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GE Superadios for Dummies [Was: OT: Superadio ID]

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14 feb 2005, 8:56:00 a.m.14/2/2005
GE Superadios for Dummies [Was: OT: Superadio ID]
For One and All,
Here are several Links related to the GE Superadios:
1. The GE Superadio Tech Page - by Bruce Carter
This page is designed to give you quick, accurate Technical
Information about the GE Superadio series of radios.
* The Derivation of the Design
* The GE Superadio I (1)
* The GE Superadio II (2)
* The GE Superadio III (3)
* What the GE Superadio Series is NOT
* Are There Clones ?
[ Radio Shack Optimus Models 12-603 and 12-903 ]
* What About the Future ?
2. The GE Superadio 2 Tech Page - by Bruce Carter
Image GE Superadio II (2)
* GE Superadio II (2) Schematic
- Front End Board
- Main Board
- Power
- AM
- FM
- Audio
* Disassembly
* Covering the Expanded AM Band
* Narrow Ceramic Filter
* GE Superadio II (2) Alignment
3. The GE Superadio 3 Tech Page - by Bruce Carter
Image GE Superadio III (3)
* GE Superadio III (3) Schematic
- Power
- AM Front End
- FM Front End
- AM / FM IF
- AM / FM Detector
- Audio
* GE Superadio III (3) Alignment
* GE Superadio III (3) Hardware Hacks
* Narrow Ceramic Filter
* Narrowing the AM Selectivity in Narrow Mode
{The Secret} To improve the AM Selectivity with the Narrow Filter.
4. The Radio Shack Optimus 12-603 / 12-903 Page - by Bruce Carter
I get many inquiries about the Radio Shack Optimus 12-603
and 12-903 radios (now discontinued). People wonder
"are they the same as the GE Superadio III (3)"?
I am in a position to answer this question, because I own both.
The answer to the question, unfortunately, is "NO".
- by Bruce Carter
Here are two YAHOO eGroups that focus on the GE Superadios:
GE Superadio Group For Connoisseurs on YAHOO !
Click-On the [Join This Group!] Button to become a member.
G.E. Superadio III Group on YAHOO !
Click-On the [Join This Group!] Button to become a member.
yes - more than you wanted to know ~ RHF

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