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More Russian BS

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11 lut 2008, 18:57:2111.02.2008
I say again the cold war is starting again.
Keep monitoring Russian Radios!

Russian Fighters Buzz US Carrier

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers
flying unusually close to an American aircraft carrier in the western
Pacific during the weekend.

A U.S. military official says that one Russian Tupolev 95 buzzed the
aircraft carrier USS Nimitz twice, at a low altitude of about 2,000 feet,
while another bomber circled about 50 nautical miles out. The official was
speaking on condition of anonymity because the reports on the flights were
classified as secret.

The Saturday incident, which never escalated beyond the flyover, comes amid
heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over U.S. plans for
a missile defense system based in Poland and the Czech Republic.


m II

11 lut 2008, 20:01:1611.02.2008

So? Don't put missiles on the Russian border. Problem solved.


11 lut 2008, 21:29:4911.02.2008
On Feb 11, 5:57 pm, "Burr" <> wrote:
> I say again the cold war is starting again.
> Keep monitoring Russian Radios!
> Russian Fighters Buzz US Carrier
> Burr

How dare they! Cry us a river! The difference between the cold war
era and now is the fact that back then the USA had majority support of
world opinion because the USSR was perceived as a bully and being the
greatest threat to world peace.
Today world opinion and the respective roles of each nation have
reversed. The USA is now viewed as the world's bully and as the
greatest threat to world peace. America's irresponsible and criminal
behavior has resulted in it being justifiably reviled worldwide.
Russia and other nations are no longer going to stand idly by and let
the American's arrogance go unchecked.
Perhaps the Russian fighter pilots were merely in search of some
levity and wanted to get a close look at the keystone cops in action.
Seems when the American "heroes" aren't indiscriminately killing
innocent women and children with their bombs they are crashing into
each other in their F-18's (don't sweat it Mr./Mrs. Taxpayer, they
only cost you $80 million each). Makes one wonder how the U.S. Navy
"heroes" can find the time to kill thousands of endangered whales and
dolphins with their sonar.

Gosh so much killing to do, environmental damage wreak, ill-will to
spread and corporate welfare to enable and so little time to do it in!
But what's an American "hero" for!!!

Navy Fighter Jets Crash in Persian Gulf
Monday January 7, 2008 7:16 PM


WASHINGTON (AP) - Two U.S. Navy fighter jets plunged into the Persian
Gulf Monday, after what initial reports suggest was a mid-air
collision, a defense official said.

All three pilots ejected safely from the planes and were headed back
to the USS Harry Truman, the aircraft carrier they were operating
from, according to the official, who requested anonymity because the
information was preliminary and not yet released publicly. No other
details or the crash were released.

One of the F-18 jets that crashed held two pilots, the other held just


Recent news reports have documented unusual localized whale beachings
around the world along with speculation as to the cause. Some suspect
parasites or poisoning. Others have highlighted the chronological and
geographic coincidence with Navy tests and they've used examinations
of the dead whales showing ear damage and hemorrhaging as evidence
that a new high powered Navy sonar called LFAS is killing cetaceans
(marine mammals). Story continued at:


11 lut 2008, 21:37:5111.02.2008
do wrote:

Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford one?
If they did have one, could they even come up with enough *men* to man one?

I know they've tried the rusty submarine schtick before.

m II

11 lut 2008, 22:23:0511.02.2008
dxAcehole (S.C.U.M.M.) wrote:

> Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford one?


11 lut 2008, 22:41:5811.02.2008
On Feb 11, 8:37 pm, dxAce <> wrote:
> Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford one?
> If they did have one, could they even come up with enough *men* to man one?
> I know they've tried the rusty submarine schtick before.

Yes unlike the corporate war machine in the USA Canada has highly
competent, professional and honorable military. Sadly, Canada knows
has also been victims of American military incompetence all too often.
A few recent incidents come to mind:

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A U.S. fighter pilot involved in a
"friendly fire" incident that killed four Canadian soldiers in
Afghanistan dropped a laser-guided bomb after his commanders denied
permission to do so, U.S. officials said Thursday.

Another eight Canadians were wounded in the incident early Thursday
near Kandahar when the U.S. jet dropped a 500-pound bomb on them
during a training mission, U.S. and Canadian military officials said.

U.S. officials said the F-16 pilot made an initial report to his
commanders that he and another F-16 had taken enemy ground fire, and
he was given permission to mark the target and return for a second

During the subsequent fly-over, the pilot requested permission to drop
his weapon. A Pentagon official said his superiors denied permission
unless the pilot felt he would be acting in self-defense. At that
point, the pilot again reported ground fire, invoked his right of self-
defense and dropped the laser-guided bomb, military officials said.

