Radio Shack on Union Tpke New Hyde park (Long Island)
Unattended cash register, line backed up, rap music blasting
1 employee arguing with a shady looking cell phone customer, 2 remaining
employees going over cell plans with gang banger trash .
Waited 10 minutes and had to walk out before my parking meter expired
I was willing to leave 2 dollars to walk with a set of .99 cent pack of slug
tweakers (they can keep the change), they said no.
I said a couple choice words and walked out
Didn't you hear? Radio Shack is now Cell phone shack.
It's a typical story when you have people working on commission.
Each Radio Shack store has its own personality. Around here we have an
angry Radio Shack, a racist Radio Shack, a lazy Radio Shack...
Reply address munged. You can figure it out.
"-Rev Jones" <> wrote in message
It there anybody out there who DOES NOT have a cell phone?
"-Rev Jones" <> wrote in message
> Interesting, it's the same here. Usually a couple of dead beats checking out
> the phones and they get the attention. They must be cheap or something? I
> figure if you don't have a cell phone by now you don't need one?
> It there anybody out there who DOES NOT have a cell phone?
I've never even /used/ one.
However, my wife has one and still even has the analog "bag phone" she has
had for many years.
And I even like the people at my local (Vicksburg, Mississippi US) RadioShack
store even though I tell them how bad the RadioShack website is (apparently,
they've mentioned it - once or 500 times) to their District Manager.
Gray Shockley
Entropy Maintenance Technician
Tao Chemical Company
Vicksburg, Mississippi US
Don't need no cable TV too, Cheap and simple is sanctuary :)
I used a pager for the past 10 years, I like my gritts cheap, old and
-Rev.RP Jones
"Jim Douglas" <> wrote in message
Never had a cell phone. I guess I'm lucky. I can get annoyed for free,
I don't need to pay for it.
Frank Dresser
Jim Douglas wrote:
> Interesting, it's the same here. Usually a couple of dead beats checking out
> the phones and they get the attention. They must be cheap or something? I
> figure if you don't have a cell phone by now you don't need one?
> It there anybody out there who DOES NOT have a cell phone?
Never had one, don't want one. That electromagnetic radiation is dangerous by yo
Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B
"I swear by, not at, Drake receivers" ©
Coming home from work today, I got behind a middle-aged lady chatting on her
cellular phone in a Chrysler minivan that sat through half a green light,
then proceeded to get on I-59 at a blistering 35 miles-per-hour. Oncoming
traffic was doing close to eighty (fairly rural area), and she barged right
into it as screeching tires, flashing headlights, and more than a few
one-finger salutes filled the moment.
-- Stinger
"Frank Dresser" <> wrote in message
Coming home from work today, I got behind a middle-aged lady chatting on her
cellular phone in a Chrysler minivan that sat through half a green light,
then proceeded to get on I-59 at a blistering 35 miles-per-hour. Oncoming
traffic was doing close to eighty (fairly rural area), and she barged right
into it as screeching tires, flashing headlights, and more than a few
one-finger salutes filled the moment.
-- Stinger
"Frank Dresser" <> wrote in message
> It there anybody out there who DOES NOT have a cell phone?
I don't. I have never been in a situation where I've told myself, "god, I
wish I had a cellphone". The day I do, I may get one, but for now it is an
expense I don't need.
My wife has had one for years, which I applaud (a woman traveling
alone in a car a lot - a must-have). But I never had one or wanted one
until my wife grabbed me by the lapels and jerked me into the 21st
century at Christmas. She bought me the phone and a 2-year
subscription. I travel to work each day down I-94 in Berrien County, MI
(read: "out-of-nowhere" blinding snow squalls). She said she wanted a
phone in that car with the types of cirmcumstance I occasionally have to
drive through to and from work. Hard to argue her logic there.
On RatShack (and I think I mentioned this once before), there are two
in my area. One I stopped going into some time ago, because if you went
in for a pair of D cell batteries, the manager would immediately get you
in a half-Nelson to buy six things you wanted no part of - and he was
persistent! T'ell with that crap!
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>Never had one, don't want one. That electromagnetic radiation is dangerous by
Had one and threw it away. Who wants to be on 24 hour call?
They want me, they gotta find me....
"-Rev Jones" <> wrote in message
Yes. I am one. Never owned a cellphone. Never will.
Any phone company that tells
me that I have to *pay* for calls that I receive
on a cell phone, besides charge for a dozen
other (things that you need a PhD to understand
the reasoning behind) can kiss my a-- on Saturday.
Here is a story. My cousin (who's name is Vinnie !)
signed up with Sprint 6 months ago. He's all
excited cause he got his LG or Samsung (forget
which) Camera phone for only $150.00 and can
even play games on it, besides taking and sending
pictures to his webpage.
