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Coasterbuzz charging $20.00

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Nov 4, 2001, 3:39:40 PM11/4/01
On 4 Nov 2001 10:01:28 -0800, (xDisney2002)

>xDisney said:
> has recently started charging $20.00 to use
>some features of their site. Has anyone signed up yet ? Is it worth it
>? Could it be the kiss of death ? I hate to see another good site bite
>the big one.

Yes, it is the kiss of death because he kicked me from his board.
Jeff has always complained about the bandwidth charges on his system.

Everyone just goto and be done with it.

Jeff is biased towards PKI, so if you say anything bad about that
park, he posts nasty responses to your messages. To him, the parks
can do no wrong. Eventually, you'll get kicked from his board, so
don't waste your time.

Jeff, here's to you.

China sucks because they held our people hostage.
Don't eat chinese food at the malls. Eat Japanese instead.
Chinese no. Japan is just as bad for stealing our height record each
year, but at least they're our friends these days. PKI blows for
teasing us about TR, and no, I won't be going there to ride it next

There, free speech for everyone to see.

If you can't afford to run a system, then don't run it. He'll find
out when everyone leaves, because people used to do this with BBS
systems in the past, that is, attempt to charge. It never works, they
just move on to another site.

Allen Ayers

Nov 4, 2001, 4:30:39 PM11/4/01
I'm really wondering how many people are going to want to pay $20 to
use Coasterbuzz. It's a good site, but I can think of other things I'd
rather do with 20 bucks.

xDisney2002 wrote:

> xDisney said:
> has recently started charging $20.00 to use
> some features of their site. Has anyone signed up yet ? Is it worth it
> ? Could it be the kiss of death ? I hate to see another good site bite
> the big one.



Nov 4, 2001, 5:01:37 PM11/4/01
>Yes, it is the kiss of death because he kicked me from his board.

He did you a favor!!! I actually removed myself from there because I was tired
of the biased crap.

>Jeff is biased towards PKI, so if you say anything bad about that
>park, he posts nasty responses to your messages. To him, the parks
>can do no wrong. Eventually, you'll get kicked from his board, so
>don't waste your time.

You forgot he is biased to CP/CF to and, that isn't the only way to get a nasty
response out of him because, it really doesn't take much.Plus,I know there's
arguments and negativity on almost all forums but, CB was by far the worst in
my almost one year forum experiences.Ok,I have probably said to much already
and I am sure the CB watchdogs will get a hold of this and report it back to
the mighty one himself,lol.All Hale Coasterbuzz! NOT!

Sandy A. Nicolaysen

Nov 4, 2001, 6:00:20 PM11/4/01
Diane, you GO girl! I'm outa there too. - Sandy

On 04 Nov 2001 22:01:37 GMT, (CoasterWench)

Robert Ulrich

Nov 4, 2001, 6:23:36 PM11/4/01
On 04 Nov 2001 22:01:37 GMT, (CoasterWench)

>>Yes, it is the kiss of death because he kicked me from his board.

>He did you a favor!!! I actually removed myself from there because I was tired
>of the biased crap.

Of all the boards I lurk, I find CB to be the most unbelievably
biased. If one wanted to kill it off, all they really would have to
do is post certain deragatory statements in every thread and they'd
all be (CLOSED).

There are much better options out there if you want a moderated board,
or HTML browsing.

And what does the $20 buy you? Looks like less ads which a pop-up
killer will do for free. Oh, and a chance to hang out for an ERT
session with other CBers - no thank you to that chance to re-enact
"Tommy." Deaf, dumb and blind board - hear what you want to hear, see
what you want to see.

(remove the OTSR to respond)

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


Nov 4, 2001, 6:37:24 PM11/4/01
>Of all the boards I lurk, I find CB to be the most unbelievably
>biased. If one wanted to kill it off, all they really would have to
>do is post certain deragatory statements in every thread and they'd
>all be (CLOSED).

So glad I'm not the only one who feels this way :)

>And what does the $20 buy you? Looks like less ads which a pop-up
>killer will do for free. Oh, and a chance to hang out for an ERT
>session with other CBers - no thank you to that chance to re-enact
>"Tommy." Deaf, dumb and blind board - hear what you want to hear, see
>what you want to see.

Couldn't have said it better myself! LOL.The ERT he will offer I am sure is
going to be based in Ohio and surrounding states.I just don't Understand why he
expanded from Guide to the point but, the only thing I can figure is so he can
argue and belittle people who join his site that aren't from those areas.

Oh wait a minute, SFWOA won't be on his list for ERT or, will he stoop so low??
LOL. I just don't get it.See what you guys have done? This is such a touchy
topic for me and I hate talking negatively about anyone but, I just can't help
myself here.

Tim Melago

Nov 4, 2001, 7:03:49 PM11/4/01
"xDisney2002" <> wrote in message

> xDisney said:
> has recently started charging $20.00 to use
> some features of their site. Has anyone signed up yet ? Is it worth it
> ? Could it be the kiss of death ? I hate to see another good site bite
> the big one.

I know that sites like has "Premium Ticket" service for
college sports recruiting, etc. But I can't see this working for
coasters. With RRC and other sites like URC info about coasters
is out there for the taking.

Tim Melago -

Max Cannon

Nov 4, 2001, 7:32:52 PM11/4/01

On Sun, 04 Nov 2001 23:23:36 GMT, (Robert
Ulrich) wrote:

>And what does the $20 buy you? Looks like less ads which a pop-up
>killer will do for free. Oh, and a chance to hang out for an ERT
>session with other CBers - no thank you to that chance to re-enact
>"Tommy." Deaf, dumb and blind board - hear what you want to hear, see
>what you want to see.
>(remove the OTSR to respond)

And what gets me is that you have to be a member of CoasterBuzz Club
to update your track records and this was something you could do for
free on the regular website! I was going to update my track record on
the site the other night and found this out. I said "screw it." I'll
still go there and read the occasional posts (and maybe even post
myself.) But, I won't be paying 20.00 to do it.



Nov 5, 2001, 12:07:40 AM11/5/01
That's funny you mention closing threads. I saw a forum called
Coasterbuzz Club!!! NOT, it was closed. He made some pretty
interesting statments in the thread concerning the users. You have to
listen to the users. If you give them what they want they will come. I
am a customer service manager and an xDisney employee. I personally
think it would be wise to keep all forums open, let folks blow off
some steam and stop being aggressive towards people that have
differing opinions. Jeff has built a great site, I've been there
hundreds of times. Moderators shouldn't be site attack dogs. They
should be there to help and support the users and keep out the truly
bogus posters. I was not aware that Jeff was so involved in the
forums, I rarely read them. I found Coasterbuzz on a search engine and
it was a free site with good content. If Jeff wanted to start a pay
site he could have started a separate site with new features and
offered it to the users instead of playing the lazy, no good
freeloaders vs. good people card. If you take something away that was
free, folks get upset.
It's human nature and you can't change it.
CLOSED FORUM EXAMPLE BELOW - No more discussion in this forum
Navigate Forums:
CoasterBuzz Forums => General Buzz
CoasterBuzz Club!!! NOT (closed) Page: 1 2 11/2/2001, 10:01:24 AM (Robert Ulrich) wrote in message news:<>...

Dave Althoff Jr

Nov 5, 2001, 2:11:44 AM11/5/01
Now let's consider this rationally, shall we?

CoasterBuzz is, first of all, a site which features coaster news (much of
which is really coaster website news), and a discussion board.

To round out the content, it also includes a limited image gallery, a
couple of feature articles, a coaster and park census, the 'Web home of
the Roller Coaster Almanac, and a personalization tool which includes
(what I found to be a very cumbersome set of) tools for managing a track

But first and foremost, it is the news section and the discussion board.

And guess what: For the news section and the discussion board,
CoasterBuzz isn't charging a dime. You have your choice: View the site
content (and the advertising which isn't supposed to but often does
include pop-ups) for free, or chuck $20 to the site to see the exact same
content with no advertising at all.

I figure it's a situation somewhat analogous to public radio...except that
members don't have to listen to the underwriting announcements.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
/X\ _ _ *** Still open evenings & weekends! ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

Theme Park Critic

Nov 5, 2001, 10:05:15 AM11/5/01
I can relate to some of the things Jeff is going though, since I run a
site that is on a much smaller scale than his there are certain things
that have to be considered, primarly bandwidth.. I'm very lucky to
have a host that lets me get away with murder bandwidth wise since he
happens to be a friend, but make no mistake, if I was paying full
price i'd be in the 100's of dollars a month.

A site like Coasterbuzz i'm sure runs several hundrend dollars to keep
up and running, not to mention time and effort etc in maintaining the
site. I personally don't see the membership idea working, but in the
same respect banner advertisements generate little to no income at
this point as well. This puts webmasters in very precarious position,
do we pay tons of money a month to keep our sites up, or look for ways
to soften the blow to our wallets.

On a personal note i've never agreed with the way Jeff runs his forums
as well, but I do understand it's HIS board, so by choice I seldom
visit his forums.

It's a weird system.. the better the site, the more the cost
associated... in a world that has users used to free content, suddely
the site costs and the owners are left with no means of keeping up
with traffic and things spiral downword, it'll be interesting to see
what things come about in the future to help. Just my 2c

Mark Hansen
Webmaster -

On 5 Nov 2001 02:11:44 -0500, (Dave Althoff Jr)


Nov 5, 2001, 12:09:06 PM11/5/01
>A site like Coasterbuzz i'm sure runs several hundrend dollars to keep
>up and running, not to mention time and effort etc in maintaining the

I am so sure it costs him big bucks to keep CB open and, I Would be most
willing to pay for any website that I enjoy so long as the owner/moderator
conducted his site in a more respectful and non biased manner.

For starters, I do not live near a paramount or Cedar Fair park so, If I want
good and interesting news about my homepark I had to look elsewhere.Coasterbuzz
honestly never gave me anything that I could not get here or on another forum.

The other thing is, the rude and disrespectful manner that was shown towards
people who either made honest mistakes by going off topic to get a quick
opinion or, being accused of advertising your site if you wanted to show
someone what you do and, the funny thing is, I didn't see a single site that
was geared towards selling something or taking away from the coasterbuzz
membership.For someone who tries so hard to control the content displayed on
his site, his has to be the most uncontrolled and rebelled upon forum I have
seen thus far.I do have to add that there are a few respectable unbiased
members of that site and, I totally enjoyed conversing with them during my time

The way I see it, don't try and open a coaster site for fans of all differant
parks or chains and then turn around and point out all the bad about some of
your members homeparks because you are biased towards certain chains
yourself.He has way to many biased members at CB who side with him and attack
the minorities who dont share the same opinions.I am afraid that because Cedar
Fair/Paramounts sit on the pedestal at CB and no one can speak of a bad
experience there without getting 60% of the cb population which have cedar
point/PKI as a homepark attacking you at once and calling you a liar, The
disrespectfullness and non acceptance of personal opinions will always plague
that site.