Canadian fatalities
Four members of the Canadian armed forces were killed in a "friendly
fire" incident nine miles south of Kandahar.

# Sgt. Marc D. Leger, 29, of Lancaster, Ontario

# Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer, 25, of Montreal, Quebec

# Pvt. Richard A. Green, 22, of Edmonton, Alberta

# Pvt. Nathan Smith, 27, of Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia

In a statement Thursday, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said
he had discussed the incident with Canadian Defense Minister Art
Eggleton and "assured him that Gen. Tommy Franks and his Central
Command staff will work closely with the Canadian representatives in
Tampa to investigate the causes of this tragic accident."

At a news conference in Ottawa, Canadian chief of staff Gen. Ray
Henault said details of the incident remained to be determined. "But
certainly, my understanding is that there was no hostile activity in
the area that would have created this incident," he said.

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien offered a statement of regret to
the House of Commons on Thursday.

"If words cannot console this loss, they also cannot fully express the
pride that all Canadians have felt on the exemplary way (Canadian
forces) have carried out their duty," Chretien said. "There are so
many questions. ... How has this happened? I want to assure the
families and the people of Canada that these questions will be

The Canadian soldiers were part of the 3rd Battalion, Princess
Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group. They have been in
Afghanistan since late January as part of Operation Apollo, Canada's
military commitment to the campaign against terrorism, according to
the Canadian Defense Ministry.

In a written statement, President Bush said he had expressed his
"deepest sorrow and sympathy" to Chretien.

"Canada's fallen heroes and their families are in our hearts and
prayers," the statement said. "Canada is a vital member of the
coalition against terrorism and hatred. It is shouldering a great
burden and making tremendous sacrifices to make the world a safer
place for all people."
Canadians were conducting training exercise

The bombing happened at about 1:55 a.m. in Afghanistan. The Canadian
soldiers were conducting a live-fire training exercise in an area
about nine miles (14 kilometers) south of the Kandahar airfield,
Canadian officials said.

The soldiers were firing at inert targets in a "recognized training
area," according to Maj. Jamie Robertson, a spokesman for the Canadian
Joint Task Force. Henault said the American fighter pilot could not
visually identify the troops because the exercise took place in the
middle of the night.

"Without a doubt, there was a misidentification of the Canadians and
what they were doing on the ground and that was obviously the cause of
this accident," Henault said.

Six Canadian soldiers wounded in the incident are being treated at the
U.S. medical facility at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, Canadian
officials said. Two others who suffered minor injuries remained in

"The immediate response of this battle group has been outstanding, and
their professionalism has been unparalleled," Henault said. "Every
soldier in the theater of operations is a credit to the Canadian
forces and certainly a symbol of strength in this country."

U.S. forces in the region echoed these sentiments.

"This loss is shared by our entire task force. Our hearts ache with
yours as we continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism,"
said Col. Frank Wiercinski, a U.S. Army spokesman in Afghanistan. "The
cost of this fight has been great, but our commitment remains
Third U.S. 'friendly fire' incident in Afghanistan

The incident marks the third time that U.S. forces have been involved
in friendly fire accidents during the conflict in Afghanistan.

Friendly fire incidents late last year left three Americans and five
Afghan fighters dead and more than 40 people injured -- including
slight injuries to Hamid Karzai, who now heads Afghanistan's interim

All eight deaths came in a December 5 incident north of Kandahar. In
that incident, and another nine days earlier near Mazar-e Sharif, a
B-52 bomber dropped a 2,000-pound (980-kilogram) guided bomb on
positions manned by ground troops who were directing air strikes
against nearby Taliban targets.

In both those accidents, preliminary findings indicate that confused
communications between the ground and air crews resulted in the bombs
being programmed to hit friendly ground troops.


Friendly fire that killed Canadian major
CBC News

Two U.S. aircraft mistakenly fired on a Canadian platoon taking part
in NATO's massive anti-Taliban operation in southern Afghanistan on
Monday, killing one soldier and injuring dozens of others. Story
continued at

There are many others American "hero" debacles but these will suffice
to make the point.

11 lut 2008, 23:39:2111.02.2008
War is Hell.If wasen't for America's Military umbrella over and
protecting Canada, Canada wouldn't even have a canoe and a bow and

m II

12 lut 2008, 00:03:2312.02.2008
do wrote:

Let me be the first to thank you for protecting us from the Filipino's invasion at
the start of the 1900s. Without the US killing of 500,000 unarmed men, women and
children, Canada would not be in existence today.

