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Whistleblower reveals military mind control project at major university

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Apr 27, 2022, 1:53:13 PM4/27/22

It doesn't matter HOW MANY whistleblowers EXPOSE the EVIL CIA NSA MI6
MI5 ASIS ASIO Psychopaths, the cocksucking dumb americans and global
public will NOT ACCEPT the existence of mind control technologies and
that these Neuro-weapons are being STEALTHILY used to TORTURE CIVILIANS
all around the world, because of the 24x7 BRAINWASHING done to their
cocksucking minds that WEST is ANGELIC DEMOCRACY and rest of the world
is EVIL.

Whites DON'T UNDERSTAND their own "pathological lying, cunning and
deception" AND Smile, Shake Hands, Back Stab and KILL Modus Operandi.


Whistleblower reveals military mind control project at major university

by Kelley Bergman

What if the government could change people’s moral beliefs or stop
political dissent through remote control of people’s brains?

Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that
the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to
accomplishing this.

Activist Post was recently contacted by an anonymous whistleblower who
worked on a secret ongoing mind-control project for DARPA. The aim of
the program is to remotely disrupt political dissent and extremism by
employing “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” (TMS) in tandem with
sophisticated propaganda based on this technology. TMS stimulates the
temporal lobe of the brain with electromagnetic fields.

The program, conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication, is
based at Arizona State University. The DARPA funding for this project
can be confirmed on the ASU website here. The head of the project, Steve
Corman, has worked extensively in the area of strategic communication as
it applies to terrorism and “extremism” – or what could be called “the
war of ideas.”

Corman’s latest project Narrating The Exit From Afghanistan and his
many presentations make it quite obvious that the mission is to shape
the narrative and literally change people’s minds. Lest one believe it
will be contained to overseas extremists, we should keep in mind that
the word extremist is increasingly used domestically. The dissenters of
yesterday could easily become the terrorist sympathizers and supporters
of political violence tomorrow.

This DARPA research brings about many ethical questions and dilemmas.
Mainly, this research aims to literally induce or disrupt the operation
of narratives within the brain. In other words, this research aims to
stop individuals from thinking certain thoughts and make others believe
things they normally would not believe. This research has tremendous
interrogation possibilities and could potentially be used to more
successfully spread propaganda or stop political upheaval to an
unsuspecting public.

This research is being conducted by The Center for Strategic
Communication at ASU and is entitled “Toward Narrative Disruptors and
Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its
Persuasive Effects” A detailed overview of the project can be found in
the document below. Highlights include:

In phase 3 of the research, the research group will “selectively
alter aspects of narrative structure and brain functions via
Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (TMS) to induce or disrupt selected
features of narrative processing.” (Page 16, emphasis added)
YouTube Poster

TMS is a very powerful tool used to impair the brain functioning of
individuals. See the videos below for a brief demonstration of the
effects of TMS.

Once the research group determines which parts of the brain are
associated with cognitive reasoning and narrative comprehension, they
will be attempt to impair those sections in order to “create a
fundamental basis for understanding how to disrupt or enhance aspects of
narrative structure and/or brain functioning to minimize or maximize
persuasive effects on subject proclivity to engage in political
violence.” (Page 23)

Once it is determined that disruption of certain portions of the
brain can enhance persuasive messaging, individuals can be persuaded to
do things they normally would not do and believe things they normally
would not believe. This could include something as simple as telling a
closely guarded secret, to believing in government propaganda, or even
committing a violent act. The group writes on page 26, “once we have
produced a narrative comprehension model [i.e., how individuals
comprehend stories and persuasive messages], end users [aka the
government] will understand how to activate known neural networks (e.g.,
working memory or attention) and positive behavioral outcome (e.g.,
nonviolent actions) nodes with strategic communication messages as a
means to reduce incidences of political violence in contested
populations.” The group will investigate “possibilities for literally
disrupting the activity of the NCN [narrative comprehension network]
through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.” (page 30) [text added]

The group is so confident that they will be able to induce or
disrupt the operations of narratives in the brain, that they say on page
26 that the research “offers the capability to induce or disrupt the
operation of narratives in the brain, and develops the capability to
induce narrative validity [i.e., the believability of a particular
narrative/message], transportation [i.e., the ability to be engaged by a
narrative], and integration [i.e., associating a particular narrative
with a larger, more culturally specific narrative] with certainty.”
[text added]
The group gives the following example of this projects usefulness:
“If it is the case that activation in one particular neural network
enables people to connect personal narrative to master narratives [i.e.,
cultural narratives], by disrupting activity in that brain area, we
should be able to selectively impair that specific aspect of narrative
processing while holding other meaning making processes constant,
effectively creating a ‘narrative disruptor.’ Not only would this be an
important finding in the science of neural networks and narrative
persuasion, but would also have considerably practical and strategic
importance.” (page 40) [text added]

Essentially, the research aims to literally disrupt how people think and
comprehend ideas and messages.