His monthly phone bill now averages $145.00
My monthly (pots) bill rarely exceeds $19.00
per month.
The guy who sold him his Sprint contract said
his phone bill dollar amount would be like "paying a
traffic ticket each month". If that was me, I would
have told that salesman to go pay his own "traffic
ticket" and I'd had walked out of the store laughing.
Last week he asked me how I can swing less than
$20 per month for full telephone service. I just smiled
at him and said they can either call later, or leave a
message on the machine, or kiss my a--.
(on a related topic, I always make it a point to
have fun with people who use handheld cell phones
while driving. usually some bimbo in an SUV or
teenager in a late model VW or Honda. one fun
way is to slow down to the posted
speed limit. pisses em off every time and on two
occasions they've run a yellow light or a stop
sign after passing me - i do this when near
intersections- both times they were nabbed by
the PD who I know sit up ahead in a blind spot.
the looks on their faces were priceless)
I only turn it on when I'm rendezvousing with one of my kids, or when I'm
online so they can catch me in an emergency. Else we call each other during one
of the four periods a day I keep my landline free.
Bill, K5BY
>Cell phones, like silicone are the work of Satan !!
>It there anybody out there who DOES NOT have a cell phone?
Yes. Me. No cell phone..
God Talks To Me Di Rect...!
Space Aliens too ..
- There were a few times I needed one; ( Freind drove off on a Bicycle,
going the wrong way )
- But he had his cell phone turned off & such,
so it wouldn'tve worked anyway
'Nother time someone else went hiking up the wrong trail, but there were no
repeaters, so we couldn't get service, etc.
Nother time, I done followed the wrong car ; it turned off; we all tried
calling each other & all got voice mail..
Cell Phones Just Suck !
- Carry FSR's; & some quarters..those work all the time
I disagree. I have some twenty, possibly more, cellphones. I buy them
at yard sales or retrieve them from trash piles. The going rate, for
me, is twenty-five cents. If I'm in a good mood, I might go as high as
a dollar. The most I've ver paid is $2 but that phone came with lots
of accessories. By now I have achieved a critical mass of battery
packs, power adapters, and cigarette lighter adapters.
Although it is widely known to listers at
misc.consumers.frugal-living, most members of the general public are
not aware that calls made to 911 on a working cellphone, even if the
phone has not been activated, must go through. If you can hit an
antenna, even if you are not paying for service, any working cellphone
can be used to make an emergency call to 911. It's federal law.
You can test an inactivated phone by dialing - whoops, entering - a
long string of nonsense digits and hitting "send." If the phone can
send and receive but it inactivated, you will hear an error message to
the effect of "we are sorry, but we cannot place your call at this
time. Please call your service provider for assistance." Translation -
"pay up, deadbeat."
No bills to pay, no incoming calls, no chitchat: there's really no
reason not to have an inactivated cellphone for emergency use only.
Or, in my case, twenty of them.
Best wishes.
"Jim Douglas" <> wrote in message
"Jim Douglas" <> wrote in message
"Beloved Leader" <> wrote in message >
> I disagree.
CW wrote:
> The majority of people that have them don't need them. It just gives them
> something to do when standing in line at Wal-Mart.
That's true enough. I've had mine a month, adn have made 2 sixty
second calls to my wife about something in that time. Generally, I
forget I even have it with me. But some people seem to get outright
*addicted* to the things.
I'm currently working in retail, and in the last four months I have
seen two sales clerks where I work fired for talking to a friend on
their cell phone *while ringing up a customer order*. What is wrong
with these people??
"Chuck Reti" <> wrote in message
> You disagree that the guy knows what is best for him? What part of the
> government do you work for?
The New World Order. In your country, that's known as the "executive branch."
Thanks for asking.
"Joe" <> wrote in message
> >
> Didn't you hear? Radio Shack is now Cell phone shack.
I agree, I'm disabled (in a wheelchair- amputee 1 leg and legally
I wanted a small casette recorder to tape some SW broadcasts on tie
delay so I logged onto RS webpage and found a few that said my local
RS had
5 or 6 different models in stock. So I took the $10 cab ride there
and got into the "Store" tried to call before but they keep the phone
off the hook most of the time. There was one clerk the with a customer
and the ailes were cluttered with cartons, so I had to wait, the jerk
just kept talking to the other customer and finallythe customer left
WITHOUT a phone, the clerk just left and went into the back . He
wasgone 10 minutes and came out and said, "I'm
a cell phone specialist so if you need anything else, come back later"
I pointed to the tape recorder and he told me "I guess you dont
undertand English", thats not a cellphone!!
I left and waited another 1/2 hour and another $10 to get back home.