We often forget that we have SO much to thank you for. We ALL appreciate what
you've done for Canada in the course of all these interventions..I never even
realized they were all out to get us. Talk about leading a sheltered life.

Thank you and may you forever remain the salvation of Canada and Western Civilization.

mike (off to sleep safely, knowing I'm in GOOD hands)

12 lut 2008, 00:17:3912.02.2008

> Let me be the first to thank you for protecting us from the Filipino's invasion at
> the start of the 1900s. Without the US killing of 500,000 unarmed men, women and
> children, Canada would not be in existence today.
> We often forget that we have SO much to thank you for. We ALL appreciate what
> you've done for Canada in the course of all these interventions..I never even
> realized they were all out to get us. Talk about leading a sheltered life.
> Thank you and may you forever remain the salvation of Canada and Western Civilization.
> mike (off to sleep safely, knowing I'm in GOOD hands)
Eastern Civilization is grateful as well. Especially Iraq considering:

The number is shocking and sobering.
It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US
media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths
caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003.

That study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet,
estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the
invasion as of July 2006. Iraqis have continued to be killed since
then. The graphic above provides a rough daily update of this number
based on a rate of increase derived from the Iraq Body Count. (See the
complete explanation.)

The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent
confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in September
2007. Opinion Research Business estimated that 1.2 million Iraqis have
been killed violently since the US invasion.

This devastating human toll demands greater recognition. It eclipses
the Rwandan genocide and our leaders are directly responsible. Little
wonder they do not publicly cite it.


12 lut 2008, 01:12:2212.02.2008

"m II" <c...@in.the.hat> wrote in message news:vM9sj.7901$FO1.6982@edtnps82...

This is about the nicest post this old boy has ever wrote.

Gee Mike, I didn't know you had it in ya. Thanks and sleep tight, we'll take

The worlds 911 force.



12 lut 2008, 04:03:1012.02.2008
do wrote:

> On Feb 11, 8:37 pm, dxAce <> wrote:
> > Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford one?
> > If they did have one, could they even come up with enough *men* to man one?
> >
> > I know they've tried the rusty submarine schtick before.


No aircraft carrier, huh?


12 lut 2008, 05:32:3112.02.2008
Dang - Makes Me Proud to be an American.

God {Allah} Bless American and Protect All Our Good
Peace Loving American Freedom Fighting Forces in the
Global War on Terrorism - Amen ~ RHF
CAUTION : This Post Has Not Been "Approved" by Telamon.
-ps- So Read It Only -If- You Are "Clueless".

> continued at


12 lut 2008, 08:46:3712.02.2008

You don't understand. We're the Murricans. We can go wherever we want;
war on terra dontcha know...


12 lut 2008, 08:49:0912.02.2008
dxAce wrote:

> Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford one?
> If they did have one, could they even come up with enough *men* to man one?
> I know they've tried the rusty submarine schtick before.

Aircraft carriers are Satanic vestiges of an unevolved mindset.


12 lut 2008, 09:19:5812.02.2008
On Feb 11, 5:57 pm, "Burr" <> wrote:

Well said, Burr. I've objected for a long time now about the USA self
appointing themselves as policemen of the entire freeking world,
pissing off their former allies, etc, etc...yada yada yada. Putin, I
have to presume, has obviously had enough of the arrogance and actions
of the American leadership. Thank you very much Dubya and many others
before him. One can only face the facts regarding involvement in the
Middle East...the crux of it is OIL. I'm always amused when we hear
our so-called reps refer to "American interests"....we know what the
heck that means. Pretty damn sad what this country has done to
themselves. (My opinion only) There's some great posts here on this
subject. Thanks everyone.


12 lut 2008, 10:45:4312.02.2008
On Feb 12, 5:49 am, David <> wrote:
> dxAce wrote:
> > Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford one?
> > If they did have one, could they even come up with enough *men* to man one?
> > I know they've tried the rusty submarine schtick before.

- Aircraft carriers are Satanic vestiges of an unevolved mindset.

(OT) : David -proclaims- Aircraft Carriers are Satanic Vestiges
of an Unevolved MindSet

David -u-b- setting on your mind too long - way too long . . .

