysius McVeigh *
* "Gee, one of these days I hope to say something that gets ME in your *
* .sig file, Joe." - Kent Aitchison *

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