You can call me Jealous/envious all you want but the only thing I am really
envious about is the Euphoria of coasters they have in such a small proximity.I
simply didn't belong there because I refuse to bash the Chain that provides my
homepark just to fit in there and gain respect.


Nov 5, 2001, 3:43:40 PM11/5/01
Jeff didn't kick anyone from his boards, and if he did, it's not because of the
20.00 thin at all.
The 20.00 site is OPTIONAL. It's the same exact site, without ads. it's
COMPLETELY optional. Coasterbuzz is still FREE, unless you opt for the
"Coaster-Buzz Club" Which, you some of the same benefits as
coaster clubs (such as the ability to use it as your "club membership" for SRM)

People need to look at the scope of things before they go off ranting and
acting like asses.
Go ahead, FLAME AWAY

-"Flyers, your flightline is clear. Ready to go in 3-2-1 FLY!!!"-

Remove the OTSRs to reply

Joe Schwartz

Nov 5, 2001, 11:23:08 PM11/5/01
mx...@aol.comOTSRs (Raven-Phile) wrote:

> The 20.00 site is OPTIONAL. It's the same exact site, without ads. it's
> COMPLETELY optional. Coasterbuzz is still FREE, unless you opt for the
> "Coaster-Buzz Club" Which, you some of the same benefits as
> coaster clubs (such as the ability to use it as your "club membership"
> for SRM)

However, it's pretty clear that Jeff is doing this to support the cost of
running the CoasterBuzz forums. I think Jeff said it's costing him $1000
per month. That sounds a bit high to me, but it's in the right ballpark
for a dedicated server. The money has to come from somewhere, and
apparently the ads don't bring in enough.

That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people who
use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really

Come visit the Joyrides website <>,
a photo gallery celebrating the joy and beauty of amusement rides!


Nov 6, 2001, 1:06:10 AM11/6/01
>That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people who
>use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
>because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
>provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
>of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
>web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
>that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really

I started posting both on URC and RRC about the fall of 1997 and have, for the
most part, stayed on URC while I've drifted in and out of RRC (and hardly ever
post anywhere else). I do not think it is what URC offered in terms of tangible
benefits. Instead, it was more a group of enthusiasts I somehow "clicked with"
there. I think that is why some people join a particular group, more a sense of
"coaster community," (to use an oft-cliched term). One thing I do like about
online forums is that, at least on URC, there is moderation and not a lot of
problems with huge flame wars, pointless politcal debate from people whose
opinions don't matter to me, etc (obviously there have been some exceptions, but
for the most part it is true). Some people ignore it here, but when things get
bad I never liked hunting through 40 posts that say nothing to find that one
comment that has a valid point about coasters. Of course, I do tend to ingore
it a bit if things do get heated on URC, just like some are more likely to
weather the storms here because of good past experiences. I think that unless
something changes drastically on URC I while always post there because it seems
to fit me best as a person, but will always come back to lurk (and occasionally
make long-winded posts) at RRC.

who also contributes to Roller Coaster Talk, an email discussion group, but
that's a whole other post...

Adam Sandy
"I'm growing older but not up." Jimmy Buffett

Allen Ayers

Nov 6, 2001, 1:12:24 AM11/6/01
Well I also frequent a SFMM board, but for all general coaster talk RRC is

Joe Schwartz wrote:


Message has been deleted


Nov 6, 2001, 8:02:30 AM11/6/01
xDisney said:
I also found out you have to pay when I went to update my track
record. I have a solution. There is a great message board for free
that isn't moderated to death at and if
you just want a plain coaster list you can use If anyone knows of better sites, please
tell me about them.

Max Cannon <> wrote in message news:<>...


Nov 6, 2001, 8:19:22 AM11/6/01
xDisney said:
This is not a flame. It's called an opinion. Coasterbuzz is not free
if you want to update your ride record. According to the discussion in
this thread there have been people kicked from the boards a CB. If you
would like to address an individual allegation made by this thread.
Please do so. How do you know that no one has been kicked ? Are you a
moderator at CB ? This is a serious subject. Please do not post to
this thread if you are only going to flame the people that have
something to say. WE are talking about a problem that have arisen in
our coaster community.

mx...@aol.comOTSRs (Raven-Phile) wrote in message news:<>...


Nov 6, 2001, 9:38:55 AM11/6/01
Joe Schwartz <> wrote in message news:<>...

> That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people who
> use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
> because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
> provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
> of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
> web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
> that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really
> curious.

Since it earned the spot as my homepage I use it as my main source for
news in the coaster world. Sure there are other sources (r.r-c being
one of them), but I very much like the format Coasterbuzz offers.

To answer your question Joe, I like web forums for a number of
reasons... posting on newsgroups sometimes takes a long time. In a web
forum, my message is posted immediately. That generally means faster
responses (good for people like me in the "I want it now" generation)
and a more "realtime" feel to it. Also, it seems that there is more
accountability there as opposed to a newsgroup. r.r-c is pretty good
about not feeding trolls, but others are not as restrained. On
coasterbuzz, they make a good effort to make sure spammers stay away,
which is good IMO.

Many people do not like the way the boards are moderated at
coasterbuzz, but I never have a problem there. They are quick to close
off topic and potential flame war threads, which is a good thing
(again, IMO). If you think before you post and are respectful of the
TOS, then you won't have a problem. I like the way they moderate
there... who wants to see the same tired threads over and over...
(What makes a hypercoaster?, is S:TE a coaster?) no one, likely. I
think some of the people who complain about it either have not read
the TOS or don't look to see if their question has been asked (and
answered) before posting. While I don't find the moderating biased
toward CP, I do see a lot of Pro-CP posts by the mods. I think there
is an important difference. I have found the moderating to be
consistent, which is the sign of a well run board, once again IMO.

As for the 20 bucks, I think think it is similiar to shareware... if
you really like the service you should pay something to help the
product grow and support the author. I enjoy the features coasterbuzz
offers including news, track record, and the meeting calendar. Another
thing I like is that they keep the quality up by not accepting every
yahoo and angelfire site that is submitted. They also have a very good
fact to fiction ratio there... lots of fact and very little tolerance
for fiction. You could probably accomplish some of this on other
sites, but coasterbuzz offers them all there together in a nice
interface. I am not sure taking away features from the regular site
members is the right way to go, but that is another matter entirely. I
would pay the $20 whether the feautres were disabled or not. I think
20 dollars per year is a reasonable price to pay for a service I use

I am not sure that this is the case at this point, but I would rather
pay for the site than let it disappear, given the choice.


Nov 6, 2001, 1:54:10 PM11/6/01
How am *I* Flaming?
I just joined in on the discussion. Apparently, I'm not allowed to have an
opinion. I'm not a moderator, and I never said no one had EVER been kicked, I
said that Jeff hasn't been kicking people for not paying the $20.00 one of my
good friends is a moderator over at CB and i have discussed these issues with
him. He says that the Track record and meeting calender thing is a bad idea.
Give it time, and if you have a problem, maybe you should talk to a moderator
about it, instead of trying to rally people to fight back against the $20.00

FYI, I am still a *regular CoasterBuzz member. I;ll join when the time is
right, but as it stands now, it's not a "Payers vs. Freeloaders" type of deal.

Greg Legowski

Nov 6, 2001, 2:23:59 PM11/6/01
"xDisney2002" <> wrote:
> According to the discussion in
> this thread there have been people kicked from the boards a CB. If you
> would like to address an individual allegation made by this thread.
> Please do so. How do you know that no one has been kicked ? Are you a
> moderator at CB?

Raven-Phile isn't a mod, but I am (this is no secret, we're listed on the
Staff page). No, we have NOT kicked anyone "just" because they didn't pay
$20. The news and discussion areas continue to be free, period. The $20 is
an optional request to help support a site that has become very expensive to
run. RideMan said it best when he said to think of it as something akin to
Public Radio.

Have members been booted from CoasterBuzz? Sure, IF they are abusive. An
example would be the guy who kept posting links to his anime site as
"coaster news".

So why am I a CoasterBuzz user? Because I find the discussions to generally
be more direct, and the feedback to be much quicker, than here on

Have I paid my $20 to join the Club for a year? Sure, because to me,
$20/year is a drop in the bucket, and if it helps support a site I use a
LOT, it's worth it. Any Club benefits on top of that are just a bonus.

Why am I a mod? Because Jeff asked me, and I accepted to try to help
maintain what I perceive as a quality site.

There isn't a class system going on at CoasterBuzz. If you don't want to
pay, you don't have to. The Club is merely a version of a member-supported
site, where Jeff is trying to come up with something extra to reward the
people who DO contribute. He could very easily have just decided running
the site wasn't worth his effort anymore, and shut it down.

Charles Nungester

Nov 6, 2001, 3:49:55 PM11/6/01
>From: mx...@aol.comOTSRs

>The 20.00 site is OPTIONAL. It's the same exact site, without ads. it's
>COMPLETELY optional. Coasterbuzz is still FREE, unless you opt for the
>"Coaster-Buzz Club" Which, you some of the same benefits as
>coaster clubs (such as the ability to use it as your "club membership"

>for SRM)

>People need to look at the scope of things before they go off ranting and
>acting like asses.
>Go ahead, FLAME AWAY


Uhm, lets see here, Paula even said that another boards members could come
last year so why pay a extra $20?

I am not even going to comment on CB, There are some great people there
including you Josh and Dave and others, I even hang reguarly with buzzers but
rarely use the site. I keep getting script errors every time I visit.

Buzz if ya want but there are other boards and I just don't see paying $20 for
that when I can join a club with events and stuff for that.

Chuck, Really has no comment as to good or bad of the Buzz but I do know a
bunch of good hearted people who get treated like crap there for no reason.
Charles Nungester
SOB rides 155 Papa 1016
Count now 148 coasters.

If you live everyday like it is your last, One day you will be right! (Frank


Nov 6, 2001, 4:02:50 PM11/6/01
> However, it's pretty clear that Jeff is doing this to support the cost of
> running the CoasterBuzz forums. I think Jeff said it's costing him $1000
> per month. That sounds a bit high to me, but it's in the right ballpark
> for a dedicated server. The money has to come from somewhere, and
> apparently the ads don't bring in enough.
> That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people
> use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
> because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
> provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
> of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
> web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
> that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really
> curious.