12 lut 2008, 11:06:2412.02.2008
U.S.Navy has came a long way, babee.I once saw a tv program about the
first U.S.Navy Aircraft Carriers.They were Ships that had been converted
so as to have flat tops on them.The Airplanes had ropes attatched to the
wings.When the Aircraft came in for a landing, some of the people had to
run and grab those ropes to keep the Aircraft from rolling off into the

Clever Monkey

12 lut 2008, 12:09:3512.02.2008
Are you sure about that? You might want to check your history, and ask
yourself why US soldiers used to be called "doughboys."


12 lut 2008, 12:12:2712.02.2008
On Feb 12, 5:46 am, David <> wrote:
- You don't understand.
- We're the Murricans.
{OK Who Are The Murricans ?}
- We can go wherever we want;
- war on terra dontcha know...

David - ? "We're the Murricans." ?

MURRICANS - It would appear that 'Murricans'
is a Canadian Slang Term for Americans (USA).

Comment - Sounds like Canada and Canadians have a
case of the Long-Pointy-Nose Complex ergo Syndrome
'bordering' on a USA Envy Psychosis.

Oops are the Canadians blind to the fact that 'they'
themselves are Invaders and and Occupiers of the
Largest Country in North American "Canada" with
only about 10% of the Population of the USA ? ! ? !

Saying Something 'Nice' About Canada :
Little Know Fact : Québec is Twice as Big as Texas
and almost as big as Alaska. "Le Québec Grand"

it boggles the mind ~ RHF


12 lut 2008, 12:40:5612.02.2008

<> wrote in message

> The number is shocking and sobering.
> It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US
> media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths
> caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003.
> That study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet,
> estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the
> invasion as of July 2006.

LOL, an idiot who still believes in the much debunked Lancet study. Psssst,
George Soros funded the study too.

12 lut 2008, 12:39:2712.02.2008
There are more (Or almost more) people in California than there are in
Canada.Only about three million (more or less) people in the State of
confusion I live in.

12 lut 2008, 13:26:3112.02.2008
Those Brits don't like America and Americans.Did you ever watch that BBC
America Top Gear program.Top Gear: Interstate road trip filled with

Bagdad, Alabama? No such place,,, that little town, Bagdad where Top
Gear filmed that episode, is a suburb town of Pensacola,Florida.I have
been through there several times before when I used to get on Hghway 90
after passing through Mobile and across Mobie Bay on my way to Florida.I
hate to get on the crazy Interstates.There is also a Bagdad,California
(or is it Bagdad,Arizona?) and a Bagdad,Oregon too,I think.


12 lut 2008, 14:09:2512.02.2008

The cold war never stopped, it just disappeared form the front pages.
There have been several U.S. presidents since the supposed raising of
the iron curtain, each with his own special spin on how wonderful the
Soviets were. Reagan said he and Gorbachev oversaw the winding down
of the evil empire. George Bush had us believe his close buddy
Vladimir "Pootie" Putin was just a good old boy who was open to
democractic reform.

12 lut 2008, 14:42:5412.02.2008
You are right, the cold war never ended.It only simmered down for a
while.It is back on, full steam ahead again.

m II

12 lut 2008, 16:20:0512.02.2008
RHF wrote:

> Dang - Makes Me Proud to be an American.

You get pride from killing allies? It's no wonder your bombs are smarter than your

Will you be taking your summer holidays at an American Death Camp (*) this year? I
hear the rates are very reasonably.

(*) TM Registered



12 lut 2008, 22:00:3612.02.2008
In article <>,
David <> wrote:

Your ratings are on the rise. Good work. Someone has to compete with
RHF otherwise he automatically wins.

Ventura, California


12 lut 2008, 22:08:5112.02.2008
In article <>,
"MNMikew" <> wrote:

I take this as a vote for Mr. Mohawk. His ratings are certainly on the

So far his best moment has been to take someone's on topic post and make
the thread into a political rant. That was his best work to date. No
telling where he could go from here.

Ventura, California

m II

12 lut 2008, 22:10:1512.02.2008
Telamon wrote:

> Your ratings are on the rise. Good work. Someone has to compete with
> RHF otherwise he automatically wins.

Who is watching the watchers?



12 lut 2008, 22:38:2612.02.2008

Don't look now but I think it's you.

Eduardo will be along to post the Arbitron ratings.

Ventura, California

13 lut 2008, 00:30:2613.02.2008
On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 01:01:16 GMT, m II <c...@in.the.hat> wrote:

>Burr wrote:
>> I say again the cold war is starting again.
>> Keep monitoring Russian Radios!
>> Russian Fighters Buzz US Carrier
>> WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers
>> flying unusually close to an American aircraft carrier in the western
>> Pacific during the weekend.
>> A U.S. military official says that one Russian Tupolev 95 buzzed the
>> aircraft carrier USS Nimitz twice, at a low altitude of about 2,000 feet,
>> while another bomber circled about 50 nautical miles out. The official was
>> speaking on condition of anonymity because the reports on the flights were
>> classified as secret.
>> The Saturday incident, which never escalated beyond the flyover, comes amid
>> heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over U.S. plans for
>> a missile defense system based in Poland and the Czech Republic.
>> Burr

>So? Don't put missiles on the Russian border. Problem solved.

