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Cub Scouts and transgenderism

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Jan 4, 2017, 5:45:35 PM1/4/17
A few talking points to oppose transgenderism as a "human right":

(1) FREEDOM of RELIGION. Is it morally licit to demand that those holding
deeply held religious beliefs about Creation — “God made them male and
female…” — e.g. a view held by the majority of voters — is it morally right
to use the power of the police state to force these people to “accept” that
quack doctors can make "genitilia to order" for about $50,000.

(2) SUICIDE. Two peer reviewed studies show that post-operative transgender
persons have an approximate rate of suicide that is 2,000% higher than
average — furthermore, 50% of the self-identified "trannies" have attempted
suicide at some point in their lives. Why should we encourage these

(3) EDUCATION. Is it correct for children to be taught that gender is a
choice rather than a biological reality because one’s chromosomal gender in
every cell's DNA can never be changed? Apart from the Left's deep affinity
for promoting sexual perversion, was there any real science driving the
American Psychological Associations' (APA) own repeal of the "Gender
Identity Disorder" label as a mental illness?

(4) ETHICS. Is it morally licit for minors to undergo “transgender
reassignment surgeries” that involve child castration? Can a minor truly
consent to being castrated? How is the common good served by cutting off a
boy's penis and testicles to create a hairless ladyboi "bottom" for older
gay men's sexual kinks?

(5) HYPOCRISY. Why is NC the target of boycotts by groups like the San
Francisco Symphony, PayPal, and the NBA that decry NC’s “human rights’
abuse,” yet not extended this outrage to California? Are you aware that
California's Prop 8 bans all "gay marriage" in the Golden State and is still
in effect at this very hour? This law was approved by a voter referendum in
2008 by a wide margin (5%, ~600,000 votes). Although a court has ordered it
not be enforced, the fact remains that the LGBT activists cannot find enough
political support for its repeal -- What pathetic hypocrites!
Cub Scouts Facing Transgender Crisis

By Todd Starnes

The Cub Scouts are facing a transgender controversy after an eight-year-old
born a girl but who identifies as a boy was asked to leave a New Jersey

Several readers alerted me to this story from Secaucus, New Jersey. Before I
get into the heart of the issue, I want to explain why I have chosen not to
identify the parent or the child.

I find it reprehensible a grown woman would parade her child in front of the
national media to advance some sort of cultural agenda. This parent is
sacrificing her child’s privacy and innocence for 15 minutes of fame. And I
refuse to give the woman the satisfaction of reading her name in print.

The eight-year-old, who had been a member of the scouting group for about a
month, was kicked out of Cub Scout Pack 87 because she is transgender. Local
news accounts indicate an unknown number of parents were upset their sons
were in a scouting group with a girl who identifies as a boy.

“How dare they judge me?” the child told The Record newspaper. “I don’t have
to explain it. It’s the way I’m born.”

The New York Daily News reports it may be the first case of a child being
prohibited from participating in scouting activities because of gender

But the Boy Scouts of America defended the child’s ouster, pointing out to
the newspaper the “child does not meet the requirements to participate in
this program.”

“Gender identity isn’t related to sexual orientation,” BSA spokesperson
Effie Delimarkos told the New York Daily News.

In other words, the child was not kicked out for being transgender. The
child was kicked out for not being a boy.

“It made me mad,” the child told The Record. “I had a sad face, but I wasn’t
crying. I’m way more angry than sad. My identity is a boy. If I was them, I
would let every person in the world go in. It’s right to do.”

The mother of the ex-Cub Scout told the newspaper she first thought her
child was a tomboy “because he liked climbing trees and digging in dirt to
look for worms.”

“But she said she knew it was more than that by the time he was 5 and she
began reading about what it means to be transgender,” the newspaper

Last year, the mother allowed the child to “come out as a boy” and get a
short haircut. The Record published an editorial calling for the Boy Scouts
to reverse its decision.

“There should be some common sense applied here with regard to an
8-year-old. (Name omitted) wants to be a Scout. He identifies as a boy.
There should be no need for litigation or years of court battles. He should
just be allowed to be a Scout,” the newspaper wrote.

Sooner rather than later, I suspect the Boy Scouts may face a legal
challenge over its transgender policy. And the Boy Scouts will face further
controversies when they are forced to confront non-binary scouts,
gender-fluid scouts and genderless scouts.

The Girl Scouts already allow boys who identify as girls to sell Tagalongs
and Thin Mints.

So do not be surprised if the Boy Scouts of America capitulate. They've
already done it once before – sacrificing their long-cherished values on the
altar of tolerance and diversity.

That's why so many families are getting involved in organizations like
American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA. Both are faith-based scouting
organizations built on a firm spiritual foundation.