I think the point of those are that many people either do not read Usenet,
or cannot get a Usenet feed without paying out the nose.

Look at the problems Dave Althoff has, and his connection technically
carries a feed, and one w/ RRC.

For those of us w/ both, there isn't a terrible lot of point to a webforum,
other than some dedicated news and response type stuff. I see
GuidetothePoint as having a stronger purpose than the forums on CBuzz.
Still, for those without a decent news server and feed, they do have a

<0 0>

Kip Ross

Nov 6, 2001, 5:00:23 PM11/6/01
On Tue, 06 Nov 2001 04:23:08 GMT, Joe Schwartz <>

>To those of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or
>any other web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do
>those forums offer that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth
>to you? I'm really curious.

Coasterbuzz is for people who can't figure out how to use USENET.

Have you ever tried to read a thread on Coasterbuzz? It's pretty much
a bunch of 12 year-old-acting dorks arguing over whose home park is

I've spent the last few weeks "observing" Coasterbuzz, and all I see
is a bunch of kiddies bickering, and a webmaster who thinks he has a
12" cock.

Kip Ross

Dave Thomas

Nov 6, 2001, 8:53:16 PM11/6/01

If the latter was truely the case, he could probably get more than
$20/person for site admission...

I know, I'm a smartass...

Dave Thomas - Editor
Pixel Planet - Reviews Of Stuff

Ted Ansley

Nov 6, 2001, 10:36:01 PM11/6/01
to (Charles Nungester) wrote:

>>From: mx...@aol.comOTSRs
>>The 20.00 site is OPTIONAL. It's the same exact site, without ads. it's
>>COMPLETELY optional. Coasterbuzz is still FREE, unless you opt for the
>>"Coaster-Buzz Club" Which, you some of the same benefits as
>>coaster clubs (such as the ability to use it as your "club membership"
>>for SRM)
>>People need to look at the scope of things before they go off ranting and
>>acting like asses.
>>Go ahead, FLAME AWAY
> Uhm, lets see here, Paula even said that another boards members could come
>last year so why pay a extra $20?

I think you can join Mid Atlantic Coaster Club or Coaster Zombies for about
$15, no need to join an online forum when you can join a *real* coaster club.

Come to think of it Western New York Coaster Club might also be around that

> I am not even going to comment on CB, There are some great people there
>including you Josh and Dave and others, I even hang reguarly with buzzers but
>rarely use the site. I keep getting script errors every time I visit.
>Buzz if ya want but there are other boards and I just don't see paying $20 for
>that when I can join a club with events and stuff for that.
>Chuck, Really has no comment as to good or bad of the Buzz but I do know a
>bunch of good hearted people who get treated like crap there for no reason.
>Charles Nungester
>SOB rides 155 Papa 1016
>Count now 148 coasters.
>If you live everyday like it is your last, One day you will be right! (Frank

Ted Ansley
**Rollercoaster Fan<atic>**

Jeff 'Jones' Putz

Nov 7, 2001, 12:15:24 AM11/7/01
to (xDisney2002) wrote in message news:<>...

> xDisney said:
> has recently started charging $20.00 to use
> some features of their site. Has anyone signed up yet ? Is it worth it
> ? Could it be the kiss of death ? I hate to see another good site bite
> the big one.

A hundred members so far... I tend to think it's worth it. ;)

I can't believe it took a week for something to sprout up here about
the club, but then again RRC and CoasterBuzz have very different
audiences. Let me share my thoughts about the posts here.

First off, we started a club. The primary benefit is you support the
site. We're also holding an event at PKI, and so far Holiday World and
Cedar Point said they'd accept our members with open arms at their
events. A little midwest focused? Sure it is, but the easiest place to
start is where you know people. I'm trying really hard to line up
something in the mid-Atlantic and the West Coast, but no promises, my
relationships aren't as strong there. That said, you can join or not.
Doesn't matter to me either way. I didn't start the club to compete
with other clubs, meet chicks, pay my mortgage or as some would
suggest, feel better about the inadequate size of my genitals... I
started it because I've got a lot of time and money invested in the
project, and I'm not going to let it die from poor advertising
revenue. Camel's comparison to shareware is probably the best way I've
seen it described.

Now regarding this bias nonsense, "bias" being one of the most
overused words in enthusiast history, yes, let the truth be known, I
am a Cedar Point junkie. I'm one of the park's greatest fans and
harshest critics (see: Ticket-to-Ride). I do run a general interest
coaster site, sure, and I do defend the park from time to time. Just
like everyone else, I have an opinion.

But that's where it stops. In the grand scheme of life, I have little
time to push forth any agenda other than survival. We moderate like
crazy to keep things moving forward and within the bounds of our terms
of service. We don't allow flame wars, we don't let people spam their
sites, we avoid superlative threads as best we can (we're not perfect
in that area), we try to maintain some level of respect for the
English language, all to keep it interesting. Over the past two years,
I've found that some people interpret moderation as some kind of
"bias," but make no mistake about it: We don't censor opinions. Just
ask some of the people I never agree with around there. If it says
"Magic Mountain sucks" or "Cedar Point sucks," it goes away, plain and
simple. Equal opportunity noise reduction.

Some people don't like that, and that's cool and the gang. I
respectfully invite those people to post on RRC or any forum they
choose. It's all good to me. It was never my intention to be
everything to everyone.

In fact, we've got a nice set of affiliate sites from the Paramount
Parks, to Kennywood, to the former Danimation sites Badnitrus and
Coasternet, to SFDL, and we just accepted (gasp!) a site that covers a
certain controversial Northeast Ohio park. The contributed news is
generally heavy from the West Coast, as sites like Twisted Rails,
WestCoaster and AmericaCoasters update often. That's not biased. What
would I possibly have to gain by playing favorites?

In the end, it's easy for people to criticize things that they have no
intention of doing themselves. Hey, that's fine, I won't lose any
sleep over it. At the end of the day, we've provided something that
some people feel is valuable, launched a club and made a name for the
site in the industry. I say "we" because a community in part is only
as good as those who contribute to it. It's easy to stand on the
outside looking in and say, "that sucks." I'm proud of our members,
club members and the great friends we've made throughout the country,
and to a lesser extent, the world. CoasterBuzz is not about Jeff Putz,
it's about people who like to talk about coasters.

If you're a part of that, thank you for your support. If not, that's
your choice, and I'm OK with that. Have a nice day.

Jeff 'Jones' Putz

Greg Legowski

Nov 6, 2001, 11:15:37 PM11/6/01
"Ted Ansley" <> wrote:
> I think you can join Mid Atlantic Coaster Club or Coaster Zombies for
> $15, no need to join an online forum when you can join a *real* coaster
> Come to think of it Western New York Coaster Club might also be around
> price.

True, and if what you're aiming for is membership in a standard club with
some ERTs and such, that's a better option. The CoasterBuzz "Club" is NOT a
traditional enthusiasts club, nor does it want to replace existing clubs.
The $20 annual membership is asking people who find value in the site to
help support the operating costs, and in return the club tries to give the
members some benefits. Events that need membership in SOME club, but not a
SPECIFIC one (Stark Raven Mad and CoasterMania) will accept the CoasterBuzz
membership. There will be a CoasterBuzz event at PKI.

But again, the main purpose of the club, is that people who pay help to keep
up a site that they feel is worth it. Anything else is a bonus.

And yes, I've paid, in spite of maintaining my ACE membership AND
reading/posting here (whoever said "CoasterBuzz is for people who can't
figure out USENET", get a clue yourself -- I've been reading newsgroups
since 1988, and I've been reading RRC since its creation. I tunnel my NNTP
connection through SSH so that I can access my news server from anywhere
even though access is limited by IP address. Tell me again I don't know how
to access this? Or Dave Althoff, Sam Marks, Natalie, or any number of
people who read both RRC and CoasterBuzz.)

Charles Nungester

Nov 7, 2001, 6:22:21 AM11/7/01
>From: "Greg Legowski"

>The $20 annual membership is asking people who find value in the site to
>help support the operating costs, and in return the club tries to give the
>members some benefits. Events that need membership in SOME club, but not a
>SPECIFIC one (Stark Raven Mad and CoasterMania) will accept the
>membership. There will be a CoasterBuzz event at PKI.

There has already been a URC event at PKI that included a hour of ERT and URC
has had one other park event, This did not require a membership but the event
alone did have a cost.

I can understand having to cover cost, Im not sure however that many will go
for it when like Ted and I pointed out before, GOCC is $20, CZ is $15 MACC is
very close to that range. Im sure that there are some that will do em all

Chuck, Just for thought


Nov 7, 2001, 8:02:16 AM11/7/01
>I'm proud of our members,
>club members and the great friends we've made throughout the country,
>and to a lesser extent, the world.

Good for you!! Your Site just wasn't my idea of a good way to make friends.I
made a few yes but, making friends at Coasterbuzz was not easy.For starters, I
myself was afraid to ask any personal questions in order to get to know anyone
better simply because, Off topic Posts were closed rather quickly.

Here on RRC and the other forum I post at(Which the Moderator does dish the
money out of his pocket to keep running and, I would gladly pay for his site
even WITHOUT any extra benefits) it is not forbidden to hear about what
people's lives are like other then when they visit parks etc.. On top of that
If someone has another hobby and they have a website for it, I am interested in
seeing it. It is part of what that person is about but, on CB your not allowed
to link anyone to your website without being accused of advertising or trying
to gain more traffic.If it's not a coaster site then they can't submitt it to
you to get permission to link to it.

If I am looking to make friends I want to know a little more about someone
other then what their top ten coasters are or, what their favorite park is.The
majority of your CB members are under 18 and I guess me being 29 and female, it
just wasn't the place for me.I even left In what I believed was a respectful
manner. I didn't leave calling you or CB names because, I am an adult and
didn't want to give your trolls something to feed on.

The other thing is, I am not from Ohio or any surrounding state so, the chances
of me actually getting to spend a day at the park with the majority of your
members are very slim.The geographical area your site covers does not
personally benefit me so, I did the smart thing and found forums that do
Involve my area. I have been on the inside and, I didn't get thrown out by you
I personally left so, I can say from experience what your site was like to me.
Again, it was my experience and it is my personal opinion and, this is it, my
opinions about your site have been expressed and I will say no more other then
Good luck to you.