Well just maybe the Poles and Czech's feel safer with a higher level
of defense/deterrence? Besides, when we removed them from the
US/Canadian border you didn't expect us to just throw them away did
you. Shees, please put a little more thought into these things before
you jump to conclusions.

Billy Smith

13 lut 2008, 00:51:3113.02.2008

<> wrote in message

That is not counting the 500,000 to 1 million that died from January 1991 up
until the beginning of 2003. After all, when you put sanctions on a country
like Iraq, who ends up suffering. Sure wasn't Saddam now was it. But it was
the hundreds of thousands of civilians that died.

I'm sure that all of the good Christians and so-called purveyors of freedom
and liberty for those oppressed Iraqis think thats perfectly ok. Not only
that but to steal the oil underneath the ground. Some fine Christian leaders
you have, dont ya.

Billy Smith

13 lut 2008, 00:53:4913.02.2008

<> wrote in message

The Brits are mostly degenerate queers anyway as you can tell by how they

13 lut 2008, 02:37:0913.02.2008
On Feb 12, 11:51 pm, "Billy Smith" <>

> That is not counting the 500,000 to 1 million that died from January 1991 up
> until the beginning of 2003. After all, when you put sanctions on a country
> like Iraq, who ends up suffering. Sure wasn't Saddam now was it. But it was
> the hundreds of thousands of civilians that died.
> I'm sure that all of the good Christians and so-called purveyors of freedom
> and liberty for those oppressed Iraqis think thats perfectly ok. Not only
> that but to steal the oil underneath the ground. Some fine Christian leaders
> you have, dont ya.


Excellent point Billy. It also brings to mind the cruel embargo
inflicted upon Cuba by the US government which has killed over 250,000
Cuban children whom the USA kept from receiving vaccines and critical
medicine. A horrific act of cruelty and morally indefensible.

Almost every country in the United Nations General Assembly urged the
U.S. Tuesday to end its four-decade-old embargo against Cuba.
The vote, held for the 14th year in a row, was approved by 182 to 4,
with one abstention.The resolution demanded that the U.S. lift its
trade, financial and travel embargo and stop penalizing foreign firms
that deal with the island nation. Story continued at


13 lut 2008, 03:43:5313.02.2008
On Feb 12, 7:00 pm, Telamon
<> wrote:
> In article <>,

>  David <> wrote:
> > dxAce wrote:
> > > Hmmmm... does CanaDuh even have an aircraft carrier? Can they even afford
> > > one?
> > > If they did have one, could they even come up with enough *men* to man one?
> > > I know they've tried the rusty submarine schtick before.
> > Aircraft carriers are Satanic vestiges of an unevolved mindset.

- Your ratings are on the rise.
- Good work.
- Someone has to compete with RHF
- otherwise he automatically wins.
- --
- Telamon
- Ventura, California

(OT) : Telamon Please Don't Polute Other Threads
-wrt- "The RRS No-Spin 'Clueless' Factor Report"

Telamon - Please take this to heart
and act apropriately in the future. ~ RHF


13 lut 2008, 05:32:0313.02.2008
do wrote:

> On Feb 12, 11:51 pm, "Billy Smith" <>
> > That is not counting the 500,000 to 1 million that died from January 1991 up
> > until the beginning of 2003. After all, when you put sanctions on a country
> > like Iraq, who ends up suffering. Sure wasn't Saddam now was it. But it was
> > the hundreds of thousands of civilians that died.
> >
> > I'm sure that all of the good Christians and so-called purveyors of freedom
> > and liberty for those oppressed Iraqis think thats perfectly ok. Not only
> > that but to steal the oil underneath the ground. Some fine Christian leaders
> > you have, dont ya.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Excellent point Billy. It also brings to mind the cruel embargo
> inflicted upon Cuba by the US government which has killed over 250,000
> Cuban children whom the USA kept from receiving vaccines and critical
> medicine. A horrific act of cruelty and morally indefensible.

Have CanaDuh send the stuff then. You could deliver it with an aircraft carrier.

Oh... that's right.