I called 1800 theshack and was given a phone number to an "area
Tghe woman there was very nice and pleasant but said the the
supervisor is on "personal leave" for 3 weeks and normally won't speak
to customers as he is more of a "trainer". I called back the 800 numer
and was offered a $10 discount if I went back to the store and
purchased a cellphone!!! I gave up and
wrote a letter to the ADA Commision which I received a form letter
with a stack of forms, riduculous.
> Similar thing happened to me 2 years ago (I posted it here),
> I wanted parts to make a dipole and got so disgusted with a guy in neon
> colored clothing following me around tying to sell me a phone, satellite
> dish, credit card. The chimp finally say's, what are you looking for can I
> help.
> I had enough and respond angry :
> I just want to make a dipole for this cool glowbug I found at the curb last
> week ! Don't need no F** cellphone plan, 400 watt woofers, dancing dice,
> plasma globes. Just need some ferrets, eggs , copper wire, 58 and be on with
> it !
> ....damm !!!
> The guy says "this isn't that kind of store, please leave before I call the
> cops"
ROTFLMAO! What did he think you wanted, adult entertainment?
> -Joe
> "Chuck Reti" <> wrote in message
> > Not quite rifraff, but, a quite elderly, crotchety old guy was in a
> > local RS, trying to finish buying, yes, a CB RADIO.
> > He kept hollering to a confused teenaged salesgirl, "wurz the aar-ull?
> > Needs a aar-ull!" Just before I was going to have mercy and chime in,
> > another RS-er finally figured out he meant an Antenna (formerly known as
> > an aerial), found a magmount and sent him on his way.
> > -
> > Chuck Reti
> > WV8A
> > Detroit MI
I didn't know that there were old men with Southern accents in Detroit.
I kind of miss that they don't ask your name anymore when you buy
something -- it was always fun to say something like "George Tirebiter" with
a straight face and watch them try to punch it into their computer without
cracking up.
I still get catalogs with some hilarious aliases.
-- Stinger
"tommyknocker" <tomy...@uucp.hell> wrote in message
tommyknocker wrote:
> >
> > "Chuck Reti" <> wrote in message
> > > Not quite rifraff, but, a quite elderly, crotchety old guy was in a
> > > local RS, trying to finish buying, yes, a CB RADIO.
> > > He kept hollering to a confused teenaged salesgirl, "wurz the aar-ull?
> > > Needs a aar-ull!" Just before I was going to have mercy and chime in,
> > > another RS-er finally figured out he meant an Antenna (formerly known as
> > > an aerial), found a magmount and sent him on his way.
> > > -
> > > Chuck Reti
> > > WV8A
> > > Detroit MI
> I didn't know that there were old men with Southern accents in Detroit.
I grew up in Detroit in the fifties and sixties. There were PLENTY
of people there even then with accents like that. Thousands of them
came north for jobs during WWII, and stayed after the war was over.
Stinger wrote:
> We've got some pretty nice folks in our local Radio Shack. You can tell any
> of them what you're looking for, and they'll nod and point you to the rear
> of the store where all the electronic parts are.
> I kind of miss that they don't ask your name anymore when you buy
> something -- it was always fun to say something like "George Tirebiter" with
> a straight face and watch them try to punch it into their computer without
> cracking up.
> I still get catalogs with some hilarious aliases.
> -- Stinger
Shoes for industry, compadre!
Gosh I miss them.
Thanks, guys.
-- Stinger
"BubbaBob" <> wrote in message
> Tony Meloche <> wrote:
> >
> > Shoes for industry, compadre!
> >
> > Tony
> >
> If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall over. (Teslicle's
> Deviant to Fudd's First Law)
I think we're all Bozo's on this bus.....
Brenda Ann wrote:
Keep on chasin' the bus... even if it passes you by.
You will receive a handsome simulfax copy of your words....
Brenda Ann wrote:
Never give up!
Antelope Freeway: 1/128th of a mile . . .
Brenda Ann wrote:
Never give up!
> >
Tony Meloche wrote:
> Brenda Ann wrote:
> >
> > "Stinger" <> wrote in message
> > news:75iWb.33689$
> > > So everybody doesn't think we've lost our collective minds, these are all
> > > references to bits from "The Firesign Theatre" radio-comedy troupe.
> > >
> > > Gosh I miss them.
> > >
> > > Thanks, guys.
> > >
> > > -- Stinger
> >
> > I think we're all Bozo's on this bus.....
> Antelope Freeway: 1/128th of a mile . . .
Back out on the street again...
>So everybody doesn't think we've lost our collective minds, these are all
>references to bits from "The Firesign Theatre" radio-comedy troupe.
>Gosh I miss them.
5105 Sunday nights, if the propagation holds up.