Nov 7, 2001, 9:01:20 AM11/7/01
"Greg Legowski" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "xDisney2002" <> wrote:
> > According to the discussion in
> > this thread there have been people kicked from the boards a CB. If you
> > would like to address an individual allegation made by this thread.
> > Please do so. How do you know that no one has been kicked ? Are you a
> > moderator at CB?

> > Raven-Phile isn't a mod, but I am (this is no secret, we're listed on the
> Staff page). No, we have NOT kicked anyone "just" because they didn't pay
> $20. The news and discussion areas continue to be free, period. The $20 is
> an optional request to help support a site that has become very expensive to
> run. RideMan said it best when he said to think of it as something akin to
> Public Radio.

xDisney said:
-I suppose if someone is a paying customer, they have less of a
chance of being kicked from a board than someone that using the site
for free. Since it takes paying customers to keep CB alive. It is
obvious that some people feel like they have been treated rudely. If
people pay the $20.00, will they be treated better than a non-paying
freeloader ?

> Have members been booted from CoasterBuzz? Sure, IF they are abusive. An
> example would be the guy who kept posting links to his anime site as
> "coaster news".
> So why am I a CoasterBuzz user? Because I find the discussions to generally
> be more direct, and the feedback to be much quicker, than here on
> rec.roller-coaster.
> Have I paid my $20 to join the Club for a year? Sure, because to me,
> $20/year is a drop in the bucket, and if it helps support a site I use a
> LOT, it's worth it. Any Club benefits on top of that are just a bonus.
> Why am I a mod? Because Jeff asked me, and I accepted to try to help
> maintain what I perceive as a quality site.

> I suppose a disscussion called Coasterbzz Club...NOT ! was not an acceptable topic. When you shut down valid disscussions, it doesn't reflect well on the staff. If have to allow people not to agree with you if you want open discussion. If the purpose of being a moderator is Public Relations Damage Control then it's not moderation.

> There isn't a class system going on at CoasterBuzz. If you don't want to
> pay, you don't have to. The Club is merely a version of a member-supported
> site, where Jeff is trying to come up with something extra to reward the
> people who DO contribute. He could very easily have just decided running
> the site wasn't worth his effort anymore, and shut it down.

You are WRONG, My Coaster list is being held hostage at CB. THe
ransome is $20.00. No one gave me any choice. I would much prefer the
site shutting down to being hit up for money. When the site changed
from a regional site to a national and int'l site, what did you think
was going to happen to the bandwidth ? I have a sneaking suspicion
that maybe the plan all along was to make CB a pay site. I feel like I
sucked in and used. (My humble opinion )

Dave Althoff Jr

Nov 7, 2001, 9:24:31 AM11/7/01
Joe Schwartz ( wrote:

: That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people who

: use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
: because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
: provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
: of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
: web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
: that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really
: curious.

It's a valid question, and I think a very important one....

It also gets to why I participate in CoasterBuzz and Guide to the Point,
but not on most of the other Web discussion boards.

First and foremost, web forums are for people who can't figure out Usenet,
or who are using crappy web-style newsreaders. Second, CoasterBuzz in
particular is a better 'entry level' forum than, say, r.r-c because it is
moderated, and a new user is less likely to step into a minefield.

But, Joe, you have an excellent point: A good newsreader beats a good web
forum any day of the week. I should note, however, that POP Forums are a
more sensible interface than most of the other discussion systems I have
seen (UBB isn't too bad, which is hardly a surprise considering that POP
is loosely patterned after it, but most web discussion systems are
LOUSY.). I started participating in the CoasterBuzz discussions because I
was asked to join in, and I've stayed because I've found at least some of
the discussion to be interesting.

But the fact remains that there are far too many discussion forums out
there for roller coaster nuts. Every third web site has some kind of
discussion board, plus we have rec.roller-coaster and rec.parks.theme
(remember that one?) to the point that the very purpose of a single USENET
discussion group: to centralize roller coaster subverted.

Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling about rec.roller-coaster, and in fact,
about USENET in general. I think r.r-c is very much the epitome of what a
USENET community should be in many ways. But my own experiences in the
past two years have revealed a disturbing trend, which also seems to point
towards the growth of web-based discussion forums. It appears that apart
from the newsgroup participants, nobody cares about USENET anymore. And
as the system administrators do more and more of their interaction through
non-USENET means, news servers are deteriorating. I have a system
administrator who cares that the news service is failing, but he is
limited by contract to an upline provider that doesn't maintain the news
feed. More and more, USENET is seen as a haven for spammers as discussion
migrates to the much-prettier World Wide Web, where the traffic is carried
on somebody else's server. USENET is slowly dying with a sad whimper. As
users we will do what we can to keep it alive, bugging our administrators
for better feeds and what-not, and I think it has a few years left. But
the combination of bad newsreaders, bad news feeds, and participant
atrition make the future look pretty bleak for the largest
assembled collection of miscellaneous knowledge on the planet.


Nov 7, 2001, 9:44:41 AM11/7/01

Greg Legowski wrote:

> But again, the main purpose of the club, is that people who pay help to keep
> up a site that they feel is worth it. Anything else is a bonus.

Exactly. Why can't people get this instead of attacking the site for
excercising its right. If people don't like it; don't go there. But for
goodness sake, leave the drama to yo mama.

-Rarely visits Coasterbuzz.

Allen Ayers

Nov 7, 2001, 10:06:32 AM11/7/01
Most people don't even realize that this group exists. I've been talking
to somebody who has heard of RRC but just can't understand that there is no
central website. All these new enthusiasts that are also getting on the web
for the first time have no idea that RRC even exists. It took me a long time
to discover this group, I had heard of it but I had no idea how to get here.
When I finally found it I also found it to be much more high paced conversation
then most web-based forums. Typically your web-based forum seems to move
slower and have more simple conversations, and most people like it like that.

Joe Schwartz wrote:

> That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people who
> use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
> because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
> provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
> of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
> web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
> that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really
> curious.


Nat the Cat

Nov 7, 2001, 10:08:15 AM11/7/01
>>The majority of your CB members are under 18 and I guess me being 29 and

female, it just wasn't the place for me. <<

Just to act as a sort of counterexample, I post on Coasterbuzz (and yes, even
joined the Coasterbuzz Club), am 21 and female, and although I get into the
occasional tangle with people, it's usually the "mature adults" I argue with.
The kids on Coasterbuzz are actually for the most part very well behaved. It's
the know-it-all adults who have the same prejudicial views as you do who mess
things up.

I'm not going to contribute to any other aspects of this thread, as God only
knows I'm a "CP biased" individual too right? Only if you mean biased as to
the fact that I can't stand that park in the least bit...oh well, I'll probably
just continue to post both places and have a great time with it.

-Natalie, a.k.a. Nat the Cat

"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No wait, not!"

To reply, just get 0wn3d by me! It's easy!


Nov 7, 2001, 10:19:02 AM11/7/01
> Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling about rec.roller-coaster, and in fact,
> about USENET in general. I think r.r-c is very much the epitome of what a
> USENET community should be in many ways. But my own experiences in the
> past two years have revealed a disturbing trend, which also seems to point
> towards the growth of web-based discussion forums. It appears that apart
> from the newsgroup participants, nobody cares about USENET anymore. And
> as the system administrators do more and more of their interaction through
> non-USENET means, news servers are deteriorating. I have a system
> administrator who cares that the news service is failing, but he is
> limited by contract to an upline provider that doesn't maintain the news
> feed. More and more, USENET is seen as a haven for spammers as discussion
> migrates to the much-prettier World Wide Web, where the traffic is carried
> on somebody else's server. USENET is slowly dying with a sad whimper. As
> users we will do what we can to keep it alive, bugging our administrators
> for better feeds and what-not, and I think it has a few years left.

I've been hearing 'Usenet is dying' since I started back in 1997. I suspect
we've been hearing it since 1979... I'd be surprised, honestly, if Usenet is
actually contracting. It may not be expanding quickly, but it doesn't seem
to be as actively endangered as IRC, for instance. And it's still a lot more
relevant than Gopher. <G>

> But
> the combination of bad newsreaders, bad news feeds, and participant
> atrition make the future look pretty bleak for the largest
> assembled collection of miscellaneous knowledge on the planet.

Google? ;)

> --Dave Althoff, Jr.
> --
> /X\ _ _ *** Still open evenings & weekends! ***
> /XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____
> /XXXXX\ /XXX\ _/XXXX\_ /X\ /XXXXX\ /X\ /X\ /XXXXX


Nov 7, 2001, 10:20:16 AM11/7/01
> > There isn't a class system going on at CoasterBuzz. If you don't want
> > pay, you don't have to. The Club is merely a version of a
> > site, where Jeff is trying to come up with something extra to reward the
> > people who DO contribute. He could very easily have just decided
> > the site wasn't worth his effort anymore, and shut it down.
> You are WRONG, My Coaster list is being held hostage at CB. THe
> ransome is $20.00. No one gave me any choice. I would much prefer the
> site shutting down to being hit up for money. When the site changed
> from a regional site to a national and int'l site, what did you think
> was going to happen to the bandwidth ? I have a sneaking suspicion
> that maybe the plan all along was to make CB a pay site. I feel like I
> sucked in and used. (My humble opinion )

So... why not just close the account and stop visiting? It's not like he's
forcing you to read it.

And jeez, lighten up. It's not like Jeff pissed in your tea.

<0 0>

...unless he did.


Nov 7, 2001, 11:18:24 AM11/7/01
I have not been keeping up with this thread. I have not read Coasterbuzz in
over a year. All I know is what I am reading in the header of this thread. I
don't believe you should have to pay for a web page like that. Heck I dont
believe in paying for any page period.


# 1 Wood, The Legend, # 2 Knoebel's Twister
# 1 Steel, Mindbender at West Edmonton Mall, # 2 Superman: ROS at SFNE


Nov 7, 2001, 11:17:47 AM11/7/01
>God only
>knows I'm a "CP biased" individual too right?

Would you tell me I am crazy if I ride MF and don't find it all that impressive
and, would you tell me that it is the best Coaster on the planet and I should
agree as well??

If you answered Yes to this question I would probably consider that a Biased
statement, yes.

If you answered No then I would disregard you as a CP Biased person.

As for me being prejudice against "Younger" Enthusiasts, Not a chance! I
actually chat with quite a few 3 nights a week and they are the most respectful
and well mannered bunch I have come across to date.In fact, I would be honored
if my two Little Boys grew up around them and, they are what I would like to
see my boys become as "young" enthusiasts should my boys decide to take this on
as a hobby.

