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Alex Wiecek

Nov 25, 2003, 2:03:16 PM11/25/03
Hi All... just thought I would add my $0.02 about Mr. John Pringle
VE7JZ. As I have noticed on this newsgroup (noticed it too late),
there have been quite a few complaints about this ham. Well, let me
take this opportunity to add my experience.
A little while ago I had a 70cm repeater for sale - MSR2000. Nice
solid unit with manuals, spares and the duplexer. I posted it on the
net and got quite a few replies. One of them happened to be John's. He
offered to trade his Icom 6m transceiver (with a rare FM board), MFJ
TNC and Astatic mike. I told him that I was unable to to trade with
him as I was already working out a trade with a fellow in New Jersey.
He (John) was all over me like a wet t-shirt telling me how great it
would be to have this unit in Northern B.C. for the hams to play with
it there, yadda, yadda, yadda. He would email me three or four times a
day trying to see if I had completed the transaction with the Jersey
ham. Fortunately, for John, the deal fell through and I told John that
the repeater is his and started making plans to make the exchange. I
old him that I would prefer if we both sent our packages collect at
the same time.

Well, a couple of days before I sent my package out, John mentioned
that he has to go to a hospital for two weeks for some surgery (that
was around Oct.1, 2003). I told him I was going to send the package
regardless and was hoping he would do the same.

Two weeks went by....nothing. One more week went by....nothing. I
emailed John to see if he was back and if everything went ok at the
hospital. Couple of days later he replied saying that he was too weak
and will pick up the packages at the depot in a few days.Two weeks
went by.....nothing. I emailed him reply. Then I hopped
on the net to see if there has been a problem in dealings with this
individual. To my horror I found a few people on the QTH.COM forum
that either got ripped off or received damaged goods, etc.

Boy, did this ever leave a sour taste in my mouth.

That same day I called the depot, where John was supposed to pick up
the packages I sent him. They informed me that the packages are
still there and that John was aware of it as he has visited that depot
to send some stuff out. I was also told that if he doesn't pick up the
until a certain day, they will be sent to me at my cost plus the cost
of sending them up there in the first place (that's about $230
Canadian). I was able to get John's phone number.... I called a few
times to no avail as his answering
machine was picking up my calls at the very first ring.

So I emailed him again......nothing until a few days later when he
emailed back apologizing for not getting to me sooner and that he will
get it all
done within a couple of days. That was 2 weeks ago. I just called the
depot and they informed me the packages are on their way back and as
such, I am $230 in the hole.

Advice for anyone who is considering any sort of a deal with this
man.....BE AWARE. Make sure that before you send anything to this guy,
get your
money (or whatever you're trading) first. Make sure you don't send
anything to this guy collect because you will be on the hook for
shipping it up there and back again if he doesn't pick it up.
I will pay the $230 but at least I will have the repeater back. Seeing
how others have been ripped off by this guy, I think it's worth it.
Now that I have vented....does anyone want to buy or trade for a
MSR2000 UHF repeater?

BTW, just so you know - and this has been mentioned on this newsgroup
before: VE7NVI and VE7JZ is the same person - John Pringle. I don't
know what the relation to Chris Pringle is (if any). If you look on or any other call search utility, his address is shown
as "General Delivery" under both calls.
People, do yourselves a favour, either don't deal with this individual
or deal with extreme caution (CYA). This person has struck before and
he will most likely do it again. I've learned my lesson and I'll do my
darndest it doesn't happen to me again.

73s Alex VE3GOP


Nov 25, 2003, 2:11:51 PM11/25/03
You are very fortunate to even get your items back.Be glad you did.Thanks
for the heads up.
By the way,how much are you looking for on the repeater?
"Alex Wiecek" <> wrote in message

Alex Wiecek

Nov 25, 2003, 5:33:39 PM11/25/03
Oops... sorry abt that Dick. I meant to put up a link to my page with
all the info. I advertised on here a couple of days ago but here we go

Pricewise...well... I've seen these go for between 400 and 450 US$ but
I will entertain any offer.

73s Alex

PS> I just came back from the bus depot with the packages. I'm going
to pop them open to make sure he (Mr. Pringle) didn't pull a fast one
on me.

"Dick" <> wrote in message news:<XPNwb.32590$>...

Nov 25, 2003, 10:55:06 PM11/25/03
I noticed it a litte to late as well. This fellow John Pringle got me
also, a month ago. I did'nt bother to check and see if he had negative
comments on him out here. I had'nt realized he has gotten others. I
traded him an older yaesu HF rig for a dualbander mobile rig. He found
me on I suppose I should let them know about it.