Trail Life USA was founded in 2013 in the aftermath of the BSA’s decision to
forego their core values for the sake of political expedience. Since then,
they have experienced explosive growth – with more than 26,000 members.

I believe organizations like Trail Life and American Heritage Girls help
will raise up a new generation of good citizens and patriots – young men and
young women who will do their duty to God and country – a generation that is
physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 4, 2017, 5:49:18 PM1/4/17
On 01/04/2017 05:45 PM, Byker wrote:
> (4) ETHICS. Is it morally licit for minors to undergo “transgender
> reassignment surgeries” that involve child castration? Can a minor truly
> consent to being castrated? How is the common good served by cutting off
> a boy's penis and testicles to create a hairless ladyboi "bottom" for
> older gay men's sexual kinks?

If a child can't legally have sex with an adult how can they legally
have an adult change their sex?

That's Karma

Siri Cruise

Jan 4, 2017, 6:10:05 PM1/4/17
In article <>,
"Byker" <> wrote:

> A few talking points to oppose transgenderism as a "human right":

And tomorrow you go after all the left handed Lithuanian tennis players. Shoot
for the moleholes, hit your own feet.

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
Free the Amos Yee one.
Yeah, too bad about your so-called life. Ha-ha.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 5, 2017, 11:16:30 AM1/5/17
On 01/04/2017 06:10 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> "Byker" <> wrote:
>> A few talking points to oppose transgenderism as a "human right":
> And tomorrow you go after all the left handed Lithuanian tennis players. Shoot
> for the moleholes, hit your own feet.

So far it's working for abortions and human life inside a uterus, how
long until it's targeting gay fetus' and then what will you cry about?

You claim it's evil to say that transgender rights are imaginary, but
it's just like you and the rights of a baby inside a uterus.

Don't you Liberals tell us that a human life inside a uterus has no rights?

It looks to me as if it's your own Liberalism and your own singling out
of human life by it's GPS location being inside a uterus that makes them
a human life to "go after" so if you want to point a finger at someone
that started to "shoot for the moleholes" then just look in the mirror.

That's Karma

Siri Cruise

Jan 5, 2017, 12:01:50 PM1/5/17
In article <yjubA.83669$OD2....@fx09.iad>,
Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&Obama&> wrote:

> On 01/04/2017 06:10 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > "Byker" <> wrote:
> >
> >> A few talking points to oppose transgenderism as a "human right":
> >
> > And tomorrow you go after all the left handed Lithuanian tennis players.
> > Shoot
> > for the moleholes, hit your own feet.
> So far it's working for abortions and human life inside a uterus, how
> long until it's targeting gay fetus' and then what will you cry about?

You aim for your own feet.


Jan 5, 2017, 11:23:43 PM1/5/17
Boy Scouts Discover the Left Can Never Be Appeased

December 30, 2016.

The Boy Scouts of America caved to the pressure of people who hate them and
everything they stand for and decided to admit overtly gay people into their
ranks. If they thought this would make the people who hate them and
everything they stand for leave them alone… they were badly mistaken:

Kristie Maldonado said she was stunned because her son had been a member of
Cub Scout Pack 87 in Secaucus for about a month and his transgender status
had not been a secret. But some parents complained, an official from the
Northern New Jersey Council of Boy Scouts told her — even though her son had
been living as a boy for more than a year and was accepted as a boy at
school, she said

“Not one of the kids said, ‘You don’t belong here,’” Maldonado said of the
Scouts in the pack.

“It made me mad,” Joe, said. “I had a sad face, but I wasn’t crying. I’m way
more angry than sad. My identity is a boy. If I was them, I would let every
person in the world go in. It’s right to do.”

Gee, I wonder who coached that particular line to come out of the mouth of
an eight-year-old.

So, here we have… most likely a publicity-hound white mother jumping on the
trendy transgender bandwagon … claiming that her little girl “identifies as
a boy and therefore is a boy” (because leftists are insane like that), and
normal, mentally healthy people who just want to be left alone to live their
lives in peace have to put up with this bullshit. Because “You will be made
to care.”:

Siri Cruise

Jan 5, 2017, 11:55:32 PM1/5/17
In article <>,
"Byker" <> wrote:

> everything they stand for and decided to admit overtly gay people into their

I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, but Cub Scouts really aren't fay
or straight. They have vague sexual feelings but they aren't even aware what
they're feeling. You're making molehills out of anthills.

Mike Colangelo

Jan 6, 2017, 12:48:37 AM1/6/17
On 1/5/2017 8:55 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> Cub Scouts really aren't fay [sic] or straight.

That's not what the queers themselves say.
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