I am sorry however if you find me prejudiced just because I don't live where
the general population of CB reside from and, alot of the content of the topics
don't personally suite me and give me much to talk about.I am a grown woman
with two young children. Talking about Hoochies, Music, what CP or PKI are
getting next year or, how god aweful a certain chain is isn't my idea of
discussion suited to my personality.I realized that there were other forums
better suited to me so, I left.Can you blame me for going where I am more
comfortable?? When I left coasterbuzz I did not hold any one Group accountable
for the reasons I was leaving.I thanked everyone who was nice enough to respond
and answer my questions or posts there in a respectful manner.


Nov 7, 2001, 1:17:16 PM11/7/01
> >God only
> >knows I'm a "CP biased" individual too right?
> Would you tell me I am crazy if I ride MF and don't find it all that
> and, would you tell me that it is the best Coaster on the planet and I
> agree as well??
> If you answered Yes to this question I would probably consider that a
> statement, yes.

That's a touch unfair. You're assuming park bias in the face of ride-bias.
If I think MF is the best coaster on the planet, and we all tend to assume
we're right, then isn't it reasonable that I would be at least curious why
someone else doesn't think so?

(For what it's worth, I don't think MF is the best coaster on the planet.
I'm gonna reserve judgement on steel until I can hit Nemesis, ExpG, and

Tom Ayers

Nov 7, 2001, 1:54:38 PM11/7/01
A lot of people don't know that there is more to the internet than just
the web and email. You mention newsgroups or usenet and they have no
clue even what it is, let alone use it.



Nov 7, 2001, 1:59:12 PM11/7/01
>If I think MF is the best coaster on the planet, and we all tend to assume
>we're right, then isn't it reasonable that I would be at least curious why
>someone else doesn't think so?

It's one thing to satisfy someone's curiosity and give your answer but, when
you give your answer and are Called a Liar about what you did or did not
experience is a bit unfair to no???

If someone found something wrong with my favorite coaster I would never tell
them they are a liar or that it is the greatest coaster on the planet and if
you don't agree your stupid. Sorry, I don't disrespect people that
way.Personally I have seen this happen alot of times where MF is concerned.

As for being a touch unfair, yeah maybe I was, my apologies to those who were
offended by that statement.One thing is for certain, I can't comment on whether
or not MF or CP are the best coaster/park on the planet and I probably never
will even if I do make a trip out there.The only reason for this is, I doubt I
will ever visit every park and ride every coaster on this planet.I can say I
have a favorite for the time being but, I know I can't say for sure that it
will always stay that way since there is so much I have not done.I am getting
way off topic here but anyway ,I see your at least leaving your mind open to
the possibility that you may not have ridden what you might consider the best
coaster on the planet IYO by saying this.....

>For what it's worth, I don't think MF is the best coaster on the planet.
>I'm gonna reserve judgement on steel until I can hit Nemesis, ExpG, and

Good Luck getting on these coasters and most of all have fun!

Nat the Cat

Nov 7, 2001, 2:56:35 PM11/7/01
>>Would you tell me I am crazy if I ride MF and don't find it all that
and, would you tell me that it is the best Coaster on the planet and I should
agree as well??

If you answered Yes to this question I would probably consider that a Biased
statement, yes.

If you answered No then I would disregard you as a CP Biased person. <<

What if I told you I think Millennium Force is incredible, and I feel honored
to have gotten to work it this past season, but no it is not my favorite
rollercoaster. It is in my top 5 however. God forbid, but my favorite steel
rollercoaster is at one of those (OMG) SIX FLAGS parks!

>>As for me being prejudice against "Younger" Enthusiasts, Not a chance! I
actually chat with quite a few 3 nights a week and they are the most respectful
and well mannered bunch I have come across to date.In fact, I would be honored
if my two Little Boys grew up around them and, they are what I would like to
see my boys become as "young" enthusiasts should my boys decide to take this on
as a hobby.

Well that's what you said, that the reason you left Coasterbuzz is because most
of the clientele are under 18.

That's what we are led to believe when you say things like that. Next time
maybe choose your wording more carefully?

And as a side note, if you're referring to those SFGAm lamers, you do NOT want
your kids to be like them! AHHH! heheheh

Dave Althoff Jr

Nov 7, 2001, 3:09:10 PM11/7/01
Wolf ( wrote:
: > Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling about rec.roller-coaster, and in fact,

: > about USENET in general. I think r.r-c is very much the epitome of what a
: > USENET community should be in many ways. But my own experiences in the
: > past two years have revealed a disturbing trend, which also seems to point
: > towards the growth of web-based discussion forums. It appears that apart
: > from the newsgroup participants, nobody cares about USENET anymore. And
: > as the system administrators do more and more of their interaction through
: > non-USENET means, news servers are deteriorating. I have a system
: > administrator who cares that the news service is failing, but he is
: > limited by contract to an upline provider that doesn't maintain the news
: > feed. More and more, USENET is seen as a haven for spammers as discussion
: > migrates to the much-prettier World Wide Web, where the traffic is carried
: > on somebody else's server. USENET is slowly dying with a sad whimper. As
: > users we will do what we can to keep it alive, bugging our administrators
: > for better feeds and what-not, and I think it has a few years left.

: I've been hearing 'Usenet is dying' since I started back in 1997. I suspect
: we've been hearing it since 1979... I'd be surprised, honestly, if Usenet is
: actually contracting. It may not be expanding quickly, but it doesn't seem
: to be as actively endangered as IRC, for instance. And it's still a lot more
: relevant than Gopher. <G>

Yeah, I think Usenet has been officially "dying" ever since it inception.

First it was general anarchy, then it was the net cops, then it was AOL
(today is September 3233, 1993, by the way...), now it's the World Wide

The thing that saves Usenet is the fact that it's actively useful, and
there really is no substitute for it. As Joe and I have both noted, a
good newsreader is much nicer than the best web forum. And web forums
have a way of going off-line for hours at a time. USENET is pretty
bullet-proof. While my newsfeed is pretty bad, there are other feeds out
there, and it is virtually impossible for all of Usenet to go down at

Then there's the problem that with thousands of clueless newbies joining
the 'Net every day, almost none of them have ever heard of Usenet, most
don't know that they have access to Usenet servers (which they usually
do), and most of them don't know what Usenet is good for.

And the news admins duly note that a declining percentage of their
(l)users actually use USENET. Never mind that they never bothered to tell
their new users about it...!

: > But

: > the combination of bad newsreaders, bad news feeds, and participant
: > atrition make the future look pretty bleak for the largest
: > assembled collection of miscellaneous knowledge on the planet.

: Google? ;)


Google is good. But if you want an opinion of anything at all, you'll get
a faster, better response through USENET.


Nov 7, 2001, 3:31:02 PM11/7/01
>What if I told you I think Millennium Force is incredible, and I feel honored
>to have gotten to work it this past season, but no it is not my favorite

I would say I don't doubt your opinion and I respect that you feel that way.

>God forbid, but my favorite steel
>rollercoaster is at one of those (OMG) SIX FLAGS parks!

But this just can't be!!! LOL :)

>Well that's what you said, that the reason you left Coasterbuzz is because
>of the clientele are under 18.

Well, I meant no disrespect by saying that. I am an older person and alot of
the things they talk about I can't really relate to.

>And as a side note, if you're referring to those SFGAm lamers, you do NOT
>your kids to be like them! AHHH! heheheh

Well, I don't know who all make that group up.I think I have only talked to a
few of them but, no it's not them and, I am not saying I wouldn't want them to
either.I have actually spent some time at the parks with the group of kids I am
referring to and, they were alot of fun to hang out with :) . Robert
Strausberg if you read this, don't let it go to your head :)~


Nov 7, 2001, 4:41:34 PM11/7/01
> : > But
> : > the combination of bad newsreaders, bad news feeds, and participant
> : > atrition make the future look pretty bleak for the largest
> : > assembled collection of miscellaneous knowledge on the planet.
> : Google? ;)
> Smart-ass!
> Google is good. But if you want an opinion of anything at all, you'll get
> a faster, better response through USENET.
> --Dave Althoff, Jr.
> --
> /X\ _ _ *** Still open evenings & weekends! ***

Assuming you can read those first posts in a thread, that is. <G>

That is one reason I really like Outlook Express and its predecessor --
Internet Mail and News. The inclusion of a really decent news reader along
with the ubiquitous mail program. And kudos for Netscape including a client
way back in version... 2.0, I believe.

Joe Schwartz

Nov 7, 2001, 9:40:44 PM11/7/01
to (Dave Althoff Jr) wrote:

> Then there's the problem that with thousands of clueless newbies joining
> the 'Net every day, almost none of them have ever heard of Usenet, most
> don't know that they have access to Usenet servers (which they usually
> do), and most of them don't know what Usenet is good for.

Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? :-)

How does AOL expose Usenet in its user interface? Do you have to discover
it on your own (as with Outlook Express), or do they give you a big pretty
Usenet button to press somewhere?

Come visit the Joyrides website <>,
a photo gallery celebrating the joy and beauty of amusement rides!


Nov 7, 2001, 11:41:21 PM11/7/01
> > Then there's the problem that with thousands of clueless newbies joining
> > the 'Net every day, almost none of them have ever heard of Usenet, most
> > don't know that they have access to Usenet servers (which they usually
> > do), and most of them don't know what Usenet is good for.
> Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? :-)
> How does AOL expose Usenet in its user interface? Do you have to discover
> it on your own (as with Outlook Express), or do they give you a big pretty
> Usenet button to press somewhere?

AOL positively buries it. At least they did when I used it, 'Back In The
Day'. It still came on the usefully re-formattable 3.5" disks back then. It
used to be in some really obscure place, and slow to list, too.


Nov 7, 2001, 11:47:55 PM11/7/01
Yeah, it's there, but it's buried.
Unfortunately, I have to use AOL's USENET server, since my ISP (road runner)
refuses to supply me with an outlook password. They originally gave me one, but
I lost it, and they won't give it to me.

Since I get free AOL, i'm safe.
but this USENET server SUCKS

-"Flyers, your flightline is clear. Ready to go in 3-2-1 FLY!!!"-

Remove the OTSRs to reply

Ted Ansley

Nov 8, 2001, 12:56:55 AM11/8/01
rugger...@aol.com0WN3D (Nat the Cat) wrote:

>>>The majority of your CB members are under 18 and I guess me being 29 and
>female, it just wasn't the place for me. <<
>Just to act as a sort of counterexample, I post on Coasterbuzz (and yes, even
>joined the Coasterbuzz Club), am 21 and female, and although I get into the
>occasional tangle with people, it's usually the "mature adults" I argue with.
>The kids on Coasterbuzz are actually for the most part very well behaved. It's
>the know-it-all adults who have the same prejudicial views as you do who mess
>things up.