I was lucky I guess...I did get a radio from him, but in non-working
condition. This is the only time a ham has cheated me online. He
seemed very honest by his emails. What can i do about some guy in
Canada? Spent a pile on shipping it to him also. He never replied to
follow up emails as well.
I guess I blame myself for not checking him out first. Live and learn. (Alex Wiecek) wrote in message news:<>...

Alex Wiecek

Nov 26, 2003, 6:54:43 AM11/26/03
By all means Shannon (or should I call you Mr. Spock? I saw your pic
on QRZ.... hi hi), spread the word out! I posted my review on this
newsgroup, and another website devoted to ham radio scams. I
will certainly make my voice heard on eham (thanks for the suggestion)
You're right - he seemed very nice in his emails. I even spent a
couple of hours chatting with him over Echolink. He really seemed like
he wanted that machine and as such I tried to help him out.
He did mention that he got ripped off prior to our conversation and he
wouldn't pull that "bull**t" on anyone.
Now that I think back... a few things should have made me realize that
something bad was about to happen:

1. He never mentioned he was going to a hospital, until the day when I
was shipping the package
2. He said he will be on the IRLP node from his HT while at the
hospital - ummm, around here they don't allow things like HT's and
cellphones in hospitals
3. I sent him a scan of the shipping slip to prove that the packages
were going out. The phone number (John's) I wrote on the slip was
wrong but he said everything looked good on it.

But you're right about the emails. This guy would email me 2, 3, 4, 5
times a day trying to see if I had completed the deal with the other
fellow in the States. He would tease me about great openings on 6m (he
was offering a 6m rig in exchange), blah blah blah. But after the
package was shipped on the day he supposedly went to the hospital
(probably a mental institution, if anything) I have received exactly 3
emails over the span of 4 weeks. It went from three emails a day to
three emails a month.

So there you go... live and learn. In years of internet trading, I
never had a problem. I sent money to the US, I received goods from the
US - not one hickup until this individual came along and INSISTED to
keep the repeater in Canada.
But... as one fellow ham stated on here, I should be thankful I got my
stuff back. Well, I am.

73s Alex wrote in message news:<>...

Nov 26, 2003, 9:26:05 PM11/26/03
It's been my experience that people who pull scams like this
eventually karma catches up with them in one way or another. I
imagine if he continues ripping people off like this, he will
eventually run into the wrong person someday, and get what's coming to
him. So I choose to forget it and be content with that.

But I was shocked to read how many other trusting people have been
scammed by this guy. People like him ruin online trading for all of
us, and i hope someone puts it to a stop. This is particularly bad for
amateur radio.

I hope "Pringle becomes a Canned Ham" in the greybar hotel.


Nov 27, 2003, 3:35:40 PM11/27/03

that sounds like my old buddy alan fallas.....stay away from bc
canada....the cops up there could care less.

Jul 29, 2014, 7:28:15 PM7/29/14

I sold VE7JZ a barely used JRC radar 1000 for $400.
Over the phone, he promised to send me a Heil proset HC-4,
Heil proset ICOM adapter, 55' of new RG 8 cable and $300
cash. By the time of swap, he only gave me $260, and a very
bad shaped Heil Proset HC-4, a home brew non-working adapter,
claimed 140' cable (turned out to be only 105'). Then,
promised would send this, that and that later.... weeks
after weeks, nothing happened and with all kinds of excuses
and plain lies, such as he did send but Canada Post couldn't
find my address!

I finally confronted him and he called me name all over
the places. John Pringle is a bad person, indeed.

Watch Out!!!


Oct 26, 2014, 2:22:31 PM10/26/14
Hi Tom...I just happened to come across this post while searching for my callsign on Google. I'm the originator of this thread from over 10 years ago.
It seems that this Pringle guy is still up to no good after 11 years!

It is very important to ensure that his name and callsign VE7JZ is still floating all over the net in hopes that others will come across when trying to deal with this lowlife scum.


