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Nicknames for replacement teams

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Gerry Myerson

Feb 14, 1995, 1:31:34 AM2/14/95
Somewhere in another thread there was a reference to the Subcubs and a
question as to what to call other replacement ballclubs. The simplest
solution, as applied to, say, the AL West, goes like this;

California Scabs
Oakland Scabs
Seattle Scabs
Texas Scabs

There is precedent for this; about half the teams in the 1914--15 Federal
League were simply known as the Feds. It could lead to some confusion
("in today's home opener, the Scabs beat the Scabs 36 to 7..."), but I
expect no one will care too much. For cities with two teams, we can
distinguish between the Chicago American Scabs and the Chicago National

For those who like a little more creativity in their team names, here's
a starter kit. Feel free to elaborate and/or improve.

LA Codgers
Texas Strangers
St Louis Discards
Colorado Mockies
Minnesota Thins
Chicago Shite Sox
Philadelphia Sillies

The Milwaukee team could be known as the Lites --- Bud's Lites.

Gerry Myerson

Jonathan Bernstein

Feb 14, 1995, 4:38:33 AM2/14/95
Gerry Myerson ( wrote:

: The Milwaukee team could be known as the Lites --- Bud's Lites.

The St. Louis Nationals might have dibs.


Todd Rader

Feb 14, 1995, 1:03:00 PM2/14/95
In article <>,

Gerry Myerson <> wrote:
>For those who like a little more creativity in their team names, here's
>a starter kit. Feel free to elaborate and/or improve.
>LA Codgers
>Texas Strangers
>St Louis Discards
>Colorado Mockies
>Minnesota Thins
>Chicago Shite Sox
>Philadelphia Sillies
>The Milwaukee team could be known as the Lites --- Bud's Lites.

Oakland Pathetics -- unfortunately, this may also be the name
of the MLB team
Montreal No-Shows (Is Montreal legally barred from fielding a scab
team in the same way that Toronto is?)
New York Mess
Detroit Liars
Cleveland Simians ("A monkey could play this game!")
Seattle Masqueraders
New York Hanky-Pankys
Houston No-Shows (they can fight it out with Montreal for the name)

Okay, so maybe I didn't really improve....


Feb 14, 1995, 1:14:53 PM2/14/95
to (Gerry Myerson), on 14 Feb 1995 00:31:34
-0600 wrote:

>Somewhere in another thread there was a reference to the Subcubs and a

>question as to what to call other replacement ballclubs. [snip]

>For those who like a little more creativity in their team names, here's
>a starter kit. Feel free to elaborate and/or improve.

>LA Codgers
>Texas Strangers
>St Louis Discards
>Colorado Mockies
>Minnesota Thins
>Chicago Shite Sox
>Philadelphia Sillies

>The Milwaukee team could be known as the Lites --- Bud's Lites.

Here are a few more:

Chicago Subs
Boston Beanballs
SF Midgets
Toronto Cow Birds (named for that species of birds which lays eggs in
other birds' nests; they plan to lay theirs in Dunedin, FL this year)
California Mangleds
Seattle Seasicks
Florida Jellyfish
NY Doormats
Atlanta Chickens (or perhaps the Georgia Peanuts)

Of course, my own team, the ORIOLES will go proudly down in history as the
"losingest" team in this scab season, going 0-162 for the regular season
as they forfeit all the scab games.

Nina (

Colin Campbell

Feb 14, 1995, 2:49:45 PM2/14/95
St. Louis Lesions
Boston Blisters
Pittsburg Pustules
Kansas City Carbuncles
Atlanta Hives
Detroit Tumors
Oakland Anthrax
New York Mange (NL)
New York Yaws (AL)
Toronto Bedsores
Philadelphia Fungus
Milwaukee Boils
Cleveland Injuries
Minnesota Twinges
Cincinatti Zits
San Francisco Chancres
San Diego Stigmas
Chicago Cankers
Houston Shingles
Los Angeles Ulcers

Ian Podraza

Feb 14, 1995, 5:27:21 PM2/14/95
Since they must forefit every game they don't field a team for:

Baltimore O-for-All's,Mail

Feb 16, 1995, 1:40:36 PM2/16/95
In article <3hqrut$>, (NoHit) wrote:

> Chicago Subs
> Boston Beanballs

Considering some of the footage of tryout camps I've seen, I'd suggest the
Boston Beanbags.


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From: (Stew Barnes)
Subject: Re: Nicknames for replacement teams
Message-ID: <>
Sender: (News Administrator)
Organization: The Rockefeller University
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References: <3hqrut$>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 17:03:08 GMT
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Mary Rose Campbell

Feb 18, 1995, 11:20:16 AM2/18/95

WPVI-6 in Philadelphia referred to the replacements as the "Philadelphia


Jeff Drummond

Feb 20, 1995, 1:49:48 PM2/20/95

In article <3i464o$>, (Jonathan King) writes:

[ deletia ]

> Yup, that sounds about right. Meanwhile, how many Twins are or were
> their own evil twins? Right off hand, I can think of "Butane Bob"
> Kipper (aka "Round Tripper", etc.).