I'll bite on that now that I have evolved into one of the "know it all
adults"! Frankly, the adults probably know much more about the topics
discussed then the youngsters, there is a thing called experience! If
youngsters would listen more to adults and quit trying to be smartasses then
maybe they would learn a thing or two. It's unfortunate that future soceity
is doomed to repeat our failures because over time the collective knowledge
of our "elders" seems lost on smartass uneducated masses. I know this sounds
harsh, but this can also be applied to the simple things, like roller
coaster discussion boards!

>I'm not going to contribute to any other aspects of this thread, as God only
>knows I'm a "CP biased" individual too right? Only if you mean biased as to
>the fact that I can't stand that park in the least bit...oh well, I'll probably
>just continue to post both places and have a great time with it.
>-Natalie, a.k.a. Nat the Cat

Dave Althoff Jr

Nov 8, 2001, 1:01:21 AM11/8/01
Joe Schwartz ( wrote:

: (Dave Althoff Jr) wrote:

: > Then there's the problem that with thousands of clueless newbies joining
: > the 'Net every day, almost none of them have ever heard of Usenet, most
: > don't know that they have access to Usenet servers (which they usually
: > do), and most of them don't know what Usenet is good for.

: Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? :-)

You have a point there. The "September 3234, 1993" thing comes to mind again.

: How does AOL expose Usenet in its user interface? Do you have to discover

: it on your own (as with Outlook Express), or do they give you a big pretty
: Usenet button to press somewhere?

I certainly wouldn't know about that, as AOL dropped their Apple ][ client
(formerly AppleLine if I remember correctly) before they added Usenet support.

I do know that (AOL-owned) Compu$erve recently eliminated Usenet from
their "classic" shell service, cutting off a few troggs from their
favorite newsgroups.

--Dave Althoff, ][.

Nat the Cat

Nov 8, 2001, 11:06:51 AM11/8/01
Granted those "elders" may KNOW more, but the way the "know it alls" I'm
talking about PRESENT their knowledge is what disgusts me. I have no problem
with people like Dave Althoff, who know A LOT and present it in a
straightforward manner. It's the ones who demean the "youngsters" who make me
think twice. Maybe we don't have the EXPERIENCE some of the older people do,
but that doesn't mean we're STUPID and that's how a lot of people make it out
to sound. I'm sick and tired of that, I try my hardest to type coherently and
form good thoughts, arguments and facts, only to get shot down by someone who
can't even take the time to spell or type correctly JUST because the person is
older than me! I'm not talking about you here Ted, and I acknowledge and
respect the point of your post, although I do not appreciate apparently being
put in the "smartass uneducated masses" category. I've made it a point to
educate myself on things I post or talk about about 95% of the time. Sometimes
in the heat of an argument I'll slip and say something that I can't back up
with facts, oh well, who doesn't do that sometimes?

In short, I've seen some "mature adults" be very much less mature than the
"kiddies" they're trying to belittle (which, btw, is not, as a general rule,
mature), and that's what I'm talking about here. I'm not talking about adults
who really do KNOW a lot and take the time to share it without belittling. I'm
talking about the ones who condescend and demean while they're trying to get
their points across. Go ahead, flame away, I'm just offering here a bit of a
clarification of my post, as the original didn't really come across the way I
intended it to.

I don't believe that people should commend my respect and attention SOLELY
because of their age, sorry, I believe it must be proven that they should be
respected, whether they're 15 or 51.

Who is still young at 21, but doesn't consider herself "uneducated" or stupid.

Greg Legowski

Nov 8, 2001, 11:34:39 AM11/8/01
"Wolf" <> wrote:
> AOL positively buries it. At least they did when I used it, 'Back In The
> Day'. It still came on the usefully re-formattable 3.5" disks back then.

As opposed to the CDs. I have enough coasters already.

The plastic DVD-style keep cases are pretty damn useful, though...


Charles Nungester

Nov 8, 2001, 12:58:41 PM11/8/01
>rugger...@aol.com0WN3D (Nat the Cat)

>Granted those "elders" may KNOW more, but the way the "know it alls" I'm
>talking about PRESENT their knowledge is what disgusts me. I have no problem
>with people like Dave Althoff, who know A LOT and present it in a
>straightforward manner.

Agreed, I think nobody has a problem with construtive critizism when properly

It's the ones who demean the "youngsters" who make
>think twice. Maybe we don't have the EXPERIENCE some of the older people do,
>but that doesn't mean we're STUPID and that's how a lot of people make it out
>to sound

Stupid? I do not think anyone including The Wench said that. She said that
people call her nuts for not calling CP or a park that has been visited by many

Im a little biased toward my home park's of PKI and HW myself and often times
show it. However the more parks I visit and the more coasters I ride. The more
enlightened I become to what the best of the best are and that is still just my
opinion and not anyone elses.

. I'm sick and tired of that, I try my hardest to type coherently
>form good thoughts, arguments and facts, only to get shot down by someone who
>can't even take the time to spell or type correctly JUST because the person
>older than me! I'm not talking about you here Ted, and I acknowledge and
>respect the point of your post, although I do not appreciate apparently being
>put in the "smartass uneducated masses" category.

I can't speak for anyone else Nat but I do enjoy your post and opinions as
well as everyone elses.

I've made it a point to
>educate myself on things I post or talk about about 95% of the time.
>in the heat of an argument I'll slip and say something that I can't back up
>with facts, oh well, who doesn't do that sometimes?

Thats THE POINT! Everyone dose it at one time or another.

>In short, I've seen some "mature adults" be very much less mature than the
>"kiddies" they're trying to belittle (which, btw, is not, as a general rule,
>mature), and that's what I'm talking about here. I'm not talking about
>who really do KNOW a lot and take the time to share it without belittling.

I am going to point out a example of what she is talking about. I strolled
through the Buzz the other day and seen on poster, Post 5 messages in a thread
about CCI. The thread had about 30 post but this one poster posted 5 times
about how much CCI sucked and admitedly has only ridden two CCI's. That is a
uneducated and can be viewed as a childish post.

>talking about the ones who condescend and demean while they're trying to get
>their points across. Go ahead, flame away, I'm just offering here a bit of a
>clarification of my post, as the original didn't really come across the way I
>intended it to.

Who is flaming you for speaking your honest opinion?

>I don't believe that people should commend my respect and attention SOLELY
>because of their age, sorry, I believe it must be proven that they should be
>respected, whether they're 15 or 51.

I agree, But the majority of posters who are trying to brag or say CP is the
end all of parks apear to be among the younger of the group.

My view is I learn somthing new every day. A person posting as a know it
all, No matter if they are 5 or 55 comands a lesser view IMHO.

It's ok to think Millie is the ultimate ride in your opinion, There would be
several to agree with you. There are severa however who would dissagree also
and it is combination of those hypothisis that I look for in a overall view of
a ride. Simply to say that Millie or any other coaster is THE BEST and nothing
else compares is ok to say if you point out that it is you opinion. That
opinion should not be used however to say people are stupid or inferior for not


>Who is still young at 21, but doesn't consider herself "uneducated" or

Charles Nungester
SOB rides 157 Papa 1019
Count now 148 coasters.

Kevin Reid

Nov 8, 2001, 1:21:11 PM11/8/01
> That raises the question, how much are those forums worth to the people who
> use them? Personally, I've never used any web-based coaster forums,
> because I waste enough time reading RRC, and because I think newsreaders
> provide a much better interface for reading discussion threads. To those
> of you who read CoasterBuzz (or Ultimate Rollercoaster, or any other
> web-based coaster forum), why do you do it? What do those forums offer
> that RRC doesn't, and what are those benefits worth to you? I'm really
> curious.

I consider myself a long time reader/poster/supporter of Ultimate
Rollercoaster. Why? Simply it was the first web site I ran across when
I was searching for info. Back then I had no idea what a news reader
was or let alone RRC. At first I lurked then started to contribute. A
few years years ago the internet was realy just starting to explode in
its popularity and it just so happened that Eric G was there and
offered a very neat way to discuss with others. Today there is way
more choices (not all good or same qaulity). URC stuck it out and Eric
continually improves on the functionality of the forums.

What do those forums offer that RRC doesn't, and what are those

benefits worth to you? What they both offer is a place to discuss and
have some fun on the topic we all seem to love. Worth? I don't think I
would pay for it and charging dollars will be the death of Coasterbuzz
or other sites.

Like RRC I found and made many new friends through URC. I can go to
PKI and know more people there than my home park of PCW.

Kevin Reid
Newmarket, Ontario

Shameless self promotion-- Visit the PCW Junkies on Ride Photos of


Nov 8, 2001, 2:06:25 PM11/8/01
> I'll bite on that now that I have evolved into one of the "know it all
> adults"! Frankly, the adults probably know much more about the topics
> discussed then the youngsters, there is a thing called experience! If
> youngsters would listen more to adults and quit trying to be smartasses
> maybe they would learn a thing or two.

You know, I think every generation has said this since the dawn of man. It's
also the old people who say it. <G>

How's that new-fangled rock music, by he way, Ted?

It can also be stated that age does not necessarily confer wisdom. There are
some younger posters here who actually do know what they are talking about.
We've got pre-teens with over 200 credits and a smattering of college-age
engineers as well, who it could be stated know more about how coasters work
than most around here.

For what it's worth, I feel old. I get to hear three different pops
everytime I get up in the morning. Stupid joints.

Jim Everman

Nov 8, 2001, 4:08:57 PM11/8/01
Greg Legowski wrote:

> "Wolf" <> wrote:
>> AOL positively buries it. At least they did when I used it, 'Back In The
>> Day'. It still came on the usefully re-formattable 3.5" disks back then.

> As opposed to the CDs. I have enough coasters already.

You might try this:

> The plastic DVD-style keep cases are pretty damn useful, though...
> --Greg

Huh? the ones I get are all in cheap cardboard..

Jim Everman

Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by

Allen Ayers

Nov 8, 2001, 7:19:36 PM11/8/01
Ted I want to jump on what you said here. I am one of the youngest regular
posters here only 16 years old, and I've really only been into coasters for about
the last 2 and a half years. I've only posted on RRC for about a year now. I know
a lot about coasters, however everything I've learned has come from the older
members. Most of the people I've meet in person at the parks are considerably older
then me. I listen to the older members because I figure that you've been coaster
enthusiasts much longer than I have, and hence have more knowledge. Yes there are a
lot of people my age who think that as soon as they join ACE (though I'm not
actually in ACE yet) they instantly know everything there is to know about
coasters. Normally however it is the older members who know more, and can teach the
younger members.