Further, and perhaps even more terrifying, on page 40, the group
writes, “Mechanical disruptions of narrative processing may be,
ultimately, replicated in through targeted strategic communication
campaigns that approximate the narrative disruptions induced via
magnetic stimulation.” So, after figuring out which parts of the brain
are activated by particular persuasive messages and propaganda, the
government can test out messages that only activate particular portions
of the brain and not others, in order to persuade individuals to believe
or not believe something. Essentially, they are attempting to modify
brain functioning without TMS, and only words. One can only imagine the
strategies the government could use with this technology. They could
make the public believe almost anything that suits their needs. It could
literally lead to mass brainwashing.

But what does this mean, practically? It means that if this research
succeeds, the government will be able to modify how one personally
thinks. They could strap you in a chair, put a machine to your head,
turn off parts of your brain, introduce a persuasive message, and make
you believe it.

Further, through extensive research, they may be able to replicate the
machine’s brain disrupting functioning simply through carefully crafted
and researched persuasive messages and propaganda. They can use brain
imaging to determine which portions of the brain are activated when a
particular message is presented to an individual, and if the “right”
portions are activated, they know the message will circumvent one’s
mental reasoning and lead to almost automatic acceptance. With enough
data, the government could spread propaganda through the media that
people will almost automatically believe, whether it is true oric
Stimulation can be forced upon individuals to make them believe certain
things, say certain things, and perhaps admit to acts they did not
actually commit (as the TMS can induce narrative validity), or commit
acts they normally would not commit.

The government is literally trying to brainwash the public. This is not
science fiction. Technology has made it possible to induce and disrupt
cognitive functioning in individuals. In the future, your thoughts may
not be your own, but ones that have been implanted into your brain
through exceedingly successful and validated propaganda.

Meeting notes indicate concern about how the project will be perceived,
particularly the focus on the Christian/Muslim element.

We encourage you to embed these documents on your own website or blog
and share them with everyone you know. Page numbers listed above are
based on Scribd conversion below; enter the page number you wish to view
in the Scribd search box.

Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative
Comprehension Network and its Persuasive E…

Center For Strategic Studies Meeting Notes 3-10-12
Additional information

In 2002 The Economist noted that neuroscience would be the future of
mind control. Well, now we’re evidently here. This area of study has
received $100 million in funding via Obama’s ten-year BRAIN Project, as
well as a $1.3 billion commitment from Europe. The human brain is seen
as the final frontier, and is being explored from every angle conceivable.

The above investments are openly discussed. The same is true for the
National Nanotechnology Initiative 2011 Strategic Plan. This 60-page
document lays out a projected future “to understand and control matter”
for the management of every facet of human life in the areas of
environment, health and safety. Twenty-five U.S. Federal agencies are

Concurrently, there is heavy military funding through agencies such as
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This raises the
question of transparency when a “black budget” often justifies total
secrecy in the name of national security.

Advancements in neuroscience are coming at an exponential rate, as each
day seems to headline a new breakthrough. For example, it recently has
been announced that:

The ‘Google Earth’ of 3D Brain Maps is Here

“Neural Dust” is being researched, which could enable remote
spying on the human brain.

A new microchip can mimic the brain and imitate the brain’s
information processing in real time.

These are mainstream announcements and can no longer be dismissed as
conspiracy theory.

For now, there appears to be a lot of parsing of words within the ASU
project to stress that this is about “persuasion” not “influence” which
can be seen in the meeting notes. It’s also repeatedly mentioned that
there is not a desire to organically change the brain itself, but to
focus on the story being told and how to properly disseminate
information — propaganda, in other words. Finally, there is the
troubling note about focusing on the Christian/Muslim narrative as
exemplary of the extremism which needs to be reprogrammed.

Given what we know about the other military research into direct mind
control, any benign assertions of this project at ASU must be called
into question. The fact that members of this group were divided into
teams red and blue to construct arguments for and against if word were
to get out to “activists” and the public is additionally troubling.

If we combine all of this information with other releases about The
Pentagon’s work with “narrative networks,” reported on by the BBC, it
becomes clear that now is the time to discuss ethics, as no one in the
scientific and military communities seems eager to bring possible
attacks on our free will to the forefront.

Will you take the red pill or the blue pill? We would love to hear your
thoughts about what has been revealed. Activist Post would also like to
call on all experts in this field of research and/or other
whistleblowers to come forward and bring out into the open what is being
covered up. This technology could affect us all.

NOTE: An e-mail sent to the program director at ASU requesting comments
on this research did not receive a response.

Other important research links:
“The God Helmet.”: The effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation were
directly observed by a Wired magazine reporter. of Political Violence – Dec10
Final Approved for Release 5.31.11.pdf 2011.pdf

DD: Narrative Science Creates Automated News Stories

From Activist Post @

Neuroscientists Successfully Plant False Memories Identical In Nature To
Authentic Memories

by Kelley Bergman
Is it possible to permanently change your memories? The phenomenon of
false memory has been well-documented: In many court cases, defendants
have been found guilty based on testimony from witnesses and victims who
were sure of their recollections, but DNA evidence later overturned the
conviction. In a step toward understanding how these faulty memories
arise, MIT neuroscientists have shown that they can plant false
memories. They also found that many of the neurological traces of these
memories are identical in nature to those of authentic memories.