13 lut 2008, 06:57:2313.02.2008
do wrote:

> On Feb 12, 11:51 pm, "Billy Smith" <>
> > That is not counting the 500,000 to 1 million that died from January 1991 up
> > until the beginning of 2003. After all, when you put sanctions on a country
> > like Iraq, who ends up suffering. Sure wasn't Saddam now was it. But it was
> > the hundreds of thousands of civilians that died.
> >
> > I'm sure that all of the good Christians and so-called purveyors of freedom
> > and liberty for those oppressed Iraqis think thats perfectly ok. Not only
> > that but to steal the oil underneath the ground. Some fine Christian leaders
> > you have, dont ya.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Excellent point Billy. It also brings to mind the cruel embargo
> inflicted upon Cuba by the US government which has killed over 250,000
> Cuban children whom the USA kept from receiving vaccines and critical
> medicine. A horrific act of cruelty and morally indefensible.

Aren't you Canucks the smartest folks on the planet? You mean to tell me that you
couldn't figure out a way to get some vaccines and critical medicine to Cuba?
Heck, I know you folks buy sugar and cigars from Cuba, so why not just bring that
critically needed stuff on down when you pick up the other goods?

For CanaDuh not to have taken the lead in doing this is simply a horrific act of
cruelty and morally indefensible.

Shame on CanaDuh for killing over 250,000 Cuban children. Shame, shame, shame.



13 lut 2008, 07:20:2513.02.2008
do wrote:

> On Feb 12, 11:51 pm, "Billy Smith" <>
> > That is not counting the 500,000 to 1 million that died from January 1991 up
> > until the beginning of 2003. After all, when you put sanctions on a country
> > like Iraq, who ends up suffering. Sure wasn't Saddam now was it. But it was
> > the hundreds of thousands of civilians that died.
> >
> > I'm sure that all of the good Christians and so-called purveyors of freedom
> > and liberty for those oppressed Iraqis think thats perfectly ok. Not only
> > that but to steal the oil underneath the ground. Some fine Christian leaders
> > you have, dont ya.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Aren't you Canucks the smartest folks on the planet? You mean to tell me that you
couldn't defy the US sanctions? Heck, you dumbass Canucks could have undertaken a
massive airlift to aid the Iraqis.

For CanaDuh not to have taken the lead in doing this is simply a horrific act of
cruelty and morally indefensible.

Shame on CanaDuh for killing the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. Shame,
shame, shame.


13 lut 2008, 08:09:3813.02.2008

It is the high range of estimates. So what if it's only 200,000
innocent bystanders? 200 is too many.

George Soros is a great American.


13 lut 2008, 08:27:3913.02.2008

Bagdad Arizona is on the back road to Vegas. Houston is Bagdad on the
Bayou. Phoenix is Bagdad on the Verde.

m II

13 lut 2008, 11:30:1213.02.2008
do wrote:

>> So? Don't put missiles on the Russian border. Problem solved.
>> mike
> Well just maybe the Poles and Czech's feel safer with a higher level
> of defense/deterrence? Besides, when we removed them from the
> US/Canadian border you didn't expect us to just throw them away did
> you. Shees, please put a little more thought into these things before
> you jump to conclusions.

You don't need missiles at the 49th parallel. Our politicians, for a few old
crumpled up dollar bills, will let you in immediately. Then they'll subsidize you
for taking our resources away. It's a good deal. For every single dollar you give
our politicos, you get back 40 million.

The vast majority of Poles and Czechs don't want anything to do with the 'system'.
It appears the local politicians aren't listening to what the people want. Familiar?

There a tons of these sites out there:,8599,1704114,00.html


13 lut 2008, 14:57:1713.02.2008
On Feb 11, 4:57 pm, "Burr" <> wrote:
> I say again the cold war is starting again.
> Keep monitoring Russian Radios!
> Russian Fighters Buzz US Carrier
> WASHINGTON (AP)  -- U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers
> flying unusually close to an American aircraft carrier in the western
> Pacific during the weekend.
> A U.S. military official says that one Russian Tupolev 95 buzzed the
> aircraft carrier USS Nimitz twice, at a low altitude of about 2,000 feet,
> while another bomber circled about 50 nautical miles out. The official was
> speaking on condition of anonymity because the reports on the flights were
> classified as secret.
> The Saturday incident, which never escalated beyond the flyover, comes amid
> heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over U.S. plans for
> a missile defense system based in Poland and the Czech Republic.
> Burr

I heard on the BBC news last night, that Russia is threatening to aim
missles at Ukraine, if the US installs missles, for a defence sheild.
Fred Burgess

David Eduardo

13 lut 2008, 15:08:2613.02.2008

<> wrote in message

> Excellent point Billy. It also brings to mind the cruel embargo
> inflicted upon Cuba by the US government which has killed over 250,000
> Cuban children whom the USA kept from receiving vaccines and critical
> medicine. A horrific act of cruelty and morally indefensible.

