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OT: Cedar Point lockers

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Lee Newman

May 17, 2002, 12:52:31 PM5/17/02
This is off-topic, but I figured people here would most likely
know the answer, and I can't seem to get to the page on Cedar
Point's website to ask the question...

With regards to lockers at Cedar Point, their website says they
have some for all-day rental at the front gate ($3 for a small one, $5
for a large one, with an additional $5 deposit refundable when
you return the key), plus some available for $0.75 at various
other places. Are the $0.75 ones big enough to stuff 2 light
jackets into, or are they just big enough for a small waistpack?
And are there any time limits on the $0.75 ones? I'm just thinking
the ones scattered inside the park might be more convenient to get
to than having to go back to the front gate -- but I don't know if we'd
get into trouble trying to use them for more than a "ride's length" of
time. (If I'm asking about a Bad Thing, please be gentle -- I'm
not trying to be selfish with 'hogging' a locker. I just have contact
lenses and it could be handier to get to the contact lens solution
more quickly if I get a contact attack, if that makes any sense.)


Lee Newman, | Patience, n.:
Research Programmer | A minor form of despair
Digital Library Technologies, Penn. State | disguised as a virtue.
| -- Ambrose Bierce

Dave Althoff Jr

May 17, 2002, 10:25:00 PM5/17/02
Lee Newman ( wrote:
: This is off-topic, but I figured people here would most likely

: know the answer, and I can't seem to get to the page on Cedar
: Point's website to ask the question...

: With regards to lockers at Cedar Point, their website says they
: have some for all-day rental at the front gate ($3 for a small one, $5
: for a large one, with an additional $5 deposit refundable when
: you return the key), plus some available for $0.75 at various
: other places. Are the $0.75 ones big enough to stuff 2 light
: jackets into, or are they just big enough for a small waistpack?
: And are there any time limits on the $0.75 ones? I'm just thinking
: the ones scattered inside the park might be more convenient to get
: to than having to go back to the front gate -- but I don't know if we'd
: get into trouble trying to use them for more than a "ride's length" of
: time. (If I'm asking about a Bad Thing, please be gentle -- I'm
: not trying to be selfish with 'hogging' a locker. I just have contact
: lenses and it could be handier to get to the contact lens solution
: more quickly if I get a contact attack, if that makes any sense.)

The $0.75 lockers are your typical coin-op cubes, maybe 18" on a side.
Near Millennium Force (not sure if elsewhere as well) there are some
slightly larger ones (roughly double the height) for $1. Quarters only.
Drop in your coin and the locker is yours until you retrieve your stuff or
until maintenance opens it up at the end of the operating day to change
the lock and replace the key you lost.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
/-\ _ _ _*** Now Open Every Day!!! ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____


May 17, 2002, 11:54:06 PM5/17/02
The $.75 lockers are located near every coaster in the park (not sure about
other attractions), and they will accommodate 2 light jackets easily. I have
stored a large camcorder case, purse, drinks, sweatshirts etc. in them. They
are much more accessible than the ones at the front gate. Have a wonderful
time at the Point!

"I won't quit riding coasters when I get old, I'll get old when I quit
riding coasters."

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May 20, 2002, 1:32:14 PM5/20/02

Lee Newman wrote:

> And are there any time limits on the $0.75 ones?

I think my brother's girlfriend had her stuff in one for about 4-5
hours. Hers was located by the WT. You could fit jackets in it. Just
beware because Lindsey's locker was cantankerous and she did have a hard
time getting it open. Several were also seemingly broken too. Maybe
they've been fixed by now though, we were there on 5/10.


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