Ted Ansley wrote:

> I'll bite on that now that I have evolved into one of the "know it all
> adults"! Frankly, the adults probably know much more about the topics
> discussed then the youngsters, there is a thing called experience! If
> youngsters would listen more to adults and quit trying to be smartasses then
> maybe they would learn a thing or two. It's unfortunate that future soceity
> is doomed to repeat our failures because over time the collective knowledge
> of our "elders" seems lost on smartass uneducated masses. I know this sounds
> harsh, but this can also be applied to the simple things, like roller
> coaster discussion boards!

> Ted Ansley
> **Rollercoaster Fan<atic>**


Robert Mack

Nov 8, 2001, 7:55:59 PM11/8/01
Ted here me out here, although I do not appreciate being called uneducated or
stupid I can see where your coming from. Most teenagers and perhaps people in
general really don't care much about anything but themselves and what's in it
for them. I simply don't associate with these people.
Also most young people do not take it upon themselves to get educated or learn
the facts but will blab on and on about something they know next to nothing
I try to avoid this as much as possible, I read A LOT at least about the things
that interest me. I probably am into politics and global events more then 90%
of adults. I do not like being demeaned and passed over because of my age. I
may only be 15 years old but I feel that I on the whole act much more mature
then that, sure I am silly and goofy but I will always be that way. That
however has no effect on my knowledge or more importantly my desire to learn,
also knowledge is not wisdom and wisdom is not knowledge however they do often
Rob Mack
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for
his.--George S. Patton
Don't Trade Freedom For Fear! Robert J. Mack

Joe Schwartz

Nov 8, 2001, 7:59:27 PM11/8/01
"Greg Legowski" <> wrote:

> The plastic DVD-style keep cases are pretty damn useful, though...

They *would* be useful, if they weren't covered with those damn stickers...

Ted Ansley

Nov 8, 2001, 9:06:33 PM11/8/01
rugger...@aol.com0WN3D (Nat the Cat) wrote:

>Granted those "elders" may KNOW more, but the way the "know it alls" I'm
>talking about PRESENT their knowledge is what disgusts me. I have no problem
>with people like Dave Althoff, who know A LOT and present it in a
>straightforward manner. It's the ones who demean the "youngsters" who make me
>think twice. Maybe we don't have the EXPERIENCE some of the older people do,
>but that doesn't mean we're STUPID and that's how a lot of people make it out
>to sound. I'm sick and tired of that, I try my hardest to type coherently and
>form good thoughts, arguments and facts, only to get shot down by someone who
>can't even take the time to spell or type correctly JUST because the person is
>older than me! I'm not talking about you here Ted, and I acknowledge and
>respect the point of your post, although I do not appreciate apparently being
>put in the "smartass uneducated masses" category. I've made it a point to

I apologize, that was not my intention to put you in that category. I kinda
got on a tangent about the effects on society when the younger generations do
not heed the experience of the previous ones.

>educate myself on things I post or talk about about 95% of the time. Sometimes
>in the heat of an argument I'll slip and say something that I can't back up
>with facts, oh well, who doesn't do that sometimes?
>In short, I've seen some "mature adults" be very much less mature than the
>"kiddies" they're trying to belittle (which, btw, is not, as a general rule,
>mature), and that's what I'm talking about here. I'm not talking about adults
>who really do KNOW a lot and take the time to share it without belittling. I'm
>talking about the ones who condescend and demean while they're trying to get
>their points across. Go ahead, flame away, I'm just offering here a bit of a
>clarification of my post, as the original didn't really come across the way I
>intended it to.
>I don't believe that people should commend my respect and attention SOLELY
>because of their age, sorry, I believe it must be proven that they should be
>respected, whether they're 15 or 51.

I do agree with that, you should prove yourself with your knowledge,
demeanor, maturity, and your ability to HAVE FUN! (ok that last one didn't
really fit but it does on RRC! :-) ) I did get a little too serious in my

response. However, you have no idea how many times in the last few years
I find myself realizing that my parents were right about a whole bunch of
things and also lots of times that I find myself reacting the same way or
doing the same things know because I'm gradually realizing that they were
a whole lot smarter and wiser than I had ever imagined!

>Who is still young at 21, but doesn't consider herself "uneducated" or stupid.

Ted Ansley

Nov 8, 2001, 9:12:32 PM11/8/01
to (Robert Mack) wrote:

>Ted here me out here, although I do not appreciate being called uneducated or
>stupid I can see where your coming from. Most teenagers and perhaps people in
>general really don't care much about anything but themselves and what's in it
>for them. I simply don't associate with these people.

I understand and my intention that part of my post was a generalization about
the possible future of our soceity and was in no way aimed at any particular
person on RRC. On the contrary, I've found the majority of younger posters
on RRC who've I met to be wonderful, smart, and witty young adults. I love
the enthusiasm and open minds of the younger set on RRC because those
traits are often lost on many of us who've been around here a while.

>Also most young people do not take it upon themselves to get educated or learn
>the facts but will blab on and on about something they know next to nothing
>I try to avoid this as much as possible, I read A LOT at least about the things
>that interest me. I probably am into politics and global events more then 90%
>of adults. I do not like being demeaned and passed over because of my age. I
>may only be 15 years old but I feel that I on the whole act much more mature
>then that, sure I am silly and goofy but I will always be that way. That
>however has no effect on my knowledge or more importantly my desire to learn,
>also knowledge is not wisdom and wisdom is not knowledge however they do often
> Rob Mack
>Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for
>his.--George S. Patton
>Don't Trade Freedom For Fear! Robert J. Mack

Dave Althoff Jr

Nov 8, 2001, 11:59:49 PM11/8/01
Wolf ( wrote:
: > I'll bite on that now that I have evolved into one of the "know it all

: > adults"! Frankly, the adults probably know much more about the topics
: > discussed then the youngsters, there is a thing called experience! If
: > youngsters would listen more to adults and quit trying to be smartasses
: then
: > maybe they would learn a thing or two.

: You know, I think every generation has said this since the dawn of man. It's
: also the old people who say it. <G>

: How's that new-fangled rock music, by he way, Ted?

I'm glad I am not the only one who heard the elderly curmudgeon's voice in
Ted's post. Ted, you're not turning into an old fart already, are you? 8-)

: It can also be stated that age does not necessarily confer wisdom. There are

: some younger posters here who actually do know what they are talking about.
: We've got pre-teens with over 200 credits and a smattering of college-age
: engineers as well, who it could be stated know more about how coasters work
: than most around here.

The thing about roller coasters is that almost none of us learned anything
about them in school. They weren't a subject of academic study, and odds
are pretty good that for years our exposure was limited. One way or
another we all discovered that we were more than a little interested in
these things, and ultimately we found others like us. Our level of
knowledge and experience in this field usually has less to do with our
chronological age than with how long we've been "into" roller coasters.
Which is kind of neat; it means the more aged among us can learn from the
younger generation as well as the other way around.

: For what it's worth, I feel old. I get to hear three different pops

: everytime I get up in the morning.

Three different sure that isn't the clock radio?

: Stupid joints.

Didn't your mother tell you to stay out of joints?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Robert Mack

Nov 9, 2001, 12:11:59 AM11/9/01
>> How does AOL expose Usenet in its user interface? Do you have to discover
>> it on your own (as with Outlook Express), or do they give you a big pretty
>> Usenet button to press somewhere?
>AOL positively buries it. At least they did when I used it, 'Back In The
>Day'. It still came on the usefully re-formattable 3.5" disks back then. It
>used to be in some really obscure place, and slow to list, too.

Hidden, you have to goto keyword newsgroups which looks accient. Then you have
to search, but that's confusing. Then you have to open the group and click
through some windows.


Nov 9, 2001, 12:49:55 AM11/9/01
> : It can also be stated that age does not necessarily confer wisdom. There
> : some younger posters here who actually do know what they are talking
> : We've got pre-teens with over 200 credits and a smattering of
> : engineers as well, who it could be stated know more about how coasters
> : than most around here.
> The thing about roller coasters is that almost none of us learned anything
> about them in school. They weren't a subject of academic study, and odds
> are pretty good that for years our exposure was limited. One way or
> another we all discovered that we were more than a little interested in
> these things, and ultimately we found others like us. Our level of
> knowledge and experience in this field usually has less to do with our
> chronological age than with how long we've been "into" roller coasters.
> Which is kind of neat; it means the more aged among us can learn from the
> younger generation as well as the other way around.

I suppose the exception here is that just about every mechanical physics
book I've run across uses roller coasters as an example of potential/kinetic
conversion, and as a study of forces in a loop.

> : For what it's worth, I feel old. I get to hear three different pops
> : everytime I get up in the morning.
> Three different sure that isn't the clock radio?

No, that's the wild eep that sounds like a forklift in reverse.

> : Stupid joints.
> Didn't your mother tell you to stay out of joints?

Unfortunately, I'm in a major that studies how to go in and replace them.

David H.--REMOVE STOPSPAM to reply

Nov 9, 2001, 5:32:44 AM11/9/01
On Tue, 6 Nov 2001 19:23:59 GMT, "Greg Legowski"
<> wrote:

>Raven-Phile isn't a mod, but I am (this is no secret, we're listed on the
>Staff page). No, we have NOT kicked anyone "just" because they didn't pay
>$20. The news and discussion areas continue to be free, period. The $20 is
>an optional request to help support a site that has become very expensive to
>run. RideMan said it best when he said to think of it as something akin to
>Public Radio.
>Have members been booted from CoasterBuzz? Sure, IF they are abusive. An
>example would be the guy who kept posting links to his anime site as
>"coaster news".
>So why am I a CoasterBuzz user? Because I find the discussions to generally
>be more direct, and the feedback to be much quicker, than here on
>Have I paid my $20 to join the Club for a year? Sure, because to me,
>$20/year is a drop in the bucket, and if it helps support a site I use a
>LOT, it's worth it. Any Club benefits on top of that are just a bonus.
>Why am I a mod? Because Jeff asked me, and I accepted to try to help
>maintain what I perceive as a quality site.
>There isn't a class system going on at CoasterBuzz. If you don't want to
>pay, you don't have to. The Club is merely a version of a member-supported
>site, where Jeff is trying to come up with something extra to reward the
>people who DO contribute. He could very easily have just decided running
>the site wasn't worth his effort anymore, and shut it down.
I guess this brings up some interesting questions for me:

If maintaining the forums is so expensive, then why have them at all?
After all, most of us have access to usenet for free.