Gosh, where to begin? Much of the Twins pitching staffs of the '80s
comes to mind...

But I think the first truly Evil Twin (tm) (as opposed to a Bad Twin,
a Mediocre Twin, or a Merely Ineffective Twin) was Ron Davis. That
annoying habit of his, where he'd let loose a wild pitch with the
winning or go-ahead run on third, gave a new flavor to the term 'blown
save'. Not as dramatic, perhaps, as giving up a home run; but in
terms of being able to crush the spirit of the fans...

I remember one afternoon when Billy Gardner had given the sign for Davis
(right hand held up high, palm facing the ground; left hand around throat);
the assembled fans began to panic. We'd tried booing, cat-calls, everything.
Finally, in sheer desperation, we gave him a standing O to try to force
the Good Ron Davis to put in an appearance that day. Even more amazing--
it worked! Of course, the next time the Evil Twin was not to be denied.

When contacted by the media about the possibility of scabbing for the
Twins, Davis said that he didn't think the Minnesota fans would ever
forgive or forget him as it was; and he didn't want to risk aggravating
them further.

"The Tao is the center of the diamond,
the good player's treasure,
the bad player's refuge."
-Lao "Lefty" Tzu in _The_Tao_of_Baseball_, Chapter 62.

William Johnson

Feb 20, 1995, 10:11:54 PM2/20/95
In article <> (Gerry Myerson) writes:
>For those who like a little more creativity in their team names, here's
>a starter kit. Feel free to elaborate and/or improve.
>LA Codgers
>Texas Strangers
>St Louis Discards
>Colorado Mockies

Not bad, but I prefer the one below.

>Minnesota Thins


>Chicago Shite Sox
>Philadelphia Sillies


>>The Milwaukee team could be known as the Lites --- Bud's Lites.

Personally, I prefer the Moonshiners.

A few others, with emphasis on the expected quality of play and players:

Seattle Ancient Mariners
Colorado Rookies (we in the mountain states have had plenty of time to get
used to that one already...) or Foothills
Detroit Stuffed Tigers
Cleveland Wooden Indians
Minnesota Twinkies
Philadelphia Follies
Pittsburgh Pirates of Penzance
Chicago Flubs
Cincinnati Red Faces (remember, they used to be the Redlegs)
Houston Pastros
Toronto Scrub Jays (a beaut coined by my bird-watcher wife)
Kansas City Pretenders
New York Mutts
Oakland Laughletics

Others? And Gerry, if a "canonical" list develops, could you save it
for future reference? (I'm going to be out of town for several days, and the
week's postings will have scrolled off my system when I get back -- but I
wouldn't miss this for the world!)

Bill Johnson | "The only way to deal with bureaucrats
Los Alamos National Laboratory | is with stealth and sudden violence."
Los Alamos, New Mexico USA | (Attributed to UN Secretary-General
( | Boutros-Ghali, with thanks to Joe Chew)

Evan Leibovitch

Feb 24, 1995, 1:50:59 PM2/24/95
In article <3hqr8k$>,
Todd Rader <s...@maredsous.Eng.Sun.COM> wrote:

>>For those who like a little more creativity in their team names, here's
>>a starter kit. Feel free to elaborate and/or improve.

>>LA Codgers
>>Texas Strangers
>>St Louis Discards
>>Colorado Mockies
>>Minnesota Thins
>>Chicago Shite Sox
>>Philadelphia Sillies

>Houston No-Shows (they can fight it out with Montreal for the name)

I guess Houston Assholes wouldn't be said on the 6:00 news?

>Oakland Pathetics -- unfortunately, this may also be the name
> of the MLB team

>New York Mess
>Detroit Liars
>Cleveland Simians ("A monkey could play this game!")
>Seattle Masqueraders
>New York Hanky-Pankys
>Houston No-Shows (they can fight it out with Montreal for the name)

Or: Toronto Boo Jays.
New York Stinkies
Baltimore Borioles
Chicago Subs (or Scrubs)
Minnesota Fill-Ins
Boston Dead Sox
Florida Marolyns

>Montreal No-Shows (Is Montreal legally barred from fielding a scab
> team in the same way that Toronto is?)

Yes and no. While Quebec has similar anti-scab legislation to Ontario's,
the MLBPA is not officially registered as a union there -- so it doesn't
apply. The Expos will be able to field a scab team on a technicality.

It also seems that legislators will be bending over backwards to assist
the Expos, thinking that the team is so close to moving that it ought to
get any possible break.

Evan Leibovitch, Sound Software Ltd., located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario
Novell Unix Master Reseller / / (905) 452-0504
Those to my right are extremists; those to my left are heretics

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