Some researchers are working with victims of rape and car accidents and
attempting to replace their memories with less fear-filled ones using
hypertension drugs. Other scientists are studying whether behavioral
therapy can one day be used to modify memories of people who react with
fear to common anxiety-producing events.

However, critics claim that research is being focused around initiatives
for malicious intentions.

“It’s no secret that scientists are working closing with government
establishments to find ways to bring large groups of people under mental
and emotional control,” said Bashar Khayat from Free Thinkers Society.
Many researchers such as Khayat believe that the intentions behind most
memory-based treatments are very deceptive.

“Most of the research in this area currently revolves around how to
induce and eliminate fear,” said Khayat. According to his research,
there is an international consortium of scientists who are working
aggressively to find ways to control fear in both the public and
military. “Being able to turn fear on and off would give any government
a considerable advantage in controlling their military and general
population,” stated Khayat. Theoretically, chaos and orderly conduct
could be under big brother’s direction should such treatment protocols
be used to unilaterally benefit government interests.

“Whether it’s a false or genuine memory, the brain’s neural mechanism
underlying the recall of the memory is the same,” says Susumu Tonegawa,
the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience and senior author of a
paper describing the findings in the July 25 edition of Science.

The study also provides further evidence that memories are stored in
networks of neurons that form memory traces for each experience we have
— a phenomenon that Tonegawa’s lab first demonstrated last year.

Neuroscientists have long sought the location of these memory traces,
also called engrams. In the pair of studies, Tonegawa and colleagues at
MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory showed that they could
identify the cells that make up part of an engram for a specific memory
and reactivate it using a technology called optogenetics.
Seeking the Engram

Episodic memories — memories of experiences — are made of associations
of several elements, including objects, space and time. These
associations are encoded by chemical and physical changes in neurons, as
well as by modifications to the connections between the neurons.

Where these engrams reside in the brain has been a longstanding question
in neuroscience. “Is the information spread out in various parts of the
brain, or is there a particular area of the brain in which this type of
memory is stored? This has been a very fundamental question,” Tonegawa says.

The goal of the research isn’t to erase memory outright, although that
technology has been rumoured to exist in military circles. However, that
would raise too many eyebrows and lead to ethical debate. Instead,
“reducing or eliminating the fear accompanying the memory…that would be
the ideal scenario,” says Roger Pitman, a psychiatry professor at
Harvard Medical School who has done extensive work in this area.

“Scientists can easily create super soldiers and a hypnotized public
with the exact same protocols,” said Khayat. Sometimes a traumatic
incident can trigger an enduring response of fear whenever the incident
is recalled, even indirectly. Khayat stressed that by subconciously
implanting memories in those who are exposed to specific types of media,
large groups of people could be subjected to trauma with even simple

Scientists already know how to set off an emotional response in combat
veterans by simulating a specific set of frequencies that have become
associated with wartime experience.
Incepting False Memories

That is exactly what the researchers did in the new study — exploring
whether they could use these reactivated engrams to plant false memories
in the mice’s brains.

First, the researchers placed the mice in a novel chamber, A, but did
not deliver any shocks. As the mice explored this chamber, their memory
cells were labeled with channelrhodopsin. The next day, the mice were
placed in a second, very different chamber, B. After a while, the mice
were given a mild foot shock. At the same instant, the researchers used
light to activate the cells encoding the memory of chamber A.

On the third day, the mice were placed back into chamber A, where they
now froze in fear, even though they had never been shocked there. A
false memory had been incepted: The mice feared the memory of chamber A
because when the shock was given in chamber B, they were reliving the
memory of being in chamber A.

Moreover, that false memory appeared to compete with a genuine memory of
chamber B, the researchers found. These mice also froze when placed in
chamber B, but not as much as mice that had received a shock in chamber
B without having the chamber A memory activated.

The researchers then showed that immediately after recall of the false
memory, levels of neural activity were also elevated in the amygdala, a
fear center in the brain that receives memory information from the
hippocampus, just as they are when the mice recall a genuine memory.
“They identified a neural network associated with experience in an
environment, attached a fear association with it, then reactivated the
network to show that it supports memory expression. That, to me, shows
for the first time a true functional engram,” says Eichenbaum, who was
not part of the research team.

“Now that we can reactivate and change the contents of memories in the
brain, we can begin asking questions that were once the realm of
philosophy,” Ramirez says. “Are there multiple conditions that lead to
the formation of false memories? Can false memories for both pleasurable
and aversive events be artificially created? What about false memories
for more than just contexts — false memories for objects, food or other
mice? These are the once seemingly sci-fi questions that can now be
experimentally tackled in the lab.”

More work needs to be done to know if the process can work in real-life
situations with complex memories. Or, a treatment could be used to
affect the mind’s ability to enhance happy memories, which can make them
seem even more pleasurable than the original event.

“They’re looking to control the whole gamut of memory and experience,
and the question should not be how or if we can control people’s
behavior, but why are we controlling it?” concluded Khayat.

Kelley Bergman is a media consultant, critic and geopolitical
investigator. She has worked as a journalist and writer, specializing in
geostrategic issues around the globe.
Deleted: The US military is trying to read minds | MIT Technology Review
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