Cuba long got its medicines in abundance from Russia and its own highly
developed pharmaceutical industry. Much of Cuba's propaganda from the 70's
onwards was based on sending doctors and medicines to places like Anglola,
tthe Congo, El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc.

What you do not address are the hundreds of thousands jailed or killed for
their opinions.

David Eduardo

13 lut 2008, 15:14:4813.02.2008

"David" <> wrote in message

> Bagdad Arizona is on the back road to Vegas.

No, its not. It's on a rural route that loops out of Chino Valley, north of
Prescott which turns back on itself and ends south of Prescott, Yavapai SR
97. You can take it to the 96, and then to US 93 which goes to Vegas. Bagdad
is a good 30 twisting miles from the route that goes to Vegas, in fact.

Wiadomość została usunięta

m II

13 lut 2008, 16:04:0413.02.2008
David Eduardo wrote:

> Bagdad is a good 30 twisting miles from the route that goes to Vegas, in fact.

I see Chubby Checker on that road quite regularly...


m II

13 lut 2008, 16:07:4713.02.2008
David Eduardo wrote:

> Cuba long got its medicines in abundance from Russia and its own highly
> developed pharmaceutical industry. Much of Cuba's propaganda from the 70's
> onwards was based on sending doctors and medicines to places like Anglola,
> tthe Congo, El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc.
> What you do not address are the hundreds of thousands jailed or killed for
> their opinions.

I understand they are so bad that they even rent land to international torturers
and murderers.



13 lut 2008, 16:15:4813.02.2008

m II wrote:

Yeah, they do a lot of business with CanaDuh. In fact, in 2005, CanaDuh was Cuba's
2nd largest trade partner.

How fitting considering that CanaDuh is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of people around the globe.

What is strange is that CanaDuh did not see fit to supply Cuba with badly needed
vacinnes and medications which has resulted in the death of at least 250,000 Cuban
children, preferring to place the blame upon the USA.

Brenda Ann

13 lut 2008, 16:35:3513.02.2008

"David Eduardo" <> wrote in message

Our government maintains a high double standard. They carry on a
decades-old boycott of Cuba because they are "an oppressive communist
regime", yet embrace China with most favored nation trading status.

m II

13 lut 2008, 16:43:3313.02.2008
Brenda Ann wrote:

> Our government maintains a high double standard. They carry on a
> decades-old boycott of Cuba because they are "an oppressive communist
> regime", yet embrace China with most favored nation trading status.

The west is still giving 'communist' China foreign aid. It's a disguised form of

Canada has given them over a billion dollars in a ten year span.

What does the States give them? Trillions?

It's corruption at it's highest levels.



13 lut 2008, 16:48:1813.02.2008

I'm a killer II wrote:

> Brenda Ann wrote:
> > Our government maintains a high double standard. They carry on a
> > decades-old boycott of Cuba because they are "an oppressive communist
> > regime", yet embrace China with most favored nation trading status.
> The west is still giving 'communist' China foreign aid. It's a disguised form of
> payola.
> Canada has given them over a billion dollars in a ten year span.

Damn! And you couldn't even give Cuba some badly needed vaccines and medications.

m II

13 lut 2008, 16:57:2913.02.2008
dxAcehole, town drunk and fake leader, wrote:

>> Canada has given them over a billion dollars in a ten year span.
> Damn! And you couldn't even give Cuba some badly needed vaccines and medications.
> How fitting considering that CanaDuh is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of
> thousands of people around the globe.

Fidel tells me that Canada spent more in New Orleans than Washington did. Now you
know where the money goes, you drunk.



13 lut 2008, 17:03:4113.02.2008

m II wrote:

Only because your countrymen were there spending money, getting drunk, and ignoring the
fact that they are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands around the globe.

> Now you
> know where the money goes, you drunk.

Well, it certainly didn't go to Cuba, resulting in the death of over 250,000 children
(source: one of your own countrymen)

13 lut 2008, 20:51:1913.02.2008

No, it's called "WALMART."

13 lut 2008, 20:55:3713.02.2008
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:57:17 -0800 (PST),

Does anybody else see the irony in this?