Wouldn't it make more sense to point people to usenet and RRC, with
perhaps a few links to some info on both and some of the best newsreaders?

I won't deny anyone their right to have anything they want on their site.
Or anyone their right to use any site they want.

But when people start complaining about how expensive it is to host sites
that duplicate whet is already out there (in RRC), and when people
complain about how expensive it is to USE sites that duplicate what is
already out there, then it's hard to have a lot of sympathy.

Remember, when you pay your ISP for access, one of the things you're
paying for is its news servers. If you choose to duplicate them on
PRIVATELY hosted sites, then someone is going to have to PAY for them.
And it's either going to be:
1) The site host
2) Advertisers (which means sites full of ads) or
3) The users.

Something else to consider: the more internet forums there are which
basically do the same thing -- discuss amusement parks and roller coasters
-- the more split up coaster enthusiasts on the net will remain, and more
split up DISCUSSION of coasters becomes. After all, I'd rather read one
thread in one place with 100 responses, then 10 threads in 10 places with
10 posts in each.

David Hamburger,, Boston, MA
IMPORTANT: Please remove "STOPSPAM" from my address when
replying via e-mail.
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the
feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make
that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -
all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in
their face and say "you helped this happen."
-- JERRY FALWELL, blaming Americans for the terrorism of Sept. 11
"Well, I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda
at the highest levels of our government. And so we're responsible as a
free society for what the top people do.
-- PAT ROBERTSON, agreeing with Falwell on his 700 Club on 9/13

David H.--REMOVE STOPSPAM to reply

Nov 9, 2001, 5:21:20 AM11/9/01
On 08 Nov 2001 04:47:55 GMT, mx...@aol.comOTSRs (Raven-Phile) wrote:

>Yeah, it's there, but it's buried.
>Unfortunately, I have to use AOL's USENET server, since my ISP (road runner)
>refuses to supply me with an outlook password. They originally gave me one, but
>I lost it, and they won't give it to me.
>Since I get free AOL, i'm safe.
>but this USENET server SUCKS

More importantly, AOL's news servers are NOT usenet standard, so you can't
use ANY other newsreader if you use AOL as your only source for the

Dave Althoff Jr

Nov 9, 2001, 10:42:57 AM11/9/01
David H.--REMOVE "STOPSPAM" to reply ( wrote:
: ... After all, I'd rather read one

: thread in one place with 100 responses, then 10 threads in 10 places with
: 10 posts in each.

...he says, ironically splitting the thread in the process... 8-)

V. Canfield

Nov 9, 2001, 11:08:13 AM11/9/01
Dave Althoff Jr wrote:
> David H.--REMOVE "STOPSPAM" to reply ( wrote:
> : ... After all, I'd rather read one
> : thread in one place with 100 responses, then 10 threads in 10 places with
> : 10 posts in each.
> ...he says, ironically splitting the thread in the process... 8-)

Interesting. The newsreader in Netscape Communicator, for all its other
faults, correctly threads messages even when the subject line is
changed. (Of course, it only threads messages at all if the sort by
thread option is chosen, which stupidly precludes alphabetizing threads
by subject name.)

On the other hand, the show thread option in Google's Usenet search
fails to display messages with nonmatching subjects, which is decidely


Nov 9, 2001, 11:54:35 AM11/9/01
I quit visiting Coasterbuzz because they refused to link to my
Unofficial Site to a theme park and would not report my news reports.

Brian (xDisney2002) wrote in message news:<>...
> xDisney said:
> has recently started charging $20.00 to use
> some features of their site. Has anyone signed up yet ? Is it worth it
> ? Could it be the kiss of death ? I hate to see another good site bite
> the big one.

Paul Asente

Nov 9, 2001, 2:06:55 PM11/9/01
In article <>, wrote:

> Something else to consider: the more internet forums there are which
> basically do the same thing -- discuss amusement parks and roller coasters
> -- the more split up coaster enthusiasts on the net will remain, and more
> split up DISCUSSION of coasters becomes.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. For me, rec.roller-coaster already
verges on being too high volume to be worth the time it takes to read it.
If everyone who posted on the web forums posted here, I would find it

> After all, I'd rather read one
> thread in one place with 100 responses, then 10 threads in 10 places with
> 10 posts in each.

I'd rather read one thread in one place with 10 posts. I think it is rare
for 100 posts on a topic to say more than 10.

-paul asente
to reply, make the return host the same as my last name

You can't see something coming if you don't bother to look.

Greg Legowski

Nov 9, 2001, 12:23:27 PM11/9/01
"Joe Schwartz" <> wrote:
> > The plastic DVD-style keep cases are pretty damn useful, though...
> They *would* be useful, if they weren't covered with those damn

Patience, vegetable oil (yes, vegetable oil), and rubbing alcohol solves
that problem...


David H.--REMOVE STOPSPAM to reply

Nov 9, 2001, 4:00:20 PM11/9/01

Well, I was referring to 10 threads in different places on the same
subject. This thread was supposedly about Coasterbuzz charging for
certain usage. My comments were on a different topic, hence the subject

Honestly, I wish more people here would do that. After all, I might not
be interested in a thread on what a particular subject said it was about,
but I might very well be interested in the topic that a discussion evolves

Robert Mack

Nov 9, 2001, 4:37:02 PM11/9/01
>More importantly, AOL's news servers are NOT usenet standard, so you can't
>use ANY other newsreader if you use AOL as your only source for the

I use outlook express, but I use a free news reader. However it's usualy just
to use AOL.

Keith Hopkins

Nov 9, 2001, 5:23:02 PM11/9/01
"Greg Legowski" <> wrote in message

A hairdryer works wonders as well.

Keith Hopkins (clear the block to reply)
Susskins Central Dispatch at
"If you wanna win the war in Afghanistan, take us women
within five years of menopause who willingly volunteer,
give us weapons, SPF15, Prozac, chocolate and
canned tuna, drop us across the landscape of that
country and let us do what comes naturally."


Nov 9, 2001, 7:03:43 PM11/9/01
C'mon Jeff.

Come in here and talk to us.

I know you're reading this.

It must be so hard to hold back.

Have a couple drinks, like you did at CP and PKI.

You know, I did say I wouldn't visit PKI, but I just might change my
mind. I'll go there sloppy drunk, and then post a trip report with
no details about what I saw. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Hey, I went
to PKI but I won't tell you what I saw because I'm a TEASE.

Oh, the CP announcement is coming up soon. Are you gonna tell us
anything? Naw, you're just like all the other scrubs. You know

And the big meeting in Orlando is happening soon. You going?
I'm sure you are. Be sure to get drunk and then not post anything on
your board. Hey, they had this big meeting in Orlando, but I can't
tell you anything, because I love to tease you all. Shhhhhhh.

Hey, post a message on my board so I can flame you.


Visit and

Thank you.


Nov 9, 2001, 8:45:21 PM11/9/01
On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 00:03:43 GMT, noth...@postamessage.bla
(NoGodForMe) wrote:

I have TERA-sized issues.

Do you hear me?


All you people keep hinting about this TERA-noodle, so I ask you:

WHEN will the information be revealed??

WHY do YOU keep HOLDING out ON us???


<spatter. drool. moan.>

Mike Miller - On the gravy train to coaster nirvana

"Nostradamous correctly predicted that you would falsely attribute this
witty retort to the one who rides the great zipper, and not the one who
slaps the stringed shaft." - The Dude, 9/13/01


Joe Schwartz

Nov 9, 2001, 10:13:42 PM11/9/01
to (BaSSiStiSt) wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 00:03:43 GMT, noth...@postamessage.bla
> (NoGodForMe) wrote:
> I have TERA-sized issues.

Do you have POV video of your TERA-sized issues...?

...while eating Chinese food...? Las Vegas?


Nov 10, 2001, 6:43:29 PM11/10/01
> Jeff didn't kick anyone from his boards, and if he did, it's not because of the
> 20.00 thin at all.
The statement above is very funny. " Jeff didn't kick anyone from his
boards and if he did it's not becase........" He didn't but if he did
? This is a serious discussion. Thanks for the comedy releif.

> The 20.00 site is OPTIONAL. It's the same exact site, without ads. it's
> COMPLETELY optional. Coasterbuzz is still FREE, unless you opt for the
> "Coaster-Buzz Club" Which, you some of the same benefits as
> coaster clubs (such as the ability to use it as your "club membership" for SRM)
Does Jeff promote A.C.E. or Coaster Zombies on his site, or are these
subjects "off limits" ?
> People need to look at the scope of things before they go off ranting and
> acting like asses.
> Go ahead, FLAME AWAY
This is NOT a flame. I asked an important question ? I do consider
your response rather inflamitory, but I respect your right to express
it. The only people upset seem people that for some reason seemed
threatened by harmless disscussion.
> -Josh
> -"Flyers, your flightline is clear. Ready to go in 3-2-1 FLY!!!"-
> Remove the OTSRs to reply


Nov 11, 2001, 10:34:56 AM11/11/01
Greg, please phrase your replies more carefully. I saw "vegetable oil",
"rubbing" and "alcohol" in the same sentence and got all worked up. I think
I'll log off now. ;-)

Mike "tyypiong leff handded' thomnpsn

M CoRpS93

Nov 14, 2001, 10:32:44 PM11/14/01
> (CoasterWench) wrote:

>I realized that there were other forums
>better suited to me so, I left.Can you blame me for going where I am more

Well if that's the case, then why dont you just move on. I've had an
horrible experience on both Coasterbuzz and URC, but you dont see my harping
and dwelling in the past

. >When I left coasterbuzz I did not hold any one Group accountable
>for the reasons I was leaving

You sure about that. Its great to get a debate going about Coasterbuzz, however
when your making negative subtle comments left and right, that doesnt exactly
make you look credible now does it?


Nov 14, 2001, 10:58:17 PM11/14/01
>When I left coasterbuzz I did not hold any one Group accountable
>>for the reasons I was leaving
>You sure about that.

Absolutely. I politely thanked everyone for their time and immediatley deleted
my account.

>Its great to get a debate going about Coasterbuzz, however
>when your making negative subtle comments left and right, that doesnt exactly
>make you look credible now does it?

Whether or not you find me credible is up to you to decide and, if you don't it
will have no impact on my personal life whatsoever. I think you are looking for
me to argue with you and, I am sorry to say I am done with this topic.I spoke
how I felt about my experience there which I was entitled to do and, I saw many
bring up things I have already said but, I just wanted to back their
statements.You will hear no more from me on this subject so, yes I have moved
on. Happy Coastin :)

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