Dec 31, 2014, 12:36:30 PM12/31/14
The entire story if i may is not entirely accurate. If you must know, the radar was broken and had to be repaired, was sold as working and was not and as it was to be placed in operation to get our new boat from vancouver, it placed my family in danger and unexpected delays to have the crap repaired and that is something you never do to anyones family. Not only that but the deal was done in person and in front of another ham and was greatfully accepted, and not on the phone as this loser suggests, then the person who wrote this story decided that because i had a bad name even though it was many years old and that no one thing has happened since that time in my life, that he could take advantage of that and try to get even more stuff and cash by telling all his buddies that he was ripped off. Typical ploy from a con artist. By the way, to end this story, he failed miserably at his attempt to get me to give him more things, i called the police and let them sort it out instead. As for you and this posting, mint mortorola repeaters dont just fall off of trucks into the dumpster at NavCanada, they are properly disposed of by way of government crown asset disposal auctions. Nice try Alex.
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Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Nov 23, 2016, 9:54:00 PM11/23/16

You like that, eh??? Do yourself a favour and do some research on NavCanada. You'll be shocked to find out it's not a government agency and what's even more shocking is that they have nothing to do with Crown Assets.... I know, boggles the mind, eh?

I'd be more than happy to post our email exchange here to show everyone how eager you were to purchase this supposedly "ill gotten" equipment. Believe or not I still have it on my hard drive after all these years.

It's funny how you screw a bunch of hams and in the end cry foul and proclaim yourself a victim. I'm sorry but this is not going to fly in my book, you are a scam artist and that's all there is to it... there are many other hams on both sides of the border that will attest to this.

Happy scamming out of a converted bus!

Feb 1, 2017, 1:37:05 PM2/1/17
He is still at it now in 2017, he just got me for $375 for an item he had for sale in the 220 group on facebook. one excuse after another and after 3 months no item or refund. I posted in the group and he has now blocked me, N2MAQ

Kenny Murray

Jul 18, 2023, 8:47:55 PM7/18/23

Hello to whom this may concern..

this writing is to inform others as to a situation i have had with a radio operator by the name of

mr JOHN PRINGLE Callsign VE7AQD of whom their address is also witheld and located somewhere in

British Columbia Canada

The Man also Holds ISED Certificate Credentials within Amateur radio operation of Basic, CW, Advanced.

It is to my understanding that this person has been attempting to sell items that which they may or do not own online.

they have posted items with photos which are for sale and seem to be a decent deal or bargan or estate . To the unknowing victim.

aparently after things are purchased via etransfer Interac funds sent to ' VE7...@OUTLOOK.COM ' John Pringle.

he is difficult to get in contact with and get the tracking number or has another execuece.

he says he had given the package to his daughter and she is handeling the postage transaction for him in a town near by in the upcoming week.

later again after many days week ect i request the tracking number...

he had responded with out tracking number and says he will check with postoffice.

later also saying the package was sent as a smaller item and does not have a tracking number.

he indicates that this is now a situation with the post office and he will have to check with them.

all of this sounds somewhat usual in nature..

after we do some google lookups we start to see that maby some things are not adding up properly..

there was a lot of consistent posting about the man ' John Pringle ' from BC canada and aparently

he had been using a variety of ham radio callsigns.. aparently also those previously sk.

more digging and googling and you hear the various now familiar stories of those he has burned in the process.

I was able to contact someone who had did some dealings with ' Radio Operator John Pringle on Vancover Island '

it was quite an interesting story. I had read of the problems ' John Pringle ' had caused to VE7CY RAY PRIMACK

I had also Contacted VE7CY who was a previous victim of John Pringle. we had quite the dandy conversation about it.

Aparently John Pringle is a well known ripoff artist on vancover island and had screwed people in canada and usa

with his fraudlent transactions. I was telling ray i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. he informed me

that this is only one item in a lengthy trail of items he had knowledge of in relation to john pringle.

so at the end of my day and and a waste of my time and money.. aparently not much can be done..

i called my bank they can do nothing in the issue.. they say contact interac.. i wanted to inform someone that

could maby possible to be an issue with this person and their online activity and wire transfers

' VE7...@OUTLOOK.COM ' John Pringle.

more digging and the story goes back a long ways to many different callsigns and alias.
john known also as chris or john roper.. i have now read items of his ripoff scams going back now
almost 20 years...

most recent is what happened to me and the others who recently purchased from him.

so he seems to be going by. ' VE7...@OUTLOOK.COM ' John Pringle.

some people are total scumbags...

i had my 50th birthday coming up.. and like i told john pringle.. it was basicaly a birthday gift ect..

so was not only to say he screwed a fiew dollars out of pocket.. but anyways so much for my birthday present.

Kenny Murray

Jul 18, 2023, 8:49:17 PM7/18/23

John Doe

Feb 9, 2024, 12:52:44 PMFeb 9
Send the Jews back to Israel!

On Jul 18, 2023 at 7:47:53 PM EDT, "Kenny Murray" <>
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