13 lut 2008, 21:54:3713.02.2008
In article
RHF <> wrote:

After you and few others have made this thread unreadable you have taken
the time to lecture me about it. How thoughtful of you.

Ventura, California

Billy Smith

14 lut 2008, 03:13:2314.02.2008
Dumb DX Douche " <> wrote in message

Why would one need an aircraft carrier to send anything to Cuba? Hmmmm,
Dumbo? After all, a few transport planes or a freighter would do the job.
However, in your impeccable Bullshite logic, its better to piss off everyone
than actually make peace

Billy Smith

14 lut 2008, 03:15:4514.02.2008

"dxAce" <> wrote in message

Dx Douche needs to get some medication for his schizophrenia and see what
help he can get for that Tourette's Disorder.

Billy Smith

14 lut 2008, 03:16:5314.02.2008

"m II" <c...@in.the.hat> wrote in message

Pretty sad when even Cuba was offering to send help to New Orleans before
the corporate goons ever thought of doing so

Billy Smith

14 lut 2008, 03:18:5314.02.2008

<> wrote in message

Its called Corporate Greed where Chinese subjects are making shirts for 25
cents an hour while Walmart and all of these other places import them and
charge anywhere from 10 to 30 dollars for a shirt. Thats where the true
greed is. And your government is squandering the future of this nation in
order to pad the pockets of the few.


14 lut 2008, 06:41:1514.02.2008
On Feb 11, 6:57 pm, "Burr" <> wrote:
> I say again the cold war is starting again.
> Keep monitoring Russian Radios!
> Russian Fighters Buzz US Carrier
> WASHINGTON (AP)  -- U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers
> flying unusually close to an American aircraft carrier in the western
> Pacific during the weekend.
> A U.S. military official says that one Russian Tupolev 95 buzzed the
> aircraft carrier USS Nimitz twice, at a low altitude of about 2,000 feet,
> while another bomber circled about 50 nautical miles out. The official was
> speaking on condition of anonymity because the reports on the flights were
> classified as secret.
> The Saturday incident, which never escalated beyond the flyover, comes amid
> heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over U.S. plans for
> a missile defense system based in Poland and the Czech Republic.
> Burr

Hey Burr-interesting thread. FWIW and without taking this thread in
another direction or hijacking it I remember posting in here maybe in
02-03-04 I'll try an find it- about Russia.
I had mentioned a little about end time prophecy and mentioned that
the collapse was a facade and that Russia and China were our enemies
and were ultimately going to get us and try an get Israel<--which will
never happen.
I forget who it was that responded and went to berating me and calling
me a num-nut that Russia was finished <sigh> and the Bible was
garbage, I actually received some pretty bad email from that statement
I made. Funny how time shows things for how they really are. :-)
Russia has never missed a beat- they are doing nothing but getting
stronger and behind everything that is evil in this world IMO.


14 lut 2008, 07:22:5514.02.2008


I forget who it was that responded and went to berating me and calling
me a num-nut that Russia was finished <sigh> and the Bible was
garbage, I actually received some pretty bad email from that statement
I made. Funny how time shows things for how they really are. :-)
Russia has never missed a beat- they are doing nothing but getting
stronger and behind everything that is evil in this world IMO.

Susan, I don't "think" I said anything like that, I have always understood
what Russian and China are and Japan ain't far behind.

So who were you, where you been and are you back???



14 lut 2008, 07:36:4614.02.2008
On Feb 12, 2:42 pm, wrote:
> You are right, the cold war never ended.It only simmered down for a
> while.It is back on, full steam ahead again.
> cuhulin

I'm not even sure sure it really simmered down much at all. I think
that Reagan, Clinton and Bushes found it useful to sell the story that
the former Soviets were really opening up and redirect attention


14 lut 2008, 07:43:1714.02.2008

Radioguy wrote:

It did simmer down for quite a while. The Russians were broke. Now, they've a
lot of money coming in from sales of oil, so Putin got the bombers out of

I remember having a few buzz us a couple times one afternoon. Quite interesting.


14 lut 2008, 07:54:1514.02.2008

"dxAce" <> wrote in message



14 lut 2008, 13:11:1614.02.2008
It's spelled, Roosia.They are Roosians, or Russkys.Janine DeCandellario,
her dad hooked up with a Roosian woman.She caught a flight to San
Francisco.She changed her mind and went back to Roosia.Janine's
girlfirend took off for Florida.I never heard (Janine and I used to chit
chat politics back and forth via emails) from good old Janine
anymore.Janine was working for eCommerce in Cupertino,California at the
time.I have no idea what she is doing nowadays.

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