Archive-name: Scouting/Religious-Awards
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 2001/10/23
Version: 1.0
Maintainer: Jeffrey Gold <>
This FAQ describes Religious Awards and Emblems available
to Scouts in the USA, including where to find more information.
It should be read by Scouts, Leaders, and Parents.
> What are Religious Awards & Emblems?
Religious Awards & Emblems are given to registered Scouts
for demonstrating knowledge of their Religion. The BSA,
GSUSA, and Camp Fire Boys & Girls are among the
Scouting organizations that cooperate in this program.
Outstanding Scouters may qualify for an adult award.
> Why have Religious Awards & Emblems?
Reverence for religion is one of the values taught by Scouting.
The 12th point of the Boy Scout Law is: "A scout is reverent."
Other Scouting groups may have different approaches, but share
the goal of teaching good values including reverence.
> Are there awards or emblems for my Religion?
An award or emblem program has been created for all
recognized religious groups. For a complete list see
In the USA, the administrator of many of these programs is
P.R.A.Y. If you cannot find awards for your religious group,
contact them at or call 800-333-7729.
> Is there more then one award or emblem for my Religion?
Yes, programs provide several awards or emblems. Your age
or Scouting rank determines the one for which you are eligible.
> What do I have to do to get my award or emblem?
Each Scout must maintain a workbook which is a personal record
of their progress. Requirements vary both by age and religion.
For more information, contact the appropriate local religious
committee, national religious committee, or P.R.A.Y. (see end)
> How much will it cost?
There is a small fee (about $3) for ordering a pamphlet or
workbook describing the requirements. These are available
from P.R.A.Y. (see end), your local Scout store, or may be
available on the Internet for free (some materials are copyrighted).
There is a slightly higher cost for the religious award,
emblem, or medallion itself. This varies from about $4 to $12.
For online pictures of awards see:
> What is "religious advisor" and do I need one?
A religious advisor is recommended, but usually NOT required. A
religious advisor may be a member of the clergy, religious educator,
member of a local scouting religious committee, or knowledgeable
lay person. It is helpful, but not necessary that the religious advisor
have some personal knowledge of Scouting. Check with your local
religious committee to determine the proper procedure.
> How do parents participate?
Parent participation is critical for younger Scouts. Older
Scouts are expected to complete the requirements in
cooperation with their religious advisor. Once all requirements
have been completed, parents must mail the appropriate forms
and payment to P.R.A.Y. (see end) to receive their child's
religious award, emblem, or medallion.
> What is an awards ceremony?
An awards ceremony acknowledges the accomplishments of Scouts and
Scouters who have recently received religious awards or emblems.
It may be organized by a local religious council or other religious
organization. It may or may not be part of a religious service.
> What is a Religious Committee?
Most religious organizations have a national committee which
interfaces with Scouting organizations. Each national committee
will create, organize and promote a program designed to meet
their requirements.
For a list of national religious committees see:
Regional religious committees may be formed under the auspices
of the national committees. They may promote the creation
of local committees, support their work, and organize regional
Local religious committees may be formed under the auspices of
the local Scouting councils. They may promote their program of
religious awards or emblems by organizing study groups and
award ceremonies.
All committees work with the appropriate scheduling groups to
prevent conflicts between scheduled events and religious holidays.
Contact your local council to locate your local religious committee.
If your council does not have the appropriate religious committee
then contact the appropriate national religious committee for
assistance in forming one.
> Are there awards for Adults, Units, or Local Religious Committees?
Yes to all, but requirements may vary by religion. A local, regional,
or national committee may nominate a Scouter for an adult award
in recognition of outstanding service.
A Scout Unit (Troop, Pack, etc.) may qualify for an award based
on the degree of participation by Scouts and other requirements
set by the appropriate national committee.
A local religious committee may qualify for an award based on
the degree of participation by local Units and other requirements
set by the appropriate national or regional committees.
> What is the WOSM position on God and Religion in Scouting?
> What was Baden-Powell's position on God and Religion in Scouting?
For a description of the positions of the "World Scouting Movement" and
Lord Baden-Powell see the "Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)"
> You have not answered my question!
Sorry, this FAQ is always "under development".
First, try looking at these great resources:
If that is not helpful then contact the professionals at P.R.A.Y. or call 800-333-7729.
Please do NOT contact me directly ( except
to comment on this document. There are two recognized
weaknesses in this document that may be addressed in the future:
1. Programs outside the USA.
2. USA programs not administered by P.R.A.Y.
> Where is this FAQ maintained?
Updates to this FAQ will be posted in the rec.scouting.*
newsgroups of USENET . The most recent copy of this
FAQ may be found at